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What is the command to store the uncommitted changes temporarily?

git stash
Which option is used to remove a single stash entry from a list of stash entries ?
Git keeps track of all the submodules and their paths in the project in ? github
Developer A has done some changes in the subproject and pushed it. Developer Bcan
pull those changes using _________git submodule update
The result of git blame filename will return the original lines of source code in
the console true
The email address of the author can be got instead of the author's name in the
result using----git blame -e filename
he result of the command git blame filename will have the following, except
__________email author
Which type of search is used in Git Bisect ? Binary
buggy git bisect ? git bisect bad (?)
Developer A found that a button, which was working fine earlier is not working in
the project. It is not sure which commit introduced this bug! Which of the
following Git commands would you suggest? git bisect
Which scripting language is used in the default sample hook files ? shell
Developer A had initialized a new repo and moved it to the hooks folder. What would
be the extension of the files present in it? .sample

Are Git hooks files version controlled ? No

The reference of the deleted commit can be got using git reflog ? true
Which command is useful to undo a git rebase? git log (?)
Old reflog entries can be cleaned using ? git reflog expire
How to get a complete reflog of all refs? ? git reflog show --all
Is it possible to get merge conflict during Git cherry-pick ? Yes
The purpose of Git Blame is to find ? commit and author of particular line
We can reset Git Bisect using git bisect reset even in the middle of a bisect ?
Reflog entry has timestamps attached to it. ? true
On adding a subproject using git submodule add, how many files will be added in the
main repository ? 1
What is the command to store the uncommitted changes temporarily ? git stash
Which option is used to remove a single stash entry from a list of stash entries?

// Shows the author and commit per line of specified file

git blame test.c

// Shows the author email and commit per line of specified

git blame -e test.c file

// Limits the selection of lines by specified range

git blame -L 1,10 test.c

> git checkout usernameSwitched to branch 'username'> git statusOn branch

usernamenothing to commit, working directory clean> git log --oneline5acb53b Reads
users surnamef676c54 Reads users first nameeb36057 inital commit> git checkout
masterSwitched to branch 'master'> git cherry-pick f676c54[master 0faa331] Reads
users first name1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)Can a commit be taken
from one branch and moved to a different branch in Git?YesIs it possible to get
merge conflict during Git cherry-pick? YesWhich option can be used to change the
commit message during Git cherry-pick? -e2nd handsonfollow the stepsA tag in Git
context is a _______________.referenceWhich option is used to remove a single stash
entry from a list of stashentries? dropWhat is the command to store the uncommitted
changes temporarily? git stash3rd HOgit submodule add /s/remote-project/2
vendorfollow the steps

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