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Particle weapons consist of devices, which accelerate sub-atomic particles to near-lightspeed, then releasing them toward the target. Ion weapons use the same
principle, but use whole atoms, in an ionised state. Plasma is a term referring to ionised gasses, whether superheated or not, so plasma weapons refers to devices
using ionised gasses, both superheated and not, as ammunition. Since they all operate on similar principles, I lump them together as a group. Electrostunners
and Nerve guns use electrons (electricity), but do not accelerate them, instead transmitting them on a carrier beam, usually laser or maser, and so are not
included. Rafflurs. Rafflurs are the first charged-particle weapons available for practical small-arms use. Unfortunately, They also put out radiation when in use.
This was not noticed at first, because usually, when one is shooting someone else, it is because one wants the other party dead. Since the radiation was a low
dose, only a few survivors needed medical treatment and the connection between cause of injury and radiation exposure was not immediately made. The
weapons-users also received radiation in low, cumulative doses; however, they usually did not connect their exposure to the gun, either. Once the link was
documented, the M-series rafflurs were recalled, and new, safer versions developed. Original M-series proton weapons (Rafflurs)(As last made before recall -
power cell technology improved the maximum capacity rafflurs could handle. Power cells are like the rechargeable, installed batteries in a cell phone or cordless
drill, non-removable.)

Model Type Damage PV ROF Action shots/burst power supply SEU PB C M L E mass cost
M-0 palm gun 2d10+4 10 1 single - microdisc - 0-5 - - - - - 300
M-1 sm pistol 4d10 12 2 SA - 10/20/30PC 2 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-30 .25 650
M-2 pistol 5d10 14 2 SA - 10/20/30/40PC 2 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-60 61-125 1.0 750
M-3 Hvy pistol* 6d10 16 2 SA - 50 PC 2 0-5 6-20 21-50 51-100 101-200 2.0 825
M-3A AutoPistol 5d10/3d ea 15 2 SA/AB 3 50 PC 2 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-60 61-125 2.0 925
M-4A mil shotgun 7d10/3D ea 10 2 SA/AB 5 50PC 10 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-60 61-125 3.0 1000
M-4B Civ shotgun 7d10 10 2 SA - 10-50 PC 7 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-60 61-125 3.0 800
M-4C Ltsport sh. 3d10 6 1 SA - 10-20PC 4 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-60 61-125 2.5 600
M-5 Carbine 6d10 18 2 SA - 10-50PC 2 0-5 6-20 21-50 51-100 101-200 3.0 900
M-5A SMG Carbine 6d10/4d ea 18 2 SA/AB 3 50PC 2 0-5 6-20 21-50 51-100 101-200 3.0 1000
M-6 Rifle 7d10 20 2 SA - 10-50 PC 2 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150 151-300 4.0 1000
M-7 Assault Rfl 7d10/4d ea 20 2 SA/AB/FA 1/3/10 100PC 2 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150 151-300 4.0 1500
M-8 Long Arm** 5d10 15 1 SA - 10-20 PC 2 0-10 11-100 101-250 251-500 501-1km 5.0 2000/
**M-9 Sniper rifle*** 4d10+5 20 2 SA - 50PC 2 0-10 11-100 101-250 251-500 501-1km 5.0 2000/
M-10 SAW*** 10d10/7d ea 25 2 SA/AB 5 200PC 5 0-10 11-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 5.0 3000
M-20 Hvy Wpn@*** 15d10/10d ea 30 2 SA/AB 10 Vehicle supply 10 0-10 11-100 101-250 251-500 501-1km 22 8000

* Initially restricted to Star Law only, and produced for them, later available to the public. ** Expensive hunting weapon; breaks down for easy carry. Also
favored as a sniping weapon. CR 1200, CR1500 w/ break down option. *** Illegal to own or use, except Law enforcement or Military agencies. Cr 2000,
Cr2500 if breaks down. Fitted w/ multiscope, wepscomp.
@ Military only. Not man-portable; fortification/vehicle mount only, runs off installation/vehicle power supply.
When Wartech introduced the replacement proton weapons, they retained the series relationship, altering the designation to PW-P#, for particle weapon-proton,
so PW-P1 is equivalent to the M-1, but does not release radiation, due to improve magnetic bottle 'packaging' of the particle burst. The major effect on game play
is that Gauss screens deflect only 10% of PW-P fire, vs. 25% of M-series fire. Additionally, the magnetic packaging eliminates charge neutralisation due to
atmospheric effects, which can lead to fire-hose effects (10% chance in dry conditions, up to 20% in high humidity, rain, and in the vicinity of electrical storms,
or near power lines/stations/etc.). Wartech planned to follow the PW-P w/ a PW-E. This has been delayed, due to the fact that E-beams suffer the fire-hose
effect more than P-beams do, when in atmosphere. A practical E-beam could not be developed using the same technique as the PW-P, so the E-beam returned to
the Electrostunner model, and utilises a carrier laser, rather than the magnetic packaging technique. Unlike the Electrostunner, however, the PW-E uses a
powerful laser, so damage combines electrical, concussive, and laser effects, *and* the electrons *are* still accelerated to near-C velocity. There are 3 varieties,
Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Beta is a narrow beam, Gamma is a wide beam, like an E-beam shotgun, and the Delta has a beam width control, allowing both. Since 2
technologies are used, PW-E has less flexibility for small types. Albedo defenses protect against 50%, Insulation/Gauss defense, and particle screens defend
against 50%.

