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Might Makes Right:

One of the flaws of human nature is to transgress back to what we did yesterday in order to
align what we are currently doing. What we did yesterday will not set us on the track for new
knowledge, but will rather guide us to what we already know. John Cage demonstrates this
when he says, "I can't understand why people are frightened by new ideas. I'm frightened of
old ones." In the classical fantasy of the Once and Future King by TH White, King Arthur
wants to change the ways of his England and use his Might to abolish the philosophy of
"Might makes Right." However, Arthur does not succeed in eradicating this mindset and
leads into his own tragedy. He discovers that utilizing what you are trying to annihilate to
receive a successful outcome.....

The word love has many different meanings in English, from something that gives a little
pleasure ("I loved that meal") to something one would die for (patriotism, pair bonding). It
can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state. In ordinary
use, it usually refers to interpersonal love. Probably due to its psychological relevance, love
is one of the most common themes in art and music. Just as there are many types of lovers,
there are many kinds of love. Love is inherent in all human cultures. It is precisely these
cultural differences that make any universal definition of love difficult to establish. See the
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. One definition attempting to be universally applicable is Thomas Jay
Oord's: to love is to act intentionally, in sympathetic response to others (including God), to
promote overall well-being. This definition applies to the positive connotations of love.
Expressions of love may include the love for a "soul" or mind, the love of laws and
organizations, love for a body, love for nature, love of food, love of money, love for learning,
love of power, love of fame, love for the respect of others, etcetera. Different people place
varying degrees of importance on the kinds of love they receive. According to philosophers,
the only goal of life is to be happy. And there is only one happiness in life: to love and be
loved. Love is essentially an abstract concept, much easier to experience than to explain.

What is Anger?
Anger is a natural emotion. It's nature's way of telling us that something in our lives has
gone haywire. Anger occurs as a defensive response to a perceived attack or threat to our
well-being. In addition to psychological changes, like any emotion, anger is accompanied by
physiological changes. When you get angry your adrenaline flows, your heart rate increases,
and your blood pressure escalates. The phrase, "I'm so mad my blood is boiling" isn't that far
from true when you fly into a rage!

Sometimes just our perception of a situation causes anger to ignite and sometimes the
threat may be real. Whatever the case, anger isn't the problem. The problem with anger is
that many of us don't learn to manage anger effectively. In fact, one out of five Americans
has an anger management problem.Domestic abuse, road rage, workplace violence, divorce,
and addictions are a few of the external examples of the results of poor anger management.
Moreover, anger can lead to physical problems when not properly managed. Long-term
anger has been linked to chronic headaches, sleep disorders, digestive problems, high blood
pressure, and even heart attack.Yet, when you learn how to manage anger, it can be an
accelerant towards positive change instead of a negative propeller towards disaster.

The Sequence of Anger

Anger is usually "triggered" by an occurrence, like stubbing your toe on an inanimate object
or by something that someone says. Next, you think something like "what did I do to
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deserve that". However, at this point, emotion takes over your mind and the "pain" of the
situation leads you to believe the answer to your question is "Nothing. I didn't deserve that
at all!" Feelings of hurt and betrayal further try to override logic and you're ready to act on
your anger by either suppressing it or expressing it.

Suppressing your anger may lead you to believe you have it under control. However,
suppressing anger doesn't solve your problem and is a dangerous type of anger
management. Suppressed anger stays with you over time and can lead to mental health
problems like depression, and physical problems like "stress" headaches and high blood
pressure. Additionally, continually suppressing your anger can curtail your ability to act in
the face of a real threat to your well-being.

Anger needs to be expressed. Yet, aggressive displays of anger can result in violent
eruptions that further hurt you socially, mentally, and physically. The goal of anger
management is to help you find healthy ways to express your anger and resolve the
problems that ignite it. The first step in anger management is learning to define the problem
and face it head on!
Anger Management Tips

* Find a safe spot. Yelling at friends or family members, slamming doors, and breaking
crockery doesn't solve any problem and frequently escalates angry situations between
people. Yet, sometimes you just need to vent. Finding a safe spot to act our your anger can
relieve the majority of your stress, calming you enough to solve the real problem at hand.
Go to a basement room and scream your head off! Take an empty jar to your basement and
break it, (remember to sweep up when you're done). Stomp on a few aluminum cans. Throw
a tennis ball at the garage wall. Buy a punching bag.
* Breath Deep. Anger often begins when we feel weaker than we really are. Molehills loom
like mountains. Taking a few deep breaths calms you, makes you feel stronger both
mentally and physically, and can cut those mountains down to size!
* Count to ten. Sounds simple, but counting to ten is an anger management tip that has
worked for centuries! The Roman poet Horace (65 - 8 BCE) said, "When angry, count ten
before you speak; if very angry, one hundred." Counting to ten (or one hundred) helps you
to step back from the situation, buys time for you to examine the problem and decide on an
effective, rational way to express your anger.
* Give yourself a break. It's easier to think when you're calm than when you're agitated.
Leave the room, take a walk, 'whistle a happy tune'. Then come back to the problem,
examine it, and solve it.
* Look for the sweet spot. Learn to act and not react. Although every cloud doesn't have a
silver lining, when life hands you a lemon, you can make lemonade and when you get angry,
you can find a positive way to express it!

