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Project Name: Work-Based Learning Experience

Project Domain: ​Career & Education 

Skills Addressed:
Awareness of career options and associated information (education, training, pay) 
Exposure and experience to/in different work environments 
Learning career specific skills 
From Dept. of Education  
“WBL creates opportunities for employers and schools to provide structured learning experiences to develop workplace 
readiness, technical skills and 21st Century Skills. It is a process that allows students to explore careers, connect with 
businesses, learn about the functions of an organization, and understand the relevance of their education.”  
Project Description:
Students will gain job skills by participating in a work-based learning experience. They will show proficiency by identifying 
their own career goals and working with staff to determine the path their job experience. Hours and content of expectations will 
vary based on the student's’ existing skills and goals for after graduation.  

Green means DONE

Larger Project Elements Required Steps Comments

Identify Career Interests ❏ Complete career assessment Go over career assessment from
❏ Complete WBL Questionnaire intake at the start of this process
❏ Meet with Voc Rehab

Identify WBL goals ❏ Use WBL Questionnaire to What form of experience will you
design goals with a staff do? How will you know when you
member have met proficiency?

Get Connected! Potential Path*: *​This path may change depending on

❏ Choose (3) potential the goals you set with a staff member
businesses to reach out to
❏ Complete an interview
❏ Set up work experience

Follow Through ❏ Demonstrate that you have This could be a weekly internship
met your goals by following experience, maybe a few difference job
shadows, etc.
through on the chosen path
❏ Complete assessments Assessments will be in the form of
throughout placement reflections and a rubric check-ins from
student & supervisor.

Additional Skills for Job ❏ Job Searching Skills/ Tracking

Prep. ❏ Resume
❏ Cover Letter

WBL Questionnaire

Career Skill Set

1. What do you hope to do for work in the months following graduation?

I dont know

2. What careers have you considered after high school?


3. Have you had a job or job experience before? If so, please list work experience below:

Workplace & job title # hours/week & how long did you stay there?

I served food 1h 30m 5 days a week for one year

4. Which experience was the best? Which was the worst? Why?

Serving food
Serving food
It was the only one

5. If you have work experience? What skills have you already learned?

6. Are you currently seeking a source of income?


7. What do you think it would be like to run your own business? What type of business
would you create if someone fronted you the startup money?

I don't know
I wouldn't

8. What organizations do you know in the community/state/world that help others? What
type of causes would you be willing to volunteer your time for?

I wouldn't be willing

9. What would you hope to get out of a WBL experience? Check all that apply or write in
your own:
❏ A chance to meet new people
❏ Learn what a certain job would look like
❏ A chance to meet a potential employer
❏ A certification in something (Any ideas: _____________ )
❏ Money!
❏ Something to put on my resume after high school
❏ Contribute to something
❏ Make an impact
❏ Learn from a professional
Apply skills that I already have
❏ Get better at something
❏ Learn what it would be like to start my own business
❏ Connect with a specific local business (Any ideas: ____________ )
❏ Part-Time Work
❏ I feel like I just need “credit” for this
❏ Other:

10. Rate each of the following WBL experiences* by interest on a scale of 0-3

0 = No thanks // 1= Not super interesting // 2 = Maybe // 3 = Yes, I’d try that

* Ask for WBL examples if you don’t know what one means
a. Job Shadow ___ 2
b. Service Learning 2___
c. Entrepreneurship _2__
d. Internship ___ 2
e. Apprenticeship 2___
f. Certification or Technical Program ___2

Life Influences
11. Are you involved in anything outside of the School currently? (Job, Club, Other Program,
If so, please list below and write down what days/times you go there:

DnD, Fridays after school

Snowboarding, Sundays at the Middlebury SnowBowl

12. Do you know an adult who currently works in a job you are interested in? Who is it?
Where do they work?


13. What are your current modes of transportation?

Cab to school

a. What town do you live in? ______new haven__________

b. How far would you be willing to travel? (check the one that applies/ write a note)
❏ I want to be able to walk there x
❏ ___i dont care____ minutes if by car. x
❏ ___i dont care____ minutes if by bus. x
❏ It depends how much I am interested in the placement. x
❏ These specific places would be convenient to get to:

I don’t know

14. How many weeks do you think it would take to feel like you “got something” from a WBL
experience OR how long do you think you would be able to sustain getting to a
placement? And why? (​It’s a skill to be able to assess your own capacity, so be as
honest as possible - however this does not mean this is the amount of weeks we will ask
you to do. We will choose the final number together​).

I dont care

15. On as scale of 1-10, how comfortable are you with new environments & new people?
1= It is really difficult for me to be around new people
5 = It depends on the context x
10 = I don’t find it difficult to meet new people

16. What is ONE thing you would feel proud of accomplishing with through a WBL

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