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No. 36. Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part III)

The National Archives

N a t i o n a l A r c h i v e s and R e c o r d s S e r v i c e
General Services Administration

Washington: 1962
This finding aid, prepared under the direction of the Committee for the Study
of War Documents of the American Historical Association, has been reproduced by the
National Archives as part of its program of facilitating the use of records in its
The microfilm described in this list has been deposited in the National Archives
by the American Historical Association and may be identified as Microcopy Mo, T-81;.
It may be consulted at the National Archives. A price list appears on the last page.
Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Exhibits and Publications
Branch, National Archives, Washington 2£, D. C,
Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and other
guides of the same series may have been of private origin. The fact of their seizure
is not believed to divest their original owners of any literary property rights in
them. Anyone, therefore, who publishes them in whole or in part without permission
of their authors may be held liable for infringement of such literary property rights.



No. 3^» Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part III)



This is part of a series of guides prepared by the American Historical Association listing records microfilmed at Alexandria, Va.,
"by the American Historical Association Microfilming Project.
An American Committee for the Study of War Documents was established in 1955 as a private group of scholars interested in docu-
mentary research and especially in the microfilming of records of foreign origin kept in American depositories. In 195&* *ke American
Committee "became a committee of the American Historical Association. Its present chairman is Professor Oron J, Hale, University of
Virginia, who was preceded "by Dean Reginald H. Phelps, Harvard University, and Professor Lynn M. Case, The University of Pennsylvania.
An initial Ford Foundation grant and additional funds provided by the Old Dominion Foundation, the Lilly Endowment and the Avalon Founda-
tion enabled the Committee to undertake the cataloguing and microfilming of declassified German records in the custody of the World War II
Records Division of the National Archives (previously TAGO, Departmental Records Branch), at Alexandria, Virginia.
The plans for screening and microfilming these materials were prepared by a Subcommittee on Microfilming under the chairmanship
to the end of 1956 of Professor E. Malcolm Carroll, Duke University, and his successor, Dr. Fritz T. Epstein, The Library of Congress.
The microfilming team in Alexandria, Virginia, was under the direction of Professor Gerhard L. Weinberg of the University of Michigan
in 1956/57, of Dr. Dagmar Horna Perman from 1957 to September 1959, of Mr. James G. McDowell from September 1959 to August 1960^ and
is now under the supervision of Dr. Willard Allen Fletcher of the University of Colorado.
The American Historical Association expresses its appreciation for the cooperation given to its Committee for the Study of War
Documents by the staff of the National Archives, especially its World War II Records Division, and by the U.S. Department of the Army.

Washington, D.C., 19^1 Dr. Boyd C* Shafer

Executive Secretary, AHA


1. T~ 71, Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaf tsministerium). 1958* 75 P»

2. T- 7^» Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom (Reichskommissar filr die Festigung deutschen
Volkstums). 1958, 15 p.
3. T~ 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). Part I* 1958* lUl p.
^. T~ 76, Records of the Organisation Todtv 1958. 2 p.
5. T- 8U, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part I). 195^» 15 P*
6. T- 82, Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East. 1958. 161 p.
7. T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part I, 1959. 222 p.
8. T- si, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II)• 1959. 203 p.
9. T-253, Records of Private German Individuals. 1959* 23 p.
10. T- 73» Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reichsministerium fittr Mstung und Kriegsproduktion)• 1959. 109 P«
11. T-r/8, Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices. 1959* 3-9 P»
12. T- 78, Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part I. 1959» !9 P»
13. T-177, Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium). 1959* 3^ p.
Ik. T~312, Records of German Field Commands, Armies (Part I). 1959. 6l p.
15. T~179i Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates 1890~19^5« I960. 63 p.
16. T- 81, Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part I: Records on Resettlement. 1960. 105 p*
17. T- 77» Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part II* 1960. 213 p.
IS. T- 77» Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part III. 1960. 118 p.
19. T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part IV. 1960. 76 p.
20. T- 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part II. 1960. ^5 p.
21. T- 81, Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part II: The General Records. 1961. 180 p.
22. T- 70, Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. 1961. Ul pt,
23. T- 83, Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises, 1917-19^6. 1961. 119 P»
2U. T-321, Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe/OKL). 1961. 59 P»
25» T-U05, German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in ^um^nien. 1961* Ul p.
26. T-401, Records of Reich Office for Soil Exploration (Reichsamt ftfr Bodenforschung). 1961. 11 p.
27. T-35^» Miscellaneous SS Records: Einwandererzentralstelle, Waffen-SS, and SS-Oberabschnitte. 1961. 3^ P*
28. T-U5U, Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Reichsministerium f&r die besetzten Ustgebiete), 19^1-^5, 1961. 69 p.
29. T- 78, Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part II. 1961. 15^ P«
30. T- 78, Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part III. 196le 212 p.
31. T-459, Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States (Reichskommissar ftr das Ostland), 19^1-19145. 1961. 19 p.
32. T-175, Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsftlhrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) Part I. 1961. 165 p.
33. T-175S Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfflhrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) Part II. 1961. 89 p.
3^-. T- 79, Records of German Army Areas (Wehrkreise). 1962. 234 P»
35. T- 61, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part III. 1962. 29 p.
This Guide is one of a series of finding aids describing those declassified seized German records deposited at the World War II Records
Division, National Archives, which have been microfilmed by the Microfilming Project of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the
American Historical Association. This Guide contains the text of data sheets identifying records filmed. A copy of the data sheets has been
filmed as a target sheet at the beginning of each roll of film.
This Guide covers 83 rolls of film on which are reproduced part of the records known as the Miscellaneous German Records Collection,
Among them are highly interesting files of private papers and diaries of leading personalities in the Third Reich, to whit, Goebbels, Blomberg,
Haider, Jodl, nominal and others. The Project also filmed the Hitler Manuscript discovered in Alexandria ^nd recently published by the Institut
ftk* Zeitgeschichte in Munich as Hitlers ZvreltQS Buch0 The researcher's attention is also drawn to the Groscurth Papers, a very significant
source for the history of the opposition. Additional memoranda and correspondence pertain to such events as the Kapp putsch, Gr6nerfs resigna-
tion and the political events of 1932, the July Plot, the surrender of the German Armed Forces and the activities of the Dtonitz government in
Flensburg. However, the bulk of the files deals with matters of war production, economic wurftra, industrial resources, slave lebor, public
health, sterilization, medical experiments, military legal affairs, isolated events in military campaigns, fortifications, and other topics.
The terms "Serial" and "Roll11 in tuis Guide refer to the sequence of the film. The "Item" number is the identification symbol on the
original folder v/itidn the captured records collection. "Provenance" indicated, where ascertainable, the archival origins of the documents
whose description follows. The symbol "FT" means thut the folder hts been filmed throughout, the symbol "FS11 denotes that the folder has
been filmed selectively. "1st frame11 /.ivtst tae frame number of the first page of the folder. Every exposure has been given a frame number
consecutively throughout the filming operation. Gcrikan file mimboni, whenever r.scertainable, have also been included. The "Notes" provide
a general idea of the nature of the materials but should not be taken as exhaustive descriptions. The researcher is urged to check the entire
The original records have been restituted to the Federal Republic of west Germany. The microfilms are deposited in the National
Archives, Washington 25, DBC., as microcopy T-84, rolls RL49-192 and 229-267, and should be requested by adding "T-8411 to the rolls desired.
The descriptions were prepared by Dr. Gerhard Weinberg, Dr. Bernice Carroll, Mr. Robert Wolfe, Dr. Willard Allen Fletcher and Dr» Miriam

Willard Allen Fletcher, 1961

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 1

166 EAP 21-g-l6/2b FT 1508120 Miscellaneous papers of Generaloberst Alfred Jodl, 1936-^5,
Included are the following categories of material, some of them
with photostats and. duplicates: Personal correspondence of the
Jodl family and of individuals apparently associated with Jodl in
the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (one of these letters is annotated
with a reference to "Fasanenjagd11 as a codeword for a Putsch
against Hitler), A letter of Jodl to General Stumpff of 1936 on
Jodl's proposed transfer to the Luftwaffe. Materials pertaining
to Jodl1s personal possessions. Materials pertaining to the Jodl
family, Ariernachweis, etc. Miscellaneous photographs. Jodl's
19 HH calendar with annotations as to his trips and other informa-i
tion. Jodl's diary from 9-21 May 19^5. A letter of Oberst
Rudelsdorff of the OKW/Wi Rti. Amt to a man named Meyding, 19UU,
containing information on the fate of the Wi Rtt. Amt (see also EAP
21-a-lH/21,23a,23b), Notes on military history, and other items.
167 150 EAP I~ FT 151S789 Copies of correspondence between Hindenburg, Meissner, and
Hitler, of unknown provenance, pertaining to the political manoeu-
vering of 1932.
Reichsverwaltungsge- EAP l-a-2S/l FT 1518800 A file of the Reichsverwaltungsgericht, Entschfldigungsab-
richt, Entschadlgungs- teilung des ReichskriegsschUdenamtes, "RKA/S 102.UU,11 concerning
abteilung des Reichs- a claim of Krupp against the .Government for bridging equipment
krlegsschftdenamtesj lost by the Army at Charkov in 19^3»
Reichsminister Speer EAP l-a~28/3 FT 1518833 Documents from the files of Reichsminister Speer dealing with his
efforts on behalf of individuals arrested in connection with the
July 20 plot, especially Zeitzler gnd Fromm, 19^5*
Reichswehrministerliim EAP l~aa-10/3 FT 1518909 A document, probably from the files of the Reichswehrmini-
sterium, presumably written by Grfiner and entitled: "Chronologische
Earstellung der Vorkommnisse, die zu meinem Rttcktritt als Reichs-
wehr- und Reichs-Innenminister gefiihrt haben," probably 1932*
The marginal annotations are probably by von Reichenau,
Oberfcommando der Wehr- EAP 1-b/l FT 1518915 File of the OKW Wehrmachtsversorgungsabteilung, Ml b, Inner-
macht, Wehrmachtsver- politische Angelegenheiten, Reichsgesetzgebung," 1939-^2. OKW
s o rgung sab t e i lung participation in the formulation of laws pertaining to railways,
divorce, insurance, family welfare, inheritance, etc.
168 151 Reichsstatthalter der EAP l-d-10/2 FT 15196U6 A file of the Reichsstatthalter in der Westmark (badly dis-
Westmark; (reman Army organized), containing material on Landesplanung pertaining to
fortifications and national defense, 1936-HU. Also in the same
folder are stray items captured from various German units on the
Continued Western Front in 19^14-U5 of which the most interesting pertains to
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
the destruction of a tank-destroyer unit,
168 151 ? EAP l-e-2^/1 FT 1519967 Landrat Dr. Schwenzer, '-Yerwaltungsbericht des Kreises
Monschau fiilr das Rechnungsjahr 1929 i" 1930* unknown provenance.
Reichsverteidigungs- EAP l-e-2H/2 FT 1520070 Reichsverteidigungskommissar K6*ln~Aachen orders for evac-
kommissar Kttln-Aachen uation of various areas, March 19^5*
7 EAP l-f-10/1 FT 1520077 Stray items mostly of unknown provenance pertaining to
the administrative reorganization of Germany bjr the Nazis,
Deutsches Konsulat EAP l-h-lU/2 FT 1520116 File of the German consulate in Heerlen (Holland) with
Heerlen correspondence, 1938 » primarily pertaining to requests for
absentee ballots in the German plebiscite in April,
EAP l-i-10/1 FT 1520363 Map of Latvia with location of German population in 1935*
issued by the Publikationsstelle Berlin-Dahlem in 19^0 , and Dr,
Rudolf Urban "Tschechische Bem&hungen urn die Lausitzer Wenden"
from the library of the Publikationsstelle.
EAP l~i- FT 1520373 Georg Leibbrandt (ed.), Die deutsohen Siedlungen in der
So w J e tun ion ( Kar t enband.) , nur fiir den DielTstgebrauch, Berlin,

EAP 1-1-10/5 FT 15203S6 Wirtschaftskammer Litzmannstadt, Der Bezirk der ¥irt-

schaftskammer Litzmannstadt in Zahlenc streng vertraulich,
July 1944. ~~
Publikationsstelle EAP l-i~15/2 FT S"ildostdeutsches Institut, Graz, "Die bevfllkerungspoli-
Berlin-Dahlem, Biicherei tische Lage der Steiermark im Kriege," fall of 19^3, from the
library of the Publikationsstelle Berlin-Dahlem (lithographed).
EAP 1-1-15/3 FT 1520^75 Reichsstatthalter in Danzig-Westpreusen, Gauselbstver-
waltung: Max Aschkewitz, "Bevo'lkerungsgeschichte des Kreises
Neumark,11 Heft 12 of the BevUlkerungsgeschichte des Reichsgaues
Danzig-Westpreussen, nur fiir den Dienstgebrauch, 19^-3* mimeo-
graphed, from the library of the Publikationsstelle Berlin-
Grenadier-Regiment 105 SAP 1-i-lg/l FT 1520551 The Grenadier-Regiment 105 copy of Wehrkreiskommando
VIII (Breslau) copy of "Merkblatt uber die Angehttrigen der
Deutschen Volksliste/Atlg. 3," Juli 19^3.
169 R*52 Oberlandesgericht Kflln SAP 1-1-20/1 FT 1520553 A file of the Oberlandesgericht K8ln containing the
decisions of the Erbgesundheitsobergericht in Kttln on appeals
taken from decisions of the Erbgesundheitsgericht in Aachen
in cases involving the compulsory sterilization of individuals
under the National Socialist sterilization legislation, 193**-
Continued 36. Some of the appeals were made by the local Gesundheits- :;
amter which had instituted proceedings, most of them were
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
made by the victims.
170 153 NSDAP, Gauleitung Baden SAP l-i-20/2a FT 1520889 This file includes a memorandum "by Dr. Gross, Leiter des
and other offices Rassenpolitischen Amtes der NSBAP, "Zur Frage des unehelichen
Kindes als Problem der deutschen Bevtilkerungspolitik," IjUH, from
the files of the Gauleitung Baden Stabsamt, very interesting.
Also various stray items on Bevttlkerungspolitik, 1935-^2, in-
cluding a chart on the liFttrnberg laws on Mischlinge,
EAP l-i-20/2b FT 152092U File of unknown provenance, lfHeiratsordnung,w containing
regulations on marriages of German soldiers, 19^2-^3,
SAP l-k-15/1 FT 1520972 Stray items of various provenances, many not determinable,
on economic policy, 19^0-19^.
EAP l-k~15-10/l FT 1521060 Folder of unknown provenance containing a memorandum "by the
Baugesellschaft Eigen, Berlin, "Staatliche Lenkung der Bauwirt-
schaft," 31 July 19U2. „
EAP l-k-15-12/1 FT 1521070 Two stray items of unknown provenance. One is a "ITbersicht
ilber die Organisation und Aufgaben des RKW," by the Geschafts-
fuhrung of the Reichskuratorium fftp Wirtschaftlichkeit, April
19*4-2. The other is a June 19^3 report on the French textile
EAP l-k-15-12/3 FT 15210SO Folder of unknown provenance containing a study "Gewerbe-
recht1' by Rosewich, ca. 1939*
Reichswirtschaftsmini- EAP l-k-15~12/U FT 1521133 Reichswirtschaftsministerium, Hauptabteilung III (Wirt-
sterium, Hauptabteilung schaftsorganisation und soziale Wirtschaftsfragen — WOS) file
III "B 3.63, Wirtschaftliche Organisation des Handwerks und der Wirt-
schaft, Bd. 2,!l 1939-^5« Some interesting information. For
other parts of the RWM files, see T-7^ and the EAP 66 section of
EAP l-k-15-15/1 FT 15217SS Item of unknown provenance. Lithographed study by the
Arbeitswissenschaftliches Institut der Deutschen Arbeitsfront,
"Die Lohnpolitik 1m Weltkrieg, 191^-1918," September 1939.
Reichsbauernftthrer EAP l-k-16/3 FT 1521S1U Reichsbauernfuhrer (ReichsnUhrstand) Abt. Ill file,
(Reichsnahrstand) Abt.Ill U5» Miscellaneous material, mostly on propaganda activities.
Included is a copy of the "Arbeitsgrundlagen fur die landvolk-
politische, ernahrungs- und landwirtschaftliche Aufklfirungsarbeiti
Januar 19^5*" issued by the NSDAP, Reichsamt f-ttr das Landvolk
and the Reichsnahrstand.
EAP l-k-16/H FT 152192H Reichsbauernfflhrer Abt. Ill file with material on the
i|5 Brotgetreideablieferung,
Continued EAP l-k-16/5 FT 1521931 Reichsbauernfdhrer Abt. Ill file on the duties of the
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
170 153 Reichsministerium fiir SAP l-k-16/6 FT 1521983 Reichsministerium fi!lr Ernahrung und Landwirtschaft file of
Ern&hrung und Landwirt- correspondence concerning the price of milk,
171 15^ Reichsbauernftthrer EAP l-k-16/7 FT 1522001! Reichsbauernfiiihrer Abt. Ill file on Futtergetreidekontin-
(Reichsnahrstand) Abt.III; gente 19^/^5.
Reichsfinanzminister EAP l-k-17/3a-g FT 1522080 Photostats of files of the Reichsfinanzminister dealing
Schwerin von Krosigk (1522236 with "basic problems and statistics of German taxes and financesf
not used) 19^0-^5 • Important material, though in a disorganized state*
EAP l-k-17/3h-i FT 152269U Photostats of files of Reichsfinanzminister Schwerin von
Krosigk containing his correspondence with other Reichsminister,
19^2-^5. Most of the letters are from 19*15 a^d contain his ideas
for strengthening the German war effort and splitting the Allied
coalition in the last months of the war.
EAP l-k-17/^ FT 15227S7 Photostats of the "Namenverzeichnis zum Geschftftsverteilungs-
plan des Reichsfinanzministeriums" and the "GeschUftsverteilungs-
plan des Reichsfinanzministeriums,'1 as of 10 July 19^3»
Feldkommandantur 560 EAP l-k-17/5 FT 1522837 File of the Feldkommandantur 560 (Besancon) in HE France
on enemy alien property control, 19^2-UU.
EAP l-k-17/7 FT 1522934 Document of unknown provenance. Copy of a letter to the
Reichswirtschaftsministerium concerning the interest rate on
German bonds and loans raised in Holland, December 19*^0.
EAP l-k-18/1 FT 15229U7 Stray items of unknown provenance. One deals with relief
for Germans living in Holland, 1933» ^e other is a streng ver-
trauliche study of the Arbeitswissenschaf tliches Institut der
Deutschen Arbeitsfront, "Bezugsrecht im Arbeiterhaushalt,"
Berlin, November 1939 » dealing with the effect of clothes ration-
171- EAP l-k-lg/2 FT 1522980 File of unknown provenance containing letters A-I of the
172 155 "SN Soziales Archiv" 1937-UO, with regulations in the field of
labor, social services, the economy, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
and other subjects.
172 155 Deutsches Konsulat EAP l-k-20/la FT 15233^3 File of the German consulate Heerlen (Holland) on the re-
Heerlen turn to Germany of Germans to Holland who were in need of relief,
1933-36* Quite interesting on the problem of reintegrating some
of these people into the German economy, especially in Westphalia.
EAP l~k~20/lb FT 1523735 Stray items of various provenances. 19Hl~H5t pertaining 'to
evacuations and resettlements. Includes statistics on German
evacuations in
Serial Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 5
172 Westdeutscher Siedler- EAP l-k-20/2 FT 1523752 File of the Westdeutscher Siedlerverband containing corre-
verband spondence primarily with the Gesellschaft zur Fflrderung der inneren
Kolonisation, 1929-32.
EAP l-k-22/1 FT 1523S67 Unknown provenance, streng vertrauliche study by the Arbeite-
wissenschaftliches Institut der Deutschen Arbeitsfront, "Die sozi-
ale Struktur und wirtschaftliche Stellung der Volksdeutschen aus
Osteuropa," January 19^0, lithographed.
EAP l-k-32/1 FT 1523901 Item of unknown provenance, "Tagung der Hauptzollamtsvor-
steher in Passau 2U.-31. Oktober 19^0." Interesting on German
financial problems and practices* Lectures on administrative
Rus tung skommando EAP l-k-35/1 FT 1523951* Rtt stung skommando Strassburg file of circulars and directives,
172- 155- Gauarbeitsamt Rheinland EAP l-k-35/2-3 FT 152)40714 Two files of circulars and regulations issued and received
173 156 by the Gauarbeitsamt Hheinland, 19^1-UU.
173 156 90. leichte Afrika- EAP l-k-35-10/ FT 152^619 Stray items of miscellaneous provenance, most of them docu-
Division if and e ments of the 90. leichte Afrika- Division pertaining to the strength
of its various units, 19^2-^3.
Afrika-Korps EAP l-k-35-10/ . FT 152*4770 Items of different provenance, most of them apparently cap-
Ih tured from units of the German Afrika-Korps, 19^2-^3,
Landratsamt Aachen EAP l-k-35-10/3 FT File of the Landratsamt Aachen on personnel, manpower, and
economic mobilization matters, 1939~^3.
Various Provenances EAP l~k-35-12/l FT Items of various provenances, most of them from local offices
under the Reichsministerium fttr R&stung und Kriegsproduktion,
dealing with labor problems and statistics, 19^2-^-U, but mostly
19^2. Included are some interesting statistics of German manpower
utilization in 19^2.
Reichsministerium fttr EAP l-k-35-12/2 FT 1525096 File "103 b 2, Massnahmen zur De doing des Kraftbedarfs in
Rttstung und Kriegs- der Rttstungs Industrie, Stillhalteabkommen, " August-October 19*40.
produktion, Rttstungs- Part of the files in EAP 66-aa/ll, 16,5,1*4, 20, 9, 27, and containing
kommando Wttrzburg a table of contents covering several of them. Includes reports on
conferences on labor needs of various firms in the area. From the
files of RMfRuK, RflKdo Wurzburg.
Various Provenances SAP l-k-35-12/3 FT 1525H93 Items of various provenances. The most important are audit
reports on parts of the Austrian oil industry, 19^5»
157 Reichsministerium fur EAP l-k-35-12/14 FT 1525597 Kriegstagebuch Rftstungskomroando Strassburg, 1. Jan. - 31
Rflstung und Kriegspro- March
duktion, Rilstungskommando
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
175 15S Deutsches Konsulat Neapel BAP l-k-35-ltyl IT Records of the German consulate in jjaples, pertaining
to Italian workers in Germany, 19^2-^3.Filmed by WW II Rec.Div,
1?6 159 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, BAP l-k-35-lty2 FT OKW/Wi Rtt Amt file containing a "Niederschrift der auf
Wehrwirtschafts- und Rftstungs- der gemeinsamen Tagung der Aussenstellen der zum Bereich des
amt Generalbevollmflchtigten fflr die Kriegswirtschaft gehdrenden
Wirtschaftsreasorts am 2. und 3« Februar 1937 gehaltenen Vor-
trage," mimeographed, geheime Reichssache, Interesting. For
other Wi Rft materials, see T-77« Inserted into the folder is
a stray item, "Neue Gliederung des Waffen- und Munitions-Be-
schaffungsamts nach dem Stand vom Dezember 1917.•lf
EAP 1- FT OKW/Wi Ril Amt copy of I.G. Farben, Volkswirtschaftliche
Abteilung, "Quellen und Methoden der Kriegsfinanzierung," 19^0,
mimeographed, vertraulich.
BAP l-n-12/1 FT 1525826 Stray item of unknown provenance reporting on a conference
in Freiburg on "Kommunalpolitische Schulung der Bftrgermeister
und Gemeindebediensteten,H no date, ca, 19^0,
Grossdeutsche Volksgemein- BAP l-o/l FT 1525830 Correspondence and other papers of Rosenberg in the Grose-
schaft, Miinchen (Rosenberg) deutsche Volksgemeinscheft from the first half of 192*4, Elec-
tion tactics, relations with other political groups, and other
EAP l-p-10/1 FT 1525869 Stray items of various provenances, most of them per-
taining to the Tannenberg-Bund and other Ludendorff followers*
Deutsches Konsulat Neapel EAP l-p-12/2 FT 1525897 File of the German consulate in Naples, wPol. U, Nr, 1,"
1937-38* containing correspondence concerning the prohibition
against membership in the Rotary Club by consuls and Wahlkonsuln.
Various Provenances EAP l-r-01/1-3 FT 1525927 Three folders made up of a large number of documents cap-
tured in the spring of 19^5 from many German units fighting on
the Western Front and pertaining to the activities of the
Nationalsozialistische FtLhrungsoffiziere in these units,
If5« Good material from the last months of the war*
BAP l-r-01/^ FT 1526217 Item of unknown provenance; Heeresgruppe C (Oberbefehls-
haber Sttdwest), Anweisungen und Hinweise der NS-Fflhrung in den
Kriegslazaretten Italiens, 19^5*
EAP l-r-01/5*6 FT 1526236 Stray items of German indoctrination material, 19^3-^5t
Some probaly distributed by NS-Ftlhrungsoffiziere* Items dealing
with V-weapons, 20 July plot.
Wehrkreis XI, NSFO EAP l-r-01/7 FT 1526250 File of the NSFO in Wehrkreis XI on the training of NS-
Serial Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 7

