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Carol Tuttle: Tapping Into Abundance: Breakthrough Techniques for

Busting Through Your Money Barriers

Jessica Ortner: Welcome to the Tapping World Summit 2011. This is your host, Jessica
Ortner. By listening to this interview, you agree to the terms located at We hope this interview helps you become
a healthier and a happier you.

Hard work. Stress. Sacrifice. These are all words many people relate to money. In this
interview, you’ll learn how your beliefs about money actually impact how much money you
make. Get ready to learn tips and do some tapping to help you reach your financial goals.

We will be speaking to Carol Tuttle from As an acclaimed

alternative psychotherapist, Carol is a leader in the areas of energy psychology, emotional
freedom techniques and energy medicine. Carol is also the author of the best selling book,
Remembering Wholeness and Dressing Your Truth.

It is such a joy to have her. Welcome, Carol.

Carol Tuttle: Thank you and thanks for having me.

Jessica Ortner: Carol, many people have this belief around money, like I mentioned,
that you have to sacrifice and work hard. How is your view on how to make money

Carol Tuttle: Well, it’s very different, and I want to share this with people because it is
one of our core beliefs around money. It comes from a DNA level from our ancestors
because in the time of our ancestors, a few generations back, their physical effort
created a certain comfort level in their lives, because they lived in a world that didn’t
have a huge monetary system like we do now… and the credit and the debit and the
flow that we now create with money. Theirs was very physically oriented. So we
inherit that from our ancestors. So many people still have the belief, I have to work
hard, put forth a certain amount of struggle, effort or strain to create more money…
for more money to show up.

In fact, it’s very interesting when you challenge yourself to say, Well, how much do I
believe that? Well, every time you feel like you don’t have enough money, how often
does the question, Oh, I have to do more to make more money. So that’s a real tell-
tale sign that you’re grounded in that belief. And when you look at the most wealthy
people in the world, they don’t have that belief. The Warren Buffets, Bill Gates, the
people that have multi-billions of dollars… they’re off the charts when it comes to
wealth. They in no way could have created that amount of wealth based on an hourly
or a salary-type, gotta work this many hours to receive this much pay. They could
never, unless they’re being paid – if you equated their hourly worth, what they make
on an hour, you know, it’s over the top. I knew that at one time. I don’t recall it, but it
was just – if you took what Bill Gates’ inflow of money is on an annual basis, what
that looks like on an hourly basis, it’s like crazy amounts of money.

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These are people who don’t have that belief. They actually are people who have
done what they love, they’ve gotten really good at it, and money just all showed up to
support them, and their money now creates more money.

Jessica Ortner: Carol, what would you say to someone who’s hearing this, but they’re
thinking, yeah, but I’m no Bill Gates. I’m not a genius. ? How does tapping relate to
us finding a way to make money like this?

Carol Tuttle: Well, again, it comes down to: are you in the ebb and flow of trying to always
keep up of the appearance of more money going out than coming in? Are you in that
mechanism, or are you in the ebb and flow of more money comes in than goes out?

I don’t care how much that looks like. You can look at that flow dynamic on any level
of money, any amount and say, where do you play?

Are you in – again, I’ll repeat these – Are you experiencing the flow of money as
more money goes out than comes in, or are you experiencing more money coming in
than going out?

You don’t have to be a Bill Gates to know. Bill Gates is in the side – he’s in the
experience of more money coming in than going out.

Jessica Ortner: Right.

Carol Tuttle: So you get to own what’s my energetic experience with money? That’s a very
simple way to look at it.

Jessica Ortner: Money is such a physical thing that, for some people, it’s hard to wrap
their mind around this idea that if you change your energy and your emotions, that
the actual money will change. So how do you explain how this works?

Carol Tuttle: Well, I think even, especially in today’s world, where money is not as physical
as it used to be… anybody who went into bankruptcy did not do it by spending
physical bills. That was created by a credit/debit system that you never even see.
It’s numbers on a page or a computer screen. And so people create debt with just
energetic money. There’s no physical money representing that. And when you
understand that concept – that money, even in our time, isn’t even a physical
component, and people who have the appearance of a lot of money… it’s not being
held somewhere in some bank vault represented in physical dollars.

So when you understand, or no longer experiencing money as a physical entity,

really… sure you have dollar bills, but I bet most people are not even experiencing
their exchange on a daily basis with what we call cash. They’re experiencing it with
credit cards and now a lot of online transactions. And you don’t even physically ever
touch the money, so you have a greater opportunity to go into debt, quite honestly, if

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you’re so disconnected with this energy, if you’re running the more money goes out
than comes in pattern with the current energetic experience of money.

And we can look at what you focus on expands. Life is a mirror for you, so whatever
you believe about money, money is going to show you.

