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A Research Paper by Clark Kent Abonado

Simple English Wikipedia defined philosophy as “a way of thinking about the
world, the universe, and society.” As the meaning says, philosophy examines every
source of knowledge that a human could discover here in our world. It interprets the
reason, value, and information of every existing idea that we know. This field commonly
answers the questions of what, how, and why. The answers to these determine the
nature of human thoughts, the nature of our universe, and the connections between
them. Philosophy helps us to think better, act wiser, and improve the quality of our lives
(The Philosophy Foundation, 2020).
A normal person might find the ideas of philosophy as complicated, strange, and
unusual, but its concepts actually indirectly hint us with paths to solve the issues that we
face since before. According to Saidah (2017), philosophy helps us solve our problems
--- mundane or abstract --- and make better decisions by developing our critical thinking
skills. It basically examines every reason behind a certain matter and explores the
nature of it. With these ideas given by this field, we could be able to create relevant
actions to remedy our problems. In a broader sense, philosophy focuses a lot more on
the question rather than the answer (Tayfour, 2018).

Philosophy is quite useful in several fields. One example is business. Philosophy
in business defines why you are doing things the way you are doing them (Leonard,
2018). It gives you a concrete reason for creating your plans and doing business itself. It
gives your business ideas with a sense that could enable your business to grow and
prosper. It helps you project the future of your actions as a businessman.
Business philosophy could also be associated with the company’s vision and
mission. These serve as the blueprint for its operation (UpCounsel, 2020). It might also
list the company values which are significant to the founders, executives, and
employees. The philosophy reflects its leader’s values, helping the business to feel
more personal. As businesses start to apply their philosophy, it becomes easier for
them to build a productive and cohesive organization that enables them to handle any
obstacle that may arise. It gives them a concrete road to success.
Philosophy is also essential in filmmaking. According to Team AISFM (2014), it
allows filmmakers to comprehend the importance of active and meaningful participation
and interaction of an individual with his surroundings, his world, and his universe. The
stories that movies contain are often packed with messages and life lessons in it. These
help viewers to gain inspirations and motivations in life and apply what they have
learned from the film. They gain a new philosophy of living through these movies.
As films explore human lives, it also reveals the reasons behind the events
occurring to a person. The philosophy of movies helps ‘justify’ actions. It explains why a
character does such a thing and shows the consequences of it. It makes people reflect
on their doings in life and often changes their mindsets and styles of living.
Philosophy plays a huge role in education as well. Schools commonly aim to
educate its students to achieve their full potential. But the ways they implement to do
that are actually influenced by philosophy. With their principles, goals, and objectives,
education is enforced with futuristic reasons to employ productivity in life towards
There are numerous benefits to how philosophy can make education prosper.
According to an article from The Scots College (2017), an institution’s education
philosophy gives it a clear strategic direction, helps make sense of decisions made,
assists in assessing school effectiveness, and differentiates it from its competitors. It
reveals the school’s main purpose and actions and evaluates how it managed to impose
and fulfill those effectively to attain the goals and objectives of providing quality
education to its students.
When it comes to education, teaching becomes influenced as well by philosophy.
A blog from Edsys (2020) suggests that philosophy helps teachers on how to make
students learn effectively. With a solid teaching philosophy, they may be able to leave a
profound impact on their students and help them make independent decisions in the
near future. The core values that educators teach also influence how their learners play
their roles in society as they grow up.
As they are equipped with philosophy also, teachers would be able to be in the
shoes of the students. They would be able to determine why students behave in a
particular way and why they cannot understand a lesson quickly. This way of effective
analysis could lead educators to adapt better teaching strategies and guidance,
eventually resulting in improved performance of their students at school.

The research revealed that philosophy is essential in life. It gives us the reason
and purpose of doing certain things in life. It teaches us about the benefits and
consequences of our actions and plans. It provides us with directions toward our goals.
With numerous fields found it useful, philosophy definitely made our lives much
productive and meaningful.
Philosophy explores the inner depths of our minds, extracting the sense of our
thoughts, creating ideas for its utilization, and leads us towards its application. It gave
us the foundations of the establishment of numerous structures, organizations, fields,
and institutions today. It guides us on understanding further the reasons behind every
innovation that humans have made. It plays a vital part in the improvement,
development, and advancement of human beings as a whole.

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