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Cable AC is 70 ft long, and the tension in that cable is 5250 lb. Determine
(a) the x, y, and z components of the force exerted by the cable on the
56 ft anchor C, (b) the angles qx, qy, and qz defining the direction of that force.


50° x
z C


In triangle AOB: AC = 70 ft
OA = 56 ft
F = 5250 lb

56 ft
cos qy =
70 ft
qy = 36.870
FH = F sin qy
= (5250 lb)sin 36.870
= 3150.0 lb
(a) Fx = -FH sin 50 = -(3150.0 lb)sin 50 = -2413.0 lb

Fx = - 2410 lb ◀

Fy = +F cos qy = +(5250 lb)cos36.870 = +4200.0 lb

Fy = +4200 lb ◀

Fz = -FH cos50 = -3150 cos50 = -2024.8 lb Fz = - 2025 lb ◀

Fx -2413.0 lb
(b) cos qx = = qx = 117.4 ◀
F 5250 lb
From above: qy = 36.870 qy = 36.9 ◀

Fz -2024.8 lb
qz = = qz = 112.7 ◀
F 5250 lb

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y PROBLEM 2.109

A rectangular plate is supported by three cables as shown.

Knowing that the tension in cable AC is 60 N, determine the
A weight of the plate.

360 x
450 C
Dimensions in mm


We note that the weight of the plate is equal in magnitude to the force P exerted by the support on
Point A.

Free Body A :

SF = 0: TAB + TAC + TAD + Pj = 0

We have:
AB = -(320 mm)i - (480 mm)j + (360 mm)k AB = 680 mm
AC = (450 mm)i - (480 mm) j + (360 mm)k AC = 750 mm
AD = (250 mm)i - (480 mm) j - (360 mm) k AD = 650 mm

AB æç 8 12 9 ö
TAB = TAB λAB = TAB = ç- i - j + k ÷÷÷TAB Dimensions in mm
AB çè 17 17 17 ÷ø
TAC = TAC λAC = TAC = (0.6 i - 0.64 j + 0.48k )TAC
AD æç 5 9.6 7.2 ö÷
TAD = TAD λAD = TAD =ç i- j- k÷T
AD çè13 13 13 ÷÷ø AD

Substituting into the Eq. SF = 0 and factoring i, j, k :

æ 8 ö
çç- T + 0.6T + 5 T ÷÷ i
çè 17 AB AC
13 AD ÷ø÷
æ 12 9.6 ö
+ çç- TAB - 0.64TAC - TAD + P ÷÷÷ j
çè 17 13 ÷ø
æ9 7.2 ö
+ çç TAB + 0.48TAC - TAD ÷÷÷ k = 0
çè17 13 ÷
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PROBLEM 2.109 (Continued)

Setting the coefficient of i, j, k equal to zero:

8 5
i: - T + 0.6TA C + TA D = 0 (1)
17 A B 13
12 9.6
j: - TA B - 0.64TA C - T +P=0 (2)
7 13 A D
9 7.2
k: TA B + 0.48T AC - T =0 (3)
17 13 A D
Making T A C = 60 N in (1) and (3):

8 5
- T + 36 N + TA D = 0 (1¢)
17 A B 13
9 7.2
TA B + 28.8 N - T =0 (3¢)
17 13 A D

Multiply (1¢) by 9, (3¢) by 8, and add:

554.4 N - T = 0 TAD = 572.0 N
13 A D

Substitute into (1¢) and solve for TA B :

17 æç 5 ö
TA B = çç36 + ´ 572÷÷÷÷ T A B = 544.0 N
8è 13 ø

Substitute for the tensions in Eq. (2) and solve for P:

12 9.6
P= (544 N) + 0.64(60 N) + (572 N)
17 13
= 844.8 N Weight of plate = P = 845 N ◀

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Solution 3.14


It is known that the connecting rod AB exerts on the crank BC a 2.5-kN force
directed down and to the left along the centerline of AB. Determine the moment of
the force about C.

Using (a):

MC  y1 (FAB ) x  x1 (FAB ) y

7   24 
 (0.056 m)   2500 N  (0.042 m)   2500 N
 25   25 
 61.6 N  m


MC  61.6 N  m ◀

Using (b):

MC  y2 (FAB ) x
7 
 (0.088 m)   2500 N
 25 
 61.6 N  m


MC  61.6 N  m ◀

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Solution 3.21

Before the trunk of a large tree is felled, cables AB and BC are
attached as shown. Knowing that the tensions in cables AB and
BC are 555 N and 660 N, respectively, determine the moment
about O of the resultant force exerted on the tree by the cables
at B.

dBA  (0.75 m)2  (7 m)2  (6 m)2  9.25 m

dBC  (4.25 m)2  (7 m)2  (1 m)2  8.25 m

BA 555 N
Have TB A  TB A  (0.75 m i  7 m j  6 m k )
dB A 9.25 m

TBA  (45 N)i  (420 N)j  (360 N)k

BC 660 N
TBC  TBC  (4.25 m i  7 m j  k )
dBC 8.25 m
TBC  (340 N)i  (540 N) j  (80 N)k

    
 R  295 N i  980 N j  440 N k 
MO  rB / O  R where rB / O  (7 m)j

i j k
MO  0 7 0 Nm
295 980 440

  
 3080 N  m i  2065 N  m k 
  
MO  3080 N  m i  2070 N  m k ◀

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