176 Various Provenances EAP l-r-01/S FT 1526316 A group of items of various provenances dealing with the
activities of the NS-Fflhrungsofflzlere in the German Army and
liavy, 19l&-l*5* Primarily their indoctrination material.
Oberkommando des Heeres, BAP l-r-01/9 FT 15265S8 A file of Oberstlt, v. Lersner of the NS-Ffthrungsstab des
NS-Ffthrungsstab des Heeres Heeres in the Oberkommando des Heeres, 19^31-^. The folder is of
the greatest interest. It contains Lersner s reports on his in-
spection trips to the front in the East, West, and Italy, some
papers on general topics relating to the NSFO and some correspond-
ence* The reports are particularly interesting for the Internal
problems of the German army*
Lei tkommandantur EAP l-r-01/10 FT 1526703 A file of the Leitkommandantur Verona NS-Ffthrungsoff izier,
Verona, NSFO containing primarily directives from the NSFO to the Bevollmach-
tigter General der Deutschen Wehrmacht in Italien, 19^5*
177 160 Wehrkreis XI, NSFO EAP l-r-01/11 FT 1526711 File of the NS-Ftthrungsoffizier Wehrkreis XI (Hannover)
about subordinate NSFO appointments, 19^«
18.Volke-Grenadier- EAP l-r-01/13 FT 15267^3 Materials of the NS-Ftthrungsoffizier of the 18, Volks-
Division, NSFO; Grenadier- Division (Western front), Sept.-Dec. 19*&«
Leichte Flak-Abteilung EAP 1-r-Ol/H* FT 1526787 File of the NS-Ftthrungsoffizier of the leichte Flak-Abtei-
83*+, NSFO; lung S3U, 19M4-U5.
Propaganda- Abteilung EAP l-r-01/15 FT 1526911 Miscellaneous papers of the Propaganda-Abteilung Frank-
Frankreich; reich, 19UO-U1,
Grenadier-Ersat z EAP l-r-01/16 FT 1526991 A file of the NS-Ftthrungsoffizier of the Grenadier-Ersatz
Bataillon 320, NSFO Bataillon 320 in Division ^07 (Wehrkreis VII), igUU-ty?,
712. Inf. Division, NSFO EAP l-r-01/l6a FT 1527211 File of the NS-Ftthrungsoffizier of the 712th Division or
and 18f a subordinate unit, 19 UU,
Oberkommando der Wehr- , EAP l-r-01/l6b FT 1527228 A file of Major Oxenius in the office of the NS-Ftthrungs-
macht, Wehrmachtfilhrungs- stab der Wehrmacht, 19^5 • Very interesting material,
stab, NS-Ftthrungsoffizier;
Various Provenances EAP l-r-01/l6c FT 1527355 Items of various provenances captured from German unite
on the Western Front pertaining to NS-Ftthrungsoffizier activities!
1.Bataillon Panzer- EAP l-r-01/l6d FT 1527^3 File of the NS-Ftthrungsoffizier of the 1st Batl, Pz. Regt,
Regiment 33f NSFO; 33 (9th Pz.Div.), 19)4U*
Grenadier-Regiment 9*7 EAP l-r-01/17 FT 1527555 File of the NS-Ftthrungsoffizier of Grenadier-Regiment 917
NSFO; Inf, Div.) 19**3-M4 (captured in France).
EAP l-r-01/18a FT 152761^ Stray items, primarily Indoctrination leaflets (Skorpion-
Informationsdienst) and other NSFO material,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 8
177 160 Various Provenances BAP l-r-01/18b FT 1527692 Items of various provenances, mostly apparently captured
on the Western Front early in 19^5 » pertaining to the activities
of the NS-Ftthrungsoffiziere, 19&4-45,
Heeres-Kraftfahr-Park 520 EAP l-r-01/18c FT 152787^ File of the NSFO of the Heeres-Kraftfahr-Park 520 in
Brussels, 19^3-UU,
. Volks-Grenadier- EAP l-r-01/lgd FT 1527935 NSFO material of the Nachridhten-Abteilung of the
Divislon, Nachrichten- Volks-Grenadier-Division,
178 161 70S. Volks-Grenadier EAP l-r-01/lge FT 1528012 NSFO material of a unit in the 70S, Volks-Grenadier-
Division; Division, 19*Uu
155« Art. Regiment EAP l-r~01/lgg FT 152803*1 NSFO files of a section of the 155th Art. Regt. (553*
Volks-Grenadier-Division), 19UH.
Panzer Ersatz- und Aus- EAP l-r-01/lgh FT 1528052 NSFO file of a unit in the Panzer-Ersatz- und Ausbil dungs-
bildungs-Abteilung 18; atteilung 18, 191&-H5.
Armeeoberkommando 7 EAP l-r-01/19 FT 152g232 File of the Armeeoterkommando 7 (France) containing mate-
rial of the Propaganda-Kompanie attached to it, with correspond-
ence concerning the Armee-Nachrichtenblatt, 19^1-^2.
Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt; EAP l-r-01/20 FT 1528305 Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt file of NSFO material, 19^U.
Various Provenances EAP l-r-01/20a FT 1528331 A file made up of a large number of items of various prove-
nances pertaining to the activities of the NS-Ftthrungsoffiziere
on all fronts, 19^. Very interesting material included. One
frame withdrawn for U.S. security classification,
EAP l-r-01/20b FT 1528601 Stray items of unknown provenance containing an OKW/WFSt.
Abt. Wehrmachtpropaganda, flyer on Soviet propaganda leaflets,
EAP l-r-01/21 FT 1528605 Various German leaflets (also some collaborator leaflets)
for distribution to German forces, primarily in 19^. Propa- -
ganda for continued resistance. Also included is a leaflet,
probably from 1939 or 19^0, "proving" that British destroyers
sank the "Athenia" (torpedoed by a U-Boat).
EAP l-r-01/22 FT 1528655 Stray items, German anti-American propaganda pictures,
Various Provenances EAP l-r-01/23 FT 1528665 A folder consisting of a large number of items of differ-
ent provenances pertaining to the indoctrination of German
troops, especially by the NS-Fflhrungsoffiziere, mainly
Included are quite a few items used in the indoctrination of
the collaborator units made up of Soviet nationals (many of
these are in Russian),
Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 9
2. Kompanie Landes- EAP l-r-01/2^ FT File on NSFO matters of the 2, Kompanie Landesschutzen
schtttzen Ausb11dungs-Bt1.6; AusUldungs-Bat 1. 6, 19*4u
Various Provenances EAP l-r-01/25 FT A folder made up of a large number of items of different
provenances pertaining to the indoctrination of German soldiers,
primarily by the NS-Ffthrungsoffiziere, 19*&. These were appar-
ently captured from various German units in Italy and France
during 19*&.
EAP l^r-01/26 FT 1529138 Folder made up of a wide variety of items :?rom various
provenances pertaining to the indoctrination of German soldiers*
1939-^3* Included are air force and army items.
EAP l-r-01/28 FT 1529283 Unknown provenance, a group of propaganda items concerning
the efforts at greater mobilization of German resources after
Stalingrad, probably 19*43•
Grenadier Ersatz- und EAP l-r-10/6 FT 1529296 NS-Ftthrungsoffizier material of the Grenadier Ersatz- und
Ausbildungs-Batl. 36; Ausbildungs- Batl. 36, 19*&-1*5.
IV* Festungs-Stammtruppe EAP l-r-10/7 FT 15293H Stray NS-Fflhrungsoffizier item of IV. Festungs-Stammtruppe
LXXXIX , LXXXIX, 2 .Oct. 19^» pertaining to rumors about the 20 July re-
179 162 ? EAP l-s/1,3-5 FT 1529313 These folders contain a collection of leaflets and similar
material, most of it of Allied origin, directed to the Germans
and their allies* 1939-^5* AH fronts and types are represented.
A few are German leaflets made up to look like Allied ones. A
few may be from internal German opposition groups. Included
are Allied reprints of the Munich students1 appeal of 19^3*
Many of these were apparently taken by the Allies from the Ger-
man offices that had collected them.
EAP l-s/6 FT 1530H96 Stray items of unknown provenance dealing with troubles
in the Ost-Batterie 582, June 19^4 (France).
EAP l-s/7 FT Stray items, apparently prepared by a former soldier in
the German army who was of Austrian origin and reports on the
Austrians in the German army and his own experiences* 19^1-^.
ISO 163 Professor Schmid-Noerr EAP l-s/8 FT No frames A file, apparently from Professor Schmid-Noerr, containing
papers* probably written in 1939. attacking the Nazi regime*
containing proposals for the new Germany after its overthrow*
proclamations* and other explanations anticipating an overthrow
of the Hitler regime. Filmed by the National Archives* World
War II Records Division.
EAP l-s-10/1-5 FT 1530522 File of miscellaneous and unknown provenances containing
Continued material pertaining to German efforts to discredit and counter
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 10
Allied propaganda,
181 EAP l-s-10/6 FT 15306^0 Item of unknown provenance. Text of a lecture by Lt. Dr.
Eichenlaub, "Zensur, ihre Entstehung, ihr Zweck und ihre An-
wendung," 11 March 19^0.
EAP l-s-10/7 FT 153067^ A most interesting stray item, A report "by the commander
of the Ost-Bataillon 6^2 to the Xommandeur der Osttruppen z.b.
V, 70^- of 6 September 19^3 on the internal problems of the Ost
units at that time. Belated to the crisis in the collaborator
units that led to the transfer of these units to the West
shortly after the time of this report,
Verbindungsstelle EAP 1-t/la FT 1530682 A file of the Verbindungsst ell e Frankreich der Organisation
Frankreich der Organi- der Deutschen Wirtschaft about their publications,
sation der Deutschen
BAP l-t-10/1,2 FT 1530808 Stray items dealing with propaganda and indoctrination
and 1-t-ll/l matters, 19^3-^* including German Army leaflets dealing with
the 20 July,
EAP 1-t-l2-10/1 FT 1530833 Unknown provenance, The SD Monatsbericht XIII (June 1936) »
only the section Schrifttum, with sections onj "Die Anthropo*
sophie,1" "Der Kampf der katholischen Kirche urn die Bekenntnis-
schule im Spiel von Presse und Schrifttum," and "Die Ariosophie,"
l-t-12-10/2 FT 1530886 File of unknown provenance containing various papers on
Georg Mo«nius, 1931-32, and related to the struggle of the
NSDAP with Catholic political movements. Correspondence with
Oberlt, Schulz (Fehme) is included,
Reichspropagandaamt EAP 1- FT 1530955 Files containing a collection of geheime Rundschreiben
Luxemburg 1 of the Presseabteilung des Reichapropagandaamtes und des Chefs
der Zivilverwaltung in Luxemburg, 19^2-^-, Very interesting
series of directives on German news and propaganda policy,
Also included are copies of the Tagesparolen des Reichspresse-
chefs and Rundschreiben of Gau Mo s el land. The documents are
probably for the most part from the files of the Reichepropa-
gandaamt office in Luxemburg. There are stray items from other
- 16H- Der Welt-Dienst EAP 1-W1S/.1 FT Two files from the editorial office of the Welt-Dienst,
1S2 165 2 1531990 the German anti-Semitic periodical published in many languages,
19^3-^4. These contain drafts of articles to appear in the
various issues with editorial changes and indications as to
Continued which edition they were to be published in. It should be noted
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 11
that articles were often restricted to one or a few of the edi-
tions; the different language editions are therefore not simply
translations of each other. See also EAP l-tb~02/3.
1812 165 Various Provenances EAF l-t-18/3-1* 15321MWL Folder of stray items of various provenances containing
German indoctrination material, primarily "based on Wehrmachtbe-
richte and including reports on the 20 July, 19*&-^5t with some
earlier items.
EAP l-t-l*0/l FT 1532730 Stray item, no date, A chart of the newspapers under the
Hauptschriftleitung Gauverlag Bayreuth (der NSDAP) listing the
newspapers in the area and their circulation figures.
EAP l-t~U2/l FT 1532732 Stray items of unknown provenance, releases of Deutsches Strassburg, 19^.
182- 165- Walter Fringe, Brussels EAP l-t-Utyla.b FT 15327^2 Correspondence file of Walter Fringe, Brussels corre-
183 166 correspondent of the EAP l-t-l*U/lc FT 1533337 spondent of the Frankfurter Zeitung, 1937-^2« Interesting on the
Frankfurter Zeitung internal situation in Belgium in the years covered, especially
from the economic point of view, but also other subjects. Infor-
mation on the political management of German newspapers.
183 166 Deutscher Fichte-Bund EAP l-t-1+5/3 1533667 A file, probably of the Fichte-Bund, containing a collec-
e.V. tion of Fichtetundbla'tter printed in various languages* about
1935-36» dealing with political issues or containing speeches of
leading National Socialists.
EAP l-t-66/1 FT A file of the Fernseh-GmbH containing the vertrauliches
Rundschreiben und Presserundschreiben and other directives issued
as circulars to German periodicals by the Reichspropagandaamt
Berlin, 1939-^2, Interesting for official steering of the press.
Continued in EAP l-t-66/2.
167- EAP l-t-66/2 FT 153^738 File of the Fernseh-GmbH continuing EAP l-t-66/1 for 19^3-
185 168 l*5« Contains primarily Kulturpolitische Informationen of the
Reichspropagandaamt Berlin.
185 168 EAP l-t-70/1 FT Stray item, OB West, NS-F&hrung Informationsdienst of
25 March 19^5.
EAP l-tb-02/3 FT 153^999 A file, possibly from the Welt-Dienst, with translations
of newspaper articles and other material for use in this anti-
Semitic publication, 19^3. See EAP l-t-18/1-2.
Kreiskommandantur 883 EAP l-tb-02/l* FT 1535635 File of a Krdskommandantur containing the "Berichter-
stattung aus der Pariser Morgenpresse," issued by the Verwaltungs-
stab of the Chef des Mil.-Verw.-Bezlrks A, April-Sept. 19^1*
EAP l-w-10/1-2 FT 1535S27 Stray items concerning German and Allied propaganda in
mostly leaflets of both sides.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Notes 12

185 168 SAP l-w-01/3 FT 153586U File of unknown provenance containing the texts in English
of some propaganda "broadcasts, probably addressed to Englandin
19^3, entitled "John Squire Speaking."
185- 168- Reichspropagandaamt EAP l-x-01/1 FT 1536009 The Reichspropagandaamt Frankfurt file of teletyped direc-
186 169 Frankfurt tives from the Reichspropagandaamt in Berlin with detailed in-
structions for radio announcers, speakers, etc,, January-Feb-
ruary 19^. Important for German propaganda procedures.
186 169 t SAP l-x-02/1 FT 1536^05 Stray items of German propaganda, leaflets, Goebbels
speeches, etc., 19^.
NSBAP, Gaupropagandaamt ? EAP l-x-02/2 FT 15361*73 File of an unidentifiable Gaupropagandaamt containing
material for propaganda Issued by the Reichspropagandaamt in
Berlin and other offices, 19UH-U5.
Reichsluftfahrtministerium,EAP lj-b-10/1 FT 1536569 The copy of section LC II in the Reichsluftfahrtmini-
Generalluftzeugmeister, sterium, Generalluftzeugmeister, Technisches Amt of the "Er-
Technisches Amt fahrungsbericht uber die Explosion in der Sprengstoff-Fabrik
Reinsdorf am 13. Juni 1935»" dealing with a major industrial
accident and its lessons for wartime airraid dangers* For
other records of the Reiohsluftfahrtministerlum, see T-177,
18, Volksgrenadier- SAP U-d/1 Stray item from a company of the 18, Volksgrenadier-
Division Division containing a Feb9 19^5 order concerning self-in-
flicted wounds.
EAP 8-d/l An important stray item of unknown provenance, A copy
of a report by Major Balzer, Verbindungsoffizier of the Ober-
kommando der Wehrmacht, Wehrmachtpropaganda office, to the
Reichsministerium f&r Tolknn-^i'klarung und Propaganda for the
Chef of the Wehrmachtpropaganda office (Wedel) on the 20 July
19^U attempt to take over by the opposition. The report is
dated B21, Juni 194Uir which is presumably a typing error for
21. Juli 19l&.
EAP 8~d/2 FT 1536617 An important stray item of unknown provenance. It is
apparently a carbon copy of a letter by a participant in the
Kapp Putsch to Graf Reventlow of 19, Jan, 1922 defending the
actions of the Kappists against some criticism Reventlow had
EAP 8-h/l FT 1536630 Items of unknown provenance, probably from some Reichs-
wehr files, containing several analyses, of, reports on, and
lessons learned from the suppression of the uprising in Berlin
in January and March 1919, 1919-20,
Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes 13
186 FT 153670H Stray items dealing with German evacuations and scorched
earth tactics in 19^5*
Wtlrttembergisches FT 153672? A file, possibly of the Wurttembergisches Innenministerium,
Innenministerium ? with directives for the evacuation of the combat area in the West
in case of hostilities, 21 July 1939*
Q-auwirt schaf t skammer EAP 9-C-13/2 FT 15367*7 Gauwirtschaftskammer Oberrhein copies of circulars about
Oberrhein; manpower problems, October 19^.
Bilrgerraeister der EAP 9-e/l FT 1536797 An item from an office under the mayor of the city of
Stadt Luxemburg Luxemburg dealing with plans for caring for airraid victimsi no
date, but about 19^3 •
Generalreferat BAP 9-f/2 FT 1536828 A file of the Generalreferat Luftkrieg in Berlin, an office
Luftkrieg subordinate to Staatssekretar Haumann, pertaining to the evacu-
ation of parts of the office from Berlin, March 19^5* Contains
some interesting information on the whole question of the evacu-
ation of Reich agencies from Berlin as the Red Army approached
the city,
Wttrttembergisches EAP 9-f/3 FT 1536863 File of the Wurttembergisches Innenministerium, MRv 259,Ge&
Innenministerium Bd. II, Umquartierungsmassnahraen aus Grttnden der Luftgefahrdung,
Allgemeines," 19H3-M,
Oberkommarido der Wehr- EAP ll-b-12/1 FT 1537312 A stray item, probably belonging with 'the OKW/Wi Rd Amt
macht, Wehrwirtschafte- material filmed in T-77» with the text of a talk delivered by
und Rttstungsamt Colonel Gautier of the Wirtschaftsstab at the Wehrmachtsakademie
on "Der Wirtschaftskrieg," 7 Feb. 1938.
Industrie- und Handels- EAP ll-b-16/1 FT Material from the files of the Industrie- und Handel skammer
kammer Augsburg Augsburg, Geschaftsverteilungsplane of the Landwirtschaftsamt,
Ftlhrungsstab Wirt schaf t, and Be z irk swirt schaf tsamt of the Regie-
rungsprflsident in Wehrwirtschaftsbezirk XIII, 19^0-Ul.
EAP ll~b-18/l FT 1537^ Stray item, Verteiler of the Wehrkreiskommando XII (Wies-
baden), 16 Jan. 19^1.
Various Provenances EAP ll-b-18/7 .PS 1537^21 A file of stray items from and concerning Wehrkreise. The
routine items have been omitted. Filmed are documents pertaining
to the last-minute fighting in 19^5* One item pertaining to the
defense of Berlin. Rules on distribution of religious literature
in the Army, 1939- Other items of general interest. The first
document (according to documents in the custody of the National
Archives, World War II Records Division) is the diary of General-
major Kohl "bach, Kommandeur of Wehrbezirkskommando Gelsenkirchen
for the period 28 March-5 April 19^5, It is an extremely inter-
esting document on the last part of the war.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