If we took bananas and we used them as our commerce, we’d create the same thing
with bananas. We’ve given so much power to this resource that is neutral. When
you apply your belief, money then becomes whatever you believe about it.

Without your belief, it’s a neutral resource, just like eating a banana is for some

Jessica Ortner: A lot of your work is based on the principles of the law of attraction, so
can you tell us how you explain to someone what the law of attraction is and how it
pertains to the amount of money we’re making?

Carol Tuttle: Well, in my book, Remembering Wholeness, it’s pretty simple. The law of
attraction is: whatever you focus on multiplies. So abundance is your natural state.
This was a big aha for me when I understood this. We don’t have to create this
experience of expansion and abundance. It’s already constant for us. It’s just if you
were to take a scale and say on one side of the scale is debt, not enough, lack – and
then it moves over to more than enough, wealth, prosperity – wherever you’re
focused on that scale is what you’re going to experience in abundance. You may be
having an abundance of debt. You may be in the middle of experiencing just sort of ,
Well, I’m comfortable, but I really can’t go do whatever I want whenever I want. I
have to watch it. I’m on a fixed income. I’m not experiencing a lot of debt.

Or, you may be experiencing an abundance of wealth, where it just keeps expanding
and supporting you because you now understand that money is a resource to support
you in creating a joy-filled life.

Jessica Ortner: Right. Carol, when you work with someone who’s having troubles
financially, do you find that they’re consciously aware of the patterns they’re running
that could have led to that situation?

Carol Tuttle: It doesn’t take long to point them out, but most of the time, you kind of have
this overlay on because you’re in the fear mode and the survival response that you
don’t – it’s kind of like you’ve got to have somebody else point it out to you to go,

And it becomes familiar for people. It’s just very familiar. And a lot of it’s
generational. Parents teach their children to have poverty conscious. Every time
you tell a child, We can’t afford it, whether you can or cannot, you are programming
them to be the next generation that creates a poverty consciousness and not enough
with money.

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Jessica Ortner: But Carol, if someone is in this stage where they’re having a lot of
financial troubles and they really feel all the pressure, how can they possibly – with a
burden say of bankruptcy – or just the debts and the bills – how can they turn away
from what they see as their reality to think positively?

Carol Tuttle: Well, it’s kind of like you have to put yourself in two worlds. Your outer world
needs to be managed, I believe, with responsibility and to deal with what you’ve
created. I think a lot of people disconnect from their creation of debt and they avoid
feeling the discomfort. I say throw yourself right into that feeling and feel this illusion
that you are experiencing of debt. I mean, ultimately you are a being of great
expansion and infinite in your nature, in your most spiritual of selves, and you’ve
been able to create this illusion that you can’t have it, you’re poor. And when people
start to really feel whatever they’ve created and then they add the tapping to support
the release of it, they’re clearing what the inner world is holding. And that is the
limited belief that, I’ll never be supported.

Money always comes back to a core issue, which is, I’m not worth it. That has more
to do with your sense of beingness, that I’m not worthwhile. I’m not supported in my
life. Money is representative that you have a belief that you cannot be loved and
supported, and money is just one of the resources you’ve created that belief with.

Jessica Ortner: Hmm. So interesting. Well, we’re going to be going into that a little
more later in the interview, but I want to ask you now about the financial ceiling.

Carol Tuttle: Well, I think it’s interesting that when you ask somebody what a lot of money is
to them. Now, people, in the whole prosperity consciousness that’s developed in the
last - I’d say it’s really heightened over the last 5 years. I’ve been in this for – I
started clearing my money issues, probably 16-17 years ago, and I created $45,000...
My husband and I were $45,000 in credit card debt. We had no predictable income,
no regular income. We were seriously working from a place of pure debt. Everything
we spent was creating more debt. So I started to really play with my belief system
around money. And I’d put myself in a situation that just completely supported me to
change my beliefs. So I’ll put that out there first. People need to recognize that their
scenario, their story, whatever’s going on for them right now with money is perfectly
supporting them in changing that and releasing that. Because since we made that
choice, 17 years ago, we resolved the debt, we were able to pay everything back and
we’ve never created that again.

Jessica Ortner: Wow!

Carol Tuttle: We’ve only created more expansion. So one of the things is I looked at what
do I believe is a lot of money for me. Now people like to say, Oh, I want to be a
millionaire. And I say, Okay then you need to – for practical reasons, you need to
bring that down to how much money that looks like coming into your world a month.
Because it’s really easy in today’s world, if you’re even out there studying all the

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money mastery and the prosperity, and you hear – it’s really common, I want to be a
millionaire. And I say, Okay then do the math on that and figure out how much
money you’d have to see appearing in your experience on a monthly basis.

