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Vocabulary for Units 3 and 4

This is a list of the 30 words that are from Units 3 and 4 of the textbook. Please think about the
word and guess what it could mean, look each word up in your dictionary, then write the part
of speech (noun/verb/adjective/adverb) and write a translation into your language, and a
definition in your own words that helps you understand. Then, write a sentence in your own
words that relates to your life for at least 10 of the words.

1. To explore
a. Verb
b. Досліджувати
c. To discuss or think about something carefully. Visit new place.
2. Depression
a. Noun
b. Депресія
c. Mental development, the main features of which are low mood and decreased
or lost ability to have fun
3. To simulate
a. Verb
b. Для моделювання
c. Model something or someone.
4. To spin
a. Verb
b. Крутити
c. Twist something
5. To survive
a. Verb
b. Щоб вижити
c. To survive somewhere or how
6. Isolated
a. Adjective
b. Ізольовані
c. To be isolated from people/or isolated something from something
7. To count on
a. Verb
b. Розраховувати
c. Be sure in something or somebody
8. Boredom
a. Noun
b. Нудьга
c. This is a passive state, which is characterized by a decrease in labor activity, the
desire to be distracted, to talk.
9. Artificial
a. Adjective
b. Штучний
c. Fictional, false\ not like original
10. A reaction
a. Noun
b. Реакція
c. Action, deed, gesture, facial expressions, etc., arising in response to any action,
deed, influence from the outside.
11. To colonize
a. Verb
b. Колонізувати
c. Settlement of untouched lands or occupation of foreign territories with their
subsequent settlement.
12. A donor
a. Noun
b. Донор
c. Help somebody by give your blood
13. oxygen
a. Noun
b. Кисень
c. a gas that has no colour or smell, is present in air, and is necessary for most
animals and plants to live
14. Gravity
a. Noun
b. Cила тяжіння
c. The force that causes something to fall to the ground or to be attracted to
another planet.
15. An astronaut
a. Noun
b. Космонавт
c. someone who travels and works in a spacecraft
16. Gender
a. Noun
b. Стать
c. the fact of being male or female
17. To communicate
a. Verb
b. Спілкуватися
c.  to exchange information or conversation with other people, using words, signs,
18. Assertive
a. Adjective
b. Haпористий
c. behaving in a confident way, so that people notice you
19. To dominate
a. Verb
b. Домінувати
c.  to control someone or something or to have more importance than other
people or things
20. Excessive
a. Adjective
b. Надмірна
c. much more than is reasonable or necessary
21. Inferior
a. Adjective
b. Неповноцінна
c. not good, or not as good as someone or something else
22. A myth
a. Noun
b. Міф
c. an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true
23. Profanity
a. Noun
b. Ненормативна лексика
c. offensive words or religious words used in a way that shows you do
not respect God or holy things
24. A proverb
a. Noun
b. Прислів'я
c. a short well-known statement that gives advice or expresses something that is
generally true
25. Sexism
a. Noun
b. Сексизм
c. the belief that one sex is weaker, less intelligent, or less important than the
other, especially when this results in someone being treated unfairly
26. Talkative
a. Adjective
b. Балакучий
c. someone who is talkative talks a lot
27. Valued
a. Adjective
b. Цінується
c. a valued customer, worker etc is important and useful to you
28. A scholar
a. Noun
b. Вчений
c. an intelligent and well-educated person
29. Dialects
a. Noun
b. Діалекти
c. a form of a language which is spoken only in one area, with words
or grammar that are slightly different from other forms of the same language
30. Slang
a. Noun
b. Сленг
c. very informal, sometimes offensive language that is used especially by people
who belong to a particular group, such as young people or criminals

10 Sentences in your own words (only need to use 10 words – you should use words that you don’t

1. I didn't know what a scientist was a scholar.

2. Gravity is something new for us.
3. Profanity it's bad.
4. I think I’m talkative person.
5. Myth it’s not true story.
6. What is your reaction to my homework ?
7. What proverbs do you know ?
8. Boredom sitting at home 24\7
9. Many people were isolated during the covid-19
10. Depression is a disease in which a person feels depressed for a long time (at least two weeks),
loses interest in activities that used to be fun, and can not do everyday things.

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