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Personality and the Etiology and Expression

of PTSD: A Three-Factor Model Perspective

Mark W. Miller, VA Boston Healthcare System, National Center for PTSD, and Boston University
School of Medicine, Division of Psychiatry

This review provides an overview of research on the Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a syndrome
influence of personality on the development, course, and defined by a constellation of 17 characteristic symptoms
behavioral expression of posttraumatic stress disorder that develop following exposure to a psychologically
(PTSD). The existing literature is discussed in relation to traumatic event (American Psychiatric Association
three broad-band personality traits that have been em- [APA], 1994). By virtue of the fact that it is the only
phasized in personality and psychopathology research:
major psychiatric syndrome for which there is a specified
negative emotionality (NEM), positive emotionality
precipitant, it seems particularly well suited for eval-
uating diathesis-stress models of mental illness and
(PEM), and constraint/inhibition (CON). The primary
examining the interface between personality and psycho-
conclusion derived from this review is that high NEM is
pathology. Research on the influence of personality on
the primary personality risk factor for the development of
the development of PTSD can potentially advance our
PTSD whereas low CON and low PEM serve as moderating
understanding of one of the field’s most perplexing
factors that influence the form and expression of the
questions—why some individuals exposed to trauma de-
disorder through their interaction with NEM. From this
velop the disorder, while others do not. It may also con-
standpoint, a premorbid personality characterized by high
tribute to our understanding of factors that determine
NEM combined with low PEM is thought to predispose the course, behavioral expression, and patterns of comor-
the trauma-exposed individual towards an internalizing bidity associated with the disorder.
form of posttraumatic response characterized by marked Recent advances in the study of personality have
social avoidance, anxiety, and depression. On the other stimulated unprecedented interest in the interface
hand, high NEM combined with low CON is hypothesized between personality and psychopathology. These devel-
to predict an externalizing form of posttraumatic reaction opments have included behavioral genetics and longi-
characterized by marked impulsivity, aggression, and tudinal developmental studies supporting the heritability
a propensity towards antisociality and substance abuse. and stability of trait dispositions assessed by personality
Key words: personality, PTSD, negative emotionality, inventories, as well as progress in the conceptualization
positive emotionality, constraint. [Clin Psychol Sci Prac and measurement of personality and temperament
10: 373–393, 2003] including its links to affective dispositions and structural
and biochemical systems in the brain. This has prompted
increased interest in the relations between personality
Address correspondence to Mark Miller, VA Boston Healthcare and psychopathology within various disciplines (e.g.,
System, National Center for PTSD (116B-2), 150 S. Hunting- clinical psychology, psychopathology, social psychol-
ton Ave., Boston, MA 02130. E-mail: mark.miller5@med. ogy, behavioral genetics, personality psychology) and has been reflected in funding initiatives from the

DOI: 10.1093/clipsy/bpg040
National Institutes on Mental Health and special issues in adverse circumstances, i.e., as stated by Herman (1992;
major psychology journals devoted to the topic (e.g., p. 158), ‘‘the normal human response to extreme con-
Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Personality). ditions.’’ Yehuda (1999; p. xiii) also noted that this point
The field of traumatic stress and PTSD, however, has of view may have been embraced by some in the field
tended to lag behind this trend—one indication of which because ‘‘it would spare victims the indignity of being
is that no comprehensive review of the literature on misunderstood as ‘neurotic’ or constitutionally weak for
the relationship between personality and PTSD has been succumbing to the effects of traumatic event’’. However,
published in a peer-reviewed journal to date. Paris despite the clinical appeal of this position, the assump-
(2000) surveyed the literature on a broad array of factors tion that trauma exposure is the primary etiological
that may predispose an individual to the development of factor in PTSD has been contradicted by accumulating
PTSD, including premorbid personality, but did not empirical evidence.
focus extensively on the relevant personality studies. Epidemiological studies have found that 40–90% of
Chapters providing excellent summaries of this litera- the general population experience a traumatic event
ture have been published in edited books (Schnurr & meeting the PTSD stressor criterion in the DSM-IV
Vielhauer, 1999; Williams, 1999), but neither of these (APA, 1994) at some point during their lifetime
contributions organized the existing literature within (Breslau, Davis, Andreski, & Peterson, 1991; Breslau
a conceptual framework designed to provide coherence et al., 1998; Kessler, Sonnega, Bromet, Hughes, &
to the existing findings and a model to guide future Nelson, 1995; Norris, 1992), yet less than 10% develop
research. the disorder (Breslau et al., 1991; Breslau et al., 1998;
One possible explanation for the relative lack of Davidson, Hughes, Blazer, & George, 1991; Helzer,
attention to the relation between personality and PTSD Robins, & McEvoy, 1987; Kessler, et al., 1995). The
lies in certain historical/political forces that have shaped probability of developing PTSD following trauma
the evolution of the field of traumatic stress. Prior to the exposure is estimated to be approximately 10% in the
1980 appearance of the PTSD diagnosis in the DSM-III general population (Breslau et al., 1998), although
(APA, 1980), prolonged adverse responses to traumatic higher rates (i.e., closer to 25%) have been observed
stressors were often conceptualized as reflecting pre- for traumas involving violence or life threat (Breslau
morbid personality vulnerabilities (e.g., Hall & Mackay, et al., 1991; Breslau et al., 1998; Schlenger et al., 1992;
1934; Saul, 1945; Lidz, 1946; Moses, 1978; Wegrocki, Weiss et al., 1992). Even the most devastating trauma,
1963; Fetterman, 1928). This perspective was contro- such as that experienced by rape survivors, prisoners of
verted by the DSM-III definition of PTSD which war, and holocaust survivors, has seldom led to more
emphasized the extraordinary nature of traumatic than two-thirds of the affected population developing
events, defined them as ‘‘beyond the realm of normal PTSD (Green, 1982; Kluznic, Speed, Van Valkenburg,
human experience’’ and minimized the importance of & Magraw, 1986). These findings demonstrate that
individual differences as indicated by the statement ‘‘the trauma exposure alone is not sufficient to explain the
stressor producing this syndrome would evoke signifi- etiology of PTSD, which implies that other factors—
cant symptoms of distress in most people’’ (APA, 1980; including, as this review will show, individual differ-
p. 236). Along the same lines, some argued that under ences in premorbid personality—play important roles in
extreme conditions the impact of trauma will over- moderating the relationship between trauma exposure
whelm individual differences in vulnerabilities to stress and PTSD.
and PTSD will occur regardless of pretrauma person-
ality risk and/or resilience factors (e.g., Hocking, 1970). A IMS AN D S C O PE O F TH E R EV IEW
As Yehuda and McFarlane (1995) pointed out, The primary objectives of this paper are, first, to review
implicit in this viewpoint was the assumption that the the existing body of published research on the influence
traumatic event is the major causal agent in the etiology of personality on the development, course, and expres-
of PTSD and that posttraumatic symptomatology sion of PTSD and, second, to introduce a model for the
reflects a natural process of adaptation to extraordinary interface of personality and PTSD that aims to account

