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Student’s Name:

Lizeth Mezquite Reyes


“The memory that leaves a book is more important than the book itself.”


The teaching of foreign languages has been the subject of study in the different linguistic

currents that have occurred in the last decades, from the structuralism of Saussure, the generative

initiated with Chomsky, to the functionalism that agglutinates the Theoretical paradigms of the

School of Prague.

In the article we are dealing with, we will focus on reading and how it is developed in the

current approaches to teaching foreign languages

The reading of English texts constitutes an essential tool that complements the writing

process and facilitates the contact of the students with the L2 outside the classroom. On the

one hand, it allows to obtain information, to broaden the knowledge of vocabulary and

structures, to know the textual characteristics of different genres, to become familiar with

new discursive practices, among many other benefits. On the other, it is a task that can be

raised in a variety of ways; This flexibility is a determining factor that allows to think and

implement tasks as an activity that the student can do independently, with freedom to

manage his own time and at the same time choose material that best satisfies his interests


The two types of fundamental readings in the language classroom are, intensive reading

and extensive, where each has different elements and purposes, as you will see the intensive

reading is to read a text presenting a special attention to Meaning of the words and their

context, and induces the student to learn to analyze the words, sentences and sentences to

achieve a maximum comprehension, to pay attention to both the meaning and the form of

the language and to resolve their doubts through the textbook, a dictionary or questions to

the teacher or to the companions, while on the other hand we find the extensive reading,

where this tells us that it consists in the global understanding of the text and with it, it is

intended that the student is able to assimilate the information even if he does not know all

the words that appear in the text, developing language skills, vocabulary, reading spelling,

and writing for a global understanding.

Reading is an activity that can add someone’s knowledge about important news and also

some new vocabulary items. There are two kinds of teaching reading; Extensive and

Intensive. Extensive and Intensive are different in some cases.

Intensive Reading

Intensive Reading occurs when the learner is focused on the language rather than the

text. For example, the learner may be answer comprehension questions, they learning new

vocabulary, studying the grammar and expressions in the text, as well as translate the

passage (sometimes called 'careful reading'), or other tasks that involve the student in

looking intensively (inside) the text. Most often all the students read same reading short

text that the teacher decided.

The advantage of Intensive Reading is that it focuses the learner on certain aspects of the

language. However, Intensive Reading is usually done with difficult texts with many

unknown words that require the learner to use a dictionary. This means the reading is slow

and that there are few opportunities for the learner to learn to read smoothly, because she

has to stop every few seconds to work on something she can't understand.  This slows or

prevents the development of fluent eye movements that are so necessary to improve one's

reading skill.

In intensive reading, learners usually read texts that are more difficult, in terms of

content and language, than those used for extensive reading. To help learners make sense of

texts that may present a significant challenge in terms of vocabulary, grammar and/or

concepts, teachers should focus on reading skills, such as identifying main ideas and

guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words from context [CITATION Mac11 \l 1034 ]
The four learning goals for intensive reading are Macalister (2011) :

1. Focusing on new language such as vocabulary and grammar

2. Focusing on ideas such as themes and topics

3. Learning new skills such as making inferences and identifying main ideas

4. Paying attention to text features such as genre structure and cohesion

Differences with Extensive Reading

The main purpose of extensive reading is to develop the love of reading or reading for

pleasure. The benefits of extensive reading include increases in vocabulary, reading speed

and fluency. Moreover, extensive reading leads to more confidence, better writing, and

improved listening and speaking[CITATION Ewe12 \l 1034 ]. During extensive reading,

students choose their own book at a comfortable reading level in order to get a general

understanding. On the other hand, intensive reading uses reading to teach new skills. Using

the same teacher-selected book, students read to study, answer questions or to demonstrate

accuracy of understanding. Often the text is challenging for the students and the focus is on

how the words are used to deliver a message. Intensive reading is usually a much slower

process than extensive reading.

Waring (2006) proposes the difference between intensive and extensive reading

approaches in a visual way based on Welch‘s model (1998) (Table 1.1.). [CITATION

War \l 1034 ]

Table 1.1.Intensive and Extensive reading approaches

Characteristics of extensive reading

The principal objective of undertaking an extensive reading approach is to get students

reading in English and liking it. An increase in reading fluency should be another objective.

Because of this, reading should be a pleasurable activity for the student, promoted as much

as possible by the teacher.

There are ten principles in teaching extensive reading. They are the main fundamentals

developed by Day and Bamford (2002).

Reading material: Reading for pleasure requires a large selection of books be available

for students to choose from at their level, setting up a class library is good a way to provide

material for students.

Students choice: students choose what they want to read based on their interests.
Reading for pleasure and information: In an extensive reading program, students are

reading principally for the content of the texts. Teachers can encourage occasional mini-

presentations of the books or book reviews.

