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Issue No 706

Metaphysics & True Christianity (Part One)—2 A Bubble Of Light From The 70s—12

False Flag Events & Mind Manipulation—3 Surrounding Yourself With Light Bubbles—13

The Galactic Federation To Stop Nuclear War?—6 Radiation Not As Deadly As We're Told?—13

Gaia Chooses To Live, Not To Die—7 What About 'The Council of Light?'—15

Malaysian Airplane Shot Down In Ukraine —9 Who Were The Druids & The Celts?—16

The Taliban Slaughter Of Pakistani Children—10 More On The History Of The Tuatha Dé Danann—18

Will MH370 Return From Other Dimension?—10 Are The Anunakki & The Archons The Same?—18

Fireballs & '53 Ford Pickup Dream (Nibiru)—11 Meditations Of The Cosmic Tarot:
The Hanged Man—19
The Nibiru Issue—12

© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You may share with family and friends,
but no alterations or public dissemination of the material is permitted without permission from CAC.
CAC Reading 6-16-93, Paul Shockley, Interpreter, previously Jesus and whose last name is Christ. They think of him
unpublished. as Jesus Christ and they do not consider the fact that
GETTING HISTORY STRAIGHT he was born in a family that had a different last name,
nor do they bother to ascribe the name Christ to this
Metaphysics & True Christianity family as a surname, or last name, but still they see
this Jesus Christ as a first and last name, and see this
(Part One) person as the Son of God.
Theosophy and western metaphysical societies
generally stem from the works of Madame Blavatsky, There is a tendency by these entities to be unable to
Alice Bailey and others whose basic teachings reflect recognize symbolism and to take things literally in a
Rosicrucian and Free Masonry, and earlier teachings very simplistic way. In fact, there are some that argue
of the Templars. These in turn came from Sumer and not to interpret the Bible but to take it literally. When
Ur and were given by the early space beings or alien you take this literally, and think of it as Jesus Christ,
forces that were involved in the genetic cloning and first and last name of the Son of God, and Son of the
creation of Cro-Magnon man, the Adam and Eve Mother of God, Mary, it is as though there is the
prototypes as described in Zechariah Sitchin’s works. creation of a totally different family.
These earlier teachings in terms of religious history are Even though Mary was his earthly mother, they
also described in Bramley’s book 'Gods Of Eden'. prefer to think of her as the Mother of God and to
The early religions, Mithra and pre-Christian Jesus as the Son of God, which would make Mary
religions, the belief in the Elysian Fields and the appear to be the grandmother of Jesus. These are
super-secret societies of the priesthood, are the distortions that do not get answered in the versions of
foundations on which the Templars and later the Free Christianity that are presented in Christian churches,
Masons received their rituals and their basic teachings. and in fact, individuals are not even supposed to ask
These then became the basis for the works of Madame about these things. The Christian story is such that if
Blavatsky and Alice Bailey and others who formed the other organizations do not follow this line of thinking
spine and backbone of the metaphysical teachings that precisely, they are perceived to be works of Satan or
have been prevalent in the west during the past two works of the devil.
centuries. The people who are interested in metaphysics, and
The Christian view of these teachings is that they are who read various metaphysical works, and who find
part of the Satanic hierarchy and structure that makes much wisdom in these writings, are looked down upon
use of the various metaphysical organizations and by Christians who see these metaphysical writings as
religions. According to the Christian version these also reflections of ancient Gnostic teachings. The Gnostics
include Mormons, Jehovah’s Witness groups, and any were people who had their own basic philosophy
other groups that are basically not Fundamentalist based on knowing. The word “Gnostic” and
Christian organizations. They see all of these “knowing” are of the same root. This is knowledge-
metaphysical and “cultist” groups such as the based information formed as a religion from which,
Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses and others as being during Jesus’ time, many of his messages were taken
organizations that present Satanic connections as along with the messages attributed to other groups of
religious alternatives for the world to join as opposed the time, such as the Jains and other groups from
to the true Christian church. India.
They say one of the strongest pieces of evidence The “do unto others” message was common
used by these organizations is the mention of the entity knowledge or common teaching among the Gnostics,
Sanat Kumara, who is referred to as the Lord of the and the Jains and others from India during the time of
Earth, and that this name “Sanat” is but a Jesus’ teachings so this message was not unique to his
rearrangement of the letters in the word “Satan.” This time. It became more unique later, when Christianity
is used as an argument or as ‘evidence’ by these grew and the others were forgotten. These various
Christian Fundamentalists that Sanat Kumara is a metaphysical organizations are more or less based or
Satanist demigod. But it is not so much that they see built on Gnostic-type hierarchy systems that came
western metaphysical theosophical and secret society from secret societies that date back much further than
networks as having a particularly negative message so the time of Christ.
much as the fact that they actually exist and are not
promoting the Christian story as it is presented in the
Christian churches. The Christian story that they
present through their Christian churches is that Jesus
Christ is the Son of God.
They do not perceive this as a symbolic creation,
wherein Jesus the man channels the Christ
Consciousness, which is the reflection or offspring of
the Son of God, even though in the Bible Jesus speaks
of himself as being the Son of Man when he talks to
his disciples, and asks, “Who do they say I, the Son of
Man am?” It can be said that here he is speaking of
Jesus the person, and when he speaks and says, “I am
the way and the Truth and the Light,” it can be said
that he is speaking as the Christ. In other words, he is
channeling the Christ Consciousness at those times.
This is not the Christian view of Jesus. They think of
him as being a person who literally was the Son of
God, who came into the flesh, whose first name is
The Wicca organizations predating Christianity also For example, many modern day Christians interpret
are built of these Gnostic hierarchy patterns. It is the Book of Revelation literally and see it as
because of all this that many of the Christian churches prophecies of the End Times. This Awareness
would like to eradicate and rid the world of these more indicates rather, it is a map of unfolding
ancient religions and organizations so as to have total consciousness, and as entities’ consciousness unfolds,
domination in the philosophical and religious fields. it goes through these various stages and reflects certain
However it appears the recent movement toward ‘New awakenings and realizations. This does not exclude or
Age’ philosophies is actually pulling back the ancient preclude the possibility of consciousness awakening
religions, creating certain hierarchy systems based on and bringing about external events, due to its
Gnostic patterns, based on the hierarchy of the ancient awakening. Thus, society may reflect certain changes
religions that predate Christianity. that are triggered by an awakening consciousness in
It is for this reason that many entities are somewhat the sense of a mass collective consciousness
paranoid and hostile toward these metaphysical awakening, and bringing about certain events on the
teachings that come from Madame Blavatsky, Alice planet.
Bailey and others. They are linked closely with As these events unfold in one’s consciousness and
Masonry, Rosicrucian teachings and similar in the consciousness of the masses, then these events
organizations that have roots in pre-Christian secret may trigger external realities that bring about many of
schools. The priestcraft that was created by the alien those events predicted by churches and ministers who
teachers of old, by the so-called Great White view the Book of Revelation as a prophecy for society.
Brotherhood, all of these secret schools passed down In other words, it is the old law, “As it is above, so it is
through history their messages that influenced and below. As it is within, so it is without.” As entities
guided the philosophical leadership for humanity’s unfold from within their own being into higher
civilizations to develop, The Christian message was a consciousness levels, it has its effect externally in the
reflection of several of these earlier parables and world, whereby events follow the opening of the mass
stories. or collective consciousness into these new levels of
There were in fact at least 16 different crucified consciousness.
saviors whose lives paralleled the life of Jesus, and the Essentially, the Book of Revelation is a Free
stories given in the New Testament relating to the life Masonry document that was put into the Bible when
of Jesus can be found in some cases, word for word in the books were assembled, almost by accident. It was
earlier writings about other deities. Chrishna (Krishna) debated by the church patriarchs as to whether it
for example was one, Hesus or Esus was another, and should be excluded or included in the New Testament.
the entity Mithras from Persia who was a Christ. There It was finally decided that because it was so confusing
was Crite of Chaldea, and there was a black Christ at and no one really knew what it was speaking of, that it
one time predating Christianity and much of his might be very important, and therefore, they would
lifetime parallels the story of Jesus. There were 16 leave it in, just in case, and thus, it was put into the
such pre-Christian Christs and the Christian story is a Bible, though it was a document of Free Masonry.
reflection, or could be said to be lifted from these other
Christian stories, so that to consider it absolutely
unique and the others as copies becomes absurd, since
these others predate the story of Jesus in the Christian
This may cause some frustration among entities.
Normally it is totally ignored and anyone pointing out
these facts would be accused of being of the devil,
therefore, because of this message, many Christians
will say this Awareness is of the devil. However, you
cannot look at these facts without being confronted by
the facts themselves. On the face of the facts, these
stories precede Christianity and one could say that
Christianity was obviously lifted from these earlier
philosophies and religions from various regions of
time. You can hardly escape the facts, if you are
willing to look at them. The only way to escape them
is to ignore them.
Metaphysical teachings tend to become distorted
according to the peculiar slant that each group presents CAC/Rainbow Phoenix Special Opening Message, Will Berlinghof,
so that the pure version that was once given, when Interpreter; Joan Mills Questioner, Lloyd Arrd, Energizer
taken and altered by another group may not contain all FALSE FLAG EVENTS AND HOW YOUR
the elements of the original story. When there are
offshoots from that group, the version gets watered MIND IS MANIPULATED
down and changed even further so that by the time COSMIC AWARENESS:
several thousands years have passed, the metaphysical
message may have been altered sufficiently to cause This Awareness has an opening message. It is a
some loss or distortion that is no longer reflecting the message that is concerned with world events that are
truth of the earlier original version. It is important to happening at this time. As you approach the time
realize that these ancient metaphysical messages are known as Christmas, the Winter Solstice, there are
not necessarily to be taken as literal historical records. energies on this planet of yours that would seek to
They are often merely stories to help convey meaning disrupt the traditional focusing of energies and
or values to a society or they may be symbolic in thoughts toward world peace, hope and joy.
Recently for example, an event occurred in the events over their airwaves and through their press is
country of Australia that gained worldwide attention. left with the impressions that are implied by those who
This was the hostage taking that took place in Sidney have manipulated those events in the first place.
Australia, that went viral and was covered quickly by It would always be wise when such an event occurs
international media and press, and there was a 24-hour to ask: “Who will be benefited the most? Who will be
vigil on this event from around the world. served to the greatest degree?” If it is the agenda of the
On the surface this event seemed to be tragic in International Cartel, the Powers That Be, to create fear
nature and seemed to be the workings of a Jihadist and mistrust amongst various nations toward their