Ambition and aspiration:

Ambition (icchana) is an eagerness to acquire personal advantage, wealth, power, status or

fame while aspiration (patthāna) is a gentle but firm determination to achieve something.
The English word ambition comes from the Latin ambitionem meaning ‘going around’ while
aspiration is related to the Latin spiritus, breath, and comes from the French aspirare
meaning ‘to breathe out’. Ambition is not necessarily negative, but it does have a tendency
to override integrity in its drive to get what it wants. And when it does get what it wants, it
sometimes misuses it. Successful actors who end up becoming drug addicts, star athletes
who cheat in order to win yet another medal, and wealthy businessmen who dodge taxes or
steal from their shareholders in order to accumulate even more, would be examples of this.
As the Buddha said, ‘Because of his craving for riches, the fool undermines himself’
(Dhp.355). All too often, ambition just keeps us ‘going round,’ i.e. it further entangles us in
samsara. The so-called Self-Improvement Movement in America would be a good example of
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a philosophy of life based on ambition. Behind all the talk of ‘the passion for excellence’,
‘being the best you can be’ and ‘contributing to society,’ usually lies raw greed and

Aspiration is a form of desire tempered by thoughtfulness, integrity and a self-interest that

takes into account the interests of others too. While ambition is focused totally on the goal,
aspiration never loses sight of either the goal or the means used to attain it. Aspiration
allows us to ‘breathe freely’ (assāsa, M.I,64) after we have achieved our goal, because we
know we have done it without compromising our values or disadvantaging others. Aspiration
also understands that while mundane goals may be useful in this life, spiritual goals benefit
us in both this and the next life and will eventually lead to the state of complete fulfilment
where we no longer strive for any goal, i.e. Nirvāṇa. The Buddha said one should, ‘put forth
his whole desire, exert himself, make a strong effort, apply his mind and resolve’ to attain
such goals (A.IV,364). And when he said that one practising Dhamma should be ‘moderate in
his desires,’ he meant we should aspire towards worthwhile goals without allowing our
aspiration to degenerate into ambition.
A large proportion of human beings are capable of being violent, cruel, aggressive, evil. The
atrocities of humans upon humans are numerous and obscene. It takes two to make peace,
one to wage war. To have order and live in a peaceful society humans devised a few cunning
schemes: Religion was the first. A blind faith to give meaning to the mysteries of life and
allow societies to maintain stability. Morality was a complement and later an offspring of
religion, rules of behavior that help maintain order. Yet isn't morality just an artifact, an
invention of the human mind to stop us from killing each others? Isn't ethics, even in modern
societies, a complement to the Law to maintain order?

If our goal is reason and the evolution of humankind through reason instead of blind faith,
then we must leave behind all remnants inherited from our ignorant times. Wreckage from
ages when the human mind was but a seed, religion and morality are destined to disappear.
The ultimate achievement of human reason will be to have peace and order solely based on
reason. We must become amoral atheists. Yet how can we achieve peace without a
framework of thought to prevent us from waging war against each other?

The Selfish Genius

Not only am I atheist, but I consider religion one of the most serious problems humanity
faces. Often, believers are so arrogant that they are convinced they know the truth about
the world and the universe, and they know what is best for other people. When a theist
accepts a deity as more important than his or her life then he or she will see others as
unimportant; human life will be secondary, and that's where the danger lurks. Believing
there are higher beauties than human life, than one's life, is common not only in religions
but also in nationalism and other ideologies, such as communism and extreme forms of
environmentalism. In all of these cases, believers are willing to sacrifice human life for what
they see as a higher goal and that's why they are willing to become kamikaze pilots or hijack
airplanes to throw them against skyscrapers.

My life is the only life I live. If I die, the world is over; the universe only exists for my eyes to
watch it; if I cease the universe ceases with me.
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Selfish philosophies, such as objectivism, are unpopular. Not only because religion is
intrinsically against self-centered philosophies but also because selfish individuals have a
bad reputation. Some of the individuals that caused suffering to human masses -- e.g.,
despots -- were and are selfish. Of course that the atrocities committed in the name of God
or country or whatever-higher-value demagogues choose as their truth are also abundant.
But selfishness has been given a bad name because it is often associated with selfish
actions that eventually yield negative outcomes for everyone, including the selfish person.
However, a selfish philosophy does not necessarily lead into a selfish behavior. Ignorance
and stupidity lead many selfish individuals to selfish actions when these are not the best
selfish choices.

Human life is a series of iterated Prisoner's Dilemmas (PD). From game theory, we know that
the best option in an iterated PD is to cooperate for otherwise we will face the wrath of those
we betray. One can argue that the best choice in game theory is "Tit for Tat." Only "Tit for
Tat" begins with cooperation, so cooperation should be the rational strategy having
confrontation as a secondary, alternative choice. Of course that the complexities of human
life largely exceed this essay and so it's impossible to discuss which strategy is the most
adequate, but cooperation is normally the winning strategy. Quality engineering stresses
that despotic bosses are heading for extinction. Networking, cooperating, and collaborating
are the wisest strategies in our society not only in professions that require teamwork but
even in jobs where individual input is valued.

Have in mind that I defend cooperation and think selfish actions are generally foolish not
only in my profession but as a lifestyle based on the selfish principle of maximizing rewards.
I am ultimately selfish, but I understand that an altruistic behavior is the best choice for the
maximization of rewards.

