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Mind, Meaning, and the Brain

Article  in  Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology · January 2003

DOI: 10.1353/ppp.2003.0040

4 460

1 author:

Thomas Fuchs
Universität Heidelberg


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Mind, Meaning, and

the Brain
Thomas Fuchs, MD, PhD

KEYWORDS: Mind, brain, meaning, translation, depres- Isolation: As a further consequence, this view
sion. isolates the individual patient and considers his
illness separated from the interconnections with
A Systemic View of the Mind his environment. However, on these interconnec-
tions his personal experiences and dispositions

ROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH over the past are founded, and it is the actual interpersonal
two decades demonstrates the power of situation that has triggered his present illness.
the neurobiological paradigm. However, Walter Glannon’s paper successfully counters
this progress is connected with a restricted field these tendencies toward a neurobiological reduc-
of vision typical of any scientific paradigm. The tionism with an extended view of the mind: “ . . .
psychiatrist should be aware of this restriction, the mind is not located in any one place but is
because, unlike the brain scientist, he deals with distributed among the brain, the body, and the
patients, not with brains. The restricted view environment.” Of course, who observes some-
may be described by the terms of (1) reduction- one’s brain will never see his thoughts, his pain,
ism, (2) reification, and (3) isolation. or his anxiety. For consciousness is not a localiz-
Reductionism: Neurobiology tends to regard sub- able object or state at all but a process of relating
jectivity as a mere by-product of the brain’s ac- to something: a perceiving of, remembering of ,
tivity as a symbol-manipulating machine or an wishing for, aiming at, and so on. Thus on the
information processor. Consciousness becomes phenomenological level, there is nothing like a
an epiphenomon of the neuronal machinery that, “mental event” that could be isolated from the
operating behind our back, creates the illusion of world and from the stream of conscious experi-
a continuous self and of an autonomous will ences. The mind exists only embedded in the
(Churchland 1995; Roth 1996). world and in the temporal process of life.
Reification: Mental or subjective states seem to The same applies to the biological level: Con-
be localizable in the brain; thoughts or feelings, sciousness is based on the continuous interaction
it appears, may be observed in the colored illu- of the brain with the organism, and of the organ-
mination of cortical and subcortical structures. ism as a whole with the environment. The role of
This results in the belief that brain images could the brain for mental phenomena is thus compa-
also show the cause of a mental illness, or even rable to the role of the heart in the circulatory
the illness itself, which then manifests, for in- system or of the lung in the respiratory system.
stance, in a reduced metabolic activity in certain Of course, the lung is the central organ of breath-
areas of the cortex. ing, but respiration may not be restricted to the

© 2003 by The Johns Hopkins University Press

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262 ■ PPP / VOL. 9, NO. 3 / SEPTEMBER 2002

