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Worthwhile enemies are impossible to forget. And the lessons will be longterm

Worthless enemies who become useful friends don't improve you in any way except
materially. If they remain worthless enemies they are like cockroaches, you keep them in
place and when necessary you crush them. And sometimes they crush you, be ready for
that possibility also.

The worthwhile enemy – this person is diametrically opposed to the nature of what you
are and what you stand for. He is against you for ideological reasons and willingly works
against you even if there is no benefit to him at all. He despises you and plots against you
openly and secretly. He prepares diligently all the forces he can muster to use them
against you when there is an advantage. This is a worthwhile enemy. Because he isn't
easily placated by physical things, you'll have to be creative in planning against him.
Because he'll use any opportunity to exterminate you or part of you, you'll have to
prepare superior defenses against him. And because he wants to supplant you
altogether, you can never accept to lose against him.

An enemy like this is a gift from God. He will keep you in the best fighting shape of your
life. Once you have the advantage over a worthwhile enemy, they must be decimated
completely or forced into an agreement where they are powerless. As mentioned before,
you must break their MINDS, not their backs. I maneuvered my way out of the grips of
the devil-lady and her crew by employing favors within the intelligence community where
I had friends and through the tribal connections of friends of friends. Needless to say, it
was a brutal two months on the run considering my family and financial situation, but it
made me respect that woman more than I had previously. And in my hardcore martial
mind, I valued her as a worthwhile enemy. She stood out in my life as a ruthless, cunning
woman who would stop at nothing to ruin me. And she used all the considerable
resources at her disposal to do so. I respect her very much, but I hope she burns in hell
under the most wicked temperatures. 
Immediate Action:

You must identify who and what your enemy is and put them into the appropriate
category. Use force, diplomacy, gifts, any means to root out what they are so you can
deal with them accordingly. One of the fastest, surest ways to identify who is
trustworthy and who isn’t is through financial transactions. When you deal in money,
especially money you give on a loan basis, you will quickly see the truth of people. If
a person can easily neglect or intentionally forget their financial commitment to a
friend, you can be almost 100% sure they will neglect you in more serious issues
regarding your life as well.

The person who returns the money promptly is of two types: the one who does so
out a sense of responsibility. And the one who does so in order to impress you and
ingratiate themselves to you for some agenda you haven’t seen yet. The first is a
friend, the second is dangerous. They will leave you high and dry instantly when it
benefits them to do so.  

Understanding why your enemy fights you is the key to defeating him
Sometimes, trusting a cobra next to your child is an easier choice than a person 



A few years ago, I read a story about a Sicilian mafia group that murdered one of its
members using a family gathering as bait for the target. The intended target ate with the
family, enjoyed time with the children, and generally felt very at ease and comfortable.
Later in the evening he fell asleep on the sofa from the drugs they placed into his drink,
was then dispatched quietly with a kitchen knife, and promptly buried in the forest. This
is deception. Premeditated, well thought out, and if well designed, imperceptible by the
target. In fact, a good deception is so imperceptible that the intended target(s)
sometimes even believe they have the upper hand!

“Politics is when you say you are going to do one thing while intending to do another.
Then you do neither what you said nor what you intended.” Saddam Hussein

One of my close friends was an advisor to the former (soon-to-be late) president of
Egypt, Mr. Morsi. This good-hearted, religious man was thrust into the game of thrones
that is Middle Eastern politics with no experience and zero supporting training. A few
days before his overthrow by the “reformed” General Sissi, Mr. Morsi’s advisor boasted,
“Don’t worry about Sissi, I have him in my pocket.” 
They are all now sitting on death row in some dungeon in Egypt for the capital crime of
stupidity. You see my dear reader, you can never have a former military intelligence
torturer “in your pocket” unless you break him physically and mentally, then hold his
family hostage in the hotel in Cairo until the General is given his retirement bonus and
sent home. In a taxi or a hearse. Mr. Sissi was a worthwhile enemy who played a great
deception by wearing the outer garments of a “reformed” man who found religion when
Mr. Morsi came to power through the first democratic elections in Egyptian history. His
deception was so thorough he even had his wife call him during council meetings so he
could ask her about her “Quran recitation classes for the kids”.

Deception is a far superior stratagem than a surprise attack.