Model Type Damage PV ROF Action shots/burst power supply SEU PB C M L E mas cost
Beta-6 pistol 6d10 8 2 SA - 50PC 1 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-45 46-90 0.75 400

Beta-9 7d10 8 2 2 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50 51-100 1.0 500

Beta-10 9d10 8 3 2 same 1.25 600
Beta-12 11d10 8 2 2 same 1.5 700
Beta-15 Carbine 13d10 8 2 2 0-5 6-20 21-40 41-60 61-120 2.5 800
Beta-18 Rifle 17d10 10 2 3 0-10 11-35 36-60 61-100 101-150 3.5 900
Beta-21 LR 17d10 10 2 3 0-10 11-40 41-75 76-125 126-200 4.0 1000
Gamma-12P 7d10 5 2 3 0-5 6-15 16-30 1.0 700
Gamma-14 10d10 5 2 5 same 1.25 800
Gamma-17 Carbine12d10 6 2 5 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50 2.5 900
Gamma-23 Rifle 15d10 7 2 6 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-45 46-60 3.5 1000
Delta-22 Pistol 11/10d10 8/5 2 2/5 B6/G12 1.5 1000
Delta-37 Carbine 13/12d10 8/6 2 2/5 B15/G14 3.0 1200
Delta-45 Rifle 17/15d10 10/7 2 3/6 B18/G23 4.0 1400
Delta-56 17/15d10 10/7 2 3/6 B21/G23 4.5 1500
PW-N - Wartech has chosen not to attempt neutron weapons at this time. The energy costs for neutron devices are considerably greater than for charged particles,
and in atmosphere, neutrons acquire a charge, causing an uncontrollable fire-hose effect. It is easier to generate ions than to generate a proton-electron pair, so
PW-N small arms research has been shelved for now.
Ion Weapons:
Bolt weapons are a recent development. They fire a bolt of heavy ions, creating a thunderclap, and have a mildly disruptive effect on electronics - unhardened
electronics are scrambled, recoverably on 80-95, destroyed on 96-00. Hardened electronics are scrambled on 96-00; robots count as hardened electronics.
Wartech intends to eventually produce Zeta through Omega ( I use the ZG stats for Omega bolt as Beta). All models have recently been upgraded to include 50
Seu integral powercells, and cannot accept powerpacks w/o custom refitting - which violates the warranty. Since the weapon has considerable recoil, and the ion
bolt has a large cross-section, yet is invisible, I use only the 3 range categories from Zeb’s. ROF is 1, except for Delta, which is 2. Action is SA.

Model Type Damage PV ROF Action shots/burst power supply SEU PB C M L E mas cost notes
Alpha 50cm tube 1-10d10 2*seu 1 SA - 50PC 1-10 0-30 31-80 81-200 2.0 3000
Beta 1d100 10 1 SA - 50PC 5 0-30 31-80 81-200 3.0 4000 Sport
Gamma bullpup 1-15d10 2*seu 1 SA - 50PC 1-15 0-20 21-60 61-125 3.5 5000
Delta Carbine 7d10 14 2 SA - 50PC 4 0-20 21-60 61-125 2.5 3500
Epsilon wide-beam 9d10 12 1 SA - 50PC 12 0-5 6-15 16-30 3.0 4500 Shot
carbine gun

Ion Pulse Bolt: This is a new concept which Wartech and Ares/PAUL are researching. No small arms have as yet been produced, although research is promising.
If developed and produced, IPBs are expected to provide a hard-hitting weapon with excellent penetration, good damage, and an EMP effect, capable of
knocking out robots, like stunners effect organic sentients. It may be possible, extrapolating further to develop further ionised gas plasma weapons w/ variable
effects, such as stunning sentients or robots, through armor-piercing anti-armored vehicle weapons, in one unit. The IPB is a necessary step before reliable
superheated plasma weapons can be concept-tested, although Wartech is pursuing a separate line of inquiry using impulse weapons (q.v.) mated to high-power
lasers, similar to their PW-E concept in order to heat the hydrogen to a plasma state. Results have been poor so far, but Wartech hopes for useful data, whether
the concept pans out or not. One of the major drawbacks so far has been a severe radiation by-product, particularly for the plasma experiments. Hybrid
plasma/ion concepts are also being discussed at both manufacturers. Fusion weapons, being a progressive development of superheated plasma weapons, will
likely not be practical for some time to come. Particularly frustrating for both companies is that practical ion and plasma (both superheated and ionised-gas)
artillery and starship weapons are near production, yet scaling the technology down for small-arms use has not proven out, even in laboratory conditions
(although there are persistent rumours that this is a sham, intended to divert attention from working examples possessed by variously Star Law, Mega-corps, or
some other entity.... conspiracy theories are always popular...).

