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The Arousal Theory of Motivation


Kendra Cherry 

 Reviewed by 

Amy Morin, LCSW 

on May 15, 2020

Kevin Elvis King / Getty Images

In This Article 

What is it that motivates us to do the things we do? There are many theories of motivation,
one of which focuses on arousal levels. The arousal theory of motivation suggests that
people are driven to perform actions in order to maintain an optimum level of
physiological arousal.

What exactly is the optimal level of motivation? Well, it varies from one individual to the
next. Some people may require a higher level of arousal, which might motivate them to
seek out exciting and stimulating activities. Other people may do better with much lower
arousal levels, so they might feel compelled to seek out soothing and relaxing activities.

What Is Arousal Theory of Motivation?

According to the arousal theory of motivation, each person has a unique arousal level that
is right for them. When our arousal levels drop below these personalized optimal levels,
we seek some sort of stimulation to elevate them.

For example, if our levels drop too low we might seek stimulation by going out to a
nightclub with friends. If these levels become too elevated and we become
overstimulated, we might be motivated to select a relaxing activity such as going for a
walk or taking a nap.
One of the key assumptions of the arousal theory is that we are motivated to pursue
actions that help us maintain an ideal balance.

When we become overly aroused, we seek soothing activities that help calm and relax us.
If we become bored, we head in search of more invigorating activities that will energize
and arouse us. It's all about striking the right balance, but that balance is unique to each

Arousal theory shares some commonalities with drive-reduction theory. But instead of

focusing on reducing tension, arousal theory suggests that we are motivated to maintain
an ideal level of arousal.
Key Features
There are several features of the arousal theory of motivation that distinguish this line of

Arousal Levels Are Highly Individual

Optimal arousal levels vary from one individual to the next. There are many factors that
might influence each person's optimal arousal levels, including genetics, experience,
and current mood.

Your arousal preferences, in general, may be specified by your genetic makeup, but
environmental factors can also play a role in how you are feeling at any given moment.
One person may have very low arousal needs while another individual might require very
high levels.

Behavior Is Motivated by Arousal Levels

The person with low arousal needs might be motivated to pursue simple activities such as
crocheting or watching a movie in order to maintain their arousal levels. The individual
with high arousal needs, on the other hand, might be motivated to seek risky or thrilling
activities such as motorcycle racing or skydiving in order to maintain his or her ideal

If you need to raise your arousal levels, you might:

 Engage in physical activity

 Socialize with friends
 Try something new and exciting
 Watch an action-packed movie
If you need to lower your arousal levels, you might:

 Enjoy a relaxing hobby

 Read a book
 Take a bath
 Take a nap

No matter what your arousal needs are, you will be motivated to act in order to maintain
these levels. If you need more arousal, you will pursue actions designed to raise those
levels. If you need less, you will seek out ways to calm down and relax.

Arousal Influences Performance

One of the assertions of the arousal theory of motivation is that our levels of arousal can
influence our performance. But again, balance is key.

Higher arousal levels can sometimes help us perform better, but it can also impair
performance if arousal levels are too high.
This concept is commonly referred to as the Yerkes-Dodson Law. The law states that
increased levels of arousal will improve performance, but only up until the optimum
arousal level is reached. At that point, performance begins to suffer as arousal levels
increase. Additionally, if you're doing a complex task, high or low levels of arousal will
affect you more than if you're doing something simple.
Most students have experienced this phenomenon when taking final exams. Increased
arousal can lead to better test performance by helping you stay alert, focused, and
attentive. Excessive arousal can lead to test anxiety and leave you nervous and unable to
concentrate on the test. When arousal levels are very high or very low, performance tends
to be worse.
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