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My character/personality
1.To be honest, it’s not easy to talk about ourselves. 2.I know that I’m not people person, but most
of my friend say that I’m very sociable, because I can find way to every person. 3.There is very big
difference between what we are thinking about ourselves and what other people think about us.
4.Let’s compare. 5.The main difference is that a lot of people think that I’m very daring and I can’t
do everything such as climb on the tree, go to the karaoke and sing or make a friend wherever I am.
6. But the truth is, that I’m very shy and also I’m afraid of large number of people. 7. In spite of it,
I’m very spontaneous. 8. In one moment I can think about going home and simply reading a book,
but in the other I can decide to go on the party and shake my body. 9.My friends really like such
spontaneous moments. 10. Be calm and sweet in one moment and start quarreling in the other? 11.
It’s all about me! 12. I’m very emotional, and sometimes I can’t calm down and get everything
together. 13. If I don’t like something I will never be silent. 14. I wish I could be more calm, but
my character decided another thing. 15. In spite of it, I’m very good friend. 16.I can give a good
advice and help whenever my friends need me. 17.The other word that describes me is unpunctual.
18. All my friends know about it, so if we are planning to hang out, they know that I will be late and
go out 10 or 15 minutes later. 19. To sum up, every person act in the different way with different
people. 20. So, these differences depend on our pretending to be another person or on our wish to
join the companies.

2.The gamut of feelings I have experienced

1.The biggest gamut of feelings I have experienced in last summer. 2.It was very difficult for me.
2.One of the main reason is finishing school. 3.As for me, it is really important part of our lives.
4.We spent our childhood in the school, we learnt how to act in different situations and how to
prove that we are worth the best of the best. 5.When this period has finished, I was really frustrated.
6.In one hand, I felt happy and fascinating, because this difficult part of my life finished and the
adult life started. 7.In the other hand, I felt sad and depressive, because all my school friends would
enter the universities in different cities and we wouldn’t have an opportunity to hang up as often as
we used to. 8.The next step was Independent Testing. 9.It was very difficult period, because I need
to prepare for 4 exams and find some time to chill out. 10. Every teenager know this feeling when
you are standing next to the examination room and know that the results of the test can change our
lives. 11.The most annoying thing was to wait for the result for two week. 12.Franckly speaking, I
can’t even sleep and eat normally. 13. After finding out the results, we have to decide where we
want to enter, what we want to do in the future and make a list of (приорітети) . 14. Than we have
to send an application to the universities and wait for almost one month for the results.15.When the
results was published, I found that my dream is fall apart. 16.I was crying whole night, I even
thought about one year abroad to find myself in something else. 17.But my mummy made my
dreams come true. 18.I felt in different way during only three months. 19. The gamut of feelings
was from sadness and depressing to amused and happiness.
3.The activity to do before you die
1.Death is so simple word, but it makes you feel very empty. 2.I have never think about death
before I had found an article about man who had serious illness and had been about to die. 3.He
made a huge list of things to do before his death. 4.This article made me feel very frustrated. 5.Just
imagine, you live a normal life, complain about everything you have to do and worry about all your
problems in the one moment, but than you are told that you have a cancer or any other serious
illness.6.Does it make you feel empty? Does it make you thinking about all you have, about
everything you’d lose, about everyone who take care of you? Does it make you thinking about
everything you have done and about so many thing that haven’t done yet? 7.I can guess, that answer
is “YES”. 8.As for me, there are a lot of things that I want to do before I pass away. 9.The main
thing of this list is to go to the USA and stay there. 10.Also I want to visit every of 50 states in
America and stay live in the California. 11.Live in San-Francisco and don’t see The Golden Gate,
Los Angeles, Hollywood and The Walk of Fame? This is my dream number 2. 12. Travelling is my
everything, so the next thing to do is to go to Italy and have an experience of making a wine by
stomping on grapes. 13.Also I want to swim in the Atlantic and in the Pacific oceans, to see a huge
number of different ocean habits and to swim with dolphins. 14. How could I forget about
Disneyland and the London Eye? 15. This is my main resolution. 16. Sorry mummy, but next thing
will be to get tattooed. 17.I think that making tattoo is an special type of art, so I want to have such
type of art in my own body! 18. Do you ever watch the film “Alone at home”? If your answer is
“yes” than you can understand that the next thing to do is to spend a New Year and other winter
celebrations in New York. 19.I thing everyone of us has another list of “activities to do before we
die”, but it doesn’t mean that some of them are less important! 20. We all have to do our best to
make this list come true.

