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What the Churches of Men Are Hiding From You

by ArtOf Nyxography on Friday, January 28, 2011 at 7:36pm

The 3 Main Doctrine of Christianity

which is never focused at church.
Repentance.. Important Gospel of Repentance..
..which is never preached at church.
The Sacrifice.. The Gospel of Christ Jesus Himself..
..which is never preached at church.
Holy Spirit.. Important manifestation that you are truly a child of God,..
..which is never preached at church.
Why? Because the preachers are so wise that they are studying the whole Bible &
preaching everything in the Bible & forgetting the whole point of the gospel.

Read the Book of Acts & you would see how Apostle Paul who was not part of the 12
preached the gospel to the Gentiles. The important gospel of Christ Jesus, His
sacrifice on the cross, is the main gospel & nothing else. Apostle Paul did not teach
everything in the Bible to the churches (believers). Rather, he was just giving them
letters of exhortations for they were still baby Christians.
What authority does Apostle Paul have in preaching the Word of the Lord? He was
called, chosen & appointed by the Lord. How did Apostle Paul knew the gospel? By
the revelation of the Spirit of the Lord. How did Apostle Paul wrote those letters? By
the Power of the Spirit, as he was being moved by the Holy Ghost.
Yet these pulpit preachers never thought of that, because they never know how it
is to be led by the Spirit of the Lord.
If you would ask most professing Christians today, they don't know what Christ Jesus
did for them. They don't know why Jesus died for them. They don't know the meaning
of the cross. They don't know eternal life.How about you? Do you even know the
meaning of the cross?

The problem is that, those who started Protestant Reformation, Evangelism etc.. they
have formulated & outlined everything in the Bible. That if you preach against their
outline, you are going against the gospel.
If you (unbeliever) would go to churches, they have their outline of 'how to go to
heaven' just like this: Then by saying a
sinner's prayer.. they would say that you are now saved! Welcome to the family of
God! But how do they know? They are not the Lord who sees each hearts to know who
really made a commitment to Him. They don't have the mind of the Lord to speak
for the Lord. 

They thought that by saying that prayer. Then going to church every first day of the
week. By joining discipleship group & being active in ministries, would make them to
Heaven. I tell you those who don't really understand the gospel, those who don't
know the Lord, those who are not being led by the Holy Spirit, would be left for
They think that being a Christian for 30-50 years would make them part of the
gathering in the air. But being a Christian without being led by the Spirit of the
Lord for 50 years is MEANINGLESS. If you were left behind, then that is the time that
you would learn about the Holy Spirit, for you would be coming to the Lord & you
would put more effort in seeking Him... ..That is.. if one did not turn back to the Lord.
(Hey, don't blame the Lord. It was your choice to trust your pastors than trusting
the Lord Himself. It was your choice to learn from your pastors than learning
from the Spirit of the Lord.)
The problem today is that they have controlled everything & these evangelical,
protestant, christian churches have their pattern in preaching the gospel. It is like they
are robots, programmed with the patterns of the world. They are copying each other
& not knowing that they are both blind leading each other.