186- 169- Eisenbahnpionier-Schule EAP ll-b-18/8 FT 1537^59 A file of the Eisenbahnpionier-Schule containing the fol-
187 170 lowing Geschaftseinteilungsplfine: Chef des Ausbildungswesens
im Ersatzheer, 21 July 195U. Eisenbahnpionierabteilung (In 10),
1 July 19^. Inspektion des Erziehungs- und Bildungswesens des
Heeresi 15 May 19^3, June igUO* and 1 June 19^2. Eisenbahn-
pionier*Stab z.b.V., 1 July 19^2, Eisen'bahnpioniera'bteilung
(In 10), 1 Jan, 19^2; 1 Nov, 19^0, Wehrkreiskommando III, 15
May 19^2; 15 Sept. igiH; and 15 Feb. 19^1,
187 170 EAP 11-c-lH/l FT 1537595 Stray item, "Grliederung der Einheiten einer Pz. Div.,M
lithographed, no date, perhaps 19^0.
, Infanterie- EAP ll-c-lU/2 FT 1537630 The 3^7. Infanterie-Division copy of the new Grand-
Division gliederung for the infantry division issued "by the Oterkommando
des Heeres/ Gen. St. d. H. / Organisationsabteilung, May 19^-U,
EAP ll-c-lU/3 withdrawn for U.S. security classification.
EAP ll-c-16/1 FT 15376HS Reproduction of a stray item: OKH/Gen.-Stab des Heeres/
Chef Heeresnachrichtenwesen MIa Nr. 802/45g. Kdos., Einsatz-
Gliederung der Nachrichtentruppe," 16 Feb. 19^5* Complete
order of "battle of the German Nachrichtentruppe.
EAP ll-c-22/1 FT 1537663 Stray item of unknown provenance: Wehrersatz~Inspektion
Kassel order for drafting men into the army, 28 March 19^5. 11
Wehrersatz~Inspektion EAP ll-c-22/U FT 1537671 The "Geschaftsordnung der Wehrer sat zinspekt ion Kassel,
Eassel 1 June 1937 with corrections made in the Wehrersatz-Inspektion
through 194l.
EAP ll-c-30/1 FT 1537731 Stray items from the German occupation administration in
France, One is the Feldkommandantur 723 (Caen) directive for
the activity of Standortkommandanturen of 15 Nov. 19^2; the
other is Feldkommandantur 5^-1 order on Ortskommandanturen, no
date, but about 19^1.
Re i ch sluft fahr tmi ni- EAP ll-c-32/1 FT 15377^7 This folder contains some odds and ends. The most impor-
sterium, Generalluft- tant is a file which originally belonged to the Waffenprflfwesen
zeugmeister, Technisches g (airplanes) section of the Heereswaffenamt. It was their file
Amt H i e" and contains material on the secret air rearmament ac-
tivities in 1932, with special reference to the test stations
at Rechlin, Kummersdorf, and Jttterbog (The Ar-Fall referred to
was mobilization). After the creation of the Reichsluftfahrt-
ministerium, this file was taken over by it and incorporated
into the files of the office LC III of the Technisches Aint
under the Generalluftzeugmeister, Related Luftfahrtministerium
Continued files would be in T-177? related Heereswaffenamt files would be
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Ho tee
in T-77. See also EAP ll-c-118/1.
187 170 DAP 11-c-HO/l FT 1537775 Stray item. OKW/Gen. St. d.H,/General der Artillerie,
"Artilleristische Mitteilungen HP. 17," 1 July 19^. Artillery
organization, experiences, enemy tactics,
EAP ll-c-62/1 FT 1537790 Stray item, unknown provenance. Zentra-Kraft-Ost, Aussen-
stelle Ag.K., "Bin Jahr ZKO, 31.5.^1-31.5.^2." A lithographed
report on the activities of an organization apparently set up to
take care of problems related to vehicles in the Russian campaign.
Salvage of vehicles and parts, provision of spare parts, repair
stations, fuel and tires* etc.
Reichsluftfahrtmini- EAP ll-c-118/1 FT 1537322 An important file, from the Reichsluftfahrtministerium,
sterium, Generalluft- Generalluftzeugmeister, Technisches Amt, Abteilung LC Hit con-
zeugmeister, Technisches taining a document on the relations between this section and the
Amt corresponding section in the Heereswaffenamt (Wirtschaftsabtel-*
lung of Thomas) and a most interesting document with objections
to the overhurried efforts of Hitler in trying to get the 63~
division program accomplished, 193^« See also EAP ll-c-32/1.
Reiohswirtschafts- EAP ll-h-10/10 FT 1537S31 RWM, Hauptabteilung III (Wirtschaftsorganisation) file
ministerium, Haupt- "A 1.5., Die Ehrengerichte der Handwerkskammern, Bd. U,M 1939-^»
abteilung III Other RWM files in T-71 and in T-8U, EAP 60ff.
EAP ll-h-10/6 FT 1538032 RWM, Hauptabteilung, III file "A.3.15, Beiheft 5 zu Bd.l,
III Handwerksverordnung, Selbststandige Handwerksausilbung auch
durch nicht in die Handwerksrolle eingetragener Personen»" 19^1-
UH. See T-71 and EAP 60ff.-parts of T8U.
187- 170- EAP ll-h-10/7, FT 1538368, Three files of the RWM, Hauptabteilung III. "Geheim-Akten
188 171 9, FT 1538851t Handwerk, Bd. l,n 1936-39; "Geheim-Aktenw Handwerk, Bd. 1, Bei-
2 FT 1539157 heft 1 (case of Schneidermeister Doebel), 1938; "Geheim-Akten
Handwerk, Bd. 2," 1938-^1.
EAP ll-h~10/8 FT 1539629 RWM, Hauptabteilung II file MBB 1,66, Die Reichs-, Landes-
und Kreis-Handwerksmeister /SandwerksfuhrerJ", Bd. ty,11 19^2-H^,
189 172 EAP ll-h-10/l,U FT 1539^55 Two files of the RWM, Hauptabteilung III. "B3*H,, Versi-
cherungsangelegenheiten u. Altersversorgung des Selbstst&ndigen
Handwerks, Bd. 3,M 1938-^1; and Bd. ^, 19H1-M.
189- 172- EAP ll-h-10/5 FT 1510891 RWM, Hauptabteilung III file "B.15.20, Hausgewerbetreibende,
190 173 Heimarbeit, Zwischenmeister, Bd. 1," 1933-^3, A good deal of
information on social policy,
190 173 EAP ll-h-10/11 FT 15)415^0 RWM. Hauptabteilung III file "B.15,33., Regiebetriebe,
Bffentlicne Hand, WirtscKaftsprufer und Hand. Anschlagwesen, Bd.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 16

190 173 Reichswirtschaftsraini- EAP ll-h-10/3 FT A file of the Reichswirtschaftsministerium, perhaps

sterium Hauptabteilung II or III, "B 3,63, Wirtschaftliche Organisation
des Handwerks und der Wirtschaft, Bd. 3," 19^4-^5. Includes
correspondence "between Ohlendorf and Reichshandwerkmeister
Schramm and also "Unterlagen betr, eine etwaige Zusammenlegung
der Reichsgruppe Handel mit der Reichswirtschaftskammer u,
Unterlagen liber Zahl der Gefolgscjaftsmitglieder der R, I.
(Reichsinnungs-) Verb&nde und sel"bst, Fachgruppen, M 19^5*
BAP ll-h-12/1 FT 15^2118 Stray item mainly about the Re ichspostmini sterium. In-
cluded is a document on the organization of the Wehrforschungs-
Gemeinschaf t des Reichsforschungsrates (under Osenberg) , Oct.
190- 173- Wttrtt, Innenmini sterium EAP ll-h-18/1 FT 15^2188 . Innenministerium file "Abwehr," 1938-UU. Material
191 concerning routine security matters,
T EAP ll-h-20/1 FT A stray item of great interest, A Ulpp, unsigned typed
memorandumf "Kritik am Verwaltungsaufbau und Gedanken ZUT Neu~
ordnung der Selbstverwaltung,11 No date, tut about 19^U. It is
possible that this is one of the memoranda drawn up by Goerdeler
after his arrest and would then belong to the papers of the
Sonderkommission fill of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (see also
EAP ll-h~25/l FT 15^2976 File of unknown provenance, perhaps of the Bilrgermeister-
amt Ludwigshafen am Rheinf containing a memorandum, "Die Deutsche
Gemeindeordnung, Wesen, Bedeutung und Ziel derselben auf Grund
ihrer Hauptrechtsgrunds&tze,M 2^ Oct. 1935*
NSDAP, Gau Baden, Amt EAP ll-h-25/2 FT 1523025 Material of the NSDAP, Gau Bed en, Amt fflr Kommunalpolitik
Kommunalpolitik pertaining to the gas supply for Baden and Alsace, 19^1-^2.
Other Gau Baden files are in T-81.
EAP 12-13-17/3 FT 15^3038 Various materials pertaining to Zulassung zum aktiven
Wehrdienst, 19^3-UU,
Various Provenances EAP 12-b-20/l FT 15^3077 A wide variety of items dealing with the subject of special
types of soldiers and troops within the German ^-myj Volks-
deutsche, Italians, Hungarians, Germans from newly annexed
areas, Soviet prisoners of war, etc,, 19^3-^«
Generalkommando LXXX EAP 12-b-20/2 FT 15*0155 LXXX Armeekorps file on the treatment of Soviet nationals
Armeekorps serving with the German .Army primarily in regard to decorations,
19^3~^» LXXX AK was in Heeresgruppe D in France,
Georgisches Inf, Btl. 795 EAP 12-b-20/3 FT 15^3186 A file, probably of the Georg, Inf. Batl. 795 with regula-
Continued tions and other material on the treatment of Osttruppen,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 17
This outfit was in AOK 7 (NW France).
191 17!* Oberkommando der Wehr- BAP 12-d-12/3 FT 15^3313 Material; from the OKW, probably the adjutantur of Chef OKW,
macht, Chef OKW Keitel, pertaining fto efforts to : comb out troops for the fighting
front under Hitler s order of 27 Nov. 19^3, 19U3-1&.
EAP 12-h-l FT 15^3363 Papers of the Chef OKW concerning the last efforts to get
men into the Germgn Army (Goebbels-Aktion) in the spring of 19^5.
The documents date from March and April 19**5» Annotations marked
«K» are Keitel »s»
EAP 12-h/2 FT 15^3373 Stray iteitt, possibly a Grermaa translation of excerpts of a
captured Soviet intelligence report on "Die Menschenreserven
Deutschlands in Kriege mit der UdSSR,rt Jan. 19*&.
Oberkommando der 12~h/3 FT 15^3377 A stray item from the files of the OKW (with notes initialled
Wehrmacht by Keitel), "Einziehungsplan filr November und Dezember 19W*t-ir 21
Nov. 19UU. Plans for drafting men for the German ariwd forces.
EAP 12-h-lQ/l and 12-i-10/l. These two folders were not
filmed. They are barely legible photostats of important compila-
tions of statistics on German losses and conscription plans during
World War I!* /available the World War II. Records Division,
National Archives, Alexandria, Va.
EAP 12-1-10/3 FT 15^3379 Various stray items Orf which the one of interest is a report
on the 1939 mobilization,; by.. the Wehrbezirkskpmmando Mftnchen-
Gladbach, Nov. 1939.
EAP 12-i-lO-lO/l FT 15^3397 Stray items concerning manpower problems of the German Army.
The interesting item is the text of a talk of an unidentified
Wehrkreisbefehlshaber on the problem of getting people out of
industry into the army, given in the winter of
Wehrbezirkskommando EAP 12-1-10-10/9 FT 151*31*25 Files- of the Wehrbezirkskommando Monschau,
Monschau eluded are files on the Tunis- and Stalingrad soldiers and the
status of former members of the Belgian Army in the German Army.
Wehrkreis 71 EAP 12-1-10-3^/1 W 15^3663 Stray item of Wehrkreis VI on the drafting of certain
categories of Wehrunwttrdige, 19^3*
EAP 12-i-10-36/l FT 15^3671 Various items on Jews and Mischlinge in the German Army,
Oberkommando der Wehr- EAP 12-i-lO-HO/l FT 15^3700 Stray item, OKW, Wehrmacht fuhrungs stab copy of letter,
macht, Wehrmacht- Keitel to Goebb^ls, on the manpower situation and new inductees
ftthrungsstab; of the German Army, August-Oct, 19^, 11 Nov.
Wehrbezirkskommando EAP 12-1-12/2 FT Wehrbezirkskommando Ansbach 19^5 re.cords0
Serial Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 18
192 Wehrmacht standort- EAP 12-k-l6/5 FT 15^3738 Handakte of the Wehrmachtstandortaltester Hameln,
altester Hameln U5. Quite interesting "both for developments in military
matters of local interest and for the periodic Stimmungs-
berichte and other reports on soldier and popular attitudes,
EAP 13-h-lO/l, FT Stray items dealing with the marriage regulations of the
2, German Armed Forces,
Ftthrerhauptquart ier EAP 13,-m-lO/l FT "Besprechung des Ftthrers mit General oberst Jodl am 31«7*
in der Wolf schanze, " Geheime Reichssache. Typed transcript
(carbon copy) with file number t "S 121/UU. " This is probably
the Abendlage. Not included in Felix Gilbert, Hitler directs
His War. The provenance of the document is presumably the
EAP 13~m~12/l FT 15^163 Stray item of unknown provenance. Text of a speech by
Himmler to the Wehrkreisbefehlshaber and Schulkommandeure in
Jftgerhtthe, 21 Sept. 19^U, Very interesting.
Oberkommando der Wehr- EAP 13-n/l FT OKW/Amt Ausland/Abwehr file, "B 13 n, Geschaftsbetrieb,"
macht, Amt Ausland/Abwehr; 193S-l|l|. Organizational and administrative matters.
Oberkommando des Heeres EAP 13-v-lO/l FT A file of the director of the Heeresarchiv Mflnchen under
Chef der Heeresarchive the Chef der Heeresarchive ioi OKH, containing copies of the re-
ports sent to Berlin by the Beauftragter des Chefs der Heeres-
archive in Belgium and France, 19U(X-iH, and letters of the Be-
auftragter in Belgium to Munich. Information on Belgian and
French archives. This folder belongs to the material in R.G.
1028 (section h/UO) filmed on T-78, rolls iff.
Reichskanzlei EAP 13-y/3 FT A file "Sammlung von Rundschreiben, " Sept. 1939~Jan«
19^5, of one of the officials of the Reichskanzlei, possibly
Willuhn, It contains copies of a wide variety of orders and
decrees sent by Lammers to the Reich and Party agencies, fre-
quently in behalf of Hitler. The collection provides a useful
reference tool for German government affairs during the war.
They are also interesting as they show the manner in which
decisions were handled at the top through Lammers.
General der Luftwaffe EAP FT A file of the Luftwaffenstandortoffizier in Paris listing
Paris, Der Luftwaffen- the disciplinary offenses of air force members, monthly and by
standortoffizier; category, July 19U2-March 19^U.
192- 175- EAP ll*-a/10 FT Stray items on the indoctrination of army officers, 1939 »
193 176 and undated later items.
Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes

193 176 EAP lU-a/12 FT Stray items dealing with disciplinary rules, problems,
13 and offenses in the German Armed Forces,
EAP lH-a-10/1 FT
SAP l^-a-12/1 FT

EAP lU-b/1 FT
EAP lU-b-10/1 FT
EAP iH-b-ltyl FT
R177- 21. Flak-Division EAP lU-c-1.0/1 FT Files of the 21. Flak-Division containing copies of the
197 R180 2 decisions and the bases for the decisions of courts-martial
involving members of the division in 19^3-^5* Filmed as a
sample of the kinds of cases occuring and their disposition.
Of special interest is the fact that many of the defendants
were Luftwaffenhelfer about 17 years old.
Note: Frame 15^-7^8 was not used at beginning of
Roll R179.
198 181 Various' EAP lU-c-10/5 FT Stray items of various provenances dealing with im-
6 position of penalties, including the death penalty, in the
7 German Army,
EAP lU-c-10/lla,
Reichsjustizmini- EAP lH-c-10/12 FT Photostat of a Reichsjustizministerium file on the case
sterium of Paul Helms, sentenced to death for communist activity,
19^2-^5. Goes into the activities of the communist underground
in the last 1930fs. (Nuremberg document BBT-16S1).
EAP lU-c-10/13 FT 15^9570 Photostat of Reichsjustizministerium file on the case of
Lothar Hofman, sentenced to death for communist underground
activities in the 1930fs. (Nuremberg document BBT-168^).
Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 80
EAP lU-c-12/1 FT 151*9611 Various stray items dealing with disciplinary and honor
EAP ll*-d/l problems, 1926-^5» Interesting are the samples of "honor"
EAP lU-e/1 questions, especially on the permissibility of shooting
prisoners of war.
EAP lU-f/1 FT Stray items including the order of 0"ber"befehlsha"ber West
announcing the execution of those responsible for letting the
Americans capture the Remagen "bridge intact (with Sippenhaft
for the one captain who got away) .
Gericht der EAP lU-f/2 FT 15U9655 File of the Gericht der 5» Pz.-Armee on the case of
Armee Obergefreiter Heinz Hellriegel sentenced to ten years Zucht-
haus for Zersetzung der Vehrkraft (saying naughty things about
Hitler), 19UU.
SAP lU-f-11/1 FT Stray item on Sippenhaft for deserters and those aiding
the enemy as prisoners of war, 5 Feb. 19^5*
Militarischer Ea- EAP lU-f-11/3 FT A file of the milit. Kasernen-Kommandant Bonn contain-
se rnen-Kommandan t, ing arrest orders for a number of German soldiers accused of
Bonn anti-Nazi statements or actions, 19^.
EAP l - FT 15^9761 Stray items of various provenances dealing with an-
EAP lU-f-18/1 15^976U nouncements of offenses by German military personnel and
EAP ll4-f-18/2 15^9767 their punishments circulated in the German Armed Forces,

EAP FT 15^9813 Various stray items dealing with disciplinary problems

in the German Army, 19^0-^5« Most of these items deal with
EAP lU-g-10/1 the problems of desertion, absence without leave, and plunder-
EAP llj-g-12/1 1511985!* ing, in the last months of the war.
2 151*9887
EAP 1^-g-lU/l 15^9890
EAP lMi-10/1 15^9925
EAP lU-m/1 FT 15^9927 A file of uncertain provenance containing Runderlasse of
the Amtsgruppe Recht of the Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und
Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe, 19U3-UU,
Gericht der EAP FT 1550061 A file of the Gericht der 4l6. Inf.-Division (Denmark),
Inf.-Division "Anordnungen auf dem Gebiet des Kriegsstrafrechts," 19^2-UU.
198- 181- Gericht des Wehr- EAP lU-n/2 FT 1550275 File of a Gericht in ¥ehrkreis VI (Munster) containing
199 182 kreises VI regulations of the German Army in Recht- and Gnadenangelegen-
heiten, 1937-^1.
Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes 21

199 182 Gericht des Kommandieren- EAP lU-n/3 FT 1550721 File of the Gericht des Kommandierenden Generals der
den Generals der Siche- Sicherungstruppen und Befehlshaber im Heeresgebiet Stld with
rungstruppen und Befehls- regulations in the field of military justice,
haber im Heeresgebiet Stid
? EAP lU-n-12/U FT 1551019 Stray item containing Hitler-OKW order of April
dropping distinction between Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS Gerichts-
Wdrtt. Innenministerium EAP lH-x-12/1 FT 1551021 File of the Wttrtt. Innenministerium containing material
on the 1939 mobilization, March-July, 1939.
? EAP lH-x-13/1 FT 155H37 Stray item. Reichs- und Preussisches Ministerium des
Innern, "Anweisung filr den Verstarkten Polizeisdiutz im Falle
eines Krieges oder einer Spannungszeit, Herausgegeben im Au-
gust 1936." Lithographed. Geheime Reichssadie.
EAP FT 1551181 Stray items concerning the acquisition of German citizen-
ship, 19U1-1&.
Bevollmfichtigter des Pflh- EAP 17-d/l FT 1551187 A file of the Bevollmachtigte des Ftihrers fttr Kraftfahr-
rers fflr Kraftfahrzeug- zeug-Einsatz und -Erf as sung on the establishment of Wehrmacht-
Einsatz und-Erfassung fahrbereitschaften (Wefas) in the Wehrkreise, 19l|U-l|5.
? EAP 17-g-lS/l FT 1551322 Stray item describing allied tanks, especially the Soviet
EAP FT 155133^ Miscellaneous correspondence of General der Artillerie,
Gallenkainp, Kommandierender General des LXXX. Armeekorps (in
AOK 1, southern France), 19^. Items of minor importance,
only the first item is of interest on the evaluation of the
OB of AOK 1, General Lemelsen, of his troop commander in 19^
on the eve of the invasion.
Genral von Faber du Faur EAP 21-a-lU/5 FS 1551355 Papers of General von Faber du Faur, pertaining primarily
to his service as German military attache in Belgrade, 1935-39*
Various personal papers such as driver's license, rental agree-
ment, etc., omitted.
199- 182- General Hitter von Pohl EAP 21-a-lU/17 FT 1551516 Correspondence of General Ritter von Pohl, German air
200 183 attache in Italy, General der Deutschen Luftwaffe beim Ober-
komraando der Kgl. Italienischen Luftwaffe, etc., for the period
19^2-^5* Personal correspondence, appointments, official trips,
relations with the Italians and other German commands.
Note: Frame 155195*4 not used at end of roll,
200 183 Various EAP 21-a-lU/19 FT 1552036 A folder made up of three entirely separate parts. The
first is correspondence, probably from the files of Field-
Continued marshall Kesselring as Oberbefehlshaber der Heeresgruppe C
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 22
concerning complaints against Generainsjor Ehlert, the com-
mander of the 114. Jftger-Division, 1945. The second is cor-
respondence of Oberst Schleinitz, Verbindungsoffizier Gen.St.
d.H. zum O.K.M. (i. Seekriegsleitung), 1943-44. This cor-
respondence contains interesting material on the campaign in
Italy and the German loss of the Crimea. At the end of the
folder is a one-page item related to materials in the EAP 109
series (T-84, Serial 39); it is a copy of the last letter of
Graf Ulrich-Wilhelm Schwerin von Schwanenfeld to his wife, of
8 Sept. 1944, "before his execution for participation in the
plot on Hitler's life.
200- 183- Oberst Rudelsdorff EAP 21-a-l4/21, FT 1552086 Correspondence of Oberst Rudelsdorff, a high official
201 in the OKW/Feldwirtschaftsamt, 1944. These files are of
23b considerable importance for the operations of the Feldwirt-
schaftsamt and supplement the records of that office filmed
on T-77. See also EAP 21-g-l6/2b (Serial 166).
201 184 Otto-Ernst SchMdekopf EAP 21-a-l4/22 FT 1553508 Correspondence of Otto-Ernst SchiJlddekopf pertaining to
his work for the Kriegswissenschaftliche AbteiluEg der Luft-
waffe, the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, and the Oberkommando
der Wehrmacht, but primarily concerning his various publi-
cations, 19^0-UU, especially his works dealing with the
British Navy and Germany's StiJitzpunktpolitik.
IAP 21-a-l4/24 FT 1553604 "Privatakten Hptm. Engel, Band II," 31 July-31 Dec.
19^0. Correspondence of Hauptmann, later Major, Engel in
the Adjutantur der Wehrmacht beim Fuhrer und Reichskanzler.
The correspondence deals primarily with personal requests
and appeals of one kind or another sent to Engel or by Engel:
promotions, decorations,signed pictures of Hitler, transfers,
news of Engel's old regiment, etc.
Nikolaus von Below EAP 2L-a-l4/25 FT 155*4046 Correspondence of Major Fikolaus von Below, officer in
the Wehrmachtadjutantur beim Fiihrer und Reichskanzler, 1936
and 19^2-^3- These are letters sent to Below personally by
a wide variety of military and civilian friends. Included
are a number of letters flown out of Stalingrad and pertain-
ing to that battle.
EAP 21-a-l4/26a FT 1554334 Stray item. Feldafing 19^2/^3. A printed broshure of
considerable interest on~the Reichsschule der NSDAP Feldafing,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 23
202- 185- Field Marshall von EAP 21-a-lH/30a-d FT no frames Manuscript memoirs of Field Marshall von Blombeig This
203 186 Blomberg microfilm (M.R. 1078) was prepared "by the World War II Records
Division of the National Archives; there are no frame numbers.
Included are the following parts of the memoirs: EAP 21-a-lij-/
30a Erinnerungen bis 1933 II; EAP 21-a-lU/30b Erinnerungen
bis 1933 III; EAP 21~a-lH/30c Erinnerungen bis 1933 IV und
ab 1938; EAP 21-a-lU/30d Erinnerungen 19^0, 19^1, 19^2 (Som-
mer). Internal comments make it clear that this manuscript
is actually a transcript from another manuscript, apparently
the original.
EAP 21-a~lU/30e-f FT no frames Continuation of the manuscript transcription of the
memoirs of Blomberg. This roll (M.R. 1079) was prepared by
the World War II Records Division of the National Archives;
there are no frame numbers. Included are the following parts
of the memoirs: EAP 21-a-lU/30e Erinnerungen 19^2 (Sommer)
bis Mitte Juli 19^3 (p. 228 missing); EAP 21-a~m/30f Erinne-
rungen ab Juli 19^3 bis 29. Jan. 19^4 «
204 IS? General Mario Caracciolo EAP 21-a-lU/32 FT 155^381 Parts of the memoirs of General Mario Caracciolo di
di Feroleto Feroleto, written in German, probably late in 19^3* while the
general was hiding from the Germans. He had been commanding
general of the Italian Fifth Army. The memoirs deal with the
occupation of Corsica, German-Italian relations, and Italy's
withdrawal from the war. This is a photostat, probably made
by an Allied agency.
EAP 21-a-lU/33 FT Stray item, possibly from the files of Feldmarschall
Busch. "Gedenkreden fur General der Infanterie,Schmundt,
Chefadjutant der Wehrmacht beim Fflhrer und Chef des Heeres-
personalamtes, wahrend des Staatsaktes und der Beisetzung am
6. und 7.10.19UU." Included the draft of Busch's speech and
the final text of the speeches by Burgdorf, Busch, and Gude-
rian. Schmundt had died from wounds he suffered from the
20 July bomb in Hitler's headquarters.
Franz von Papen; EAP 21-a~l^/3^ FT 155^5 Some stray items, Allied propaganda leaflets from World
War II. Minor papers of Franz von Papen, 1906-38.
Leutnant Heinz Krttger EAP 21-a-lg/l FT 155^58 Diary of Leutnant Heinz Krtger, 19^-!^. He was in the
northern part of the Eastern front and then fought on the in-
vasion front in France.
EAP 21-b-12/l FT 155^517 Stray item: OKH, Heerespersonalamt, "Merkblatt Volks-
deutsche Offiziere," Feb. *
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

