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How Genome DNA Stem-Cell Healing

Can Transform Your Life

Carol Roberts
Everything flows towards life
AT THE beginning of your biological existence, how did your father’s very
determined sperm know where to go and what to aim for?
How did they know when to drop their tails when no longer needed? And
once inside the egg, what incredible intelligence guided them to merge
to become a single unified cell, then 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on?

How did they know how to develop

into specialised bone cells, brain
cells, liver cells, organs, hands &
feet and finally become you, that
beautiful human baby with innate
talents and characteristics?

If that perfect intelligence

existed at the foundation of
your biological self, perhaps you
should trust that your body has
an incredible healing intelligence which naturally flows towards life and it
knows how to heal itself where needed.

We’ve all experienced how our body instantly goes about repairing a cut
on our finger, or a cold without our conscious participation—but then if
this innate healing intelligence is true, and the body always flows towards
wellness, then why do we age and degenerate over time?

The answer to this lies in the state of our consciousness. Each and every
cell in our body is conscious and it hears what we are thinking and feeling
each second. If we are continually broadcasting negative messages such
as “I’m sick, I’m ugly; I hate myself; I’ve had enough;” then our cells
have no option but to bring that which we believe about oursleves into physical

A woman who attended one of my courses told me she had always

hated her fat stomach. On going into her body more deeply, it brought
her to tears when she realised that she had directed so much hatred
towards it that she now had serious digestive problems. Her stomach “told her”
it was unable to digest this continual onslaught of negativity. It felt unloved,
unappreciated and didn’t want to do anything. Its only recouse was to to shrivel
up and die.

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Loving worlds showed symmetry Hateful words showed distortion

Experiments were done on water crystals by the late Dr. Masaru Emoto from
Japan. When words such as “I hate you; you are stupid etc” were directed towards
water, the crystals that formed, when the water was frozen, showed themselves as
ugly, distorted and malformed. The water that received loving thoughts however,
formed beautiful symmetrical crystalline patterns. Remember, the nucleus of your
cells is made up of nearly 75% water. Imagine what your negative thoughts and
feelings could be doing to you.

But it may not only be your own consciousness that is bombarding your cells with
negativity. You may also be shouldering the energetic burdens of family members,
or tapping into negativity from the group consciousness of humanity around you.

You could also be affected by the unresolved pains of people within your lineage.
Research in the science of Epigenetics has shown that the lives of children and
grandchildren of holocaust and genocide can be negatively affected by the traumas
of their ancestors passed down in their DNA.

But the good news is that our health and happiness is not determined by our
heredity. As powerful spiritual beings we have the ability to positively affect the
cells and organs of our bodies, including our DNA, through the power of our
consciousness. I demonstrate this practically in my Genome Healing courses.

From my years of study and experience in many consciousness-based healing

methods, I believe these are some of the fastest and most powerful mind-body
transformational techniques available anywhere in the world.

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The gist of Genome Healing in a nutshell
PERSONALLY, I’m not one for reading long eBooks so I want to explain in a
nutshell what Genome Healing can do for you.

You might be asking “What is special about this method; how can it make
a difference in my life; and what is it that I can experience with these
techniques that I won’t be able to find anywhere else?” So here goes.

On learning these techniques you would be able to:

Allow your organs to ‘have a voice’ to uncover your deepest emotional

blocks and belief systems that may be holding you back.

Return your organs to their optimal functioning blueprints. The organs

themselves will tell you of their profound transformations

Release and resolve traumas such as accidents, loss of loved ones, physical
and emotional abuse within minutes. Yes minutes!

Transform your telomeres for greater health, youth and vitality and
experience new energy flooding your being as this happens.

Reprogram your stem-cells for optimal functioning and strengthened

immune system.

Free yourself and your future ancestors from the memory of trauma,
hardship, scarcity and struggle passed down energetically within your DNA.

Restore harmonious relationships with planets negatively affecting your life

… and more.

Allowing your organs to ‘speak’

ONE OF THE MOST important aspects of the work is having tools to
communicate with your body’s organs, as if you are speaking to a person in front
of you. Not only can you ask them questions, but they will talk back to you. You
will be able to speak on behalf of them, giving them a voice

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So why is this so important?