One obvious question is whether in an extreme case of nothing to lose by acting selfish and
having an immediate reward, one should opt for the selfish choice? A selfish ideology can
obviously lead into selfish actions. For instance, Stanley Milgram showed that 2/3 of
Americans are willing to kill if someone else is to be held responsible for their actions. The
difficulty, however, in any selfish action is how to guarantee success and avoid retaliation.
Of course that if I were in a boat with another man and food for only one to survive, I would
try to kill him. It would be the logical route for survival since cooperation would yield death
for both of us. Anything1 that increases the length of my life is a good thing. But our lives do
not normally involve choices of life and death. That is why cooperation typically yields the
greatest profit. Taking a more general perspective, a united humankind can improve the
quality of life of all its members. A divided humankind will lead us nowhere.

Because the quest for reason and truth should be part of all my actions, I think it's important
to reject the usual theological and moral misconceptions for a more rational explanation.
Overall, we should abandon religion and morality and embrace selfishness not to lead a
selfish life but instead to be cooperative and even altruistic for that is ultimately the best
choice for the individual.

"I Swear by life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor will I
ask another man to live for my sake."
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Opportunity Knocks Only Once

Opportunities are always plenty in this vast world, but how many of us are ready to grab that in our life…? At least
how many of us are aware of the opportunities we come across in our lives…?

Family and society in which we are born are a chance given to us by creation, but what we become in life is a choice
left for us. Chance is something decided upon us, which is beyond our control. Choice is something that we can
decide for us, which is completely in our hands to choose. Many of us think that our life is predestined and nothing
can be done beyond that.

We have all said at some point of time in our life or often hear people saying:

“It’s all fate”, “Luck is not in my side”, “According to my horoscope”, “It’s bad time for me”

Yes, it is going to be really bad time until we wake up and look for opportunities in life.

Opportunity knocks our door only once. That single moment in our life comes only once and never returns. We may
end up getting similar opportunities later on in time, but the one that came will never come again.

A young man wished to marry the farmer’s beautiful daughter. He went to the farmer to ask his permission. The
farmer looked at him and said, “Son, go stand out in that field. I’m going to release three bulls, one at a time. If you
can catch the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter.”

The young man stood in the field awaiting the first bull. The barn door opened and out came the biggest, meanest
looking bull he had ever seen. He decided that one of the next bulls had to be a better choice than this one, so he ran
over to the side and let the bull pass through.

The barn door opened again. He had never seen anything so big and fierce in his life. It stood pawing the ground, it
eyed him. Whatever the next bull was like, it had to be a better choice than this one he thought. He ran to the fence
and let the bull pass through.

The door opened a third time. A smile came across his face. This was the weakest bull he had ever seen. This one
was his bull, he said to himself. As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just right and jumped at just the
exact moment. He threw his hands to grab…..But alas…. The bull had no tail.

There are three kinds of people in this world: First, the ones who make things happen. Second, the ones who see
things happen. Third, the ones who wonder what happened?

If we are a kind of person who is attentive to things around us, I am sure we could readily recognize that. If we are a
kind of person who is keen on achieving great things in life, I am sure we would definitely make the best used of
opportunities given.

An individual may possibly have number of abilities and talents, yet he or she could be a miserable failure. Unless
the person is aware of her abilities and has the courage to act upon it, she is going to be a failure. Great people knew
their abilities and make the best use of at least one of their talents, excel in that, reach greater heights.

Great men and women don’t wait for the right opportunity to come at their door steps; instead they act upon to
create the opportunity in order to move ahead in their path of great achievements. These are the people those who
make things happen. They don’t sit and wait for the opportunities to come to them; instead they desperately go in
search of opportunities and put in all their efforts to make things happen.
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Michael Dell says, “Don’t spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity, that you miss the right
opportunity. Whether you’ve found your calling, or if you’re still searching, passion should be the fire that drives
your life’s work.”

Unless you are planning suicide, there is no better time then right now to start doing what you have been thinking
about doing for far too long. The key is to listen to your heart and let it carry you in the direction of your dreams.
Just open your mind to different possibilities, different ways of examining an object, a problem or a challenge, and it
can provide you with many inspirations and fresh ideas.

Another key point is to act diligently upon the opportunity grabbed. Many of us though get right opportunity; fail to
make the best use of it. We end up doing mundane activities those are useful neither for ourselves nor for others.
This is because our mind is tied up with petty little things that will give quick gratification. Basic tendency of human
mind is to look for quick results at present and immediate pleasure now rather than long term satisfaction at later
stage. We should constantly tame our mind to seek permanent happiness in life and not look for instant pleasure. We
should constantly focus our thoughts and efforts towards vital and precious activities that will take us forward in our
path of success.

With the ability to identify right opportunity, attitude to honestly work on it and sincerity to make the best use of it;
making great things happen is an absolute possibility in this world.

Let’s make great things happen.

“When we wake up to the choices given to us,

smartly catch hold of them,
diligently work on them with sincere efforts,
surely we will achieve great things in this world.”
Time is Money:

Concept of present value basically means that the money received today is worth more than the same sum
received in the future i .e . Money has a time value therefore money that is to be received in the future
needs to be discounted at the present value using the appropriate discount or interest rate . This is an
important concept in finance . If a capital investment is to be justified , it needs to earn at least a
minimum amount of profit , so the return compensates the investor for both the amount invested and also
the length of time before the profits are made .Another reason why the future income needs to be
discounted at the present value is the impact of inflation . In most recent years prices have been seen
rising as a result of inflation . Therefore funds received today will buy more than the same amount a year
later , as prices will have risen in the meantime .