IS? 232. Inf. Division SAP 21-b-l6/l FT 155^521 File of the Adjutantenhinweise Nr. 3-11 of the Chef des
Heerespereonalamts, 19^3» from the records of the 232, Inf.-Di-
EAP 21-C-12/** FT File of unknown provenance containing the Stellenbeset-
zung der Heeressanita"tsstaffel, 19^5.
Generalmajor von Tempel- EAP 21-c-12/5a FT 155^695 Correspondence of Generalmajor von Tempelhoff, 1933~^0.
hoff 5b Tempelhoff, who was for a time Artillerief&hrer in Wehrkreis IV,
5c 15551^ was an expert on chemical warfare and most of the correspondence
5d 155517^ pertains to the publication of studies and articles dealing with
chemical warfare. See also EAP 21-c-12/5e.
205 1SS Oberst von Tempelhoff EAP 21-c-12/5e FT no frames This folder is made up of a variety of odds and ends of
differing provenances. A fev; items apparently come from the
files of the Generalmajor Tempelhoff whose papers are in EAP
21-c~12/5a-d. Then there are some "blowups from microfilms of
German foreign ministry documents pertaining to Auslandspropa-
ganda a"bout German total v;ar nsasures in 19^3* There are some
items about World War I. Most of the documents apparently are
from the files of another von Tempelhoff, a German general
staff officer of World War II who rose to the rank of Oberst
i. G. and was for a time la (G-3) of Heeresgruppe B. These
papers include some extremely interesting items on the fighting
on the Eastern Front, including the Stalingrad campaign, the
fighting and command problems in Italy in 19U3-1&, the disas-
ter of the German Army Group Center in the East in July 19^,
and other materials. This file was filmed by the World War II
Records Division, there are no frame numbers.
206 1S9 EAP 21-C-12/6 FT 1555252 Folder of unknown provenance. "Stellenbesetzung Htiherer
Kommandobehflrden v. 15.3.19^»" List of German army gmups,
armies, etc., with names of commanding generals or admirals.
Hauptmann Curt Wegge EAP 21-C-16/3 FT 1555265 File of Hauptmann Curt Wegge concerning his appointment
as a Wehrwirtschaftsftlhrer in Wehrwirtschafts-Inspektion VI
(Monster), 1937-39.
EAP 21-g/l FT 15552S3 A wide variety of stray items. The first ones are of
interest. The first is a document concerning the transfer of
the Division Brandenburg (formerly a special formation of the
Abwehr) to the Division Grossdeutschland, 19^5- T^e second
deals primarily with the activities of Lt. Franz Albert in
World War I with Minenwerfer. The third is a list of the
birthdays of the officers in the OKW.
Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 25
206 189 Oberkommando der Wehr- EAP 21-g/:2 FT 155533S Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Flensburg), "Gesamtliste der
macht (Hensburg) Generalstabsoffiziere des Heeres," May 19*45* Useful reference
list, in alphabetical order, of German officers "i.G," with
their last known assignment. This list was presumably pre-
pared after the unconditional surrender. The document is a
photostat or blowup from microfilm.
? EAP 21-g/3 FT 1555383 File of unknown provenance with reports on the fate of
various categories of German general staff officers, 1939-^2.
Oberkommando der Wehr- EAP 21-g-lU/2 FT 1555388 Papers taken from the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht in
macht, Flensburg Flensburg after the unconditional surrender. Various papers,
dated 19^5» Of which the most interesting are Ausweise of of-
ficials appointed in the Dttnitz "Government."
Eva Braun EAP 21-g-l6/3 FT 1555UU1 Photostat of the manuscript diary of Eva Braun, 6 Feb.-
28 May 1935. The original is in Record Group 2^2 in the
National Archives.
207 190 Generaloberst Franz EAP 21-g-l6/Ua FT Transcription of the Haider "Diary" in German and English
Haider 1555533 (rights vested in the United States and administered by the
1555592 Alien Property Custodian).
1555735 21-g-l6/Ua lU Aug.-10 Sept. 1939. German.
lie 1555956 21-g-l6/Ub 11 Sept.-6 Dec. 1939. German..
1556058 21_g-l6/l*c 7 Dec. 1939-9 May 1§^0. German.
207- 190- 1556326 21-g-l6/Ud 10 May -31 Oct. igUO. German.
208 191 21-e-l6/Ue 31 Oct.19^0-22 Feb. 19^1. German.
21-g-l6/Hf 21 Feb.-31 July 19^1. German.
21-g-l6/Ug 1 Aug. 191*1-2^ Sept. 19U2. German.
208 191 EAP 21-g-l6/Uh FT 15566^14 21-g-l6/Uh-n contain English translations with certain
1556735 additional introductory materials and notes.
209 192 EAP 21- FT 1557802
EAP 21-g-l6/Ho FT no frames Folder of unknown provenance, labeled "General Haider's
Daily Uotes 16.12.19*41-19.9.19^2." It contains pencil sheets,
mostly in shorthand, with dated entries on subjects, conver-
sations (usually with note of the hour), the position and
activities on the German and enemy side, etc. They may in-
clude the notes for the situation report which, according to
Continued the Editor's Foreword, Vol. I, page I, and footnote p.VII,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 26
28 to Vol.VI, page 265 of the English transcript of the Haider
Diaries (see T~s5, Roll 191. Serial 280), were "now (i.e. from
the end of 19^1 onward) made on slips of paper destroyed after
the conference." Some of the sheets in this folder have head-
ings like "Einzelpunkte filr Fuhrervortrag." The whole collec-
tion would seem to "be well worth deciphering. It is clearly
complementary to the "Diary." In some respects it may have
provided the raw material for it. It has much more detail,
particularly military detail. On. the other hand, the diary
has items missing here, quite apart from the few short chrono-
logical gaps of this folder (whose chronological order is not
consistently perfect). Entries for the last few days "before
Haider's dismissal (and the end of these notes) are typed and
have handv/ritten marginalia in long- and shorthand. There is
also a penciled message from Keitel to Chef General stab des
Heeres (May 5, 19^2). This folder was filmed "by the World
War II Records Division; there are no frame numbers.

210- 193- Note: For description of material on rolls 193-228 see

VA., No. 8. Miscellaneous German Records Collec-
tion (Part II),

229 Groscurth, Obstlt.i.G., FT no frames The Groscurth Papers, consisting of three files, were
0 Qu IV Abt.z.b.V, brought together by Oberstleutnant Groscurth, a member of the
German General Staff who was active in those military circles
which attempted the overthrow of the Nazi Regime in 19UU.
Groscurth was chief of the section for special tasks in Ober-
quartiermeister IV, Generalstab des Heeres. He was a close
associate of Beck, Oster and Canaris until his death in Russian
captivity after the battle of Stalingrad. The papers are thus
of limited value as far as the history of the July attempt is
concerned. The descriptions below offer a general survey of
the collection. The three folders have been filmed by the World
War II Records Division, National Archives, on one roll of micro-
film, original number MR 2091.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

229 Groscurth, Obstlt.i.G., EAP 21-X-15/1 FT no frames This folder contains a variety of items for the period from Octo-
0 Q,u IV Abt.z.b.V. ber 1939 to January 19^0. The items are copies of letters, memoranda,
reports on matters pertaining to political affairs, military operations,
foreign affairs, etc. Each item is preceded by a typewritten analysis
in English. Among the more interesting materials are: "Aktenvermark: ttber
die Besprechung im Mhrerzug am 12.9*1939 in Illnau," attended "by Hitler,
Ribbentrop, Keitel and Canaris, and dealing with the future of the Polish
state; report of an eye-witness to the death of Col. Gen. Fritsch; sum-
maries of the talks carried on between Gdring and a S\*edish middleman re-
lative to peace with England; digest of Hitler's speech before German
generals on 23 November 1939; reports on SS brutalities in the Warthegau
of 2 December 1939; report on conversation between Helldorf, Groscurth,
and Oster dealing with the growing influence of the SS and public opinion
in the Berlin area; correspondence between the Evangelical Church Coun-
cil and the OKH in which the church authorities ask the military to inter-
cede with the political authorities in order to end the latter's hostile
attitude toward the Church; list of clergymen imprisoned or otherwise
persecuted; handwritten diaries followed by typed transcripts of the
Verb. Gruppe OKW Ausl. Abw. zu OKH, for the period 1 September 1939-
1 February 19^0.
EAP 21-X-15/2 FT This folder contains a collection of copies of unsigned memoranda
from the hand of members of the group involved in the 20 July plot. The
first seven were composed by Ludwig Beck: "Zur Kriegslage nach Abschluss
des polnischen Feldzuges," "Das deutsche Friedensangebot vom 6.10*39 un&
der mflgliche weitere Kriegsverlauf," "Zwischenpause nach dem Misserfolg
des deutschen Friedensangebotes," "Eine Wendung im bisherigen Krieg?,11
"Die russische Frage f&r Deutschland, eine Skizze,11 "Die Bedeutung des
russisch-finnischen Zusammenstosses ftlr die gegenwttrtige Lage Deutsch-
lands,M "Betrachtung flber die deutsche Lage urn die Jahreswende 1939/^0."
Of int^est is a memorandum, entitled "Das drohende Unheil," composed by
Dr. Hasso von Etzdorf with the assistance of Dr. Erich Kordt, who were
Vortragende Legationsrftte in the Foreign Office. Von Etzdorf was on
liason duty to Groscurth1s office. Peace efforts of the conspirators
via the Vatican are chronicled to a degree in a report of Dr. Joseph
Mueller on his activities in this matter in Rom between 6-12 Nov. 1939*
21-X-15/3 FT This file contains a collection of copies of reports sent to
Obstlt. Oster, chief of staff of Admiral Canaris, during the occupation
of the Sudetenland in the period 12 Oct. 1938 to k Nov. 1938. Much of
Continued this material is reproduced in copies of the Eeiseberichte of GrGscurth
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 28

during this period, which are included in the file,

R 2^7 R 230 Artillerie Regiment EAP 23-k-l2/l FT 6588093 Artl. Regiment 20 file, marked "Rechnungsfiihrerarbeiten, Prftfung,
20 Karl Behrens," containing examination papers of pay masters, correspond-
ence, and specific instructions for special pay, 1935-38*
EAP 23-k-12/2 FT 6588323 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a copy of Einsatz-Wehr-
machtsgeMhrnisgesetz of 28 Aug 1939* and. memoranda on practical effects
of the law, dated 19^3*
EAP 23-k-12/3 FT 65S8W Folder of unknown provenance, containing part of the Rechnungs-
fiShrer examination of a member of Nachr, Abt. 716, March 19^4-*
Beobachtungs-Abtei- EAP 23-k~12/5 FT 6588*153 Folder of Beobachtungs-Abt. 22, containing examinations, with
lung 22 evaluations, for RechnungsfiJihrer, 1939*
EAP 23~k~12/^ FT 6588590 Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Richtlinien/Formulare fiHr
Kompanie-Funktionen" and containing forms and charts showing duties of
company administrative officers and HCO's, 19*4-1-U2«
Festungsdienst- EAP 23~m~10/l FT 6588683 Festungsdienststelle Pirmasens file, containing correspondence
stelle Pirmasens and lists of people sent to Wallmeisterschule in Sternberg, 19^2-UU»
Varied EAP 23-b-12 FT 6588873 Forms and correspondence of varied provenance, concerning the
relief from frontline duty of soldiers who had large families, were
qualified to serve as liaison or propaganda officers in Italy and N»
Africa, or were South Africans who, as British subjects, might be con-
victed of treason if captured in battle by British forces* 19^0/^5.
EAP 25-a-10/l FT 6589037 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a "Merkblatt aus An-
lass der FberfiUhrung von aktiven Wehrmachtbeamten zu den Offizieren im
Truppendienst, " prepared OKL/PA, April 19^.
EAP 25-a-10/2 FT 65890^2 Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed instruc-
tions on "Die Rechtsstellung der Wehrmachtbeamten im Kriege," prepared
by BiHstungsinspektion Frankreich/G-r. F/Ia/1, n,d.
Landesschutz- EAP 25-e-10/2 FT 65890^7 Folder from the files of Landesschutz-Batailion 98^, containing
Bataillon 98^ a copy of regulations concerning the position of Wehrmachtbeamten for
OKI! field replacement, prepared by Stellv. Generalkommando IV..A.K.
(Wehrkrei&kommando IV), June 19M-U
R 2^8 R 231 Wehrkreiskommando EAP 25-e-12/l FT 6589052 Folder from the files of Wehrkreiskommando Kaiserslautern, con-
Kaiserslautern taining documents of a Sonderfi&hrer under consideration for transfer
to the occupied Eastern territories. July 19^2.
EAP 25-e-13- FT 6589262 Folder of unknown provenance, containing circulars setting forth
10/1 the position, authority, jurisdiction and the like of civilian officials
working with the Army. 1937/^1*
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

R R 231 t EAP 25-e-29/l FT 65S9331* Folder of unknown provenance, containing paymaster examinations
(questions and answers) and summaries of pay regulations of the German
Army. 19^2*
EAP 25-f-12/l FT 653935^ Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Merkblatt f#r den Zahl-
meister des Feldheeres," 19^2»
Ausbildungsleiter (L) EAP 25-f-20/l FT 6539335 Ausbildungsleiter (L) KdJln file, containing instructions on the
K01n qualifications, training and discipline of Heeresoeamten, 1936-38.
Feldkommandantur 723? EAP 25~g-10/2 FT 65391*89 File, possibly of Feldkommandantur 723» containing instructions
of Militar'befehlsha'ber Frankreich/Verwaltungsstalj on proper procedures
for making staff evaluations, 1914l-^3*
EAP 25-h-10- FT 6589521 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Rangdienstaltereerechnung
10/2 ftlr den Offz, des Truppensonderdienstes zu ittberftlhrenden Beamten, tt issued
"by Chef der Heeresrtlstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres, 19UU.
Wehrbezirkskommando EAP 25~h-19/l FT 6589525 Wehroe zirkskommando Glad"bach file, containing hiring regulations
Gladbach and job descriptions re Wehrmachtsbeamte, 1937~^3»
? EAP 25-h-32/l FT 6539733 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Merkblatt betr: Das waffen-
technische Personal des Heeres,*1 prepared by Wehrkreiskommando VIII, 19^3»
EAP 25-h~32/2 FT 6539736 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Merkblatt filr die Laufbahn
des Waff enmeistereipersonals im Heere,M -prepared by Reichskriegsministerium,
Technische Korapanie SAP 25-h-l*2/l FT 6539733 File of Technische Kompanie (Heeresbaudienststelle) 113, contain-
(Heeresbaudienststelle) ing personal papers of the Baurat in charge as well as correspondence on
113 the squabbles of civilian Baurate with military personnel, 19U2-1*3.
21*9 232 ? EAP 24-c-lO/l FT 658976^ Folder of unknown provenance, containing regulations and instruc-
tions on singing by military units.
EAP 26-f-10/3 FT 6589768 Folder of unknown provenance, containing an order of Milit&rbe-
fehlshaber Frankreich limiting payments in French, currency to Germans
stationed in France, August 19^3»
Dynamit Aktien-Gesell- EAP 26-f-10/l FT 6539771 Folder from the files of Dynamit Aktien-Ges., Pulverfabrik Hamm,
schaft, Pulverfabrik containing directives on working conditions of company branches.
? EAP 26- FT 65899611 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Arbeitsbedingungen und Ver-
g&tungen fiELr die in D£nemark ansassigen Reichsdeutschen und d&aischen
Staatsangelidlrigen, die bei Dienststellen der deutschen ¥ehrmacht in D&ie-
mark als Angestellte beschaftigt sind, gtlltig ab 1.H.U3.11
EAP 26-X-10/2 FT 6589979 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of a copy of an OK¥ direc-
tive on cooper ation between Reichsfrauenschaf tsf&hrung and Wehrmacht,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 30
2^9 232 ? EAP 26-X-10/3 FT 653998^ Item of unknown provenance, consisting of a directive of Orts-
kommandantur BnHssel, on the evacuation of female personnel in case of
enemy attack, 19^.
Armeeoberkommando Ity EAP 26-X-10/5 FT AOK li file marked "Weibliche Hilfskrltfte, " containing directives
chiefly on requests by units for female personnel, 19UU-^5.
7 EAP 26-x-lO- FT Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Mitteilungen fftr Frei~
10/1 zeitgestaltung der Nachr. Helf.d.H. " and "Mhrerinnen'brief e,n 19^1-^2.
EAP 26-x-lO- FT Item of unknown provenance, consisting of "Bienstordnimg f-Jlr
10/2 Hachrichtenhelferinnen des Heeres ne"bst Durchfitthrungsbestimraungen vom
1, April 19l*2."
250 233 Heeresschule fttr Hach-EAP 26-x-lO- FS 6590307 Heeresschule fittr Nachrichtenhelf erinnen file, containing Dienst-
richtenhelferinnen 10/6 anweisungen for the various ranks of Nachrichtenhelferinnen, 19^41,
Lists of names have "been omitted.
? EAP 26-x-lO- FT 6590393 Item of unknox^n provenance, consisting of a directive for the
10/7 proper "behavior of Hachrichtenhelf erinnen in Paris, issued by Hflherer
Sachrichtenf^lhrer beim Militfirbefehlshaber Frankreich, May 19^3*
EAP 26-x-lO- FT 6590396 Folder of unknown provenance, containing file of Einheit Nr.
15/5 0613B ( Stabshelf erinnen unit?) in France, on the creation and adminis-
tration of Stabshelf erinnen units; also included is propaganda material
provided for them by Auslands-Organisation der NSDAP/Propagandaanit,

Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt EAP 27-a-15/5 FT 6590513 Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt file, containing instructions on the Volks-
sturm creations 19^-*^5»
? EAP 27~a-15/U FT 6590603 Item of unknown provenance, containing regulations relative to
Heimarbeiter, prepared by Chef der Zivilverwaltung irn Elsass/Finanz und
Wirtschaftsabteilung, 19^2.
EAP 27-a-15/3 FT 659065*+ Folder of unknown provenance, containing a file of one Herr
Sltester, of Auf tragsverlagerung S $ H/Paris (?), "Arbeitsbedingungen
f&r ins Ausland entsandte Gefolgschaf tsmitglieder- Heimaturlaub, " pre-
pared by Sozialpolitische Abteilung, May 19^3*
Messerschmitt A.G. EAP 27~a-15/2 FT 659067! Messerschmitt A.G. Paris (provenance partly illegible) copy of
Paris memorandum on the new 72-hour week and on exemptions to be granted to
women. April 19^.
? EAP 27-a-l5/l FT 6590676 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of a memorandum written
in Osnabrilick, April 19^, on the necessity of reducing work exemptions
granted by physicians to German and French workers. ITo issuing or re-
ceiving agency indicated.
Luftnachrichten EAP 26-X-20/3 FT 6590682 Luf tnachrichten Regiment 5^ filQt containing Merkbl&tter on
Regiment 5^ treatment and training of Luftnachrichtenhelferinnen9
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes

250 233 Luftgaukommando XII/ EAP 26-x-lO- FT File of Luftgaukommando XII/XIII Verwaltung, containing newspaper
XIII Verwaltung 20/2 clippings and copies of speeches made to recruit volunteers for Luftnach-
richtenhelferinnen corps, 19^2*
? E.AP 27-f-10/7 FT Item of unknown provenance, containing "Lohntafeln fflr die Orts-
lohnstaffeln la bis 16 enthaltend die Schichtlflhne der flber 21jUhrigen und
unter 21j&hrigen weiblichen G-efolgschaftsmitglieder der Luftwaffe. Gdtig
a"b 1. September 19^3*w . • ' -
EAP 27-e-12/l FT Item of unknown provenance, containing a. list of German recruiting
stations for French workers, 19^»
EAP 27-6-18/3 FT Item of unknown provenance, containing a list of factories, and
foreign workers and POW's working in them, in the Freiburg area, February
19UU; included is also a report entitled "Arbeitseinsatz im Operationsge-
Met Ost, prepared by OKW/Fwi Imt, January 19^5.
EAP 27-e-lS/^ FT 659082H Folder of unknown provenance, containing Arbeiteinsatzlage reports
of President des Landesarbeitsamtes Rheinland for Dec 1939-Jan 19^3*
EAP 27-f-10/3 FT 6591110 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of an OKI'/ directive entitled
"GebiJlhrnisse der Gefolgschaftsmitglieder des Heeres bei Einsfttzen," July
SAP 2-f- 659H20 Item of unknown provenance, containing a. cover letter from Reichs-
wirtschaf tskammer and a copy of "Zweite Anordnung ilber die Vereinfachung
der Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnungen vom 2. September 19UU. "
C.F. Zeller G.m.b.H. EAP 27~f~10/U FT 659H26 C.F. Zeller G.m.b.H. , MiJtnchen, copy of "Lohnsteuer-Tabelle f)Hr pol-
Mnchen nische und j€dische Arbeitsnehmer bei monatlicher Lohnzahlung, gilltig ab
1. Oktober 19^1. «
? EAP 27-f-10/5 FT 6591131 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of regulations setting
forth working conditions and pay-scale for Germans working in France,
Frenchmen working for Germans in France or Germany and natives and French-
men working for Germans in Tunesia, 19^2.
EAP 27-f-10/l FT 659H65 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of lfRichtlinien ftfr die
Lohnabrechnung. Ausgabe Hov. Hi;1f no issuing or receiving agency indi-
Kreiskommandantur I/591* EAP 27-X-50/2 FT 6591237 Correspondence from the files of Kreiskommandantur I/59^» per-
taining to Dutch workers in Belgium, 19*4-1; included are also a letter
and a note on a telephone conversation with Dr. Kastner, Oberreg. Rat
in Reichsarbeitsministerium, on transfers of Belgian workers to Germany,
Reserve Grenadier EAP 27-X-50 FT 6591255 Partial letter, probably from the files of Reserve Grenadier Regi
Regiment 19 ( ? ) ment 19 in Belgium, complaining about the sudden seizure, and immediate
transfer to Germanyf of workers engaged in fortification work for the
Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes 32
Regiment. July 19**3.
250 233 ISDAP. Gauleitung EAP 2J-X-20/2 FT 6551257 Letter of President des Landesarbeitsamts SiHdwestdeutschland
Baden; Kreiskommandan- to NSDAP, Gauleitung Baden, on the employment of Poles in Germany,
tur 1/591* 19*40. Included is also a mimeographed memorandum of Milit&rbefehls~
haber Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab/Wirtschaftsabteilung, on the employ-
ment of Polest 19*41.
Gendarmerie Abteilung EAP 27-X-20/1 FT 6591262 Gendarmerie Abteilung St. Avoid file, containing lists of for-
St. Avoid eign workers, employed mostly by peasants in the St. Avoid area, as
well as special directives on the treatment of foreign workers, espe-
cially admonitions employers were to refrain from any kind of frater-
nization. 191U-1&.
Eschweiler Bergwerks- EAP 27~x~10/7 FS 6591332 File of Sschweiler Bergwerka-Verein, Grube Anna, near Aachen
Verein, Grube Anna containing lists of foreign workers in the mine and instructions for
their treatment, with special emphasis on preferred treatment for
Croatian workers, 19^1-^2. The file also contains a large number of
contracts with Croatian workers, only one sample of which was filmed*
251 Kalksteingrube E.AP 27~x~10/5 FT 659152S Kalksteingrube Wittringen file, containing directives on the
Wittringen treatment of Ostarbeitern, 19U3-HU.
Landratsamt Aachen EAP 27-x-lO/1* FT 6591565 Landratsamt Aachen file, containing directives on pay and treat-
ment of Ostarbeitern as well as forms showing the number, and causes,
of deaths among them, 19^2.
EAP 27-X-10/2, FT Three items of unknown provenance, containing instructions on
3, pay for foreign farm and factory workers, according to age and nation-
g 659201S ality, 191*2.
EAP 27-n-10/l FT 6592061 Folder, possibly from the files of Wehrwirtschafts- und Mstungs-
amt, containing a copy of "Protokoll der 3* Tagung &er Reichsarbeits-
kammer Berlin, April 1936,M and including speeches by Glaus Seizner
and Dr» Ley.
EAP 27~p~12/l FT 6592109 Item of unknown provenance, containing a letter, issued by
Milit&rbefehlshaber Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab/Abteilung Verwaltung,
with instructions on "Einsatz deutscher Arbeiter als 'Kombattanten,nf
July 19^2.
Oberkommando der Wehr-EAP 27-u/l FT 6592113 OK¥/W.Verw.Abt. file, containing W.Verw.Abt. correspondence on
macht / Wehrinachts verwal- the employment of Ukrainian women and leaflets warning about possible
tungsabteilung spying by such employees, 19^5*
Deutsche Arbeitsfront, EAP 27~w/l FT 6592189 Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Geheim-Archiv copy of Heft 9 Die Frau in
Geheim-Archiv Sovjetrussland; no author or series indicated. She article was prob-
ably written in 19*40.
Filmed 1st frame Notes 33
L ande s s chit t z en FT 6592221 Folder of LandesscMtzen Bataillon 3?1» containing directive
Bataillon 37! issued "by Stellv. Generalkommando IV. A.K., Wehrkreiskommando IV entitled
"Fraueneinsatz 19^5»" requesting units under its command to replace sol-
diers wherever feasible with qualified women, April 19^5.
EAP 27-x-lO/l 6592225 Folder of unknown provenance, containing reports on transports of
Polish, Yugoslav, Slovak and Rumanian workers from France to Germany, 19^0
Varied EAP 27-X-60/2 FT 65922^1 Folder of varied provenance containing the following: "Anordnung
tfber Tarifrecht und Sozialpolitik (ATS) Ir. 2H/1&,» issued "by Feldluftgau-
kommando Belgien-Nordfrankreich/Verwaltung/a 10, filed by Lu.Uachr.Rgt.
Belgien, 30 April 19^U; ."Arbeitsrechtliche Anordnungen," Nr. 6/^3, S/^3,
11/U3, issued by Luftgaukommando Belgien-Hordfrankreich/Verwaltung/a 10,
received by Feldbauamt der Luftwaffe Laon in May, July, Sep 19*4-3; two
letters sent to Generalbevollmachtigter fiSlr den Arbeitseinsatz by Militflr-
befehlshaber Frankreich, concerning increase in wages promised to Belgian
workers and its detrimental effect on the French economy, dated 22 May
and 3 June 19MU
Milit&rbefehlshaber EAP 27-X-60/1 FT 6592295 File of Mil.Befh, Frankreich/Verw.Stab/Wi II, containing correspond-
Frankr e i eh/ Verwal tungs- ence on pay, working conditions, exemptions from transfer to Germany, etc*,
stab/Wi II of French and Belgian miners, 19^2-^3,
? SAP 27-X-60/3 FT 6592619 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a translation of a direc-
tive issued by the Ministere du Travail to Prefects on the transfer of
French workers to Germany, social insurance due to them, support of their
families, etc,, n«d»; included are also instructions on physical examina-
tion of workers to be sent to Germany, issued by Leitender Sanitatsoffizier
beim Chef der Militftrverwaltung in Frankreich to the Leitender Sanitfitsoffi-
zier bei den Bezirks-chefs A.B»C. und Paris, pertaining to the physical
examination of workers destined for German industry, September 19^0.
Militarbefehlshaber BAP 27-3C-60/U FS 6592627 File of Mil.Befh*Fr./Verw.Stab, containing a contract in German
Frankreich, Verwal- and French between Handwerkskammer Hamburg and Entreprise Gaing & Co.
tungsstab (Paris) to carry out unspecified war work in Hamburg, March 19^3* List
of workers employed on project omitted.
Siemens & Halske EAP 27-X-60/7 FT Siemens A Halske A.G. file, containing correspondence pertaining
Aktiengesellschaft to French workers - primarily office workers or specialists, 19^3~^«
252 235 Feldkommandantur 7^8 EAP 27-X-60/5 FT File of Feldkommandantur 7^8 (Rennes), marked "Schriftwechsel-
(Rennes) Praf ektur- Sauckel-Aktion,lf containing correspondence chiefly admonishing
French gendarmerie to help in rounding up recalcitrant workers wanted in
the second "Sauckel Aktion," January-March 19^3.
Varied EAP 27-X-60 FS 659292S Folder of varied provenance pertaining to French labor: workers in
Continued French industry; contracts of French firms German authorities or
Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes

firms; lists of workers in French factories; recruitment for or ex-

emption from work in Germany; transfer of skilled workers to German
firms; workers for German authorities; clearance for workers in German
installations in France; propaganda material, and instructions on its
use, for German Werbungsstellen in France; correspondence and reports
en the attitude of the French government toward the transfer of French
workers to Germany; conditions of employment; cooperation of the
French police in rounding up recalcitrants; punitive action; Sauckel
Akticn I and II; workers for Organisation Todt, 19UO-UU. lames of
workers in the various factories have been omitted,
252 235 Milit&rbefehlshaber EAP 27~x~90/3 FT 6593518 Mil. 3efh.Fr./Yerw. Stab file, containing material on the recruit-
Frankre ich/Verwal- ment of Slovakian internees in France for work in Germany, 19^0.
8. Kompanie Arbeits EAP 27-X-90/12 FT 6593610 g* Kp.Arb.Bat. (L) 10 fileM containing details on pay and work-
Bataillon (L) 10 ing conditions of foreign labor working on fortifications in Germany,

Kontroll-Unterkommis- SAP 27~x~90/ll FT 6593707 File of Kontroll-Unterkommission 1 Heer (Marokko), containing

sion I Heer (Marokko reports of members of the Control Commission on labor camps in Uorth
Africa, with a view to recruiting inmates for work in Germany, 19^-2.
? EAP 27-X-90/10 FT 6593728 Item of unknown provenance, entitled !!Kerkblatt f&r auslfln-
dische gewerblicb.e Arbeitskraf te. Arbeitsaufnahme in Deutschlandj, "
dated May 19^2.
EAP 27-x~90/9 FT 6593738 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Besondere Anordnungen
f-&r die Versorgung Kr. IJz/UH. Bekleidung, AusriSistung, Verpflegung,
Unterkunft, Geldwirtschaft, (I?a -Intendant), " and issued by Befehls-
haber im Bezirk I\iordostfrankreich/Q,uartiermeistert in April 19^U.
The regulations pertain to foreign workers*
EAP 27-X-90/7 FT 65937*19 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Richtlinien f\!lr die An~
werbung von Arbeitskraf ten im Bereich des Militarbefehlshabers in
Frankreich (Stand vom 15.IV. 19^1) , » issued by Mil.Befh.Pr./Verw.Stab/
Kreiskommandantur 5^-2 BAP 27~x~90/5 FT 659377^- Directive, from the files of Kreiskommandantur 5^2 (Montargis,
(Montargis, Orleans) Orleans), issued by Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab/WiAbt. and pertaining to
burial costs of foreign workers$ June 19^1«
EAP 27-X-90/U FT 6593773 Circular, from the files of Kreiskommandantur 5^2 (Montargis,
Orleans), issued by Reichsarbeitsminister and entitled " rge~
hende odsr endg&ltige Mckkelir auslflndischer Arbeitskr^fte in ihre
Heimat, » March
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 35

252 235 t EAP 27-X-90/2 FT 65937S7 Item of unknQwn provenance, entitled "Merkblatt €ber die allge--
raeinen Grunds&tze f#r die Behandlung im Reich tfttigen auslftndischen Ar~
beitskr&fte,!f issued "by Chef des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht, July 19^-3.
SAP 27-X-90/1 FT 6593790 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of the copy of a letter
issued by NSDAP/Der Stellvertretende G-auleiter und Reichsverteidigungs-
kommissar to Xreisleiter, Landr&te, OTDerbftrgermeister, and Staatliche
Polizeiverwalter concerning the movements of foreign workers whose camps
had "been destroyed during air-raids, the erection of new camps and the
return of these persons to their work, January 19^5.
EAP 27-x-SO/l 6593793 Item of uncertain provenance, entitled "T&tigkeits"bericht ilfber
meine Reise nach Vichy, Marseille, Toulon und zuHlck vom 27.12.UO "bis
S.l.lU" and written "by Kriegsverwaltungsinspektor Eockinger (?). Copies
were sent to Mil.Befh.Fr. and to the Bezirkschef C,
253 236 Rheinische Stahlwerke/ EAP 27-K-70/U FT 6593800 File of Rhein. Stahlwerke/Abt. Schallmauer, containing regulations
Abt. Schallmauer on the treatment of Soviet POWs and civilian workers employed "by the
firm, 19Ul-U^.
Varied EAP 27-X-70/3 FT 659^202 Folder containing papers of varied provenance on Italian soldiers
and civilians attached to German units, and samples of permits for Ital-
ians returning to Italy, 19UU.
EAP 27-X-70/2 FT 659^226 Item of unicnown provenance, consisting of a directive of Mil.Befh,
Fr./Verw.Staib/WiAbt. on the recruitment of Italian workers for Germany,
April iglH.
3. Kompanie Arbeits- EAP 27-x~70/l ( FT 659^23! 3. Kp. Arb.Batl. (L) 10 copy of "ReichsarbeitslDlatt, » Hr. 1 (15.
Bataillon (L) 10 Jan. 19^5)* on "Arbeitersonderkonten auslMndischer Arbeiter," issued by
t EAP 27-X-90/1U FT 659^2^0 Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Arbeitskommandoliste" and
containing an alphabetical list of labor camps, their respective numbers
(?), addresses, as well as marginal notes indicating the presence of Rus-
sians, Ukrainians and Ruthenians in those camps»
EAP 28-c-lO/l FT 659^258 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Kurzanweisung zur Bildung
von Truppen-Gutachten," issued by Luftgaukommando III/IV/Signungspn!lfungs-
stelle Nordhausen.
EAP 29-b~10/l FS 659^266 Folder of unknown provenance, containing three directives on the
acceptance of foreign, particularly Italian, decorations by members of
the German Armed Forces, the directives were issued by Staatsminister und
Chef der Pr&sidialkarizlei, February 19UU. Lists of individuals decorated
were omitted.
Division Hermann EAP 29~-g/l FT 659^270 Partial file of Division Hermann GdJring, containing correspondence
Continued Gilring on decorations and a copy of "Richtlinien zum Verleihungsverfahren fiHr
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 36
_ * _
Deutsche Kreuz in Gold, lf is-sued by OKH/Heerespersonalamt, October

253 Varied EAP 29-g/U FT 659^27^ Folder of varied provenance, containing instructions on award
procedure and correct wear of decorations, as well as a HMerkt>latt fflr
die Bearbeitung von Antrfigen auf Verleihung einer Auszeichnung fflr
Lebensrettung, " 1937-41.
OKH/Allgemeines EAP 29-g/6 FT 659U291 Folder of OKH/Allgemeines Heeresamt, containing directives,
Heeresamt issued by OKH/Chef d. Heeresr&stung u. B.d.E. on decorations, 19Uo-^3.
Hdheres Kommando EAP 29~g/13 FT 659^518 HSheres Kommando XXXI file, containing correspondence and Ur-
XXXI kunden for decorations, 19^0-^5*
Generalkommando EAP 29-g/18 FT File of Generalkommando LXXX,A.K», containing correspondence on
LXXX.A.K. special decorations for non-Flak units which shot down enemy aircraft,

OKH/Allgemeines SAP 29~g/19 FT 659^650 File of OKH/Allgemeines Heeresamt, containing instructions on

Heeresamt awards for wounded soldiere, 19^3~^5»
Generalkommando EAP 29-g/22 FT 659^715 File of Generalkommando LXXX.A.K. , containing directives on
LXXX.A.K. decorations, with suggestions of a more generous award of decorations
to soldiers on the Eastern front and in action against partisans, 19^0-U3
Varied EAP 29-g-2.0/3 FT 659^811 Folder of varied provenance, containing directives on decorations;
of special interest are directives for decorating Russian volunteers,
237 Luf twaffen Sanitats- EAP 30-a-12/l FT 659^43 Luf twaffen Sanit&tsstaffel Trier copy of a memorandum entitled
staffel Trier "Was muss die Truppe von dem WehrmachtfiHrsorge- und -versorgungsgesetz
(W.P.V.G-.) wissen?,11 issued "by Wehrkreiskommando XII, December 1938.
7 EAP 30-a-12/2 FT 659USU8 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of a typed abstract of
Wehrmachtsversorgungsgesetz of August 1938, (Reichsgesetzblatt 1938,
Teil I, Nr. 137).
OKW/WehrmachtftrsorgeSAP 30-a-12/3 FT 659^1-853 OKVJ/WehrmachtfiHrsorge- u. -versorgungsabteilung file, entitled
u. -versorgungsabteilung "Akten iliber Sinsatz-Wehrmachtf^irsorge- und -versorgungsgesetz (EVJFG)
vom 19, September 1938 bis 31. Oktober 19^0."
Luf twaffen Sanitats- EAP 30-b/l FT 65953^2 Luf twaffen Sanit&ts staff el Trier copy of a memorandum on lfMr-
staffel Trier sorgetatigkeit, " March 1939*
? EAP 30-13-36/1 FT 6595351 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Anweisung Mr die Aufstel-
lung der W!HB (VJehrdienstbeschfidigten) Liste durch die Truppe" and pre-
sumably issued by Luftgaukommando XIII in 19^-0,
Wehrbezirkskommando SAP 30-c/l FT 659536; Wehrbezirkskommando M. Gladbach file, containing directives on
Mflnchen Gladbach the treatment of badly wounded officers, either retained in the Army
or discharged to their homes,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 37
2$l- 237 Reichswehrministerium/ EAP 30-h-10/l FT 6595380 Folder of Reichswehrmlnisterium/l!eeresleItuhg/Pensions-Abt. , con-
Heeresleitung/Pensions- taining a copy of "P.enten-Tafeln zum Reichsversorgungsgesetz vom 12* Mai
Abteilung 1920, published by Reichsarbeitsministerium.
SS-Wirtschafts- und Ver-EAP 30-k-l6/l FT 6595*120 Folder, probably from' the files of SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungs
waltungshauptamt (?) hauptamt, containing a directive on "Unterbringung von Versehrten und son
stigen Kriegsteilnehmern im flffentlichen Dienst, " issued by Preussischer
Finanzminister, January 19UU.
Wehrmachtftrsorgeoffi- EAP 30/1 FT 6595^25 Folder of Wehrmachtfilirsorgeoffizier Wesel, the text of an explana-
zier Wesel tory speech on provisions for assisting the families of soldiers*
10. Panzer-Division - EAP 31-C-12/2 FT 6595^50 Partial file of 10» Panzer-Division, containing general division
directives on proper food and clothing in Horth Africa and Italy, as well
as a reminder to unit commanders that FCO*s who had performed clerical
duties in the rear were not necessarily fit to lead troops in battle at
the front, 19^2.
OKW/Aussenstelle ftlr EAP 31-C-17/1 FT 6595^66 From the file of OKW/Aussenstelle fltr Truppenbet'reuung Paris,
Truppenbetreuung Paris containing letters r_e_ the delivery of German newspapers to the Channel
Islands, June 19UU.
Jflger Regiment 25 EAP 31-O-18/2 FT 6595^71 Folder of J&ger Regiment 25> containing a letter on the rotation,
for recuperation purposes, of members of the Regiment in Italy, February
OKH/Chef der Heefes- EAP 31-d/l FT 6595^73 Folder of GKH/Chef d. Heeresr&stung u. B.d.S. , containing regula-
r^lstung und Befehlshaber tions on regular and special leave,
des Ersatzheeres
Varied EAP 31-d-10/l FT 6595515 Folder of varied provenance, containing leave regulations: general
regulations for regular and special leave for individuals whose families
had suffered from bombing; leave "for soldiers with special skills needed
by the war economy, 19^0-^25 special orders to discourage leave for offi-
cers after February 19^5? copy of Keitel's order for the immediate trial
and execution of soldiers with forged or expired leave papers, February-
April 19^5» The file also contains a photostat of satirical "Merkblatt
ftlr Urlauber der Ostf ront,B printed by Armeekartenstelle (mot) 521 for
soldiers from the Eastern front,
L.N.S. U Stab, EAP 31-d/2 FT 6595589 L.iwS. 4 Stab, Dv.-Stelle file, containing "Bestimmungen flber die
Dv.-Stelle G-ewMhrung von Urlaub an Soldaten und Wehrmachtbeamte wahrend des Krieges.
Duplicates omitted.
EAP 31-d-10- FT 6595618 Folder of unknown provenance, containing instructions on "UK-Stel-
12/1 lung und Arbeitsurlaub von Uffizieren, " prepared by OK¥/PA/Ag PI, March
Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

25^ 237 * EAP

31-e/l FT 6595626 Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Richtlinien f€r die Be-
ar"beitung von Beihilfe- und Unterstfltzungsantragen, " prepared "by OK¥/Ag
P2, May 19^3.
I./Grenadier Regi- EAP 31-6-26/1 FT 6595631 Letter of the NSFO of Grenadier Regiment 290, concerning the dis-
ment 290 tribution among members of cloth bought independently by the unit, March

? EAP 31-e-39/l FT 6595633 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Verordnung illber die Ge~
w&hrung von Kinderbeihilfen an kinderreiche Familien im Elsass vora 10.
Mftrz 19^4-1, "published in Verordnungsblatt des Chefs der Zivilverwaltung
im Elsass, 28 March 19^1, p. 211.
EAP 31-f-10/2 FT 6595665 Folder of unknown provenance, containing directive on "Hotstands-
beihlfe, Unterst&tzung und Gehaltsvorsch&sse, " issued by Oatdeutsche
Landwirtschaftungsgesellschaft m.b.H. , April 19^-2»
3AP 31-C-12/1 FT 6595669 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "ilachweisung der Reichs-Be-
triebskrankenkasse Wilhelmshaven iliber die ab 1. Juli 19^2 g'filtigen G-e-
samtsosialversicherungsbeitrfige. "
Dtirener Metallwerke EAP 31-s-lO/l FT 6595687 Folder of Mrener Ketallwerke A. G-. /Werk Mren, marked "Filrsorge-
A.G./Werk Mr en fonds" and containing reports on v^elfare activities of the firm on behalf
of its workers, 1925-19^2.
Kommandantur des EAP 31-t-3 65957S5 Folder of Eommandantur des Bereichs Nowomoskowkosk, containing
Bereichs Nowomoskowsk correspondence on the establishment of cemeteries for German soldiers
in Nowomoskowsk and vicinity, with plans and charts showing the design
of markers and the location of the cemeteries, 19^2~U3»
EAP 31-v/l FT 6595893 Two items of unknown provenance, consisting of a copy of a memo-
randum issued by Reichs- und Preussischer Minister des Innern on freedom
of religion, January 1938, and of a letter of Evongelischer Feldbischof
der Wehrmacht, protesting the proposed transfer of his assistants to
front-line units, February 19^-5*
31-V-22/1 FT 6595398 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Lazarettseelsorge vor, bis
und nach Durchbruch durch die Maginotlinie (Referat f$r die Dienstbe-
sprechung der ev. Kriegspfarrer des Armeebereichs am 2. April 19^1 in
Fontainebleau. "
EAP 31-V-12/1 FT 6595906 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of a message of Katholi-
scher Feldbischof der Wehrmacht Franziskus Justus for Advent 19^2*
Kreiskommandantur EAP 31-V-2U/1 FT 65959!! Folder of Krei skommandantur I/59^» containing a directive of OKH/
Chef d. Heeres-R&stung u. B.d.E. with detailed instructions on the ar-
rangements to be made for Bberkonfessionelle Feldgottesdienste, June 19^1.
EAP 1-v- FT 659591U Item of unknown provenance, consisting of a directive on the types
of funerals for Army personnel.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 39
237 Standortkommando Verden EAP 32-b/l FT 6595917 Folder of Standortkommando Verden (Aller), containing material on
(Aller) Heeresfachschule (V) Verden - correspondence on future courses and on en-
trance and final examinations, 19^1-^2.
255 238 1. SanitHts-Offizier SAP 32-a/l FT 659620U 1. San.Offz.Erg.Abt. Strass"burg. Memorandum on "Lehrgfinge ftlr ver-
Erg&nzungs-Abteilung sehrte Berufsunteroff iziere an Wehrmacht- und Heeres-Fachschulen,u June
Stab Hdherer-Pionier- EAP 33~b-10/3 FT 6596207 Folder from the files of Hdherer Pionier-Offizier 2, Stab, con-
Offizler-.2 taining a memorandum on necessity to recruit more and "better qualified
personnel for pionier units.
If. Kompanie, Landes- EAP 33-b~10/l FS 6596217 Folder containing material of Stellv.Gen.Kdo-. XI.A.K. (Wehrkreis-
schitttzen Ersatz u. Aus- kommando XI) on the formation of special units for persons with stomach
bildungsbataillon 11/13 9 and ear ailments, May 19U4; mimeographed instruction leaflet on "Behand-
Stab Hdherer Pionier-Offi- lung und Verwendung der m. - und o.-kranken Wehrpflichtigen d/B. und Sol-
zier 2, Standort Warendorf daten," issued "by Stellv.Gen.Kdo. VI.A.K. , March 19^5; memorandum from
V/ehrkreiskommando VI pertaining to "Aufstellung weiterer Ambulanten-2lin-
heiten," March 19^5; copy (?) of memorandum from Stellv.Gen.Kdo. VI.A.K.,
pertaining to the transfer to the front or immediate rear of units in
training or composed of convalescent soldiers, February or March 19^5?
material pertaining to reinforcements in general; letter from 2. Batterie,
Heeres Flak- Art. Abt. 273» criticizing the insufficient training of rein-
forcements, May 19*43; two memoranda from the files of Sta"b Hflherer Pionier-
Offizier 2, pertaining to the procurement of educated and qualified re-
placements, July 19^2, October 19^4. respectively; part of a file of U.
Kp.Ld. Schtz.Srs.u. Ausb.Bat. II/13» containing material on reinforcements,
exchange and training of personnel, 19^-U Photostats of personal identi-
fication papers have been omitted.
Stellvertretendes General- File of Stellv.Gen.Kdo. XI.A.K., containing material on special
kommando XI, A. K. E.AP 33-b-10/2 FT 6596258 units composed of soldiers suffering from stomach or ear ailments, 19^4-^5«
OKH/Chef der Heeres- EAP 33-"b-10/5 FS 6596320 Memorandum from the files of OKH/Chef d. Heeresrttstung u. B.d.E.,
r&stung und Befehls- pertaining to Africa Corps reinforcements, July 19^1. Stray low-level
haber des Ersatzheeres correspondence omitted.
Varied EAP 33~b-lU/l FT 6596333 Folder of varied provenance, containing instructions "based on a
general directive of Mil.Befh.Fr., entitled "G-rundsfitzliche Regelung der
•personellen Ersatzgestellung fiSir das Feldheer,l! issued -probably in April
Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt EAP 33-c-U/iy FT 6596351 Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt file, containing material on various types
of advertisement, photographs and speeches designed to encourage young
men to enlist as professional NCO's for twelve year terms.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