Well your organs are parts of YOU that have never been given a voice.
It is within the cellular memories of these parts that you have buried
negative emotions that could be taking a toll on the health of your body,
blocking your happiness and robbing you of a wonderful life.

It is your physical body that is the culmination of all of your present and
past life’s experiences. Your bodily organs will tell you everything about
yourself if you allow them.

I’m sure you’ve all experienced how unresolved emotional pain can take
away your inner peace and stop you from living life to the fullest. Grief
and resentment can often manifest as depression and physical disease over
time. But Genome Healing is not just about emotional and physical
wellness. It’s more than that. It gives you the opportunity to know yourself
and be transformed at the deepest levels of your being……physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual.

Hearing yourself is loving yourself

WHAT IF, as well as being able to communicate with your organs, you
could also communicate with your chromosomes, telomeres and stem
- cells to gain valuable insights about the patterns that are controlling your
life? And better still, what if you could reprogram yourself at these deep
levels and experience the difference within your body as this happens?

You see, if you have never taken the time to listen to yourself, there is
no possibility of truly knowing yourself. And if you don’t know yourself,
then how can you truly love yourself? If you can’t love YOU, then how
can you expect anyone else to love you?

“Oh no” I can hear you thinking, “Don’t talk to me about that going within stuff
again!” … “ I’ve tried it so many times before…. It’s really frustrating….. it doesn’t
work for me….I just hit a dead end… I fall asleep!”

Well what if you had a process that would allow you to connect with
the deeper parts of yourself virtually instantly. And what if you could
experience the shifts within your body as you transform whatever
negativity you find there? It has been so amazing for me to find that
everyone I teach, seems to be able to do this within the first hour of
learning how!

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Imagine the difference to your life if after a five-minute exercise you
could see your past traumatic events through totally different eyes? Even
after working with just with one bodily organ, people tell me they feel a
new wholeness and contentment within their entire being in a way they
have never felt before.

It is your subconscious thoughts and feelings that

create your reality
THE TRILLIONS of cells in
your body are affected by the
messages you give them
through your consciousness.
But it’s not so much your
conscious thoughts that
create the reality you
experience in life, it is the
subconscious thoughts — the
ones that you are not even
aware of.
So how do you get in touch with your subconscious mind? The simple answer is,
you have to get out of your head and into your body to know what is truly gong
on at the deeper levels of your being.

Our bodily organs are ‘dying’ to be heard

OUR BODY has a way of getting our attention when something isn’t right
within us. When we are out of alignment with the truth of what we truly
know within our souls, we feel dis-ease or pain and it is the body reaching
out to get our attention. It’s like an alarm bell that goes off to tell us of a
fire in the house.

How crazy would it be to turn off an alarm bell and ignore a raging
fire? But this is what is happening to so many of us. We pop a pill or a
tranquilliser and think the condition will go away. But repressing feelings
of dis-ease may eventually have serious consequences in the form of
depression or chronic illness. There’s a saying: “The universe will tickle you
with a feather and if you don’t get the tickle, you might get a brick thrown
at you.”

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So the point I’m making here is that for optimum wellbeing we need to
honour the signals of our bodies and take notice. When we have an easy
way to communicate with our bodies, we will learn where we may be
sobatoging ourselves a n d be able to correct the informational and
energetic imbalances at their source before they manifest into something
more serious on the physical levels.

Harmony within your family of organs

NOT ONLY are your organs able to communicate with you. Every part of
you is conscious and has valuable information to share.

So how exactly do we go about this with Genome Healing? Firstly, the

person we’re working with is asked to “embody” a particular part of
themselves, e.g. the liver.

He or she actually ‘becomes’ the liver. Certain questions are asked, not to
the person directly, but to the organ itself. When questioned about its
condition, the liver communicates in a way unique to that person. It
might respond with images, impressions and/or feelings which are expressed

Within a minute or two students are often amazed at what is revealed

when they allow this subconscious information to come forward. Many
are deeply moved as they get in touch with these parts of themselves
for the first time.

Just like family members, each of our bodily parts has its separate
personalities. Understandably, they are all different aspects of ourselves. I
have assisted many hundreds of people to connect with themselves in
this way and the revelations and healings have been extraordinary. People
realise that the same family dynamics they’re experiencing in world around
them, is being played out within their family of bodily organs.