Surprise attacks are a bit easier to handle and prepare for. Prior to going to a location that
has a reputation for robbery, carjacking, human trafficking, or any other industry of misery
miscreants use to make money…you as the prepared good guy must get ready physically
and mentally. When you’re armed with knowledge and adequate preparation if you’re set
upon by predators while in that environment it would not come as a total surprise. You’d
be in shit, but not up to your ears. You might be physically taken but you would not be
psychologically destroyed. This is a surprise attack. You don't know when it will happen
but you're reasonably sure that it could happen because of the circumstances you’re going
into. With some training and preparation, you can be mentally fit enough to deal with such
a situation and come out of it relatively fine. The main thing to understand with surprise
attacks is, they are less and less of a “surprise” the more experience you get dealing with
them. Hence Napoleon’s statement, “Never fight the same enemy too often or they will
learn your strategy and tactics.” 

If you want to win, you must learn to be ruthless against your opponents when necessary.
And most importantly, deceptive in your speech and action, because sophisticated
adversaries are well prepared for surprise attacks. Especially if they are in a business that
requires them to be extra vigilant of potential enemies. Now, it is extremely important to
understand that deception is not betrayal. You MUST distinguish between the two of
them. Deception is a tactic of war, politics, business, and streetfighting in equal measure.
To betray is to break one's word and promise once an agreement has been made or is in
the process of being made. You must be a master in the art of deception in times of
conflict and have superior skill in a surprise attack to overcome your adversaries. But if
you are a betrayer, even the worst scum on earth will dedicate all their resources to kill
you to avenge that betrayal. That’s human nature. So be very wary of this.  
Immediate Action:

Imagine you were in my place in the example I gave with the gang members putting a
gun in my face. A surprise attack could be effective and maybe you could kill or maim
one or two of them before the others shot you…as we said, they are prepared
adversaries. So, think of that situation and plan a deception that could get you out of
that predicament. The more your mind strategizes these types of scenarios the easier
and less impacting it will be when you face them in the street. The mind is the most
potent training tool you have because it can visually create worlds and adversaries
for you to deal with instantly and in a vivid, realistic fashion. That’s why you wake up
from nightmares in a cold sweat wondering if the enemy is on top of you or not. Your
brain created that experience and your body physiologically reacts to the stimulant
of violence it “faced” in the nightmare. When you harness this power to train your
mind you will see the difference within yourself very quickly.  

Cartel murder in Mexico. Very common.

A good deception will present incredible opportunities against adversaries
People are visual, whatever you obviously show them is usually what they see 



1. When facing an enemy never allow yourself to show weakness of any kind. If your
adversary feels you are weak it will give him the added impetus to launch his attack. If he
feels you are equal to him or stronger, he will think twice before he decides to move
against you. USA vs Peru. USA vs China. There is a big difference in the decision-making
rooms before any warships are dispatched in those scenarios. And that reality is the same
on the street or in a boardroom. Bad guys look at the external before considering
probing into the internal. If you look like a badass with an attitude and shades you’ll get a
lot less flack on the street than if you wear yellow Polo shorts and go for a stroll listening
to Elton John. Pay attention to how you look and to how others perceive you.

2. Display weakness to your adversary only if it is part of your deception. Then cinch the
noose tight around his neck when he takes the bait. Apparent weakness can be a key
strength if it is understood and used in a smart manner. The great mistake most people
make is to look at what seems to be weak, and assume there is no potential in it at all.
The advantage is that your enemy will most probably underestimate you. Armed gang
members surrounding you…they are 100% sure they will get compliance. Let them
believe that, then launch the surprise attack or the deception.
3. If you love peace, prepare very well for war. Only a fool tries to make peace without
having any means of protecting it from predators once it's established. When a tiger looks
at a rabbit it doesn't take long for him to decide what he wants for dinner.

4. Never underestimate your enemy. Always assume that your enemy is ruthless, agile,
sophisticated, ready and intelligent. If they prove to be otherwise, beautiful. But if you
make the mistake to assume they're fools, you can easily be taken by their surprise, or
even worse…their deception.

Immediate Action:

Write down your 3 primary weaknesses on a pad of paper or your smartphone. Now
imagine you were the adversary, how could you exploit these weaknesses to your
advantage? The more you understand your own strengths and weaknesses the easier
it will be to identify where a potential adversary will attack you from. In my case, the
weak point is my children. I would betray everyone on the planet to keep my children
alive. At the same time, I would sacrifice the life of one child to save the rest. I’ve
already made those decisions mentally so if the situation ever arises I will not
hesitate a moment because the decision was made years prior to the event and
visualized hundreds of times, and I “felt” the sadness of “losing” my child, then
overcoming the grief. This process of decision-action-acceptance-continuation,
through visualization, helped me overcome incredible difficulties I faced in my
lifelong before I ever faced them. The result was that I could act instantly in the
situations I faced in real life and overcome them quickly as well.  
Everyone looks innocent until you find out they buried their six siblings under the
stairs before having lunch with you at Starbucks 



If information comes to you from a source that in your opinion and experience is totally
trustworthy, accept it at face value, then verify it quietly. If information comes to you
from a source that is completely unreliable and almost fraudulent, refuse it openly, then
verify it quietly.