As promised, here are my revised stats for projectiles. I have since upgraded to the Timelords/3G3 system from BTRC, but this is what I used back when I still
used the AD %iles. This is simply the caliber, damage for single shot/3 round burst/full auto, rate of fire in an average firearm, and multiple of AD standard
projectile weapon range, again in an average weapon for it's type (p indicate pistol, c carbine, r rifle for calibers used for more than one category. Then you
design the gun to the caliber, usually from a gun magazine or catalog. Unusually short or long barrels will alter the ranges, and short barrels may also reduce
damage in some cases. Of course, you could get 3G3 and design guns that way, but that takes a while, and this quick and reasonably good enough.
Caliber 1/3RB/FA ROF Range Factor
5.56X15mm(22LR) 2d10/4d10/5d10 3/1/1 .5p/.6c/.66r
6.35X15.7(25acp)2d/3d/- 2/1/- .4p/.5c/- Cheap, easily jams
6.5X23 Skoda Long3d/4d+2/5d+4 3/1/1 .5p/.6c/.7r RAH, the Cat Who Walks Through Walls.
7.65X17(32ACP) 3d/4d+1/5d+2 3/1/- .45p/.5c/-
9x17/9x18 4d/5d+2/6d+3 3/1/1 .5p/.66c/.7r
9x19Parabellum 4d+1/5d+3/6d+3 3/1/1 .7p/.8c/.9r Nato std
9X23Hancock 5d/6d+3/ 3/1/- .66p/.75c/.85r 2300AD 923 Enforcer
9X29(38spl) 4d+3/-/- 3/-/- .5p/.6c/.66r
9X33(.357mag) 5d/-/- 4/-/- .6p/.7c/.75r
10X24 Hancock 6d/-/- 3/-/- .7p/.75c/.8r 923's big bro
10X28(10mm) 6d/7d/8d 3/1/1 .66p/.75c/.8r
10.4X31.8(.41mag)7d/-/- 3/-/- .75p/.8c/.85r
11.2X32.8(.44mag)8d/-/- 3/-/- .75p/.8c/.85r
11.2X32.8ACP 8d/10d/- 2/1/- .7p/.75c/.8r .44Automag
11.43X23(.45ACP) 7d/9d+2/11d 3/1/1 .66p/.75c/.75r
5.56/.223 6d/7d+3/9d 3/1/1 -/.9c/1.2r Nato std Assault rifle
7.62X39 8d/10d/11d+4 3/1/1 -/.75c/1.0r AK-47
7.62X51 8d+1/10d+2/12d 3/1/1 -/.8c/1.1r Nato std Battle rifle
7.62X63 8d+2/10d+4/12d 2/1/1 -/.85c/1.1r .30-06
Some ammo types: aerated, for use underwater or in space; gravity adjusted for use in higher or lower g; APDS (armor-piercing, discarding sabot;
hollowpoint ; glaser; HE; HEAP; rubber stun-slugs; low velocity injection darts, cardiac disruption, gas release; std slugs; jacketed slugs, etc.

These are the calibers. ROF and such depend on the particular weapons action (SA, AB, FA, Revolver, etc). Actual damage and range may vary, depending on
barrel length, quality, etc. These are averages. PV is 1/2 at Close range. Pistol rounds
caliber damage PV Close Med Long Extreme
10mm (std) 6d10 10 0-5 6-50 51-100 101-150
15mm 8d10 8 0-5 6-60 61-125 126-200
15mm 9d10 12 0-5 6-75 76-150 151-300
20mm 12d10 10 0-10 11-100 101-200 200-400

Well, I haven't found my material for shotguns, so here's some off the cuff stuff: instead of gauges, in SF I use calibers - 20, 25, & 30mm, and some 20/30mm
grenades can be made as shells for them. Chokes let you choose which range(PB, close, med, etc) the effective spread of shot is at, and the next category out is
max range for that choke setting, whether you use a variable choke or fit various fixed-setting chokes on your weapon. They can be made in several action
types: SA, FA, AB(autoburst), Break-open, Revolver (yes, these were actually made, in rifle length), pump, etc. Slugs, Flechette, grenade, buckshot, snakeshot,
birdshot, rock salt , and beanbag ammo(fires a 'beanbag' which knocks out target, leaves a bruise - in use today in some police depts) should be available. Also,
some PDs use a baton w/ a single shot shotgun built in, usually w/ beanbag or buckshot loaded, as a backup weapon. I figure shotguns and revolvers can't be
silenced, normally (well, a turn of the previous century Nagant made for the Czar's military could be, because the bullet was moved into the barrel, creating a
seal, before firing. It was very finicky and unreliable, although the concept could be revisited w/ more sophisticated manufacturing techniques), but even then,
silencers are not all that effective. The Mossad uses them w/ .22s with 1/2 the powder removed IOT reduce noise to a distant door slamming, although this also
reduces range to PB, maybe Close. Other applications are not too effective, and *require* a subsonic bullet velocity, or it makes a miniature sonic boom,
negating the silencer's effect. Firing subsonic rounds from inside a sonic screen would be more effective.

