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01 Organization of the Human Body Name ________________

Handout KEY Date _________________

Directions: Record notes and class discussion related to the organization of the human body.

membrane _adipose _cartilag

________ _______ e______
________ _______ _______
________ ______ ______
_ __
Connective _______
Epithelial Support and _______
Protects by
covering _______
organs and
internal and
surfaces and
produces _______
secretions _______
Tissues ____
cells grouped by
size, shape and
Muscle function
and moves
body Nervous
Reacts to
stimulation and
smooth_ conducts
_______ impulse
Cardiac _______
_______ __
_______ skeletal_
______ _______

Body Systems
skeletal system____________________ integumentary system_______________
muscular system___________________ nervous system _________________
circulatory system__________________ sensory system_____________________
lymphatic system __________________ urinary system______________________
respiratory system__________________ endocrine system___________________
digestive system___________________ reproductive system_________________
1.01 Structural Organization Key Terms Name _________________
1.01 What Systems Are Used? Name _________________
Anatomical position - the body is facing forward, standing erect, feet parallel, holding
arms at side with palms facing forward
Directional terms – refer to location of a structure or the relative position of a body part
to another one
Anterior – on the front of the body Posterior – on the back of the body
Ventral – on the front of the body Dorsal – on the back of the body
Cranial – refers to the head Caudal – refers to the tail or tailbone
Superior - refers to the head, top, or upper Inferior – refers to the tail, bottom or lower
body or section body or section
Medial – refers to the middle Lateral – refers to the side

Proximal – refers to nearest to the point of Distal – refers to farthest from the point of
reference reference
Superficial – on or near the surface Deep – on the inside

Planes – an imaginary line that divides the body or an organ into sections
Sagittal – divides the body into right and left sides (midsagittal divides the body into
equal halves)
Frontal – divides the body into anterior and posterior sections
Transverse – divides the body into top and bottom sections
Body Cavities - spaces within the body that contain and protect organs
Abdominal - contains the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, large and small
intestines, and the appendix
Cranial - contains the brain
Dorsal – contains the brain and spinal cord
Pelvic – contains the urinary bladder, reproductive organs, rectum
Spinal – contains the spinal cord
Thoracic – contains the heart, lungs, bronchi, trachea, esophagus, and thymus gland
Abdominal quadrants – four subdivisions used to reference abdonimal organs
Right upper quadrant (RUQ) Left upper quadrant (LUQ)
Right lower quadrant (RLQ) Left lower quadrant (LLQ)
Abdominal/pelvic regions – subdivisions of the combined abdominal and pelvic cavity
Epigastric – the area just below the sternum (breastbone)
Umbilical – the area around the navel or umbilicus
Hypogastric – the area below the stomach; the pubic area
Hypochondriac – the area below the ribs
Iliac – the area to the right and left of the pubic area; also known as the inguinal area
Lumbar – the area on each side of the umbilicus; extends from anterior to posterior


Directions: Name the systems that are used and the role that they play in the following activities.
(Answers may vary. Teacher use discretion in evaluation.)
Why is it important for these
Activity of Daily Living Systems Used
systems to work together?

1. Get out of bed in the

NS, MS, SS To maintain Homeostasis

2. Eat breakfast

3. Take a shower

4. Write an email

5. Sing a song

6. Kick a soccer ball


7. Have a conference with

your favorite teacher

8. Watch a scary movie


9. Drive a car

10. Take a nap NS, RS, CVS, LS

Structural Organization Review Name ________________

Handout KEY Date _________________
Directions: Fill in the blank to indicate the relationship of the referenced body structures.

1. The arm is proximal to the forearm.

2. The brain is deep to the skull.

3. The ears are lateral to the eyes.

4. The femur is proximal to the tibia.

5. The hand is distal to the shoulder.

6. The head is superior to the heart.

7. The heart is medial to the arms.

8. The leg is distal to the thigh.

9. The skin is superficial to muscle.

10. The abdomen is inferior to the chest.

1.01 What Does Not Belong? Name ________________

Handout KEY Date _________________
Directions: Circle the word that does not belong with the others in each list. Explain in the
space provided, and in your own words, why the term does not fit with the other terms listed.

1. abdominal cavity stomach eye liver

The other three are organs_______________________________________________

2. front dorsal anterior ventral

The other three are in the front of the body.____________________________________

3. caudal epigastric umbilical hypogastric

The other three are abdominal regions._______________________________________

4. thoracic abdominopelvic cranial superficial

The other three are body cavities.___________________________________________

5. coronal sagittal deep transverse

The other three are body planes.____________________________________________

6. dorsal cavity thoracic cavity cranial cavity spinal cavity

The other three cavities are in the posterior of the body.__________________________

7. stomach urinary bladder reproductive organs rectum

The other three are located in the pelvic cavity._________________________________

8. medial proximal lateral sagittal

The other three terms refer to location, position or direction._____________________

9. anterior back posterior dorsal

The other three terms refer to the back of the body._____________________________

10. homeostasis anterior superior dorsal

The other three terms refer to location, position or direction._______________________

1.01 Human Body Systems Name ________________

Handout KEY Date _________________
Directions: Complete the following chart listing the organs in each body system and the system’s
relevance to health. (Answers may vary. Teacher use discretion in evaluation.)
System Organs Relevance to Health
bones support
cartilage protection
Skeletal ligaments movement
skeletal muscles produce heat
Muscular support
heart pumps blood
blood vessels maintain blood pressure
Circulatory blood transports oxygen
lymph vessels stimulate the immune response
lymph nodes filters
Lymphatic spleen produces lymphocytes
nose bronchi transport and exchange of oxygen and
pharynx lungs carbon dioxide
Respiratory larynx alveoli
salivary glands intestines digests food
pharynx liver absorbs nutrients
Digestive esophagus gallbladder secretes digestive enzymes
stomach pancreas removes waste products
skin protects
hair follicles provides sensation
Integumentary sweat glands regulates temperature
nails sense of touch
brain processes information
spinal cord controls voluntary activities
Nervous peripheral nerves relays information

eyes ears sense of:

nose mouth sight hearing
Sensory skin smell taste
kidneys forms, concentrates and eliminates urine
ureters regulates chemical composition of the
Urinary urinary bladder blood
pituitary gland adrenal glands controls all body functions
thyroid gland pancreas regulates glucose
Endocrine parathyroid gland gonads regulates fluid balance
thymus supports sexual characteristics
male: female: reproductive processes
testes ovaries
Reproductive accessory organs uterus
external genitalia vagina
external genitalia
mammary glands

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