terrorist, or so it was presented by the international Islamic citizens, if it is the purpose and intent to do so,
media and by the national media. The black flag then to present one in this light makes sense, for it
known to be the flag of ISIS was displayed, although it advances the agenda of those who are manipulating
was not the exact flag, but one that contained Arabic consciousness against the Arabs generally, but most
script, and the media and the reporting of the event specifically against the Muslims around the world who
hooked into the flag of ISIS, thus to present the are being portrayed now as radical terrorists, and as
impression that this one was also connected to the ISIS international criminals.
Jihadist group. After the event in Canada there was great support of
It turned out later that the individual involved was a this by the Canadian government and Prime Minister
lone gunman, a lone self-proclaimed cleric of Islam, Harper. This was enhanced by the visit of John Kerry
although this was denounced by the Islamic from the United States who also proclaimed these
community in general. This individual was actually a were the actions of ISIS being performed through this
deprived, depraved individual who had his own individual. Of course, the equation of
personal religious Islamic views and his own personal problem/reaction/solution must also be looked at here.
agenda. This Awareness will also say that this one was
used by certain forces to create the impression that this
was the work of an international cartel, the ISIS cartel,
but it was not so.
The way this news was presented live on television
and beamed around the world was for the purpose of
creating another false flag event that could provoke
reaction against the Islamic people who generally do
not support the radicalization of Islam or the actions of
the few that have taken up a cause. This Awareness
proclaims this as a false flag event, but It does not say
that this event was not without its own tragedy, for it
It is important to see when events occur whether or
not they could be classified as false flag events and
generally speaking, many of the events that are
occurring that are meant to create animosity toward
the Islamic faith and fear against actions of these If it was the intent of the Canadian government and
terrorists who are in their own country, are generally the Powers That Be in Canada to start to change
orchestrated events with a purpose behind them, that attitudes toward Muslims, and then put in place laws
purpose being to incite the populace against Islam and that further take away and restrict personal freedoms
Muslims, generally. in favor of state security, they were faced with a
Approximately a month and a half ago, there was a situation wherein they had the solution and they
false flag event in Ottawa, Canada, which saw the needed to create a problem that would cause a reaction
killing of a soldier at their National War Memorial. of the people toward initiating the very solution that
This one who killed the soldier then proceeded into the they already have on the books.
Parliament building, supposedly with the intent of This is what occurred. The problem/event was
killing more inside. But he himself was shot down and staged with the tragic consequences of the death of an
killed without any further killings. This event also was innocent one, and this created a reaction amongst
televised and beamed around the world and as with the many Canadians and the solution was suggested
Australian event the implication that this was a afterwards that perhaps more personal freedoms
Jihadist, an extreme radical fanatic who was somehow needed to be taken away so that greater security could
connected to ISIS was projected to be the truth. be provided to the people. However, this Awareness
It was shown however, that this individual also was would also state that the support that the government
a criminal individual, well known to the police, who hoped to incur and create was not as great as
had certain Islamic leanings, but he was not connected anticipated or desired.
to ISIS. He was not set up to do this on their behalf. This is one reason that another false flag event had
Rather, this Awareness says that this individual was a to be staged elsewhere at a later date. However, it also
mind-controlled subject as well, and his time in the should be noted that those in power in Canada are still
Canadian prisons was a time when he was acted upon trying to proceed with their plan to create a schism
and programmed to commit the action that he later amongst Canadian peoples against their Muslim
carried out. brothers and sisters. Thus it is that if an event
In such false flag events, one will often find that the elsewhere occurs, this could further energize the
perpetrators of these events are killed, are shot down, original intent of ones who already have a plan
and therefore cannot proclaim their case or explain prepared, an agenda already in the works, and this was
their actions. Thus, a populace that encounters these the event in Australia that occurred but a few days ago.
Shifting to the event, this Awareness will point out that do this, but it is seen that these two Prime
again a lone individual accused of having ties to Ministers, Prime Minister Harper in Australia, and
radical Muslim Islamic groups. This individual went Prime Minister Abbott in Australia are aware of the
into a chocolate shop and took hostages that were held reasons behind these actions, and are aware that they
for over 16 hours before a tragic resolution to this are false flag events staged to create the impression of
hostage taking event occurred, which caused the death danger to the common people in countries well
of two individuals as well as the gunman. The removed from conflict zones so that they can better
gunman was killed so that he could not explain his manipulate and control the people, herding them into
actions or his purpose, and the impression again being the pen that has been set up for them, like so many
left that this was yet another case of international sheep being nipped at their feet by the sheepdogs of
terrorism that needs to be protected against. those who seek to manipulate affairs.
Again, suggestions have been that perhaps greater It is also important for those who are outside
security can be achieved at the cost of personal observers to such events, who are watching them
freedoms. This too is very similar to the incident in unfold on their television screen or reading about this
Canada, but like Canada, the response that occurred after the fact in their newspapers, that they ask
was not quite as great as it was desired. In fact, there questions. This Awareness has always stated that one
were many Australians who have openly come out in must ask questions before one simply accepts what is
support of Australian Muslims and the Muslim being reported and given, for often what is given has a
community in Australia. A movement has begun titled, hidden purpose behind it.
“I’ll ride with you!” that directly occurred during the To identify false flag events, one must start by
hostage incident. asking the question: “Who does this serve? Which
On a train, there was a Muslim woman who came agenda is supported by such an event?” One must then
into a carriage car and took off her traditional headgear ask further questions such as, “Is this what it seems to
because of her fear that Australians would be outraged be?” or “Is this but a manipulation of ones who are
at her Muslim faith. She sat at the back of the car, mind-controlled subjects (as both of these men were in
hoping to avoid detection and was in a state of fear. A this case) who were directed into these actions so that
woman noticed this, and she went back to the Muslim a general impression against Islamic people could
woman seated alone at the rear of the car, sat down occur, and support for the illegal actions of
beside her and proclaimed, “I’ll ride with you!” governments also be supported and served?”
What occurred afterwards was outstanding, in that When one is an observer of these events, even if
many observed this situation and many flocked to the they have tragic outcomes, one can see yet again more
back of the car to surround this woman, to support this clearly than before perhaps how these false flag events
woman, and to proclaim that they did not hold her or are orchestrated and carried out for purposes of intent
people of the Muslim faith responsible for the actions that support the Powers That Be and their agenda.
of one depraved lone gunman, and this has accelerated These false flag events become more clear and
into a grassroots movement where many Australians obvious to those who ask questions and look at the
are supporting the Muslim community, for they situation, not simply in light of the reports that are
understand that the Muslims themselves are not all streaming in, but in light of the rational mind that can
terrorists, and that the majority of them are as appalled rise above the deception and the con game that is
and upset with such an event as the Australian people underway.
are. Add to the rational mind an open heart, so that one
Thus the result at this time, but a day later is actually can feel the emotional energies, not simply those that
the opposite to what Tony Abbott and his government are manufactured to be felt: outrage, fear and sorrow
hope to achieve, this being a backlash against Muslim for the victims, but also the genuine feeling that there
people in Australia and an opening to reduce personal is something wrong about this; this feeling from
freedoms. It is seen that the government will still within, the inner feeling that this does not feel right,
proceed with this tactic, but the actual results were not and there is something ‘Rotten in Denmark’ here.
quite what they anticipated. This is favorable, for this As one sharpens one’s own abilities to perceive
shows that despite the attempts of the government and these events not in line with what is the projected
of the International Cartel of true terrorists to create intent of those who have orchestrated these events in
situations both in Canada and in Australia that would the first place, one is then able to sniff out much more
see the people unite against the Muslims and the quickly, if not immediately, these false flag events as
Islamic faith, this is not happening to the degree that they occur.
they wished for.
This event of course is still ongoing, and it now
depends on further reaction from individuals and
further supporting of Muslim people in those
countries, but this Awareness says that this is a most
positive outcome, that people do not merely buy into
what occurred as an act of terrorism by a committed
ISIS member, but in fact are actually supporting the
Muslim people themselves in a show of solidarity
against such terrorism and backlash to such terrorism
that has been orchestrated by the true terrorists, by the
puppet regimes in Canada and Australia.
This Awareness cannot say that the Prime Ministers
of these countries nor their actual governments
actually planned this. There are other agencies known
within the government and outside the government
It is very tragic that three people have lost their lives This Awareness understands that it may be
in Australia, and two in Canada, but this is all part of challenging for many to observe such events and not
the energies the ones in power are working with at this take it personally, but it is important to be neutral, to
time, to create the situations that they wish to create be an observer, and to understand that those who
that will advantage them. As one begins to see this, participated in the event had it as part of their life’s
these false flag events pop up all over that can be also plan. It was not an accident. It was not an act against
recognized: the shooting down of the Malaysian them. All have participated due to their own individual
Airliner 317 is such a false flag event, as well as the 9- soul contracts and soul purpose.
11 event several years ago. One does not need necessarily to understand the
There have been numerous false flag events over exact soul purpose of any individual caught up in these
the last decade or more even since 9-11, and it is seen events who makes the supreme sacrifice, but one must
there will be more ahead in the year 2015 as those in always remember that one is a spirit being having a
power need to accelerate these events so that they can physical experience with a purpose, with a plan and
push forward their agenda, which even includes in with an intent, even if that purpose, plan and intent is
certain timelines the event of nuclear war, a third not immediately obvious to others. To allow this is to
world war. Building up the hostility toward the allow one to step into that place of neutrality. One can
Muslim people and the Arabic world generally is part have sadness and sorrow for the alleged victims, but
of that agenda, to create a timeline where war can one must always remember that this too is part of a
erupt in that region and escalate to a worldwide event. much higher plan, a deeper plan, an individual soul
Staging these false flag events in such countries as plan, and that whatever occurred is what they had