5.Surveillance technology: keeping up safe or in invasion of privacy?

1. Invasion of privacy is a serious issue concerning the Internet, as e-mails can be read if not
encrypted, and cookies can track a user and store personal information. 2. Individuals should have the
right to protect themselves as much as possible from privacy invasion and shouldn't have to give in to
lowered standards of safety being pursued by the government.3.But the Constitution contains no
express right to privacy. 4. In the world of today most records can be easily accessed by a home
computer. 5. Even Governmental records can be viewed. 6.Some believe this has benefits, while
others are screaming about invasion of privacy. 7. The personal computer does make privacy
difficult. 8. Databases have been created simply to hold ones personal information, and many times
these databases can be accessed by any computer-geek. 9. Yet, this ability to track someones actions
could be used to catch potential criminals and terrorists. 10. A terrorist could research how to make a
bomb online, take flight lessons, and communicate with other terrorists over email. 11.If this activity
were properly monitored, the terrorist could be caught before any harm was done. 12. A terrorist
could research how to make a bomb online, take flight lessons, and communicate with other terrorists
over email. 13. If this activity were properly monitored, the terrorist could be caught before any harm
was done.
6.Violent video games. For and against

1. Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings, increases in bullying, and violence
towards women. 2.Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for
simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts.
3.The first plus of video games is that it makes your brain grow. 4.There were real studies the
effects of prolonged video game exposure on the brains of young adults – and found that several
areas of grey matter expanded significantly. 5. In spite of it, the first against is that video games
make you more violent. 6. Last year, psychologists claimed that video game players who favour
violent 'shoot-em-up' games are more likely to be aggressive when offline, and significantly more at
risk of committing crimes. 7. In some way video games make you more self-aware and happier. 8.
Berni Good is a cyberpsychologist who provides bespoke consultations and psychological services
for gamers. 9. She discovered that the human need to relate to others in a meaningful way, and the
research tells us that players feel greatly rewarded sharing their gaming experiences with others on
social media and also in multiplayer environments. 10. One of the main point in the against list is
that video games make you less empathetic. 11. Earlier this year, an American study found that
young men who play violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto have a lower capacity for
female empathy than those who play more benign games. 12. Bushman believes that the extent to
which schoolboys feel they identify with the protagonists of violent and sexist video games was the
most troubling discovery of the study. 13.The next “for” point is that video gaming improves your
eyesight. 14. The earliest studies shows that after playing shooter video game for 40 hours over a
month-long period, the patients' vision improved enough that they could read one or two lines
further down on a standard optician's eye chart. 15. The last but not the least, and actually for me is
one of the main FOR reason, is that video games can fix attention problems. 16. When we think
about the effect of video games on the brain, it's very similar to the effect of wine on the
health. There are some very poor uses of wine. There are some very poor uses of video games.17.
But when consumed in reasonable doses, and at the right age, wine can be very good for health. 18.
So it's the same way, like those action video games have a number of ingredients that are actually
really powerful for brain plasticity, learning, attention, vision, etc.

7.Cosmetic surgery. For and against.

1.Cosmetic surgery is getting more and more popular for modern people. 2.Some people believe that it is a
science to increase the beauty of a person. 3.The basic aim of this surgery is to enhance the appearance of the
individual that is done by altering the parts of the body.4. On the other hand, other people disagree with it.
5.They say that cosmetic surgery involves risks which may cause serious diseases such as heart attack.6. Can
we trust the surgeons? Can we change our appearance to whatever we want by getting cosmetic surgery? 7.
Some people are so consumed with their appearance that they let it affect their mental well being. 8.There
are even some mental illnesses which are based solely on the body’s appearance, things like anorexia and
body dismorphia. 9.So the first FOR reason is that it can alleviate mental illnesses. 10.  If we feel that our
body does not reflect who we are as people, then we have the right to change it. If we can dye our hair,
change our clothes and have piercings, why should we not be able to express ourselves via cosmetic surgery.
11. If a person did get into an terriable accident,and in thier unfortunate case their body was severly damaged
. 12.Then they would not only suffer physical dismay but mential dismay as well. 13.Can you imagine
having the same appearence for most of your life and then suddenlly you look in the miorror and you see,not
you but someone else? 14.They would not be able to handle the emotional warfare between what they see
and what they know, and the only way SOME might find out of hell.So the only way to help them is plastic
surgery. 15.The first in the AGAINST list is that a lot of rich people make a cosmetic surgery too much. 16.
Someone said that : " i love the artificial beauty rather than the natural ugliness".that point of view is right, in
some extent. 17. We cant deny that enhance the apperance is the demand of people coz everyone always
want to be more good-looking in others' eyes. 18. If you take too much advantage of comestic surgery, it's
really dangerous and you can face unforeseen consequences. 19. I believe that cosmetic surgery is a personal
option but in some cases it becomes a bad addiction.
8.Downloading and sharing films. For and Against.
1. It has become popular practice to download movie, music, and software files from peer networks
online. 2. It spreads into the movie industry, which spends millions to entertain us, computer software
companies, the ones that make the programs that we use at home and work and make our lives easier.
3. Since people now have the option to download music, movies, or software for free online, they will
not buy the retail products anymore. 4. People always insist that download is great, but are you
thinking of who you’re talking it from. 5.The artists are the ones losing there money as well as
positive recognition. 6. A lot of people say that, if every film can be downloaded or copied, there
will not be any interest remain for those want to create movies without earning any money.
7.However, these films and songs represent the hard work of many people and therefore should not
be free.