Bodily organs at war

YOU MAY be surprised to learn that some bodily organs are literally at
war with other organs and they seek revenge. A liver might tell us it
feels like exploding because it has been left to clean up all the mess and

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the other organs aren’t helping! Some bladders say they are “peed off” because
nobody is listening or wants to cooperate to get the job done.

When overburdened by other sick organs, hearts might say they are holding so
much grief that they just want to disappear into nothingness; and tired ovaries just
want to shrivel up and die because they’re “over the hill” and have no more purpose
in life.

Even chakras, stem cells, telomeres and chromosomes have their issues. Sounds
like familiar worldly dynamics? It seems it’s not the world that needs peace, it’s

If we can’t create peace within our own internal universe, how then can we expect
to experience peace in the world around us?

Many of my students have noticed that as they harmonise their family of organs,
their relationship with their family members harmonises as well.

They get to understand at a very deep level that everything they experience in their
outer world is a direct reflection of themselves and that the only real work that needs
to be done, is within their own consciousness. They stop the blame game. They
come to know themselves as powerful CREATORS rather than victims of
circumstances. They understand that when they create peace within
themselves, the world has no option but to mirror that peace and harmony
back to them.

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Do the male and female aspects of your organs love
each other?
“GENDER is in everything; the Masculine and Feminine principle manifests all on
planes of existence” — The Kybalion.

The Principle of GENDER exists within all of life. This is true not only of the
physical plane but also of the mental and even the spiritual planes.

No creation – physical, mental or spiritual – is possible without this principle.

Without creating yin/yang harmony within your body, it is not possible for it to fully

Students are surprised, and sometimes astounded, when we take our

communication with organs a little deeper.

Every part of you has both a

male and a female aspect.
You have 23 male and 23
female chromosomes within
each of your trillions of cells.
Your organs, glands chakras,
and all of the systems of your
body express this yin yang
principle. Creating loving
union between your male and
female aspects is crucial in the
healing process. Your body
always regenerates in an
environment of loving
harmony. Where there is
emotional conflict, there can
only be degeneration.

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From separation to oneness
EVERYONE wants to attract that perfect soulmate who is just right for
them, who really understands them and who truly loves them. Dating
sites are full of people looking for that deeper loving connection. But if
you haven’t connected deeply with yourself, then how can you expect
someone else to truly connect with you? You have to create loving union
and wholeness within YOU first to be able to experience this in your

On communicating with the male and female aspects of their organs,

students are often quite amazed at what they discover. Each aspect has
a different story to tell. Here’s an example of this so you can better
understand it.

When questioning the feminine aspect of an organ, such as a person’s

heart, the female might say she is angry at the male and wants nothing
to do with him.

He, on the other hand, is tired of her complaining. She wants him to
listen, but he can’t be bothered anymore and has shut down.

They might even say that they hate each other and some even confide
they literally want to kill their other half.

Despite this outward show of anger, at the deeper levels, they are both
hurting and can find no way out of their pain except to go numb or to hide.
Some are so shut down they don’t even know that they have a male or
female counterpart.

In such an atmosphere of conflict and subsequent shut down, there can

be no question of peace and continual regeneration at the cellular levels.
The body needs peace and harmony to thrive. Where there is chaos
and dis-ease, there can only be degeneration. Stress hormones will be
produced, the immune system will start to break down, and the happy
life-giving hormones will diminish.

So what to do about this sorry state of affairs? How can we get some
joy and natural chemistry happening again in the lives of this unhappy pair?

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Well, you will be surprised how quickly this can be done. Within minutes
of clearing the painful past, including ancestral burdens in the DNA and
restoring new energetic blueprints, these different aspects of the organ
tell us of the positive feelings that are now flowing between them.

They c a n now see themselves through different eyes. The anger,

resentment, sadness, hoplessness and despair they were holding before has
magically disappeared. There is no more fighting.

In its place is a newfound

harmony, wholeness and
oneness they have never
experienced before. Some
previously described
themselves as dense, dark
and shrivelled and now
they are expanded and

Many tell us the love

has returned, they now
see themselves as bright,
free and dancing with joy.

From working with numerous

people and communicating with many hundreds of bodily organs over the
years, I have found that there is only one thing that is missing within a
body that is sick, tired and degenerating.