Are you familiar w/ the pump-up x-ray laser from the 'star wars' initiative? It was supposed to use an H-bomb to set off an array of lasers facing 360 x 360
degrees, lasing and firing nanoseconds before the bomb destroyed the device. I used that idea to make laser cartridges for shotguns and gyrojets. When fired, the
explosion powers a one-shot lasing tube where the bullet would be in the cartridge. The lasing chamber is disintegrated in the process, and the explosive is
caseless, so nothing to eject. This allows firing a fixed-damage laser w/o a power supply or beam weapon ( handy for sneaking past some types of weapons
sensors, or foiling forensics by using an apparently different weapon than indicated by evidence on the scene). It can damage the weapon if used too frequently,
and if used in a regular firearm, will likely damage the lands ( the raised part of the rifling in the barrel), rendering it dangerous and/ or useless as a firearm.
Legality would be dubious.

Frag grenades have long been a favorite tool of the military for clearing out structures. What is the penetration of shrapnel, compared to the hull integrity? In
Traveler, it's not an issue, in SF, it is, per KH. Here's a question for everyone, what is the blast radius of a Frag grenade (or any grenade really) in space? Is it
inside an atmosphere? no difference. Outside, in vacuum, no boom, unless you use aerated ammo. Same for bullets and gyroslugs. I assume that the
encapsulated oxidant displaces enough propellant to make no difference. Also, the bullet, etc won't stop, it goes on forever. The question is, at what range can
you effectively aim it and put it on target? We know that weapons have double the range (never noticed it before, but that makes electrostunners even more
effective with a 30meter range) (I use the GURPS and 3G3 arguments that it is a high volt charge riding a channel of air ionised by a low-power carrier laser
beam, which requires an atmosphere to work).

Subspace message from "The Rogue": it wouldn’t have to be large caliber. Current technology has created a bullet made of powder. metal, graphite, and
ceramic powders have been compressed and formed into bullets. it is a solid round that will damage soft tissue, but will break up when it hits a solid object. the
idea is to have bullets that wont go through one apartment into the next and hit an unknowing bystander. I think California and New York police have been
using them. I saw this on the Discovery or history channel last summer. a few test shooters said the round seems to be a bit more stable in flight. the creators
say they can give them a variety of densities and that the weight of the round is more evenly distributed than with a lead pouring. they don’t have a lot of
penetration power and when shot through an apartment wall, they tend to revert back to powder after piercing one or two layers of sheetrock. I don’t think they
can penetrate plywood. ---The Rogue -----

Original Message ----- From: "Troy Terrell" Realistically, such a weapon would have to be some kind of projectile weapon. An electron beam (electrostunners
etc.) could damage a ship's electronics, and lasers could burn holes through airlocks and viewports. Specifically, the projectile weapon would have to be a
large caliber, sub-sonic (low speed) round using a bullet of some relatively soft material, one that could damage living tissue, but not penetrate an airlock or
viewport. Of course, the spacesuit armor rules as stated in the Knight Hawks Campaign Book might mean this kind of round would have low penetration rate.
In game terms, this round would probably be a 10mm, hardened rubber or plastic bullet (maybe even some kind of ceramic material) that does about the same
damage as the standard round (5.56mm) to biological tissue, but does little or no damage to spacecraft-strength materials. Its spacesuit armor penetration rate
would be somewhere near 20-25%. Additionally, the ranges on such a round would be significantly reduced, by as much as half. That's my take on the

Model Type Damage PV ROF Action shots/burst power supply SEU PB C M L E mas cost
KE-250 Palm laser 3d10 3 1 SA - microdisc - 0-2 3-5 6-8 - - 50
KE-500 wrist unit 4d0 4 1 SA 1 20+ 1 -3 -6 -15 -20 -25 250

type max seu ammo rof pb s m l e cost
KE-750 snub pistol 7 20+ 2 -5 -15 -30 -60 -90 450
KE-1000 pistol 10 20+ 2 -5 -20 -50 -100 -200 600
KE-1250 lg pistol 12 20+ 2 -5 -20 -50 -100 -200 800
KE-1350 autopistol 8 20+ 2/5 -5 -15 -30 -60 -90 1000*
KE-1500 carbine 14 20+ 2 -10 -30 -60 -125 -250 600
KE-1600 autocarb 12 20+ 2/5 -7 -20 -50- 100 -200 1400*
KE-1750 Sm rifle 17 20+ 2 -10 -40 -80 -150 -300 750
KE-2000 rifle 20 20+ 2 -10 -40 -100 -200 -400 800
KE-2150 assault rfl 16 20+ 2/5 -10 -35 -75 -150 -300 1000*
KE-2250 hvy rifle 25 20+ 2 -10 -40 -100 -200 -400 1000
KE-2500 long rifle 15 20+ 2 -20 -80 -200 -400 -800 1250
KE-2750 SAW 15 50 +2/5 -10 -30 -60 -125 -250 1500*
KE-3000 HVY laser 30 50 +2/5 -50 -100 -250 -500 -1km 2000* * = should be military only, depending on how libertarian your game is.