lung, nor to the organism as a whole. It means cause the human organism itself is an integrated
constant exchange with the environment, and whole, it has to act and react as such, which
there is no sense in asking whether the air taken presupposes an integrated or gestalt-like repre-
in still belongs to the surroundings or already to sentation of itself (the body), the environment
the organism. The same systemic unity is found (the world), and its own relation to the environ-
in the circle of perception and action mediated ment (meaning). This is mainly brought about
by the brain: When I am writing a letter, there is (1) by a synthesis of sense experiences, creating
no place in the unity of action where my “self” our embodied being in the world; (2) by an
ends and the “world” begins, no border that integrated evaluation of the meaning and the
separates inner and outer worlds. options of a given situation, which we experi-
There is another argument to be raised against ence as emotion; and (3) by the iconic and sym-
the reification of the mind if we consider the bolic representation of the world, that is, by
aspect of a historical biology. From birth on, our ideas and language. The mind creates wholes,
mind as well as the correlated brain structures such as body, feeling, self, ideas, and concepts.
are essentially formed by social and cultural in- This allows the human organism to internally
fluences. The brain is not inserted into the world model its relation to the environment, and thus
as a prefabricated apparatus but through its plas- to act not merely in an automatic, but in a mean-
tic development in and from the world. Thus it ingful way.
adapts epigenetically to its specific natural and
social environment like a key to a lock. This The Brain as an Organ of Translation
complementarity makes it impossible to restrict If we now try to describe the role of the brain
one’s view to the anatomic organ and requires an on this systemic basis, we may conceive it as an
interdisciplinary approach to brain-environment organ of transformation or translation, which
investigation, as for example, under the heading translates the relations between single elements
of a “social cognitive neuroscience” (Ochsner of a given situation (stimuli) into wholes or ge-
and Lieberman 2001). stalt units. The constantly changing patterns of
As Glannon goes on to argue, to overcome synchronized neuronal excitations correspond to
neurobiological reductionism, more is required the wholes emerging in subjective experience.
than a defense of subjective consciousness and its We may illustrate this transformation by the syn-
irreducible intentional or qualitative aspects; for thesis of single letters to a word (such as book),
this impregnable refuge of subjectivity would which we grasp immediately through its compo-
also remain sterile. An adequate theory of mind nents, without even being aware of the letters.
rather ought to grasp its function in the systemic Of course, we once had to learn this word letter
unity of organism and environment; and an ade- by letter (b-o-o-k), but by stabilizing the pattern
quate theory of the brain should be able to repre- or picture in our subjective experience, our brain
sent not single objects, events, or states but rela- was induced to form a corresponding neuronal
tions and interactions. pattern (in systems theory, an attractor) in such a
However, Glannon‘s teleological explanation way that the constellation of single letters re-
of the mind seems not quite sufficient. Certainly ceived the new meaning of book.
its adaptive function amounts to more than the Following this line, we cannot regard subjec-
mere enhancement of survival by adequately re- tive experience as a merely epiphenomenal pic-
acting to threatening stimuli, triggering a fight- turing of underlying neuronal processes. On the
or-flight response, and so on. The decisive contrary, it plays an essential role in the systemic
progress brought about by the evolution of the interaction of organism and environment. For it
mind is not just an improved reaction to stimuli is only by conscious experience that the organ-
(this could better be performed by a mindless ism is able to enter into a relationship with the
brain alone) but gestalt formation; that is, the environment on the higher level of meaning, of
grasping of complex wholes or situations. Be- integrated perceptive and cognitive units or ge-