9.Compulsory school uniform. For and Against.

1. School uniforms—some love them and some hate them. 2.There seems to be a big rift between school
uniform supporters and those against school uniforms. 3. The most common argument against school uniforms
is that they limit personal expression. 4.Kids and teens use they way they dress to express themselves and to
identify with certain social groups. 5.Many students who are against school uniforms argue that they lose their
self-identity when they lose their right to express themselves through fashion. 6.In spite of it, the uniforms will
stop other students by being judged on how they look. 7. No matter what you dress students in, they will
always find a way to pass judgement upon their peers. 8.If it's not based upon the style of clothes worn there
are many other superficial ways to judge people. 9. However making everyone wear the same type of clothes
is not going to make the problem magically disapear. 10.The next thing is the cost of the uniforms. 11. Some
schools specify a certain manufacturer or store in order to ensure uniformity, making it harder to find
competitive pricing. 12.Other schools may have a variety of uniforms, some for daily wear, more formal
uniforms for special occasions, and yet another outfit for gym class. 13.Kids are very specific about what they
are comfortable wearing. Some kids are sensitive to certain materials, some children are also uncomfortable
wearing certain styles of clothing. 14.Many girls, for example, do not like to wear skirts or dresses, which most
girls' uniforms require. 15.No uniform can suit all children. 16.So, there are a lot for negative sides, so I think it
would be better to let teenagers and kids an opportunity to wear what they want.

10.Husband and wives sharing household chores equally

1.Nowadays society is changing. 2.The new issues are appearing like untraditional minded people, changes
in gender roles and so on. 3.What tends to happen is that in today’s society women and men changes their
roles and the man does the washing up and does the housework when woman is busy at work.
4.Generally speaking I think that husband and wife should share the household chores. 5.Woman can cook
the dishes, but when she is really busy, it can be done by her partner. 6.The same situation with washing up
the dishes. 7.If smn see dirty plates, they can do the washing up. 8.I also want to add that woman can wash
the car, as man can wash the clothes. 9.It doesn't matter if it is done by man or by woman.
10.Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is that it doesn't matter what sex you are, you have to help your
partner in everything you can because that I one of the most important things in relationships.
11.Tell a story about an experience in your life that illustrate a
saying/disapproves a saying

What comes around goes around

1.Kindness always comes back! 2.My mummy have been telling me this wise advice all my
childhood. 3.Thanks to her, I always try to help someone when they needs help. 4.Frankly
speaking, I never had an opportunity to help a stranger before one day. 5.It happened in the
city centre when when I was walking with my friends. 6.It was really strange. 7.One man
awkwardly came to me and told me that someone had stolen his valet and he didn’t have
money to get to his home. 8.He was visibly lost, so I gave him some money. 9. After few
years, my friends and I travelled to Kyiv. 10.I went to the shop near the railway station to
buy some water. 11.When I was choosing the type of water, the stranger had stolen my
phone and all my money. 12.I felt lost, I was asking people for their phones to call my
friends. 13.But everyone refused in a rude way. 14.I had never felt so ashamed.
15.Fortunately, one man gave me his phone so I could call my friends to find out the name
of our hotel. 16.Than he gave me some money to take a taxi without hesitation. 17.When I
remind that situation, I feel really grateful that there are such kind people, who can help
everyone in need. 18.I’ll always remember that what goes around comes around.

