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REFLECTIVE PIECE............................................................................................5




My Communication Studies School Based Assessment is focused on “Video

Games” specifically the topic, “Video Game Addiction amongst Teenagers in

Trinidad and Tobago.” Gaming is a fast- growing pastime amongst teenagers in

Trinidad and Tobago but is not without its drawbacks. The purpose of this

research is to educate society about these effects and to understand those within

our community who suffer from this. My expository will explore the realm of teen

gaming addiction in Trinidad and Tobago focusing on the effects of those addicted.

This will be accomplished via primary and secondary sources such as interviews

and questionnaires and newspaper articles and journals respectively. My reflection

is a dramatic piece entitled “My Sweet Savoury Addiction” which delves into the

life of the persona, suffering from this addiction and their journey to recovery.

Academically, as a current CAPE Biology and Chemistry student, I am fascinated

by the psychological effects of addiction. I intend to become a psychologist as my

chosen profession and exploring this topic helps me to get a better understanding

of addiction. Personally, as a video game enthusiast, I too have become too close to

the fine line of becoming too immersed in this addictive realm.



My reflective is a dramatic piece entitled, “My Sweet Savoury Addiction.” It is

about a teenage girl named Camilla who suffers from a video game addiction and

the steps she takes to her journey to recovery. “My Sweet Savoury Addiction goes

into detail of the struggles of Camilla and how she overcomes it. The purpose of

this drama is to bring awareness to society and educate them on how serious of an

addiction video gaming actually is while also causing them to have empathy for

those going through this.

The target audience for this play is intended to be for everyone specifically young

people as they are the most exposed to video gaming and can become aware of

their situations. This play was designed to be performed in the National Academy

of Performing Arts, NAPA and can further be published on video game forums and

other social media platforms to further raise awareness on the situation. This can

open the eyes of those uneducated and those exposed to gaming to that they can

become aware of how volatile their situation is.




SCENE 1- Camilla’s Room

(Camilla, age 17, in her room playing video games, her mother enters.)

CAMILLA’S MOTHER: Camilla, stop playing dem video games and go do yuh

homework please.

CAMILLA: Yes mummy, after this game I’ll get to it, we are almost done.

CAMILLA’S MOTHER: No Camilla, come off now yuh are addicted to these

games and it is affecting yuh academics.

(Mumbling, Camilla slowly closes her laptop and proceeds to do her work while

her mother leaves the room.

Camilla gets up and locks the door to her room.)

CAMILLA: Sorry mummy, I can’t resist the love I have for video games.

SCENE 2- School
(Camilla arrives to school, enters her classroom and is greeted by her friend


MARINDA: Good morning Camilla, did you get enough sleep this weekend?

CAMILLA: (*yawns*) I was really busy this weekend, so I didn’t get much sleep

MARINDA: (*sighing*) You played video games all weekend, didn’t you?

CAMILLA: (*hesitantly*) …Yes, I did, but this weekend was a special deal so I

was able to collect more points, so I had a good reason to-

MARINDA: There’s no good reason for what you did Camilla, you’re addicted to

those video games you’re always playing and it causes you to miss a lot of school

because you make ridiculous excuses to stay home and play more. You probably

didn’t even remember we had two essays due today and a presentation. Honestly

Camilla, I’m tired I think you need some help.

(Camilla folds her arms, furious.)

CAMILLA: Marinda yuh doesn’t understand what on earth I’m going through and

I find it very disrespectful that yuh not considering my point of view. When yuh

wasn’t there for me video games were, when my parents didn’t understand me

video games were there, when I had no one video games were always there. So,

before yuh condemn me for my life choices, take a look at yourself.

(Camilla walks off to her seat.)

MARINDA: (*sighs*) …I hope you really get help for this addiction of yours

sooner or later Camilla.

SCENE 3- Counsellor’s Office

NARRATOR (off stage): *four years have passed since Camilla and Marinda’s


COUNCELLOR: So, Camilla, why have you decided to see me today?

(Camilla, avoids eye contact and fiddles with her fingers.)

COUNCELLOR: I can assure you Camilla, you’re in a safe haven here, it’s just

you and me, I won’t judge you.

(Camilla, continues to avoid eye contact.)

COUNCELLOR: (*in a motherly tone*) Once you start to talk about your issue

it’ll be easier for me to help you…

(Camilla, takes a deep breath.)

