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Site Title: America Past and Present, AP* Edition, Revised Summary of Results
Seventh Edition
100% Correct of 15 Scored items:
Book Title: America Past and Present, AP* Edition, Revised
15 Correct: 100%
Seventh Edition
0 Incorrect: 0%
Book Author: Divine
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Location on Site: Student Resources > Chapter 17 > Multiple
Date/Time January 21, 2011 at 12:02 AM (EST)

1. Early-nineteenth-century explorers thought the trans-Mississippi West was best suited for

Your Answer: Indians and buffalo.

The Great Plains were often referred to as "The Great American Desert," presumably inhabitable
only by Indians and buffalo.

2. The Plains Indians were

Your Answer: a complex of tribes, cultures, and bands that assigned most work on the basis of

The diverse Plains cultures were also nomadic and warlike.

3. In 1867, government policy toward Native Americans

Your Answer: was formulated by eastern humanitarians who wanted to preserve tribal

As it turned out, however, the "isolate and civilize" assumptions that underlie the policy were

4. The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

Your Answer: gave small plots of reservation lands to individual Native Americans.

The act intended to destroy tribal loyalty and mainstream Indians as farmers and citizens.

5. One purpose of the Dawes Severalty Act was to

Your Answer: force Native Americans to abandon the communal ownership of land.
The act allotted plots of land to individual Indians.

6. Between 1870 and 1900, most settlers moved west to

Your Answer: improve their economic situation.

As had been the motivation of immigrants from colonial times, settlers on the western frontier
hoped to improve their economic situation.

7. Between 1862 and 1890, the federal government gave more land to __________ than anyone

Your Answer: railroad companies.

Railroads benefited from massive land grants from the federal government attempting to
stimulate construction of transcontinentals.

8. The Great Plains presented "sodbusters" with a problem not faced by farmers of earlier American
frontiers. It was

Your Answer: scarce water and timber.

Sodbusters adapted by turning to dry farming, building sod houses instead of log cabins, and
substituting barbed wire fences for wooden fences.

9. In 1893, historian Frederick Jackson Turner claimed that ___________ explained American
development, shaping customs, character, and institutions.

Your Answer: the frontier experience

Turner's frontier thesis has now been greatly modified.

10. All of the following were problems for the pioneer farmers of the Great Plains except

Your Answer: lack of available land

11. By the 1700s, the culture of the Plains Indians had been revolutionized by

Your Answer: the introduction of the European horse.

12. The most difficult leg of the Overland Trail was the

Your Answer: final trek through the desert and the Sierra Nevada.

13. Cities like Abilene, Fort Worth, and Dodge City owed their population growth and prosperity in the
latter nineteenth century to

Your Answer: shipping or receiving cattle.

14. One of the results of the rapid increase in cultivated acres in the latter half of the nineteenth
century was

Your Answer: lower prices for farm products.

15. By the Dawes Act of 1887, the Indian Bureau tried to

Your Answer: end the traditional Native American religions and encourage Christianity among
the tribes.

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