Sie sind auf Seite 1von 8


1. Employee Configuration Module The module where entity can enter employees basic,
details, experience, training, certification etc. information.
2. Designation Module The module where the entity will configure the Team and the
Designation as per organically
1. Employees Status Module The module where the entity will give the job status
and the employee status of the employees
3. Department Module The module where the entity will configure the department and
sections with there requirement.
4. Attendance Module The module where the entity will keep the record of all
employees attendance and manage the attendance for salary and attendance bonus.
1. Employees Rostering Shifting the employees by roster.
5. Holiday Configuration Module The module where the entity will configure the
holidays in a year as the Government and the organizational rules.
6. Leave Transaction Module The module where the entity will keep the record of the
different type leave CL, ML, EL yearly or probation basis as per organization rule.
7. Allowance Module The module where the entity will permit and configure the
employee to give the different type of allowance like Conveyance, Holidays, Special,
Relation etc.
8. Deduction Module The Module where the entity will permit and configure the
different type of deduction like Fine, Stamp, Lottery, Welfare, punishment, medical,
provident fund, emergency etc can be managed.
9. Salary Generation Module The module where the entity will generate the salary and
keep update the status of the arrears.
10. Advance Payment and Deduction Module The module where the entity keep the
record of the advance and adjustment of the advance for any employee.
11. Promotion/Transfer Module The module where the entity will keep the record of the
Human development processes like promotion, transfer, joining, recruitment,
retirement etc.
12. Increment Module The module where the entity will increase the salary and the others
as year or special basis.
13. Bonus Module The module where the entity will make the bonus configuration the
permission to the employees as yearly or special or as per organization purpose.
14. Gratuity Module
15. Provident Fund Module


"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),

"C_Bpartner_ID" character varying(32),

"Createdby" character varying(32),

"Created" timestamp without time zone,

"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"Updated" timestamp without time zone,

"Isactive" character(1),

"HTHrm_Contact_ID" character varying(32),

"Contact" text,

"Contacttype" character varying(200),

"Isbusiness" character(1),

"Isdefault" character(1),

"Makedefault" character(1),

"Comments" text


"HTHRM_Contracttype_ID" character varying(32) NOT NULL,

"Created" date,

"Createdby" character varying(32),

"Name" character varying(32),

"Isactive" character varying(1),

"Updated" date,

"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"Value" character varying(32),

"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),

CONSTRAINT "HTHRM_ContractType_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("HTHRM_Contracttype_ID")


"HTHRM_Default_ID" character varying(32) NOT NULL,

"C_Bp_Group_ID" character varying(32),

"C_Paymentterm_ID" character varying(32),

"Created" date,

"Createdby" character varying(32),

"Isactive" character varying(1),

"M_Pricelist_ID" character varying(32),

"Paymentrule" character varying(60),

"Updated" date,

"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),


REATE TABLE "HTHRM_EmploymentInformation"

"HTHRM_Employmentinformation_ID" character varying(32) NOT NULL,

"Bonuspercentage" numeric(10,3),

"C_Bpartner_ID" character varying(32),

"Comments" text,

"Complete" character varying(1),

"Created" date,

"Createdby" character varying(32),

"Effectivefrom" date,

"Effectiveto" date,
"Isactive" character varying(1),

"Salary" numeric(10,3),

"Status" character varying(60),

"Updated" date,

"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),

"C_Salary_Category_ID" character varying(32),

"Fullparttime" character varying(60),

"HTHRM_Contracttype_ID" character varying(32),

"HTHRM_Position_ID" character varying(32),

"HTHRM_Team_ID" character varying(32),

"Standardhours" numeric(10,3),

"Workperiod" character varying(60),

CONSTRAINT "HTHRM_EmploymentInformation_pkey" PRIMARY KEY



"HTHRM_Familymember_ID" character varying(32) NOT NULL,

"Birthdate" date,

"Birthplace" character varying(32),

"C_Bpartner_ID" character varying(32),

"C_Country_ID" character varying(32),

"Comments" text,

"Created" date,

"Createdby" character varying(32),

"Email" character varying(120),

"Employmentstatus" character varying(60),

"Firstname" character varying(32),

"Gender" character varying(32),

"Iddocument" character varying(32),

"Isactive" character varying(1),

"Knownas" character varying(60),

"Lastname" character varying(32),

"Middlename" character varying(32),

"Mobilephone" character varying(32),

"Phone" character varying(32),

"Relation" character varying(60),

"Taxid" character varying(32),

"Updated" date,

"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),

CONSTRAINT "HTHRM_FamilyMember_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("HTHRM_Familymember_ID")

CREATE TABLE "HTHRM_OtherCitizenship"

"HTHRM_Othercitizenship_ID" character varying(32) NOT NULL,

"C_Bpartner_ID" character varying(32),

"C_Country_ID" character varying,

"Created" date,

"Createdby" character varying(32),

"Isactive" character varying(1),

"Updated" date,
"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),

CONSTRAINT "HTHRM_OtherCitizenship_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("HTHRM_Othercitizenship_ID")


"HTHRM_Position_ID" character varying(32) NOT NULL,

"Created" date,

"Createdby" character varying(32),

"Isactive" character varying(1),

"Name" character varying(32),

"Updated" date,

"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),


CREATE TABLE "HTHRM_Position_Salcat"

"HTHRM_Position_Salcat_ID" character varying(32) NOT NULL,

"Created" date,

"Createdby" character varying(32),

"C_Salary_Category_ID" character varying(32),

"HTHRM_Position_ID" character varying(32),

"Isactive" character varying(1),

"Updated" date,
"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),

CONSTRAINT "HTHRM_Position_Salcat_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("HTHRM_Position_Salcat_ID")


"HTHRM_Team_ID" character varying(32) NOT NULL,

"Addmanager" character varying(1),

"Created" date,

"Createdby" character varying(32),

"Currentmanager" character varying(32),

"HTHRM_Stop" character varying(1),

"Isactive" character varying(1),

"Issummary" character varying(1),

"Name" character varying(32),

"Parentteam" character varying(32),

"Updated" date,

"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),



"HTHRM_Team_Manager_ID" character varying(32) NOT NULL,

"Created" date,
"Createdby" character varying(32),

"Effectivefrom" date,

"Effectiveto" date,

"HTHRM_Team_ID" character varying(32),

"Isactive" character varying(1),

"Manager" character varying(32),

"Updated" date,

"Updatedby" character varying(32),

"AD_Client_ID" character varying(32),

"AD_Org_ID" character varying(32),

CONSTRAINT "HTHRM_Team_Manager_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("HTHRM_Team_Manager_ID")

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