An honest man can lie and a liar can tell the truth. Take everything you receive and put it
through your verification system…the only difference is how you receive what you hear.
The honest man gets a smile, nod, and verification. The liar gets no smile, no nod, and
verification. One is more respected and valuable but both are potentially useful.
Immediate Action:

When you deal with people on the street you’ll meet all types, from the satanic
fuckers to the wannabe angels. Listen well to all of them but be careful about two
things…your gut feeling with people, because it’s usually correct. Your logic, because
it’s usually wrong. Logic is influenced by social norms so if someone is “nice” you tend
to want to believe what they say and trust them so YOU feel better…deadly mistake.
On the street, the more I feel I should trust you, the less I do. And that goes just the
same in business. If people seem like they want my trust, that’s when I check
everything they say, twice. Start analyzing the people around you who are within your
second layer of contacts, outside your immediate family, and see who you feel you
should trust.

Once you’ve identified a person, for example, a boss, co-worker, acquaintance,

anybody really, then analyze how they could use the weaknesses you found in
yourself to their advantage. If you found those weaknesses then others will
inevitably find them also. Those you need to concern yourself with immediately are
the second layer of people around you. The reason I say this is because the first layer,
your immediate family, require a much high threshold they need to cross mentally
and emotionally before they conceive of betraying you. The second layer,
acquaintances, need only opportunity and enough knowledge about your weaknesses
and situation to make it profitable for them. Assume the best and the worst from
everyone so you never get surprised. 
Buy “Safely” on the dark web. Rarely what you see is what you get 



Never assume anyone is going to be good until they die. And never assume anyone is
going to be evil until they die. The heart of the human being can change very quickly
depending on their situation and influence. Some people are strong enough to resist all
outside forces and are staunchly fixed in their way. They are a small minority. If you meet
those types of people, be thankful, because these are a rare bunch. The rest of humanity
have a price on their head, you just have to keep on bidding until you reach it. That price
does not have to be monetary. It can be a position, status, influence, revenge, lust, desire
to succeed, need for a legacy, etc. They might be excellent people because the
opportunity hasn’t come about to be anything different, their price has not been met yet.
This is the primary reason why you should follow the way of Rabiah and never give any
human being superhuman status, regardless of their position. Each and every one of
them for as long as they take air into their bodies are capable of change. If they are
excellent people then treat them excellently and take them at face value, but remember
that they are always human beings. They can't truly be deemed good people until they're
dead, even then, only God knows their heart. 
The veneer of goodness is sometimes very thick and blinding because of the amazing
actions a person can do for the public eye, but for the wrong intentions. Even Pablo
Escobar did some amazingly good things for charitable causes…all paid for by his cocaine
cash. Trust people only up to 99%. The devil only needs 1%. That one percent represents
each opportunity there is for the “good person” to have someone or something come
along, meet their price, and make it a profitable endeavor to betray you. Once it’s met,
they become almost unrecognizable to those who knew them before. You will see a
dragon in front of you when all you expected was a mouse. The Devil’s 1% percent is
venomous. You can never underestimate its powerful ability to twist a beautiful face into
an ugly one. And as I stated in the previous Mindwarp: you will not be able to recognize
them or negotiate with them.

Immediate Action:

1. Think of those around you and your environment. Where is that 1% most likely
going to come from? Then think where you would most likely not expect to see it
from, then consider it from that angle as well and what you would do when faced with
it. Visualize the scenarios in as much detail as possible, drilling down to the color of
their clothing and the specs they are wearing. The more detailed you are, the more
realistic and powerful the visualization becomes. Using the darkest room you can find
in your house will help to make the drill more intense and emotional.

2. Physically maneuver your resources in preparation for betrayal by a dragon in

hiding. It will always be a sudden and surprising event when it happens and you
always lose something of value.

When a dragon is freed it lashes out at everything except that which met its price.
Family, friends, relationships are turned to ashes. Preparation will minimize your loss
and give you the ability to recover quickly to protect yourself. Having backup
emergency cash, stored weapons, a safe-house, a secondary income source online
nobody knows about, etc, are a great start in diversifying your resources and planning
for the day when someone close accepts the Devil’s 1% and turns on you. The more
you prepare mentally and physically, the faster you’ll recover from the betrayal and
take the initiative in acting against them. Thus, taking them off guard when they
thought they had you off guard.  
Even the most seemingly useless individual can be of incredible value in the right
circumstances and with the correct grooming



Each human being has knowledge, skills, and attributes that are useful in specific
circumstances and useless in others. You MUST strive to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of the people around you and place each person in their correct position for
the situation at hand. Placement of incapable friends and family in important positions
will win you the worst type of entourage: arrogant and greedy sycophants.