Canada and Australia is all part of the desperation of contracted for.
those in power to create the very atmosphere they wish This is a difficult and challenging issue, but
to create so that they can launch their military nonetheless, this Awareness asks individuals who
operations and propel the world to a Third World War. observe such false flag events in the future, to
But as this Awareness has so often said, this is but one remember that those who are involved have their own
timeline, and rather than focus on such a timeline or on personal soul reasons for being involved in the first
the words of alleged experts that predict it is inevitable place, and these events can serve as educational events
to avoid such an outcome, one rather stay the course to help teach one to look through the false parameters
and stay the distance; that one rather questions those that are set up, the false storylines that are presented
actions and chooses an alternative such as what and the false purposes that are proposed by those
occurred in Australia where many Australians have alleged experts who have been making their
actively come forward to support their Muslim comments, or those government officials that are
brothers and sisters, their fellow Australians. offering a solution.
These positive outcomes can also come about with a It is necessary to attain such a balanced place of
refusal to endorse these nefarious heinous agendas and observation in such events for there will be more in
plans, and it is important in the year ahead to 2015 and perhaps beyond into 2016 that will
remember this, for as this Awareness has said, there necessitate such clarity, balance and neutrality. This
will be other false flag events. Ask questions Awareness is now complete with this Breaking News
immediately, ask whom this will serve and then opening message.
choose not to energize their plans, not to endorse and
support them, and most definitely not to believe them.
This Awareness sends Its energy to the victims in
Australia, in Canada and around the world to support
them as they return back into their spiritual being.
Know that there was a contract by these ones to be
part of this, and even though this does not justify the
actions or explain them at all of this lone gunman, it
must always be understood that those who give their
lives in such events have first and foremost a personal
reason based on their own soul’s plan for why they
have done this. Know also that these are often ones
who have committed their life to help bring about
change, not only to be used as a victim to a senseless
crime by radicals, but to spark many to look at the
situation in a different light.
This Awareness cannot discuss this matter at a deep
level at this time, for it very much also involves the
persons who have given their lives, and it would be Will The Galactic Federation Step In
very unfair for this Awareness to make overall To Stop a Nuclear War?
proclamations as to why they did what they did, why
they took part in these events, even in the giving up of QUESTIONER:
their lives. Always remember that those who lose their Thank you Awareness. With regards to the plans of
lives are not lost. They have been released from this the Powers That Be and the possible nuclear war,
third dimensional game that is fully underway and would this not be prevented by the Galactic Federation
engaged at this time, and there are those who will greet and also, wouldn’t the actions of the Powers That Be
them and shepherd them home, back to their own also be hampered by the Galactic Federation and the
divine soul/ divine spirit. Guardians?
COSMIC AWARENESS: choices and not to focus on the agendas that are
First this Awareness would remind the questioner offered to them by those in power, but rather to align
that there are many timelines, including timelines that themselves with their own intents and desires and their
see nuclear warfare and a third world war occurring. own spiritual inclination.
That is why it is important to remember that there are As an individual frees oneself of the control and
many timelines, and when a presentation is being manipulation on the unconscious levels that are
made on the televisions screens, over the radios and in imposed on individuals, one can become much more
the newspapers that a third world war is looming and able to use one’s free will to make the more positive
is being created by Islamic terrorists for an example, choices and experience those timelines of the highest
one must take this in and say, “Not on my watch!” nature. There is also contained within this the option to
One must take this in and say, “Not in my reality!” see a future where extraterrestrial beings that are
Taking this in does not mean that one accepts this. It positive toward humanity can play a part.
simply means that one takes in that one of the This is a new agenda, a new direction to go in, and
proposed timelines of the Powers That Be is a nuclear it is one that is seen by this Awareness as one that has
war and the mass-destruction of billions of beings, but high probability even if one is still going through the
it does not follow that it must be so, and that the last vestiges of the old regime and the old purpose of
extraterrestrial ones, the Galactic Federation or the those who have power for so long. Their power base is
Guardians are not there to rescue. They are there to collapsing, and many of their plans are not quite
guide and assist. working out as planned.
When a plateau of understanding and awareness is The case in Australia, and the positive reaction of
reached, the plans of those in power are being many Australians toward their Muslim brothers and
presented and they do not need to be actualized, they sisters is a case in point. This can continue to be one’s
do not need to be supported. The purpose is the Mass- personal reality as one chooses not to endorse the
Ascension of many into higher states of awareness and negative agenda but to see through it and to say, “No!
consciousness, where by choice, individual and Not on my watch! Not in my reality! Not in my life!”
collective choice can be made against such events.
The former First Lady Nancy Reagan is well known
for her famous comment, “Just say no!” This
Awareness would recommend that this attitude be the
attitude of the many, to just say no to these plans, to
say no to accepting the projections, intent and the
purpose of those in power. If one does this
individually in their own life, their own individual
experience will be that a timeline will be created that
does not have a nuclear war in it, for it is the
individual creator being that is creating his or her own
reality, and the purpose is to learn and grow in
understanding that this is so.
If those who are observing and overseeing events on
this planet simply came in like the 9th Cavalry at the
11th hour and rescued humanity and prevented nuclear
war on those timelines that are there, this would not
further the growth in understanding and awareness of CAC General Reading 12-18-2014, Will Berlinghof Interpreter;
individuals and of humanity. It is true that if certain V. Sharp, Energizer & Questioner.
levels of consciousness are reached then doorways can
be opened and assistance can be given, but it is not the GAIA / EARTH MOTHER CHOOSES TO
right of the Extraterrestrial Galactic Federation and LIVE, AND NOT TO DIE
others to simply come in and rescue.
If one can choose an alternative reality to a timeline QUESTIONER:
that has a nuclear war or Third World War, then one This is from BG in Cuttington, Georgia. The
can also choose a timeline where the assistance of question is, “I consider Gaia and the planet earth as
extraterrestrials can happen. They certainly can choose almost synonymous. Did our planet exist before Gaia
timelines where the Galactic Federation is invited in became her soul, or did the soul Gaia actually create
and experienced by those who have chosen such our planet? Assuming Gaia is eternal, as all souls, did
timelines. It may still take a time for this to manifest, she embody other planets prior to earth? If her pleas
but if one chooses this more positive timeline and for help had not been answered and the world
rejects the acceptance of the negative timelines, then continued to spiral downward, what would have
there is that possibility of direct experience with become of Gaia? Did Mars have a similar
extraterrestrial participation as part of that timeline. guardian/deity? And what became of him, her or it?
This again comes back to the matter of the Are all planets embodiments of great souls?”
individual making their own unique individual choice,
of supporting the kind of timelines that are positive, COSMIC AWARENESS:
hopeful, and the path to a new society and a new This Awareness wishes to start by drawing a parallel
world. If the Galactic Federation, the Guardians or to how it is that a soul chooses to extend a portion of
others simply came in and did it for everyone, they itself, independent in a way to the collective soul, into
would be interfering with the individual soul right of a human form, into human life for the life expectancy
growth and experience through learning from the of a soul that has chosen to experience the journey of a
events of one’s life, and deciding to make different human physical life. The collective soul extends itself
many times over in this way. Thus those who have the Therefore, in some ways it is not correct that Gaia
experience of a physical life will return back into the has lived in other planetary forms, but other aspects of
collective of the soul having had the unique experience the collective consciousness that she is part of have
of a lifetime. done so, and when she returns or when she integrates
This indicates a type of individuality that exists into her greater collective, the memory of many
while the aspect of soul chooses to have the unique brother/sister planets, stars and other forms are there
individual experience, but when that portion of the with her. She is connected to and part of the greater
soul returns, it is not lost. It does not simply merge collective, even though each strand has its own
with the collective consciousness, disappearing in the individuality at the same time.
sea of consciousness that is the soul. It will always Thus, the answer to the particular question regarding
have its own individuality, its own expression of Mars is that another strand or aspect of a great
individuality, even within the collective that is the soul collective soul being has extended itself into the planet
experience. Mars. The same applies to all other planets, moons,
Many strands exist within each collective soul. Each suns, comets, et cetera, of a physical nature that are
soul is an individual strand of consciousness, but when imbued with the great collective consciousness that is
they come together, the many strands create a single individuated and individual in nature. This is seen to
rope, if you will, and the totality of that rope is the complete this answer. If this Awareness has failed to
collective consciousness that is the soul consciousness. answer some of the individual questions, then please
Imagine the rope of a soul consciousness, then present them again.
combining it with many other ropes, many other QUESTIONER:
strands of soul consciousness, creating an even bigger
rope that is a collective again of the collective One question is: “If her pleas for help had not been
consciousness from which the soul aspect originally answered and the world continued its downward
came from. spiral, what would have become of Gaia?”
This principle extends itself many times over as COSMIC AWARENESS:
higher levels of consciousness are attained, and joined
into. There is a level of consciousness that is the There is some difficulty in exactly understanding
collective consciousness of planets, of stars, and of what the question is related to. Nonetheless, this
high celestial bodies that are seen as planets or suns or Awareness will speak on this question. As in an
stars. In this example, one can now imagine how from individual’s life and the many experiences of a life,
such a high collective consciousness there is that there are many times when things seem bleak,
strand that extends itself into a physical body that is a undesirable, and oppressive. There are choices that the
planet; in this case, the planet earth. aspect of the soul can make during those periods of
That strand could be called Gaia and it inhabits a time, including an option to vacate a life, to leave the
physical form, just as an individual aspect of the soul life, whether through an individual act where a life is
has extended itself into physicality, into a physical terminated or in the calling in of an illness, where
form. This means that Gaia existed before the physical again a life may be terminated.
form that she will occupy that enables her to have her These are options that an individual has, but there is
journey of a lifetime, a lifetime much greater in length also the option of persevering and going through those
from a temporal sense than the smaller lifetimes negatives and reaching the far side of the situation that