There is the golden mean in any business but in this case I believe that it will be better to
save money for some time in the future. If you have the money you could buy more
qualitative things, make more pragmatic solutions and even increase your entire capital.
If you have some money it will be possible to buy high-quality and more expensive things or
services. There is old saying:” I’m not so rich to buy cheap things”. I guess that it’s
absolutely truth because first-rate things will serve for years when cheaper ones will break
down very fast. There are so many fakes on our market that it’d batter to buy anything only
in approved stores, which are more expensive, of course.

It’s not a secret that the deposit in the bank is one of the safest and useful investments.
Putting some hundreds per month on the deposit is transforming you in the millionaire. So,
during your old age you will be able to enjoy traveling or anything else without any
anxieties about money. On the other hand some activities, like sports, which are available in
the youth, will not be available during the second part of the life and the balance between
spending and depositing is the cornerstone.
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Finally, if a person didn’t spend his money during some period of time he would make more
pragmatic solutions about expenses. Sometimes it’s absolutely useless to buy new
fashionable clothes only to evoke envy amongst your co-workers. People with money never
spend them on the useless things. I don’t mean the good and amazing entertaining events
but the fur coat which you will dress up only twice in the entire life.

It is absolutely impossible to provide one reasonable answer on such question because the
truth is in the middle. But it is important not only to spend money on the instant purposes
but also make deposit to buy first-rate things and to think such purchases over more

Why do we consider twenty-four hours to be a day when day is actually the period of time
between dawn and dusk? Why does the day begin at midnight? Midnight is the middle of the
night, not the middle of the day! Why do we have seven days instead of eight? What's the
reason for time? Just because we have a calendar or a clock doesn't mean that we have
more or less time. Tick, tock, tick, tock. Sometimes it flies, sometimes it crawls. Most of the
time we can never seem to get enough of it. To realize the value of a year, ask a student
who received a failing grade. To recognize the value of a month, ask a mother who gave
birth to a premature baby. To appreciate the value of a week, ask the person in need of a
new heart. To know the value of an hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To fathom
the value of a minute, ask a person who missed the train. To actualize the value of a
second, ask the person who just avoided being hit by the train. To measure the value of
a millisecond, ask the person who won a gold medal in the Olympics.The cycle of human life
revolves around the sun. As sun rises and sets every day, every individual wake up and
sleeps every day with or without some exceptions.It is apparent that we live in time-space.
Every instant of our time is like a flowing river. The moments that we share with friends,
loved ones and family, once gone, cannot come back. These moments are then stored in
the form of images in our brain. These images float around like the pendulum every now
and then.

For example, I have realized that my childhood days cannot come back again. Those times,
when I used to ride hundreds of miles with a bicycle, my father first bought me. The time
when I met great friends, who used to crack jokes, smile and sing a song, once I felt
depressed. All such events are now, stored in my memory, in the form of images.

As I have earlier said, our brain sees events only in the form of images. Everything revolves
around our visualization of past, present and future. It is extremely difficult to make our
'pendulum of life' static. Can you not think of past or future, living in the present?
Obviously, you can not.

I have always lived my life with curiosity and I am curious to find out some basic answer to
very simple question: what is time? I have read several theories on time but time cannot be
understood generally with theories alone. Many philosophers have defined time. Newton has
defined time as a dimension in which events occur in sequence, one after another. Einstein
has proved that time is relative. Similarly, Kant and Leibniz have defined time as neither an
event nor a thing whereas they claimed it can never be measured nor traveled.

On similar account, Ecclesiastes defines time for everything. A time to kill, weep, cry, laugh,
heal, search, tear apart, love, hate, peace, silent, embrace, build up, mourn and dance.
There is time for everything according to such religion.
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Before making any further statement on time, one needs to understand what time is. Many
a times, while speaking, we generally say, "time is money", "time is limited", and "this is
not right time". I usually do not like to make such statement simply because I have not
understood the time, have you?

One simple hypothesis would be that, we live on the surface of the earth but if someone
would be hanged above the surface of the earth at the equator without moving, like the
static pendulum that person might never experience past, present or future. Maybe our
marriage with the sun is vital for our journey with the time.

In my quest for the basic understanding of time, I have come to the conclusion that time is
neither everything nor anything. Time might be totality of events as Newton has said at one
point and relatively in motion as Einstein has said at other point. What do you think?

Knowledge Is Power

People say knowledge is power. That is only partly true. Knowledge is potential power. It is
knowledge that is accurately applied that is power. If you know what to do, you are only a
potential success until you act on what you know.

Be willing to take big risks. I know the devil is going to speak to you repeatedly, "What if it
does not happen? You too ask him the question, "What if it happens?"

John L Masson said. "When you excuse yourself, you excuse yourself." There is no sound
reason in the world why you should not succeed. May be you have convinced yourself that it
is not people like you that break through big time. That is not true. Your disqualification is
your qualification.

Have you noticed that rich people do not have two heads? They are human beings like you.
If they are qualified, you are qualified too. God loves us all the same.

Be Persistent If you are doing something, be persistent. If you do it and it does not work
out, try again. You must have a good attitude toward failure. That you tried and failed does
not make you a failure. If you tried and you failed, and you now fail to try again that is
when you are a failure.

Failures are simply successful people who gave up too soon. Successful people are failures
who refuse to give up. That is the difference; you will not be the first person to make a

If you have books on success, but have none on failure, your library is not complete. Find a
book that can help you to deal with failure or else your journey will be terminated too soon.
In fact, the best way to increase your success rate is to increase your failure rate, because
success is born out of failure. If as a professional footballer and striker, you insist that you
will only kick the ball towards the goal when you are absolutely certain you will score a goal,
we will soon forget about you.

