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Directly proportional, a=kb, a/b=k a/b=a/b

Inversely proportional, a=k/b, ab=k, ab=ab

1 billion: 1000 million. 1 trillion: 1000 billion, 1 trillion : 12 zeros.

when you finish underroot you get two values plus and minus

double means x2. It doesnt mean squaring.

50 as a percent of 30: 50/30*100

Percentage change: Difference / original value

To begin, 250% of x is equal to

However, when you increase a number by 250%, you are NOT simply multiplying it by
2.5. Rather, you are finding
250% (or 2.5 times) that number and then adding it back to the original. (For
example, 100% OF 15 equals 15, but
INCREASING 15 by 100% means doubling it: 15 + 15 = 30.)
Thus, to increase a number by 250%, you are adding 100% to 250% for a total of
350%. Therefore, multiply by 3.5
(NOT 2.5).
2.5x(3.5) = 350
8.75x = 350
x = 40

for finding prime factors, do prime factorization

Distinct means dif erent from each other. To find distinct prime factors, make a
prime tree, and then
disregard any repeated prime factors. The integer 27 breaks down into 3 × 3 × 3.
Thus, 27 has only 1 distinct prime
factor. The integer 18 breaks down into 2 × 3 × 3. Thus, 18 has 2 distinct prime

The remainder when dividing an integer by 10 always equals the units digit

the remainder is always less than the divisor

Which of the following values times 12 is not a multiple of 64?

Indicate all such values
Ans: Because 64 = 2
, multiples of 64 would have at least six 2’s among their prime factors.
Since 12 (which is 2 × 2 × 3) has two 2’s already, a number that could be
multiplied by 12 to generate a multiple of 64
would need to have, at minimum, the other four 2’s needed to generate a multiple of
Since you want the choices that don’t multiply with 12 to generate a multiple of
64, select only the choices that have
four or fewer 2’s within their prime factors.
6 = (2 × 3)
6 six 2’s INCORRECT
2 = (2
2 × 3)
2 four 2’s INCORRECT
3 = (2 × 3
3 three 2’s CORRECT
3 = (2 × 3 × 5)
3 three 2’s CORRECT
222 = (2 × 3 × 37) one 2 CORRECT

You CANNOT simply subtract 10^6- 10^4 to get 10 ^2

On a number line, the distance from A to B is 4 and the distance from B to C is 5.

Quantity A Quantity B
The distance from A to C 9

Whenever a question looks this straightforward (4 + 5 = 9, so the quantities

initially appear equal), be
suspicious. Draw the number line described. If the points A, B, and C are in
alphabetical order from left to right, then
the distance from A to C will be 9. However, alphabetical order is not required. If
the points are in the order C, A, and
B from left to right, then the distance from A to C is 5 - 4 = 1

The sum of odd integers from 1 to 100 are - 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + ……… + 99.

This is an Arithmetic Progression with the following parameters:

First Number, a = 1

Last Number, l = 99

Common Difference, d = 2

So, the Number of terms in the Arithmetic Progression, n = (l - a)/d + 1

= (99 - 1)/2 + 1

= 98/2 + 1

= 49 + 1 = 50

So, the sum of the Arithmetic Progression, S = n/2(l + a)

= 50/2(99 + 1)

= 25 X 100

= 2500

So, the sum of odd integers from 1 to 100 = 2500

if an evenly spaced sequence, multiply median with number to find the sum

When adding integers, the rule is “an odd number of odds makes an odd” (you can
ignore the
evens for purposes of evaluating only whether the sum is even or odd — just count
how many odds are being added). If
5 integers sum to an odd, the possibilities are:
1 odd, 4 evens
3 odds, 2 evens
5 odds, 0 evens

A positive integer that is a multiple of both 2 and 7 is just a multiple of 14

To find the sum of a set of evenly-spaced numbers, multiply the median (which is
also the average) by the
number of terms in the set.

Average of a set: L+F/2

Integers could be positive or negative

Average Rate: Total Distance/Total time

Work done(w)=R*T

Speed or rate are the same thing

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