Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3

Lee en voz alta con pronunciación, entonación y ritmo cada vez más adecuados.

Aunque aún
tiene dificultad para pronunciar algunos sonidos su progreso es notable en este sentido.

Lee e interpreta el contenido con ayuda del docente o del alumnado.

Mantiene la atención en las exposiciones orales y es capaz de captar las ideas principales.

Presenta todas las actividades y tareas realizadas organizando la información de acuerdo a las
pautas establecidas.

Corregir los errores ortográficos con algo de ayuda del profesor y poco a poco de modo más

Demuestra gran interés por el seguimiento de la asignatura.

Trabaja con entusiasmo en clase, es bastante responsable realizando las actividades. Le gusta
exponer sus ideas abiertamente y sabe escuchar y valorar las opiniones de sus compañeros.

Repasar los contenidos de las unidades que se han trabajado en el trimestre.

Su comportamiento en clase es excelente, sabe respetar las normas de clase y aprovecha bien
el tiempo destinado a realizar las actividades de clase.

La presentación de su cuaderno es inmejorable.

Asya is a hardworking student who has acquired some of the concepts presented this term in a
satisfactory manner.

She is respectful to her classmates and to her teacher, which provides an ideal environment for

Even though Asya has difficulty understanding some grammar points, she often enjoys
participating in class oral activities and interactive games

In order to make further progress, I encourage her to revise numbers up to 100

and saying how much toys cost.

To read Spanish books and to watch Spanish cartoons at home to improve understanding and
level of vocabulary.
Adam behaves well in the classes and pays attention. He is a mature child and is eager to learn,
he always asks

when he doesn't understand something. He brings his homework in regularly. In order to

improve he should pay

more attention to the difference between singular and plural in the Spanish expressions "me
gusta/n", "me

encanta/n", "me hace/n falta".

Caitlin seems to follow and understand the classes quite well. She needs to make a bigger
effort to write down

what has been explained in the class. Many times she chooses to write just one or two
sentences. She is very

smart and understands everything quickly, but she could do a much better job in Spanish if she
made a bigger

effort. Her result in the test was not very good in part because she finished it in 20 minutes
and chose not to

write any more. I told her to write more because she had not even finished all the questions,
but she did not

want to do so. It would also help her to write the English translations in the lists of vocabulary
that were taught in

the classes so that she can easily remember the meaning of the words.

Jesse is a well-mannered and friendly student who is making reasonable progress in Spanish. In
lessons he is

attentive and enjoys taking part in class oral work. Jesse displays interest in the subject and
enjoys all aspects

of the work. In order to further improve, he should pay attention to detail in his writing. Jesse
would also benefit

from reading Spanish books and magazines and watching cartoons and films in Spanish as
often as possible.

Keep working hard Jesse!

Alfie understands Spanish well and he is very good at grammar. He behaves well and he is a
bright student,
although sometimes I have to tell him to be quiet and listen. In order to improve he should pay
more attention

with the use of the article "el, la, los, las" in some Spanish expressions as "me gusta/n", "me

Annalise is a friendly and polite student who has acquired the concepts taught this term. She is
improving her

level of understanding and is able to work both individually and as part of a team. Annalise
always works with

the pace of the class and is proud of her work. In order to make further progress, she should
pay attention to

detail when giving opinions, and use the correct verb by looking at the subject of the sentence.
Keep up the

good work, Annalise!

Target: N/A

Tia is a responsible student who is always polite and respectful. In lessons she works at a good
pace, and is

keen to learn and improve. Tia is always willing to share her views and knowledge in the
classroom. Thanks to

her effort and skill she has achieved the objectives taught this term. I encourage her to
continue to work in the

same way in the future, and to read books and watch cartoons in Spanish as often as possible.

Solomon is a hard working student who has a positive attitude towards Spanish. In lessons he
is attentive and

willing to follow instructions. He clearly enjoys the learning opportunities provided for him and
approaches all

that he does with interest and enthusiasm. In order to further improve, Solomon must pay
attention to his

spelling and remember to place adjectives after the noun.

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