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1. The chemical process for producing nitric acid is known as

a) Contact process b) Haber process
c) Ostwald process d) Dow process
2. The scientific name of Vitamin B5 is
a) Ascorbbic acid b) Acetic acid
c) Pantothenic acid d) Folic acid
3. Which acid is known as ‘Spirit of Niter’?
a) Sulphuric acid b) Acetic acid
c) Nitric acid d) Hydrochloric acid
4. The acid used in Psychiatry
a) Perchloric acid b) Lactic acid
c) Hydrochloric acid d) Lysergic acid diethylamide
5. Which acid is used as eyewash
a) Benzoic acid b) Citric acid
c) Nitric acid d) Boric acid
6. Muriatic acid is the old name of
a) Nitric acid b) Sulphuric acid
c) Carbonic acid d) Hydrochloric acid
7. Aspirin is chemically
a) Fluroantimonic acid b) Lysergic acid diethylamide
c) Acetyl Salicylic acid d) Barbifuric acid
8. Which acid is present in Apple?
a) Tannic acid b) Tartaric acid
c) Malic acid d) Prussic acid
9. The acid used as oxidizer in rocket propellants
a) Sulphuric acid b) Nitric acid
c) Acetic acid d) Hydrochloric acid
10.The planet having the clouds of Sulphuric acid
a) Mercury b) Mars
c) Earth d) Venus
11. The catalyst used for the production of Sulphuric acid
a) Uranium Oxide b) Manganese dioxide
c) Cadmium Sulphide d) Vanadium Pentoxide
12. The acid used in lead storage battery
a) Nitric acid b) Sulphuric acid
c) Phosphoric acid d) Perchloric acid
13. Old name of nitric acid is
a) Muriatic acid b) Aquafortis
c) Benzoic acid d) Phosphoric acid
14. Phosphoric acid is used as
a) Ink stain remover b) Food preservation
c) Fertilizers d) Eye wash
15. The acid present in coconut
a) Prussic acid b) Capric acid
c) Palmitic acid d) Formic acid
16. Folic acid is the scientific name of which Vitamin
a) Vitamin C b) Vitamin B5
c) Vitamin B7 d) Vitamin B9
17. The acid pours on Earth when acid rain occurs
a) Acetic acid b) Sulphuric acid
c) Hydrochloric acid d) Hydrocyanic acid
18. The acid known as ‘King of Chemicals’
a) Nitric acid b) Hydrochloric acid
c) Ascorbic acid d) Sulphuric acid
19. Acid known as Wonder Drug
a) Benzoic acid b) Citric acid
c) Asperin d) Carbonic acid
20. Acid used as ink stain remover
a) Carbonic acid b) Tartaric acid
c) Citric acid d) Oxalic acid
21. Acid present in Soda water is
a) Formic acid b) Stearic acid
c) Carbonic acid d) Cerotic acid
22. Acid used for hypnotic
a) Carbolic acid b) Benzoic acid
c) Carbonic acid d) Barbituric acid
23. The acid known as oil of Vitriol
a) Nitric acid b) Hydrochloric acid
c) Sulphuric acid d) Acetic acid
24. Acid present in rice is
a) Prussic aid b) Cerotic acid
c) Formic acid d) Phytic acid
25. The scientist who discovered pH scale
a) Charles Good Year b) Soren Sorensen
c) Joseph Priestly d) August Kekule
26. pH value of Tea is
a) 3.5 b) 5.5
c) 3.4 d) 8.4
27. The acid used to test the purity of gold is
a) Sulphuric acid b) Acetic acid
c) Nitric acid d) Hydrochloric acid
28. pH value of blood is
a) 6.7 b) 8
c) 7.4 d) 4.8
29. pH value less than 7 is
a) Neutral b) Acid
c) Base d) None of these
30. pH value of natural solution
a) 5 b) 6
c) 8 d) 7

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