for the influence of premorbid personality character- comprised of a collection of studies using disparate
istics on the form and expression of posttraumatic personality constructs and measures. Thus, to provide an
psychopathology. For reasons that will be elaborated overarching structure to this body of work, this review
upon below, the focus of the review will be on the will focus on three broad-band dimensions that have
relationship between PTSD and three broad-band consistently appeared in the literature on personality
personality dimensions. The primary criteria for in- and psychopathology: positive emotionality/extraver-
cluding a study in this review were (a) that it included sion (PEM), negative emotionality/neuroticism (NEM),
an established measure of PTSD, and (b) that it included and constraint/inhibition (CON).
a measure of a personality that is conceptually or Drawing from Tellegen’s (1985; in press) conceptu-
empirically related to a dimensional model of person- alization of these dimensions, PEM will be used
ality. Research that examined the relationship of throughout the paper to refer to individual differences
antisociality and hardiness to PTSD were also included in the capacity to experience positive emotions and
because of the large number of studies implicating these tendencies towards active involvement in the social and
constructs in the development of the disorder and work environments. PEM has been linked conceptually
because there is a solid theoretical and empirical basis for to the neurobiological system underlying appetitive-
conceptualizing them from a dimensional perspective. approach behavior (Gray, 1987; Panksepp, 1992; Telle-
Studies that focused primarily on the utility of in- gen, in press; Zuckerman, 1983) and represented with
ventories such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality subtle definitional variations in other models of person-
Inventory (MMPI) or Millon Clinical Multiaxial In- ality as Extraversion (Costa & McCrae, 1985; Gough,
ventory (MCMI) for the diagnosis of PTSD have been 1987; Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975), Activity (Buss &
reviewed elsewhere (e.g., Lyons & Wheeler-Cox, 1999; Plomin, 1975), and Ambition/Sociability (Hogan, 1986).
Wise, 1996) and were only included if they specifically NEM, on the other hand, is orthogonal to PEM and
addressed the influence of personality on the develop- refers to dispositions toward negative mood and emo-
ment, course, or expression of PTSD. The studies tion and a tendency towards adversarial interactions
reviewed in this paper were identified through a search with others. It is theoretically linked to functioning of
of PsychINFO and PUBMED databases spanning the the neurobiological system underlying defensive-with-
years 1980 (the date of the appearance of PTSD in the drawal behavior (Gray, 1987; Panksepp, 1992; Tellegen,
DSM-III) to 2002 using the keywords ‘‘personality and in press; Zuckerman, 1983) and is synonymous with
posttraumatic stress disorder’’ or ‘‘personality and PTSD’’ Neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1985; Eysenck &
and through examination of the citations contained in Eysenck, 1975), Emotionality (Buss & Plomin, 1975),
the papers identified through this search. The search did and (negative) Adjustment (Hogan, 1986). It is ubiqui-
not access unpublished studies or include published tous in the field of personality assessment and ‘‘has
abstracts. emerged in every model of personality based
on questionnaire measurement’’ (Zuckerman, 1999;
T H E T H R E E - F A C T O R M O D E L O F P E R S O N A L I T Y AN D p. 68).
ITS RELATION TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Many models of personality also posit the existence of
The literature on personality and PTSD, like the broader a separate disinhibition-constraint dimension—referred
trait personality literature, is complicated by a lack of to here as CON—that involves tendencies anchored by
consensus regarding the basic dimensions of personality planfulness vs. spontaneity, restraint vs. recklessness, and
and their interrelationships. Personality traits are tradi- harm-avoidance vs. risk-taking. CON is thought to
tionally conceptualized as ‘‘dimensions of individual reflect individual differences in functioning of the brain
differences in tendencies to show consistent patterns of regulatory system that governs behavioral restraint, and
thoughts, feelings, and actions’’ (McCrae & Costa, 1990; it has been referred to by other theorists as psychoticism
p. 23), but personality models differ widely with regard (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975), novelty-seeking (Cloninger,
to the factor structure, number, and definition of specific 1987), impulsivity (Buss & Plomin, 1975), control
traits. As a result, the personality and PTSD literature is (Gough, 1987), and prudence (Hogan, 1986).


