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New Age Medicine

Therapies from the Devil?*

Altered States of Consciousness

Definition: The deliberate cultivation of abnormal states of
consciousness (states not normally experienced apart from a specific
technique or program to develop them).
Founder: Unknown
How Does it Claim to Work?: Proponents claim that altered states
allegedly produce a "higher" state of consciousness or "being,"
including dramatic revelations and a positive restructuring of the
participant's world view.
Scientific Evaluation: Science cannot evaluate subjective claims
concerning a particular state of consciousness. Scientific research in
this area is a mixture of investigating normal, marginally altered
consciousness (e.g., dreams), and occultic and parapsychological
exploration of mystical, occultic states.
Occultic Potential: Spirit contact, psychic transformation.
Major Problem: Occultic associations.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Forbidden on the basis of occultic
Potential Dangers: Apparent "mental" illness; occult bondage; spirit

Definition: Acupuncture is the practice of ancient Chinese needle
stimulation based upon the occultic religion of Taoism.
Founder: Unknown; the traditional Chinese text is The Yellow
Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine.
How Does it Claim to Work?: Acupuncture claims to work by
stimulating acupuncture points with needles, supposedly permitting
the cosmic energy of the universe (chi) to flow freely through the body
organs and systems, maintaining health.
Scientific Evaluation: Disputed, but largely discredited; while its
Taoism is ignored in scientific studies, these studies have yet to
demonstrate acupuncture's effectiveness scientifically. A definitive
three-year study released in 1991 concluded acupuncture was
nothing more than, at best, a powerful placebo.
Occultic Potential: Taoist practice and philosophy; psychic
practitioners; meditative programs and other occultic practices used
in conjunction with acupuncture therapy.
Major Problem(s): Acupuncture works on the basis of psychological,
religious, or occultic principles, not scientific ones or its own stated
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Classical acupuncture involves the
practice of an ancient pagan medicine inseparably tied to Taoism.
Potential Dangers: Needle stimulation has occasionally produced
physical complications and injuries, some serious; misdiagnosis of a
serious illness; occult influence.

Attitudinal Healing
Definition: Attitudinal healing is the regulation or maintenance of
physical, "mental," and/or spiritual health by learning "proper" mental
Founder: Unknown
How Does it Claim to Work?: Because the spirit, mind, and body are
interrelated, "proper" mental attitudes may influence the entire person
toward desired spiritual, psychological, and/or physical goals.
Scientific Evaluation: Unsubstantiated claims.
Occultic Potential: Adopting new age philosophy; encountering
spiritistic revelations and contacts.
Major Problem(s): Mental attitudes are typically restructured to
harmonize with new age/spiritistic philosophy.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: The form of attitudinal healing examined
in this summary is from Jane Robert's The Nature of Personal
Reality, and the three-volume text, A Course in Miracles. These
materials constitute spiritistic revelations admittedly produced by
occultic means, which the Bible forbids (Deut. 18:9-12). Cultivating
occultic or unbiblical attitudes toward life is not in harmony with
Scriptural purposes, but rather is spiritually harmful.
Potential Dangers: Adopting occultic philosophy and practice in the
guise of physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Applied Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)