experienced by the aspect of soul that has a physical has been endured. Often those who choose not to
incarnation, but equivalent nonetheless in this example terminate and end their own lives will find that their
and understanding of how Gaia, the aspect of a greater lives change because they have had the strength and
collective soul chose to have a physical incarnation, fortitude and even the courage to carry on through the
chose to go through different life experiences. hard times. But it is always an option for each
One of those experiences is the hosting of life forms individual, a free choice that an individual can make as
on her exterior body and her internal body as well. to whether to continue or not.
These life forms are not only living sentient ones, but Those who choose not will abdicate the possibilities
also those that are not considered sentient, not even of further life experiences that are a much more
considered conscious, such as her mineral children, her positive nature, but they will not be condemned for
animal children and her planet children. All of this such a choice. They may be returned back into the
together comprises the greater body of Mother Earth fabric of the soul. There may be a need for healing and
that is imbued with the spirit of Gaia. Just as it is so restoration, but there is no eternal damnation for one
with the expression of a soul into many lifetimes, so it who chooses to terminate their lives. Upon such
is that Gaia is part of a collective that also extends termination, often the aspect of the soul that returns to
itself into many other planetary forms, stellar forms the higher dimensions, in a review of their lives will
and other phenomena of the cosmos. see what they missed out on, and will see that the
challenge was to stay in the life until a more natural
ending came before returning. But this is for the
education of the individual soul aspect and a
recognition of what was avoided because one chose to
end one’s life prematurely.
With Gaia, in such a situation as expressed, It could
have chosen also to terminate, to end Its life and return
back into the collective of its own greater soul, but It
chose not to. There were many times that Gaia has
been faced with such choices, whether to continue or
not, and it is true in a manner of speaking that this
particular time of her journey, where so much
negativity and oppression exists upon her surface, that
this has had a trying effect on Gaia, but she chooses THE MALAYSIAN AIRPLANE SHOT DOWN
not to abandon her journey and her purpose.
Therefore, in a manner of speaking there was never
a time that she saw this to the degree of depression and QUESTIONER:
hopelessness that many humans feel would cause them Thank you Awareness, that was very powerful. The
to terminate their lifetime, for hers is a different next question is from NC in Holland. His question
consciousness, with a different driving force behind follows, “They shot down a Malaysian airplane over
her, and it was always understood and is always the Ukraine in July. It left Amsterdam and flew over
understood by Gaia that this is all a part of an the Ukraine while the country was at war. They
evolutionary process of a life, and of a planet in this already had shot down a plane, and yet they flew over
case. Therefore, Gaia was never truly in a position of this country. They must have known that it was
being spun out or choosing the action of termination. dangerous. There were more than 100 Dutch people
This would indicate that Gaia is not as affected as killed. There is something not right about this plane
humans are who are viewing the situation and making flying over a country that is at war.
certain assumptions that Gaia might choose to vacate, Could you ask Awareness what is really going on to
depart and leave this life, her life, the life of a planet. It let a plane fly over a country that is at war?”
cannot quite be understood in human terms, but
hopefully the explanation of this Awareness will help
many to understand how it is that the collective COSMIC AWARENESS:
consciousness that is Gaia, that is part of an even
greater collective consciousness, has chosen to endure First, this Awareness would add that another
and to go through the experiences and challenges that hundred and ninety people other than Dutch citizens
she has been presented with, as it is part of her own were also on this plane, and in the end over 290 people
spiritual growth and evolution, her own journey to lost their lives in this event. One certainly can feel
higher awareness, ascension and understanding. great sadness and sorrow for those who were victims
of this tragedy, but one must go beyond this. One must
QUESTIONER: go beyond nationalities and look at this matter as being
planned by certain ones who wished to achieve certain
Thank you Awareness. That helps a lot, and there results by the killing of innocent ones.
may be more questions stemming from that, but it does
show a good case of, “As above, so below.” This was what this Awareness would call a False
Flag event. The plane was guided into Ukrainian
COSMIC AWARENESS: airspace. The normal procedure for other flights was to
That would be a very adequate way of understanding fly south of this combat zone, yet for some reason, the
this situation, and if one understands that Gaia herself Dutch air traffic controllers guided the Malaysian
is aware of the purpose and reason of her being, even Flight 317 to fly directly over an active combat zone.
if she does not always understand each and every Did these ones who directed the pilot to fly over this
detail, then it should also be so for each human who zone have an understanding of what they were doing,
themselves are going through their own challenge, to or were they doing what they themselves were ordered
remember that persevering and going through will to do?
bring one to the point of the lesson and the object and This was so, and they were ordered to do this. They
even the purpose of the lifetime. were ordered to fly this plane over this particularly
dangerous area. Who was it that ordered them to do
so? You will find that those who planned this event are
hidden in the dark mists and will not be exposed.
Perhaps the air traffic controllers will be exposed and
sacrificed, but those who planned this mission will not
be exposed, at least not in the near future. The fact
remains that this aircraft was deliberately set up, for it
was always the intent to shoot it down.
By shooting it down, accusations could then be
made against Russia and Vladimir Putin that they had
shot this plane down, that it was a Russian missile, a
Russian craft that was there to shoot this plane down.
There is much evidence now that it was not the
Russians at all that shot the plane down, and there is
evidence that Ukrainian planes were there, prepared
and waiting for this Malaysian aircraft to enter this
space so that they could shoot this down, and the
Russians would then be blamed.
The plan and purpose of this was so that the world
could accuse Russia of committing this atrocity and
sanctions could then be made against them, even
perhaps provoking a much more serious situation that
could perhaps even lead to a World War. In the end,
this did not occur, and at this time in your history it is
still not the case that Russia has been provoked into an
armed response.
There is wisdom on the side of Vladimir Putin in REGARDING THE RECENT SLAUGHTER
this matter, and there is even guidance of an
extraterrestrial nature that is guiding this man and thus OF PAKISTANI CHILDREN
Russia. But in terms of the tragedy itself, understand BY THE TALIBAN
that this is a tragic event where innocent ones were
killed purposefully for someone else’s plan, someone QUESTIONER:
who wishes the forces of great nations such as Russia, Thank you Awareness. One question about the false
the Ukraine and the United States to come to blows. flags— “Was the massacre of the Pakistan children
What also must be understood is that even though which happened just recently also a false flag event?”
there were over 290 victims, many who were children,
that these spirit beings chose this as their particular
destiny. As the soul chooses a lifetime, it is aware of This was a sad incident, the killing of over 130
the kind of events that can occur that may lead to one’s children, but it is not seen to be a false flag in the most
death, especially such great events as this. Thus, even general way of interpreting false flags, for the
though none were consciously aware that there was a Pakistani army, just a few weeks before, was engaged
choice in the matter, their soul understood the contract in a military operation against the Pakistani Taliban in
and agreed to it, and these ones partook in this flight which many of the Taliban fighters were killed, and so
partook in this event for their own spiritual soul were women and children. This recent event was a
reasons. retaliation, a blowback against the Pakistani army that
It is not up to this Awareness to explain each soul’s had launched its attack against the Pakistani Taliban
reason for attending this event and being a part of it, forces.
but be assured that those who chose to depart life in It is that which indicates the restrictive thinking; the
this manner have all returned back into the essence of focused thinking that occurs when one side opposes
their spiritual being, their soul fabric, and that none another. In this action, these Pakistani Taliban fighters
have been shut out or punished for such a choice, for saw that they were having revenge on the Pakistani
all will return eventually back into the fabric of the military by killing these children that were in the
soul, back into Divine Spiritual Consciousness, Pakistani military school. These were children whose
whether through a tragic event as this, or in the natural fathers were in the Pakistani army. There is no
course of one’s life, dying in bed for example. All will justification here at all. There is no sense to any
eventually cross that frontier and leave the physical retaliation. It is simply the brutality of restricted
behind. human minds that cannot see the greater issues.
Still, what one can gain as an observer to this event The fact that it could now be used by the Elite as a
is an insight into the machinations of those in power, way of justifying their own actions in Afghanistan,
the Elite who plan such atrocities, who are carrying Iraq and in other areas, is a fact that the Powers That
out such false flag events continuously. There has Be will try to take full advantage of. But from the view
recently been such a false flag event in Australia with of whether this event was a false flag scenario, strictly
the hostage-taking in Sydney meant to provoke a speaking, it was not.
reaction amongst the Australian people, and around
the world. There was such a false flag event in Canada WILL MALAYSIAN FLIGHT 370 EVER
approximately 2 months ago when a soldier was killed RETURN FROM THE OTHER DIMENSION?
at the National Memorial and the perpetrator of this
crime then went to the Parliament building, and QUESTIONER:
entered into it with the intent of killing more. Instead, Thank you Awareness. The next question is from
this individual was killed. KK, Silver Spring, Maryland. “Is it still worthwhile to
These two are false flag events, and even though meditate on the possibility of Malaysian Flight 370
they are on a much smaller scale, they are provoking returning?”
certain reactions, which was also the intent of the
deliberate downing of Malaysian flight 317. One can COSMIC AWARENESS:
begin to see the sacrifice of ones who have given up It is worthwhile, if KK feels it is worthwhile. This
their lives as opportunities to see beyond the Awareness has spoken of how this flight was shifted to
machinations of these ones that are mad with power another dimensional location. It is still seen that it is
and lust, for the provocation of greater response, the intent and purpose to bring this flight back and to
greater reaction, who are seeking to shepherd the many return the many that were shifted into this alternate
into the narrow holding pen of their own construction, parallel universe reality. Putting out one’s thoughts to
so that they too may be destroyed. this could still help hold the energy for such a return in
This is a far-reaching event that has great a time meaningful to those here on this planet that
implication. If one can begin to see through these false experienced this mysterious event.
flag events, one can gain great insight into how these Remember that time is understood much more
ones work—these ones in power who have no regret differently in altered reality, in higher dimensional
whatsoever for their actions and will do them again states, and even though it is the plan to return this
and again in their attempts to shepherd humanity to a plane and the passengers, the sense of timing may not
place of their choosing. It need not be so, and when coincide with real time as experienced on this planet.
one begins to understand how these ones work, one For those ones in this situation who are in this parallel
will not simply be a victim of these situations, but will reality, time is moving differently than it is here. It
