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Universidad del Valle Escuela de Ciencias del

Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras Inglés con fines generales y académicos III
Guidelines for task 1: “Environmental problems and possible solutions in my country”
The task aims to put in practice what you have learnt during the first unit. The oral presentation is going to help you to
develop your communicative skills in English. You should assume this project as part of your language learning
process; therefore, your commitment and responsibility are needed for succeeding in this task.


1. The task should be done in pairs. You will have 15 minutes for the presentation.

2. Content of your presentation

Select one environmental problem you are concerned with
In pairs, list different environmental problems you know or you are worried about. Choose one topic and
search for two related articles and one video.

Take notes on the main information and supporting ideas of each article and the video. Select and combine the
information you would like to include in the presentation. Keep in mind that you will need to include a brief
state-of-the-art using statistics, examples, quotations by recognized people or institutions.

You will also include some of the possible solutions for the environmental problem you chose.

If necessary, you might want to talk to some professors in your discipline who work on your topic in order to
incorporate in your presentation their ideas and opinions.

2.1 Make a plan to develop your presentation. After you have taken notes and decided on the information
you'd like to present, make an outline of your presentation. Remember to include an introduction, main
information with supporting ideas and a conclusion.

Then, write a composition based on the outline. Remember to use connecting words to show cause-effect,
sequence, addition, contrast or any other function that you need.

2.2 When you prepare your presentation, remember you need to include all or most of the grammar and
vocabulary topics covered in the class (simple present, simple past, present continuous, present perfect, since,
for, ago etc.)

2.3 Visuals aids and/or other aids are needed. You should use videos, slides, cardboard, flashcards or any
visual aid that helps you show your presentation successfully. Do not include paragraphs in your presentation.
Include images, pictures, maps, key words and phrases, graphics, etc.

2.4 Write an outline about your ideas and organize them in a coherent way. After that, write a short
composition that contains what you will share with the class. Click on the link below. Have a look at the
expressions that you can use in the presentation. Select phrases that are relevant to your presentation :

2.5 Schedule appointments with your teacher or monitors in the Resource Center in order to check your
composition or concerns about your presentation.

3. Practice, practice and practice. Things to keep in mind: pronunciation, fluency, eye contact with classmates,
space management, voice volume, etc. Some strategies to practice are: a) reading your composition out-loud
several times, b) preparing note cards with key points, c) giving the presentation to a friend and asking for his/her
feedback, d) recording the presentation and listening to it to correct possible mistakes in pronunciation, and finally
e) giving the presentation in front of a mirror.
4. Present. Be ready on the day of your presentation. Send to your professor or upload slides, videos and
anything you need at least a week prior to your presentation. Remember, it is an oral presentation, not a
reading presentation, avoid reading.


What When
Midterm Oral Presentation Assignment September 10th to September 14th
Tutoring September 15th to October 3rd
Presentations October 5th to October 10th

Evaluation criteria to be considered:

 Content: The content is relevant to the task. See point 2 above.

 Fluency: Natural use of the language, avoiding mumbling. Use of short, complete sentences connected by linking
words such as: and, but, but also, besides, however, since,, etc.
 Accuracy: Correct use of grammar and vocabulary.
 Pronunciation: Comprehensibility based on how words are pronounced.
ipU2n0 (for the final –ed sound of regular past tenses), (, )
 Visual aids. Use of slides and other aids.
Evaluation rubric

Task: “Environmental problems in my country and possible solutions in my country”

Date: ________________________
Student: ________________________________________________ Grade: _______________________

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Task completion Understands, follows Understands, follows Understands, follows The product does not
and fully fulfills the task and fulfills most of the and fulfills part of the show a clear
(100%). task (99-90%). task (89%-75%). understanding of the
Vocabulary Uses sufficient His/her vocabulary His/her vocabulary Lacks sufficient
vocabulary to fully allows him to complete allows him to complete vocabulary to complete
fulfill the task most of the task. the task partly. the task.
Accuracy Is always clear and uses Is usually clear and uses Is sometimes clear and Is not clear enough and
the correct form of the correct form of occasionally uses the does not simple present,
simple present, simple simple present, simple correct form of simple simple past, present
past, present past, present present, simple past, continuous, present
continuous, present continuous, present present continuous, perfect, since, for, ago
perfect, since, for, ago perfect, since, for, ago present perfect, since, etc.
etc. etc. for, ago etc.
Pronunciation Pronunciation is always Pronunciation is clear Pronunciation is clear Key words are
clear enough to be enough to be understood but sometimes mispronounced and
understood. most of the time. mispronounced words block communication
block communication most of the time.
Coherence Uses linking words such Uses linking words such Uses linking words such Does not use linking
as also, besides, as also, besides, as also, besides, words.
however, since, however, since, however, since,, etc. to connect, etc. to connect, etc. to connect
short sentences short sentences in most short sentences in some
whenever it is occasions when it is occasions.
appropriate. appropriate.
Visual aids Student uses several Student uses 1 prop that Student uses 1 prop The student uses no
props that show shows considerable which makes the props OR the props
considerable work/creativity and presentation better. chosen detract from the
work/creativity and which make the presentation.
which make the presentation better.
presentation better.

General comments: ____________________________________________________________________________


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