Definition: Applied kinesiology is a method of diagnosis and treatment
that combines chiropractic, muscle-testing, nutritional evaluations,
and other methods for overall preventive medicine and health
Founder: George Goodheart
How Does it Claim to Work?: Applied kinesiology claims to induce
proper structural and chemical-nutritional organization in the body, as
well as "left-and-right-brain" hemisphere balance. It claims to
evaluate and correct problems of the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic,
skeletal-musculature, and "meridian" systems, thereby maintaining
health. Its practices are believed to permit the even flow of cosmic
energy throughout the body, thus nurturing individual organs and
systems with the proper supply of chi energy.
Scientific Evaluation: Discredited; see summary on acupuncture
(above) and chiropractic (below).
Occultic Potential: Psychic healing; energy channeling.
Major Problem(s): Unsubstantiated practice with occultic potential.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Practices that are quack or potentially
occultic should be avoided.
Potential Dangers: Misdiagnosis; quack treatment; occultic influence.
Definition: Channeling is a new age term for mediumism or spirit-
possession, in this case, employing spirit guides in new age
medicine. Channeling occurs when someone permits a spirit entity to
possess him or her for new age healing purposes. The spirits may
perform psychic diagnosis or healing through a healer, or they may
speak through the person's vocal chords in order to give spiritual,
medical, and other teaching. Automatic writing and inner voice
dictation are other forms of spirit communication by channeling.
Founder: The first recorded incident of channeling per se is found in
Genesis 3:1 (see also 2 Cor. 11:3, 13-15; Rev. 12:9; 20:2).
How Does it Claim to Work?: By meditation, visualization, hypnosis,
altered states of consciousness, and other methods, the spirits are
able to enter, possess, and control a person, much in the same
manner a puppeteer controls a puppet. People claim that by
permitting spirits to possess and speak through them, mankind can
attain a wealth of spiritual and other wisdom directly from spirits who
have "passed on" or are highly evolved. The spirits claim they can
assist people's health concerns and direct them toward true individual
and social enlightenment.
Scientific Evaluation: Certain aspects of the practice can be
"scientifically" evaluated, as in parapsychological research, but
science cannot evaluate the channelers' specific claims concerning
the spirits' existence, nature, or purpose.
Occultic Potential: Channeling can be used for an endless number of
occultic pursuits, including so-called higher (altered) states of
consciousness, developing psychic powers, attaining new
revelations, etc. The new age movement as a whole is largely based
upon channeled revelations and activities.
Major Problem(s): The spirits who claim to be "Ascended Masters" or
wise and loving entities sent from God are really evil spirits the Bible
identifies as demons (see below).
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Channeling is part of what the Bible
calls spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-18) and is a practice specifically
forbidden (Deut. 18:9-12). The spirits' hidden purpose is to bring
about people's eventual spiritual ruin by gaining their trust and
exerting influence over them (2 Cor. 4:4, 11:14).
Potential Dangers: Spiritual deception, occult bondage, demon
possession, mental breakdown, physical harm, shortened life, and a
host of other harmful consequences.

Definition: Physical adjustments to correct subluxations or
"misalignments" of the spine.
Founder: D.D. Palmer
How Does it Claim to Work?: Spinal misalignments allegedly impinge
or cause pressure upon spinal nerves, interfering with the flow of
nerve impulses to the rest of the body and producing susceptibility to
disease. By correcting subluxations (spinal misalignments), proper
performance of the nervous system is restored, thereby maintaining
Scientific Evaluation: Some physical manipulation employed by
chiropractors may be both safe and beneficial. General massage for
tension headaches and rational, conservative spinal manipulation
therapy for some neuromusculoskeletal disorders is medically
justifiable. However, the fundamental chiropractic theory of
subluxations causing disease is false: subluxations have never been
proven to even exist, let alone to function in the manner claimed.
Occultic Potential: May lead to occultic practices or beliefs or other
new age health treatments in that these are often employed by
Major Problem: The basic theory underlying chiropractic treatment is
false; the practice is employed far too extensively to be justified on
the basis of its limited effectiveness. Furthermore, chiropractic theory
and practice are easily integrated with many other new age therapies,
thereby promoting new age medicine in general.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Avoid any irrational or potentially
occultic aspects of chiropractic; to accomplish this would probably
require an avoidance of it altogether.
Potential Dangers: Misdiagnosis and/or delay or treatment of a
serious illness; moderate to serious physical harm resulting from
spinal adjustments; problems arising from over treatment; treatment
by occultic practices; over radiation from unnecessary full spine x-

Crystal Healing/Crystal Work

Definition: The use of a supposed "power" inherent within crystals for
healing, developing psychic abilities, spirit contact, and other new age
Founder: Unknown: but similar practices (e.g., the use of amulets and
other magical stones or gems) have been employed for millennia.
How Does it Claim to Work?: Crystals supposedly contain the ability
to focus and direct psychic energies for healing and other practices.
Scientific Evaluation: Discredited.
Occultic Potential: Psychic development; spiritism.
Major Problem(s): Crystals per se have no magical powers and easily
become an implement behind which spirits can work.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Forbidden on the basis of occultic
Potential Dangers: Misdiagnosis, occultic influences.

