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5/25/2019 How I passed the CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) Exam

How I passed the CKA (Certi ed

Kubernetes Administrator) Exam
Nilesh Jayanandana Follow
Feb 6 · 6 min read

I’m writing this post because, ever since I published my certificate on

Linkedin, I have been getting a massive number of messages from
people who wanted tips for the examination. So I thought I would write
up this medium article to save me the trouble of responding each and
every one of them individually.

First of all, a little bit of background on me, as my profile states, I’m a

Software Architect at a company called Platformer where we build a
PaaS solution on top of Kubernetes. Therefore, I work with kubernetes
on a daily basis. This is important to note because the exam focuses on
your ability to work with kubernetes on real world practical scenarios.
So I had that covered thanks to my job role.

As many of you may have heard, (If you haven’t heard just google the
question is CKA hard?) CKA is a tough exam. Mainly because it focuses
on your ability to perform on a practical level rather than just asking a
bunch of MCQ questions that would test your knowledge. I will not be
disclosing any exam questions here, but I will share the tips and tricks I
used getting prepared and during the time of the exam. 1/7
5/25/2019 How I passed the CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) Exam

Getting Prepared
First I advice you to download the exam study guide book and get a
thorough understanding of what is required of you.

I followed the CKA prep course offered by Linux Academy here to

gather and fine tune my knowledge according to the requirements of
the exam study guide. Please note that watching this course alone will
not guarantee you getting through.

Once you feel like you are ready to go, please go try out the following
practice questions to get yourself better prepared. Note that this is
targeted towards CKAD and not CKA, but still, doing these questions
helped me a lot in getting prepared.


A set of exercises to prepare for Certi ed

Kubernetes Application Developer exam by Clou…

Take a look at this too.

walidshaari/Kubernetes-Certi ed-

Online resources that will help you prepare for

taking the CNCF CKA "Kubernetes Certi ed…

Another important thing to do at-least more than 3 times is Kelsey

Hightower’s Kubernetes the Hard way Guide which is provided below.
Please make sure not to copy paste anything here and try to type
everything manually and try to understand what is happening at each
and every step. This will help you immensely in the exam. However
don’t worry you don’t get to create a cluster from scratch. But you
maybe asked to do some of the tasks kelsey has done in his guide. 2/7
5/25/2019 How I passed the CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) Exam


Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google

Cloud Platform. No scripts. -…

In addition to that, please familiarize yourself a bit on systemd here if

you don’t know what it does.

Okay that’s pretty much it on what I did for in terms of preperation for
the exam. One thing to note though, I only did kelsey’s Kubernetes the
hardway only one time, and that too I just copy pasted the commands
without really trying to understand what’s happening behind those
commands. I paid my price for that in some questions in the exam.

During the exam

In the exam, please be fresh, drink a lot of water and make sure you
have eaten well. because for the next 3 hours you will not be allowed to
even drink water. Please make sure you have a stable internet
connection and no interruptions.

Useful Websites
During the exam, you will get a browser based terminal and it will have
all the tools you are required to have. You can only open one more tab
and can go to any website under the domain of Here
are the following links that helped me the most during the exam.

Kubectl cheatsheet that would help you right out with most questions
in your exams.

Community discussion page is also accessible to you since it comes

under the domain, which is a great place to search for
some problems you may get.

Kubenertes documentation itself is great where it has the google site

search functionality. You can search for anything you need and you
would probably get the answer or the guidance to get the answer you
need through that. 3/7
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Kubectl it away!
Don’t try to write your own yamls at the exam. Avoid that as much as
possible and use kubectl as much as you can. There’s a lot you can do
on kubectl alone.

If you are unsure of the spec or parameters of a yaml, always use

kubectl explain <resource>.<key>

which is a great way to get a quick look at the keys available to you.

Pay attention to the question context

You will get a context change command at the beginning of every
question to change the kubctl context as each question may refer a
different cluster than your previous question. So always as a practice
change the context before attempting a new question.

Always exit on ssh

When you attempt some questions, you may have to ssh into particular
nodes to fix issues. When you do that, you almost certainly have to do a
sudo su to get superuser access. After that when you exit, make sure
you type exit twice, as the first exit may get you out of the su mode
and the second exit will be the one that actually get you out of the
node. It’s easy to miss an exit command, so make sure you do that after
attempting a question.

Keep your score

In the exam, you get a notepad, where you can enter whatever you like.
You can use this to save some kubectl commands for future references
etc. However, another thing that I recommend you do is, once you
complete a question, write down number of the question, the marks for
that question and your total marks. This way, you will always know
where you are with relevant to your score.

This is handy in the final hour as you absolutely know how many
questions you have attempted and how much minimum marks you
need to achieve that pass mark of 74%. You don’t have to complete all 4/7
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the 24 questions you get to pass the exam, just target on getting that
74% and use your time to double check answers without attempting all.
I did 22/24 and used the final half an hour to double check my answers
before trying to attempt questions 23 and 24. And thank god i did,
because some questions, I have forgotten to change context at the top
and some text files that I should have saved in the base vm, I have saved
in a node that I have ssh’d into and have forgotten to exit properly.

Take it easy and All the very best!

Don’t stress out much on the exam. True, it’s hard. Don’t panic. I
panicked at the last minute before starting the exam and tried to
reschedule for a later date thinking I was not ready. However it was too
late and I just took a deep breath and thought, what the hell, I’ll just go
for it and I did. Don’t be scared as you get a free retry on the exam.
Thankfully, I passed on the first attempt itself.

That’s pretty much it for my tips and tricks for taking the CKA. I wish
you all good luck on the exam. Let me know if you have more queries.
Clap and show your support. Cheers! 5/7
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