Success is born out of failure. Turn failure into fertilizer and plant the seed of your new
vision in your past failure. When you look into the back yard of successful people you will
see the relics of ideas that did not work. Successful people, usually, do not tell you about
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their failures and mistakes. That is why you assume their life is different from yours; you
assume that there is just a magic wand they have, the Midas touch. You assume anything
they do just succeed.

Go and ask them; you will be astonished what stories of innumerable failed attempt you will

Learn the lesson. Forget the details. You thought your last failure was the worst one in the
world; some people have committed bigger blunders than that. Learn the lesson, forget the
details and try again.

God is faithful, He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the
temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. If you carry a
negative attitude, you will not find the way of escape. You need to relax. You need to have
peace in your heart. But bear this fact in your mind, there is always a way. Seek and you
will find it.

What Knowledge Is?

"Knowledge is the light which destroys the darkness of ignorance".

Knowledge as the name suggest is originated from knowing. Knowing doesn't mean, only to
know about the history, merits, demerits, pros and coins of something but also to continue
the process of the research and development. As you can see that knowing is a verb not a
noun. It is not a dead process where you can seek some facts and consider yourself as
As said by Goethe "Knowledge is application". It echoes my view that to apply something
first you have to know the theoretical part of it and then you have to do the practical part
and it involves an infinite R&D (research and development.
I would like to clarify that knowledge, more often than not is considered as education but it
is altogether a different ball game. Education can provide you a platform to become a man
of knowledge but it isn't knowledge itself. Knowledge can come even without education.
Man like Kabir Das, The famous Indian poet and mystic was thoroughly uneducated but his
knowledge is impeccable and incredible and his understanding of life is extraordinary for
such an ordinary person.

Why We Need Knowledge?

In my view "Breathing is necessary for life and knowledge for a great and happier life."
As known by great mystics and saints that life is a journey of soul for experience. Life
hence, consists of events which lets you experience the different extremes of life. And from
our conscious mind it is really difficult to understand the purpose behind an event that
happens with us in our life. So to understand the purpose of your life knowledge is needed.
As said by Sydney J Harris "The whole purpose of life is to turn mirrors into windows."
And for this purpose the true and pure Knowledge is the only weapon in our armor.

What Knowledge Gives?

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Knowledge gives understanding. It gives us the insight by which we can clear the dilemmas
that we often face in our life. Knowledge gives courage to fight for the rights, for freedom
and at the same time it teaches you how to be humble. In short knowledge gives WISDOM.

How Knowledge Is Power?

Knowledge can be considered as a substitute for power, not the power which enhances your
ego, not the power which makes you exploit the underpowered, not the power which gives
you the confidence to do sins, but the power which enables you to know your true self your
destiny and the purpose of you life. Hence it is often said that Knowledge is power.