Support for the validity of these higher-order PEM, NEM, and CON on the development, course,
personality dimensions and their relevance to the de- and expression of PTSD. It will conclude: (a) that high
velopment of psychopathology comes from multiple NEM is the primary personality risk factor for the
sources. For example, there is evidence that these factors development of PTSD, and (b) that low CON and low
correspond closely to dimensions of temperament PEM influence the expression of the disorder as well,
identified in studies on infancy and early childhood particularly when either is combined with high NEM.1
(Rothbart, Derryberry, & Posner, 1994). Behavior A model for the interface between personality and
genetics studies have shown them to have substantial PTSD will be advanced that proposes that low PEM and
heritabilities (e.g., Robinson, Kagan, Reznick, & low CON interact with high NEM to influence the
Corley, 1992; Tellegen et al., 1988), and scales measuring form and expression of the posttraumatic response.
these constructs evidence long-term stability in adult- Within this framework, a premorbid personality
hood (Costa & McCrae, 1977; Costa & McCrae, 1992; characterized by high NEM combined with low PEM
Watson & Walker, 1996). is thought to predispose the trauma-exposed individual
In addition, a growing body of research on the towards an internalizing form of posttraumatic response
interface between personality and psychopathology characterized by marked social avoidance, anxiety, and
suggests that these dimensions relate differentially to depression. On the other hand, a premorbid personality
the externalizing and internalizing categories of disor- characterized by high NEM and low CON should
ders—conceptualized as distinct classes of psychopathol- predict an externalizing form of posttraumatic reaction
ogy that differ with regard to the form in which characterized by marked impulsivity, aggression, and
psychological distress is expressed (Krueger, McGue, & a propensity towards antisociality and substance abuse.
Iacono, 2001; Krueger, Caspi, Moffitt, & Silva, 1998).
This taxonomy is derived from a long tradition of METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN THE STUDY OF
research in the area of childhood behavior disorders P E R S O N A L I T Y AN D P T S D
(e.g., Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1978, 1984) and is A number of methodological issues unique to the study
supported by recent factor-analytic studies of the latent of the influence of personality on the development,
structure of adult mental illness (Krueger et al., 2001, course, and expression of PTSD present formidable
1998; Cox, Clara, & Enns, 2002). Krueger and colleagues obstacles to research in this area and are important to
have shown that patterns of psychiatric comorbidity address as a context for appreciating this literature.
cohere along two orthogonal dimensions that they have Prospective longitudinal studies employing pre- and
labeled internalization (i.e., the propensity to express posttrauma assessments are the method of choice for
distress inwards) and externalization (the propensity to addressing etiological questions because they permit
express distress outwards). The substance-related disor- examination of whether personality traits existed
ders and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) load on differentially between individuals with and without
the externalizing dimension; the unipolar mood and PTSD prior to trauma exposure. Unfortunately,
anxiety disorders fall on the internalizing dimension. obtaining an adequate sample of individuals who did
These dimensions are believed to reflect core personal- not have PTSD at an initial assessment, but who
ity/temperament processes that influence the form and developed the disorder by a second point in response
expression of psychopathology. Accumulating evidence to an interim event, necessitates a very large sample
suggests that high NEM reflects the personality substrate followed over an extended period of time, making this
for the internalizing disorders, whereas low CON, type of research expensive, time consuming, and rare.
particularly when combined with high NEM, represents Because of this, some investigators have resorted to
the substrate for substance dependence and antisocial studying populations at high risk for trauma exposure
behavior (i.e., the externalizing disorders; Krueger et al., (e.g., active duty military personnel; Bramsen, Dirk-
2001; Schwartz, Snidman, & Kagan, 1996). zwager, & Van der Ploeg, 2000), however, this approach
The review that follows provides an overview of introduces problems concerning the external generaliz-
research on the influence of the personality dimensions ability of study findings to other populations.