These people will be useless when you need them the most and problematic
troublemakers when you don't need them. They will covertly hide their inability to do the
job properly by abusing the people under their command, creating bitterness and long-
term cancer within the team. Or they will overtly display their inability to do the job and
there will be zero discipline or productivity within the team. Either way, your ship is
sinking fast, so always prefer the ugliest bird that is capable of flight over the prettier
bird that can't flap a wing. 
Immediate Action:

Choose the best person for the job and forget about relationships, status, sex, etc.
Imagine you had to choose one person to become YOU for a month. They enter your
body and assume your identity all the while knowing full well they are NOT you. They
will handle your responsibilities, take care of your family, run your business, etc.  Who
would that person be? Why would you choose that person over everyone else?
Answering these very uncomfortable questions will allow you to identify the
strengths, weaknesses, and qualities within the people around you in a very personal

If I had to choose someone to be me, that would mean they would have access to my
wife in the most private moments, all my money, my children, every secret in my mind
that I never wanted to share with anyone in my life. It’s a grotesque visualization that
really bothered me when I did it first with my mentor. I was so discomforted at the
idea of someone being close to my wife and knowing the ways in which I enjoy her. I
got very angry in this visualization even though I never disclosed to my mentor any
details about it. It’s a very uncomfortable feeling. But the resulting depth of
knowledge that comes from this visualization will show you who you really trust and
who you really feel is capable amongst the people 
Being fat and poisonous could be a tremendous advantage 


Sometimes it's not feasible to fight physically against a powerful enemy because of your
situation, so don't, strangle them in other ways. Brainstorm and find a way to hurt them,
even if it means sucking up your pride for a while and kowtowing to them verbally while
you prepare. War is deception. If they are the enemy, there is no better way to deceive
them than well-faked kindness and actual physical weakness, because nothing is as
believable as the truth.

Immediate Action:

Write out 3 weaknesses you have that others have openly identified in you. Now
weaponize each one of them by thinking how people will UNDERESTIMATE you
because of the apparent weakness. Once you weaponize it, you psychologically pull
the trigger that turns it on and off emotionally. Now you can plan an appropriate
response for your adversary using the weakness to draw them into your deception.
You can plan this out in your mind and create an appropriate visualization for it. I
had a very vicious temper when I was young. But later in my life, overt anger simply
became a tool I used when needed. I felt no emotional connection to the displayed
action of being angry. Weaponizing your weakness turns it into a tool you use when
required rather than something that debilitates you.  
Just because it hurts doesn’t mean they won’t like it 


Subjugation through force – This method is as old as fire and equally as functional.
Controlling someone through direct force upon them will bend them to your will and
cower others who witness the display of brutality. For fast and decisive control,
subjugation through force is unmatched. The effectiveness of this methodology cannot
be disputed, but its long-term use can be. The inherent weakness of this method is the
fact that it doesn't destroy your opponent's spirit, only their physical ability to oppose
you. And like I mentioned before, you must dominate their spirit if you truly want to win
and keep your win. If you are able to kill, and you don't, you can create a debt in a
person's heart that can almost never be repaid. That's a debt you can cash in one day
when you need it. The wisdom of knowing when to kill is as important as the wisdom of
knowing when not to kill. After using force to win, you must control the inner aspect of
your opponent. Like a pair of handcuffs, force is not meant to be used over a long period
of time, otherwise, it becomes its own worst enemy. The best way is to use force when
needed, then quickly replace it with another method more effective as a long-term
threat-management solution. Subjugation by force works best against opponents who
are greedy, envious, desire power or are generally untrustworthy. These types of
opponents are only interested in enriching themselves, they need to see the sheer power
in front of them to make them obey. As soon as they perceive weakness in you...they
pounce, so show them brute force and make them kowtow to you.
Subjugation through kindness –This method functions well if you are dealing with an
opponent who is against you out of ignorance. You meet these types on the street as well
as in business environments. Wear an “I’m Muslim” hat at a Trump rally and you’ll
understand. They don't truly have a hatred for you personally, they are just ignorant and
don't understand the situation or what you are about. If it was someone else in your
shoes, they would hate him too. These types are easy to bend once you show them a bit of
softness and a non-threatening face. This method doesn't work with adversaries who are
against you for ideological reasons or personal gain. Kindness to those types will make
you appear as weak and activate their aggression even more.