make other choices and support other options and could be said that one day there is the equivalent to 10
choose alternative timelines instead of those that the to 15 days here. Thus, for these ones it has not been
Elite ones seek to lead the many into, those several months that have passed, but only several
catastrophic timelines that they are leading entities weeks.
Still, knowing this does not mean that they will COSMIC AWARENESS:
return tomorrow. So for those who feel inclined, such What is expected from this Awareness in terms of
as KK, to hold the door open in their minds and their Its comments; comments on the dream, or comments
hearts then this energy will be transmitted to that other on Nibiru?
side and to the ones who still have it as their intent to
return the plane and the passengers. It is not necessary QUESTIONER:
that KK or anyone else do a daily vigilance on this
matter. They can simply hold it in their minds and in Would Awareness comment on both?
their hearts that these ones will be returned, but that COSMIC AWARENESS:
the timing of their being returned be given to greater
forces that are active in this matter. First, the dream of course is of a very personal
This way, one can still hold a positive energetic nature to this individual and in the dream, the seeing of
future on this matter that will see them return, but also fireballs indicates some event that could possibly
a trust that those forces involved, in particular the happen that he was shown while in an altered state of
spiritual forces that are even more behind the scenes, consciousness wherein the identity and the personality
that they will be able to fulfill this when the time is of the middle self was free of the body to travel
right. It may well be that the ones that have been throughout time, and in this case to a future time
transported off planet into an alternative parallel where it saw this phenomena of fireballs coming
reality may find that they spend a couple of years there through the atmosphere.
by their time reckoning, but upon returning may well It is interesting that in recent times many have been
find that more than several years have passed on this seeing fireballs in the skies, and thus there is a portion
planet at this particular time, or more accurately, in of this dream seen by the individual of a future that is
this real time. currently seemingly starting to manifest itself. But this
Thus, be patient, and trust and understand that one does not mean that this is an earth extinction event. It
may or may not be around when the flight is returned is simply an event that is tied in to other events that
and the passengers brought back. were seen by the individual in the dream, including a
more personal portion of the dream wherein he saw a
‘53 blue Ford truck in the farmyard.
This could be understood to represent a congruity of
experience for this individual; that he tied a future
event with his own personal life and the truck itself
represented a connection to his past, and thus to his
life, and remembering this truck and the fact that it
needed to be fixed up may be an indication to the
individual himself to attend to his own health and
welfare, for the truck could be said to represent him,
and in a time when the challenge of these fireballs and
other events came to pass, it would be appropriate for
him to have a vehicle in good running order for
whatever purpose, mostly to take him through those
This is a general message thus for many who may
look at their own physical being and decide to assist
their own physical being by eating well, natural
organic foods for example, by taking in supplements
that may assist one in bringing better health and well-
being, and by cleansing and clearing the body if
A DREAM OF FIREBALLS required through fasting or other means. This all has to
& A 1953 FORD PICKUP do with an understanding of those challenging times
that are coming and are even now present, that one’s
(MORE ON NIBIRU) own health and well-being is one’s own personal
responsibility and has always been so since the
QUESTIONER: beginning of their lifetime, when one has advanced to
Thank you Awareness. The next question is from that place where they take responsibility for
RC, Hillman, Tennessee. His question is, “I’ve been themselves.
thinking of a dream in my youth when I saw balls of Generally speaking, mental attitude and emotional
fire raining out of the sky in a Northwest direction. I attitude are also of extreme importance in this matter:
saw a blue 1953 Ford pickup still sitting in the same the taking care of one’s own health and one’s own
place on our home farm. I always wanted to fix the well-being. This old dream that was experienced a
pickup but never did. 1953 was the year I was born, so long time ago, thus still has relevancy to these times
I felt a need to have it going. I thought that time is and therefore, even though this is a most personal
close to the end, and my dream haunts me. Awareness dream, its implication can be generalized for others to
has said that everybody has their lifetime. I don’t remember their own vehicle and their own beliefs and
know. their own emotional content at a time when there may
On Coast To Coast a few nights ago, a guest talked be very challenging events occurring on earth and
about earth’s orbit running into the tail of Nibiru on or even above the planet.
about December 21st. It would be the debris from its This brings this Awareness to the matter of Nibiru.
path, and I think he said we would have four The shooting stars that are seen, the flaming pieces
encounters from this. Would Awareness comment?” viewed in the dream can of course then be tied into the
debris field that the planet earth will allegedly pass The Nibiru Issue
through, and thus bits of debris may be those flaming
fireballs coming down upon the planet. This is another QUESTIONER:
connection that this individual has made with the Thank you Awareness. I appreciate that answer, as
dream and with a possible timeline scenario. It would I’m sure the member will. It also occurs to me that
then make sense, and would also explain the because the planet has become light, that this might
individual’s anxiety over this event, for it ties him into have helped with the Nibiru issue.
that dream once had.
However, this Awareness will say, although there is COSMIC AWARENESS:
seen to be a timeline where the earth passes through This is so. The Nibiru issue, the matter of Nibiru and
such a debris field of such a planetoid as Nibiru, it is the timelines once seen as being very concrete, very
not seen by this Awareness that it will occur on the 21 st powerful and not being denied, have lost their hold
of December of this year. It does not mean that at a and do not have the strength and power, due to many
future time such an event may not occur. It is simply circumstances and events that have occurred,
seen by this Awareness at this point, a few days away including, as you have stated, the lightening up of
from the 25th of December, that this particular timeline Mother Earth, Gaia.
has been altered and shifted, and even though at one
time it was sensed and even dreamt about does not A BUBBLE OF LIGHT
mean that it will now occur.
Timelines shift continuously and even more
importantly choices shift constantly. Thus, the choice QUESTIONER:
that was faced as a child or as a young adult who had Thank you Awareness. I have one other question
such a dream may be valid at that time, but due to that is about a feeling. This one is from JG in San
other choices, other events along the path of one’s Francisco, CA. She says, “In the Seventies, I was
lifetime may well alter a perceived reality once dreamt walking down the main street of a small Midwestern
of. It appears to this Awareness that this is the case town. I had the distinct feeling of a bubble of light
here, and even though there may have been one on permanently being put around me. I was amazed and
Coast To Coast who vehemently asserted and holds bewildered and thought perhaps it was a bubble of
that this event will happen on December 21st, it is not protection from good forces. I wondered the other day
seen or perceived by this Awareness that this event if maybe this was a bubble from forces not so friendly
will occur. to me. Would Awareness please comment?"
It is seen that the individual who was presented on
this program simply holds this as a timeline of COSMIC AWARENESS:
experience that he has been focused on for a long time, It is seen immediately by this Awareness that this
and it tunes in to and ties in to the questioner’s old bubble of light is a spiritual bubble that is a protective
dream and the timeline once seen in that dream, but it energy shield around this individual, and it is not seen,
does not at this time to this Awareness seem to be that although she may be sensing other matters, that this
which holds much energy. As Awareness has just said, was an event of a negative nature, even at this time.
choices have been made, timelines have shifted and Thus, it is not seen by this Awareness that this is a
this particular catastrophic timeline is not seen as one negative force that surrounds her. It is still seen that it
that will come to completion on the 21st of December. is a high order event, high protection, high energy of
One must also remember that the path of Nibiru has her own spiritual nature, of her own composite being
been blocked and that it has been held captive in an that has sent this bubble to her, and it has surrounded
altered phase, in an alternative dimension for several her ever since.
years, and this is seen as that which changed this The matters she is concerned with have little to do
course of action, this particular timeline. This with this creative force that surrounds her, this
completes the answering of this question. protective force that she is in, and the matter of her
anxiety has more to do with certain thoughts and
beliefs that are held that she needs to examine. She can
call into her life, and anyone can call into one’s life the
assistance and guidance of one’s Higher Self, one’s
spiritual forces. Thus in this case she can call to those
protective ones for their assistance and guidance, even
in clearing attachments that may be there from
previous times, even before such a bubble surrounded
her, or because of opening her mind and her
possibilities to negative energies, that they may have
entered through even this protective bubble, even
though it is generally seen that this has been placed
there for her general protection.
However, it is the equivalent of being in a house and
putting locks on the front door to keep the dark ones
out, to keep criminals out, but leaving the back door
wide open. No burglar alarm will sound if one has left
the back door open, and in this case it appears that
there is an open back door, and she can cleanse the
house and drive out the forces that she is apprehensive
of, and she can do this with the assistance of her own
High Self, her own spiritual composite being. She In this matter of calling in, of invoking such a force,
must simply ask for help and intervention and one can work with that force and energy of one’s own
protection; the protection that is already in place. spiritual nature. What of course is the problem for
Most have such a protection around them, but due to most is that they do not believe it. They are negative.
a lack of awareness or understanding, do not realize They think perhaps this is simply one’s imagination.
that even though such protective forces are there, are Imagination is a powerful force, but it can easily be
available, they can do little if one opens a back door or negated when one thinks that this action of calling in
side entrance to negative energies and negative forces. protection, the light and love of one’s own spiritual
Such back doors can be opened through drug use, being and Divine Spirit Itself is null and void and has
alcoholism, severe depression and other events that no effect, is meaningless and only the desire of a
may open such a back door. This is one reason why rambling irresponsible mind.
one must be vigilant in one’s own life journey. This Yet, this could not be further from the truth. It is part
does not mean that one cannot have fun on one’s of that dumbing down of society, of humanity, where
journey, but when one engages in negativity, when one humans have been taught that they are victims, that
engages in substance abuse, when one dallies in they are powerless and cannot expect the Spirit of
decrepit or corrupt practices, this does open many back Divine Source to attend them, to respond to them. But
doors. again, this could not be further from the truth. It does
It is true that the life that much experience in these however require that one engages in this practice and
modern times has many opportunities for the opening holds that it is so that one is a much more complex
of such doors, but there is that supreme wisdom that is creation than most believe and most are taught.
also in play if one chooses to use this supreme It means stepping beyond the boundaries of belief
wisdom, if one chooses to seek a higher solution and that are commonly held by the majority, that fully
higher guidance. This guidance, this protective force, expect others to save them or take care of them, be it