It is LOVE that is the fundamental regenrating principle at the foundation of all of

life. Where there is plenty of love, degeneration, sickness and decay cannot
exist. And no one can do it for us – no one outside of ourselves is
responsible for giving us that love – we have to give it to ourselves.

Another course participant, Georgina, a 35-year-old computer

programmer, felt stuck in a very unhappy and emotionally abusive
relationship. She knew she should leave but didn’t have the strength to
get out.

On coming to the course and working with many of the male/female

aspects of herself and bringing them back to wholeness, she felt stronger
and happier within her entire being. As she now felt more love for herself,
her partner’s criticisms seemed to have little effect on her and instead
of falling in a heap as she usually did, she found herself doing things she

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She was able to move
away from her abusive
partner and called me
about four months later to
tell me how much in love
she was. She has now
attracted a beautiful man
into her life who treats her
with the love and respect
she has created within

Rapid healing of life traumas

ONE OF THE OTHER very special aspects of Genome Healing is that it
provides rapid and unprecedented tools for releasing and resolving life’s
traumas, such as relationship break-ups. Understandably, no one wants
to bring hurt from an old relationship into a new one.

Other traumas such as loss of loved ones, having to cope with long-term
sickness, physical and sexual abuse, can also be rapidly resolved.

In fact as mentioned earlier, one of the methods I teach in my Intensive

Course collapses the entire matrix of a person’s lifetime of traumas in ONE
morning session. There is no need to talk about, rehash or relive previously
traumatic events. All is resolved easily and gently. Imagine how your
life would change if you no longer viewed it through past painful

Ray was a 45-year-old corporate banker. For years he lived with the
trauma of having to dismiss hundreds of his employees when his bank
collapsed. He had everything money could buy, an attractive wife and a
prestigious home.

After the collapse, when he looked out of his living room window at his
Jaguar parked in the driveway, it made him feel sick. He felt he didn’t

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deserve all this opulence when so many of his employees now had

He spent long hours at the office each night trying to make things
right, but this ended up in his wife wanting a divorce. During the divorce
settlement, due to his overwhelming feelings of guilt, he decided to give
almost everything he had to his wife, despite his lawyer telling him he
was crazy.

Even more than seven years later, on asking his body for a number on
the extent of the trauma and guilt he was feeling in regards to this event, he
gave an intuitive rating of ten out of ten for both.

After a five-minute trauma clearing exercise he was astounded at the

outcome! All of the trauma and guilt he had lived with for all of those
years was gone. He could now see things clearly.

He realised he had always done his best for his employees and the closing
down of the bank was not his fault. In hindsight he acknowledged that he
had done himself a great disservice in giving all of his money away and
that this one action, blinded by trauma and guilt, had cost him dearly.

Ray has since told me that after learning to use the Genome Healing tools
for himself, he has been able to move through every life’s drama that has
presented itself with ease, and has now created another very fulfilling and
successful career.

Unresolved traumas linked to physical disease

A GERMAN SURGEON by the name of Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer contracted
prostate cancer after the sudden death of his son. He intuitively knew his
trauma and the cancer were related.

He then went about interviewing many hundreds of his previous cancer

patients and found they all had one thing in common. Each had undergone
some kind of shock or traumatic event usually one or two years prior
to the cancer appearing. He could even see a clear correlation between
the type of emotional trauma they had undergone and where the cancer
showed up in the body.

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His tests showed the cancer started to heal immediately these clients
resolved their past traumas through certain psychotherapeutic processes.

Using the Genome Healing method, there is no need for lengthy talking
sessions or reliving of painful situations. The story doesn’t even need to
be told.

We simply work at the informational

level to heal the trauma at its source
which instantly dissolves any
residual post-traumatic stress
connected to it, freeing up the body
to do what it does naturally – to
repair and regenerate.
How would your life be different if
you knew how to quickly and easily
move through any life’s drama that
would present itself without being
dragged into a downward emotional
spiral? Imagine being able to release
yourself from all past emotional
baggage that could be weighing you down and free your body’s cells to
experience the unlimited love, joy and fulfilment that you intuitively
know is your birthright. Well this can be done easily with the Genome
Healing techniques, and when you take the reins to do this for yourself,
I have no doubt your body, mind and soul will love you for it.

