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PNGE 343 - Petroleum Reservoir Engineering I

2019/20 Fall
Problem Set-1, Solution

1. Since the effective oil permeability is not given, Wheatley Correlation should be used.
a) Vertical permeability is equal to the horizontal permeability:
r r
kV re 720 971
reD = = = 22.068
hH he 720 44
rwD = = 0.006
X= = 0.318
rwD + X = 0.324

From Wheatley Chart; qdc = 0.049.


h2e kH ∆ρqDc 442 × 720 × (1.0968 − 0.8336) × 0.049

qc = 0.006145 = 0.006145 = 243.11 STB/d
µo Bo 0.32 × 1.42



b) Vertical permeability is equal to 0.1×horizontal permeability:

r r
kV re 72 971
reD = = = 6.979
hH he 720 44
rwD = = 0.006

X= = 0.318
rwD + X = 0.324

From Wheatley Chart; qdc = 0.062 Therefore,

h2e kH ∆ρqDc 442 × 720 × (1.0968 − 0.8336) × 0.062

qc = 0.006145 = 0.006145 = 307.61 STB/d
µo Bo 0.32 × 1.42

Summarizing results:

Case-a Case-b
reD 22.068 6.979
rwd 0.006 0.006
X 0.318 0.318
X + rwd 0.324 0.324
qDc 0.049 0.062
qc 243.11 307.61

c) Due to lower vertical permeability (72 md) in Case-b, the vertical movement of water is expected to be
slower, allowing a higher rate for production (307.61 vs 243.11)
307.61-243.11 = 64.5 STB/d higher production rate can be set at the well without causing coning.

2. The data indicates that it is a gas-cap reservoir. MBE for a gas-cap reservoir can be written as:

(Bo − Boi + (Rsi − Rs )Bg Bg
Np [Bo + (Rp − Rs )Bg ] = N Boi +m −1
Boi Bgi
Gp 6
Given data: Np = 80000 STB, Gp =60×106 SCF Rp = Rp = 60×10
80000 =750 SCF/STB

1st description:
1000×106 SCF × 0.86rbbl
N = 245000 STB, G=1000×106 SCF → m= 245000ST B×1.34rbbl/ST
B = 2.62

Inserting all the data into MBE to solve for N:

(1.28 − 1.34 + (1250 − 900) × 0.89/1000 0.89
80000[1.28+(750−900)×0.89/1000] = N ×1.24 + 2.62 −1
1.34 0.86

N = 244587 STB ∼
= 245000 STB
2nd description:
1500×106 SCF × 0.86rbbl
N = 675000 STB, G=1500×106 SCF → m= 675000ST B×1.34rbbl/ST
B = 1.43

Inserting all the data into MBE to solve for N:

(1.28 − 1.34 + (1250 − 900) × 0.89/1000 0.89
80000[1.28+(750−900)×0.89/1000] = N ×1.24 + 1.43 −1
1.34 0.86

N = 287524 STB 6= 675000 STB

1st description is correct.

3. When we look at the depth-pressure survey data, we see two clearly seen trends of pressure gradients
with a contact depth in between 3080 ft. To understand the types of fluids, we need to calculate the
pressure gradients (slopes) of these trends:

• First trend: (P1-P2)/(D1-D2) = (1424-1420)/(3080-3030) = 0.08 psi/ft (typical gas pressure gradient).
• Second trend: (P1-P2)/(D1-D2) = (1442-1424)/(3130-3080) = 0.36 psi/ft (typical oil pressure gradi-

Therefore we can conclude that this is an oil reservoir with a gas cap above 3080 ft (i.e., GOC is at 3080
ft) There is no pressure information above 3030 ft, except the fact that the HC zone is entered at 3025 ft.
Therefore, top depth of the gas cap is estimated to be 3025 ft. There is no pressure information below
3130 ft, but the structural map’s bottom depth is 3130 ft. Thus, there is not an expected aquifer below the
oil zone. From the given information, HC formation intervals are:

• 3025-3080: GAS CAP

• 3080-3130: OIL ZONE

Calculating areas in terms of ft2 using given conversion factors and planimeter information:

Structure Contour Line, ft Area (Planimeter Reading) Area (in2 ) Area (ft2 )
(Plan.Units×4/0.78) (in2 ×300×300)
3025 0 0 0
3030 0.73 3.7 336,923.1
3080 2.14 11.0 987,692.3
3130 2.32 11.9 1,070,769.2

Calculating the bulk volumes for each contour interval using the volumetric method by determining
h h
whether pyramidal (∆Vb = 3 (An + An+1 + An An+1 ) or trapezoidal (∆Vb = 2 (An + An+1 )) for-
mula should be used:

n A(n+1)/A(n) Volume (ft3 )

3 (Vol. between 3025-3030 Lines) 0.0 (Pyr) 561,538 (Gas)
2 (Vol. between 3030-3080 Lines) 0.34 (Pyr) 31,691,385 (Gas)
1 (Vol. between 3080-3130 Lines) 0.92 (Trap) 51,461,538 (Oil)

Therefore, the bulk volume for the oil zone, Vb,oil is 51,461,538 ft3 and for the gas zone, Vb,gas , is
(561,538+31,691,385)= 32,252,923 ft3 , and since there is not an aquifer, bulk volume for the water zone,
Vb,water is 0. Now, in-place volumes can be calculated using the given parameters for the reservoir:
Vb,oil ×φ×(1−Swc ) 51,461,538×0.07×(1−0.34)
• Original-Oil-In-Place, STB = N = (Bo ×5.615) = (Bo ×5.615) = 338,739 STB

Vb,gas ×φ×(1−Swc ) 32,252,923×0.07×(1−0.34)
• Original-Gas-In-Place, SCF (free) = G = (Bg ×5.615) = (0.00085×5.615) = 312,206,808

• Original-Gas-In-Place, SCF (dissolved) = N × Rs = 338, 739 × 910 = 308,252,324 SCF

(Vb,oil +Vb,gas )×φ×(Swc ) 83,714,461×0.07×(0.34)
• Original-Water-In-Place, STB (connate) = (Bw ×5.615) = (1×5.615) = 354,836
Vb,water ×φ 0×0.07
• Original-Water-In-Place, STB (aquifer) = (Bw ×5.615) = (1×5.615) = 0 STB

4. Estimate oil recovery factors for a super-undersaturated deep-water reservoir by:

a) neglecting formation and water compressibility, for an undersaturated reservoir, we can write the MBE
as in terms of the oil recovery factor (Np /N ) and calculate the recovery factor as:

Np Bo − Boi 1.159 − 1.123

= = = 0.031
N Bo 1.159
(or 3.1%)
b) including formation and water compressibility, for an undersaturated reservoir, we can write the MBE
as in terms of the oil recovery factor (Np /N ) and calculate the recovery factor as:
Np Bo − Boi Boi cw Swc + cf
= + ∆p
N Bo Bo 1 − Swc

4 × 10−6 × 0.38 + 15 × 10−6

1.159 − 1.123 1.123
+ × (19600 − 12000) = 0.031+0.196 = 0.227
1.159 1.159 1 − 0.38

(or 22.7%)

Formation and water compressibilities have a significant impact on the recovery process in this reservoir.

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