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stalten; and these subjective, meaningful units in Glannon regards depression as a “psycho-
turn influence the plasticity, the structuring and neuroimmunologic disease” involving psycholog-
functioning of the brain. A historical biology ical as well as physiologic stress responses. In a
implies the continuous formation and reconstruc- similar approach, I have described depression as
tion of the brain via subjective experience. The a psychophysiologic desynchronization (Fuchs
constraint that the mind in a nested hierarchy 2001): a perceived backlog or gap between one’s
(Feinberg 2001) exerts on the lower-level proper- expectations and achievements is translated by
ties of the brain and the body consists mainly in the brain into a neurobiochemical pattern associ-
forming, maintaining, and connecting meaning- ated with depressed mood. It also entails an
ful units of experience that stabilize corresponding uncoupling of rhythmic physiologic (e.g., endo-
neuronal activity patterns and thus trigger, ac- crine) processes otherwise synchronized to each
cordingly, physiologic reactions of the organism other and to the environment. In the course of
as a whole. this desynchronization, the production of stress
As Glannon rightly points out, there is no hormones and, subsequently, immunologic pro-
dualistic causality involved here: The brain trans- cesses may become autonomous and inadequate,
forms configurations of single elements or events resulting in negative feedback loops and, in turn,
into higher-order patterns or units, and vice ver- increasing depressed mood. Thus the subjective
sa. It may be addressed by input on the different reactions to the disorder become intertwined with
hierarchical levels and translates them into each the disorder itself. Psychosocial and physiologi-
other. This means that any process concerning cal desynchronization influence each other.
the etiology and symptoms of mental illness is of As we can see, subjective experience is more
a biological as well as psychological nature. The than a mere by-product of an underlying real or
translation only runs top-down in the one case— brain depression. Depressed mood, distorted
from subjective experience (e.g., a perceived so- thinking, or perceived insufficiency, are not just
cial situation, a psychotherapeutic intervention) accidental or epiphenomenal symptoms whose
to the level of neuronal and biochemical processes, only importance is to give cause to consult a
and it runs bottom-up in the other case, for exam- psychiatrist (who actually is rather a brain doc-
ple, from pharmacologic effects on transmitter tor). Depression, on the contrary, is triggered by
metabolism to a change in emotional experience. the subjective perception of meaningful, mainly
interpersonal situations, and it is also to a high
Depression and Subjectivity degree maintained or worsened by negative feel-
Obviously this systemic concept of the brain is ing, thinking, and interacting with others.
opposed to any biomedical reductionism operat- Finally, given the inadequacy of monocausal
ing in claims like “depression really is a chemical accounts that invoke specific brain abnormali-
imbalance,” or “responsible psychiatrists should ties, it would be inappropriate for the psychia-
focus on the real causes of psychiatric illness, i.e., trist to treat the brain exclusively. Instead, a
damaged brains.” The bottom-up explanation of therapeutic pluralism is required. One could ar-
mental disorders as products of specific genetic gue here that because the brain translates input
or physiologic etiologies is inadequate to the in both directions, a biochemical or bottom-up
causal complexity of most disorders. Whatever treatment suffices to attain the desired purpose.
the genetic basis of, as an example depression is, However, in view of the limited effectiveness of
it can be only one precondition of a complex, pharmacologic treatment, it would be imprudent
interactive process that ends up as a psychiatric to neglect the top-down options on the psycho-
disorder. The final disorder is the product of a therapeutic level. But what is more important,
cascade of subjective, neuronal, social, and envi- we do not have any biochemical means to change
ronmental interactions in which the brain acts as the maladaptive dispositions of perception and
a mediating, translating, and amplifying “relay behavior that have led to depression and may
station,” but not as the cause. lead to relapse in the future. Such dispositions

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264 ■ PPP / VOL. 9, NO. 3 / SEPTEMBER 2002

are only accessible to change by new and repeat- A psychiatry of the brain, when adequately
ed subjective experiences—emotional, verbal, and understood, would have to become a “systemic”
interpersonal processes of learning that stabilize or “ecological psychiatry” (Fuchs 2002). Psychi-
new attractors of perception and behavior in the atry needs an “ecology of the brain” to better
brain. Only conscious experience is able to cor- grasp the interconnection of psychological, so-
rect the corresponding dysfunctional patterns of cial, and pharmacologic approaches adequate for
neuronal activity. Because the brain is a histori- its subject. For this subject is not the brain, but
cal organ, there will probably—and hopefully— the mentally ill patient.
never be a way to create new views of the self
and the world by brain manipulation. References
Churchland, P. M. 1995. The Engine of Reason, the
Conclusion Seat of the Soul. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
I have briefly outlined a systemic view of mind Feinberg, T. 2001. Altered Egos: How the Brain Cre-
ates the Self. New York: Oxford University Press.
and brain as embedded in the relation of organ-
Fuchs, T. 2001. Melancholia as a desynchronization.
ism and environment. There is no such thing as a Towards a psychopathology of interpersonal time.
brain for itself, as long as it is not separated from Psychopathology 34:179–86.
the living organism by autopsy. Its role may be Fuchs, T. 2002. The Challenge of Neuroscience. Psy-
seen in the mutual translation of single elements chiatry and Phenomenology today. Psychopathol-
of a given situation into higher-order units that ogy 35:319–326.
are experienced as meaningful wholes and vice Ochsner, K. N., and Lieberman, M. D. 2001. The
Emergence of Social Cognitive Neuroscience. Amer-
versa. Only subjectivity contains the gestalt-like
ican Psychologist 56:717–34.
wholes that for the organism represent an inte- Roth, G. 1996. Das Gehirn und seine Wirklichkeit.
grated model of reality. And it is only subjective Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
experience that is capable of gradually changing
the dysfunctional patterns of perception and be-
havior that may lead to mental disorders.

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