Herbal Medicine
Definition: The use of herbs and other plant products to cure a wide
variety of physical ailments; the use of "spiritually potentized" herbs
and plants for psychic healing and/or other occultic pursuits.
Founder: Unknown; the practice is ancient and cross-cultural.
How Does it Claim to Work?: Particular herbs, plants, or flowers are
believed to possess particular healing properties, physical and/or
spiritual. Roots, leaves, stems, plants, seeds, etc., are prepared in
various ways, sometimes through psychic methods, and then either
consumed orally as medicine or used on the skin as ointment.
Scientific Evaluation: Some herbs and plants do contain medicinal
properties and in extracted or synthetic forms are used in modern
health care and medical treatment. Unfortunately, new age herbalism
largely ignores scientific facts or concerns and pursues its own
methods and interests.
Occultic Potential: Developing altered states of consciousness and
spirit contact by hallucinogenic plants; practicing psychic healing
through a supposed occult power in herbs.
Major Problem(s): New age herbal medicine is largely, if not
exclusively, a combination of questionable commercialism and
wishful thinking based on ignorance.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Prior to the Fall, human and animal life
was vegetarian; seed-bearing plants and fruits were the intended diet
of both man and animals (Gen. 1:29-30; cf. 9:3; Isa. 11:7; 65:25).
This might suggest that plants were not only nutritious but also
medicinal (see Isa. 38:21). Nevertheless, modern popular herbalism
presents both physical and spiritual risk: quack or occultic
applications should be avoided.
Potential Dangers: Many commonly sold herbs are potentially harmful
by themselves (through "overdoses," for example) or through
synergism; using ineffective or dangerous treatments which delay or
otherwise acerbate serious illness; spiritistic influences through
occultic herbalism.

Definition: Homeopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment based
on the principle of "like cures like" -- that the same substance causing
symptoms in a healthy person will cure those symptoms in a sick
Founder: Samuel Hahnermann
How Does it Claim to Work?: Homeopathy claims to work by
correcting an imbalance or problem in the body's "vital force" or life
energy that is currently or will later be manifesting as disease. By an
almost ritual process of diluting and shaking, substances supposedly
become powerful energy medicines which, in turn, either stimulate
the immune system or correct problems in the supposed vital force of
the body, thereby curing the illness.
Scientific Evaluation: Discredited.
Occultic Potential: Psychic healing, spiritism, astrology, and other
occult philosophies; use of pendulums, radionic instruments, and
other occult devices.
Major Problem(s): Homeopathic diagnosis is ineffective; homeopathic
medicines are so diluted they cannot possibly exert a physical effect
(without a spirituistic influence).
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Any system of medicine that is quackery
or occultic should be avoided.
Potential Dangers: Incorrect and/or harmful diagnosis and treatment;
occultic influences.

Definition: Iridology is the study of the iris of the human eye to
diagnose present and even future illness and disease.
Founder: Ignatz von Peczely is considered the modern founder;
however, similar practices can be seen in ancient Chinese practices
related to astrology. Bernard Jensen is considered the leading U.S.
How Does it Claim to Work?: Iridologists claim that the eyes can
"mirror" the health condition of the body because the iris displays in
detail the status of every organ system. The iris's connection with the
central nervous system allegedly permits detailed information to be
sent from the rest of the body back to the iris. Furthermore, each iris
reveals what is happening on its own side of the body.
Scientific Evaluation: Discredited in numerous scientific tests.
Occultic Potential: Possible psychic diagnosis and healing.
Major Problem: The diagnostic ability of iridology for both present and
future illness is a myth.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Quack and potentially occultic practices
should be avoided.
Potential Dangers: The progression of a serious illness that iridology
fails to uncover; personal anxiety and loss of finances from
misdiagnosis that a serious illness exists; occult influences.

