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Second Partial

Class: Ingles V

Teacher: Madelin Mercedes Moreno

Date: October 29, 2019


In the following work we present a short summary that tells us about the Global
Warming, and that causes the Warming all this so that we realize how the Warming
is affecting us, and how we can solve these problems. Global Warming is an
increase in the average temperature of the earth's surface, considered as a
symptom and a consequence of climate change.

Global warming refers to the gradual increase in temperatures in the atmosphere

and having an impact on the temperatures of the oceans and the earth, which has
been detected in recent decades through an observation of the average
temperature of the earth's climate system and the effects that are recorded. The
change in the climate system has gone from the oceans melting the ice, warming
the continents and the atmosphere, many of these appear since the 1950s and are
unprecedented since this date, so they are the effect of different actions and
activities that have Man made in certain areas. The increase in global temperature
is no secret and cannot be contradicted, since it is enough to only observe the
irregular seasons around the world and the climatic changes that are usually more
intense, however what does generate controversy is the source or the reason for
the increase in temperature, so different factors are involved in terms of projection.
Due to this, different effects are caused due to global warming.

What causes global warming.

Deforestation: it is estimated that at least 13 million hectares are cleared

annually worldwide.
 Emission of Gases: gases such as methane, carbon dioxide and others
are responsible for trapping terrestrial radiation, thus increasing the
temperature from 1.5 to 5 degrees Celsius.
Fossil fuels: the burning of fossil fuels is one of the determining factors in
global warming.

The solution basically consists of reducing greenhouse gases, achieving greater

reforestation, preventing the increase in burning fossil fuels, as well as cleaning up
areas of the planet that have a high saturation of pollution such as rivers, lakes and

It is important to be aware of this problem, which is very serious. I think that

information campaigns should be carried out and how they can help prevent or
eradicate certain works that feed global warming. We from our homes have the
obligation to do something for a minimum That is, all for helping our environment
and that we do not suffer from the warming that we are already experiencing today,
we are all responsible since we are not contributing to not continue damaging and
have a better Global Warming.

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