Subjugation through fear –This method, like subjugation through force, has a very
personal and immediate feeling upon your opponent. It controls the inner dimensions of
the person rather than their physical being, therefore it's inherently more effective and
suitable for long-term control. The fear of violence is more powerful than violence itself,
but you must already have a reputation for ruthlessness or else it's useless. If Connor
McGregor, a UFC fighting champion, tells unruly guests at his party to sit down and shut
up, they most probably will. Simply because he’s established himself as a man of action
and violence. Now his words carry venom without physical action. The Mongols used the
same strategy to “Kill a hundred to subdue a thousand.” This method is excellent for
dealing with those who are ideologically opposed to you or actively working against you
for personal gain and will never really be on your side regardless of what you give them.
You can never trust them. You can never turn your back on them. And you can never work
with them. You control this beast with bait in one hand and an iron rod in the other. 

Subjugation through comfort – If you make people comfortable you control them through
their stomachs and their mirrors. They want to be well fed and they want to look good, it's
as simple as that. As Deng said, "To get rich is glorious!" I agree with him; the problem is
when you let people get rich without working for that richness. Many of the modern Arab
governments in the Gulf use this strategy very effectively against their comatose citizens.
The last dynasty in China, the Qing, also employed this method to control their ministers
by spoiling them, debauching them, and making them almost useless. Thus, thwarting
rebellion. Revolts start when people are slim and hungry, not when they're fat and full.
The Boxer Rebellion was started by hungry peasants. The Taiping Rebellion was supported
by hungry peasants. The Maoist rebellion was won by hungry peasants. Luxury is the
enemy of revolution. After years of orgiastic living, it's hard for people to stand up, even if
they really disagree with what they see. 
Subjugation through comfort is a tool for controlling people who have no ideology against
you and are generally not too important, you just need them out of your way. Or, for
whatever specific reason, you do need them, but they are not totally reliable. This is not a
method to use with people you need to rely on for serious issues. Protracted use of this
method of subjugation will create a spoiled, useless and ineffectual group of people. If
that's the aim, excellent. Otherwise, be very careful. This method has its place but should
be used sparingly. 

Subjugation through belief and respect – This is the greatest method of making people
obey you and the one that the greatest leaders in history favored. When you have to lead
people who believe in you and want you to be their leader, this is the method to use. They
willingly subjugate themselves to your command because they want you to have that
position over them. Some people might question the word "subjugation" in this context
and deem it inappropriate, but I think otherwise. A synonym of subjugating is conquering.
If you really want to control a human being, you must conquer their heart and their mind.
When their innermost realm is telling them to obey you because your vision and theirs is
the same, then you have subjugated them through respect for you. If their innermost
realm is telling them to obey you even when their vision is different from yours, then you
have subjugated them through belief. Either way, they will obey you. This is the single
greatest method of controlling people for the long-term, but also the most difficult to
implement and maintain.

Immediate Action:

Select a situation in history that required any of these types of subjugation. Choose a
famous person and situation. Mentally assume the role of the person making the
decisions. What would you do differently than that person and why would you make
that decision? This is a discussion you can have with a friend or training partner you
share this drill with. It’s very beneficial to identify your decisions in comparison to
people who are greater than you are. You humanize them and their achievements in
your eyes. Lifting yourself mentally to the height of great people will assist you in
being confident enough to make difficult decisions when the time comes. It will also
force you to stop idolizing powerful figures and viewing them as what they are:
human beings like you. The more you visualize them as simply hunks of flesh like
yourself, the fewer mistakes you will make when dealing with powerful people in real
life. You can never allow yourself to become subjugated by anyone’s position.
Physically you might be, but mentally you can never be.  
Lions hate negotiating. So stop talking and go lion hunting


If you’re in a weak position, with no support, the best of actions are those that are
planned entirely in your mind, then released suddenly upon your enemy without any
announcement. The enemy cannot perceive your actions because nothing was
documented, nothing was spoken and nothing prepared…outwardly. This is a true
deception. Pre-meditated, sudden action, seemingly out of thin air, but thoroughly
planned in your thoughts. This is an excellent method for the weaker party who is facing
a strong opponent. There are three points that need to be looked at for this strategy to
be effective.

1. Say nothing. Do nothing. Only think. Once your enemy is in range and feels secure in
his dominion over you, explode into him with full conviction and determination to end his
existence. If you don't attack with the totality of your being he will recover and kill you.
Put everything you have into your single focused assault. For a small business, this could
be a giant killer. The disruption or innovation that lifts your name up and out of the sea
of others. The iPod did this for Apple when they were almost extinct. Today, Apple is one
of the most important companies in the world, and one of the most secretive. Business,
politics, combat…the principles are the same.
2. Extreme violence of action. Exceed his level of aggression and surprise the wolf with
your ferocity. He looked at a lamb and saw an easy kill, give him the total opposite and
multiply it by ten. 

