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Business Excellence Courses


Asian Institute of Quality Management (AIQM) 5/26/2020

* India * Australia * Bahrain * Jordan * Kuwait

* Malaysia * Oman * Saudi Arabia * UAE
Opportunities for millenials to improve their career
thru AIQM Certifications

* HR Analytics Certification Course

* Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt [MBB]

*Lean Six Sigma Black Belt [BB] 5/26/2020

*Lean Six Sigma Green Belt [GB]

*Certified TQM Manager

*Certified Lean Manager

About AIQM 5/26/2020

• AIQM – Division of Vijigeeshu QMS Pvt. Ltd. , India

• Established since 1995

by Mr. G.K.K. Singh, an IIT/ IIM alumnus
• Is successfully run by experts with I.I.T. / I.I.M. background
• having rich experience in Training, Consultancy, and Business
Excellence Practices

• VQMS is committed to operate as per defined procedures,

undergoing continual review by ASCB (Europe Limited) – A
leading accreditation body in U.K. 5/26/2020


Facilitator – 1 : Facilitator – 2:

Mr . G.K.K. Sin gh is a n a lu mnus of IIT-Bomba y Mr . G V R Na g araju is a g raduate in Computer
a nd IIM-Kol ka t a a nd a w ell-kn own int ernat ion al A pplications a n d a n MBA in Ma rketing.
t r a iner.
He is cer t ified in Big Da ta A nalyt ics fr om Wiley USA
He is Dir ect or of A sia n In st itute of Qu a lity a nd Bu siness A nalytics fr om IIM Kozh ikode.
Ma n a gement (AIQM) w ith lon g w ork-ex perience in
or g a n iza tion s like Joh nson & Joh n son – Mu mbai a nd He h a s ov er 25 y ears of ex per ience in la rge cor pora tes
Ba ker Ga uges – Pu n e.` a n d st a rt –u ps. He h a s en trepreneurial ex perien ce in
soft w a r e serv ices a nd pr oduct dev elopment com panies
A n A SCB (E) – UK a ppr ov ed t rainer, Mr . Singh h as spa n n ing t elecom, manufacturing a nd soft w are Services
t r a ined m ore t han 4 0,000 person s t ill da te, in In dia in du st ries.
a n d a br oad, on a v ariety of su bjects like Lea n Six
Sig m a Certifications, Lea n Ma nagement, TQM, et c. He has dev eloped A NC software at
A I QM (u sin g R an d Py th on) that helps Business
He has mento red over 330 0 successful Lean Six Managers to perfo rm Business A nalytic s with ease.
Sigma pro jec ts and Lean Management projects
till date inc luding 1 245 projects in Kuwait, A s an A SCB (E) – UK appro ved trainer and Lean
Oman, Saudi A rabia and UA E. Six Sigma Master Blac k belt, he has trained o ver
230 0 0 professionals fo r Lean Six Sigma & Lean
He has been V isiting Fac ulty with leading Management c ertific ations and mentored o ver 1800
institutes like I I T-Bo mbay, National I nsurance suc c essful Lean Six Sigma & Lean Management
A c ademy-Pune, I MT Nagpur & SI BM-Pune. pro jec ts till date. 5/26/2020

Our Strategic Partners Outside India:

• Wavepac Infosystems LLC – UAE, Bahrain

• Ksquare Institute – Dammam, Riyadh

• Al Hayat Education – Oman

• ISO 9000 National Support Group

• Ecube Sydney - Australlia

Internationally Recognized Courses 5/26/2020

Offered by AIQM thru Online Video & Virtual Classes

Our Institute is Accredited by ASCB (Europe) Ltd. - UK
to offer following Certifications
* LEAN SIX SIGMA Green Belt, Black Belt & Master Black Belt
Certification Courses
* HR Analytics
* Certified Kaizen Lean Manager Course
* Certified TQM Manager Course
* Lead Auditor & Internal Auditor Courses for ISO 9001,
ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001

Internationally Recognized, since year 2003 5/26/2020

Why HR Analytics

• Traditionally HR function has been considered as the “art” of relying

on one’s experience and intuition in making HR decisions.

• Till Late 1990s and early 2000 some of the organizations started
developing the measure of HR performance by defining certain

• In 2011 Google started “Project Oxygen” and shared the results as

what makes a good manger. The results showed that Academic grades
and types of questions asked during selection process have no
correlation with employee performance.
Why HR Analytics ----- 5/26/2020

….... contd.
• These outcomes made the corporates to consider data driven analytical
approach in making decisions.