And, I’ll just give that number real quick. I’ve got my little calculator out here. It is
about for $1 million a month, you’re operating at about $83,000. It’s such an
important point that people don’t realize what that looks like on a real practical level
say, I want to be a millionaire.

Jessica Ortner: Right, because we detach from it. It’s just this word.

Carol Tuttle: Yeah, it’s just words. And I think, okay. Can you imagine yourself having
roughly $85,000 per month coming into your world? People can’t relate to that then.

Jessica Ortner: Right.

Carol Tuttle: The possibility of that happening is very unlikely. Because that’s about $20K
per week. Now, if people were making $20K per month, they would feel like, Wow,
I’ve got a lot of money. So when I teach prosperity and manifesting more money, I
recommend to people not to go to that default mode of, I want to be a millionaire.
You’re setting yourself up to think something is possible that you really, honestly don’t
believe. Because when you start looking at the numbers and what that looks like,
most people can’t match up with that. They can’t believe that. You know, and so
what can you believe is possible for you that’s not too much more than you already

Start to practice your experience with, Okay, what am I currently creating? What
increase can I go to? How much can I hold an expanded belief of what’s possible?
And start to work with it practically that way. Instead of going, Well, I want to be a

Jessica Ortner: Mm-hmm. Okay, so it’s like doing it in steps. One step at a time.

Carol Tuttle: Yeah, definitely. Because that helps you see where your ceilings are. And
you can continue to clear yourself and claim your power back from those and the
ceilings are just your beliefs of what you think a lot of money is.

Jessica Ortner: And when someone begins to use tapping with the intention to make
more money, how do they know if it’s actually working, since, you know, a bag of
money isn’t going to fall from the sky in the middle of their tapping round?

Carol Tuttle: Look at what shows up and how you respond to it. If you get a bill out of
nowhere – Because now you’re tapping and you’re clearing, and people think, Okay,
now everything is going to switch and I’m only going to – I’m not going to create
unexpected expenses and I’m not going – It’s all just meant to now just show me all

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these positive flows. There’s a good chance you’re going to create things that
represent what you’re still afraid of.

That’s perfect, because it’s like - Wow, if you honestly, purely, 100% believe, I am
abundantly wealthy, when that unexpected expense shows up, you’re not going to
freak out at that. It’s going to show you how much you really believe you are an
abundant, wealthy person.

Every time something shows up to challenge that, you’re like, Okay, there’s an
opportunity. [laughing]

Jessica Ortner: Exactly. And really it comes down to being in a state where you’re
more resourceful.

Carol Tuttle: Yeah. And that’s the thing – when you start to shift your beliefs, your physical
patterns will start to follow.

Jessica Ortner: Okay.

Carol Tuttle: Things will happen that you’ll feel motivated to handle your money in a way
that – you’ll see changes in how you now play with money and the way you manage
things. All of that starts to shift.

Jessica Ortner: Okay. And Carol, you mentioned before how sometimes people are
unconscious of their relationship with money, but with just a few questions they tend
to realize what’s really going on pretty quickly.

So, I would love for you to share some questions that could help us understand what
we’re doing when it comes to money and I encourage our fabulous listeners to really
listen to the question, pause the recording, and write down your answer. And Carol
then will be sharing some examples and we’ll be doing some tapping.

So Carol, let’s start with one of the first questions that we can ask ourselves to help
us understand our relationship with money.

Carol Tuttle: Well, this plays off exactly what we’ve been talking about. And the question’s
very basic, it’s: What do you perceive to be a lot of money?

Now that’s very generic. That’s kind of like, you can’t put your hands on that. So let’s
just talk about, what would you perceive to be a lot of money to spend on a car?

Jessica Ortner: Oooh.

Carol Tuttle: Now that’s getting real practical, because you might say, “Wow, $35,000 is a
lot of money to spend on a car. You might think more than $20,000. Now see, it

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gives you some application. What do you believe is a lot of money to spend on a

Right now in my world and where I’m at with all this, I would say over $100,000 is a
lot of money to spend on a car, maybe $80,000 and up. [ both laughing] But I don’t
think it’s a lot of money, I don’t perceive it to be a lot to spend - $65,000 to be a lot of
money to spend on a car. Now I think most people will think that’s a lot.

Jessica Ortner: Yeah.

Carol Tuttle: They’ll go Whoa. You used to be able to buy a house for that. You know?
They’ll compare it to this history of what we used to be able to buy, and go, I could
never spend that much money on a car.

Well, the whole point of creating more money is to give you more opportunity to play
with it. [Jessica giggles] Not just to hoard it in your bank or whatever we used to…
but there’s no money really there, it’s just a number. And so that’s a perfect example
of how to start noticing what do I perceive to be a lot of money?

