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Extension Answer Key

4 1. Emily is expecting her friends to arrive

Extension 1 soon.
2. The price of petrol went up last week. /
Vocabulary Last week, the price of petrol went up.
3. The boys visit their grandmother every
1 1. awareness 5. landmarks summer. / Every summer, the boys visit
2. encounter 6. guided tour their grandmother.
3. achieve 7. isolated 4. When does the postman usually deliver the
4. scenery letters?
5. I didn’t bring my lunch to school
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
5 1. 1. think 4. called
3 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. a
2. is coming 5. was planning
4 1. takes off, hired 3. is waiting 6. was
2. give up, unpredictable 2. 1. was watching 4. began
3. run out of, local 2. fell 5. decided
4. route, turn back 3. didn’t stop
5. journey, set off
5 1. make reservations 4. travel arrangements Extension 2
2. crowded 5. hiring
3. exotic 6. getting away Vocabulary
1 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. d
2 1. excited 4. frightened
1 1. 1. misses 4. is … doing 2. exhausted 5. boring
2. watches 5. is going 3. irritating
3. shows
2. 1. is working 4. likes 3 1. emergency landing 4. road accident
2. gets 5. is learning 2. keep warm 5. stay calm
3. doesn’t need 3. scared of 6. saved her life
3. 1. am meeting 4. doesn’t know 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
2. are shopping 5. Do … think answers.
3. are giving
5 1. 1. interesting 3. brave
2 1. Beth usually drives to work. 2. rescue 4. panic
2. Rick isn’t reading the newspaper at the
2. 1. rescue team 3. satisfying
2. survivors 4. natural disaster
3. Dad is emptying the bin now.
4. The dogs make a lot of noise in the 3. 1. risk 3. exciting
mornings. 2. alive
5. Mark often works at Zara’s Café. 6 1. 1. plane crash 3. 1. missing
3 1. arrived, was cooking 2. injured 2. relief
2. went off, was playing 3. lucky 3. managed
3. were talking, entered 2. 1. worried
4. remembered, was looking 2. safe
5. Did … cry / Was … crying, left 3. scared of
6. bought, was parking

Extension Answer Key

2 1. user-friendly, latest
Grammar 2. environmentally-friendly, practical
3. download music, laptop
1 1. has already eaten, woke up
4. no longer, convenient
2. has just told, didn’t study
3. hasn’t bought, looked 3 Possible Answers:
4. has never snowed, said 1. She hasn’t stopped working.
5. took, hasn’t passed 2. Everyone in the world is affected.
3. I might not remember.
2 1. 1. had hired 3. was
4. It’s important that we find a solution.
2. came 4. had lost
2. 1. had already prepared 4 Possible Answers:
2. began 1. spending too much socialising time on the
3. blamed computer
4. hadn’t listened 2. my room
3. 1. had won 3. had closed 3. remove oil from the sea
2. went 4. arrived 4. you’re alone
5. my new phone
3 1. Did George drive home after basketball
practice had finished? 5 1. store information 6. complicated
2. I was hungry because I hadn’t eaten 2. locations 7. reliable
breakfast that day. 3. come up with an idea 8. breakthrough
3. Had the audience sat down by the time the 4. device
play started? 5. conducted experiments

4 1. 1. didn’t want Grammar

2. Has … helped
3. has … been 1 1. Are … going to take, will order
2. is going to spend, will try
2. 1. happened
3. will hurt, will come
2. broke in
4. is going to invite, Is … going to send
3. had gone
5. won’t be, is going to be
3. 1. haven’t seen 6. are … going to do, am going to study
2. have ... returned
2 1. will have finished, will be giving
5 1. By the time the taxi had come to the house, 2. will be showing, will be staying
the visitors were ready to leave. 3. will be changing, will have had
2. She has worked at this company for seven 4. will have caught, will be calling
3. After Sue had cleaned the floor, she 3 1. 1. are going to start
washed the dishes. 2. will get
4. Dan wrote his first book in 1999. 3. won’t refuse
5. After the children had eaten all the 2. 1. will have moved
biscuits, Mum baked some more. 2. is going to join
3. is going to study
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
4. will see
5. won’t have

Extension 3 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct

Vocabulary 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
1 Possible Answers: answers.
1. foolproof 4. considerate
2. effective 5. shut off
3. occurred
Extension Answer Key

4 1. Maya should have come to the street

Extension 4 market.
2. Simon can prepare sushi.
Vocabulary 3. You mustn’t leave your bicycle outside.
4. The teacher could have given us our marks
1 1. F – When people get along, they are yesterday.
compatible. 5. You ought to speak to the doctor.
2. F – When people grow apart, they don’t 6. Dad might have left the keys in the car last
have a lot in common any more. night.
3. T
4. F – When you take after someone, you 5 1. can be
look like them. 2. should find out
5. T 3. might enjoy
6. F – When people fall in love, they are 4. must have been
attracted to each other. 5. should / ought to discuss
7. F – If someone plays a role in your life, 6. might / may make
they are an important part of your life. 7. can choose
8. must have spoken
2 1. values 3. claimed 5. decision
2. increased 4. divorced Extension 5
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
answers. Vocabulary
4 1. relationship, give it a chance 1 1. 1. outstanding
2. possibility, energetic 2. talented
3. research, couples 3. a waste of money
4. great sense of humour, makes friends 4. worth it
5. muscular, arrangement 2. 1. make an appointment
2. upset
5 Possible Answers:
3. do my best
1. single 4. good-looking
4. appreciate
2. adventurous 5. petite
3. slim 6. shy 2 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. c