this loving energy of one’s own spiritual being is the force of a government, a family, the voice and
always available, but it is difficult for such force of a friend or spouse, or the force of a religion.
consciousness to have any effect if one does not But ultimately that true force of Spirit lies within you,
understand this or apply it, or work with it. for each and every one of you are Spirit having this
Therefore, in the end, even though this individual experience, having this power, this force that requires
may be having such problems, such anxiety, it is still one to acknowledge that it is so, to believe that it is so,
her choice whether to invoke those higher energies of and to live as if it is so, for it is so.
her own being to assist in the process of clearing or
not. This Awareness can only conclude by saying that IS RADIATION AS DEADLY AS WE ARE
she is protected. There is that energy of her own TOLD BY THOSE WHO ARE IN CHARGE?
Divine Being that surrounds her and she can evoke it,
and call it in. She can invoke this energy as well, and
by doing so, put to rest the anxiety she is feeling Thank you. This next question is from DS in Utah.
because she will have dealt with it. The question is, “Former Inspector of Nuclear Waste
Material Galen Winsor says that the media has lied
Surrounding Yourself With Light Bubbles about the long-term effects of radiation from nuclear
QUESTIONER: power plants. Mr. Winsor even showed himself
ingesting radioactive material and claims it has no
Thank you Awareness, and we can all surround adverse effects upon his body. Is Mr. Winsor himself
ourselves with these Light bubbles. Is this correct? lying or telling the truth? Has the cabal-controlled
media been lying in order to capture all the uranium
and plutonium because of its big dollar value, or is the
This is correct, but this Awareness must still danger of radiation leakage at Three Mile Island,
emphasize that you already are surrounded by such Hanford Washington, Chernobyl, and Fukushima a
living forces, such high spiritual energies. When one real concern?”
invokes this, when you call this in, it simply There are two YouTube videos listed from DS, one
acknowledges one’s own realization that one is a high is ‘The Nuclear Scare Scam’, and the other is ‘A Free
spiritual being, but one is also a part of a collective Nuclear Economy.’
nature. In other words each and every entity has more
than what they think they have and are more than what COSMIC AWARENESS:
they think they are.
This Awareness would say that a can of worms may
be opened here, if one asserts that Galen Winsor is
correct and there is nothing to fear about radiation, for
such is the conveyance of this matter to the public,
such is the belief of the public now that radiation is
deadly, that to endorse this individual, and to claim
that this individual is correct, would cause a fervor,
would cause many to question whether this Awareness
is correct or not in stating that radiation is harmless.
This Awareness cannot state that radiation is
harmless, but It can state that there is more involved
here than the mass-presses are putting out, than the
experts are explaining or claiming. It is seen for
example, that there are technologies that can cancel
radiation. It is seen that this individual who has made
such claims has knowledge of such technology and
employed this technology so that he could do his party
trick. It is also seen by this Awareness that this man already available that can cancel and nullify the more
genuinely seeks to speak truth to the public, as he harmful effects of radiation, but many are being
understands truth, as he believes this truth to be. shepherded here, as they have been over the smoking
Therefore, it is not seen by this Awareness that this issue, to see this matter as having the direst of
man is deliberately trying to con people in this matter, consequences, with fatal results.
but to genuinely awaken them to the fact that radiation This individual is trying to shake people out of this
is perhaps not the evil it is being portrayed as. It is true thinking and to make them realize that radiation is not
that there is a deception that is occurring by certain what it is claimed to be, just as smoking cigarettes is
ones who have as their objective the destruction of not what it is claimed to be. In this, it is an unpopular
many human lives through high radiation poisoning, standpoint, and many refuse to believe this individual,
and the belief in radiation and its most harmful effect and refuse to believe that perhaps there is technology
is detrimental to individuals, for holding such a belief that can neutralize radiation. It is a difficult subject to
will of course energize such beliefs and radiation speak on because of this. So even though this
would be most harmful. Awareness can say on one level that radiation itself is
This Awareness will take a sidetrack here for a not as damaging as it is being explained to be, this
moment. Many now believe that smoking is harmful Awareness understands that many would resist this
for the individual. Those who are smokers now often and would not be in agreement with this.
experience scorn and ridicule from nonsmokers. They Therefore, all this Awareness can ultimately say is
are told repeatedly that smoking is evil, and is bad. that there is more here than meets the eye. This
Even second-hand smoke is harmful and it is generally individual is genuinely trying to shake people out of a
the consensus that this is so, that smoking causes belief that radiation is extremely harmful, and he has
cancer, and tobacco is evil and harmful. done what could be understood to be a stage trick to
Yet, if this Awareness were to state that smoking in show people that radiation is not so harmful. It is
itself may not be what it is portrayed to be, if this certainly not recommended that one take a spoonful of
Awareness were to say that tobacco is the king of the uranium in, for it is seen that the frequencies and
teacher plants and it is held high and has always been vibrations of uranium are different than the
held high by shamans, by ones who know the Divine frequencies and vibrations of the human body, and it
Spirit of tobacco as being a sacred plant; that smoking would be harmful taking in uranium in this way.
may have a high energy involved in raising However, the frequency of radiation in the air from
consciousness, that many would find this to be the earth is always available and present. Radon is a
difficult to swallow, and yet, it is so. radioactive substance that many live with without even
What makes smoking dangerous is not the plant knowing that this is so. It is seen that this situation will
tobacco, but rather the many chemicals that are added become more and more an issue, especially with the
to the plant during the process of making cigarettes. directing of weather patterns over Fukushima to pick
Over three thousand chemicals at various stages of the up the radiation there and to drive this up into the high
production of a cigarette are added to a cigarette, so it Arctic and then to drive it down into the United States
is the many toxic chemicals that have also been through HAARP technology, the manipulation of
sprayed upon the plant, put in the paper, the filter, the weather patterns, so that Arctic vortices can bring the
glue, et cetera, that is harmful and dangerous. radiation deep into the heartland of the United States
of America, and also of course Canada.
This Awareness is not condoning cigarette smoking.
It is not saying one must smoke, but It is also saying
that there is much more involved in this matter than is
commonly understood. Holding a belief is also of great
importance here. Holding the belief that tobacco
smoking is so harmful and dangerous can set up the
experience of being harmed by tobacco, even second
hand smoke of tobacco, and very few would accept
that it is not so. Even those who are smokers often buy
into this belief and are then setting themselves up for
negative results.
If one could smoke a cigarette without the toxic
chemicals, if one could smoke a cigarette in reverence
to the consciousness that exists, the diva that is
tobacco, then one would not necessarily have the more
negative experience most believe that tobacco will
bring. Again, this Awareness is not recommending that
people start to smoke. Generally speaking it would be
better for the majority not to smoke if they hold such
beliefs, but for those who smoke with an awareness This would seem to be a most detrimental situation,
and understanding, this act of smoking would not a highly dangerous situation, and for those who are
necessarily bring the claimed results that the experts doing this with intent and purpose, it is the purpose
are speaking of and the public has come to believe in. and hope to radiate many and cause the death and
This is a side-path, but now this Awareness will illness of many. For this to be so, it must be solidly
return back to this matter of radiation. This Awareness accepted that radiation is deadly, and that people
spoke several years ago that the radiation of believe this to such a degree that encountering
Fukushima would not be the great calamity that many radiation will have a perilous and deadly effect for
claimed at the beginning that it would be, and now many. It is true however that it can have such a deadly
many more are claiming this also. There is technology effect.
If one begins to shift their own frequencies, their It is a challenging answer and this Awareness simply
own vibrations, and if one understands that part of asks one and all to be open, not necessarily to believe
what is occurring is the manipulation of the mind and this Awareness. Perhaps research this matter further.
of beliefs and of understanding how such things work Look into radiation, watch this video, do more
then this Awareness could say that radiation is research and then come to your own conclusions. This
harmless if one can shift one’s thinking, shift one’s Awareness is now truly complete with this question.
body and frequencies of the body, one’s vibrations of
the heart and of spirit.
If one raises oneself up in this way, perhaps WHAT ABOUT 'THE COUNCIL OF LIGHT'
radiation, as it is now perceived, as it now is BY DANIELLE RAMA HOFFMAN?
understood will have no effect whatsoever. However,
this is not necessarily that which can be attained QUESTIONER:
lightly or easily by the many, and many have bought Thank you Awareness. Our final question is from
into the falseness of the evil of radiation, its power and MB, Logan, Utah. She asks, “I recently have been
capacity to harm. This is a difficult area to discuss, for reading a book called 'The Council of Light' by
many will simply not be able to accept that radiation is Danielle Rama Hoffman. It seems very enlightening
not deadly, is not that which must be avoided. and helpful to me. I wonder if Awareness can
Yet, it is seen by this Awareness that this threat is comment about it. Is it genuine? I wonder about it in
still not quite what it seems to be and there are ones my mind.”
such as this individual Galen Winsor who have
attempted to show the masses that this is not the truth COSMIC AWARENESS:
of the matter. In the end, it is hoped that more There are many councils, and many entities, and
information will begin to present itself that will show there are many beings that provide enlightening insight
the truth of this matter. At this time, all this Awareness and awareness. This 'Council of Light' appears to
is willing to say is to be prepared to think of this in have information that has relevancy and is of a
other ways. Do not go down that dark path of spiritual nature, and if it helps this individual in her
believing that radiation is so deadly and so inescapable own journey for enlightenment, understanding and
and that the world is being irradiated beyond measure, awareness, then this Awareness would say that for her,
for it is not quite what it seems to be. this 'Council of Light' has significance and meaning,
This Awareness will speak on this matter at another but this Awareness would nonetheless recommend an
time, when more energy is available to speak on it open attitude, and a neutral stance.
more fully. It is simply hoped that at this time that this This Awareness would recommend that you
wandering explanation of this Awareness on this question all. Look further. Look to other sources and
matter and the introduction of the example of smoking in particular, develop your own inner source. Develop
helped many to understand that it is certainly what is one’s own inner source to check and crosscheck
projected to be true that manipulates the mind and the against those who make claims or provide information.
beliefs held by the many that create certain situations This Awareness has always maintained that it is
that are authentic, but nonetheless false, nonetheless always expected even of the information, advice and
manipulated for the intent and purpose of creating insights of this Awareness that It too be questioned,
harm and confusion. examined and balanced on the scale of individual
choice and understanding.
If one does so, then even if it comes to light later