And it may not be in the same places. Maybe you think, for women, handbags.
Okay? I don’t think it’s a lot of money to spend $250 to $300 on a handbag. A lot of
women, they’re just like, Oh, there’s no way. That’s so much money. You know?

Jessica Ortner: Right, and they can come to New York and do window shopping for
those $2000 per bag.

Carol Tuttle: I perceive that to be a lot of money for a handbag. I’ve spent $450 on really
nice handbags, and I love them. So this is where you show yourself, every day of
your life, your perception of what you believe a lot of money is.

And the whole point of asking that question is if you – with those limits you put on it –
you’ll continue to limit this whole flow of money to you because you’ve got to stay
within this range of appropriateness that you believe is appropriate for spending.

Jessica Ortner: So let me be clear, Carol – You’re not saying that we should tap and get
to that point where we think $2000 for a handbag is expensive, you’re not saying that
we should go and buy it with the situation that we are in?

Carol Tuttle: What it shows you is where your judgment is, and in the judgment, you’re
limiting your flow. And you’re most likely judging other people. There are probably
some people listening right now who are judging me thinking, Oh my gosh, how could
she spend that much money on a purse?

Well, in that process of judgment, you’re creating your lack. It’s really nobody’s
business - what anybody does with their money is not your business, really. But in
order to avoid the discomfort of not enough, we judge what we believe is too much

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and continue to create lack. And then complain, and then feel like, how come money
never – how come this isn’t working for me?

Jessica Ortner: When someone gets this insight of what they perceive, how do they
take that information and then use the tapping to break through that?

Carol Tuttle: Well, you would just set that up with - the first statement would be:

Even though I believe spending $80,000 on a car is a lot of money, I love and accept myself.

Even though I may never want to spend $80,000 on a car, I’m open to that being an
experience other people want to have.

Jessica Ortner: Carol, let’s actually do that tapping together, the listeners and I will
repeat after you. That way we all experience it.

Carol Tuttle: Okay. Well, I want to make sure that we’re really clear on – I’m not suggesting
people go spend their money that way. You may never in your life be motivated to
have that experience, but it’s the judgment that’s kinking up your energy.

Consider the possibility that you may go do that.

Jessica Ortner: Right.

Carol Tuttle: You may go choose to do that. It’s just leaving your heart open to the
possibilities. It’s the judgment that that’s not okay that your perception is that’s a lot
of money – keeps you in a state of lack. Because I guarantee you Bill Gates can go
out and spend whatever he wants on anything. He’s financially free.

Jessica Ortner: Yeah. So then Carol, I know, because I’m looking here at my notes. I
know that one of the questions that you often ask people is, What judgments come
up for you in regards to wealthy people and how they spend their money?

So is this question then directly tied with What do you perceive as a lot of money?

Carol Tuttle: Yeah. Yeah. Because money has been historically tied to spirituality. I
believe that when people are struggling more in a more physical survival mode, you
needed to make survival and struggle spiritual so you didn’t feel so bad about having
so much struggle.

Jessica Ortner: It makes sense. Yeah.

Carol Tuttle: But we live in a time where it’s really appropriate and it’s very timely to take
upon yourself the belief that prosperity is spiritual. Money is spiritual. When you look
at people who have great resources of wealth and money and the amazing things
that they can do on the planet to change this world for the better – to improve the

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quality of people’s lives - with the really basic things that they can contribute. Wow!
That’s really spiritual. And the irony is that people who have less money actually
think on a daily basis more about money than people who have more than they need.
And that’s important to understand that. If you think it’s more spiritual to go without
and to withhold and to not give to yourself and to not go buy your nice car or, you
know, be able to give money in greater amounts toward organizations that you
support and the work that they do – to create your own non-profit and do great things.
If you believe it’s more spiritual to go without, I guarantee you’re thinking about
money and the lack of it more often on a daily basis than those who have created
great wealth.

And suddenly you’re bound. You’re not able to live you’re spiritual tap. You’re not
able to make a spiritual contribution.

So wealth is a very spiritual expression of who you truly are.

Jessica Ortner: Can you share with us some other judgments that we were taught
sometimes by our parents or society regarding wealthy people that hold us back?

Carol Tuttle: Again, I have such a great personal experience with this because I’ve done
this. I’m not somebody that just showed up, made a lot of money from the go. I
created a ton of debt, and I created turning all that around. I created a whole different
story. I remember one day years ago when I started to really practice clearing all my
lack and limitation, my poverty consciousness – My neighbor drove by in a new
Mercedes Benz. I saw them driving by and I was Oh so mad and so jealous. I was
like – [huffing] Oh, how can they go buy a car like that? I don’t even have money to
pay my bills, really, because every time I pay my bill I’m creating more debt.
Because again, I had no income.