Posttrauma prospective designs in which trauma- Finally, some studies have employed a modified
exposed individuals are assessed shortly after exposure posttrauma cross-sectional design in which retrospective
and followed longitudinally to examine factors that reports of pretrauma characteristics are obtained. One
affect the course of the posttraumatic response (e.g., who example is the National Vietnam Veterans Readjust-
recovers versus who develops a chronic condition) are ment Study (NVVRS; Kulka et al., 1990) which
becoming more common. Recent studies have followed included measures of current symptomatology assessed
trauma-exposed individuals over periods ranging from a decade after the war in conjunction with retrospective
months to years following motor vehicle accidents (e.g., reports of the war experience and prewar characteristics.
Bryant, Harvey, Guthrie, & Moulds, 2000; Koren, This approach is limited, of course, by the accuracy of
Arnon, & Klein, 1999), sexual assaults (e.g., Zoellner, retrospective reports which are known to be adversely
Foa, & Brigidi, 1999), and combat (Wolfe, Erickson, affected by the passage of time and mood-memory
Sharkansky, King, & King, 1999). The advantage of this biases (Rogler, Malgady, & Tryon, 1992; Harvey &
approach is that it may permit investigators to identify Bryant, 2000).
variables present immediately after the trauma that In sum, the methodological challenges associated
precede the onset of the disorder and/or that predict the with the study of the influence of personality on the
course of the disorder. The drawback is that scores on development and course of PTSD are considerable.
personality measures administered posttrauma may be While pretrauma prospective longitudinal designs are
contaminated by transient correlates of the acute clearly the methodology of choice from a scientific
traumatic reaction (e.g., increased negative affect) and standpoint, these studies are rare and an exhaustive
rendering it impossible to differentiate phasic adjustment survey of the existing literature located only four that
reactions from long-standing traits that existed prior to met criteria for inclusion in this review. In contrast, the
the trauma. much more common cross-sectional approach, which
The latter issue is the primary problem with cross- has been employed in the majority of published
sectional research—by far the most common meth- studies on the topic, introduces numerous problems of
odology in the field. Personality traits measured interpretation.
posttrauma may reflect either (a) enduring characteristics
that were evident prior to the event, (b) correlates of R E V I E W O F R E S E A R C H O N P E R S ON A L I T Y AN D P T S D
transient stress-related symptomatology, (c) permanent Pretrauma Prospective Studies
alterations in personality that occur as a consequence of Four prospective longitudinal studies, summarized in
trauma exposure, or any combination thereof. Although Table 1, have included assessments of personality traits
there is substantial evidence for the longitudinal stability prior to exposure to potentially traumatic events. All of
of personality (e.g., Costa & McCrae, 1977; Costa & them have shown significant associations between
McCrae, 1992; Watson & Walker, 1996), personality characteristics linked to NEM measured prior to trauma
scales are also known to be susceptible to contamination exposure and the subsequent development of PTSD. For
by mental health state at the time of measurement example, in one study that featured a particularly large
(Bianchi & Fergusson, 1977; Duncan-Jones, Fergusson, sample, O’Toole, Marshall, Schureck, and Dobson
Ormel, & Horwood, 1990; Ingham, Kreitman, Mc- (1998a) examined the military records of 641 Vietnam
Miller, Sashidharan, & Surtees, 1986; Kerr, Schapira, veterans and found that those who developed combat-
Roth, & Garside, 1970) and patients with histories of related PTSD scored significantly higher on a measure
anxiety and depressive disorders have been shown to of neuroticism (e.g., the Self-Description Inventory;
respond differently to personality inventories during the Miles, Wilkes, Lester, & Hutchins, 1946) administered at
experience of a disorder compared to after the remission the time of enlistment than those who never developed
of symptoms (Hirschfeld et al., 1983; Reich, Noyes, the disorder. In a similar study, Bramsen et al. (2000)
Coryell, & O’Gorman, 1986). As a result, it is impossible assessed 572 soldiers before and after deployment on
to draw etiological inferences from cross-sectional a peacekeeping operation. Results showed that a pre-
studies of personality traits measured posttrauma. deployment measure of NEM (e.g., negativism or ‘‘a