Personality Building

The study of psychology involves the study of personalities and how these personalities are eveloped .
Two of the most known theories in personality development were by Sigmund Freud and Abraham
Maslow . Sigmund Freud conceptualized the theory on Psychoanalysis which involved the three
components of personality which are the Id , the Ego and the Superego . The Id is the primitive part of the
self which drives on pleasure . The Ego is the component which tames the Id to adjust to reality . The
Superego is the component which guides the self to the morals and standards of society . Hierarchy of
Needs theory by Maslow on the other hand presents five levels of human needs that are in hierarchical
form where the lower needs are to be satisfied first before the higher need is achieved . The five levels of
needs are physiological ,safety and security , love and belonging , self esteem and self actualization . The
lower four levels are classified as deficit needs because the need came from a lack or deficiency while the
highest level ,the self actualization needs are classified as growth needs because they do not stem from a
deficiency but a desire to fulfill a person 's potential . The concept of personality refers to the profile
of stable beliefs, moods, and behaviors that differentiate among children (and adults) who
live in a particular society. The profiles that differentiate children across cultures of different
historical times will not be the same because the most adaptive profiles vary with the values
of the society and the historical era. An essay on personality development written 300 years
ago by a New England Puritan would have listed piety as a major psychological trait but that
would not be regarded as an important personality trait in contemporary America.
Contemporary theorists emphasize personality traits having to do with individualism,
internalized conscience, sociability with strangers, the ability to control strong emotion and
impulse, and personal achievement.
An important reason for the immaturity of our understanding of personality development is
the heavy reliance on questionnaires that are filled out by parents of children or the
responses of older children to questionnaires. Because there is less use of behavioral
observations of children, our theories of personality development are not strong.
There are five different hypotheses regarding the early origins of personality (see
accompanying table). One assumes that the child's inherited biology, usually called a
temperamental bias, is an important basis for the child's later personality. Alexander
Thomas and StellaChess suggested there were nine temperamental dimensions along with
three synthetic types they called the difficult child, the easy child, and the child who is slow
to warm up to unfamiliarity. Longitudinal studies of children suggest that a shy and fearful
style of reacting to challenge and novelty predicts, to a modest degree, an adult personality
that is passive to challenge and introverted in mood.
A second hypothesis regarding personality development comes from Sigmund Freud's
suggestion that variation in the sexual and aggressive aims of the id, which is biological in
nature, combined with family experience, leads to the development of the ego and
superego. Freud suggested that differences in parental socialization produced variation in
anxiety which, in turn, leads to different personalities.
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A third set of hypotheses emphasizes direct social experiences with parents. After World
War II, Americans and Europeans held the more benevolent idealistic conception of the child
that described growth as motivated by affectionate ties to others rather than by the
narcissism and hostility implied by Freud's writings. John Bowlby contributed to this new
emphasis on the infant's relationships with parents in his books on attachment. Bowlby
argued that the nature of the infant's relationship to the caretakers and especially the
mother created a profile of emotional reactions toward adults that might last indefinitely.
A fourth source of ideas for personality centers on whether or not it is necessary to posit a
self that monitors, integrates, and initiates reaction. This idea traces itself to the Judeo-
Christian assumption that it is necessary to award children a will so that they could be held
responsible for their actions. A second basis is the discovery that children who had the same
objective experiences develop different personality profiles because they construct different
conceptions about themselves and others from the same experiences. The notion that each
child imposes a personal interpretation to their experiences makes the concept of self
critical to the child's personality.
An advantage of awarding importance to a concept of self and personality development is
that the process of identification with parents and others gains in significance. All children
wish to possess the qualities that their culture regards as good. Some of these qualities are
the product of identification with each parent.
A final source of hypotheses regarding the origins of personality comes from inferences
based on direct observations of a child's behavior. This strategy, which relies on induction,
focuses on different characteristics at different ages. Infants differ in irritability, three-year-
olds differ in shyness, and six-year-olds differ in seriousness of mood. A major problem with
this approach is that each class of behavior can have different historical antecedents.
Children who prefer to play alone rather than with others do so for a variety of reasons.
Some might be temperamentally shy and are uneasy with other children while others might
prefer solitary activity.
The current categories of child psychopathology influenced the behaviors that are chosen by
scientists for study. Fearfulness and conduct disorder predominate in clinical referrals to
psychiatrists and psychologists. A cluster of behaviors that includes avoidance of unfamiliar
events and places, fear of dangerous animals, shyness with strangers, sensitivity to
punishment, and extreme guilt is called the internalizing profile. The cluster that includes
disobedience toward parent and teachers, aggression to peers, excessive dominance of
other children, and impulsive decisions is called the externalizing profile. These children are
most likely to be at risk for later juvenile delinquency. The association between inability of a
three-year-old to inhibit socially inappropriate behavior and later antisocial behavior is the
most reliable predictive relation between a characteristic scene in the young child and later
personality trait.
The influence comes from a variety of temperament but especially ease of arousal,
irritability, fearfulness, sociability, and activity level. The experiential contributions to
personality include early attachment relations, parental socialization, identification with
parents, class, and ethnic groups, experiences with other children, ordinal position in the
family, physical attractiveness, and school success or failure, along with a number of
unpredictable experiences like divorce, early parental death, mental illness in the family,
and supporting relationships with relatives or teachers.
The most important personality profiles in a particular culture stem from the challenges to
which the children of that culture must accommodate. Most children must deal with three
classes of external challenges: (1) unfamiliarity, especially unfamiliar people, tasks, and
situations; (2) request by legitimate authority or conformity to and acceptance of their
standards, and (3) domination by or attack by other children. In addition, all children must
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learn to control two important families of emotions: anxiety, fear, and guilt, on the one hand,
and on the other, anger, jealousy, and resentment.
Of the four important influences on personality-identification, ordinal position, social class,
and parental socialization-identification is the most important. By six years of age, children
assume that some of the characteristics of their parents belong to them and they
experience vicariously the emotion that is appropriate to the parent's experience. A six-
year-old girl identified with her mother will experience pride should mother win a prize or be
praised by a friend. However, she will experience shame or anxiety if her mother is criticized
or is rejected by friends. The process of identification has great relevance to personalty
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A positive attitude can help us in all walks of lives. Being confident and feeling beautiful from within has
nothing to do about our physical appearance. You must have noticed in your childhood days how certain
children always had the knack of being the center of attention or always shining through every task that is
assigned to them. Well, this is mainly because every individual has a different personality; it is obvious
that every person cannot be the same. So what is personality development all about? Read on to know
about personality development and how it can alter situations in our everyday life.

Personality Development and how it can change our life:

There are various factors you will need to consider for personality development so that it has a positive
effect on your life. Personality development is all about your individualism and how you control your
emotions to act in a way that is most beneficial for you. When we think and analyze how people around
us have behaved or reacted, we are in a way trying to assess how their personalities are, without really
knowing what we are doing. A personality is built up by the kinds of thoughts and feelings we have within
us that can result in a particular behavior.

Certain Factors about Personality Development:

There are many ways in which personality development can change our outlook towards things and give
us success in whatever we do. This can help one to achieve better results in any task, whether
professionally or personally.

Personality Development: Have a positive attitude

Have you really thought about the way you approach any task handed out to you? Do you generally have
self-doubt about your capabilities? Positive thinking is a major aspect about personality development, this
can help to alter the results and actually get positive results your way. Start with a deep belief in yourself.
This can help to create better opportunities for you and also bring about an improved change in your life.
If you have wondered how certain people taste success with little effort, it is solely on having a positive
attitude. Having a positive attitude towards things can certainly help you also taste success with whatever
you deal with. This aspect about personality development helps you to approach anything with self-
confidence and this in turn creates positive vibes. Therefore, always have a deep confidence in your
abilities and when someone says you can’t do a certain thing, simply turn back and say, ‘Yes, I can’! For
e.g., most children may suffer from lack of self-confidence when it comes to talking before the entire
class. Here, effective personality development can help to overcome this problem and turn the child into a
better conversationalist, which can help him/her later on in life as well.

