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BY :


NIM 19081001

NIM 19071013

NIM 19071009





Infinite praise and thanksgiving is presented before God Almighty (Ida

Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa) because of his grace and his gift of writing entitled

"Healthy Food" can be adjusted according to expectations.

This paper is structured in order to meet one of the requirements in meeting

one of the courses supported by Mrs. Dr. Dewi Yulianti, S.S., M.Hum in Odd

Semester 2019/2020 academic year.

By mobilizing all existing thoughts and assistance, including assistance and

guidance as well as suggestions from various parties, both directly and indirectly. For

that, the highest thanks and appreciation goes to:

1. Head of the Study Program who has helped and motivated the writers throughout

the study and prepared this paper;

2. Mrs. Dr. Dewi Yulianti, S.S., M.Hum, lecturer in English in Odd Semester

Academic Year 2019/2020;

3. Colleagues from Bali International University who contribute a lot;

4. The author's parents who have helped a lot of material and morals during the

course of study by the author of lakoni at the International Bali University;

5. All parties who participated in working on this paper.

The author realizes that this scientific paper is far from perfect. This is

because of the writer's limitations in knowledge, writing ability, finding resources and

experience. Therefore, all criticisms and suggestions for improvement are expected.

Hopefully this article can increase knowledge and be useful for readers.

Denpasar, 11 December 2019



TITLE PAGE……...…………………………………………………………......i


TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………......iv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION………………...……………………………...1

1.1 Background….……………………………………………………….1

1.2 Problem Formulation…………………………………………………2

1.3 Writing Purpose..……………………………………………………..2

1.4 Writing Benefit….……………………………………………………2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION…………………………...………………………..4

2.1 The Meaning of Healthy Food…………………...………………...…4

2.2 Positive and Negative Effects of Boiled Eggs….....……………….…4

2.3 Positive and Negative Effects of Tempe……..………………..……...5

2.4 Positive and Negative Effects of Chicken Meat………………….…..6

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION…….…………………………………………....9

3.1 Conclusion…………………………..…………………………….…..9

3.2 Suggestion………………………………………………………….....9




1.1 Background

Food is an ingredient, usually derived from animals or plants that are eaten

by living things to provide energy and nutrition. Food that humans need is usually

made through farming or gardening which includes sources of animals and plants.

In general, food ingredients contain several elements or compounds such as water,

carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, enzymes, pigments, and others. Every

living creature needs food, without food, living things will find it difficult to do

their daily activities. Food can help humans in getting energy, and helps the body

and brain grow. Each food has a different nutritional content.

Protein, carbohydrates, and fats are examples of nutrients that will be

obtained from food. Carbohydrates are a source of daily energy. one example of

foods that contain carbohydrates is rice.

Protein is used by the body to help the growth of both the brain and body.

Fat is used as food reserves and energy reserves. fat is used when the body lacks

carbohydrates, and fat will break down into glucose which is very useful for the

body when it needs energy. It can be ensured that each country has its own special


1.2 Problem Formulation

1.2.1 What is the meaning of healthy food?

1.2.2 What are the positive and negative effects of boiled eggs?

1.2.3 What are the positive and negative effects of tempe?

1.2.4 What are the positive and negative effects of chicken meat?

1.3 Writing Purpose

1.3.1 To know and understand the meaning of healthy food.

1.3.2 To know and understand the positive and negative effects of boiled


1.3.3 To know and understand the positive and negative effects of tempe.

1.3.4 To know and understand the positive and negative effects of chicken


1.4 Writing Benefit

1.4.1 For Writers

Can add insight as well as supporting theories in choosing

healthy foods that are good for the body.

1.5 For Institutions

For the archive of the laboratory as one of the supporting

factors in improving campus accreditation in terms of student




2.1 The Meaning of Healthy Food

Healthy food is food that contains a lot of nutrients that are already

balanced according to menu 4 healthy 5 perfectly. The term 4 healthy 5

perfect is a menu that contains fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals,

vitamins, unsaturated fats needed by the body so that the body's development

is also getting better. Healthy food is also food that is free from harmful

ingredients. Hazardous substances in question such as msi coloring,

preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

2.2 Positive and Negative Effects of Boiled Eggs

2.2.1 Positive Effects

Apart from being a source of protein, eggs also have a

lot of nutrients needed by the body. One egg contains vitamin

A, folic acid, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, vitamin B2,

phosphorus, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K,

vitamin B6, calcium, and zinc. Because of the many nutritional

contents of these eggs, eggs have many health benefits for our


2.2.2 Negative Effects

In addition to the many eggs containing benefits as

mentioned above, but eating too many eggs also carries risks.