Table 1. Pretrauma Prospective Studies of Personality and PTSD

Study Sample Assessment PTSD Assessment Method Findings

Bramsen, Dirkzwager, & 572 male military Dutch version Self-Rating Dutch MMPI Pre-deployment
van der Ploeg (2000). peacekeepers of the MMPI. Inventory administered Neuroticism and
Predeployment personality for PTSD. prior to paranoia/psychotic
traits and exposure to trauma deployment on ideation predicted
as predictors of posttraumatic a peacekeeping post-deployment PTSD.
stress symptoms: A prospective mission; PTSD
study of former peacekeepers. assessed less
American Journal of Psychiatry, than 3 years later.
157, 1115–1119.
Lee, Vaillant, Torrey, & Elder 150 male WWII Psychosomaticism DSM-III- Psychosomaticism Pre-war
(1995). A 50-year prospective veterans Scale referenced rating assessed prior Psychosomaticism
study of the psychological developed for and self-report to military (NEM) predicted
sequelae of World War II com- this study. measures enlistment; PTSD the development
bat. developed assessed in of PTSD in veterans
American Journal of Psychiatry, for this study. 1946 and 1988. exposed to low levels
152, 516–522. of combat intensity.
O’Toole, Marshall, Schureck, & 641 male Vietnam Self-description AUSCID-IV Personality data Participants with
Dobson (1998). Risk factors veterans Inventory interview drawn from combat-related PTSD
for posttraumatic stress disorder (highly (derived from the enlistment records. scored higher than
in Australian Vietnam veterans. correlated with SCID PTSD module). PTSD assessed participants without
Australian and New Eysenck’s apx. 20 years the disorder on a
Zealand Journal neuroticism) after the war. measure of neuroticism
of Psychiatry, 32, 21–31. administered at the
time of entry into the
Schnurr, Friedman, & 131 male Vietnam MMPI MISS and SCID MMPIs administered Pre-war scores on MMPI
Rosenberg (1993). and Vietnam-era prior to military Hypochondriasis and
Premilitary MMPI scores as veterans enlistment. MISS paranoia scales
predictors of combat-related and SCID collected (high NEM) as well
PTSD symptoms. American apx. 20 years as psychopathic
Journal of Psychiatry, 150, after the war. deviate (low CON)
479–483. predicted those who
went on to develop
PTSD symptoms.

Note. MISS 5 Mississippi Scale for Combat-related PTSD (Keane, Caddell, & Taylor, 1988); MMPI 5 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
(Hathaway & McKinley, 1967); SCID 5 Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (Spitzer, Williams, & Gibbon, 1987).

negative, dissatisfied, and hostile attitude toward others Ben-Porath, 1995) prior to enlistment compared to
and life in general’’; Bramsen et al., 2000, p. 1116) pre- those with no PTSD symptoms.
dicted scores on a self-report measure of PTSD symp- These studies suffer collectively from several signif-
tomatology, even after statistically controlling for the icant limitations. First, the fact that all of the samples
severity of peacekeeping stressors, demographic vari- were drawn from populations of male military person-
ables, and other premorbid personality characteristics. nel raises doubts about the generalizability of the
Low CON was implicated as a possible risk factor findings to women and other trauma populations.
for the development of PTSD in two studies. O’Toole Second, none of the studies included a comprehensive,
et al. (1998a) reported that veterans with diagnoses of multidimensional assessment of personality. Schnurr
combat-related PTSD were more likely to have had et al. (1993) and Bramsen et al. (2000) employed versions
premilitary criminal records and symptoms of antisocial of the MMPI, but this test was designed primarily for
personality disorder at the time of military enlistment. the assessment of psychopathological syndromes rather
Similarly, Schnurr, Friedman, and Rosenberg (1993) than traits that comprise the structure of normal
reported that Vietnam veterans who endorsed any personality. Third, it is possible that a premilitary
lifetime PTSD symptoms produced higher scores on trauma history and/or premorbid anxiety or mood
the MMPI Psychopathic Deviate scale (which is disorders may have accounted for observed associations
associated with low CON; Harkness, McNulty, & between premorbid personality characteristics and the

subsequent development of PTSD symptoms. Un- Bennett, Owen, Koutsakis, and Bison (2002) found that
fortunately, these variables were not assessed prior to the Negative Affect scale of the Positive and Negative
trauma exposure in any of these studies. Fourth, PTSD Affect Schedule (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988)
was treated by some investigators as a categorical administered to patients hospitalized for myocardial
diagnosis and by others as a dimensional score. The infarction predicted the severity of PTSD symptoms
latter raises issues about the applicability of the findings related to the heart attack three months later. Finally,
to our understanding of the disorder as defined by McFarlane (1992) found that neuroticism predicted the
the DSM. Nevertheless, despite these limitations, the progression of the syndrome from intrusive symptoms
pretrauma prospective studies reviewed here make in the acute aftermath of trauma to chronic disorder
a unique and important contribution to the literature over three years later.
on personality and PTSD because they are they only This collection of studies features two noteworthy
ones published to date that directly addressed the methodological improvements compared to the pre-
question of whether personality differences existed trauma prospective studies. First, whereas the later
differentially prior to trauma in individuals who did examined male combat veterans exclusively, these
versus did not develop PTSD. studies drew from a variety of trauma populations,
most of which included women. Second, all of the
Posttrauma Prospective Studies posttrauma prospective studies featured personality
The posttrauma prospective studies, summarized in assessments based on the administration of multidimen-
Table 2, point to a possible role for not only high NEM sional inventories. Compared to the assessment of single
and low CON, but also low PEM, in the development traits in isolation, this permits a more comprehensive
of PTSD. For example, Fauerbach, Lawrence, Schmidt, and discriminative analysis of personality dimensions
Munster, and Costa (2000) administered the NEO that do, and do not, relate to the development of PTSD.
Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1985) to 70 Another feature of these studies is that the initial
burn patients at the time of hospital discharge and found assessments took place within approximately one month
that neuroticism and introversion predicted PTSD of the time of trauma. This reflects an expectation that
diagnoses 4 and 12 months later. Similarly, Carlier, self-descriptions on measures administered proximate to
Lamberts, and Gersons (1997) assessed the personality the time of trauma will more closely resemble
characteristics of police officers two weeks after they premorbid personality than measures administered
were exposed to traumatic events in the line of duty and months or years following the onset of the clinical
followed them up 3 and 12 months later. Results syndrome. Unfortunately, no prospective study of
showed that introversion, but in this case not neurot- PTSD has directly examined this question by evaluating
icism, measured two weeks after the trauma predicted the degree to which measures of personality traits are
the presence of PTSD symptoms 3 months later, even contaminated by posttraumatic symptomatology or by
after controlling for trauma severity, emotional exhaus- assessing whether it is possible to obtain a measure of
tion during the trauma, social support, and emotional personality that is uncontaminated by the posttraumatic
expressivity. reaction by administering the instrument shortly after
In another study of this type, Holeva and Tarrier trauma exposure.
(2001) reported that neuroticism and psychoticism
(inversely related to CON) measured less than one Cross-Sectional Studies of Personality and PTSD
month after a traumatic motor vehicle accident Studies Suggesting an Association Between High NEM, Low
predicted PTSD caseness (i.e., scores above or below PEM, and PTSD. Results of cross-sectional studies of
a diagnostic cut-off on a PTSD scale) four to six months personality and PTSD are generally consistent with the
later, even after controlling for the influence of an array findings of longitudinal studies in that many have found
of other relevant variables including previous accident that individuals with PTSD produce high and low scores
history, accident severity, the presence of acute stress on scales measuring NEM and PEM, respectively. For
disorder, and peritraumatic dissociation. Likewise, example, Breslau et al. (1991) reported that in a large