255 23S Wehrmeldeamt Kdfln 33-C-4/20 FT 6596^63 Wehrmeldeamt K<91n file, containing Einberufungslisten und Beorde-
rungen, 1939*
EAP 33-C-U/21 FT 6596^90 Wehrmeldeamt Kd51n file, containing instructions of Wehrinspektion
Kflln and Wehrkreiskommando VI on the delineation of Wehrmeldeamt author-
ity, 1939-
SAP 33-C-6/28 FT 6596611 Wehrmeldeamt Ke'ln file, containing mimeographed directive issued,
"by Wehrkreiskommando XII, pertaining chiefly to administrative and pro-
paganda matters, 19^U.
Wehrbe zirkskom- EAP 33-0-6/29 FT 6596932 Wehrbe zirkskommando Neustadt file, containing directives issued
mando Neustadt "by Stellv.G-en.Kdo.XII.A.K. (Weiirkreiskornmando XII), on supply matters,
especially gasoline, 19^-^5«
Wehrbe zirkskom- SAP 33/57 FT 6597083 Wehrbe zirkskommando K01n file, containing material on the re-
mando K$ln lations between the Army and NSDAP, 1<333~39»
Wehrineldeamt EAP 33-0-7/2 FT 6597203 Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt file, containing Standortbef ehle relative
Neustadt to the behavior of soldiers on leave and general administrative matters,
256 239 Wehrbe sirkskom- 33-0-7/1^ FT 65973^1 Wehrbe7,irkskommando Nienburg (Weser) file, containing Standort-
mando Nienburg bef ehle for the period of
Landesschfltzen Aus- EAP 33-0-7/13 FT ' 6597310 File of LandesscMtzen Ausb.Batl. Ir. 7» eontaining Standort-
bildungsbataillon Tages-Befehle, issued by Wehrmacht-Standortbereichsfilhrer Freising for
Ir. 7 the period Jan-Jul 19^*
Wehrmachtkomman- SAP 33-C-7/15 FT 6597S51 V/ehrmachtkornmandantur Middelburg file, containing Tagesbefehle
dantur Middelburg of Feldkoinmandantur 67^ in Breda for the period Jan 19^3-Aug 19^«
/The Netherlands/
«•••• «•»'
33-0-7/16 ,.FT. 6597900 Wehrmachtkommandantur Middelburg folder, containing Feldkomman-
dantur Sonderbefehle concerned with the administration of medical mat-
ters and leave, 19^3-^.
Wehrmachtkomman- SAP 33~c-7/17 FT 6597919 Wehrmachtkommandantur Mtlnchen file, containing orders for the
dantur Milnchen defense of Munich and for the defense and ultimate destruction of
bridges in the Munich area, Mar-Apr 19^5»
257 Wehrmachtkomman- EAP 33-C-7/1S FT 659S093 Wehrmachtkommandantiir Kiel file, containing Standortbef ehle for
dantur Kiel the period Sep 19^2-Ha.r IQ'^-i*
Wehrmachtkomman- E.AP 33-0-7/19 FT 6598166 Wehrmachtkommandantur Mftnchen file, containing instructions for
dantur Mittnchen operation "Gneisenau,H April 19^5*
EAP 33-0-7/20 FT 6598237 Wehrmachtkommandantur MiSinchen file, entitled HVerfi!lgungen der
Vsfehrmachtkoinmandantur M^Inchen Mr Ortsschutzeinheiten 'G-neisenau1
Zusammenarbeit mit der Luftxvaffe; fl the folder also contains timetables
for operations "York" and "Walkttre,n Mar 19^U-Mar
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

257 Wehrmachtkommandantur BAP 33-C-7/21 FT 6598311 Wehrmachtkommandantur M^lnchen file, dealing with measures to frus-
Mflnchen trate possible attempts at mutiny or sabotage POVs ai^d foreign workers in
Munich* Sep 19UU-Feb 19^5.
BAP 33-C-7/22 FT 6598^33 Welirmachtkommandantur Mitnchen file, containing instructions on
measures to "be taken in industries and military camps preceding a possible
evacuation of Munich, as well as training instructions for defense opera-
tions "York" and "Schill," February 19^5*
Wehrmachtkommandantur E.AP 33-C-7/23 FT 659S577 File of Wehrmachtkommandantur Strassburg/Els., containing chiefly
Strassburg/Elsass administrative Wehrmachtkommandantur orders, 19^U.
EAP 33-C-7/25 FT 6598666 File of Wehrmachtkommandantur Strassburg/Els., containing daily
orders on administrative matters and instructions to soldiers not to abuse
t-lie local population, 19UU.
258 Heeresstandortver- SAP 33-C-8/9 FT 6599111 Heeresstandortverwaltung Gotha file, containing orders of Wehrmacht—
waltung Gotha standortfiltester Gotha for Jan 19^3-Mar 19^5,
S'tandort Warendorf EAP 33-C-8/7 FT 6599363 Standort Warendorf file, containing correspondence with, end direc-
tives from, Wehrkreiskommando VI on Standort administrative duties, as
well as special directives issued after 20 July 19^-U, and in March 19^5;
the folder contains material for the period 1937-^5*
Kampfkommandant SLAP 33-C-Q/3 FT Kaaipfkommandant-Ansbach file, containing reports on the movements
Ansbach of the enemy and the defense positions of the Yolkssturm units in the
vicinity of Ansbach, April 19^5»
Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt BAP 33-C-10/3 FT Wehrmeldeamt Neustadt file, containing directives on induction of
HJ members into the Army, school-leaving certificates, special training
in the Army for HJ members previously trained, admonitions to the Waffen-
SS not to increase its propaganda directed at the HJ for recruitment pur-
poses, and general administrative Wehrmeldeamt correspondence, 19^3-^5-
Wehrmeldeamt Coesfeld 33-C-10/2 FT 659996^ File of Wehrmeldeamt Coesfeld marked "Stalingrad, " containing direc-
tives on steps to be taken by Wehrmeldeamt ern in trying to ascertain the
fate of soldiers missing after the battle of Stalingrad and in trying to
give information and aid to dependents, February 19^3*
259 2U2 Landesschiiitzen Ersatz EJiF 33~c-12/2 FT 6600013 Landessch&tzen Ers.u. Ausb.Btl. 11/13 file, containing correspondence
und Ausbildungs- with Division Nr. Ul3, about reinforcements, Nov 19UU-Mar
bataillon 11/13
Division z.b.V. ^38 EAP 33-0-12/3 FT 6600031 File of Dlv. z.b.V. ^38, containing correspondence and reports on
guerrilla attacks on German bases and transportation network in Yugoslavia,
defeatist propaganda eivi attempts by German soldiers to cross into Switzer-
land, Aug-Oct, l^-HH*
Division Nr. BAP 33-C-12/H FT 6600151 FOJ.C'U: of Div.. Ks * H65» containing divisional order of 23 Apr
to maintain positions s::-.u contact with .Xampfkommandant Ulm*
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

259 2^2 Grenadier Ersatz- SAP 33-C-12/5, FT 660015^, Two folders of Gren.Ers.Btl. l67t containing daily divisional
bataillon 167 12/6 6600180 orders issued by Div. $66 for Jan-Mar 19^5-
Grenadier Bataillon 77 EAP 33~c-12/7 FT 6600193 Folder of Gren.Batl. 77 "Westf alen, " containing orders for the
"Westfalen11 unit's participation in the defense of the Bergheim area, Jan--Feb 19^5.
Division Nr. U80 EAP 33-C-12/8 FT 6600375 Folder of Div. Nr. USO, containing "Befehl ftr die Handhabung
des Dienstes im Divisionsstab, " 10 Feb 19^5»
LandesscMtzen Ersatz EAP 33~c~12/9 FT 6600391 Folder of LandesscMtzen Srs.u.Ausb.Btl. 6, containing orders
und Ausbildungs~ of Div. z.b.V. Mr. H06, and correspondence on medical report -procedures,
bataillon 6
Division Nr. 180 SAP 33~c-12/l6 FT 6600523 Folder of Div. !r. ISO, containing an "ITbersicht der unterstell-
.L.teu Sinheiten nach dem Stand vom 1. Mai 19^, " "HTbersicht der Unter-
Idtnfte fittr die Einheiten der Division Nr. 180," as v/ell as correspond-
ence and reports on atta.cks "by the Dutch population on division members,
October 19^.
Brigade Kommandeur EAP 33-c-lU/l FT 6600581 File of Brigade Kommandeur der Panzertruppen VI, containing
der Panzertruppen VI correspondence on, and samples of, propaganda material for soldiers and
by soldiers for the civilian population, as well as correspondence on
the assignment of HJ volunteers to those units for which they had orig-
inally volunteered, Jan-Jun 19^»
Grenadier Ausbildungs DAP 33-C-18/9 FT 6600836 Folder of Gren.Ausb.Regt. 5^9 » containing a regimental order of
Regiment 519 2U Mar 19^5> composed of a report on the military situation in Dsrmstadt
and marching orders for the Regiment.
III./J«ger Regiment EAP 33-c-lg/10 FT 6600839 Folder of III./JSg.Regt. H.G. , containing a letter from Ers.Regt.
Hermann Gdring Div.H. G» to units from which members of the H.G.Div* had been recruited.
9 Jan 19^3.
Grenadier Ersatz EAP 33-C-1S/5 FT 66008^1 Folder of Gren.Ers.Regt. 22, containing KTB 1, 19 Sep-18 Dec
Regiment 22
Panzer Grenadier EAP 33~c-l8/6 FT 6600902 Folder of PzeGren»Srs»u.Ausb.Btl. Brandenburg, containing orders
Ersatz und Ausbildungs- for the defense of Brandenburg, Feb-Mar
bataillon Brandenburg
13. ( I . G . ) Kt-.Tpanie EAP 33-d-io- FT 6600918 __ "Geschichte der 13» (I.G. ) Komp.J.E.S. SB von den Gefreiten Busse
Infanterie Ersatz Regi- - 05/1 /_=.und7 Lindenbeck. Begonnen im Herbst 19^0, " covering chiefly the period
ment 86 before the company was put into combat.
Grenadier Ersatz EAP 33-d-iO- FT 66010U1 Book of Gren.Ers.Btl. 109/Ia, containing a record of orders
Bataillon 109 (Strassburg) 10/1 issued and received, Sep 19^3-Aug 19^1.
260 Infanterie Ersatz- EAP 33-d-io- FT 6601250 Folder of Inf .Ers.Btl. 3^6, containing a copy of "Erfahrungen
bataillon 10/7 des Ostf eldzuges ausgewertet ffir die Ausbildung im Ersatzheer,n Ju3.y
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame iTotes

260 - EAP 33~<l-10~lO/2 FT 660126? Folder of Ers*u.Aus"b.3tl.(M) 276, containing a memorandum enti-
tled "Der Dienst in einer Verteidigungsstellung, " as well as daily and
special unit orders, Sep-Nov 19^»
Lands s a cir&t zen EAP 33-d-iO-20/9 FT 6601378 Folder of Landesschtltzen Bataillon Hr. 7$ containing unit orders,
BatailIon Nr. 7 Dec 19U3-Nov 19UU.
Landesschtltzen Ersatz EAP 33-d~iO~20/iO FT 6601777 Folder of Landessch'iltzen Ers.u. Aus"b.Btl. Hr» 13, containing train-
und Ausbildungs- ing instructions, Oct 19HH-Mar
b a/bail Ion 13
LandesschiHtzen Ausbil- EAP 33-d-lo-20/il FT 660195^ Folder of LandesscMtzen Aus"b.Bil. ISr. 7t containing instructions
dungsbataillon Mr. 7 on the treatment of Russian POW's and on measures to prevent escapes
during transfer to rear areas, 19^-2,
EAP 33-d~lO~20/l3 FT 6601971 Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of memoranda on various
topics filed alphabetically "by topical heading, 19^0-4U.
Panzer Grenadier Aus- 2^P 33-d-lU-lO/l FT 66020&0 Folder of Pz.Gren.Ausb»Btl. 12, containing detailed training plans
bildungsbataillon 12 for officers of Pz.Gren. units, 19^3*
261 Panzer Grenadier EAP 33-d-14-10/2 FT 66023S2 Pz.Gren.Ers.Btl. h KTB Hr. 2, Uct 19^2-Dec 19Ulf.
Srsatzbataillon ^
SAP 33-d~lU-10/U FT 6602H65 Folder of unknown provenance, containing three orders issued "by
Pz.Gren, Ers. Brigade Grossdeutschland on "HTbersicht iSlber die Personal-
abgaben des Srsatzheeres, " "Grundbefehl filr die Aufstellung von Marsch-
einheiten" Jan 19^5 • ^ne file also contains a copy of a letter recording
arrangements made for moving Gren.3rs.Rgt. 156 from Lingen to Ems, July
Panzer Grenadier SAP 33-d-m-10/5 FT 6602^90 Pz.Gren. Ers.u.Ausb.Btl. U KTB l!r. 5, Jan
Ersatz und Ausbil-
dungsbataillon U
Panzer Grenadier Aus- EAP 33-d-l4~10/7 FT 6602^98 Folder of Pz.Gren.Ausb.Btl* U, containing unit correspondence
bildungsbataillon ^ on administrative matters and copies of daily unit orders, 19UV*^5,
Panzer Grenadier SAP 33-d-lU-10/g FT 6602791 Folder of Pz.Gren.Srs.Btl. U, containing a Kr£3 entwurf, Oct 1942-
Ersatzbataillon U Dec 19^3,
Panzer Grenadier EAP 33-d~lH~10/9 FT 6602850 Pz.Gren.Brs.u.Ausb.Btl. Kr.. k KTB, Jan 19^5.
Ersatz und Ausbil-
dungs"bataillon U
EAP 33-e-lVl Folder of unknown provenance, containing an appeal for volunteers
for parachute units, made "by Gdring on 29 Nov 19^3»
Infanterie Regiment SAP 37-a-10/l FT "Shrentafel des Infanterie-Regiments von Mtzov; (l.Rhein.) l?r,
von Mtzow (l.Rhein. ) 25," covering the activities of the Regiment during World War I, pre-
1ST. 25 , : pared "by Oberleutnant Mttraann, Dresden, 1926.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

261 Varied SAP 37-b~lU/l FT 6603365 Items of varied provenance, consisting of lists of books printed
for, and distributed to, soldiers, 19^.
Verbindungsstelle, der EAP 37-d-/1 FT 6603375 Folder of Verbindungsstelle der Kroatischen Flak-Legion, con-
Kroatischen Flak-Legion taining instructions on work of Croatian Betreuungsoffizieren, March
262 2^5 Heeresverpflegung- E.AP 3J-d/2 FT 66033SU Folder of Heeresverpflegung-Stelle/ Zweigstelle Verdun, contain-
Stelle/ Zweigstelle Verdun ing correspondence on recreation for soldiers and on such after-duty
activities as hunting, clubs, newspapers, books, church services, etc.,

Varied SAP 3?-d/3 FT 6603516 Items of varied provenance pertaining to "geistige Betreuung, "

III. Jfiger Regiment 32 EAP 3J-d/U FT 66035*41 File of III. Jfiger Regiment 32, containing reviews of new books
published for, and sold to, members' of the Wehriuacht, 19^.
III. Grenadier SAP 37-f/l FT 660360U Folder of III. G-ren.Regt. 10^9* containing a copy of a letter an-
Regiment lOn-9 nouncing the confiscation, and distribution to soldiers, of radio
sets belonging to French people, March 19HH.
SAP 37-g/l FT 6603607 Folder of unknown provenance, containing announcements on lec-
tures for military personnel interested in higher education. The lec-
tures were to be prepared with the cooperation of Reichsleiter
Rosenberg's staff and Deutsches Auslandswissenschaftliches Ins ti tut
and were to be given in Berlin. The announcement was issued by OKH/
Chef d. Heeresrftstung u. B.d.S. The folder also contains summaries
of lectures on medical and racial subjects, 19^.
FT 6603629 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of a lecture dealing
with the importance of economic warfare war. Author, date and place
unknown, possibly written in 1933-39 •
Wehrmachtskurse zur BAP 37~ FT 6603670 Folder of Wehrmachtskurse zur Beruf sfSrderung (Paris), marked
Berufsfdrderung (Paris) "Erste Hochschulwoche" and containing correspondence and lists of
proposed lectures, to be given under the auspices of this educational
agency, 19^3*
Deutscher Akademischer EAP. 37" FT 6603793 Folder, probably from the files of DAAD containing correspond-
Austauschdienst E.V. (?) ence and lists on student exchange, foreign cultural activities in
Germany, and German cultural activities abroad, 1936-37*
Aero Club von Deutsch- EAP 37~m/13b FT 6603897 Folder from the files of Aero Club von Deutschland, contain-
land ing correspondence with Deutsche Volks- und Pflichtberufsschulen,
Tomaszow-Maz. , Generalgouvernement, on the cooperation of Aero Club
von Deutschland in supplying instruction and instruction materials
for pupils interested in aviation, 19^2. The file also contains a
Continued copy of a pamphlet entitled "Die Deutsche Volksschule im General-
Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

gouvernement,H Zeitschrift fitlr praktische Volksschular'beit, 1. Jhrg.