So, I noticed that. It was so interesting. Because when I made that commitment to
clean this up, to clear this, the universe showed me where I was stuck. And right
after I had this very judgmental thought, this condemning, - they’re not spiritual –
they’re so worldly – they’re so worldy – my angel, my spirit self, whatever you want to
call it said to me, you will never own a Mercedes. And you will never have the money
to buy that because you believe it is bad and wrong. And I’m like, Whoa!

Jessica Ortner: Wow. That’s powerful.

Carol Tuttle: It was HUGE! I was like, Oh my gosh! Look what I’m creating. I’m creating all
this lack and limitation and I’m so angry that other people have more, this
appearance that they have more. And in that moment, I made a choice to never
judge people’s how they express the use of their money. And I have stayed true to

It was such a huge light-bulb moment for me. It was like, Oh my goodness, look what
I’m doing. And in my mind, I said, I bless everyone in my neighborhood with the

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energetics of a Mercedes in their driveway right now. [Jessica chuckles]

[Passionately] I bless everyone to have one, even me – to have the means to go
create that and to play with that. And for the last 10 years, guess what kind of car
I’ve driven?

Jessica Ortner: Mercedes! That’s fantastic!!

Carol Tuttle: I do. I drive a Mercedes. And a new one. I have to say, I do the lease
program so I give myself a new car every three years.

Jessica Ortner: Fantastic. You know, as you were telling me that story, the thought that
crossed my mind is, If you judge someone who is wealthy, there is that energetic
exchange, but I can also imagine that you become fearful to make money because
you think people are going to judge you.

Carol Tuttle: That is so important – what you just said, Jessica – because you don’t want to
be on the other side if you have a belief that it’s bad to be wealthy, you’ll withhold
money from yourself just to prevent exactly what you said. You don’t want other
people looking down at you going – what we perceive to be looking down at you
going , Oh what a worldly person.

Jessica Ortner: Right.

Carol Tuttle: And what an opportunity to show up and create wealth and show the practice
of it. I mean, personally, I don’t look down on Bill Gates because he and Melinda
now want to remove Malaria from the planet.

Jessica Ortner: Yeah. It’s incredible the work that they’re doing.

Carol Tuttle: Yeah! They’re goal is to raise the college entrance rate from high school - the
college graduate rate from like – gosh – 20 something percent up into the 80’s. I say
that’s pretty spiritual stuff that they’re doing.

Jessica Ortner: Yes!

Carol Tuttle: So think of – if people – if you have that, exactly what you said – think what an
opportunity to give yourself to be a role model for being a wealthy person who is very
spiritual and very balanced with doing good things.

Jessica Ortner: With that I would love to do some tapping on this – on the judgments
that we might have for someone.

Carol Tuttle: Okay. So start at the Karate Chop Point. And you know, a lot of people don’t
know where to tap. Just say it along with us, because it’s going to work. And if you
know what to do, with the actual tapping points, use them. If you don’t, just proceed
with us and get involved.

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Carol Tuttle – More Money Continued

Jessica Ortner: And we do have the intro audio for anyone who doesn’t know yet where
the tapping spots are.

Carol Tuttle: So they can refer to that to learn and even listen to this again. But I encourage
everyone to participate whatever place they are in the t –

Jessica Ortner: Tapping Evolution.

Carol Tuttle: That’s right.

Jessica Ortner: Okay.

Carol Tuttle: So starting with your karate chop point, just repeat after me:

Even though I’m jealous and angry at wealthy people,

I love and accept myself.

Even though I’ve believed wealth is bad and non spiritual,

I love and accept myself.

Even though I’m getting this for the first time,

I’m willing to continually notice where I keep this judgment going.

So just now start tapping on the face and torso points and do them at your own speed
while you repeat the following:

Wealthy people are bad.

I’m jealous of wealthy people.
They shouldn’t spend their money on that.
They’re frivolous.
They’re wasteful.
They should be using all their money for helping people.
People that buy expensive cars and purses and clothes are worldly and material.
I don’t want to be that way.
I’m afraid I’m going to be judged that way.
I need to fit in.
Debt is fitting in.

That’s a good one. Let that all go.

Jessica Ortner: Breathing deeply.

Carol Tuttle: That last tapping, I need to fit in is huge.

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Carol Tuttle – More Money Continued

Jessica Ortner: Now if someone is listening to this and they feel like all those emotions
are just getting stirred up, do you suggest that they just keep on tapping?

Carol Tuttle: Yeah. Yeah. This stuff shifts pretty fast, but what I say is you can clear really
quickly. You’re just going to have to clear it probably another hundred times. It’ll just
reset itself – it’s just a pattern in your energy. It’s a pattern in your thoughts, your
feelings. So when people ask, How often do I have to do this? As many times as
you show it to yourself that you need to.

