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Divine Word College of Legazpi


Legazpi City

Literature 1 – Philippine Literature in English

Module 1

I. What is Literature?
A. Build a concept map from the words that you think of when you hear the word

Tradition works

Literature Language


B. Search sources such as books and the internet for definitions of literature and
come up with your own definition incorporating some terms from the concept
map from I.A.
1. Personal Definition of Literature.
Literature is a term referring to any written and sometimes
spoken material. It represent the culture and tradition of people
or language. These are writings dealing with a particular
subject. Literature is a form of human expression.

C. Participate in class discussion to come up with a unified definition of literature.

1. Class Definition of Literature.

II. What is Philippine Literature?

A. Search sources such as books and the internet for definitions of literature
and write a paragraph with a minimum of five sentences differentiating
Philippine Literature from literature in general and literatures from around
the world.

Philippine Literature from the word itself is the literature associated with the
Philippines. Literature in general focuses on one or more genres, cultures, or
traditions. It is one of fine arts like music, dance, painting, sculpture, giving
aesthetic pleasure rather than serve any utilitarian purpose. On the other hand,
world literature refers to the writing that circulates widely beyond the borders of its
country of origin.

III. The Nature and Essence of Literature.

A. Write an essay on the significance of studying literature.

Why do we need to study literature? What is the benefit of studying it?

Literature makes us better thinkers. Literature is the foundation of life. It moves us
to see the multi-sidedness of situations. It encourages us to be sensitive to the whole
spectrum of human experience and to consider it when making decisions in our day-
to-day lives. Studying literature refine our writing skills and helps expand our
vocabularies. Literature enables people to see through the lenses of others therefore
becoming a looking glass into the world. Studying literature exposes us to words and
ideas that reach our souls and change us forever. Thus, studying literature makes
the world a better place!

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