3. Consider yourself dead and fight to regain your life. When you're weak and surrounded
by the strong, the chances are minimal if any to get out alive. At this critical moment, if
you consider your life of any value, you've already lost it. Forget living and concentrate on
feasting on the enemy's liver. Focus your spirit on that one objective alone, everything
else in the world must disappear from your mind. Only when you forget about your life
will you have a chance to preserve it. This is the simplest method I know of for dealing
with superior foes when one is lacking in resources and physical preparation. As a general
rule, the one that strikes first wins. So endeavor to be the first all the time.

4. You must learn to die properly. If you attack and your enemy is still able to manage your
assault and counter you, maneuver yourself into a position where you can hurt him and die
quickly while doing it. This can be physically or figuratively in a business situation. Never
allow your enemy to dispatch you without you at least giving him a fatal or near-fatal
wound as a parting gift. This is the least you can do, especially if other lives are depending
on you. During the reign of Saladin The Conqueror, one of the ships carrying military
supplies was ambushed by Crusader vessels at sea. Saladin’s men fought tooth and nail
but were completely outnumbered without any possibility to escape or way to get help.
The commander of the vessel, seeing that the Crusaders would get valuable weapon
supplies and intelligence information from the crew, decided to fight to the bloody end.
He then ordered his men to sink the ship. Everyone died and the Crusaders were given
nothing. This is the best methodology to use when fighting an enemy that is overcoming
you and destruction is almost certain.

Immediate Action:

Plan to hurt your enemy as much as possible then burn everything to the ground so
they have nothing to use to their advantage when you're gone. You must give
NOTHING. In the Edo Era, the Samurai worshipped this concept in their martial arts as
"Ai Uchi" or mutual kill. It’s the last parting shot the warrior gives the enemy that will
destroy both of them, and ultimately give the enemy nothing.  
My son Izzedeen on my bike in Taiwan. That scooter most probably saved him from
a life of child slavery or worse 


There are certain things, when done, you can’t undo. Killing is one of those things.
Betrayal is one of those things. Revenge is one of those things. I try my utmost not to
engage in any of them for the simple reason that they can’t be undone, but sometimes,
there is no choice. I usually went to Carrefour to shop in Taichung city, one of the largest
cities on the island of Taiwan. An ethnically Chinese “country” as they refer to themselves
that has been battling Mainland China’s attempts to bring them under control since the
civil war decades earlier. I lived in Taiwan for nearly eight years and became fluent in
Mandarin. My oldest son was born there. I love Taiwan. I always supported Taiwan. And I
say clearly to Beijing, fuck you and your communist mafiocracy. Wo shi Taiwan ren! I
assure you, my affection for Taiwan isn’t misplaced. As a Muslim, Taiwan was one of the
best places I ever lived because nobody discriminated against me or my people there.
The founder of Taiwan and head of the Guomindang party, General Chiang Kai Shek, was
a sworn blood-brother to the famous Chinese Muslim General, Ma Fuxiang. And they
fought the communists tooth and nail until the Guomindang’s ultimate retreat to the
island after years of bloody civil war. Taiwan was a welcoming place. And a place I will
always call home. Taichung city last I was there in early 2017 was a glorious, international
city with beautiful gardens, lighted streets and family-friendly playgrounds. 
But things were not always so nice. Twenty years earlier, Taichung’s reputation was that
of a brothel city. A cheap spot to hang your hat, grab a hotel and girl, before you drove
onto your real destination southward to Gaoshung, or northward to Taipei. This was many
years ago and the city still had that Cowboy-town feeling you get from places that have
recently been liberated from dictatorships. Make no mistake, General Chiang Kai Shek was
a friendly dictator until the day he died. There was nothing beautiful about the city. It
looked like any other rundown, commercial city in China…but there was lots of money to
be made on the table and under it. So Taichung was also a center for Chinese organized
crime gangs: Triads.  

Triads in Taiwan are a friendly bunch, to be honest. The bathhouses I frequented in my

youth were staple places for them to hang out, so I got used to their banter and colorful
tattoos. And because I spoke fluent Mandarin it was always easy to make friends and
figure out who and what everyone was. Most houses were run by Triads and everyone
knew it. The most luxurious one I went to had three floors: swimming, massage, girls. As
Coolio said, “A gangster’s paradise”. I did my best to stay on floors one and two for my
health and safety. Unlike in Hollywood movies, you’re not going to get instantly shot to
pieces when you come close to these guys. The places they frequently go to are probably
the safest places to be, because they have spies everywhere, they control the security and
the crime that happens in the vicinity. You’re not going to be selling cocaine in front of a
Triad club for very long. And if you don’t understand the sweetheart at the door who
politely asked you to leave…in three minutes, half a dozen cars with young Chinese men
armed with machetes and bats will show up and help you leave. It’s a very safe place.