Thank you Awareness, that was very, very that the source one felt such inspiration from is a
interesting. I look forward to hearing more and more source of disinformation or a group that has an ulterior
about it later. motive, then you will not be dragged into the deepest
pits because of this, nor will you be dragged down a
side path by fully accepting and believing the words of
If at this time this answer as wandering as it might one, or a group that states, “This or that is so!”
have been causes people to think about matters, to When one takes such information and weighs it up
question such things, then some purpose will have within their own being, when one finds that balance
been served indeed. There is one last point this within oneself that allows one to be objective, but
Awareness would add for those who do believe there open nonetheless, then one will walk one’s own path
is a threat in radiation. and will acquire from whatever source that which is
There are several substances that one can take to valuable on one’s journey and will reject the chaff, the
assist the body in handling radiation. One is the use of debris of that which is not of worth or consequence.
iodine, and especially Niacin, and other high sources This is true with 'The Council of Light'. There is
of iodine. The substance Miso is also that which is seen to be something truly spiritual and inspirational
considered to help handle radiation, and these two and of a high order, but one must look deeper into the
substances would be recommended by this Awareness motives of this group. Who are they? What are they?
to help the body to cope with new frequencies that are What is their purpose? One can be open to teachings
coming in at this time. from whatever source and take the highest of those
This would even include Cosmic Radiation that is teachings and use it for oneself, but this does not mean
also entering the planet, that which is another that one must believe all that is delivered, for this is a
frequency, another vibration of a higher nature that is common way of misdirecting and misguiding, bringing
also entering into the planet’s atmosphere and into the forth bits and pieces, perhaps even pure jewels of
body of Mother Earth. These two substances: iodine information and understanding, and one’s hook
and Miso could be very beneficial to the body. This dragging the individual off on a side path of
Awareness feels complete with the answer at this time. misdirection and misguidance.
Thus, with this group there is that which this Many think it is the Celts and the Druids in
Awareness would say is not to be trusted, but again, particular who raised the stones of Stonehenge and
this does not mean that certain of their offerings do not other megalithic works, but in fact they were already
have value and worth, especially to this individual. standing there when they arrived, and they took over
from those who were called the megalith builders, who
CAC General Reading 11-3-2014 Will Berlinghof Interpreter; V. preceded them. There was a vacuum, and they filled
Sharp Energizer and Questioner this vacuum and became those who carried on the
traditions of the megalith builders.
WHO WERE THE DRUIDS AND WHERE Their priestcraft, the Druids themselves were able
DID THE CELTS COME FROM? to receive the teachings of the ones that came before,
and there were still ones of those known as the
megalith builders who lived at that time, to teach these
Druids their religion. It was not so much a religion per
se, but their secret teachings. They taught the Druids
also how to work with the energies of the sites that
they now took over. It is also true that the Druids
themselves later built other sites as well and expanded
on existing sites, but they were given the secret from
the ones who went before of how to levitate stone,
QUESTIONER: how to tune in to Mother Earth to find the energy
places and how to align the stones and how to use
Thank you Awareness, that was very interesting! those sites that were already in existence, such as
The next question is from BS, in Denver, Colorado. Carnac, such as at Avebury and Stonehenge and many
The question is, “Those of us who are blond or other locations.
redheads with blue-green eyes would like to hear more
about those who are probably our ancestors, and what For all intents and purposes, these immigrants to
relationship do the Druids have to the Celts, who these regions became connected to the earlier ones and
probably came later? How did the class system of the to the earth itself, the places of sacredness that they
Druids evolve within the Celtic culture? Did the Celts themselves held to be sacred, that they themselves
spread over most of Europe or were they mostly discovered and worked with. As to the order of the
concentrated in France, England and Ireland?” Druids, this was a very complex matter, and they did
not have a hierarchy such as is common now where
There are many questions here. Would you like me the leader, for example in the Catholic Faith, the Pope
to say them one at a time? is at the top of the pyramid of power, with others
COSMIC AWARENESS: below him who fill the niches of the structure. There
was a type of hierarchical order, but this was based on
This Awareness will simply move into the the abilities of the individual Druids.
answering of the questions. If a question is not The concepts of Druidism that are now practiced and
answered, you may represent it. Those who are known put forth are not at all the way of things with those
as the Celts in actuality came from that part of Central who were the Druids in these historical times. The
Europe that is now known as Hungary. They came to modern Druids are the fabrication of fantasy held by
Hungary from part of what is known as India, but the one man, who presented his version of Druidism and
Celtic people, and the ancestors of the Celtic people in its hierarchical structure. Those who were the Druids
particular, started their journey westward from that of that time moved up in their ranking not because
Central European area now known as Hungary. they were deemed to be important as men of power,
They eventually arrived in the Northern regions of but rather because of their skills, abilities and talents.
France and then crossed the English Channel and even There were Druids who were simply like priests,
the Irish channel to the country that is now known as who would serve the everyday needs of the people.
Ireland. When these migrating people came, they There were others who developed their skills in order
brought their priestcraft with them, those who would to communicate with Mother Earth or with the stars.
later become known as the Druids. When they reached There were others who learned the deepest secrets of
the areas of Northern France, and then subsequently the places of power and holiness, the special power
England and Scotland, and Wales and even Ireland, places, the sites such as Stonehenge, and could work
they found that there existed already at these locations with those energies. Stonehenge for example, was a
great megalithic works, great stone works. portal for interdimensional travel and communication,
and there were ones who were able to access the
power of Stonehenge and work with its
interdimensional capacity.
Then there were others who were deemed to be
leaders, and these ones, if one uses a hierarchical
structure, would be the ones who were at the top of a
pyramid of power. But it was still not seen quite this
way, for those who were leaders were also considered
to be the servant of all others. It was just that their
capacity for leadership marked them for such roles. It
was not that they held that the one at the top was of
greater importance than the ones on the bottom; it was
more a circle, and everyone had his or her place in the
At this point, this Awareness would also emphasize This came about not simply because one had been a
that while the Druids were known to have been men, Druid for 20 or 30 years and moved into it, but rather
there was a female equivalent, that of the order of was a classification of the merit of the individual, of
Wicca, which is now understood to be witchcraft, but their skills, talent and capacity, and there were far
these female Druids did not practice witchcraft, as it is fewer Merlins for example than there were Starlings,
now known; they were healers. They were midwives. which would be more a ranking of a lower Druid, even
They knew the herbal lore, how to heal with plants and though a Sparrow or a Starling could learn more, for
with energies. the Druids always learned. They took a long time to
Thus it is that while the Druids are remembered even become a Druid or a Wicca, and they always
and the women who were their equivalent are continued to learn and they could move into other
forgotten, in truth there were holy men and holy categories as their wisdom and capacity increased.
women as well. In their classification of the different This is how the Druids structured themselves. It is
rankings and the different capacity of the different not a structure that is understood as much now, but it
Druids, the animal world, especially the bird world, made sense to these ones and it was how things
was very important in their classification system. Thus worked. As to the matter of the red-haired, green-blue
it is that a leader would take a classification of an eyed people, these were some of those who preceded
animal to designate who that person was, the talents the Celts, who came before and were there already.
and skills that person possessed and worked with. This Awareness would say that this was the old race,
the old ones. In Ireland, these were known as the
Tuatha Dé Danann but there are traditions of these
blonde and especially red-haired blue-green eyed ones
all over Europe and even in North America, and they
are connected to the mounds of the Eastern parts of the
United States of America and other areas as well.
Therefore, these ancient ones had been there for a
long time preceding the immigration and migration of
the Celtic people to the lands to the West. They were
ones who came from that continent of Atlantis and had
taken up residence in these dispersed areas after the
sinking of that continent, where a dispersal of these
people occurred, and they went to colonies that already
existed in the time of Atlantis, and when that continent
sank, these colonies became independent separate
areas where these ones already existed.
These were considered to be ones of knowledge
and magic and these were also the ones this Awareness
referred to a short while ago as being there when the
Druids and the Wicca came to these lands and taught
them. They intermarried and blended their genes with
the Celts and the genes of these ones still are on the
planet at this time, and those who have red hair,
blonde hair, green eyes and blue eyes are part of that
genetic legacy.
These ones are also known for their blood type, in
particular the RH Negative blood types, and these ones
are still understood and known by ones who have such
knowledge as being of the ancient races, the ancient
peoples. This completes this answer, but this
Awareness is open to any questions that It failed to
Many are aware of the name ‘Merlin’ and that he answer.
was a late Druid who served King Arthur, but the truth
of the matter is that Merlin was simply a designation
of rank and capacity of the one who held that title.
There were many Merlins and there were others who
were Ospreys or Hawks or other designations, but the
one who was ‘Merlin’ often was one who became a
Grand Leader, for the Merlin represented one who had
the capacity to do much, that which would now be
called ‘magic.’
It was not only magic, it was knowing—the
knowing how to communicate with Spirit, how to
travel interdimensionally, how to draw up the energies
of Mother Earth, and how to lead. This classification
of ‘Merlin’ therefore, is one of many classifications
and there were again, many Merlins, as there were
many other Druids who were classified according to
their power animals or the structure of that category of
those who would be the Osprey or the Hawk or the
But even the Romans could not bring down the
wilder Scotts and Picts of the Northern lands, who
Thank you Awareness. I don’t see any questions that were much more aligned with Mother Earth and were
BS asked that you didn’t answer, however, I wonder, it more basic in their being and their lifestyles. The time
seems like a very ideal framework as far as the power of the Druids had come to an end, and many of them
structure, and I’m wondering two things: one) Is that retreated North or went into hidden regions and areas,
where the earth is heading now? And two) it seems went through the dimensional gateways and left the
like many of these people are being reincarnated now planet earth, for it was a new time and the history of
in order to accomplish this. Is this true? the people was to go in a new direction, and the classic
time of the Druids, their institutes, colleges and ways
came to a conclusion.
But there are still ones who carried on the traditions.
They went underground, became hidden, but this is
another story. For now, this Awareness is complete
with its story of the Druids, the Celts, the megalith
builders, the Tuatha Dé Danann.