Extensive Reading out of class: Having a classroom library and regularly encouraging

students to borrow books to take home are some things which can help.

Silent reading in class: Extensive reading should not be incompatible with classroom

practice and methodology. This silent reading helps to raise awareness, build vocabulary,

and promote confidence in the language of the students.

Language level: The vocabulary and grammar of the books that students read should not

pose a difficulty. The objective of an extensive reading program is to encourage reading


Use of dictionaries: The dictionaries should be avoided, students should be encouraged

to jot down the words they come across in a vocabulary notebook, and they can look them

up after they have finished reading.

Record keeping: If the teacher takes an interest in and keeps record of what students are

reading, then this can in itself encourage students.

The teacher as role model: If the teacher is also seen to be a reader by the students, then

they will be encouraged to read. The teacher can make genuine recommendations to

students about what to read.

Approach with greater importance in the development of reading.

Leaning towards a single approach, would not make much sense, because to improve the

ability to read, are required both, because each has advantages in this process of learning,
therefore, has the necessary importance, to include them in the activities, Helping in a

different way to the teaching process.

According to Ewer, D,. (2012), Warning, (2011), and the Extensive Reading Foundation

(2016), successful readers need to experience both extensive and intensive reading. They

are, in fact, presented at two sides of the same coin by Warning (2011) , Extensive reading

develops a student’s silent reading skills and hopefully reading becomes a habit. Intensive

reading challenges students to read at a higher level and teaches them about literary

devices. Extensive reading and intensive reading complement each other.

Sadly, you can often only find intensive reading taught in the foreign language

classroom. This is perhaps understandable due to the time limit classes face but it is,

nonetheless, a drawback. While some students might find reading more enjoyable than

others, the extensive reading approach should also be an option when learning a foreign

language. Learners would certainly see the best results with a combination of the extensive

and intensive approaches.

While intensive reading requires a high level of focus and deliberate effort, extensive

reading is meant to be a fun and pleasurable experience, requiring a low expenditure of

mental effort. The more extensive reading you do, the more language you are exposed to,

allowing you to increase your passive knowledge of vocabulary quite quickly.

Setting up an extensive reading program should not only lead your students to improve

their reading proficiency and other language skills, but will hopefully enable them to take

pleasure in reading for its own sake. The two main objectives are: reading speed

maximization and maximization of the understanding of the text.

Planning, implementing and
evaluating (reflecting on) a
reading lesson.
Lesson Planning

DATE: December 5th   GROUP: 3rd Secondary TIME: 25 min
MAIN AIM Increased reading skills.

SUBSIDIARY 1.-Adaptation of an interesting text, outside the school reading books.

AIM 2.-Reinforce student comprehension skills.
3. Exposing them to some vocabulary elements
TOPIC Adjectives
AGE 13- 14 LEVEL Basic
MATERIALS Images, reading, question sheet.
I assume that:
ASSUMPTIONS 1.-Students find the lesson interesting, because the text helps them to imagine the place, and
will help to apply it in their future descriptions.
2.-Students will find the useful lesson because they practice the use of adjectives.
PROCEDURE Teacher (T) Students (Ss) Interaction Pattern

1.-T shows pictures of tourist

1.- Group work
sites and asks students to guess 1.-Ss observe the images, and
2.-Group work
about what place they are going analyze their response.
3.-Individual > Whole
to read. 2.-Ss try to guess the place
2.-T receives students ' answers. 3.-Ss Look in the blackboard for
4.Individual > Whole
3.-T Writes the subject of reading words to help them get the right
1.-Before on the blackboard. answer.
(Vocabulary) 4.-T distributes the reading text. 4.-Ss Analyze the reading.
1-. T supervises students while
they are reading to verify that 1.-Individual > Whole
1.-Ss read reading.
they understand the reading. class
2.-Ss look for adjectives within the
2.-T instructs students to 2.-Individual > Whole
reading and underline them.
underline the adjectives they find class
2.- During within the reading.

1.-T distributes an activity sheet,

which has questions that include
"open and True/false" type and 1.-Individual > Whole
asks students to answer them. 1.-Ss try to answer the questions.
2.-After completing the reading 2.-Ss mention the adjectives found.
2.-Whole class
and answering the questions,T
asks students to generate
3.- After brainstorm adjectives found.
Lesson Implementation

Lesson Reflection

It can be observed that the group has a basic level in the foreign language, that is why

the reading ability was selected, taking into account that apply in them some other activity

would have been more difficult, analyzing the video it can be realized that the ability of

Listening is something that is complicated, even with simple vocabulary, Speaking even

more, because they still can not formulate a small conversation and finally the ability of

Writing, level found ends up being the most complicated, since the vocabulary with which

they count is still very basic.