• By 2013 companies like Google, HP, Intel, General Motors, P&G started
adopting HR Analytics

• 12-15% of Fortune 500 companies have adopted HR Analytics and around

10 % of these companies are today applying Machine Learning (ML) and
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the HR function

• It can be predicted that Post-Covid19, we will be forced to adopt strategies

in one year, what we would have normally done in next 5 years. 5/26/2020

What is HR Analytics
• Collecting organizing visualizing and analysing data by applying
Machine Learning algorithms and Artificial Intelligence to predict
what is going likely to happen in key HR functions like:
▫ Talent Management
▫ Employee Retention
▫ Recruitment
▫ Candidate No Show or Renege
▫ Etc. 5/26/2020

Difference between Reporting and Analytics

What How it What caused What can we What Actions

Happened happened • Regression infer can be taken
• Reports • Descriptive • Causal analysis • Predictive • Prescriptive
• Metrics • Benchmarking Analytics Analytics 5/26/2020

Benefits of HR Analytics
• Predict which employee is going to leave and what actions can be
taken to retain?

• Which candidate is not going to join and what actions can we take
to make the candidate join?

• What will be the cycle time to hire and prescribe what actions can
we take to bring it down? 5/26/2020

Process of performing Analytics

CRISP-DM Model ,
Cross Industry Process for Data
Mining 5/26/2020

Sources of Data

• Employee surveys
• Telemetric Data
• Attendance records
• Multi-rater reviews
• Salary and promotion history
• Employee work history
• Demographic data
• Personality/temperament data
• Recruitment process
• Employee databases 5/26/2020

Machine Learning Types

• Computers Learn based on input data and identify the patterns and
relations with help of software algorithms this is called Machine
Learning (ML).

There are 2 main types of ML

• Supervised Learning:
▫ For example, either a candidate will leave the organization or if a
candidate is going to join or not.

• Unsupervised Learning:
▫ Employee performance segmented as High Performers, Non
Performers and Medium performers
Machine Learning Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence 5/26/2020

• Linear Regression
• PCA (Principle
• Logistic Regression
Component Analysis)
• Cluster Analysis
• SVM (Support Vector
• Decision Trees
• Time Series
• SOMA ( Social Media
• Bagging Analytics)
• Boosting • NLP (Natural
• Random Forest Language Processing)
• Neural Networks
Algorithm is the
sequence of steps in
the system. 5/26/2020

What should HR Leaders and Managers know..

• Basic Statistics and types of Data

• What are the ML /AI algorithms that can help them
• How can they apply these ML algorithms using software
• How can they interpret the results
• How can they infer actionable insights
• How to guide the IT teams with process or domain knowledge
• What are the important fields /variables/factors to the process 5/26/2020

What should HR Leaders and Managers

need not know..

• How the ML algorithms work

• How to develop them

• How to code

HR Managers and Leaders don’t need

to transition to Data Scientists 5/26/2020

Key Challenges..

•Finding people with the right skillset to gather, manage, and report on the
•Data cleansing
•Data quality
•Too much data to parse or not knowing what data is most important
•Data privacy and compliance
•Proving its worth to executive leadership
•Tying actions and insight to ROI
•Identifying the best HR technologies to keep track of the data 5/26/2020

HR Analytics Workshop on 30th and 31st May 2020

1. Key differences between Experience-based Vs. Data-Driven Decision making process
2. Overview of Analytical tools in HR Analytics
3. Data Analysis process steps
4. Applications in HR from Hiring to Employee exit
5. Applications of popular Analytical models in HR (Regression and Predictive analytics)
6. Going beyond HR dashboards- leveraging HR analytics as a strategic decision-making tool.
7. Types of Variables
8. Types of Data
a. Structured, Semi-structured and Unstructured data
b. Continuous Data and Discrete Data
9.Data sampling techniques to select and analyze different data points.
HR Analytics Workshop on 30th and 31st May 2020 5/26/2020

1. Measures of Central Tendency and Spread to understand variation in processes
2. HR Analytics Tools:
a. Exploratory data Analysis
b. Predictive Analytics
c. Prescriptive Analytics
3. Deep Dive into:
a. Predictive Analytics
b. Prescriptive Analytics
4. Understanding data through Exploratory data analysis using ANC the
Business Analytics Software offered in cloud as SaaS (Software as a
Service), which has been developed using R and Python programming
5. Hands-on Case Studies using ANC software:
Applying analytical techniques in the real industry scenarios
Case Study-1: Analytics based decisions related to Attrition
Case Study-2: Predicting possibilities of HR Renege. 5/26/2020

Performing ML using ANC Software deployed in Cloud

• Linear Regression Sample Video 5/26/2020

Questions ? 5/26/2020

Course Fees: Rs.16,000.00 + 18% GST

Special Discount for all @25% during lockdown

Special Covid19 Discount for Management Students also offered

Certification: Participants will be awarded a Participation Certificate

on successful completion of the two days workshop. 5/26/2020

We will be mailing you this PPT for sharing within

your organization

Whatsapp: 9320003505

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