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Continuing Education (Pendidikan Berkelanjutan)

Asslamualaikum wr. wb.

The honorable ones the principle of SMK VIP Mambaus Sholihin, all teachers and
administration staffs of SMK VIP Mambaus Sholihin and all the audience.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you all to thank to Allah the
Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing
place. And also let’s deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has
brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right path.
Ladies and gentlemen It be a great honor for me, to stand right here in front of you all
to give a speech about education under the title "Continuing Education" in this Mambaus
Sholihin Foundation ceremony. My name is Vera Saputri, today I am going to speech about
the importance of further education for senior high school students. Students, secondary
school such as high school is an importance place for the nation’s children. Senior high
school has a tough responsibility as a formal place which has to nurture the students in teen
age. Senior high school students are expected to be autonomous and have the ability to
mingle with the society. However the level of literate education in our country is very low.
Some parents gave up getting their children enrolled to senior high school because parents
cannot afford the tuition fee. Thus since 2016 the government has been diligently promoting
the 12 years education compulsory which consists of 6 years in Elementary School, 3 years in
Junior High School and 3 years in Senior High School.

) ‫ ُك ْن عَالِ ًما اَوْ ُمتَ َعلِّ ًما اَوْ ُم ْستَ ِمعًا اَوْ ُم ِحبًا َواَل تَ ُك ْن خَا ِمسًا فَتُ ْهلِكَ ( َر َواهُ ْالبَ ْيهَ ِق‬:‫صلَّى هللاُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلَّم‬
َ ‫قَا َل النَّبِ ُّي‬
Rasulullah SAW said :” Be a knowledgeable (intelligent) person or a learned person,
or a person who listens to knowledge or who loves knowledge. And do not be a fifth person
then you will be wretched
(H.R Baehaqi)

The real characteristic that Indonesia is a developing country can be seen through the
low level of education in our country. Education is one of the most important factors for the
country welfare because the nation’s characteristic can be reflected from its next generation.
In developed countries, the students go to higher education such as college or courses in order
to achieve their dreams and get into a good position in job. High school education is assessed
as not enough to enter the job, students need to be equipped with more skills and experiences
in order to get their dream jobs. This matter is what we called as sustainable education.
Sustainable education encourages the students to pursue higher education after they finished
the study in high school. The world moves rapidly nowadays and so does working world.
Besides some positions in the company or institutions are requiring high education level and
skills. The preparation to enter the working world is started since high school but the skill and
the focus are still lacking if the education is stopped in high school. This sustainable
education itself is utilized as a place to gives experiences and detailed knowledge regarding
to working world itself. The scope of sustainable education is not merely talking about
University, students can go to courses to improve your personal skills. You only learn about
the theory from text book in high school but the specialization of skill and knowledge are not
being deepened in school.
The example of sustainable education in course such as you can go to computer
course to gain more skills on operating computer. Meanwhile university offers more
exercises and the implementation of in-class learning into the society life. The sustainable
education is not hard to find in this modern world, the government has been providing many
Universities and courses which are available to nurture the country’s youngsters. Sustainable
education is very important to support human’s career especially in this globalization era. The
fact is, the technological development will not stop in this point, and technology will be more
developed in the future. Therefore our nation is encouraged to obtain enough skill, education,
experience, and knowledge first before entering a job. That is all from me, I will leave my
contact here if you had any inquiries regarding to sustainable education. You know, feel free
to ask me. Thank you for your attention, see you later!

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