Fixed UV lasers have 125% range (all categories) of the same model standard laser, and do 5 points damage per SEU. SEU use is preset and not alterable w/o a
workshop. PV is 125% SEU use. ROF 2 Costs match std lasers. RS-750 Snub pistol SEU 10 damage 50 PV 12.5 (round to 13)
RS-1000 Pistol SEU 12
RS-1250 Lg Pistol SEU 12
RS-1350 autopistol SEU 12 ROF 2(3) where 2= # of single shots *or* bursts, 3 = shots burst
RS 1600 smg SEU 15 ROF 2(3)
All lasers are visible to the naked eye, due to a legal requirement that weapons be manufactured so as to' piggyback' a visible frequency light beam onto the
laser. Fixed visible lasers are orange, variable visible lasers blue , UV must be yellow, IR red, masers are green. Colors have not been assigned to Grasers, X-
rasers, rasers, or other frequencies that have not yet been used to build small arms lasers. Similar legislation applies to powered melee weapons.

This is from a Dragon article (Star Questions) Q: What are the game statistics for a flame-thrower? A: A hand flamer appeared in the original rules, but was
dropped in editing. It was similar in size and weight to a small needler, and it operated on a replaceable fuel cartridge. Statistics are as follows: Damage - 6d10;
Ammo - 1 shot cartridge; Rate - 1; Defense - inertia; Range - no medium, long, or extreme, with statistics as per a sonic disruptor for point blank and short.

type damage to-hit mass power use cost defense

Electromag-Net entangle +15 2 2/minute 225 str/sta 100+
phonic stiletto 3d10+5 +10 1 1/hit 50 sonic
laser sword 8d10 +15 1 2/hit 450 albedo
laser knife 4d10 +10 1 1/hit 275 albedo
Force Halberd 6d10+15 -5 4 2/hit 500 grid
Force-dirk(proton) 4d10+10 +10 1 2/hit 300 synth
Force-sword(proton) 6d10+15 +20 2 4/hit 500 synth
stasis foil 10d10 +20 1 1/hit 950 inertia screen (uses inertia screen to hold monomolecular wire rigid- highly illegal) Forcelance(proton) 8d10+20 +5 4 5/hit 800
light-spear 8d10 +15/- 3 2/hit/4shot800 albedo (may fire laser tip up to 10m pb-3/s-6m/-10/l-/e-

grenade type cost damage defense blast radius

N3 (nitrogen) 80 10d10 avoidance 1m effective, -2d/meter Nitrogen grenades are illegal, and very dangerous. Anything w/in 1 meter is frozen solid - avoid
sonic or bolt weapons, or be prepared for a mess. outside that, take frostburn damage, at -2d10 per meter away.
Photon 100 10d10 albedo 5m uses a td-19 charge to pump up a series of miniature, single use lasers, destroying the grenade as it fires omnidirectionally. This is
a grenade version of the detonation laser in 2300AD, itself based on a concept for SDI.
Proton 100 8d10 synth 5m as above, but a rafflur version.
Thank you for shopping at P.A.U.L. and ARES Armaments [N3 grenade courtesy of Epimetheus Labs division of P.A.U.L (hindsight is 20-20)]
Needlers are available in several varieties. Very old or cheap ones might be spring powered - practically toys. More useful as a weapon are gas-powered,
electrostatically propelled, and electromagnetically propelled (gauss/ linear magnetic accelerator)
Gas-powered. Require gas propellant cartridge, integral to magazine, although cheaper models will have a separate magazine and propellant cartridge.
type damage ammo pb s m l e cost
derringer 1d10/1d5+sl 5 0-3 -9 -18 -27 - 30
pistol 1d10+2/1d6+sl 10 0-5 -10 -20 -30 -50 40
carbine 2d10/1d10+sl 15 0-5 -10 -20 -35 -60 50
Electrostatic. Standard type, as in book.
Electromagnetic. Like a low-velocity Gauss rifle. Power supply is integral to magazine. Gauss needles actually penetrate inertial defenses. Skeinsuits absorb
75% of the damage, Inertia Screens absorb 90%, and the two combined defend completely.
Type damage ammo pb s m l e cost
derringer 1d10+2/1d6+sl 10 0-5 -10 -20 -40 - 60
wrist-mount 2d10/1d10+sl 20 0-5 -10 -20 -40 - 100
pistol 2d10/1d10+sl 15 0-6 -12 -25 -50 -75 80
carbine 2d10+3/1d10+sl 20 0-7 -15 -30 -60 -90 100
rifle 3d10/1d10+5+sl 20 0-10 -20 -40 -80 -120 150
hvy needler 2d10+3/1d10+sl 2X20 0-6 -12 -25 -50 -75 165 The heavy needler looks like a cut down double barrel shotgun w/ barrel grip, and 2 disc magazines,
side by side. A selector switch allows each magazine to feed one barrel, alternate barrels on one magazine, or alternate magazines on either or both barrels. This
allows a combination of ammunition to be carried and used in a combat situation.