Analyzing all these skills, you select the ability of Reading, as the students, become

more familiar with this ability, even at a level 1, because they start with the cognates to get

acquainted with the text, this technique helped them to trust them more, because those

words they manage to have key ideas about what the text is about.

After this brief introduction, we begin with the reflection, first of all it is necessary to

mention the purpose of the reading, which is remind the adjectives seen in the previous

class, applied to a long text, as well as to practice more the pronunciation of the English


As seen in the video, students actually identify the adjectives indicated in the reading,

although some comment on adjectives of the previous class that were not present.

To try to make the class more enjoyable and interesting, didactic material was required

as support, which were the images of the places, with the intention of generating interest in

the students on the reading, fulfilling with the intention a 70% some students showed

Interest, however the rest did not, by the fact that they felt intimidated, thinking they would

be seen by someone else.

One as a teacher is not accustomed to be recorded, so it generates in the teacher nerves

and to some extent fear, and therefore at times is blocked with the words and speaks in a

softer voice

The group despite its nerves and stress that generated the thought that they were being

recorded, actively participated in the activities, interacting with the teacher, although both

in an intermediate voice.

The students tried to be the most concentrated possible only dedicated themselves to

participate in an effective way, talking and doing only what the teacher indicated to them.

Something that can be noticed in the video, is the difficulty that students have when

reading English dates, or numbers of large quantities, although the teacher practice with

them every day or in detail, it is difficult for them generally to pronounce correctly the

numbers of large quantities, although it is understandable by the level.

It is also necessary for the teacher to focus on activities that help the student to improve

this ability, since he is the main influent in the students, and if the teacher does not put

interest, the student either.

The weirdest or different thing the students felt in the class was the fact that they were

being recorded. Usually they always take 5 minutes of reading, to extend vocabulary, to

improve pronunciation and to lose the fear when trying to speak, so that the students

already know the dynamic of reading and answers, where the first student in reading,

should read up to the first point to find and continue so on with the other students.

Considering errors and reflections in the video, it is suggested to make changes in the

teaching technique like looking for readings that generate greater interest in the students as
well as didactic material more interesting, fun and striking, that achieve in the students a

taste for the English language.

The teacher also needs to focus more on his vocabulary and land his ideas, making them

clear and accurate.

This activity helps a lot as a teacher to reflect and analyze, if the process is correct

according to the characteristics of the group or if it is necessary to modify the techniques,

because often teachers usually apply techniques equal for everyone, without realizing that

not everyone learns the same way, applying learning methods such as visual, kinesthetic,

auditory, tactile, in the four skills of learning a second language, reading, writing, speaking

and listening will help a lot in the Students ' learning.

Although sometimes it costs more to apply different techniques, this should be necessary

if we want positive results in the students, and not only that if you have to remember that

nowadays English is a compulsory language at different levels of education.

Applying the different reading approaches helps a lot to the learning, increasing the

vocabulary in the students, improving little by little the pronunciation and mainly to learn

the English, without always focusing on looking for translations in the native language.

Because usually when you start to learn a new language, it focuses quite a lot on making

translations, and usually you have the bad habit of translating word by word. Generating in

the student confusion with the meaning and lack of coherence in the text.

This is why Reading's ability helps a lot for a better learning, as mentioned above,

extensive reading, aims to avoid seeking the meaning or translation of each word, this

creates in the students a language more Explicit and detailed, in order for the student to

understand what he or she is reading.

Analyzing the previous explanations, and the theories, as a teacher I must look to the

Extensive and Intensive reading, focus my activities towards these approaches, because as

it is said the reading extends knowledge and vocabulary. It is probably a tired job, but it is

worth it, to see the student interested in the activities, but mainly learning the language,

because it is something that will benefit them either in a school, work or personal


Studying other cases, I realize that I have some advantages for these activities, especially

with the age of the students, is something that helps, since age influences this process of


Day, R. R. & Bsmford, J.. (2002). Extensive Reading in the Second Language

Classroom. USA: Cambrigde.

Ewert, D.. (2012). The effects of Extensive Reading on adult reading behavior

and proficiency in an intensive English program. Extensive Reading World

Congress Proceedings,, 1, 141-144..

ERF WP. (2018). Extensive Reading . september, 30, de Sitio


Macalister, J. (2011). : Exploring the teaching of reading.. En Today`s teaching,

tomorrow`s text(161-169). USA: ELT Journal.

Rob Waring. (2009). Getting an extensive reading program going.. Okayama Japan.:

Notre Dame Seishin University,.

Rob Waring. (2011). Innovación y creatividad en la metodología ELT. New

York: Nova Publishers.


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