CAMILLA: Well, seven years ago, at age fourteen, I was in a dark time in my

life, I just transferred to a new high school and I had a hard time fitting in. During

that time, I got into video games and that’s where things went downhill. As much

as I hate to admit it, I became addicted, I pretended to be sick just so I can play
video games for the entire day. My academics also suffered because of this, but I

couldn’t stop, it was like a drug, I couldn’t get enough and as the year went on, I

continued to play so I could get that euphoric type feeling.

(Camilla pauses, takes a breath and continues.)

CAMILLA: (*tearing up*) In my last few years of high school, my best friend

Marinda and my mother talked to me about my issue and that I needed help. In the

moment, I didn’t see what she or my mother was saying. Only now, three years

later I realized what they meant, I became antisocial, more depressed and anxious,

I let videogames control my life and I can’t stop. Please… I beg you please help

me get out of this addiction.

COUNCILLOR: Thank you for sharing Camilla, I’ll assign you to a support

group with others who also suffer from video game addiction and we’ll do some

follow up sessions, see you soon.

CAMILLA: Yes, thank you so much.

(Camilla exits room.)

SCENE 4: Hall of Camilla’s old high school

NARRATOR (off stage): *one year later*

CAMILLA: and that’s my story, after being addicted to video games for seven

years, I thank God that 1 year with my support group and councillor was able to

pull me out of the addiction. At age twenty-two, I can proudly say I am no longer

addicted to video games and I hope that sharing my story can give some of you

who are addicted some insight. I know some of you may think, it’s ridiculous to be

addicted to video games but trust me, it’s just as dangerous as marijuana or

cocaine. One thing I’d like to say before I leave is that video games was my sweet

savoury addiction. Thank you.




The reflective piece, “My Sweet Savoury Addiction” recounts the challenging

experiences of a video game addicted teenager who tries to overcome her issues.

As such, features of a language such as dialectal variation and communicative

behaviours were combined into this reflective piece and can be further analysed.

Dialectal variation showcases the varieties of languages used and are divided into

three parts of the dialectal spectrum. Mesolect which is English with some Creole

features is used by two characters in the play. In scene one, when Camilla’s mother

says, “Camilla, stop playing those video games and go do yuh homework please,”

the pronunciation of ‘yuh’ instead of ‘you’ indicates improper speech articulation

of the ending letters of the words. Similarly, in scene two Camilla says, “When yuh

wasn’t there for me video games were,” also demonstrates mesolectal phonological

articulation of the word you along with syntactical use with “you wasn’t” instead
of “you weren’t”. In these two examples one can see the use of mesolect by the


Acrolect which is standard English with little to no Creole features is also used by

two characters within the play. In scene two Marinda says, “…you’re addicted to

those video games you’re always playing and it causes you to miss a lot of school

because you make ridiculous excuses to stay home and play more,” is a perfect

example of standard English. In scene three, the councillor also displays standard

English when she says, “I can assure you Camilla, you’re in a safe haven here, it’s

just you and me, I won’t judge you.”

Communicative behaviours are generally done unconsciously but play an essential

role in communicating emotions that would otherwise not be verbally expressed.

This is depicted through kinesics, the use of body language. In scene two when

Camilla and Marinda are having a disagreement, Camilla folds her arms, furious

which can signify a defensive position. It can also be seen in scene three when

Camilla avoids eye contact and fiddles with her fingers in the councillor’s office

which indicates how nervous and uncomfortable, she is.


4 Young people varying in ages 13 to 18 were all interviewed on the 29th of

December 2019 and these were the questions asked:

How long have you been playing video games?

How many hours do you play video games per week?

What are the positive and negative effects playing video games has on your life?

Have any mental health issues risen due to playing video games?

What feelings do you get while playing video games?

About 50 young persons were selected for an online questionnaire on the 25th of

November 2019 and these were the questions asked:

1. Do you know anyone who plays video games (can be yourself)?



2. Weekly, how long does said person play video games for?

1 hour

2 hours

3 hours

4 hours

more than 4 hours

3. Do you think video game addiction is a rising mental disorder in Trinidad?

And state why

4. What symptoms do you think someone addicted to video game displays?

5. Does a victory or defeat in a video game have an effect on an addicted

person's self-esteem?

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

6. Does an addicted person withdraw themselves from society?

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

7. Can an addicted person suffer from other mental disorders such as anxiety,

depression etc?

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree

8. Can an addicted person suffer from the same effects as if they took drugs

like LSD, cannabis etc?

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

9. Can video games cause one to have real life problems such as academic,

financial or relationship?

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree

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