Even more so if you have certain diseases, such as

hypercholesterolemia and also eggs containing high

cholesterol. One egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, whereas

you are recommended to consume only 300 mg a day.

2.3 Positive and Negative Effects of Tempe

2.3.1 Positive Effects

 Compound unsaturated fats and niacin present in tempe can

neutralize bad cholesterol.

 The content of Omega 3 and Omega 6 in tempeh can also reduce

the risk of heart attack (coronary).

 As an antidote to free radicals, prevent various degenerative


 The high fiber content serves to control blood sugar levels making

it suitable for diabetics.

 The content of positive ions in tempe is able to offer antidotes or

anti heavy metal poisoning (cyanide).

2.3.2 Negative Effects

Although there are many health benefits, tempeh will also have a

negative impact, especially for women. If you consume tempeh too often,

the yeast in tempeh will cause interference with a woman's ovaries.

Ovulation in women is triggered by the balance of the hormones estrogen

and progesterone. Soybean content that has undergone a process found in

tempeh and tofu has phytoestrogen content, which is a natural compound

from plants that can affect the body's estrogenic activity. If you consume

tempeh too often or every day, it is this hormone that disrupts the normal

function of estrogen in the ovary.

2.4 Positive and Negative Effects of Chicken Meat

2.4.1 Positive Effects

 Source of protein

Chicken is one of the best sources of protein that helps build and maintain

structures in the body that also break down toxins.

 Effective anti-depressants

Chicken meat is considered a food that gives a sense of comfort and relief

because of the amino acid tryptophan. It increases serotonin levels in the brain

and improves mood.

 Against disease

Chicken meat contains compounds such as selenium which are able to fight

disease. In addition, it also has antioxidants which have a positive effect on

degenerative diseases such as inflammation, cardiovascular problems, and

neurological problems.

 Regulate cholesterol levels

Chicken meat is rich in vitamin B3 which converts carbohydrates into

energy. Thus, cholesterol levels are reduced and the risk of heart disease is


2.4.2 Negative Effects

 Cause a headache

This type of broiler chicken or boiler has bad potential for health.

The ingredients in the chicken store some chemical drug residues. It could

be because the chicken was injected, or came from chicken feed. This can

be fatal for your body. The fear is that if these chemicals can cause

headaches and other neurological problems.

 Lots of Carcinogens

Excess chemicals in the body will adversely affect the human

body. One of them is triggering carcinogens in the body. Carcinogens are

cancer-causing substances in the body. If you let it will cause any risk of

cancer. If the carcinogenic nest is in the breast, it will cause breast cancer.

If it is attacked in the nasopharynx, it will cause nasopharyngeal cancer.

 Digestive infections

According to a test conducted on broiler chickens, it was found

that 97 percent of chicken meat contains harmful germs and bacteria. If

washing chicken meat is not clean, it is certainly fatal to digestive health.

 Antibiotic resistance

Broilers have low immunity and that is why they are strengthened

with antibiotics or other chemicals, this can affect the human body.

Chicken which is given antibiotic residue - the substances cannot be lost,

but will remain in the chicken meat. If this enters the human body, then

this antibiotic also enters the body. The long-term effect is that humans are

immune to antibiotics.



3. 1 Conclusion

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that food as a

source of energy and building blocks of the body is an important element in

the human body and the function of food is not just to relieve hunger but more

importantly to get energy, to get building agents for body cells, enhance the

body's resistance to disease, and to ensure the smooth running of all kinds of

processes that occur in the body.

3. 2 Suggestion

Suggestions from various readers of this paper that are constructive,

will be able to be accommodated as capital improvement, knowledge

enhancer and motivator to continue to dig deeper into healthy foods that are

good for the body. Hopefully this paper can add insight into healthy foods that

are good for the body. Although there are still many shortcomings, I hope

readers can understand it.




















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