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ees Armstrong Economics Pia hieay 2% SSS Forecasting the World The Assent of China the New Face of Xi Soping Forser Chairman of Princeton Economics International, Ltd: Martin A, Armstrong Bvt tartin A, Aragtrong Gonyrighe ALL Rights Reperved, January 25th, 2011 Please Register For Special Updates At Armstrongicononice. Please cond coments by anil tot _Miease RICISTEL for Seecial Updates Martin A. Armstrong FOP Fore Dix Camp #12518-050 Arastrong2conont es .COM FO Box 2000 Fort Diz, NJ 08640 Copyright Narein A Armstrong AUT Rights Reserved This Report may be foruitded as you Like vitnost care to individals or goveronents aroun the scrld, It de prolaed er» BuilSa Service ot this Lite Wtout cost becesse of the critical fects that Oe row Tots econnicaly. The contarts and doslgns of the ystans are An fact coprshted. ACKNOVLEDGENENTS I vould 1ike to thank all the foraer employees, associates, sources, and contacts for their ongoing support and efforts to contribute to the writings T have been able to continue through their great efforts. I would also thank those ho tare Looked after aoe Just Syseif, ut ay Fenty, and shown chen sure and eindaess. ‘The purpose of these reports 42 to broden the understanding that is so vital to our personal survival. Goverment cannot save us, and wilt only assist ‘the very eeononie disaster we face. This is a Sovereign Debt Crisis that threatens our core Survival. There is no plan to ever pay off debrs. The majority of debt increase is paying Snterest perpetually to roll over without ‘any long-term plan. What you see fn Greece ané in the States, we have run out of other people's money. The socialists keep pointing to the rich, But to fund the deficits, ve need to borrow now fron foreign lands, We ran out of money donesticelly end’ to support the current syster Like Greece, ve need foreign capital, But all governments are facing the sane crisis and ve are on the verge of another widespread governaent default. Adan Saith warned {n his Wealth of Nations that in 1776, no government paid off their debt and had always defaulted. We will have no choice either. There ds no hope that politicians will ave us, for they only form committees to davestigat after the shit-hite-the-fan. They vill NOT risk their career for a future problem that may hit on soneone else's watch. There vas a politician and @ average tan standing on top of the Sears' Tover when a gust of wind blew then off, ‘The average man being a realisticrpessimist, immediately sees he is about to die and begins praying. The politicians, the ultimate optimist, can be heard saying ‘Mve1l ao far so good!" ae he passes’ the “th floor. At Princeton Economics, our migsion was simply to gather global date and to bring that together to create the world's largest and most conprehensive computer system and model that would monitor the vorld capital flows. By cresting that model, Ll the fallacies of market and economic theories were revesled. The world ts far fore dynamic and every change even ina distant land can alter the course of the Globole econoay, Just as has been shovn with the turso!l in Greece, a CONTAGION Takes place and sow capital beeins to look around at all countries. We can no more comprehend the future but Looking only at denestic issues today than we can do so {nvevery other area, such as disease and the spread of flus. Ve Live in a NEV DYNAMIC GLOBAL BOONOMY where capital rushes around fleeing political changes and tares Just as it is attracted by prosperity. All the people who migrated to the United States in the 19th and 20th Centurles, canc for the same json as those still coming from Mexico ~ Jobs and prosperity. In the 19th Century, Anerica vas sald to have eo much wealth, its streets were pave in gold. We must now ook to both the past and the entire world co understand where ve now are today, The Assent of China the New Face of China Sry Martin A. Armstrong Former Chairaan of Princeton Hconouice Taternational, Ltd. 1nd the Foundation For The Study of Cycles NDHASTANDING CHINA is of critical importance if ve intend to be in any position whatscever to comprehend the years that Iie ahead. Unless you have spent actual tine in other couxtries, you cannot get that "fool" for its culture that allows unierstanding to begin fo form. The key to conceptual beliefs usually lies deep vithin the Language. Japanese call Foreigners GAT JIN, vhereby "Jin" means a person so the actual tera means foreign devil. Of course, this meaning is not the general feeling today about foreigners, but i¢ still reflects a underlying sense of distrust. Because all Japanese vho are pure blood have black hair, they used the term KIN PATZE to apply to anyone with hair other than black, yet its etrict interpretation originally meant DLOND for "KIN" wuuus gold. Thus, words cat with tine drift from their original weaning, yet still encapsulate the root sense of caution. In Chinese, the term for foreigner vas WHE KAO QUI or Ocean Devil and Soe used Ocean Ghost, meaning those people vho cane froa the sea and caused trouble, such as the fritish acting like drug dealers in the Opium War~ Nost people are familiar with what is called a NAPOLEON COMPLEX meaning that. they over-conpensate for being short. This factor will also effect nations for st is still a hhupan trait. This has been the historic min factor behind countries building grest armies during the 17th and 18th centuries that is still with us today. The RIGHT WING in most governments still pound their chests and are intent upon building vast areies no different than a small guy taking working out to the extreme to compensate for his snail stature. ‘Tis is why in the Constitution of the United States there was the Second Anendment that vas the right to retain arms. Jefferson was AGAINST maintaining standing arsies for (Z) it wasted the national resources and (2) since the arny vas there, it led to the use of force more-often-than-not, and the right for citizens to retain arms vas the hope of returning to the early Honan Republic. vhen there was a citizen army, not professionals. ‘The RIGHT WING inside of ‘every governsent still wants to create big armies to be macho.

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