LaserSonic I : KE-500 + sonic stunner hybrid weapon, available from Eversafe, at 75% of the combined cost. LaserSonicII : KE-1000 + sonic stunner/disruptor,
as above
Peacemaker: KE-1000 + electrostunner hybrid weapon, available from SecureTech, a division of Wartech. Peaceable: Carbine version of above, KE-1500 +
carbine stunner, -5 to sta check, compared to std ES pistol.
Some selected zap-guns:
SecureTech Stinger I & II
Styfon's House Arms Zapper
InterArms Voltron 1100
MegaDeath ParaMilitary Industries Shockmaster
Stysor Weapons Tingler
MD Shockmaster is produced by an illicit, underground manufacturer, and has a 10% chance of doing lethal damage when used to stun. Prices vary on black
market. Zapper is a palm zapgun, +5 to sta check, limited to Close range, CR100. Styfon's is a division of Streel. Stinger II is a carbine ES, -5 to sta check,
ranges 0-5, 6-10, 11-20, 21-35, 36-50m, CR500 Since zap-guns depend on a low-power laser beam to ionise a channel of air, and act as a carrier beam, the
following applies: 80%+ humidity subtracts 10 to hit, rain -30, fog -20, + visibility modifiers. If wearing Albedo suit or screen, roll AV or less, of suit or screen
to deflect carrier laser, reducing damage by 1/2, or +10 to sta check.
Sonic Weapons
SecureTech StunRuptor/Struptor
Stysor Whistler
Styfon's House Screecher
MDPMI Howler
Jericho Banshee
Venom Arms Whisper

Tasers are treated as Electrostunners, stun only, but require a second sta check, at +5 to avoid cardiac arrest. Vrusk are +10, Dralasites ignore the second check.
Medical history can cause negative modifiers. There are two types, the standard taser w/ wire from today, and a low-velocity capacitor projectile fired from a
gun like Traveler’s Snub Pistol.
Type 1(wire) Pistol 0-2(PV3),3-4(PV3),5-6(PV2),7-8(PV1),9-10(PV0) CR200 RS check to dodge ROF 1
Type 2(projectile) 2d10 or stun 0-5(PV2), 6-10 (PV2), 11-15, 16-20(PV1), 20-25(PV1) CR 250 ROF 2
Tasers: basic electric stunner, used in home defense. Early models use the familiar wires, later models shift to a low velocity capacitor slug thrower. Wires
miss on a RS check. Defense: Gauss/A-S implant/Insulation/RS (wires only). ROF 1 (wires are single shot), damage is stun only. ammo:20 clip.
type pb s m l e cost
pistol, wire -5 -10 -15 - - 50
pistol, cap. -5 -10 -20 -30 -50 100

Neural Stunner/ Nerve Gun This has recently been introduced. It uses a magnetically contained electron beam, shaped to interfere w/ most nervous systems.
Damage is 10 points stun per SEU used. If Stun points exceed STA, victim is unconscious for 1d10 minutes/seu (0-5 sta roll to avoid). If SP=Sta, roll 1/4 Sta to
remain conscious. Defenses: Anti-shock implant, gauss, or grid. ROF 1
Ministunner max 5 seu PV 8 range 0-3, 4-6, 7-10, 11-15, 16-25m CR 300
small pistol max 7 9 0-5, 6-10, 11-25, 26-40, 41-60 CR400
Pistol max 9 10 0-5, 6-10, 11-25, 26-45, 46-75 CR450
Eversafe makes the Mr. Stunner and Mr. Safety models, Secure-Tech the HandiGuard and Secur-T models, Styfon's manufactures the Home Defender and
Home Guard models. The first is their Nerve gun series, the second their Para-beamer series.
Paralysis Beamer Using similar technology to the Nerve Gun, this weapon paralyses the target. It inflicts a penalty to STR/DEX/RS of 10points/seu used,
otherwise treat like nerve gun. All stats are identical, except that SEU settings are 6,8, & 10.

Neural Disruptor This weapon is highly illegal, bringing a sentence of mindwipe or death. It functions exactly like the Nerve pistol, but the electron packet has
been altered to interfere w/ autonomic functions as well as higher ones. a roll of 0-5 is required to survive. Cost is variable on the black market, usually made
by tampering w/ a legally acquired nerve pistol, which act is itself a serious felony, and requires a charge of conspiracy to commit premeditated murder,
whether the weapon is used or not. Recently, a perpetrator was caught w/ a nerve gun modified so as to deliberately stimulate the pain or pleasure centers of
the victim while rendering them semi-conscious. The Court ruled that it was a botched attempt at creating a Neural Disruptor in order to set an example,
knowing such was not the defendant’s intent. Further modifications may be possible, such as a hybrid nerve/paralysis weapon.

Impulse weapons fire a hydrogen pellet, superheated by a laser to create a fireball effect. Most energy screens provide 25% protection, except Holo-screens,
which provide none (aside from visual cover), and Particle screens, which provide 50% protection.
Pulse pistol ROF 3 48damage 0-5, 6-10,11-20,21-30, 31-50 CR 750
Impulse Carbine 66 dmg 0-5,6-10,11-25,26-40,41-70 CR 850
Impulse Rifle 81 dmg 0-5, 6-15, 16-30,31-50, 51-90 CR 1000

In other considerations:
power supplies. New power supplies available after 125 FY, from Prometheus Advancements UnLimited (PAUL):
50 seu powercell: rechargeable, built-in unit. Mass - Cost:500
100 seu flatpack: rechargeable cell, no connecting cable. Uses a female plug, cable available separately, along with various adaptive carrying rigs. Thigh
mount, lower back, upper back, shoulder holster, and rifle stock mounts available for 50-100 CR.
Powercell is about the size of a paperback book, and can be carried in a pocket, w/ a cable attached, or installed in a carry rig. Mass 0.5 kg, 1000CR.
500 seu flatpack: as above, but 5000 CR
100 seu rod: like the flatpack, but available in 2 models. One is about the size of a flashlight, the other is a built-in only unit about the size of a tube magazine
for a rifle. Both cost 1000 Cr, and mass half a kilo. The rods and 50 seu powercell are available w/ a capacitor baffle option (may be switched off when not
needed) for an extra 100 CR, for use w/ rafflurs.