Personality Development: Motivate Yourself

Always keep yourself motivated about your tasks and responsibilities. Successful people reach their
position because they always had a constant drive in them that told them to do better each time they felt
they have done well. Every time you feel like you need to call the quits, either at work or in a relationship,
focus on your goals and try to rectify the problem rather than turn your back on it. For e.g., have you
always had the problem of stage fright? Instead of thinking about how dreadful the experience is, look at it
as an opportunity and give it your best shot. This will help you overcome your fear and discover new
avenues as well.
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Personality Development: Believe in your strong points

Think about all your abilities. This will help you shape yourself into a better personality. Personality
development is about portraying yourself in a better fashion and feeling confident about goals you have
set for yourself. This would be possible if you do not focus on your negative aspects and work on using
your skills to the maximum. Make a list of all your positive points. Be encouraging to yourself; if you think
you are facing any problem in any task, relax and try to look at it, in a different manner. This will help you
to overcome your problems with ease.

Personality Development: Effective Body Language

Your stance can say a lot about you. As mentioned earlier, personality development is about a confident
portrayal about yourself and your body language can say a lot about yourself. Effective body language
forms a part of your personality development; this includes your facial expression, gestures, how you sit
and the way you react to what another person would be telling you. For e.g., sitting in a slouched position
for an important business meeting would mean that you are simply not interested in the contents of what
is being said. Therefore, develop your body language, which should help to portray you in a better light.
Make eye contact while speaking; if someone is conducting a lecture, sit erect and nod your head gently
in affirmation for certain points and make sure you have a firm handshake as well. A correct body posture
shows a confident personality radiating through.

Personality Development: Handle people the right way

To be effective, you must not only work on yourself but also on certain aspects around you. Learning how
to handle people is also an important factor about personality development. Take a common case which
you may have encountered at your work place- there are certain people who can achieve better results
when compared to you, although you may put in the same amount of effort. These people can get a job
done faster because of the way they handle a certain situation or people associated with that task. Being
a leader or reaching to that position may not be easy but it is certainly not an impossible task. Remember
to avoid criticizing and complaining about things. Be honest about your approach and be genuinely
interested in people around you. Successful leaders know how to manage people well and you can take a
look around your workplace to know how people with strong personalities can manage their work much
easily as compared to people who struggle to get their work co-ordinated. This is simply because they are
not well liked as a person. Learning how to handle people with a positive approach can make people
around you feel positive and can create a happy environment to be in. Use your authority with care and
respect others as well. Effective personality development will help you make a better impression upon
others and also build a good rapport with your co-workers.

Focusing on personality development can help overcome many hurdles in your life. Problems that may
seem to loom large otherwise can suddenly seem to be really miniscule for you. Always fill your mind with
positive and fresh thoughts. Remember, how you present yourself has a lot to do with the way things can
turn out for you. So, turn things in your favor with successful ways of personality development.


Wall clock time is the human perception of the passage of time from the start to the completion of a task.
In the context of a task being performed on a computer, wall clock time or wall time is a measure of how
much real time that elapses from start to end, including time that passes due to programmed (artificial)
delays or waiting for resources to become available. In other words, it is the difference between the time
at which a task finishes and the time at which the task started.

A wall clock is not only functional for telling time, but it can also be a decorative accessory
or a stylish focal point in a room. Some of the most decorative wall clocks are found
outdoors, on the outdoor walls of clock towers, church steeples, and even homes.

Today, time telling devices exist in many forms, such as alarm clocks, desk clocks,
computer clocks, and wrist watches; and the art of timekeeping is also preserved today in
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several traditional clock styles. Many clocks are fashioned from rare and expensive woods,
manufactured from brass or iron, or even made from unusual objects. Modern items often
have quartz movements which are energized by battery power, whereas traditional pieces
may have beautiful wood cases with weight and pendulum driven mechanical movements.
The well-known clockmaker Howard Miller features a wide assortment of beautiful pieces
which are perfect for the office as well as for the home. The seductive curves of the Alison
clock from Howard Miller would brighten a gloomy corner in any living room. Attractive
black coffee finish with spun nickel finished bezel can add some real style to any area. There
are a wide variety on the market. Wall clocks of different sizes and styles can easily be
sourced online. One should shop around as there is outstanding value to be found.

If a gloomy area exists in any room in a house you can be certain that a beautiful wall clock
would make a huge difference. It could give a certain air of tradition or modernness to the
room depending on the attributes of the different types of wall clock which might be added.
Remember, they not only tell the time, they are also decorative to add style to that dark

Imagine moving into your new apartment or home. What's the first thing you notice? I have
too many naked walls! The unique wall clocks on your walls. They are great
for telling time, are quite durable and decorative clocks can liven up any room.

One of the biggest advantages of having clocks on the wall in any room is for telling time.
Let's say you're baking in the kitchen or cooking dinner. Instead of waiting and waiting for
the timer to go off, all you need is a warm, inviting and functional wall clock to count the
time for you. In addition, what if you are running a little late in the morning for work and
need to know what time it is. Alarm clocks can be frustrating because they are loud and
difficult to press the "Snooze" button in the dark. What's wrong with having a large clock
placed on the bedroom wall where it is visible?

