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​ Rich Township High School - FAC

Honors Biology Syllabus 


Ms. Katina Pearson, Instructor 

Class website: 

Email: ​ 

Office Hours 

Wednesday: 11:00-11:30 

Thursday: 12:30-1:00 

Course Overview: 
B​iology is the study of living organisms, their origins, how they survive, 
reproduce, change over time, and interact with each other and their 
environments. The Biology curriculum is an introductory course taught in two 
semesters of high school.  The primary objective of the course is to provide 
students with a fundamental understanding of biology and scientific 
processes. Course material is roughly divided as follows:  35% molecules and 
cells, 35% evolution and genetics, and 30% organisms and populations. 
 Nature of science will be taught throughout the year. 

Grade Level:​ 9th grade. 

Students will learn to - 
​ Rich Township High School - FAC

● Think Critically  
● Design scientific Hypothesis &  Experiments  
● Write good scientific essays  
● Conceptualize information, rather than memorize  
● Interpret &  Analyze scientific data  
● Solve problems by using the Scientific Method  
● Learn to read informational text for understanding & become a 
concise note takers  

Required Materials: 

● 3- ring binder 
● Pencils with erasers  
● Black or Blue ink pen  

Grading Scale: 
90 -100    A 
89 -80     B 
79 - 70   C 
69 - 60    D 
Below 00   F   

Grading Policy: 
Grades are weighted as follows: 

Do Now/Participation 10% 

Class Work/Lab 40% 

Homework 10% 

Quizzes/Project 25% 
​ Rich Township High School - FAC

Unit Test 15%  


TOTAL 100% 


Exams will be over material we cover in class,  supplemental material you are 
asked to read, and material covered in handouts, labs, or other activities. 
The test will range from multiple choices to essay questions. Quizzes may be 
given at any time covering assigned reading, previous notes, homework, or lab 
procedures. A comprehensive final exam will be given each semester. 
Students should study daily to be prepared for exams & quizzes. T ​ he 
teacher reserves the right to administer a different make-up exam &/or 

Laboratory experimentation and exploration are a large part of this course. 
It is vital that the students follow all laboratory procedures and safety 
rules/guidelines. ​Failure to comply with behavior expectations can result in 
removal from the lab activitity 

. A safety contract will be sent home and filled out by the student and the 
parent/guardian. These documents will be kept on file and are needed before 
a student can participate in any lab. 

Lab Reports: 
Lab reports are to be professional quality, typed or hand written, and in the 
format provided by the instructor. They are due at the beginning of class 
usually within one week after the lab is completed. Labs missed due to 
excused absences need to be made up at an agreed upon time with the 
teacher. You cannot borrow data. It is the student’s responsibility to be sure 
these labs are made up and will be at the teacher’s convenience. 
​ Rich Township High School - FAC

Study Techniques: 
The most common problem new students have is that their study skills are 
not adequate for high school level classes. Studying for classes involves more 
than just "cramming the night before a test." The following are suggestions 
to improve your grade in biology and other high school courses. 

1. Prepare for class before coming by reading over your notes soon after 
you have written them and also read over the sections of your text 
that will be covered in that day's lecture.  
2. Make and use a vocabulary list as you go.  
3. Do all worksheets, study questions, etc.  
4. Keep your handouts, lecture notes, and study questions organized in 
your binder.  
5. Always read assigned material and make sure you outline all the main 
ideas and not just a single item in a section.  
6. Pay attention and don't daydream in class.  
7. Study frequently and in small doses. C ​ ramming does not foster long 
term understanding that will stick with you!  
8. Set up a study group and study with friends.  
9. Understand figures and diagrams from lecture and from your text.  
10. If you are having trouble with the material, get help early.  Do 
not wait until TEST DAY!!! 


Always come to class ​prepared​ with all your supplies. 
Walk into class quietly and be in your​ ​assigned ​seat ready to begin class 
when the bell rings. If you walk in late enter quietly and hand the pass to 
the teacher (if applicable) and go directly to your seat without being 
Students should clear their desk of ​everything​ except their supplies 
required for this class. 
No ​food/gum or drinks are allowed in any science classroom due to lab 
safety requirements 
No ​cell phones permitted unless needed for lesson or activity 
Respect​ ​everyone​ (yourself, teachers, and fellow students) & ​everything​ in 
this science ​biology classroom​. This means do not leave the classroom 
without making sure that the lab area has been cleaned up and that 
everything is as you found it. 
​ Rich Township High School - FAC

Wait​ to be dismissed by the teacher  

Students are expected to be in dress code with IDs visible.  
If you have an ​excused​ absence it is ​your responsibility​ to find out what 
you have missed and complete it in the same number of days you have 
missed. You can find all assignments on our class website: 
Any work that was due when you were absent must be turned in upon your 
return to school.  
Any student receiving below a C at the end of the semester could be placed 
into the regular Biology course( Pre-AP) 
1. First Violation - Warning.  
2. Second Violation- Conference with student 
3. Third Violation- Parental Notification  
4. Fourth Violation – Referral turned in to dean.  
5. Fifth Violation – See student handbook.  

​ Rich Township High School - FAC

Please complete, sign, and return to Ms. Pearson to acknowledge that you have 
read and understood all course policies and requirements.  
Student Contact Information 
Student Name (Print)______________________________________________ 
Student Signature _______________________________Date: ____________ 
Student Contact Information 
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________ 
Parent/Legal Guardian Contact Information  
Parent/ Legal Guardian Name (Print) __________________________________ 
Parent/ Legal Guardian Signature _________________________Date: _______ 
E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________ 
Home Number: __________________________________________________ 
Work Number: __________________________________________________ 
Cell Number: ____________________________________________________ 

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