(April 19^2).
262 2*4-5 Wehrmachtskurse zur BAP 37-m-13/6 FT 6603976 Folder of Vehrmachtskurse ftlr Berufsfdrderung (Paris), entitled
Berufsftfrderung (Paris) "Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel" and containing correspondence with French
cultural institutions, schools and museums, and with soldiers wishing
to take part in programs offered by the office in Paris, 19^3* The
file also contains a list of titles of memoranda giving information on
continuation of education in the Army or through temporary deferments.
EAP 37-m-13/7 FT 660U060 Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Programme Documents"
and issued by the Commission Franco-Allemande de I1Education Profsssio-
nelle, June 19^2.
Statistisches Amt E.AP 37- FT 660*1099 Folder of Statistisches Amt Ludwigshafen a. Bh., containing
Ludwigshafen z. Eh statistical material on apartments and general housing situation in
Germany, 194U,
EAP 3S-P/14- FT 660^131 Folder of Wehrmachtkommandantur Saarburg/Lothr., containing
instructions for cooperation with Hdh. SS-und Polizeif$hrer, and on
measures for coping with enemy parachute landings, 19^»
G-eneralkommando II. EAP 38-p-Ol/l FT 660U299 Folder of G-en.Kdo. II Fallsch.Korps, containing orders issued
Fallschirm Korps by O.B. Heeresgruppe B, after an inspection tour of his command, Aoril
EAP 38-p/lO FT Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed communi-
cation on lessons learned by U.S. J« Armee and O.B. West from the
battles vith Anglo-American forces and conclusions to be drawn from
them, in preparation for future battles in the West, January 19^-U,
Festungs-Dienst- EAP 39-b/S FT 660^08 Folder of Festungs-Dienststelle Trier, marked "Bauwerkstypen"
stelle Trier and containing a list of fortifications in the Trier area and of units
assigned to them, 19^-3»
Generalkommando XII. .EAP 39~b/7 FT Folder of Gen.Kdo. XII.A.K./Abt.Pi., marked "Maginotlinie Stel-
A.K./Abteilung Fioniere lungskarten, SperrgrupiDen usw. Ma II,M Dec 19^-0-Jan 19^2*
EAP FT Folder of Gen.Kdoo XII.A.K./Abt.Pi., marked "Mun Bunker in West,
Bollendorf-SaarbrrUcken,lf Jan 19^2.
Festungs Pionier EAP 39-b/2 FT Folder of Fest.Pi.Stab 17, containing maps showing the fortifi-
Stab 17 cations in the .Saarbrftcken area, as well as maps showing "G-eplante
und gebaute Munition Depots im Bereich der G-renz-Kommandantur Trier
und der H.D.St. 11 vom 16.7.38."
263 Festungs-Dienststelle SAP 39-b/l FT 660^80 Folder of Festungs-Dienststelle D^ren/Bberwachungsgruppe VIII,
Mren/Fberwachungs- marked "Einweisungen Abschnitt !DMI and containing maps and charts of
gruppe VIII fortifications built in the DiJiren area, 1939«
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes *46

263 2*46 Fberwachungsgruppe der EAP 39~V9 FT Folder of TUberwachungsgruppe der Befestigung Metz, containing
Befestigung Metz a map of "Festungsanlagen urn Metz;" no date.
t EAP 39-b/5 FT Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Reisebericht" and cover-
ing Maginot-Line defenses, prepared by Oberleutnant Franck, Verbindungs-
offizier d.Hdlh.Kdr. Saarpfalz, Oct-Nov 19*4*4.
Varied EAP 39-b/ll FS 660*4575 Report of Wehrgeologenstelle (30) beiin Festungspionierkommandeur
XIX, containing the following: "Bericht &ber Erkundung eines ersten Teil-
strokes der HKL zwischen Chatillon-sur-Marne und Soissons beztlglich
Panzersicherheit," August 19*4*4; "Erl&uterungen zum Ausbau der Werfer-
stflnde und Werferbunker," issued by Werfer Regiment 71/Abt. la, March
19*4*4; "Begriffsbestimmungen in der Kftsten Verteidigung, " issued by
Chef des Milit&rverwaltungsbezirks G (Nordostfrankreich)/Abt. la, on
the basis of an order of O.B. West, May 19*42; a map of fortifications
on the Russian front marked "Anlage 5 zu Frd.Heere Ost (II) Fr. *4700/*4l
geh. v. 1.12.H1;11 a map of Stellv.Gen.Kdo. XII.A.K. ('.'ehrkreiskommando
XII) marked "Maginotlinie. 1:3^0 000. Traditionswerke, TUbungswerke Ver-
suchswerke. Aufgestellt genifiss OEH Chef H.R^lst.u.BdE Ur. 12278/*42 und
19^- map marked "Deckpause zur Gustav Linie," made up by
Pionierbataillon 80, from the files of Reichsgrenadier - Division Hoch-
und Deutschmeister, April loUU; a "Stellungsskizze Hartmannsweiler-
kopf , " issued by Wehrmachtskommando 7/Abt, la, Jun 19^3 J a special
order entitled "Besondere Anordnungen fiiir den Stellungsbau;n instruc-
tions on ballistics omitted.
H<9herer Pionier Offi- EAP 39-b/lU FT 660^626 File probably of H0h.Pion.Off z.f .d.L. West, containing "St&ck-
zier f.d. Linie West? listen zur Innenausstattung der st&ndigen Anlagen,lf probably 1939""^0»
? EAP 39-b/12 FT 660^636 Folder of unknown provenance, containing maps and instructions
for units assigned to fortifications around Freistett through 1939*
EAP 39-13/15 FT 66014653 Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed instruc-
tions entitled "Schaffung von Stellungsunterlagen ftlr Festungsartil-
lerie im Westv/all und in den #brigen Westbef estigungen, " issued by
Ob.KdOoFest.Ber. West/HdJh.Art.Off z. , 15 Feb 19*45, The folder also
contains a map showing the fortifications of Le Mans, no date.
Festungs-Dienststelle EAP 39~b/l6 FT 660^660 Folder of Festungs-Dienststelle Trier, containing "Bauwerks-
Trier typen im Bereich der Fberwachungsgruppe 12 (L.V.Z.) Anlagen," giving
details on ammunition supply and state of readiness of the fortifi-
cations, 19^3-
Festungs-Dienststelle EAP 39~b/17 FT 660U671 Folder, probably of Festun^p-Dienststelle Sildost, entitled
Stidost (?) "Verzeichnis der Akten der Festungsdienststelle SMost, " no date.
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

263 2^6 Festungs-Dienststelle EAP 39~b/10 FT 660^777 Folder of Festungs-Dienststelle Trier, marked "Schriftverkehr g.
Trier Kdo." and containing correspondence on fortifications in the Trier area,
and a warning about enemy attempts to telephone orders to German troops,

Schwere Artillerie EAP 39~V13 FT Folder of Schwere Art.Abt. (mot) 4-60, containing maps and charts
Abteilung (mot) ^60 of fortifications around Oye-Plage, 19^4.
Generalkommando XII. EAP 39-b/18 FT 660*1830 Folder of Gen.Kdo. XII. A.K./Abt.Pi., marked "AI- Ms III Rhein-
A.K. Abteilung Pionier Neckar-Stellung. Roer-Ahr-Stellung Odenvrald-Stellung," 1936.
EAP 39-V19 FT 660U639 Gen.Kdo. XII. A.K./Abt»Pi. file, marked "Anlagen zu Stellv.Gen.
Kdo. XII.A.K. Stopi Rex. H Az. 39^ 12 Nr. 9/^-2 geh. vom: 5^ Jan. 19^2,"
containing seven maps shov.dng French fortifications, 19^2.
Festungspionier- SAP 39-b/20 FT 660USHS File of Fest.PiStab 13, marked "Karte mit eingetragenen Bauwerken
stab 13 u. Untergr. der iHTDerw. Gr. 12, " no date*
2/Pionier Bracken- EAP 39-b/2l FT 660^861 2/Pi.Br.Abt.Btl. 3 file "Feste Kaiserin (abgeschlossen),« con-
Abteilung Batalllon 3 taining maps and charts of fortification, probably in Saarbrflcken area,
Generalkommando XII. EAP 39-b/25 FT 660U890 Folder of Gen.Kdo. XII. A.K./Abt.Pii5 entitled "Maginotlinie
A.K. Abteilung Pionier Befestigungskarten u* Erlftuterungen," July 1938.
261* 2^7 Pionier-Bataillon 305 SAP 39-b/27, FT 660512^, Three folders of Pionier-Bataillon 305» marked "Sperrabteilung
26, 6605300, 1m Bereich der Norditalienischen Alpenbefestigung," "Fest./Pi./Erk./
29 6605335 Stab Br.B. Ur. 182/UU geh, v. 1.10.19UU," and Anlagen.
39-D/2S FT 6605383 Folder of Pionier-Bataillon 3^5* marked "tfbersicht der ital.
Sperren" and containing lists of bridges and maps of fortifications in
Italy, January 19^5•
Festungspionier- EAP 39- FT 6605609 Folder of Festimgspionierkoimnandeur VIII, containing correspond-
kommandeur VIII ence with Grenzkommandantur Trier and maps showing fortification con-
struction in the Trier area, Jan-Jul 1939-
EAP 39-b/31 FT 6606031 Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Schweden. Kiistenbefesti-
gungen Hflfen und milittirische Anlagen im Bereiche.des Flottenstilltz-
punktes Gdteborg (von Silidspitze Insel Tjdrn bis S&rdJ)," issued by OKM/
SKL/3.Abt., in October 19HU.
TUberwachungsgruppe der EAP 39~V32 FT 6606083 A map of fortifications in the Metz area, probably from the
Befestigungen Metz files of ITberwachungsgruppe der Befestigungen Metz, no date.
265 Generalkommando XII. ..SAP 39~c/l FT 6606085 Folder of Gen.Kdo. XII. A.K./Abt.Pi., containing a map showing
A. K./Abteilung Pioniere Festungs-Dienststellen and Hberwachungstruppen around Metz, Pirmasens,
Fes tungs-Diensts telle Homburg, Trier and Bitburg, 19't2: a map showing the position 6f Bau-
Trier Bataillon 326 around the French fortifications on the Rhine between
Kembs and Bisheim, August 19^4-0; correspondence of Festungs-Dienststelle
Trier concerning safety and security regulations in fortifications under
Serial Roil Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

its command, 1943 •

265 248 ? 39-C-12/1 FT 6606099 Item of unknown provenance, consisting of two "bills submitted
by one Peter Scheldt for construction work around Quistreham, February
Sonderstab Erwingmann E.AP 39-d/3 FT 6606106 Folder of Senderstab Erwingmann - Kirschner, containing what
- Kirschner appear to be Anlagen to a KQB composed of Erkundungsberichten with
maps for the Italian front, as well as some general Senderstab corre-
spondence on reinforcements, fortifications and relations with the
Italian population, Aug 19UWan 19^5o
Festungs-Dienststelle EAP 39-d/4 FT 660662H Folder of Festungs-Dienststelle Trier, containing maps and
Trier charts showing Luftverteidigungszonen and Schutzbereiche around Trier,
and reports on fortification construction in the Trier area, 1941-43.
1./Reserve Artillerie E|P 39-d/5 FT 6606631 Folder of l./Res.Art.Abt. 26, containing a copy of "Merk-
Abteilung 26 blatt fi!ir den Ausbau der AtlantikMste, " issued by Gen.Kdo. LXXXII.
A.K./la/Fest.Stopi., May 19^3.
Festungs-Dienststelle EAP 39-d/6 FT 6606728 Folder, probably of Festungs-Dienststelle Trier, marked
Trier (?) "Dienstanweisungen f. $-berw» Gruppenleiter" and containing special
instructions for VJasserwarte, 19^2.
Festungs-Dienststelle EAP 39-d/7 FT 6606782 _ Folder of Festungs-Dienststelle Trier, marked "Sperren Az«
Trier 39d.6^Sp_.J*!i and containing maps and charts of railroad-, water- and
road-blocks and instructions on the use of them, 19^2-UU.
Grosser Generalstab/ EAP 39~d/8 FT 6606830 File of Grosser Generalstab/7. Abt., marked "ITarew-Linie und
7» Abteilung Czerwony Bor" and containing a report, of June 1909» on fortifica-
tions along that line,
S-AP 39«d/8a FT 6606863 File of Grosser Generalstab/7. Abt,, marked "Anlage IV zur
Studie llarew—Linie und Czerwony Bor - Buitusk;" the item was pre-
pared in 1909, but the last three pages were inserted in 1912,
Festungs-Pionier- EAP 39"*d/9 FT 6606890 File of Fest.~Pi.-AbschnaGr. ¥/2S, marked "Arm. Pendelliste"
Abscbnitt Gr. W/28 and containing charts and correspondence on equipment, probably 19^5,
Generalkommando EAP 39-d/10 FT 660692^ Folder of GexuKdo. LIII*A»K», containing maps and charts on
LIII.A.K. fortifications near Kyllburg and Bitburg, February 19^5*
Festungs-Pionierstab EAP 39-d/ll FT 660695^ Folder of Festungs-Pionierstab 13 (Trier), containing corre-
13 (Trier) spondence with Baugesellschaft Eugen and Kommandantur der Bef. Eifel
und Saarpfalz concerning faulty fortification construction, 1939~19^»
Festungs-Dienststelle HAP 39-d/l FT 660707U Folder containing two letters of Festungs-Dienststelle Trier
Trier/Bberwachungs- to Uberwachungsgruppe 12, on the assignment of troops to fortifica-
gruppe 12 tions under construction, Mar 19^2-S.ep 19^4.
EAP 39-d/2 FT 6607079 File of TUberwachungsgruppe 12, marked "Schriftverkehr. Ge-
heim Az 39d" and containing correspondence on the equipment in
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 1*9
possession of the group, a "Schematische Leitungsskizze," and a report
entitled "Auswertung flber Armierungseinzelheiten aus dem Planspiel vom
26.5.-28.5.1*3 in Kaiserslautern.»
265 2**g Sender stab Erwingmann EAP 39-d-/13 FT 6607115 Folder of Senderstab Srwingmann, containing what appear to be
KTB Anlagen for Dec 19^*-Mar 19**5t covering operations of the command
on the Italian front.
266 2^*9 EAP 39-d/l** FT 660728^ Folder of Senderstab Erwingmann, containing what appear to be
EEB Anlagen for Aug 19UU-Apr 19^5» covering operations of the command
on the Italian front.
Generalkommando LIII. EAP 39-4/15 FT 66077^6 Folder of G-en.Kdo. LIII.A.K., containing maps, charts and corre-*
A.K. spondence on fortifications in the Bitburg and Kyilburg area, February

Fes tungspi oni er~ EAP 39~d/17 FT 6607852 Folder of Festungspionierkommandeur VIII, containing correspond-
kommandeur VIII ence and maps on fortifications in the Trier area, 1939-
EAP 39-d/l6 FT 6607992 Two items of unknown provenance/ consisting of mimeographed «Hin~
weise f€r den Stellungsbau, " issued by Gen.Kdo.XIV.Pz*Korps/Ia/Pi/Wehr-
geologenstelle 3^» February 19^5 » an<i "Regimentsbefehl fttr Stellungs-
ausbau und ftlr das Verhalten in den Stellungen, " issued by Jager Regi-
ment 721, April 19^5*
Festungspionier- 39-d/i9 FT 6608010 Folder of Festungspionierkonmmncleur VIII, containing correspond"
koinmandeur VIII ence on "Bbungs^e^bfedon;. on security of fortifications in the Trier
area, and on administrative matters of the unit, 1939»
267 250 ? EAP 39-d-12/lf FT 660837S, Items of unknown provenance, consisting of maps, charts and
12/2, 660SH1U, plans on fortifications in the command area of Luf tgaukommando VIII;
12/3, 66085^3, no date.
EAP 39-d-12/5 FT 660S633 Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Vertrage OT Bauten Frank"
reich,!t containing relevant drawings but no actual contracts; no date.
Der Generalinspektor EAP 39-4-1V3 FT 66086^5 File of G-eneralinspektor fiHr das deutsche Strassenwesen/Abtc
f&r das deutsche Stras- Wiesbaden, containing an index of firms having undertaken to build forti-
s enwe s en/ Ab te ilung fication construction on the Westwall, Jul 1932>-April 19^1«
Wiesbaden EAP 39-d-lU/l FT 6608688 Folder containing copies of "Liste der Einheitspreise des Lei-
sti.iB,rsTertrags silt Hficbbra^sprsisen, " and "Richtlinien ftlr die Rech-
nungspr^ung des Leistungsvertrages;H both items probably belonged to
the office of Generalinspektor f€r das deutsche Strassenwesen/Abt. Wies-
baden, 19**0*
Varied EAP 39-d-lU/M- FT 660S839 I'olcier containing a "Regimen tsbefehl fflr Stellungsausbau, " issued
by Jager Regiment 721/Ab'UIa, August 19UU; "Stellungsausbau im K.V.A.
Bayeux, " issued by K.V. Gruppe Bayeux/Abt.Ia/Pi., January 19UU; instruc-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

tions for special M»G. employments, issued by Inspekteur der Landesbe-

fes tig-oils West, July 19^2.
267 250 Generalkominando XII. EAP 39-d~l6/3 FT 6608860 Folder of Gen.Kdo. XII. A»K./Abt.PI. , marked "Karte der erkuodeten
A.K./Abteilung Pioniere Stellung entlang der Reichsgrenze von Pont~a«Mousson bis Spa. Befesti-
gungsanlagen entlang der Reichsgrenze,M February 19^2»
EAP 39-d-l6/U FT 6608867 Folder of Gen.Kdo.XII./Abt.Pi., marked "Srkundung der Stellung
191}+/1S an der Reichsgrenze von 1918. Fest. -Art. -Stab 6, Hr. A.V. 4,"
containing a map showing fortifications along the French-G-erman border,
as well as demarcations called "Markzone,l} "Allemanensone" and !fHun~
nenzone. IJ The file also contains a covering letter and a "Zusammen-
stellung der Erkundungsergebnisse,M 19^-1.
EA? 39-e/l FT 6608877 Folder of unknown provenance9 marked "Erga^azung fi!tr die Richt-
linien fi!lr die Anlage von Panzersperren, " of OKH/G-eneral der Pioniere
und Festungen, 10 April 19^5* Duplicates omitted.
Generalkommando XII, EAP FT 6608981 Folder of Gen.Kdo. XII* A.K./Abt,Pi.» containing two maps of
A.K./Abteilung Pioniere Luftverteidigungszone West, January 19^4-2.
Festungsbau- u. Betriebs- see below FT see below Thirteen folders of Festungsbau- u* Betriebsstoff stelle Traben-
stoffstelle Traben- Trarbach, containing the following Stellungs- und Vermessungsunter-
Trarbach lagen, prepared in April 19^-0 j
EAP 39-f/3, 6608990, Schwere Battr. Peterswald
EAP 39-f/4, 6609013, Schwere Battr, Traben
EAP 39-f/5, 6609036, Schwere Battr» Wahlenau
EAP 39- 6609057, Schwere Battr. Thomm
EAP 39- f/7, 6609081 , Schwere Battr. Viehaus
EAP 39- •f/«. 6609105, Schwere Battr. Hontheim
EAP 39- 6609127, Schwere Battr Dhronecken
EAP 39- •f/10t 6609150, Schwere Battr Briedel
EAP 39- .f/11, 6609175, Schwere Battr. Boizibogen
EAP 39- -f/12. 660919*1, Leichte Battr. Schweich
EAP 39- 6609202, Sch\vere Battr. Kenn
EAP 39-•f/1^,
EAP 39- •f/15
Schwsre Battr. Sdiger
Schwere Battr. Bescheid
Arme© Oberkommando 7/Io EAP 39- •h/1 FT 6609275 AOK 7/Ic file{ containing a copy of "Anordnung tfber die Msten-
sperrzone," issued by Mil.Befh.Fr./Edo. Stab/Ic, Sep 19^2, as well as
Erfahrungsberichte on the construction of coastal fortifications, sub-
mitted by Pi.Btl. 271 and 272, May 19UU.
Varied EAP 22-b/l FT 6609306 Folder of varied provenance, containing correspondence of Gren.
Ers. u. Ausb.Btl, 36 and of Ijl6« Flak Irs. u. Ausb.Btl. (mot) on the re-
Continued cruitment of officer » j'iX";,. the ranks of NSDAP members, university gratu-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes
ates, and/or wounded soldiers fit to be commissioned as reserve officers,
19^5. Included is an instruction leaflet of OKE/PA on training, 19^2.
Letters of recommendation have "been omitted.
267 250 MS? 22-ar-10/l FT 6609336 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a "Merkblatt f&r die
Ingenieuroffizierslaufbahn im Heere.»
268 251 EAP lU-gHa FT 66093U1 Folder of uneertain provenance, containing file copies of combat
intelligence reports of Oberstlt. v. Tempelhoff, IV.A.K./Ic to AOK 17/
Ic when those units, as part of H.G-r. Mitte, were in action in Russia,
30 Aug-5 Sep 19H3.
EAP FS 6609387 Folder of uncertain provenance, containing a vita of General-
major a.D. Friedrich v. Tempelhoff, chemical warfare expert, and some
of his articles on chemical warfare techniques of foreign armies in late
19301s, including an issue of Deutsche ¥ehr-Korresponden z, which carried
a Tempelhoff article entitled f'Wesen und Aufgaben auslSndischer Nebel-
truppen,n May 1937*
Deutsche Forschungs- EAP FT 6609531 > Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft file, containing directives and
gemeinschaft correspondence on the German Antarctic expeditions of 1933/39 ^d- 1939/^0*
Marine Oberkommando EAP FT 6609597, Three folders of MOK Norwayf containing file copies of operational
Norwegen/Fflhrungs s tab 5, 6609625, orders and reports of, and for, the Arctic weather-observation expedi-
6 6609661 tions "Goldschmied" and Edelweiss II," Aug-Sep 19^H.
EAP FT 6609677 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a record of a conference
of the Joint Transport Committee of the German and French Chambers of
Commerce, held in Brunswick, 5 July 19^3» French language copy not
OKW/Feldwirtschafts-Aint EAP H3~b/2 FT 6609731 OKW/Fwi-Amt copy of secret report circulated by the German Foreign
Ministry, (as relayed by the German Consulate-General in Lourenco
Marques), containing items of intelligence on the South African Union:
a Smuts statement on military training, equipment, and munitions in
South Africa; two items from the Rand Daily Mail dealing with South
African small-arms production and with robberies committed by African
natives armed with smuggled German and Italian guns and ammunition,
December 19*4*4-.
Eisenbahnbetriebsamt EAP ^-b- FT 6609733f ESA/Calais and MA/Calais records of railroad activities in that
Calais and Msenbahn- 6609915 sector in the Calais area, May 19^2-Jul 19^*t containing: arrangements
iJlberwachungsamt Calais for maintenance and repair of railroad facilities in anticipation of the
Allied invasion, including lists of untrustworthy French railroaders to
be arrested and of others to be coerced into continuing work; descrip-
tion on attempts to repair bomb damage in the months before D-Day and
Continued during actual ground fighting. .Jun-Jul 19*4U» Records of construction
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 52
work may include references to rocket-launching sites*
268 251 Eisenbahn Pioniere B EAP U3-C/2 FT 6610282 Folder of Grukodeia B, containing records of railroad construc-
tion and maintenance in support of H»Gr.B operations on the Russian
front, 19^-2-19^3» For the bulk of Eisenbahnpioniere records, see Na-
tional Archives Microcopy T-78, "Old H2Gj Sisenbahnpioniereabteilung."
Eisenbahn Pioniere C EAP U3-C-12/1 FT 6610362 Folder of Grukodeis C, containing records of railroad construc-
tion and maintenance, including prior planning, in support of H.Gr.C
missions during the invasion of Western Europe and the Battle of France,
Sep 1939-Jun 19^0.
Eisenbahn Pioniere Sfld BAP ^>-g~20/2 FT 6610^6 Folder of Grukodeis Si&d, containing records of railroad construc-
tion and maintenance in support of H*Gr,Stld operations on the Russian
front, 19141-19U2.
269 252 ? EAP H3-C-18/2 FT 66107^0 Item of unknown provenance, entitled Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesell^
schaft Aktenplan, effective 1 January 1928* ~~~"
Eisenbahn Pioniere Siitd SAP U3-s/6a FT 6611073 Grukodeis Slid records of railroad construction and maintenance
in support of H. Gr»S#d operations on the Russian front, Sep-Nov 19^-1.
Sisenbahn Pioniere B SAP U3-S/22 FT 6611390 Folder of Grukodeis B, containing communications and charts on
railroad construction and maintenance in support of H»Gr*B operations
on the Russian fronts Jul 19^2-Jan 19^3,
270 253 Eisenbahn Pioniere Stfd EAP H3-S/29 FT 6611938 Folder of Grukodeis Stid, containing correspondence, profiles,
and maps of railroad construction and maintenance in support of H.Gr.
SM operations on the Russian front, Bed 19^1-Jun 19^2«
Eisenbahn Pioniere B EAP ^3~s/U2 FT 6612399 Folder of Grukodeis B, containing correspondence, profiles,and
maps on railroad construction and maintenance in support of H.Gr.B
operations on the Russian front, Sep 19^2-Jan 19^3*
Eisenbahn Pioniere Sfld EAP U3~s/*l7 FT 6612766 Folder of Grukodeis Siid, containing communications, charts, and
profiles on railroad construction and maintenance in support of H.Gr.C
operations on the Russian front, Jun-Nov 19^1«
271 EAP l4-3-s~12/32a, FT 661331S, Two folders of Grukodeis Silid, containing communications, charts,
32b 661365U and profiles on railroad construction and maintenance in support of H»
Gr.S&d operations on the Russian front, Uct 19^1-Jan 19*4-2.
Eisenbahn Pioniere B EAP ^ - FT 6613962 Folder of Grukodeis B, containing records of railroad construc-
tion and maintenance in support of H.Gr.B operations on the Russian
front, Jul 19^2-Feb 19^3*
272 255 EAP U5-a-10/10 FT Item of unknown provenance, consisting of a map merked "SD-Haupt-
amt II (NO)11 with handwritten identification "Lettland. Der Deutsche
Landbesitz in den einzelnen politischen Gemeinden, nach Angaben des
Landamtes der Deutschen Volks.gemeinschaf t in Lettland. Stand 1. Jan» 1939*rf
Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes 53
272 255 FT 661HH05 Folder of uncertain provenance, containing listing and locator
maps of the various Fuehrer HQ,!s for purposes of communication instal-
lations: Wolfschanze, Berchtesgaden, WO, Brunhilde, Ruediger, Siegfried,
and Amt 600.
Militar Befehlshaber EAP Uy-a-10/1 FT Mil.Befh.Fr./HSh.Haft, folder, containing direct communications
Frankreich/Hflherer Uach- '; from Deutsche Waffenstillstandskommission and copies of communications
richtenfiithrer sent to other German agencies and to Franzflsische Abordnung b.d. Waffen-
stillstandskommission, dealing with communication matters, Jul 19HO~May
19^1. For the "bulk of Waffenstillstandskommission records see T-77»
Rolls 829 &•
EAP FT 661^565 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a map captioned MAfu-
Linien im OperationsgeMet Ost,fl showing communication networks of Red
Army reconaissance groups and of Soviet, Ukrainian, and Polish partisan
"bands with Moscow, of the Polish Uachrichtendienst with London and Bari,
and of the Czech KD with London, Probable date, judging by the HKL shown
on the map, is late 19^»
OKW/VJehrmachtsf throngs- EAP Uy-p-10/2 FT 661^567 OKW/WFSt/Bev.Naff.B (as of 12 May OKW/Aussenstelle Sild/Bev.Haffl.)
stab/Bevollm&chtigter Nach- folder, containing incoming and outgoing communications with OKW/WFSt,
richtenfT&hrer B (as of 12 JKL/ttaffl, OB/West, OB/Stdwest, Kdr. d* Fthrungs Nachrichtentruppen, and
May OKW/Aussenstelle Sfld/ with HQ, der Mission der Amerikanischen 6. HG in Zell am See, dealing
Bev.Haf fl» ) with post-surrender functions of the German Army communication network,
S-23 May 19^5* For analagous material concerning OKW/BFSt/Nord -Eoenitz
HQ at Flens"burg-3ee National Archives Microcopy T-77»JRoll 775»
HVP/EW and HAP/EW bew. ED EAP FT 661^662 (Cover_ designations for agencies working on 7/ergeltungswaffen7"
1 u. 2). H/auptJ A/rtillerieT" P/ark/" EW folder, containing correspond-
ence among agencies and private industries involved in Project "A^"-
development and construction of 7-Waffen, 30 Apr-25 Nov 19^3*
R273 R256-Oberlandesgericht Kdlln EAP H9-a-22/l FT 6611*731 Oberlandesgericht Kdln folder, containing in six parts certified
Parts 1-6 court decisions on appeals from orders of lower courts for sterilization
of individuals "convicted1' under Erbgesundheitsgesetzen, 193^~1939»
27*4- 257 Varied SAP U9~a-22/2 FT 6616337 Stray medical corps items of varied provenance comMned for con-
venience under the above folder number: HGArst C copy of pamphlet enti-
tled Auszug aus den Heeresgruppenarzt-Befehlen, Nr» 1-39* which gives a
general picture of both medical and non-medical responsibilities of the
medical corps, Sep 19^-1; mimeographed directive of unknown provenance,
issued "by OB West/HGArzt, which gives a general picture of the variety
of responsibilities of subordinate medical units, 1 Get 19^2; mimeo-
Continued graphed copy of a directive of unknown provenance, issued by Heeressani-
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

