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Thomas Jefferson "The Declaration of Independence"

The Declaration of Independence's syntax and language flexibly creates a prospect for the

piece to be applicable in other states through its appeal to humankind's fundamental nature and

conditions. Its powerful assertions reflect lasting desires that are relevant to modern history. The

piece defines independence as an act of self-governance, the act of making our decisions without

influence or help from outsiders. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are

created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among

these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (Jacobus, 257)." Jefferson's idea was to

influence groups to resist oppressors, including the 1789 French revolutionaries, 1848

disenfranchised American women, and the 1945 Vietnamese colonists (Jefferson, 11). He

demonstrates the eternal nature of his work.

There are patriotic sentiments attached to Jefferson's understanding of independence.

Still, the definitions have evolved; hence, being independent now is manlily associated with

making your own decision and way. To me, independence means freedom of expression and

using it as a means of learning, improvement, and experiencing everyday living independence

freely. Independence is the freedom that satisfies one's needs and desires to be a strong

individual and yet being inclined to our values. It is a sense of individuality that empowers and

individual to speak his or her mind and free him or herself from ignorance. Precisely, I believe, is
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pursuing a life full of peaceful endeavors and being a responsible citizen despite the terrifying

responsibilities that may arise.

The Declaration of Independence sets a justification for revolution and defined and set

out the core principles of the American Revolution perused. The piece has a lasting role in

shaping the United States' political Identity, even today. We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that we are equal, and we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable Rights such as

liberty, life, and pursuit for happiness. This piece lays out core values and principles that define

our democracy and outlines where our administrations receive its fundamental purpose and

legitimacy. Also, The Declaration of Independence is the chain of reasoning that is ultimately

behind the Bill of Rights and the idea of rights in general. Thus, as it was first written, the

Declaration of Independence has remained significant and influential as a core statement of

defining governments’ legitimacy and democratic values.

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Works Cited

Jacobus, Lee. A World of Ideas,  10th edition.Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2017

Jefferson, Thomas. The declaration of independence. Verso, 2019.

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