Albedic Screen. 1.5 kg, CR 1500 Manufactured by Styfon's, a subsidiary of STREEL. Defends VS. laser(visible only) attacks at 50%, at a rate of 1 seu/5 pts
absorbed. Basically, this fills the niche of cheap protection, for those running low on funds.

Wrist Collector 0.5 kg, CR 500 Mfr. Wartech. Worn about the wrist, the Wrist Collector is attached to the main unit( belt/chest/back mount unit) of any
Wartech manufactured screen. It alters the screen's field in such a way as to concentrate the energy in a 1-meter diameter disc wherever the unit is located
( typically a wrist or similar appendage). It appears as a glowing shield, and improves defense capability by 25% there, while reducing it 20% elsewhere, so an
albedo screen w/ wrist collector would reduce laser damage by 80%, except for the shield area, which would absorb 125% the amount of damage a normal
albedo screen would for the same seu input. For the albedo screen, then the rate would be 1 seu/6.25 pts damage. For an inertia screen, it would be 75%
protection against ballistic/inertial damage at the shield, and 30% elsewhere. Ineffective w/ Gauss and Sonic screens, as their effects are dependent on full
coverage. This was adapted from ICE's old Tech Law.
Albedo Shield 1.0 kg, CR 1200 MFR: Wartech, ARES division of Prometheus Advancements UnLimited (PAUL). Similar to an Albedo Screen, however, all
protective energy is concentrated in a disc 80-100 cm in diameter, projected from the bracelet. Protection VS. lasers (all frequencies) is 100%, at a rate of 1
seu/minute plus 1 seu/ 7 points of damage absorbed, or fraction thereof). Appears as a bright, opaque, fluctuating silver disc. A more expensive version is
available with a synchronisation processor installed, which allows it to be used in conjunction with an Albedo screen ( only ARES/PAUL mfr. models). SP
model is 1.5 kg, CR 2400. The advantage is that with the screen and shield synchronised, you are able to have more protection against lasers. However, you
also use more energy, and fairly glow, making you easier to spot, even in daylight. When used with a synchro processor, average SEU use with the screen.

Inertia Shield 1.0 kg, CR 1000 MFR: Wartech, ARES/PAUL Similar to the albedo Shield, VS inertial/ballistic, at 75%. 1 seu/minute plus 3 seu/attack. With
Synchro processor (ARES version only), 1.5 kg, CR 1500.

Albedic Shield 1.0 kg CR 750 MFR: Styfon's House Arms, STREEL subs. Functions exactly like the inertia shield, except VS (visible) lasers, and synchro
processor not available.

Synth Shield 1.0 kg CR 1500 MFR: Wartech, ARES/PAUL Functions like the Albedo Shield, except that it defends VS proton beams ( Rafflurs), at 100%,
uses 1 seu/minute plus 1 seu/ 8 pts damage absorbed. With SP ( ARES models only), 1.5 kg, CR 2300.

Particle Screen 3.0 kg, CR 3500 MFR: ARES/PAUL A particle screen defends against all ion-beams, charged and uncharged particle beams ( rafflurs/ proton
beams, electron beams, neutron beams, heavy ion weapons/ bolt weapons) at 100%, using 1 seu/minute plus 1 seu/ 3 pts absorbed. It also defends against
electrical weapons at 75%, 1 seu/ minute plus 1 seu/5 pts electrical damage absorbed. electrostunners set on stun will not stun wearer, however, s/he is treated as
if shot with an electrostunner set on damage, and thus takes 25% electrical damage instead. Available in belt, back, and chest mounted units. See also Particle

Particle Shield 1.5 kg CR 2000 Works similarly to an Albedo Shield, except it defends against particle and electrical weapons as described under particle
screen. Uses 1 seu/ minute plus either 1 seu/ 4 pts particle damage absorbed, or 1 seu/ 6 pts electrical damage absorbed. Synchro Processor available, 2.0 kg, Cr

Insul-Screen 1.5 kg / CR 1500 Available in belt-, chest-, & back-mounted models, as well as component models. The component model may used in a space
suit, provided it is installed during suit fabrication. Grid-suits and all screens or shields interfere w/ the operation of an Insul-screen. The screen protects it's
wearer from radiation, at a rate of 1 seu per 50 rads, plus 1 seu/ 10 minutes.