Jessica Ortner: Right, we’re reconditioning ourselves and dehypnotizing ourselves from
these cultural beliefs.

Carol Tuttle: You’ve been living this your whole life, you know? It doesn’t change with one
4-minute round of tapping.

Jessica Ortner: Right. Well, as I hope people take the opportunity – if they are feeling
the feelings to pause and just keep going with that tapping and see where it leads
them. And if they’re starting to feel a bit better and they want to implement some new
beliefs around people and money and even how much is a lot of money, can we do
some tapping on that?

Carol Tuttle: Do you want to just do those all at the end? Like end the program with that?

Jessica Ortner: I think that’s fantastic.

Carol Tuttle: And I’d also say, pause and if this has got the wheels churning in your mind
and all the other beliefs you have, write your own scripts. Pause and take a notepad
and write down all the stuff that’s flooding into your head now. Because this starts to
push on other beliefs. And they show up. And you just start writing them down, and
you’ve got your own tapping script now. It’s there. Then re-use it. Make a
commitment. I was – at the time when we were in all the debt, it was a daily practice
for me to clear my limited beliefs around money and wealth and my judgments. And I
may take 10 minutes a day, but I did it. I was really dedicated, because well, the
situation wasn’t really supportive to a family with 4 children. But I really wasn’t
interested in – my husband and I remember the day we sat down and we even talked
about, Do you want to create bankruptcy? This is where we’re going.

And we really looked at everything with eyes wide open and we owned the fact that
the path we were on could lead to that. So we went ahead, and this is the thing,
wherever you are, if you have a fear of something that could happen in the future –
play that fear out. Go ahead in consciousness is what I call it to what you’re afraid of
is the future and tap as though you’re experiencing it. You can clear potential
outcomes that can form and present themselves by your – the fact that you’re running
the fear of a future event, you can clear that.

Jessica Ortner: Right. That’s great Carol. Thank you for that.

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Carol Tuttle – More Money Continued

We have a few more questions and because of time, I’d just like to run through them
quickly and people – people, excuse me, listeners, make sure that you pause the
audio to answer these.

So we covered, “What do you perceive to be a lot of money and what judgments do

you have regarding wealthy people?”

What’s another question that’s going to give us some insights on what’s blocking us?

Carol Tuttle: What’s your family generational story with money? This is going to be really
big too, because that’s usually what it spurts from. Your current experience with
money spurts from your family’s generational story and possibly it could go back a
couple generations.

When I worked with private clients and helped them, we’d trace back any ancestor or
relative – anyone in their family line that they could be carrying the DNA tendencies
that created some financial horror story. Where is that held? Were you just raised in
a family where you were raised and programmed and the feedback was constantly
given that money is bad? What were the statements that your parents said? How
was it expressed to you? We would write all those down. I’d have my clients really
hone into those and say, What’s the languaging? What was it that you were told?
Because you have aligned with that and you are now still living that story.

Jessica Ortner: And when we do the tapping, do we focus on, say, a particular phrase
that we heard?

Carol Tuttle: Yes. Tap out all those phrases that you heard.

Jessica Ortner: Okay. I’m really happy that you’re really driving the point home about
the importance of writing it down because what’s so simple about this technique is all
you have to do is tap on how you feel, so if these emotions are coming out right now,
what an incredible opportunity to create your own tapping script, like you mentioned.

Carol Tuttle: Yeah. Very helpful.

Jessica Ortner: Let’s move on to the next question.

Carol Tuttle: How is staying in financial survival a scapegoat for you?

That could be anywhere around you’re afraid of owning your life? Are you afraid of
failing if you succeed?

A lot of these scenarios are the same with weight loss as they are with money. You
might have it and then you might lose it. If you have it, you’re going to be judged for

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Carol Tuttle – More Money Continued

your stewardship of it. What’s your scapegoat? What is it that this familiar place that
you’re used to living – what’s the other fear behind it?

So it’s overlaying some other fear that’s a little deeper. That’s why you’re using it as
the scapegoat. Afraid of success. Afraid of power. Afraid of whatever.

Jessica Ortner: Is there something that we can do to help us figure out what that
scapegoat would be if it’s not coming up?

Carol Tuttle: You know what? I’d tap around the whole idea of I’m using debt as a
scapegoat. That’s going to start to peel some things away and you’ll show yourself.

If you’re ready to know, you’re going to show – it’ll be shown to you. You’ll get it.

Jessica Ortner: All right. So let’s move on to the next question.

Carol Tuttle: It’s how much paper money do you carry with you?

And this goes along with the next which is:

When asked the question, Do you have any money?, what would your answer
typically be?

And this again, this is a great story. My husband and I were in this place now, we’re
going to really shift our consciousness with money – change our energy. I’m going
back to 1994, ’93 when we were doing all this.