The Carrefour was always full. This was years before Costco arrived on the island and
fattened us up with proper Merica-sized import foods. So I had to wait a long time to get a
parking spot. At the time, I drove a huge Yamaha 250CC cruising scooter that was very
common for people with families. You could pile on a wife, four kids and a dog, all without
helmets and plough through the streets of Taichung at 120kmph without a cop hassling
you. It was a cowboy-town, but we loved it nonetheless. I got my spot and we all headed
over to the main gate of the shopping mall. Carrefour had a lot of amazing European
import stuff from France and Germany. I particularly liked shopping for the Camembert
cheese varieties they had and the thick-cut, Norwegian Salmon chunks. Grilled or fried in
garlic butter with some thyme…heavenly is an understatement.  
I grabbed the grocery bags, threw them all in the cart and set out for the Yamaha. This was
always the sensitive part of the operation…getting the wife, the baby, and all the bags
onto the cruiser and driving straight enough that the herd of violent scooters behind us
didn’t crash into me. Taiwan had an interesting cultural leftover from the dictatorship
days: impunity. Considering that everyone and his dog rode a scooter in Taichung, it was
always amazing to me how there were so few accidents when people drove like drunken
pirates. But when there were accidents…no baby, dog, or granny was spared. It was
horror. The scooter was packed full and I realized there was absolutely no way I could do
this trip without getting into a serious accident. My eyes shifted over to the taxi stand
where an old Chinese uncle smoked his Lucky Sevens with total dedication. I gestured to
my wife and she nodded back understanding instantly. After about 3 minutes I had the
wife, baby, and the groceries neatly packed into the taxi and ready to go. Now, as you
probably know already, I have a habit of not trusting people. Taxi drivers included. And
when there is a nagging feeling in your gut…the smart boy usually starts paying attention.
You see in the old days, Taiwan was a cowboy town…I already mentioned that. But I didn’t
mention that the taxis were Billy the Kid. Convicts used to come out of prison and
basically have three choices: a return to the life of crime, sell fried squid at the roadside or
drive a taxi. Many chose the third option which made them perfect eyes and ears for the
Triads that ran all sorts of rackets in the city. One being prostitution. In my usual fashion, I
jotted down the number of the license plate, then I noticed the gold colored jaguar sticker
in the window of the taxi. At the time, for some reason, my brain didn’t pick up on this as
the threat it should’ve been. You see, no matter how sharp you are, sometimes you slip up
and make mistakes. That’s why you must learn to be adaptable and mentally recover
extremely quickly to retake your advantage. I’ll explain how later. I gave the taxi uncle my
address, then he nodded and left without paying any further attention to me. I was about
to drive home on my usual route (which he was supposed to take also) but that nagging
feeling in my gut didn’t stop. I followed the taxi from behind instead of leading from the
front until a traffic light split the road into two sections. One led directly into the red-light
district of the city well-known for crime and prostitution. That’s when the jaguar flashed in
my brain again. Many of the clubs, brothels, and bars run by the criminal underworld in
Asia use tough animal imagery in their logos as a sign of power and dominance. They also
use gold numbers like 24k, 999, and other such numerical signatures as part of their gang
tags. The jaguar was a club with a reputation for prostitution and drugs. The cabbie was
not a Triad or a street gang member, but some other form of miscreant that had my wife
and son in his backseat and was driving to a place we all knew he shouldn’t. When I saw my
wife looking around desperately in the cab, darting her head back and forth and trying the
doors, I realized what was going on…this was a very opportunistic abduction attempt.  
Taiwan like all Chinese society on the Mainland and the Chinese diaspora, love white skin.
It’s a mainstay of the Chinese culture that has endured the warring states period, imperial
era, the nationalists, the communists, and the current mafiocracy. White skin signifies
wealth, beauty, and health. Pearly white skin is such a prize amongst Chinese people,
women will routinely pay exorbitant sums of money for high-priced skin whitening creams.
Some even go as far as doing chemical face peelings to literally burn the older, darker skin
from the top layer of their face to reveal the whiter underlayer beneath it. It’s a very
painful process I experienced once in my life. White skin is valuable. And a baby boy with
pearly white skin…extremely valuable. I hit the gas on my Yamaha and sped up to the taxi.
The miscreant inside was very surprised to see my lovely face again. All this time I trailed
him from a far distance so he really didn’t have any idea he was being followed. The bike
came up closer to the window and I lifted my shirt to show my Glock pistol and the hilt of
the Kabar TDI strapped to my right side.

