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Cherry Ann Rockwell

EDU 214 - 1005

Assignment 1
Education has been a very big part of my life, especially considering I’m a 19 year old

who has been in school 15 years of my life. I have had my good and bad experiences throughout

my educational career and lets just say, I did not think I would pursue an educational career

based on the experiences I have had.

I am part of the first generation of my family born and raised in America, which holds

pressures of its own, especially academically. My mother had spoken of attending college and

making a good living for myself from a very young age and always encouraged me to take my

education very seriously. Looking back on my middle school and early high school years, I

should have listened to her more.

Being the first of my family in the American school system, I had to figure out a lot

without much guidance and did not have access to a lot of resources. I learned through a lot of

trial and error, especially since I never really knew how to ask for help growing up. It was my

sister’s fourth and fifth grade teacher who first really saw my struggles and helped me with full

compassion and empathy. She never belittled me or her students and her impact still stays with

me to this day. She brought a smile with her to the classroom every day and really tried her best

to not only connect with her students, but all the other kids in the school. I grew up knowing I

wanted a career that helped people, youth particularly, but having her in my life, then and now,

has really helped influence me towards a career in education.

Not all teachers have been as helpful and encouraging as her, I have honestly had more

bad experiences with teachers than good. My middle school experience was particularly bad and

after that is when I had decided to start pursuing my educational career more seriously. Be the

change you want to see in the world, am I right? So I had attended Ed W Clark High School for

their Teacher Education program.

Cherry Ann Rockwell
EDU 214 - 1005
Assignment 1
I learned a lot during those four years of my life. We worked with the Special Education

and ESL student population of the school, wrote lesson plans, made quizzes and documents, put

together bulletin boards, held and led interactive monthly meetings, and even had an internship

with nearby schools. My senior year I decided to do my internship at Cashman MS and really

enjoyed my experience, working with a lot of kids one on one and leading the class in activities.

Of course, anyone can learn all of things but I feel as though the biggest thing I can offer

as an educator is my respect and compassion. I truly believe seeing and experiencing the lack of

that in my past educational career has made me a better person and will make me an even better

educator. My main goal for my future, even before choosing to pursue education, is always to

just be a positive influence on those I interact with and help those who need and want it in any

way I can provide.

I have been questioning lately if I can truly do this career and be an educator because of

all the changes and unexpectancies 2020 and this pandemic have brought on. I just think of what

I would do if I was an educator during these past few months and how I as an educator could be

the best I can be if I was put in the position educators have been since the pandemic started. I

have this question and more, but I think with this course of study uncertainty and change are

inevitable, and that is something wonderful and beautiful about education. The constant changes

and opportunities for growth, challenges that help improve us as educators and humans, and the

chance to inspire, influence, and help the future of the world.

VARK Results

Your scores were:

● Visual 7
Cherry Ann Rockwell
EDU 214 - 1005
Assignment 1
● Aural 13
● Read/Write 12
● Kinesthetic 12

Your learning preference:

Multimodal (ARK)
People with your preference like:
listening, discussing, talking, questioning, notes, handouts, print, text, practical
exercises, experiences, examples, case studies, trial and error, things that are
real, ...

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