Transform your consciousness—heal your body

WE HAVE TALKED about just a few of the many energetic and emotional
shifts that have happened for people and how their lives have changed
for the better, but now I want to tell you about some of the amazing
physical healings that have occurred.

Peter, a 60-year-old retired journalist, used the methods to heal a 2cm

BCC invasive skin cancer which was interfering with his sight and tear
duct. He was diagnosed by three specialists and was expecting a difficult
and risky surgery which could have resulted in loss of sight in his right
eye. It took about six weeks of using Genome Healing techniques for a

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few minutes a day for the cancer to totally disappear and his doctor was
very surprised he no longer needed his scheduled surgery.
Stephanie had to give up her career in architecture due to an accident where she
lost the use of her right arm and hand. Despite trying many traditional and
alternative treatments, she had lived in constant pain for six months prior to
attending my seven day intensive course. After a twenty-minute session with a
novice practitioner she was in disbelief that all the pain had left her and she had
ease of movement again within her hand. On following up 3 months later, she was
still pain free.
Lisle, a lady in her 50s, was able to heal herself of a painful kidney stone
attack. The last time she had an attack she landed in hospital for two
weeks with complicated infections. Upon having another attack, she did
not want to go back into hospital this time and trusted she could use her
Genome Healing tools to heal it herself. She used the methods over a
period of a couple days to diminish the pain and all associated symptoms
Lee, a middle aged lady had an accident sixteen years ago where she broke her
left ankle which resulted in her inability to walk normally since that time. Her left
foot flopped as she walked. Lee volunteered to come out in front of the class so I
could demonstrate how we work with the right and left brain. Right after this we
broke for lunch.
Lee was absolutely gob-smacked when she found herself walking down a flight of
ten steps with ease. No more flopping of her foot! We had not even worked on the
foot, the fifeteen-minute healing of her left and right brain was enough to produce
these miraculous results. Lee also healed her long-term fear of heights within ten
minutes as is usual for many who come to the courses with phobias.
Jody had digestion problems to the point where she would sometimes roll on the
floor in agony. Most foods were undigestable for her and her tongue would swell
up as soon as she ate fruit. She was surprised to find that the cause of her digestion
problems was a very abusive relationship seven years ago. We were guided to
allow her illeosecral vale to have a voice. The trauma of the violent relationship
was held within this valve. As soon as the trauma was released, the valve began
to work normally and she could instantly eat again without pain in any of her
digestive organs.
These are just a few of the many extraordinary results experienced with these
methods. You can watch people telling of their rapid transformations by going to

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Mind Power
REMEMBER, all of the methods taught at the workshops are done through
the power of the mind alone and almost everyone who attends is able to
apply them within the first hour of learning, and get measurable results.
There is so much more to write about regarding some of the other
aspects of Genome Healing mentioned above such as lengthening of
your telomeres for youth and vitality, transforming your stem-cells, DNA
and chromosomes for optimal functioning, being able to communicate
with and restore harmonious relationships with planetary bodies affecting
each and every aspect of your life and more! But to keep this eBook
short this will have to wait to be elaborated on in my next book.
I hope what you have read so far will inspire you to learn more about
Genome Healing and to attend one of my training courses to gain first-
hand experience for yourself on what these amazing methods can do for you.
In closing, as the founder of the Genome Healing method, it has been a
great pleasure to be able to share my realisations, student experiences
and my passion for this work. If you have enjoyed this Ebook please take
a few moments of your time to pass it on to others. It could be just the
thing that could change a friend’s life forever.


Carol Roberts

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About Carol
CAROL ROBERTS pioneered the teaching
of Thought Field Therapy energy psychology
in Australia since 2000. As an advanced Theta
and Intuitive Anatomy instructor, she taught
TFT and Theta Healing Australia-wide for
over a decade. She is also a licensed trainer
in the methods of Russian scientist and
healer Professor Grigori Grabovoi and spent
eight years as a co-director of a busy alternative
health clinic on Australia’s Gold Coast before
retiring to focus more on the teaching aspects of her work.

Her Genome Healing courses are the culmination of more than thirty years
of study and practice under a number of powerful spiritual teachers and
healing masters. Since early 2010 Carol has been teaching Genome
Healing self-help practitioner certification courses to students from all over
Australia and abroad.

To read more about Genome Healing and to learn about upcoming courses
please go to

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