Table 2. Posttrauma prospective studies of personality and PTSD

Personality PTSD Personality-PTSD

Study Sample Assessment Assessment Method Findings

Bennett, Owen, Koutsakis, & 89 male and female PANAS-NA (trait) PDS NA measured in Trait NA at time 1
Bisson (2002). Personality, patients with hospital; PDS predicted PTSD
social context and cognitive recent myocardial completed symptom severity
predictors of post-traumatic infarction 3 months later. at time 2.
stress disorder in myocardial
infarction patients. Psychology
and Health, 17, 489–500.
Carlier, Lamberts, & Gersons 262 male and Sensation- SI-PTSD Participants assessed Introversion measured
(1997). Risk factors for female police seeking Neuroticism 2 weeks, 3 months, 2 weeks post-trauma
posttraumatic stress officers and Extraversion and 12 months was a significant
symptomatology in police following traumatic predictor of the presence
officers: A prospective analy- events experienced of PTSD symptom
sis. Journal of Nervous and on the job. severity at 3 months.
Mental Disease, 185, 498–
Fauerbach, Lawrence, 70 male and female NEO-FFI SCID Participants completed Neuroticism and
Schmidt, Munster, and burn survivors the NEO at hospital introversion at time
Costa (2000). Personality discharge. PTSD 1 predicted subsequent
predictors of injury-related assessed at discharge, PTSD diagnosis.
posttraumatic stress disorder. and 4 and
Journal of Nervous and 12 months later.
Mental Disease, 188, 510–
Holeva & Tarrier (2001). 265 male and EPQ Penn Inventory EPQ was administered Neuroticism and
Personality and peritraumatic female MVA 2–4 weeks after the psychoticism at time
dissociation in the prediction survivors accident and PTSD 1 predicted PTSD
of PTSD in victims of was assessed 4–6 symptom severity
road traffic accidents. months after. at time 2.
J Psychosomatic Research,
51, 687–692.
McFarlane (1992). Avoidance 290 male EPQ DIS EPQ was completed 29 Neuroticism at time
and intrusion in Posttraumatic firefighters months after the 1 predicted PTSD
Stress Disorder. Journal fire and diagnosis at time 2.
of Nervous and Mental the DIS was
Disease, 180, 439–445. administered
13 months later.
Nightingale & Williams (2000). 39 male and NEO-FFI Self-report Participants were Although analyses did
Attitudes to emotional female MVA inventory. assessed 1 and not directly address the
expression and personality survivors 6 weeks after relationship between the
in predicting post-traumatic the MVA. NEO and PTSD,
stress disorder. British openness, extraversion,
Journal of Clinical and agreeableness was
Psychology, 39, 243–254. shown to be associated
with attitudes towards
emotional expression
which, in turn, predicted
PTSD symptom severity
at time 2.
Roca, Spence, & Munster 29 male and NEO-FFI SCID NEO was administered Individuals who
(1992). Posttraumatic female burn near the time of endorsed re-
adaptation and distress survivors hospital experiencing symptoms
among adult burn survivors. discharge; SCID at follow-up had lower
American Journal of Psychia- administered openness scores at
try, 149, 1234–1238. 4 months later. discharge.

