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Activity 2 (Fast Talk)

1. Yes, I can still comprehend what I was saying in the video.

2. The video with the slower version was easier to understand

compared to the video with the fast version. It is due to the fact that
the former was able to pronounce and dictate each word properly.
On the other hand, the latter was talking in a hurry and causing the
words to be inaudible and confusing. To sum it all up, I
suppose that the speaker would be understood better if he/she
talks in a slow manner, in which the listener could perceive and
apprehend the idea that the speaker would like to share.

3. If the speaker talks fast, he/she would be perceived as

someone who is intelligent. The speaker also shows an aura of
attractiveness and confidence, since he denotes a fast and
clear thinking, albeit in a fast pace. Nevertheless, if the speaker
talks slowly, it also shows an air of attractiveness. It is because the
speaker is able to talk in a slow manner, which in turn, catches the
attention of the audience. In addition to that, talking in a slow pace
enables the speaker to properly pronounce and articulate his/her
speech. Thus, allowing the listener to hear each word
accordingly and with understanding.
Activity 2 (Fast Talk)
4. Communication is a process of which it is shared among
individuals through a standard system of signs, behavior, and
symbols. It is a process of conveying or sharing messages
and knowledge from one person to another, through the use
of different means, context, medium, culture, and media.
Whereas, it is a step by step activity and is essentially a
two-way process that requires the avid participation of both the
sender and receiver. It may also be done through words and actions,
in order to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas to someone else. In
addition to that, Communication is a dynamic process which
depends on the speaker’s mood and thinking. It is also a complex
process and may be verbal or non-verbal, and is neither evadable
nor reversible. Thus, one should carefully think through the
words and behavior they are about to express, since it cannot be
taken back.

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