Energy Mesh suit. 3.0 kg, CR 750 The EM suit incorporates a mesh grid similar to the Grid suit, providing the same protection against energy weapons,
however, the ballistic weave is omitted, hence no inertial/ballistic protection is offered. 100 points of PGS damage destroys a Grid Suit. Whether you interpret
that to provide inertial protection to the wearer or not (I do), the Grid Suit at least has protection for the suit. The EM suit does not incorporate that and therefore
has no protection. Even 1 point of PGS fire could damage the suit, and possibly damage the energy absorption mesh, taking your energy defense down ( I roll the
PGS damage or less on d100 to see if suit is damaged). But that’s the risk you take for cutting corners and getting cheaper versions
Weapon of the Yazirians

by William Tracy
ARES #17 p41
The zamra has been used by the Yazirians for many centuries; it is a metallic disc about 10 centimeters in diameter, with sharp edges, used as a
hurled weapon. Yazirians wear a gauntlet of light metal mesh when using this device so they will not be cut by it.
The zamra was used in the early history of the Yazirians as a dueling weapon. The two Yazirians in the duel would climb separate poles about 20
meters in height with a distance of about 5 meters between them. At a given signal the Yazirians would leap from the poles and glide downwards;
each would have one zamra to throw at the other. If the duel was not between enemies, the Yazirians would try to hit each other's wing-like
membranes, causing opponents to fall faster. The duelists would try to critically wound or kill each other if they were enemies.
The winner of the duel had to fill several conditions. He had to be alive when he landed, the last one to touch down, and had to land within a two-
meter diameter circle which was clearly marked on the ground. One contestant had to meet all these requirements or the duel was considered a
Sometimes duels were carried out using zamras made of softer material. These were generally non-lethal, but sometimes contestants were badly
injured or slain with them anyway. Over the years the Yazirians started using the zamra not only in duels but also in any sort of fighting. Even now
in the age of space travel, most Yazirians know how to use the weapon.
The statistics for using zamras in STAR FRONTIERS gaming follow:
Weapon Type: zamra
Damage: 1d10 (1d6 if non-lethal variety)
Ammo: 1 (itself)
Rate of Fire: 1/turn
Defense: Inertia
Point-blank Range: 0-5 meters
Short Range: 6-10 meters
Medium Range: 11-20 meters
Long Range: 21-30 meters
Extreme Range: 31-40 meters
A yazirian will carry at most two types of zamras. One type is produced in a variety of colors (except red) and can be used anytime the character
wishes. The other type is dark red, and can only be used against that Yazirian's life-enemy. Often the red zamra will be carried as a sign of honor
if the Yazirian chooses a life-enemy that is not a living being, such as a disease or a competitive company. Typically only one red zamra is ever
owned by a Yazirian; to own more is considered disgraceful. A character may own as many other kinds of zamras as he pleases.
When a Yazirian character is created, a six-sided die is rolled to determine the initial skill level the character has when throwing a zamra. A roll of
1-3 means a skill level of 1; a 4-5 roll means a skill level of 2; and a roll of 6 indicates a skill level of 3. This skill level may be improved over time. A
character's base chance to hit targets when using a zamra equals one-half the character's dexterity expressed as a percentage, plus 10% per skill
level with the zamra, plus range, movement, careful aiming, cover, target size, and thrower's condition modifiers. Use an additional -15% penalty if
cast by a gliding Yazirian (such as during a duel).
Other character races may use the zamra, though Yazirians tend to frown upon such practices. The zamra has a significant place in Yazirian
folklore and culture, and Yazirians like to see it treated with proper respect (which they don't feel can be given the device by other races). Although
they usually won't attack someone seen using a zamra, Yazirians won't necessarily be happy to see this situation, either.
Yazirian battle gauntlets and zamras are made of strong, light alloy; zamras weigh about .5 kilograms. Game characters can never "modernize"
zamras by adding devices to make them some sort of energized weapon.
Note: the zamra will always be used before any other weapon carried by a Yazirian if a life-enemy is being fought.
When a Yazirian is using a zamra against his life-enemy, he gains a +10% bonus to the chance that he will go into a battle rage, which will last as
long as he is fighting his life-enemy. A red zamra will be used against life-enemies if possible, though other sorts will do.
If cast at a gliding Yazirian, a roll "to hit" that is less than or equal to 1/10th the thrower's normal "to hit" score may (at the caster's option) disable
one of the target Yazirian's wing-like membranes, forcing him to cut his gliding distance in half and land quickly.
If two Yazirians are throwing zamras at each other, each has a chance to catch the zamra thrown at him with the battle-gloved hand. The chance
is equal to one-half the character's dexterity plus 3% per zamra skill level. If the gloved character is hit by a zamra yet makes his catch
percentage, he will take no damage.
Any character with a zamra skill level of our or better ha a chance to try rebound shots. For example, the character may be pinned down by gunfire
in a corridor, with assailant firing from around the corner. The zamra thrower may attempt to make the zamra bounce off a wall or other surface
and strike the assailant. There must be a hard surface for a rebound shot to be attempted, and a zamra can only bounce off one surface to make
an effective attack. The following procedure must be used:
1. Basic chance to hit: 1/2 dexterity (round fractions up).
2. Bonus: +5% per zamra skill level.
3. Add or subtract range modifiers, adding 5 meters of effective distance for the rebound itself.
4. Use the rest of the modifiers listed on p.22 of the STAR FRONTIERS Expanded Rulebook.
5. Subtract 1-4 points from the zamra's damage if it hits the target, as the rebound absorbs part of the zamra's kinetic energy.

ARES is a trademark of TSR, Inc.'s science-fiction gaming section in DRAGON® Magazine.

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Article .html conversion courtesy of Timothy R. Norris

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