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Time-Saving Keyboard & Mouse Shortcuts

Document Editing/Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

CTRL+A Select all

SHIFT with any of the arrow Select more than one item in a window, or select
keys multiple items (or text) within a document
CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+L Left-align a block of text
CTRL+E Center a block of text
CTRL+R Right-align a block of text
CTRL+B Bold the selection
CTRL+I Italicize the selection
CTRL+U Underline the selection
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of next word
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move the insertion point to beginning of previous word
SHIFT+ENTER Insert a manual line break. (useful for when a normal
return is set to double space, e.g. if using a style)
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE Insert a non-breaking space. (useful when a name
with a space in it shouldn’t get broken over two lines)
CTRL+F Find a word or phrase in a document or webpage
CTRL+N Create a new document
CTRL+O Open an existing document
CTRL+P Print a document
CTRL+UP ARROW Move insertion point to start of previous paragraph
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move insertion point to beginning of next paragraph
CTRL+HOME Move to the beginning of the document
CTRL+END Move to the end of the document
TAB Move forward through options (or cells in a table)
SHIFT+TAB Move backward through options (or cells in a table)
CTRL+TAB Move forward through tabs. (or insert a tab in a cell)
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Move backward through tabs
SPACEBAR Select check box if active option is check box
CTRL while dragging a file, Copy selected item
block of text, or picture
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging Create shortcut to selected item. (useful mainly for files
an item in Windows Explorer)
Double Click on a single word Select the entire word
Triple Click on a single word Select the entire paragraph
Drag webpage icon into new e- Copy web address as text, instead of as web shortcut
mail message (which is often blocked by many email systems)
Windows Navigation Shortcuts

F1 Display Help (for the current program)

Windows+F1 Display Windows Help
Windows key (or CTRL+ESC) Display the Start menu.
ALT+SPACEBAR Display the System menu for the active window.
ESC Select the Cancel button in a dialog box
ALT+F4 Close the active window. (Shut down Windows dialog
box when no other programs are open)
CTRL+F4 Close the active document in programs that allow you
to have multiple documents open simultaneously
ALT+TAB Switch between open applications
ALT+ESC Cycle through open applications and dialog boxes
Windows+D Show the desktop. (Same as clicking the "Show
Desktop" plotter icon located on the taskba)
Windows+E Open "My Computer"
Windows+F (or F3) Search for a file or folder
Windows+L Lock your computer
SHIFT+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.
F6 Cycle through frames of a multi-frame window or
through multiple zones on the desktop
ALT (or F10) Activate the menu bar in the active program
ALT+Underlined letter in a Display the corresponding menu
menu name
Underlined letter in command Carry out the corresponding command
name on an open menu
SHIFT when inserting a CD Prevent the CD from automatically playing

Windows Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts

F2 Rename selected item (edits non-empty cell in Excel)

F4 Display the contents of the Address bar in My
Computer or Windows Explorer
F5 Refresh the active window (in Internet Explorer,
reloads a webpage from the cache)
CTRL+F5 Refresh the active window (in Internet Explorer,
dumps cache and re-downloads from web site)
F11 Toggle full screen mode
ALT+ENTER View properties for the selected file or folder
RIGHT ARROW Expand to display subfolders
LEFT ARROW Hide subfolders
Double Click column heading Automatically resizes column to fit the largest entry.
border (in details view) (also works in Excel and Access – select all first to
resize all columns at once)

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