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● Ecological System
○ Health and wellbeing are shaped by many factors
■ Race
■ Education
■ Family
○ PIE: person in environment
■ Contact and person in context = IMPORTANT
○ Risk Factors
■ Lack of health care
■ Disproportionate family dynamic
■ Lack of parental stability
○ Protective Factors
■ Parents education level
■ Health services
● Life Course Perspective
○ Biological
○ Behavioral
○ Psychological
○ Social
○ Environmental
■ All affect health and wellbeing of child and into adulthood
■ Intergenerational
● Impacted by health of parents
● 2018
○ US poverty rate: 13%
○ SC poverty rate: 15%
● “Poor” Standards
○ Not having enough money to meet basic needs; deprivation
■ Housing
■ Child care
■ Food
■ Transportation
■ Health care
■ Misc.
○ Based on poverty thresholds - developed by Oshanski
■ Households spend about ⅓ of their income on food
■ 3x the USDA “thrifty food plan” amount
○ Critiques
■ Should benefits account for income
● Possibly removing someone for the eligibility of assistance
■ Some expenses that are now essential are not included in plan
● Alternatives
○ Self Sufficiency Standard:
■ Amount of income needed to pay for basic needs without reliance on
outside help
■ All major budget items faced by adults
● Varry based on location in the US
■ Considers ages of children in the household
■ Assumes all adults are working
■ 1 adult +1 preschooler +1 school age
● SSS- $41,861
● FT MIN WAGE- $21,535
● FED POV Guideline- $21, 270
Child Welfare
● Child Maltreatment
○ The federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) defines
child abuse and neglect, at minimum:
■ “Any recent act of failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker
which results in dealth, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual
abuse or explotation
■ Or an act or failure to act, which presents an imminent risk of serious
○ Acts of Commission (Child Abuse)
■ Words or overt actions that cause harm, potential harm, or threat of
● Physical abuse
● Sexual abuse
● Emotional maltreatment
○ Acts of Omission (Child Neglect)
■ Failure to provide for basic physical, emotional, or educational needs
or to protect a child from harm
■ Neglect: suffocation, drowning, inadequate health, no supervision
■ Physical Abuse: fractures, dislocations, burns, scolding
■ Emotional Abuse: verbal abuse, rejecting, degrading, confining
■ Sexual Abuse: fondleing, penetraction, explotation

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