Definition: New age (Eastern/occultic) meditation involves the control
and regulation of the mind for various physical and spiritual purposes
or goals.
Founder: Unknown; the practice is ancient and cross-cultural.
How Does it Claim to Work?: Meditation claims to work by "stilling" or
otherwise influencing the mind; the mediator is allegedly able to
perceive "true" reality and his own "true" nature, and achieve spiritual
"enlightenment." Meditation promoters also claim the practice has
numerous health benefits.
Scientific Evaluation: Apart from a "relaxation response," scientific
studies have also confirmed psychophysiological influences of
meditation, but their meaning and value is variously interpreted;
science cannot comment on its spiritual claims.
Occultic Potential: The development of psychic powers, altered states
of consciousness, astral projection, spiritism, kundalini arousal.
Major Problem: New age meditation uses the mind in an abnormal
manner to radically restructure a person's perceptions to support new
age philosophy and goals; regressive states of consciousness are
wrongly interpreted as "higher" or "divine" states of consciousness;
meditation-developed psychic powers are falsely interpreted as
evidence of a latent divine nature; mediators often do not realize the
possible long-term results or consequences of these practices, such
as kundalini arousal, nor would many have been likely to begin the
practice had they known them.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: The nature, context, purpose, and type
of meditation determines its validity and outcome. Biblical meditation
(Psalm 19:14; 77:12; 119:97,99) is a spiritually healthy practice; new
age meditation is an occult practice with harmful spiritual
Potential Dangers: Occult influences; demon possession; physical,
spiritual damage.

Definition: Naturopathy is an approach to health and disease which
assumes that "natural" methods of treatment are preferable to
"synthetic" treatments, such as drugs and surgery.
Founder: Unknown.
How Does it Claim to Work?: Naturopathy is based on the idea that
illness is due to an accumulation of toxins or waste products in the
body. Symptoms are the body's attempt to rid itself of such
substances. By using only natural agents in the treatment of disease,
it is claimed that the body will heal itself. Health is maintained by
adopting a lifestyle that harmonizes with nature's healing agents.
Scientific Evaluation: Discredited.
Occultic Potential: Naturopathy may employ a wide range of New Age
treatments having occultic potential, such as radionics, homeopathy,
meditation, and yoga.
Major Problem: Naturopathy is often biased against modern
medicine. Natural methods are often not sufficiently powerful to cure
specific illness. Further, the definition of "natural" is often subjective.
"Natural" treatment may include the methods of occult medicine.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: With theoretical revision and practical
safeguards, naturopathy could function as a commendable model for
preventive health care and treatment of minor ailments. But as a
whole, naturopathy is a part of New Age medicine; Christian
enthusiasts should exercise extreme caution.
Potential Dangers: Naturopathy may inhibit correct diagnosis of a
problem, permitting a curable illness to assume serious or incurable
proportions; it may also offer ineffective treatments, and involve
clients in occultic methods.

Therapeutic Touch
Definition: Therapeutic Touch is a form of psychic healing stressing
the manipulation of alleged body energies (e.g., prana).
Founders: Dolores Krieger and Dora Kunz.
How Does it Claim to Work?: Therapeutic Touch claims to work by
channeling (psychic transfer) the therapist's supposed prana into the
patient. Practitioners claim that this prods the patient's own life
energies toward healing.
Scientific Evaluation: Discredited.
Occultic Potential: Psychic healing; spiritism; developing psychic
powers; occultic self-transformation; use of occult meditation; and
altered states of consciousness.
Major Problems: Therapeutic Touch appears so innocent and is
sufficiently accepted within the nursing profession that many people
refuse to classify it as a form of psychic healing.
Biblical/Christian Evaluation: Practices that are occultic or potentially
occultic (which include most if not all practices) should be avoided.
Potential Dangers: Occultic influences.

* Each of the therapies described in this report have been excerpted

and/or adapted from the Ankerberg and Weldon authored book, Can
You Trust Your Doctor?: The Complete Guide to New Age Medicine
and Its Threat to Your Family. The book was published in 1991 by the
now defunct Wolgemuth & Hyatt Publishers.

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