12.Tell the story of somebody you know or of a famous person (use

multi-word verbs)

1.There are a lot of people, who achieve a huge success with no help. 2.I think they deserve
to be known. 3.One of such people is Jared Leto. 3.This little boy born on December 26 in
1971 in Lousiana by 16th years old girl. 4.After his parents devorce, his mother had to
brought up him and his older brother alone. 5.The family struggled financially, but
creativity was emphasized. 6.Both boys grew up delopping an appreciation of the art.
7.When Jared was a teenager, he entered Philadelphia’s University of the Art to study
painting, but soon he dropped out. 8.Then he transferred to the school of visual art in New
York, where he was studding filmmaking. 9. In 1992, Letos’ family moved to Los Angeles.
10.He needed to find some job, so he took on a number of jobs from waiter to car mechanic.
11.Fortunately, he was offered a stunning acting role in TV-show named ‘My so-called
life’. 12. He was named on People magazine as one of 50th most beautiful actors. 13.In 1998
Leto brothers founded the rock band named ‘Thirty seconds to Mars’. 14.Jared served as the
group’s lead singer, Shannon played drum and Tomo Milicevich was guitar player. 15.
Ispite of all this gamut of his works, he didn’t stop doing any of them. 16.He is a director of
music videos of his own band, he’s still a singer, compositor and writer of their music.
17.And the most incredible thing is that in 2004 he won the Academy Award for the best
supporting actor for his role as a transgender woman named Rayon in the film Dallas
Buyers Club. 18.Not everyone can achieve such success by their own.
Use your notes to design an alternative holiday for your partner.

Think about the following things:

 Name of the holiday

 Location
 Means of transport
 Length of time
 Accommodation
 Maine activities
 Other information (clothing, equipment, climate, health, preparation,
items to bring)

-Hello, Tanya.

-Hi, dear. How are you?

-Everything is superb. I’m so happy that holiday is coming. Have you decided where to
spend your winter holidays?

-Honestly, I haven’t decided. My father gave me a chance to choose the location and type of
our vacation. But I’m not sure what we have to do. Can you give me an advice?

-Personally, I think that it depends on your family interests. I should know what climate do
you prefer, in what activities you are attracted and do you want a luxury holiday or free.

-I’d prefer an attractive holiday such as Unstoppable Mounting Racing.

-If your family loves to snowtube, Camelback is the place to go. There you can skiing,
snowboarding and at the same time you can have a perfect time with your family.

-As I know, Camelback is situated in Pennsylvania. How could we get there?

-I consider, you can do there by plane. It’s one of the most comfortable and the fastest
means of transport, so it will take you only 13 hours.

-That makes sense. But what about an accommodation?

-You shouldn’t worry about it, because there are good tourists company in our town. So
they can give you a lot of different types of accommodations.

-I’d to stay in a hotel or lovely cottage with friendly stuff and nice atmosphere.

-Oh, Camelback is everything you want.

-Thank you, Nastya, for your advice.

-See you soon.

Think of show. Describe it.

Top models

-Hello, Nastya.

-Hello, my friend.

-How did you spend your weekends?

-I was walking with my friends, reading book and the main I was improving my English
vocabulary skills. And what about you?

-As for me, I was focused on watching TV. Actually, I think that TV shows are the
pleasuarest type of leisure activities.

-I see your point, but I think that TV shows are waste of time. Moreover, it has a big
influence on you and causes addiction.

-I agree to a certain extent, but it is very interesting to observe other people life, how
they achieve a huge success. One of my favorite TV programme Ukrainian Top Models.
It shows us that even the simplest person, who doesn’t has a lot of money or influential
connections, can make their dreams come true. It seeks to find the next golden girl or boy
of the modeling industry. The 12 future models will live in one house that has cameras
running 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. These aspiring models have to face weekly
challenges while living together in order to compete for a modeling contract.

-It sounds great, but you can chill out with your friends instead of sitting in front of the TV
and doing nothing. Also you can improve your knowledges, have a good time with your
family and recharge your energy while reading a book.

-You know, I don’t believe that you don’t watch TV and don’t have a favorite show.

-Of course, I have. But I don’t spend a lot of time on it.

-Oh, tell me about your favorite programe.

-My favorite show is ‘Orel and Reshka’. It is about traveling around the world . Each
weekend, two presidents go to different cities of the world. According to the rules of the
program, one presenter must live on Saturday and Sunday for $ 100 (for European
countries - about 88 euros, according to the current exchange rate), and the second one can
spend unlimited funds stored on a gold card.

-Oh, it’s really cool. I’ll watch it too when I will have a free time. Sorry, but now I have to
go home, because my favorite show will start in 15 minutes. Bye, sweat heart.
-Have fun!

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