tatsinspekteur, listing among a variety of m^™.-- orJ vnl. trials poison

crystals "Cyklon ±>< ir warning of its limited "Haltbarkeit,l! HIov 19Ul;
mimeographed copy of circular received "by 13« Flakdivo/Divisionsarzt
and issued by Lftf I'.kdc ^ 3/^uf tf lottenarzt, describing the latest pre
scribed treatment for "Unterktlhlung" victims; internal evidence sug-
gests that such prescription was the result of findings derived from
the notorious experiments on concentration camp inmates, Aug 19*4-3*
27U 257 189. Reserve Division/ EAP U9~n-10/5 FT 6616367 1S9« Res, Div. /Arzt folder, containing copies of directives
Arzt issued or transmitted "by I-Iil9Befh.Fr , /Ltdr. Sanit&tsoffizier, deal-
ing with "arztlichem Dienst "beim Arbextseinsatz Frankreieh, " Mar

EAP 50-b-10/l FT 6616U19 Folder of unknown provenance, containing photostats of corre-

spondence dealing with complaints of relatives and church officials
against the euthanasia program in Wftibtemberg, all of v.rhich was col-
lectively forwarded to SS-G!G-ruf. J&ttner "by SS-3taf. Schiele; in-
cluded is a copy of a letter sent to the sister of a victim by an
asylum doctor, giving a spurious cause of death, Feb-lTov 19^0. MB:
All doctors and other officials involved in the program operated
under cover names*
EAP 50-m-12/l FT Folder of uncertain provenance, possibly a unit of 2» Pz»Div. ,
containing an account, circulated by G-en.Xdo» XXXXVIIc Pz»A»K. , of
the circumstances surrounding the release by the US Army of 8 German
nurses (female) captured at Cherbourg, and a record of their group
interrogation after release describing their treatment and the con-
ditions behind the American lines 5 a copy of the record of the radio
exchange which initiated the transfer truce is appended, 2-15 Jul 19^-
Deutsches Konsulat SAP 5S-C/3 FT 6616^52 Deutsches Konsulat Keapel folder, containing communications
Neapsi from Ausw&rtiges ^nit on a variety of financial matters; exchange rate
of the Mark, German bond issues on the international money market,
wartime economy measures, etc., Apr 1939~^ov 19^2.
Industrie-u.Handelskam- EAP FT 6616505 Folder of lull Augsb'arg c« .••t-aiufng copies of directives issued
mer Augsburg and Gauwirt- by Helens wlrtschaf tsminister, or transmitted by him for FJ/'iKammer,
schaftskammer Schwaben OKW/WiM Airt, or Beauftragter f$r den Vier jahresplan, establishing
or changing priorities in armasac-iits production, Aug 19J4-0-Jan 19^3;
the last few items are from Gauwirtschaftskamraer Schwab en, possibly
a successor organization of luH Augsburg during the period of con-
solidation of offices as an economy measure, Jun-Jul
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 55
257 NSDAP/Gauleitung Baden EAP 60~g/5 FT 6616639 Folder of FSV/Baden-Elsass, containing incoming correspondence,
bzw. Elsass/Amt ftlr Yolks- copies of outgoing correspondence, records of telephone communications
wohlfahrt (Karlsruhe and and of Einsatzst&be conferences, file memoranda, and lists of supplies
Strassburg) dealing with preparations for relief of heavily bombed areas, May 19UO-
Hov 19&U This material illuminates the organization and functions of
the USV as the major agency in domestic disaster relief during the war
years. From the viewpoint of propaganda methods, it is also interesting
to follow the evolution of the term "Katastropheneinsatz" to the euphe-
mism "Luftkriegeinsatz" or "Soforthilfe," following G0ring!s express
order of 9 Dec 19^3.
EAP 60-h-22/l FT 6617145 Folder of unknown provenance, containing stray items on tax mat-
ters: "Reinhardt-Brief Hr. 5 /Fritz Reinhardt, expert on tax and labor
matters who became Staatssekret&r im Finanzministerium in 1933/* ^r ^e
Finanzbeamten im Wehrdienst," July 19^-3t devoted mainly to the latest
regulations on income and turnover taxes; report of Wirtschaftsgruppe
Sisen Schaffende Indus trie/Reichsgruppe Industrie, entitled "Srgebnis
der Sitzung betrefend Besteuerung der Kartelle u. Syndikaten am 2U. Uov. These documents are useful as supplementary material to the frag-
mentary Reichsfinanzministerium records, listed in Guide Ho. 11 as HA
Microcopy, T-178, Rolls lU-16, and R-iy,
Diirener Metallwerke A£ EAP 60-h-23/2 66171S2 Folder of Mrener Ketallwerke AG-, containing copies of Reich tax
laws and social security regulations, and of correspondence thereon with
Finanzemt Mren, as well as advice on the exploitation of tax law loop-
holes circulated to member firms by Industrie-VerbMnde Dilren, Euskirchen,
Julich, Schleiden, e.v., Aug 1928-Jan 19^2. This material is illuminat-
ing for the evolution end alterations in tax policies and particularly
for the reaction of business circles during the late Weimar and Kazi
eras. See cross reference in SAP 60~h-22/l, immediately preceding*
Sven Hedin-Institut EAP 6l-a~12/2 FS 6617370 Folder containing personal papers of SS-Stubaf. Dr. Ernst
Schaefer, Leiter des Sven Hedin-Institut f&r Innerasienforschung u.
Expeditionen, including the draft of an article entitled "Srgebnisse
ineiner dritten Tibetexpedition (Schirmherr RFSS) f&r die unmittelbare
Praxis," not 5-ted but probably 19^3; correspondence with RFSS/Haupt-
amt-Schulungsamt, agreeing to publication of the article if Himmler!s
express permission could be obtained, Mar 19^3? a- Schaefer telegram
begging-off on a proposed lecture because of a Himmler veto on grounds
of security, May 19^3? a Schaefer letter to Schellenberg at RSHA/Amt
VI, regretting (for unstated, but implied, security reasons) his inar-
Continued bility to participate as commentator in a showing of a film on Tibet,
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 56
May 19^3» ®ie greater part of the documents in this folder, consisting
of Schaefer's correspondence with various publications and organizations
concerning his "books, articles, and speeches, has not "been filmed. For
further material on Schaefer and the Sven Hedin-Institut, see T-S1,
Serials 250-2SS, Rolls 127-132.
257 Reichsfflhrer SS/Per- SAP 6l-a-12/3 FO? 661739^ Folder of RFSS/Fers.St. containing correspondence from, to,
sflnlicher Stab and about Dr. Ernst Schaefer, Leiter der Forschungsstfitte fittr Inner-
asien und Sxpeditionen (part of "Das Ahnenerbe" and later amalgamated
with the Sven Hedin-Institut), in which Rudolf Brandt and Ostuf.
Ullman appear as intercessors for, and Karl Wolff as antagonist to,
Schaefer, and in which Himmler personally participated. At the out-
break of war in Sep 1939* Himmler apprised Schaefer of a plan to or-
ganize under the latter's command an expedition to Tibet as the base
for fomenting rebellion in northern India, and ordered Schaefer and
others to SS-Stab "Der FJihrer'1 in Prag for military training.
Schaefer approached Admiral Caiiaris with the complaint that these
training orders imposed unnecessary delay in his mission. Canaris
in turn informed Himmler, who sharply reprimanded Schaefer for secu-
rity and military discipline. Wilhelm Keppler, Staatssekret&r z.b.V*
in the AA, also was kept informed of the project, Sep 1939* During
Jun 19^-0, Schaefer was again in trouble because of unauthorised at-
tempts to revive the project.
1. Artillerie Abteilung BAP 62~f/2 FT 66175!^ Folder of 1. Art. Abt. z.b.V. 681, containing directives
z.b.V. 681 issued by OB West/0.Qu.Mil.3efh.Belg.Nfr./Ch.Mil.Verw., and by Marine
Yerpflegungsamt concerning "Tferpflegung ausl&ndischer Arbeiter in
deutschen Heeresbetrieben," Sep 19^1-Jan 19^2.
17, (bayer.) Reiter- EAP 63-11/2 FT 661755S Folder of 17. Reiter-Regiment, containing correspondence on a
Regiment training area in Bamberg, Jan 1-928-Oct 1929* There may be political
significance in the fact that the Reichswehr Ministerium/Heereslei-
tung objected to the simultaneous use of the area as a civilian air-
port and complained of the uncooperative attitude of the Bamberg city-
275 25S EJ\P 65-a-17/2 FT 6617607 Folder of uncertain provenance, containing photostats of Rund-
schreiben to industrial firms operating in the production category
"Optik und Feinmechanik," designating priorities and priority proce-
dures, Jul-Nov 19^. Included is a typewritten copy of a telegram
sent to WKr Beauf tragter/ /WKr_7" VII, stressing that Hitler had given
top priority to Flak production, l\Tov 19^»
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 57

275 6617618 Folder of Landessch&tzen Btl» 98^, containing: OKW/Amt Aiisland

directive on "Korruption zum Hachteile der Wehrmacht, " June 19^1» a
directive issued "by Chef des Generalstabes/Stellv»Kdo. entitled 'tTJnbe-
rechtigter Warenkauf," Aug 19^U; a directive of BMi. des Innern enti-
tled "Unberechtigte Anschaffungen,» Apr 19^U.
Industrie u. Handelo- 1AP 65-C-32/18 FT 6617629 Industrie u. Handelskammer Metz folder, containing photostats of
kammer Metz Per Aufbau der Gauwirtschaftskammer. Yortrag von Pras» Dr. Ing, e«h»
Albert Pietzsch, Leiter der Reichsvdrtschaftskammer, gehalten auf einer
Tagung in der RWiKamm. am 3^» Sept. 19^-2. This book describes organiza-
tion, structure, functions, and personnel of the Gauwirtschaftskammern,
and their interrelationship with the various (Jau branches of trade and
industry. Also included in this folder are copies of four regulations
regarding simplification and standardization of trade and industry cate-
gories, Apr-May 19^2, and two sample statutes still awaiting approval
by HWil-ii. Frame numbers in the lower left corner of photostats irrele-
vant to 1JA Microcopy T-2& frame numbers at the top of each page.
Rtfstungs-InspektiOn BAP 65-0-32/19 FT 6617698 Eiftstungs-Inspektion Frankreich folder, containing a copy of a
Frankreich directive issued by RMi f» Bewaffnung u. Munition/Rfl A Bit/1, concerning
"Organisation der Rtlstungsdienststellen,n 16 Mar 19^3»_
? SAP 65-d-ll/l FT 661773^ Chart of unknown provenance, marked "WKrGesch /Wirtschafts-Kriegs-
geschichte t/t L¥~-Iachschub-Transporte filr Afrika,» with ship symbols
showing monthly figures (in tons) of JfAngekommen" and "Yersenkt;lf no date,
listings are for Get 19Ul-Jan 19^2.
Aufklarungs-Abteilung 1?6 SAP 65~d~12/l FS 6617737 Folder of Aufklarungs-Abt. 176S containing an order issued by 3&2»
Inf.Div./IVA, concerning "Wirtschaftliche RfiumUng11 of northern Italyf
prescribing, in principle, cash payments or Leistungsbescheinigungen for
evacuated food supplies; these regulations pertained only to small farm-
ers, not to large enberprises or government commissaries, 10 Hov 19HH.
Material on care of arms, munitions, and supplies during evacuation has
not been filmed.
Reserve Grenadier SAP 65-e-lU/l FT 6617739 Folder oi lisa. G-ren. Btl. U35» containing various directives on
Bataillon ^35 (165, withdrawal procedure, including instructions on the destruction of in-
Re s erve Divi s ion) dustrial plants and warnings against leaving weapons and supplies behind,
Aug-Dec 19UU.
EAP 65-f/l FT Folder of unknown provenance, containing a copy of "Geheimhaltungs-
bestimmungen fflr Finnan bei Aimfflbrung von ¥ehrmachtauftragen,fl issued
by Chef OKW, Jan 1933, with cLanges (written in ink) as of 19 Feb 19^3.
Continued EAP 65-f/U FT Folder of unknown provenance, containing "AbwehrbestimmungBn fi!ir
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 58
geschfttzte Betriebe der Gruppe C, " issued by RWiMi im Einvernehmen m.
d. OKW, which delineates the responsibilities and methods of private
plant Abwehrstellen and mode of cooperation with Abwehrbeauf tragter
der Wehrmacht in the area, 19^0.
275 258 EAP 65-f-13/l FT 6617790 Folder of uncertain provenance, apparently of the Abwehr man in
some industrial plant in Swabia, containing a Bunds chreiben of RMi f«
R$stungs- und Kriegsproduktion ordering "Sicherstellung von Italienern
die Kenntnis ha"ben von geheimer deutscher Wehrmittelfertigung, " and
correspondence on that subject, Oet-Dec 19^-3*
EAP 6-f- 661779^ Rundschreibenmappe of unknown provenance, containing directives
concerning responsibilities and methods for maintenance of internal
security of war plants and for counter-espionage measures in general,
EAP 65-f-lH/3 FT 6618328 Folder of unknown provenance, containing material on industrial
counter-espionage and security. "Merkbl£tter fi!ir die Abwehr von Sabo-
tage in RiSis tungs- , kriegs-, und lebenswichtigen Betrieben, " issued by
WA/Abw. , no date; "Sabotageabwehr in der Wehrwirtschaf t: Richtlinien
fiHr die Abwehrbeauf tragten in geschiSitzten Betrieben, " compiled by OKW,
May 19^0,
BAP 65-f-lH/6 FT 66183^7 Folder of unspecified provenance, found in a V-2 factory at
lordhausen in May 19^5» containing "Geheime Direktionsanweisungen"
circulated by the Mittelwerk G.m.b.H, Gesch&ftsf&hrung, Berlin,
countersigned by an SS-Stubaf. as Abwehrbeauf tragter, and dealing with
various matters of maintenance of security, including; a numbered
directive on channels of communication with the HA? (Lecknaine for the
V~¥a£fen project); a directive ordering measures against plant em-
ployees guilty of mistreatment of, or familiarity with, foreign slave
laborers working in the plant, with appended extracts of a JRFSS di-
rective dated 30 Bee 19^-3 &&& entitled "Umgang mit H&f tlingen; fl Nov
Abwehrbeauftragter/ EAP 65-f-lU/g FS 6618385 Folder of Ab\v»Beauf tragter in the Siemens-Halske factory in
Siemens-Halske, K$l K0 In-Bay en thai, dealing with counter-intelligence matters such as:
B ay en thai expectation of sabotage on the part of foreign workers; the require-
ment that knowledge of the identities of confidential men among the
workers, and of their reports, be restricted to Abwehrbeauf tragter
and Betriebsf'&hrer; directives issued by Abwst* Mr. VI, Mar 19^2-
Jun 19^. A stray document of Feldkommandantur 800 has not been
Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 59
2 Folder of Abwehrbeauftragter Siemens u. Halske, K0In-Bayenthai,
275 5S Abwehrbeauftragter/ E.AP 65-f-iH/iO 6618395
Siemens-Halske, containing circulars warning against suspected spies in Germany and
Bayenthal abroad, Sep 1938-Aug 19^3.
276 259 ? SAP 105/^0 FT 6618*4-27 Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Hitler-Manuskript" and
containing an unpublished 32^-page manuscript "by Hitler on the South
Tyrolean Question. In 1926, Hitler had published as a special brochure
that fragment of Me in Kampf which dealt with the issue of South Tyrol.
The present work may be considered an extension of that commentary and,
in his own words, a "Beweisftlhrung f&r die Richtigkeit unserer nat.soz.
aussenpolitischen Auffassung. " In view of the fact that he considered
an alliance with Italy a sine qua non of German foreign policy, Hitler
was highly critical of all agitation aimed at the recovery of South
lyrol. For details concerning the decision not to publish the manu-
script, and the subsequent Odyssey of this work, see the introduction
by Dr. Gerhard Weinberg in the forthcoming publication by the Institut
fftr Zeitgeschichte.
SAP 21-x-lU/9k FT 6618756 Notebook of unknown provenance, containing shorthand notes, pre-
sumably made by an adjutant at Rommel's HQ, in llorth Africa, on opera-
tional matters. Apr 19^2-Jan 19^3*
66189H1 Notebook of unknown provenance, containing daily entries by an
adjutant at Rommel's HQ, in Horth Africa on staff meetings, inspection
trips, tactical situation, and the like. 3 Oct-19 Kov 19^2.
EAP 21-X-1H/96 FT 6619123 Notebook of unknown provenance, containing daily entries by an
adjutant at Rommel's HQ, in Horth Africa on staff meetings, inspection
trips, tactical situation, and the like. 25 Dec 19^2-3 Feb 19^3.
EAP FT 661Q218 Notebook of unknown provenance, consisting of notes on tactical
situation and of drafts of personal letters by Rommel.
Libau Documents FT 6619278 Unnumbered folder of unknown provenance, containing a collection
Collection of thirty-four documents on civic and related matters of the City of
Libau, Kurland, for the period 1636-1862. The folder, marked as "Eigen-
tum der Bftrgerschaft Kleiner Gilde, Libau, Kurland," was apparently as-
sembled after 1887, and contains both originals and copies. A typed
descriptive list of the documents has been included.
Libau Guild FT 6619551 Unnumbered folder of unknown provenance, containing a list of
Charter craft guilds in Libau, Kurland, with dates of charter grants and names
of grantors, for the period l6U9~1839« Included is the copy of the
saddlers guild charter, issued on 13 Mar 1781, and considered represen-
tatives of the clause contained in craft guilds.
Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 60

277- 260- Goebbels Diary FT No frames 0-061)13618 Diary. Fragmentary collection of entries from the
267 diary of Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels for the period 19^1-19^3. Th© first
seven rolls of film appear to "be a copy of the material from which
Louis Lochner made selections for his publication of excerpts from
the diary. The last roll contains the film of an original manuscript
fragment in the World War II Records Division. Part of this frag-
ment consists of scattered pages, undated and unidentified.
Price List for Miscellaneous German Records Collection (part III)
National Archives Microcopy No. T-84, Rolls R149-192 and 229-267
Microfilm copies of one or more rolls of the microfilm may be purchased at the prices listed below. The prices are based on a charge
of 8 cents for each foot of microfilm, with all prices rounded off to the nearest dollar. A 10-percent discount is given on orders for
more than frl,000 and a 15-percent discount on orders for more than y>3,000.
Rolls containing privileged material are designated by the symbol R before the roll number. They are not available for sale and are
therefore not included in this list.
Gnecks or money orders for microfilm should accompany the order. They should be made payable to the General Services Administration
(M3SE) and should be sent to the National Archives, Washington ^5^ D. G. Persons ordering microfilm from outside the United States or its
possessions should make their remittance by international money order or check drawn in United States dollars on a bank in the United
States and payable to the General Services Administration (l\€SE), Each order should specify the microcopy number (T-84), the roll number
or numbers, and the price«,
Roll Price Roll Price Roll Price Roll Price Roll Price Roll Price
150 164 $8 181 #8 232 A 245 39 259 #7
151 ^5
6 165 8 182 8 233 8 246 7 260 9
153 7 166 7 183 8 234 9 247 7 261 9
154 B 167 4 184 7 235 8 248 9 262 8
155 B 168 8 185 6 236 8 249 8 263 9
156 6 169 8 186 5 237 9 250 8 264 6
157 1 170 8 187 6 238 8 251 10 265 8
158 1 171 7 188 3 239 5 252 8 266 7
159 7 172 8 189 i 240 7 253 10 267 5
160 a 173 8 190 6 241 7 254 8
161 B 174 8 191 8 242 10 255 3 Total $513
162 8 175 8 192 8 243 8 257 9
163 1 176 3 229 4 244 7 258 6

GSA- W A S H DC 62- 1 I SCO

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