Grammar 3 1. do 3. do 5. make
2. make 4. make 6. make
1 1. have to / must / need to
2. Can / Could 4 1. make sense of 4. doing the cooking
3. May / Can 2. do the gardening 5. made ... progress
4. must / have to / need to 3. make a mess 6. made an effort
5. may not / might not 5 1. passers-by, customers
6. should / ought to 2. did … a favour, second-hand
2 1. may / might not have taken 3. earned, out of work
2. should have apologised 6 1. c 2. a 3. b
3. must have gone off
4. could have gone out 7 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
5. shouldn’t have turned answers.
3 1. should have bought
2. May / Can ... use
3. shouldn’t watch
4. must have been / may have been /
might have been
5. shouldn’t / mustn’t leave

Extension Answer Key

3 1. shoot, cast
Grammar 2. role, leading characters
3. disadvantages, dislike
1 1. will miss, don’t leave
4. worth seeing, subtitles
2. weren’t, would eat
3. will lose, practise 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
4. would go, were answers.
5. will eat, arrives
6. wouldn’t get, didn’t work 5 Possible Answers:
1. hilarious 4. star
2 1. He will be upset if he doesn’t do well in 2. impossible 5. gave a performance
the exam. / If he doesn’t do well in the 3. leader 6. realistic
exam, he’ll be upset.
2. If I were you, I’d see a doctor. / I’d see a 6 1. event 4. released
doctor if I were you. 2. special effects 5. breathtaking
3. Unless we bring more chairs, some people 3. clever 6. success
will have to stand. / Some people will have
to stand unless we bring more chairs. Grammar
4. I wouldn’t recommend it if I didn’t know
1 1. Vegetables were grown in the garden by
you liked jazz. / If I didn’t know you liked
my grandmother.
jazz, I wouldn’t recommend it.
2. Are groceries delivered from the
5. If I eat more now, I’ll be ill. / I’ll be ill if I
eat more now.
3. The clothes were being hung out when it
3 1. had known, would have taken started to rain.
2. wouldn’t have finished, hadn’t helped 4. The door hasn’t been closed.
3. would have passed, hadn’t gone 5. When will the food be brought by the
4 1. wouldn’t have 5. will increase 6. The project should be started soon.
happened 6. build
2. hadn’t opened 7. do 2 1. was damaged, is going up / is going to go
3. will ... happen 8. will make up
4. prevent 2. doesn’t eat, was told
3. must be washed, got
4. borrowed, will be repaid
5 1. If Jack feels better tomorrow, he will come
to school. 3 1. I am being punished for copying in a test.
2. Would you miss me if I moved to New 2. It was received two days ago.
York? 3. They should be loaded into the car.
3. You would have liked my grandfather if 4. All the work was done by volunteers.
you had met him. 5. We are not allowed in the room.
4. Unless she really needed money, she
4 1. Is the car being driven at the moment?
wouldn’t ask to borrow some.
2. How often does the bus pass here?
5. If you bought a new scooter, would you
3. What was used to decorate the room?
give me a ride on it?
4. How did you find the tourist sites in
Extension 6 5. Has the library book been returned?

1 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. b
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct

Extension Answer Key

5 1. 1. were given 3. will have ... check Grammar

2. feel
1 1. had walked the children to school
2. 1. were invited 3. bring 2. was making a funny noise
2. came 3. had just called for an ambulance
3. 1. got / had ... cut 3. is worn 4. didn’t eat tomatoes
2. complain 5. had to remember to buy the birthday
4. 1. studied present
2. had begun / was beginning
2 1. The teacher told the students not to leave
3. have / get … translated
before the bell.
5. 1. loves 2. Mike said (that) the price of the tickets
2. are filled would be higher.
3. is having / getting … built 3. Lorraine suggested having / that we have a
picnic on Sunday.
Extension 7 4. The mechanic said (that) I might need to
repair the engine.
Vocabulary 5. Rosie said (that) the shop wasn’t selling
anything nice.
1 Possible Answers:
1. We are moving closer to the city centre. 3 1. The traveller wanted to know how often
2. I prepared everything alone. the bus left.
3. They are protesting the increase in 2. The reporter asked if / whether the workers
university tuition fees. had gone on strike.
4. The government must solve the problem of 3. Mother wondered why the doctor hadn’t
unemployment. checked my temperature.
5. I am going to donate some money to the 4. The driver asked if / whether I could give
local hospital. him directions to the station.
6. Her parents raised money by selling their 5. The waiter wanted to know which dessert I
house. was going to choose.
7. I rushed to work this morning. 4 1. The museum guide announced that the
8. She is unlike anyone I know. exhibition was going to start the following
9. There is a very long queue. week / the week after.
10. I wanted to earn better wages. 2. My sister ordered me to take my dirty
2 Possible Answers: shoes off then.
1. a break-in 3. The students admitted that they never read
2. a phone those books from the library.
3. my grandmother 4. The manager said that his assistant had
4. a broken radio sent the letter the previous month / the
5. bad working conditions month before.
6. saving endangered animals 5. The secretary told me to call the office
about that problem the following day / the
3 Possible Answers: next day / the day after.
1. violence 4. rent 6. marriage 6. Jack said that Tom had broken his leg on
2. volunteered 5. shelter 7. useless that pavement the previous day / the day
3. dropped out before.
7. The delivery boy asked if / whether he
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct could put the package there.
5 Possible Answers:
1. eat 4. work 7. see
2. helps 5. know 8. fight
3. poor 6. money