CAC General Reading, 12-2-2014, Will Berlinghof Interpreter;

V. Sharp Energizer & Questioner


Thank you. The next question is from JG in San
Francisco. She sent an article, and I’ve summed this
up. She wants to know if this article is accurate. The
More on the History of the Star People: the summation is: In an interview on WIDS radio with Jay
Tuatha Dé Danann Widener, he has stated that the Archons and the
Anunnaki are the same. It was also stated that the
COSMIC AWARENESS: Archons have far-reaching effects on everyday lives of
It could be understood this way. What must be most humans, from government, television, movies, et
realized is that these megalith builders, the Tuatha Dé cetera, and have had such an influence for over 2,000
Danann, the red-haired blue-green eyed ones are years. They actually manipulate our perception of
implanted in the genetic stock of this planet. Their reality.
knowing understood, their association and alignment It also discusses the Gnostics and the Nag Hammadi
with not only Mother Earth, but with Father Sun, with texts. Is this article accurate or could Awareness
the stars above, understood the interdimensional levels provide more information about this topic?
of consciousness, how to use portals to go to other
places. These ones ultimately were also those who COSMIC AWARENESS:
were Star Beings, even though, as this Awareness has This article is very accurate, and very perceptive.
said, they could trace their own living ancestry back to This Awareness does not need to add more to this
Atlantis. But before Atlantis, there were ones who article. It recommends that this article be made
came from the stars and seeded the Atlantean ones. available to those who have interest in it, or at least a
This eventually became corrupted by certain ones of link can be provided for those who wish to do further
the Archonic nature who took over, deceived and research and read this article.
misled the people, guided their sciences into dark areas The Anunnaki/Archons are indeed one and the same,
that eventually led to the collapse of this nation and of as are the Orions, the Reptilian ones, as are the 13
this continent. But the ones that are here now, are here families and the 1% that control this planet. They have
by choice and have as part of their inner purpose for been around for a long time, much longer than two
being, the purpose of helping to regain what once was. thousand years. Several hundred thousand years would
The ones who were the megalith builders, the builders be more accurate. They have been involved in past
of the stone sites, the wooden henges, the sacred walls; civilizations such as Atlantis and in ancient
these ones practiced what could be called Earth Magic, civilizations such as Greece, Egypt, and most
but it was not magic to them. It was knowledge. definitely the Roman Empire.
It was a knowledge of how to actively interface with
the living consciousness of the planet herself and to
live in harmony and in alignment with Mother Earth,
and the ones who came after the Celts took up this
tradition, learned from their teachers, the ones who
had this knowledge, this magic, and thus were also
able to work with this magic. But with time, these ones
became degraded, and thus when the Romans invaded
Celtic Europe and Celtic England, the ones who were
the Druids no longer had as much magic or knowledge
as once was, and could not prevent the tide of invasion
represented by the Romans who invaded the country
of England.
They have been involved in the events and
circumstances of control for the last several thousand Cosmic Tarot
years, directly from the Babylonian times, and there Key Number Twelve - The Hanged Man
are certain ones who now compose what are known as
the Black Princes of Northern Italy, the Elite Royal
Family of Europe and North America as well.
These ones are still ones who are very much in
control, these Archons that have been around for so
long. This is why the times now are so critical, for
more and more information is being brought out about
the Archons, the Anunnaki, the ET’s, the Power Elite,
the Illuminati, the Cabal—the many, many names: the
Luciferian ones, the Satanic ones; many secrets are
now being exposed. The history is being revealed of
these ones and how they have dominated and
manipulated for so very long.
It must be always understood that these ones, these
Archon ones are not of human background, even
though they may occupy earthly human bodies. They
are extraterrestrial in their origin and have been the
manipulators, the dominators, and the dictators behind
the screen for so very long. This article and other
articles are highly recommended by this Awareness.
It is also recommended that those who are interested
in learning even more go to the Exopolitics site of
Alfred Webre and view many of the interviews that he This Awareness indicates that this as the moment
has recorded. The interview with Leuren Moret is of truth. This Awareness indicates this on many
especially revealing about the Jesuit connection and levels. This reading being conducted on the Tarot, the
how deep this runs and how tied up it is in the rule and Hanged Man, on July 10th, 1972, as linking the outer
ownership of humanity by the Archon ones, these and inner planes. That which has been building on the
Elite, these Royal Families, et cetera. inner plane is now in suspension, that which has been
This would be very enlightening for many. This building on the outer plane as that which is in
Awareness will of course always add: Ask questions, suspension, and that these two planes do now wait in
be open, but be willing to dig, be willing to question, suspension with looking, with a deep realization of
be ready to be shocked and amazed by the secret themselves in reflection to the other.
history of these Archonic ones. This Awareness is The inner and outer planes merging and coming
complete with Its answer. into reflection, into view of each other, as that which
has been building for centuries on this earth. This is
the larger meaning of the Book of Revelation. The
movement down through time to this point is the
action between polarities as given in the Qabalah, this
as action between the church and those who would
This is related to the Qabalistic system that comes
from Babylonian and Hebrew times, through
economics and through church and religious and
political intrigues. This movement up to this time as
having reached this point wherein that entire trip is
now standing in suspension. This Awareness indicates
that the waiting is that which is looking and shall soon
burst forth into a new direction.
This then moves toward the Death card. The
Death means change. The old structure, the old way
shall begin to fall and change. Suspended mind, the
Hanged Man, is that setting aside of structure,
allowing structure to fall. The structure that has built
from Egypt to present tine through all these religious
and political and philosophical concepts which have to
do with structuring and controlling and regimentation,
as that which deals with mind. Being has but three
parts. There is the Holy Trinity that creates being. The
fourth part added to being is will, and this is mind.
When this fourth part is added, being then begins to
relate and begins to create relationships that deal with
structuring and association.
more definite, the more separate, the more defined the
thing is. In the more intense spiralings, these things
become what is termed the material of the physical
This Awareness indicates that this spiraling in
consciousness is the magnetic center that Ouspensky
speaks of. This magnetic center creates that drawing
force which pulls in the energies that it desires to reach
its own fulfillment. This drawing force is that which is
appetite, that this is desire, and that desire is will, that
will is direction, and that direction is mind.

This Awareness indicates that mind is the builder.

Mind has built and does hold all form in its position
and shape. The suspension of mind for one moment
would allow all form to dissolve as in a dream, and
this dissolving of form would flow away, wherein all
matter would dissolve and nothing would be
materialized, as nothing would matter. In the
suspension of mind, in that time a totally new creation
could take place.
When there is a co-creative action in mind, wherein
all involved have something to say about what this This is the Father, that this is the fourth card of
new creation shall be, there shall be less hierarchy the Tarot, the Emperor. This is the force which directs
systems, and this will eliminate completely any and tries to control the expression of form and
hierarchy systems, and all will be participants in the imagery. The mind is dealing with the form world.
action. The action will be with complete regard and The Magician deals with that which is behind form.
understanding for each other's rights and vibratory This is a matter of how deeply into the spiral one
rates and levels of being. moves. The more specialized a point is, the more into
This is likened unto seeing droplets of oil on the spiral, the whirlpool, that point has moved.
water, which do not violate each other, but come close Entities whose consciousness moves into extreme
enough to where they contact and do reach pointedness, extreme spiral whirlpool forces, are those
communicative levels. In the old ways, the droplets of who become specialists and narrow in their view.
oil would be devoured by another droplet, or directed There are ways in which entities can become narrow in
by another stream. Wherein this takes place in this some views and broad in others.
manner, entities may visualize this co-creativeness as This Awareness indicates that you visualize a
forces of energies. cone. This cone is symbolic of the whirlpool, the
This Awareness indicates that you visualize a magnetic center, the spiraling of energies into a point.
stream flowing through time and space, that this This cone contains within it other cones sticking out of
stream is flowing from all directions, and that you are these other cones—these as layers, this as in layers of
in a sense beneath an ocean of water in space. This cones wherein you may visualize a series of cones, one
water is the ocean of Akasha that fills all space, which inside another, having different base dimensions.
is the life force itself. This is the stream of Visualize these now as spiral energies moving toward
consciousness. This is the stream of life. In this a center, that these spirals of energy do indicate the
stream of life there are movements, and these magnetic center of entities. Entities can be specialized
movements create whirling pools and eddies, and these in some areas and broad-minded in other areas,
are crosscurrents of energies. These crosscurrents are wherein the cone is widened. This goes also for
symbolized by the cross of crucifixion. societies and humanity in its cycles.
These are symbolized by the four forces of God as This Awareness indicates that the spiral and
indicated in the Tarot, and as indicated in the Incan movement into specialized areas as that which creates
glyphs, and in the swastika symbols. the definitions, the divisions, the separations, the lines,
These cross-currents are those points in which the structure, the building blocks which create and
this stream of consciousness does move into a build civilizations, personalities, images, and planes.
spiraling focus. These swirling focuses become things; The mind does mold in this manner the forms of
whether the thing is a concept, an idea, materialization, imagery. Were the mind suspended from the physical
or an entity - these are all still things. The denser and plane, the mind would still exist on the unconscious
more compact this whirlpool of consciousness, the imagery plane of the dream level.
This relates unto the attempts of those in the past
who tried to bind consciousness through
mummification. All that which has occurred in terms
of structure is but a reflection of that bondage. This
Awareness indicates that the containment of
consciousness through mummification is likened unto
planting the seed of life in the ground in Egypt beneath
the pyramids, for this seed of life to give birth to what
is coming at this time. This Awareness indicates that
this seed of life, which was contained in these sperms,
in these mummies, is that which did create the effect
upon the mother, upon the civilization, through the
churches, through politics and secret organizations
upon the face of mankind on this plane.
These mummies of that time in emitting their
energies down through these eons of time, through
these centuries, were in a state of suspended mind
wherein they dreamed very slow dreams. These very
slow dreams and very slow actions of the mind did
structure and create images. These images did move
from early Egypt to later Egypt, through Babylonia,
Persia, Algeria, Israel, through Greece, through France
and Spain, through Germany, England, and the other
countries of Europe, through into America and Russia,
and is now reaching into China and the Orient. These
very slow dreams of the mummy and the civilizations
that have been experienced as history on this plane—
that essentially history is the story of the mummy, his
dream, his-story.

These mummies in holding these images and

dreaming these dreams of spirits dancing and
civilizations rising and falling, have no real conception
that their dreams do affect and create tragedy for those
participants involved in their dreams. The mummies
see their actions as images. This is the unconscious
mind moving through desires of form, one after the
other; those who are the images of the mummies, as
entities who live and breathe and call themselves
humans, call themselves living creatures, and suffer
the pangs of those civilizations that are being built and
destroyed and seem real.
Reality is only a matter of perspective. Those who
are living their life on this physical plane do not think
that the dreams of the mummies are real. They think
that they are but an illusion or a concept. Those who
are dreaming, those mummies who are in the tombs
and temples that are still dreaming those images do not
realize the life and material actions that are occurring
on this plane are real. They see them only as images.
This as but a hint of the different levels of mind
that move through your universe. Understand that
when mind is suspended, you are capable of moving
through many levels, for mind is nothing more than
definition, a fence, a border, a level of confinement, a
The awakening of the mummy shall find himself specialization, a specific. The suspension of mind
realizing that he has been entombed, that he has been allows entities to flow through feeling and through
in suspended animation for some long time and that awareness, awareness being that which looks, rather
his body has completely decayed, while his mind, his than that which tries to see.
spirit, has danced through many lifetimes since. The This concludes the reading on the Hanged Man.
dancing of his spirit in these dreams, in these lifetimes The suspended mind, the Hanged Man, the crucifix is
that have followed, is the identification of the that which allows entities to see the truth. This
specialized lifetimes related to the Father, to the ego, Awareness indicates that the truth of any moment may
to the identity. The mummy itself is the Mother, is the be seen through the suspension of mind. Moments do
soul. The soul is the carrier, the boat carries and holds have lesser and greater spaces in time and space. The
these dreams wherein the river of consciousness does suspension of mind can be of lesser and greater
flow and creates civilizations. duration.
The greater the suspension of mind and the greater
the attention to the moment and the greater the
expansion of the moment, the more entities move into
Akasha, into the clear light, and away from that which
is the specialized eddies, traps, and whirlpools which
draw and seek to confine entities through definitions,
words, promises, and goals, what is at the other end of
that whirlpool.
Your desire should not be for the point in the
whirlpool, but for the clear space that lies between
whirlpools. Whirlpools are energies that are of a
magnetic center, and as you move into areas where
there are fewer whirlpools, there are fewer magnetic
centers, and fewer forces that are drawing from you.
In this manner, you are more able to avoid becoming a
whirlpool yourself: a greedy, desirous pool of energy.
This Awareness indicates that in understanding this
and suspending these mind-trips of focused energies,
that you see truth, for truth is, but truth cannot be seen
when there are goals between you and the truth.

July 10, 1972


COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of

Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars
who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today
as the world begins to enter the 'New Age' of spiritual consciousness and
awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through
carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in
bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thousands of 'Readings' given through
these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to
question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel
what is the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and 'suggest'. Neither
C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness
states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily
agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the
energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for
what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor
control over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is
entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in
questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this


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