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Scriptures was not from Roman Catholic 📌1. Scriptures came 300 years before RCC compiled anything.

No church
needed RCC to compile anything that was there for 300 years. 📌2. By AD100s, all Scriptures were already in all
church. 📌3. Canon came from early Christian Church. Not from RCC. RCC merely took credit for it.  📌4. Scriptures
were written by Jewish Apostles and Prophets. Not by RCC. By AD100s, all Scriptures were already in all churches.
Not 300 years later as RCC lied about. 📌5. RCC did compile the BIBLE in its own accord. But nowhere
commissioned by any other churches or Jesus. All the councils RCC quoted were local councils that do not decide
things for all churches. 📌6. Protestants do not use the same BIBLE as RCC. GOD chose the Jews to write Original
Hebrew OT and Greek NT. That’s where Protestant BIBLE comes from. RCC BIBLE comes from Greek LXX (which
was translated from Original Hebrew OT + added 7 foreign books). Original is always correct. ~~~~~~~~~ By
AD100 NT 27 books were already in full circulations. Way before RCC claimed (AD300s). 👉…/irrefutable-q…/ Did the Roman Catholic "Church" give us the Bible? 🔐
According to John Dowling's The History of Romanism, From the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Present
Time" (1853), the above incident (Roman Catholic priests burning Bibles in the United States) took place "no longer
ago than October 27, 1842." He called the incident, "another instance of the intolerance of Popery, and its
determined hatred to the bible in the vulgar [common] tongue." This incident appeared to be led by "a Mr. Telmont, a
missionary of the Jesuits," who came with one or more associates. There were several burnings (Mr. Telmont was
"prominent" at all "movements"), one was public at which Mr. Telmont brought out armfuls of Bibles that had been
collected from Catholics.👉Roman Catholic priests burning Bibles in Champlain, New York...Does this show that
Rome has loved the Bible or does it indicate that she has abhorred and hated it? One might ask why is she now so
interested in these unauthorized versions? given her historic abhorrence to the Bible in the common tongue, why
are her scholars involved with various translation projects and "interconfessional" Bibles?"Then the Bible, that
serpent which with head erect and eyes flashing, threatens us with its venom while it trails along the ground, SHALL
BE CHANGED into a rod AS SOON AS WE ARE ABLE TO SEIZE IT... for three centuries past this cruel asp has
left us no repose. You well know with what folds it entwines us and with what fangs it gnaws us." (The Jesuits in
History, Hector Macpherson, Ozark Book Publishers, 1997, Appendix 1). [emphases ours] 👉Yes, she was still
burning Bibles in the 1800s but it did not work. She could not set up the auto-de-fe in the United States of America
whereby she could do a parade and burn up "heretics." Fulminations and hateful displays did not work. What does
the historical record further reveal about her and the Bible? Below see various sections, excerpts, etc. like-- 📌The
Roman Catholic Church, her Jesuits, and Modern Bible Versions excerpts from, "POPERY, The Enemy and THE
FALSIFIER OF SCRIPTURE. Or, Facts and Evidences, Illustrative of the Conduct of the Modern Church of Rome,
BIBLE EXECUTED BY ROMANISTS." (1844, emphases ours)❓ Why Does Rome Support the Modern Critical Text
and Translations?❓If Rome did not give us the Bible, how do we know about the Bible and what it is contains?
❓The New Testament did not come from Roman Catholic Church councils ❓Did the Roman Catholic Church give
us the Bible? History says an emphatic "No!!!"⚫️Did the Roman Catholic Church give us the Bible? History says an
emphatic "No!!!"🔐Rome’s most significant role in that project, which was burning that “Catholic priest” in a public
spectacle in Vilvoorde, Belgium. The “priest” in question was William Tyndale, who published the first printed
English Bible and the first English Bible translated directly from Greek and Hebrew. Though he was an ordained
Catholic priest, he renounced the Roman Catholic Church and its heresies and called the pope the Antichrist. In The
Practice of Prelates, Tyndale likened the pope to an ivy which climbs up a tree and gradually saps the strength of
the host and kills it, emphasizing that this is what the pope had done to England and every other nation under the
papal thumb. Tyndale called Roman Catholicism “a nest for unclean birds.” Tyndale also brazenly disobeyed
Rome’s law that forbade the translation of the Bible into the common languages of the people without ecclesiastical
permission. When the Tyndale New Testament was smuggled into England (because the Roman Catholic
authorities there forbade its distribution) large quantities were confiscated and burned, beginning in 1526. By 1528,
the prisons were filled with those who had committed the “crime” of reading the New Testament in English, and in
1529 Thomas Hitton became the first in a long line of believers who were burned at the stake for possessing the
Tyndale Bible. (Others had previously been burned for possessing the Wycliffe Bible.) In May 1535, Tyndale was
arrested for his “heresies” and for his audacity at thumbing his nose at papal laws. After being imprisoned for nearly
a year and a half in a cold, dreary dungeon in the castle at Vilvoorde, William Tyndale was taken out to the public
square, strangled, and his body burned. Roman Catholic authorities also burned John Rogers, the translator of the
Matthew’s Bible, another Bible in the lineage of the 1611 King James. Further, the Geneva Bible, which was the
most popular English Bible before the KJV, was produced in Geneva, Switzerland, instead of England for the simple
reason that the Roman Catholic Queen Mary was pouring out such vicious persecution upon Bible believers that
many fled to Geneva for safety. And going back before Tyndale to the first English Bible, let’s not forget that the
Roman Catholic Church condemned John Wycliffe of “heresy” for translating the English Bible and so hated his
memory that they dug up his bones and burned them nearly 44 years after his death. Yes, the Roman Catholic
Church did have a major role in the English Bibles preceding the King James, and let’s not forget it! 📌Jude exhorts
us to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints. From generation to generation, the
saints are to contend for the faith and hold forth the truth. We received the faith from those who passed it down.
Now this generation must contend for the faith and pass it down. 📖Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord,
saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. The night cometh when no
man can work.A. Summary overview of the development of the canon of the New Testament: 📌33 AD, Pentecost:
Jesus initially made the promise of divine inspiration through the Holy Spirit exclusively to His apostles. (Jn 16:12-
13) This promise was fulfilled when the church is born on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:1) The 3000 who were
baptized by immersion for the remission of their sins, (Acts 2:38-41) who have no canon at all, except for the Old
Testament. They had to rely upon the verbal inspiration and revelations of the apostles. (Luke 21:12-15) 📌33 – 49
AD On the day of Pentecost, Peter promised the same inspiration to believers in general saying that the promise of
Joel 2:28 would be sent also upon them through the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38-39). This gift of inspiration was
normally imparted only through the laying on of the apostles hands. (Acts 8:17-18) During this period the church
grew rapidly relying exclusively on the verbal inspired revelations of Christians.

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