Extension Answer Key

5 1. Olivia admitted that it was all her fault. 2 1. Tom went on holiday to Nevis Island,
2. Ethan complained that his football team where we went last year.
had lost again. 2. They bought tickets for the concert which /
3. Sharon advised me to apologise to my that will be held this Friday.
friend. / Sharon suggested that I apologise 3. The police officer wanted to talk to the
to my friend. family whose child was missing.
4. Dad warned me not to hit my brother 4. I collect small cups which / that I buy
again. when I go abroad.
5. The children told their mother that they 5. Did Samantha find the purse she lost last
had cleaned the kitchen. night?
6. The lawyer suggested not deciding / that 6. The tallest building, which is downtown, is
we not decide anything then. / The lawyer 35 storeys high. / The tallest building,
advised us not to decide anything then. which is 35 storeys high, is downtown.
7. Grace reminded me that the festival started 7. Did the girls go dancing at the club where
in May, not in June. my brother is the disc jockey?
3 1. Pizza, which is one of my favourite foods,
Extension 8 is quite fattening. / Pizza, which is quite
fattening, is one of my favourite foods.
Vocabulary 2. Her red shoes, which she bought on sale,
1 Possible Answers: are very uncomfortable.
3. Magazine models, who are always tall and
1. Nobody likes him.
beautiful, appear in advertisements. /
2. I should record it on my phone.
Magazine models, who appear in
3. They’re so embarrassing.
advertisements, are always tall and
4. You won’t get the job.
5. It’s a great way to keep in touch.
4. Dr Roth, who is very kind, has a clinic in
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct town. / Dr Roth, who has a clinic in town,
answers. is very kind.
5. My phone, which has great sound, contains
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct all my favourite music. / My phone, which
answers. contains all my favourite music, has great
4 1. impersonal 3. requests 5. updated sound.
2. criticised 4. inbox 6. truthful 4 1. The train that / which we missed was the
5 1. account 5. comment last one tonight.
2. posted 6. requests 2. Where are the e-mails that / which Tom
3. wall 7. embarrassing wrote?
4. updating 8. turned out 3. Miami is a city that / which has a warm
6 Possible Answers: 4. I chose the sweater that / which was cheap.
1. qualifications 4. confidential 5. Do you know the girl who / that is making
2. obviously 5. harmful the speech now?
3. took part in 6. He will always remember the day that /
when he met his wife.
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
1 1. that / who 3. when 5. that / which answers.
2. whose 4. where

Extension Answer Key

3 1. was 6. would have been

Extension 9 2. was handed down 7. were
3. are making 8. had given
Vocabulary 4. was given 9. should be done
5. had always loved 10. will be able to
1 1. guests 5. stereotypes
2. kind 6. was born 4 1. were 4. whose 7. do
3. lifestyle 7. schedule 2. has 5. that 8. which
4. diverse 8. open-minded 3. be 6. been 9. are

2 1. e 3. b 5. c 7. h
2. d 4. a 6. g 8. f
3 1. spent time 5. It takes time to
2. a waste of time 6. from time to time
3. on time 7. have a good time
4. for the time being 8. take your time
4 1. career 4. sunrise
2. ambition 5. pastime
3. climber 6. accomplish
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct

1 1. don’t know, would help
2. failed, should have studied / could
3. seeing / that we see, would / could come
4. finish, will be served
5. escaped, was being taken
6. don’t have to, will have cooked
7. haven’t been, are flying / are going to fly
8. had been, must not have noticed
2 1. You didn’t have to buy me a present.
2. She’ll have done the shopping by
tomorrow evening.
3. Monica asked whether that shop had
4. The man whose suitcase was lost got upset
at the flight attendant.
5. My mother warned me not to forget my
6. She might not have told you the truth.
7. Sean, who I met yesterday, has asked me
out on a date.
8. I won’t eat this unless you tell me what’s
in it.

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