Sie sind auf Seite 1von 12

1.Write a program that draws a binary tree.


If we take a closer look at the pattern, we can notice following.

1) Rightmost node is printed in first line and leftmost node is printed in last line.
2) Space count increases by a fixed amount at every level.
So we do a reverse inorder traversal (right – root – left) and print tree nodes. We increase
space by a fixed amount at every level.

// C++ Program to print binary tree in 2D

using namespace std;
#define COUNT 10
// A binary tree node
class Node
int data;
Node* left, *right;

/* Constructor that allocates a new node with the

given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
Node(int data){
this->data = data;
this->left = NULL;
this->right = NULL;

// Function to print binary tree in 2D

// It does reverse inorder traversal
void print2DUtil(Node *root, int space)
// Base case
if (root == NULL)

// Increase distance between levels

space += COUNT;

// Process right child first

print2DUtil(root->right, space);

// Print current node after space

// count
for (int i = COUNT; i < space; i++)
cout<<" ";
// Process left child
print2DUtil(root->left, space);

// Wrapper over print2DUtil()

void print2D(Node *root)
// Pass initial space count as 0
print2DUtil(root, 0);

// Driver code
int main()
Node *root = new Node(1);
root->left = new Node(2);
root->right = new Node(3);

root->left->left = new Node(4);

root->left->right = new Node(5);
root->right->left = new Node(6);
root->right->right = new Node(7);

root->left->left->left = new Node(8);

root->left->left->right = new Node(9);
root->left->right->left = new Node(10);
root->left->right->right = new Node(11);
root->right->left->left = new Node(12);
root->right->left->right = new Node(13);
root->right->right->left = new Node(14);
root->right->right->right = new Node(15);


return 0;

2.Write a program that draws a general tree


// CPP program to do level order traversal

// of a generic tree

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// Represents a node of an n-ary tree

struct Node

int key;

vector<Node *>child;


// Utility function to create a new tree node

Node *newNode(int key)

Node *temp = new Node;

temp->key = key;

return temp;

// Prints the n-ary tree level wise

void LevelOrderTraversal(Node * root)

if (root==NULL)


// Standard level order traversal code

// using queue

queue<Node *> q; // Create a queue

q.push(root); // Enqueue root

while (!q.empty())

int n = q.size();

// If this node has children

while (n > 0)

// Dequeue an item from queue and print it

Node * p = q.front();


cout << p->key << " ";

// Enqueue all children of the dequeued item

for (int i=0; i<p->child.size(); i++)



cout << endl; // Print new line between two levels

// Driver program

int main()

/* Let us create below tree

* 10

* //\\

* 2 34 56 100

* /\ |/|\

* 77 88 1 7 8 9


Node *root = newNode(10);











cout << "Level order traversal Before Mirroring\n";


return 0;

3.Write a program that can input and display a person's family tree.

import java.awt.*;

   import java.awt.event.*;

   import java.util.*;


* @author      Amber Hisaw <>

* @version     1.0

* @since       5-9-2015

* @purpose:    This class creates a binary tree that

*              holds strings and will add them to a

*              specified node.


   public class FamilyTree


      private class Node


         String value;     // Value stored in node

         Node left, right; // Left and right child     



      Constructor for leaf nodes.

      @param val The value to store in the node.


         Node(String val)


            value = val;
            left = null;

            right = null;




      Constructor for non-leaf nodes.

      @param val The value to initialize the node.

      @param leftChild The link to the left child.

      @param rightChild The link to the right child.


         Node(String val, Node leftChild, Node rightChild)


            value = val;

            left = leftChild;

            right = rightChild;





    The BTreeDisplay class graphically displays trees

   in a JPanel. The JPanel is recursively partitioned

   into a top part dislaying the root, and two lower

   parts displaying the left and right subtrees.


      private class BTreeDisplay extends JPanel



      @param tree The root of the binary

      tree to display.



         BTreeDisplay(Node tree)



            setLayout(new BorderLayout());

            if (tree != null)


               String value = String.valueOf(tree.value);

               int pos = SwingConstants.CENTER;

               JLabel rootLabel = new JLabel(value, pos);                        

               add(rootLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH);

               JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2));

               panel.add(new BTreeDisplay(tree.left));

               panel.add(new BTreeDisplay(tree.right));   








      private Node root = null;   // Root of binary tree



   The getView method creates and returns a

   a graphical view of the binary tree.

   @return A panel that displays a view of the tree.


      public JPanel getView()


         return new BTreeDisplay(root);      




   The public root method adds a value to the

   tree by calling a private root method and

   passing it the root of the tree.

   @param x The value to make root.

   @return true.    


      public boolean root(String x)


         if (root == null){

            root = new Node(x);

            return true;}


            return false;



   The public addLeft method adds a value to the

   tree by locating the desired parent and ensuring

   all requirements are met.

   @param p The desired parent. x The value to add to the tree.

   @return true.    


      public boolean addLeft(String p, String x)


         Node parent = locate(p);

      //Check if root is established.

         if (root == null ){

            return false;}

         //Locate desired parent and checks if child exists.

         else if (parent != null && parent.left == null){

         //Adds node

            parent.left = new Node(x);

            return true;}


            return false;




   The public addRight method adds a value to the

   tree by locating the desired parent and ensuring

   all requirements are met.

   @param p The desired parent. x The value to add to the tree.

   @return true.    


      public boolean addRight(String p, String x)


         Node parent = locate(p);

      //Check if root is established.

         if (root == null ){

            return false;}

         //Locate desired parent and checks if child exists.

         else if (parent != null && parent.right == null){

         //Adds node

            parent.right = new Node(x);

            return true;}


            return false;



      public Node locate(String p)


      // Call the private recursive method

         return locate(p, root);




   The method contains checks whether an

   item is in a binary search tree.

   @param x The item to check for.

   @param famTree The binary tree to look in.

   @return true if found, false otherwise.


      private Node locate(String p, Node famTree)


        //new Node result, set to null.

         Node result = null;

            if (famTree == null)

            return null;

        //if passed node contains value, return it.     

            if (famTree.value.equals(p))

            return famTree;

            //if left child not null, recursively call locate with left child.

         if (famTree.left != null)

            result = locate(p,famTree.left);

            //if parent still not found, recursively call right locate passing the right child.

         if (result == null)

            result = locate(p,famTree.right);

         return result;




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