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Internship Reflection  

Job 1: Shelburne Farms Dairy 
How often did you work there? Twice a week 
How many hours did you do total? 25 hours 
Part of the job that I enjoyed the most:  
raking the cow beds 
Part of the job that I hated:  
raking the cow beds 
Give a brief description of what you did most days: 
I raked the cow beds  
What kind of relationship did you have with your supervisor? In your opinion, what’s 
something that they did well? What’s something that you feel like they could work on?  
I did not interact with my supervisor that much so i don't have an opinion on his 
Job 2:  
How often did you work there?  
Twice a week 
How many hours did you do total? 35 
Part of the job that I enjoyed the most:  
Putting the stuff where it needs to go 
Part of the job that I hated:  
Putting the stuff where it needs to go 
Give a brief description of what you did most days: 
I Put stuff where it needed to go 
What kind of relationship did you have with your supervisor? In your opinion, what’s 
something that they did well? What’s something that you feel like they could work on?  
I did not interact with my supervisor that much so i don't have an opinion on his 
Next, choose any ​two​ of the following questions and write a few sentences in 
response to each. If you have a different question you’d rather answer, feel free to 
include that.  
Who did you build a positive relationship with? - I got along with another intern 
What were you drawn to? - All the gold rimmed plates 
What was a memorable moment? - My teacher got cow poo poo doo doo in her ear 
What might you want to learn more about because of this? 
Did anything unexpected happen? 
How did you respond to challenges? 
Does this connect to any past experiences or themes? If so, which? 
What does what I learned connect to? 
What did you learn about yourself? 
How did your involvement and participation in this fit into your broader goals for 
developing yourself? 
Take a look at the rubric in your “remote learning” folder. How do you rate yourself 
in those categories? 

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