A TDI is a great blade. Curved like a Karambit but without a finger loop. The Glock was
100% fake airsoft pistol I bought for $100 as a trainer. Concealed carry of any gun is illegal
in Taiwan without a valid license. And only special people get it, but the criminals, of
course, had an abundance of guns, as usual. I wore the trainer because by the time any
clown I pointed it at could figure out that it wasn’t real…I’d already have the advantage
and my TDI close enough to them to make a difference. The TDI was my primary weapon.
It was very real and I was ready to test it out that night. The taxi uncle signaled that he
was going over to the other road towards my apartment building. I trailed him for three
minutes until he stopped slowly at the side of the road in front of my apartment. I
dumped my bike. The Yamaha fell with a bang next to me when I jumped off it, drew my
TDI, and went directly for the driver’s seat of the cab.

"The sharpened sword, unsheathed, cuts through the void. Within the raging fire,
there is a cool breeze." Samurai poem 

When faced with turmoil and madness you must exercise supreme control over your
emotions, your tongue, and your actions. These three can turn an already serious situation
into a death sentence for you. Your emotions, if left unchecked, will cloud your judgment
and make you irrational, leaving you open to all sorts of mistakes you wouldn't usually
make. Street-level adversaries might miss the opportunity, but more skilled enemies will
water the flowers on your grave after such a mistake. Emotions are most useful when
combined with pragmatism and good planning. Don't waste valuable strong emotions that
can fuel you in prolonged conflict on careless unprepared moves. 
Rather, bottle your rage and let it seethe until you prepare yourself to dismantle your
enemies piece by piece. The viciousness you can unleash on them with this method is far
stronger and more difficult to recover from, a true scorpion in a bottle. An added
advantage of bottled rage is the ability to dish out punishment slowly and with precision
against high-value targets. Wasting rage by lashing out at all around you the moment
things get dirty is a fool's behavior.  Keep your tongue under control so it doesn't help or
harm anyone which it shouldn't. Those closest to you are the easiest ones to take your
frustrations out on, but they are also the most dangerous if they turn against you. Turning
on them in times of difficulty is a type of cannibalism, and it will ultimately prove to be
counter-productive and undermine your position. Your tongue can also help those who it
shouldn't help. Be wary of this. Your enemies are looking for openings all the time. In
attack, there are openings and in defense there are openings, nothing is ever perfect, but
with caution, you can defend. When you allow your tongue to fall victim to emotional
upheaval, all defense is thrown to the floor. If you allow your sword to fall victim to
emotional upheaval, your future will be thrown to the floor. My wife exited the cab
terrified and told me the cabbie had automatic locks on the doors that couldn’t be opened
from the back. And he refused her request to change directions to our apartment while en
route. A gut feeling is something that should never be ignored no matter how weird it
feels. No matter how stupid you think you’ll look. No matter how difficult or
uncomfortable the situation will be after you act. Many people end up dead or seriously
injured simply because they don’t want to cause a scene. I’m not one of those people.

The TDI stayed on the cabby’s neck while I contemplated murdering a Triad-linked cabby.
Then, within the raging fire of anger, came the cool breeze of pragmatism. This killing
would bring no benefit to anyone and lots of pain to everyone. His connections would
seek revenge and I had no resources or crew to fight them, that’s the plain truth. And all
that after a lengthy court battle and murder trial. The entire proposition was unattractive.
If you were expecting an emotional, moral reasoning behind my decision not to hurt him…
sorry I have none. I have no moral objections to killing anyone who fucks with my family. I
just calculated my situation in the coldest manner possible and it was very simple
accounting. I’m not George Bush or El Chapo. I have no personal army to take vengeance
on people I don’t want around anymore. So that night the cabby met the best kind of
adversary: the one that has something to lose. The TDI released its serrated bite from his
neck and he instinctively lifted his hand to hold the spot that bled a bit. He apologized
profusely in Mandarin and I walked away towards my family. Maybe this is what the poem
meant by “void”.
Immediate Action:

Never make decisions when you’re angry. Cool the flames of war, then decide with
cold precision what the next steps should be.  The only way to do this is by putting
yourself in challenging situations where you require control. Competitive sports,
martial arts, backpacker traveling on purposely small budgets, competitive academic
programs. All these things will test your control and force you into situations that
demand you to stay cool…even when you are red hot. Find one of these things that
are the most challenging for you and sign up to do it as soon as possible. Endeavor to
do one miserably challenging thing every month to train yourself to become
accustomed to handling challenges you find very difficult and controlling your
emotions while doing them. The more exposure you have, the easier this will become
over time.

Make a list of 12 things for the year and you should be well stocked.  

Mind Combat

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