Another great point about decorative wall clocks has to deal with their durability. Many
devices out there in the market place for telling time like watches and alarm clocks can go
bad. Wrist watches are great accessories and are stylish as well. But what happens if it were
to unhook and hit the ground? Furthermore, water could get into it as well. Like wrist
watches, alarm clocks can fall of the dresser or have water mess up their functionality as
well. On the other hand, properly mounted clocks can last a lifetime. All you have to do is
change the battery every once in a while. You can buy rechargeable batteries to save on
costs as well.

Lastly, these clocks create décor and ad character to a room. Are you a movie buff? Or
perhaps you are a fan of atomic clocks. Whatever your interests are, you can create
ambiance to a room with bright, colorful and unique wall clocks. There are many different
styles and colors of clocks that can go with any type of paint color or wall paper you have
on the walls. You can easily create the mood of a room with a bold wall clock.

As you can see, there are some great features of clocks mounted on walls. They can tell
time, are durable and can create ambiance in any room of your home. These clocks are for
all ages and for both males and females. You can shop for the internet's finest collection of
popular wall clocks by clicking on the link below.
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When in Rome do as the Romans do

WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO - "Don't set your own rules when you are
someone's guest.


It is polite, and possibly also advantageous, to abide by the customs of a society when
one is a visitor.


Why should an English proverb single out Rome and Roman values as especially to be
emulated? Couldn't we have had a 'when in Ipswich, do as the Ipswichians do' for
example? As it turns out, it's all to do with the travel arrangements of a couple of early
Christian saints.

1. Manners - Is this a simple rule of behavior that the people of this country find polite? Will
behaving in my normal manner seem rude? Is this just one of those intercultural quirks that I
should just follow without bothering my head about it?
2. Practical – What will happen to me if I don’t follow this custom? What about if I do? Will my life or
the life of others around be easier? Better?
3. Ethics – Is this custom ethical according to my beliefs? Would I be violating my ethics to follow
the custom – or would it be wrong of me to not follow it, given the particular facts of the
culture/country I find myself in?

If you are in “Rome“, the above is a golden rule to follow, if you really care about surviving
there. That also means that you will most probably have to do things in different ways than
you had initially planned or in ways that are against your principals or code of conduct. But,
in return, your adaptation to that environment will be smoother and, at least, your presence
there will be pleasant to others. On the other hand, by getting that much off your track in
order to act as a “Roman“, has a tremendous negative side-effect: you practically waste a
lot of time by doing things you do not approve or consider stupid. Trying to find the good
balance between smooth adaptation and as little as possible waste of time is very difficult, if
not impossible. In the end, it is you who decide what is more important: others or your

We often hear the sentence, “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do,” especially when we
are visiting foreign places that we don’t know much about. A lot of tourists or first time
visitors of a country might not know the customs and traditions of another country, and this
might lead to confusion as to how to behave or act.
In extreme cases, people who don’t know about another country’s culture might end up
doing acts or saying things that are otherwise deemed as insulting or offensive to the
foreign country’s practices and beliefs. That’s why we are often advised with the saying,
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
This statement is a popular expression that means when you are visiting a foreign country,
you should also act similar to how the people in that certain country act. This is to avoid
conflicts or arguments that could arise along the way.
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Because of its popularity, it has been used often by people, and in everyday conversations it
has even been shortened to “When in Rome…” to refer to the full expression “When in
Rome, do as the Romans do.” And, it doesn’t necessarily have to be used in the context of
visiting another country, but can be used in other similar situations as well.
Although a lot of us know the meaning of “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, and many
have used this expression, there are only a few individuals who know the origins of this
Questions arise on how this statement came to be, and why Rome became the city used in
this expression.
Even if there are no certain origins of this statement, a lot of stories have developed on how
the expression came to be.
When St. Augustine asked St. Ambrose to go to Rome on a mission, St. Ambrose became
concerned on which holy day to follow, because the Romans fasted on another day than was
his tradition. St. Augustine then advised St. Ambrose wisely, saying “When in Rome, do as
the Romans do.”
Up to now, the wise advice still lives on, and is being used as a popular expression on how
people should behave when visiting another country, in respect to that country’s culture and
So now, when somebody says “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” or when asked where
the said expression got its origins, you’ll have an idea of how it came to be.

Colour Black:
Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.

Black is a mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown (black holes). It usually has a negative
connotation (blacklist, black humor, 'black death'). Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered
to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). In heraldry, black is the
symbol of grief.

Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth, but a black background diminishes readability. A black
suit or dress can make you look thinner. When designing for a gallery of art or photography, you can use
a black or gray background to make the other colors stand out. Black contrasts well with bright colors.
Combined with red or orange – other very powerful colors – black gives a very aggressive color scheme.

The sky's the limit


There is no apparent limit.


Some sources claim that 'the sky's the limit' was coined by Cervantes in Don Quixote.
This appears to add to the list of popular fallacies about coinages attributed to Cervantes.
For example, 'wild goose chase' and 'don't put all your eggs in one basket'. These
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phrases were introduced in early translations into English of Don Quixote which are now
regarded by scholars as loose paraphrases of the original. None of these phrases appear
in Cervantes' original text.

“Sky Is The Limit” is the lead story in the June issue of Business Review Australia. The
article examines how Australian Helicopters grew from a one helicopter operation to a fleet
of 19 helicopters since the company was created in 2004. Writer Jen Barwick discovers how
the company’s safety and service record have made them the go-to for government and
public sector aviation needs. The writer speaks with Australian Helicopter Chief Executive
Officer Neil Shea on the practices the company employs to make them leaders in their
industry, from professional development training courses to diversification of client services.

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