Simplicity of the gospel of Christ Jesus, Yahushua HaMashiach, on how one
should make disciples of Christ, starts with the sacrifice that Christ Jesus did on
the cross. If one believed & fully understand the meaning of the cross, they would
truly repent of their sins & would commit their lives to Christ. For they know, they
accepted in their hearts that Yahushua died for them. Therefore, by fully
understanding the gospel of Christ, it would lead in TRUE repentance. That is the
time that the Lord Jesus Christ would give you the Holy Spirit & then it would now
be the Lord's job to teach that new believer in Christ. For the new believer would be
hungry for the Word of the Lord,for he understood the gospel of Yahushua
However, the preachers today have taken the work of the Lord.They thought it is
just about transformation of lives. They forgot that transformation of lives is just
the start, but one needs to grow & must NOT remain a baby Christian.
What happens in a church, after their sermon? they would say the sinner's prayer, then
they would invite you to stay for a while; then they would ask you to belong in a
discipleship group. What kind of preachers are that?
The shepherd doesn't even wants to get to know each lost sheep coming to their
church. Rather, the shepherd is entrusting it to his trained hirelings. What kind of
shepherd is that?
Thus this lost sheep, would always rely on the preachers & on discipleship group,
but never even learning & growing. You know.. this kind of believers.. profess that
they have the Holy Spirit.. but they don't. They don't even know how it is to be led by
the Spirit. For if they are being led by the Spirit.. they would not rely on the
preachers, on their christian friends, on christian books regarding the Word of the
They are making disciples of their own church & not really disciples of Christ
If you are a disciple of Christ, you learn from Yahushua himself & not from men.
These church-goers never understood that; for their"wise" preachers never understood
it in the first place. For they have the wisdom & knowledge from men, which is an
earthly wisdom; NOT THE WISDOM FROM THE LORD. 
Please do not trust these kind of preachers. They are blind.
Do not follow the blind, for you are also blind....
I feel sad for everyone of them...
Yes, they could be serious in going to church & learning from their pastors.
But firstly, they are seriously wrong for trusting men than the Lord.
Most especially those elders who have been attending the church for 20-30 years, but
still find their selves sitting every first day of the week at church. And everything
happening in the church is programmed, from the beginning to end. The church is
programmed by men. Their shepherd who wants to get all the sheep inside their
church, but doesn't care about the sheep. Who wants to plant the name of their
churches, but doesn't know every sheep in every churches!
They are very far from the image of the True Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd which
is Christ Jesus, that knows EVERY sheep who belongs to Him. He is not hiring any
men for the lost sheep. Christ Jesus, the Good Shepherd, finds the lost sheep

I really feel sad for them.. .. they were never learning & growing. What they know is
based on the pastors. I tell you, they can't even preach the gospel without having the
pattern inside their pocket that the world made.... (I know it because I've been there..
and I thanked the Lord that it was Him who taught me, for everything that I need
to know was written in my heart & in my mind by Him.)
If you find yourself guilty of these things.
The Lord has something to say..
"Come out of the churches of men and I will receive you."
If you refuse to come out.. .. Do not be surprised when we're gone.
But I think you would not be surprised because you would still find your pastors
preaching in your church.
I warned you. Please do not ignore this warning.
I feel sad for you...
You are never learning.
You are never growing in that kind of church.
Church that looks like your watching a movie, concert, play every first day of the week.
Get to know the Lord in a personal way.
Do not doubt the power of the Lord.
Do not doubt the Spirit of the Lord.
The Lord wants to give revelation & reveal His secrets & plans..
..but who is available to be used by Him?
All of His sheep are following a blind guide....
Come out of the man-made church system.
Spend time with the Lord. Read your Bible.
Allow the Lord to teach you & lead you on what to do next.
..I tell you.. you would be overwhelmed.. you would be in awe of Him.. you would feel
His presence.. you would know how it is to hear His voice.. you would know Him
deeper.. you would experience something wonderful that will never be
experienced in the church system controlled by men.
Whoever you are, I thank the Lord for leading you to read this message.
I would be praying to Him that He would baptized you with the Holy Spirit.
I would be praying that the Lord would reveal Himself to you.
I would be praying that the Lord would show you the True Light in Him.
I would be praying that the Lord would teach you the True Knowledge of His Word.
I don't have to know who are reading the notes/articles & everything that I am posting.
But the Lord knows how I pray for everyone that He is leading to His Wisdom &
knowledge that He has given me. And I know that the Lord would be faithful in working
in each one of you.
May the Lord Jesus Christ, Yahushua HaMashiach, bless you & keep you
& hopefully find you worthy to escape all that is about to happen.
**If you are still confused, but you are willing to start a new.. ...
Message me, I would help you, until the Lord finally reveals Himself to you.**

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