Note. DIS 5 Diagnostic Interview Schedule (Robins, Helzer, Croughan, & Ratcliff, 1981); EPQ 5 Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Eysenck & Eysenck,
1975); MVA 5 Motor Vehicle Accident; NEO-FFI 5 NEO Five Factor Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992); PANAS 5 Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
(Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988); PDS 5 Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (Foa, Cashman, Jaycox, & Perry, 1997); SCID 5 Structured Clinical Interview for
DSM (Spitzer, R.L., Williams, J.B., Gibbon, M. 1987); SI-PTSD 5 Structured Interview for PTSD (Davidson, Smith, & Kudler, 1989).

sample of individuals exposed to trauma (n 5 394), pression, family history of anxiety, and a family history of
neuroticism was a significant predictor of a lifetime antisocial behavior. Evidence for an association between
diagnosis of PTSD even after controlling for the effects of high NEM and concurrent PTSD symptoms has also
sex, early parental separation, preexisting anxiety/de- been observed in a variety of samples including

emergency services personnel (Weiss, Marmar, Metzler, Several cross-sectional studies have found relation-
& Ronfeldt, 1995; McFarlane, 1989; Regehr, Hill, & ships between hardiness and PTSD symptoms in
Glancy, 2000), child survivors of a hurricane (Lonigan, trauma-exposed individuals. For example, Bartone
Shannon, Taylor, Finch, & Sallee, 1994), trauma-exposed (1999) assessed hardiness, combat exposure, and PTSD
college students (Lauterbach & Vrana, 2001), and combat symptoms in Gulf War veterans shortly after the war.
veterans (e.g., Casella & Motta, 1990; Hyer et al., 1994; Using multiple regression analyses to predict PTSD
Talbert, Braswell, Albrecht, Hyer, & Boudewyns, 1993). severity, a main effect of hardiness and a hardiness 3
Similarly, low scores on measures of PEM have been combat exposure interaction was found, indicating that
found in combat veterans (Davidson, Kudler, & Smith, high-hardy veterans were less symptomatic than low-
1987; Hyer et al., 1988; Kuhne, Orr, & Baraga, 1993; hardy veterans overall and that this difference was more
Richman & Frueh, 1997; Dalton, Aubuchon, Tom, pronounced for individuals reporting the highest levels
Pederson, & McFarland, 1993) and emergency services of combat exposure. Similarly, Sutker, Davis, Uddo,
personnel with PTSD (McFarlane, 1988a, 1988b). and Ditta (1995) assessed Gulf War veterans within one
year of homecoming and found that hardiness, partic-
Hardiness and PTSD. A subset of the posttrauma cross- ularly the commitment subscale (i.e., the sense of
sectional studies of personality and PTSD have focused meaning, purpose, and perseverance associated with
on the personality construct hardiness (Kobasa, 1979). one’s work), differentiated cases with and without
Hardiness is conceptualized as a constellation of per- diagnoses of PTSD. Of note, this finding is consistent
sonality characteristics that function as a resilience with Hendin & Haas’ (1984) observation that a common
resource during encounters with stressful life events and characteristic of Vietnam combat veterans who never
it relates to how individuals perceive and cope with such developed PTSD was that they were able to find
events. It is thought to reflect a combination of adaptive purpose in their duties during the war, even when
temperament traits complemented by an early learning assignments appeared to be pointless, lacking structure,
history characterized by rich, rewarding, and varied or highly chaotic.
experiences. Hardiness has three facets: commitment, the Finally, in a pair of studies that used structural
sense of meaning, purpose, and perseverance attributed equation modeling to examine the relative influences
to one’s existence; control, one’s sense of autonomy and of hardiness, prewar risk factors, war-zone stressors,
perceived ability to influence one’s destiny and manage postwar life stressors, and other postwar recovery and
experiences; and challenge, one’s tendency to perceive resilience factors on the development of PTSD, King,
change as an exciting opportunity for growth. Hardy King, and colleagues analyzed data from 1,632
individuals tend to view potentially stressful situations as veterans collected for the National Vietnam Veterans
meaningful and interesting (commitment), appraise Readjustment Study (NVVRS; Kulka et al., 1990). In
stressors as changeable (control), and see change as both studies, hardiness was indexed by an 11-item
a normal aspect of life and an opportunity for growth, scale constructed from NVVRS interview items. In
rather than as a threat (challenge). Research suggests that the first one (King, King, Fairbank, Keane, & Adams,
hardiness plays a role in moderating the impact of stress 1998), the structural equation model revealed evi-
on physical health, mental health, and other indices of dence of a direct negative association between
stress adaptation. It has been shown to predict (a) the hardiness and PTSD symptom severity as well as an
physical health of men (Kobasa, Maddi, & Courington, indirect effect of hardiness on PTSD mediated by
1981) and women (Lawler & Schmied, 1992) over a five- social support. In other words, hardy individuals were
year period of time, (b) the mental health, performance, found to have less severe PTSD and to be more likely
and probability of graduating from stressful military to utilize support from others effectively, which, in
training programs (Florian, Milkulincer, & Taubman, itself, was associated with lower PTSD severity.
1995; Westman, 1990), and (c) the mental health of Similar results were observed in a second study using
disaster assistance workers (Bartone, Ursano, Wright, & a different combination of predictor variables (King et
Ingraham, 1989). al., 1999).