We drove up to – I don’t remember where we were, but I turned to him and I said, Do
you have any money? And he said, No. And I went, Bingo! [laughing with Jessica] I
said, Wow! I said, Oh my gosh, every time we ask ourselves that question to each
other, the answer is no. Do you have any money? No.

So we made a decision that we would never carry less than $100 cash in our wallet
from that day on, and I have to tell you that there might have been moments of a day
that we’ve seen little spaces where our wallets – where we needed to replenish, but
from that moment, we made that shift. And so we could always say “yes” to that

Jessica Ortner: And $100 for you at that time was a lot to carry around.

Carol Tuttle: Yeah, now normally – I’m being very public today about my experience, but it’s
pretty typical for me to have $300 or $400 in my wallet and it’s always been there for
me. If I was going to an ATM or maybe my husband gave me some cash. It just
shows up. Or at the time when I had my private practice, people would pay me in
cash. It would just start showing up.

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Carol Tuttle – More Money Continued

Jessica Ortner: Do we do this to also feel more comfortable with having money?

Carol Tuttle: Yes! Because you’re afraid – a lot of people are– then that’s going to bring up,
What if I lose it? Then I’m going to just go spend it. What if someone steals it?
There’s all this stuff that comes up. It’s like show yourself your fears!

Jessica Ortner: I like this. So it’s like if it triggers us, instead of freaking out, it’s a – you
can become more curious about it and see how these beliefs are impacting us.

Carol Tuttle: Yeah, and the main thing is to be able to always say yes to that question, Do
you have any money? No, I never have any money on me. No, I never have…

See, the big aha was when he said that to me, it was about – we were saying, No I
never have any money to the universe. And it was like, Duh. We don’t have it in our
wallets. We don’t have it in the bank. We just don’t have it. It’s just not here.

That was the big “aha” – was “Wow!” The answer to that question was showing itself
every place and part of our lives.

Jessica Ortner: Yeah.

Carol Tuttle: That was the big “Aha.”

Jessica Ortner: That is so interesting.

Carol Tuttle: It was just like, “Okay.” John, actually, he had a hard time relating to – we
were very clever at refinancing our house through this whole phase of debt and he
refinanced our house at the time and was able to accrue an extra $10,000 that kept
us afloat – sort of – for a while. And he told the bank he wanted to get that money in
cash. And his main reason for doing it was because he wanted to experience what it
was like to have $10,000 in cash and all the fears that came up for him. And he
brought it home and he had these piles of money. And you’d be surprised because it
didn’t appear to be a lot of money. When you look, it was all $100 bills. And the
bank had to like request it. They didn’t have it there.

And then he brought our kids in and they were all in grade school. We have 5
children and they were all in grade school. And he showed them this money.

The other big “Aha” we had was we are training our children to live in lack. And at
that same time period, we made a decision to turn it around and teach our children
that they could be prosperous. And it worked.

Jessica Ortner: And a lot of times we do more for others than we do for ourselves, so I
think just hearing that story is going to impact people to know that what their behavior
is is not only impacting themselves, but it’s impacting their children and when we
change, yeah, it has that ripple effect.

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Carol Tuttle – More Money Continued

Carol Tuttle: Oh big time.

Jessica Ortner: Okay, so what is another question?

Carol Tuttle: Where do you see yourself in 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years?

And again to relate to this, how is your financial story different than it was 1 year ago,
5 years ago, 10 years ago?

Have you created more debt? Have you gone into more abundance of not enough?
Where are you at? Are you running the same story?

Jessica Ortner: Now is this to give us clarity over whether we’re running a pattern?

Carol Tuttle: Yeah. It’s going to help you to see the pattern and that you were willing to go
deeper to the pattern if it’s gotten so-called “worse” – there’s more debt. If you were
willing to go deeper into the pattern then there’s more opportunity to clear it.

It’s – people have a tendency to have very – what I call – fast food results with doing
these processes. It’s like, Okay, I’m doing it. I put in my order, drive up to the drive
up window – now give me what I want.

And it really doesn't work that – you’ll see things – there’ll be spots of it. You’ll give
yourself here and there witnesses that this is working. And yet there is more
opportunity to clear so you don’t have to revisit this 5 years from now because you
didn’t quite clean it all up.

We have never had to go back to that. We’ve never had to recreate that story again,
and so we were really keen on saying – you know, I have to relate this to tapping can
be like – clearing and using tapping techniques is like playing tennis, which I happen
to play – you get to keep hitting the ball back. And you get to keep just doing the
processes until, guess what? You’re clear on that topic, that life experience. You’re
good to go. You now are a prosperous being in that particular life experience.

And then you get another one.

Jessica Ortner: That’s very good to hear, because many people try it once and then
they just feel disappointed and then they quit. So that’s a perfect metaphor.

