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I'd like to take a moment to talk about

remedies for Mars and Saturn when people

have afflictions or difficulties with

Mars and Saturn within the charge

there's one particular remedy I would

like to discuss we'll get into a little

bit later on in this brief discussion

but first of all when we think about

Mars and Saturn we have to know that

they are cruel planets they create

difficulty within our lives

sometimes look cause sudden breaks and

changes like Mars does whether it be the

sudden break of a bone or a sudden

change in job or the sudden change in a

relationship or injury or whatever it

might be

Saturn tends to bring into our life a

sense of grief and suffering tends to

bring in a sense that we're not able to

achieve all those things we want to

achieve or that we're not good enough

there's a lot of self-esteem and

psychological problems with Saturn and

these two plants often commingle when it

comes to the difficulties that they

cause because if you experience a sudden

break or change that devastates you Mars

comes in very quickly makes an abrupt

change within your life whether it's to

your health or to your relationships or

to the world around you whatever it

might be then what comes after is the

suffering of Saturn of seeing the

problem and then not feeling like one

can overcome the problem or the one does

not have the resources to deal with the

problem and then what happens is grief

becomes deeply embedded in the

individual and they start to define

themselves by it and they start to act

out these psychopathologies related to

Saturn because it's a lot holding on to

long term grief and ability to change

self-esteem issues and so on so what are

one of the ways that you can work with

these two plans so I've discussed it

quite a bit

in the free course at actual Vedic

Astrology calm under the downloadable

courses section under the City of sati

and Saturn returns specifically for


I've discussed other issues with Mars on

this and other channels but it's easy

for us to get very myopic in our

viewpoint about how we are going to

help ourselves or change the world or

whatever it might be or overcome some of

these difficulties and I think what we

forget is that a very important aspect

of working with Mars and Saturn his

charity because Saturn and Mars come

into our life and we are decimated we

don't know what to do we have no sense

of hope we have no sense of that it can

get better and we might have experienced

that at times in our life again whether

it be the decimation of a relationship

the decimation of health the decimation

of a job the decimation of a child the

loss of something very important to us

and those of us who have gone through

these kinds of issues we can then relate

to others and we can hopefully help and

support others based on what we've gone

through so we become like the elder

would become more mature we become the

one who can assist others guide them

through that process themselves and when

it comes to charity all over the world

there are people suffering you can watch

all these transit videos on see how I

predicted this earthquake or see how I

predicted that war or see how I

predicted that shooting and so on but

what we forget is that every day there's

something like that going on just

because something makes the news doesn't

mean that someone picked it out

astrologically and therefore we should

honor their astrological insight what we

should be doing is realizing that these

things happen every day somewhere in the

world and that one of the things that we

can do for ourselves and for others is

to support others in any way we can for

example when hurricanes come through and

destroy power grids which stop medical

suppliers people from getting medical

help that is a very scary time period

that is a very Saturn Mars kind of

experience one of my astrological

apprenticeship students he recently

wrote to me and said you know hurricane

that came through he doesn't live in um

he doesn't live in the continental US

but he said this hurricane that came

through we're gonna be without power for

the next six weeks so I'm not going to

be able to do my

my homework I'm not gonna be able to

watch the classes he said his family was

okay which is wonderful but he also said

that due to the difficulty with the

economy he's not going to be able to

cover the tuition of the classes and

I've never been in a situation like that

but there have been times in my life

where I did not have a lot of money and

luckily I had mentors and teachers who

are very supportive of me and they

allowed me to participate sometimes for

free sometimes at a lower cost and so I

said to him I said I cannot understand

what you're going through but the least

I can do is give you a waiver for you

know the tuition for this class because

I know you are a good student and that's

the key there those of you who hear this

and I think and they're gonna get all

kinds of free stuff from me I need to

know that you are a a dedicated person

so this person has been in the chorus

for two years so I know that this is not

an issue for him in the sense that it's

not something that he perpetuates

constantly it occurred because of a mars

and saturn combination of forces coming

together causing the destruction he

could not help similarly when we think

about his family or I think about the

family of thousands hundreds of

thousands of people who have suffered in

Wars or have suffered in hurricanes or

other natural catastrophes that is very

real suffering and one thing that we can

do yes we need to live our life and we

cannot make ourselves suffer

empathically because we think it's good

for us or because other people are

suffering we should suffer too if they

were in a situation where they could

enjoy their life and they had no

problems they would do so so you need to

do that for yourself knowing that you

don't need to punish yourself but that

doesn't mean you cannot help others so I

would like to encourage those of you who

have the means because not everyone does

but many people do I know who have the

means make some kind of donation to

disaster relief organizations one

organization that we have done aid to is

Direct Relief org I'll share this link


it's Direct Relief dot org let's see if

I can find it

pull it up again but it's dir ect

Arielle IEF org Direct Relief org and if

I can get my screen sharing to work like

this so here's the website it's got

international USA and we can read about

see how they utilize the things that are

given to them but people who've been

through hurricanes people who don't have

medical aid people who have been in war

related situations they need help and

one of the ways you can work with your

SATA and Mars is by taking it upon

yourself to help people whether that be

you are in a situation where you can

actually go to them and support them

it's wonderful but if you can't

financial help is a very wonderful thing

to do as well so I'd like to encourage

you to for a little while if you can if

you are not in a true Mars Saturn

situation where you are a life-and-death

survival mode and you do have some extra

funds find an organization like director

leafed org to make a donation to help

people in these kinds of situations it

will help your own karma and I hope you

kind of get out of focusing on your own

problem so that you can assist the

global culture now you might have

organizations that you find work for you

my recommendation would be definitely

research the organization's because I'm

not too savvy on all of this but from

what I've read you know some

organizations mismanaged funds that are

given to them and so on and from what I

understand Direct Relief org does a very

wonderful job but if you have other

organizations go ahead and list them in

the comment section here for other

people to see please share this video

for your astrologically inclined people

who might be suffering from more Saturn

combinations within their chart and want

to do something to help alleviate that

by also helping to alleviate the

suffering of others one other thing I

would mention

is that if you don't have the funds to

do something like this then doing

regular prayers of assistance and help

and forgiveness and seeing people

getting what they need in their life

wherever there's difficulty in the world

that is a more esoteric way of

approaching this of prayers can be very

helpful but personally I like to see

prayers backed up by actual activity so

if you have to make a little bit of a

sacrifice that you don't go out to eat

maybe three times during the month so

that you can donate money to someone who

might really need it please make that

sacrifice or just make take a whole

month off of going out to eat or take a

whole month off of not going to the

movies or whatever these other

extraneous things are that you do and

use that money to donate to people who

are in situations disaster situations

Mars Saturn situations who really need


therefore you will also be supporting

your own Mars and Saturn because these

cruel planets they do very well when

they also see that you are willing to

make sacrifices to help others so please

get the word out astrology is a

wonderful thing but we also have to

remember that we live in a global

community and that those people who need

help if we can help them we should try

to do something to do so so thank you

for taking the time to listen and I

really truly do hope and pray that you

act on this because there's a lot of

people in need right now

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