Carol, what if someone’s answering these questions and they’re looking back at all
their answers and they’re thinking, “Man, I’m really messed up.” Because I’ve been
there. Personally, I’ve answered some of these questions and thought, “Holy Moley I
am worse than I thought.”

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Carol Tuttle – More Money Continued

So what advice do you have for someone who is feeling a little bit overwhelmed
about all the different things that are coming up.

Carol Tuttle: Write that script and tap on it.

Jessica Ortner: You know, it’s something simple but you’re right. Write it down. When
you write it down, you almost create a system. It’s easier for you to follow.

Carol Tuttle: Yeah. And, you’ve got to start wherever you’re at. Whatever feelings are
presenting themselves the strongest on that scale from 1 to 10, you go with that. You
go with that feeling of overwhelm. On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being the least, 10
being the highest, whatever emotions are presenting themselves at the 8, 9, 10 level,
there’s your script.

Jessica Ortner: Brilliant. I hope that people after the end of this interview really do go
into that tapping and write down the script because it is so effective.

And as we’re ending here, Carol, I’d love to end with a positive thing – some positive
affirmations that we can incorporate into our lives – once the triggers and the intensity
of the other beliefs have lowered.

Carol Tuttle: Let’s do the forgiveness step first because it’s going to help get that [makes
sighing sound] “ahhh” feeling. Okay, because you need – this is all – this story’s
been created by millions and millions of people. It’s a very popular story. It’s the
common story. It is. So you’re choosing to be a unique player in creating a different
story for yourself. A story of expansion and prosperity. And that’s good. That’s an
awesome opportunity you’ve given yourself.

And it’s a process of that story unfolding. And it will happen over time. And that’s
okay too. So I teach people to just – your heart chakra is the center of your chest
and you can form your hand into a fist and just kind of massage your heart chakra,
and if you’re looking down at your hand, it goes left down and up. When you’re
looking down at your hand, your hand is moving – going in a circular motion moving
to your own left.

Jessica Ortner: Okay.

Carol Tuttle: But go whatever feels right. I tell people, you want to work with your energy,
whatever feels right. So just rotating your hand on your – what’s called your heart
chakra – this is where forgiveness is experienced. You just say:

I forgive myself for creating all of this with money.

I forgive myself for not tuning into this earlier.

I forgive my parents - Even though it doesn’t feel like it, they did the best they knew how.

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Carol Tuttle – More Money Continued

I forgive money. It has always been there for me – and I receive my prosperity now.

Now I’m going to just tap on positives. And this is really supportive and you’re going
to just tap on the face and torso points while you repeat these positive reframes –
these affirmations to help shift out of your limiting beliefs into your truth.

Because what you’re speaking is your truth. It’s the truth of who you are. You may
not feel it yet, but that’s okay. The feelings will come along.

So just starting tapping:

I am grateful for the wealth that is available to me.

I am creating an abundance of money.
I’m having fun with my money.
I’m doing good things with my money.
I’m grateful my patterns with money are shifting now.
I’m experiencing money as a spiritual resource.
I’m grateful for the abundant supply.
I’m grateful all my debts are paid in full.
I’m grateful for what I’ve learned from this experience.
I’m having fun with all this.
I’m aligned with my truth.
I’m an infinite being creating an abundant experience.
I am a wealthy person.
I am allowing others to create whatever they want with money.
I’m having fun with my creation.
All is well.

There you go.

Jessica Ortner: [Deep Breath] Thank you, Carol. All feels well. That was fantastic and
you really gave us a lot of – a lot to think about and a lot to tap on. So I hope that for
many this is a beginning of a really incredible journey.

Carol Tuttle: Well, I’ve had a lot of fun today and I’m grateful that I could share my own
experience and kind of Been there. Done that.

Just so people know, it’s - for some reason people who know me and follow my work
find it very inspiring that I’m still having to clear stuff. It’s like [ laughing with Jessica]

And now that we have a growing business, I recently went from the – kind of a one-
woman show – Carol Tuttle, the energy healer, to having a full-blown business – you
know, where we employ three of our five children, their spouses, and everyone’s
income is created from this business that we have. And that created another

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Carol Tuttle – More Money Continued

opportunity, because it was like, Whoa, now we have to create more money because
more people. And it was like a whole other ceiling got shown to me.

Jessica Ortner: You know, it’s a really, really good point because we’re always going to
have problems, it’s part of the human experience and it’s all about what we’re going
to do about it.

Carol Tuttle: I’m going to rephrase that for you. We’re always going to have opportunities.

Jessica Ortner: I like it. Done.

Carol Tuttle: Opportunities for expansion.

Jessica Ortner: I love it. Once again, Carol, thank you so much.

Carol Tuttle: You’re welcome. Thanks.

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