Criticism of the Hardiness Construct: Hardiness 5 low Silva, & McGee, 1996)—have a greater likelihood of
NEM/high PEM. Research on hardiness has been developing PTSD independent of trauma exposure. For
criticized on the grounds that insufficient attention has example, in one epidemiologic study of 2,493 adults,
been paid to how the construct relates to traits identified Helzer et al. (1987) found that among participants
in omnibus models of personality, and some investi- reporting high levels of antisocial behavior prior to age
gators have argued that hardiness merely represents the 15, 29% reported symptoms of PTSD, and 6% met the
inverse of NEM (Funk, 1992; Rhodewalt & Zone, 1989; full DSM-III diagnostic criteria for the disorder. In
Funk & Houston, 1987) or a combination of low NEM contrast, only 14% of individuals with low levels of
and high PEM (Parkes & Rendall, 1988). Evidence for childhood antisociality reported any PTSD symptoms
the latter comes from several sources. Parkes and and 1% met full criteria for the disorder. Similarly, in
Rendall found that hardiness was positively correlated a nationally representative sample of 5,877 individuals
with extraversion and negatively correlated with aged 15 to 54 years, Kessler et al. (1995) found that 43%
neuroticism. Similarly, Ramanaiah, Sharpe, and By- of individuals with a lifetime diagnosis of PTSD
ravan (1999) found that high-hardy undergraduates (compared to 19% with no history of PTSD) had
scored significantly lower than their less hardy counter- a history of childhood conduct disorder.
parts on neuroticism and higher on the extraversion, There is also evidence of high rates of comorbidity
openness, and conscientiousness scales of the NEO between PTSD and adult ASPD, at least in males. For
(Costa & McCrae, 1992). Other work has shown that example, Kulka et al. (1990), found that 30% of veterans
the relationships between hardiness and health outcomes with a current diagnosis of PTSD met lifetime criteria
disappear when measures of NEM are partialed out for ASPD compared to 6% of those without the
(Funk & Houston, 1987; Rhodewalt & Zone, 1989). In disorder. Similar rates of comorbid ASPD have been
sum, individuals who obtain low scores on hardiness observed in other samples of male veterans with PTSD
scales tend to feel alienated from self and others, (Sierles, Chen, Messing, Besyner, & Taylor, 1986;
powerless, and in need of security. These characteristics Sierles, Chen, McFarland, & Taylor, 1983; O’Toole,
are strongly associated with NEM and general measures Marshall, Schureck, & Dobson, 1998b) and a sample of
of maladjustment, and are synonymous with many incarcerated men (Gibson et al., 1999).2
forms of psychopathology, including PTSD. For females, however, there is relatively little sup-
port for this link. King et al. (1996) used structural equa-
Research Suggesting an Association Between High NEM/ tion modeling to examine relationships among prewar
Low CON and PTSD. Another body of cross-sectional factors, measures of war-zone stress, and current PTSD
research suggests that low CON (i.e., impulsivity) symptomatology using data from 432 female and 1,200
represents a risk factor for the development of PTSD male veterans in the National Vietnam Veterans
and may at least partially account for the high rates of Readjustment Study (Kulka et al., 1990). Analyses
comorbidity observed between PTSD, antisocial per- revealed that childhood antisocial behavior (e.g.,
sonality disorder, and substance-related disorders, espe- excessive fighting, substance abuse, legal difficulties)
cially in males. Evidence for this association comes from had a significant indirect effect on PTSD symptom
several sources. First, studies have shown that individuals severity that was moderated by age and war-zone
with PTSD score lower than controls on measures of stressors in males, but not females. Although the authors
CON (Kuhne et al., 1993) and higher on associated noted that the absence of an effect for women may have
constructs such as sensation-seeking (Wilson, Smith, & reflected problems with the measurement of antisociality
Johnson, 1985) and novelty-seeking (Wang, Mason, in females, or unusually low base rates of such behavior
Charney, & Yehuda, 1997; Richman & Frueh, 1997). among women in the NVVRS sample (mostly nurses),
Second, there is considerable evidence that individuals other studies have found no significant differences in
with a history of childhood antisocial behavior or rates of ASPD between women with and without PTSD
conduct disorder—often conceptualized as a behavioral as well (e.g., Zlotnick, 1997; Zlotnick, Zimmerman,
reflection of low CON (e.g., Krueger, Caspi, Moffitt, Wolfsdorf, & Mattia, 2001).

Research on the emotional and temperamental cor- development, course, and expression of PTSD. Studies
relates of antisocial behavior may inform our under- were selected for review if they measured constructs
standing of the relationship between low CON and related to three higher-order dimensions of personality
PTSD. As noted earlier, antisociality has often been (PEM, NEM, and CON) that have been shown to be
conceptualized as a syndrome of disinhibition/poor important to our understanding of broad classes of
constraint (Gorenstein & Newman, 1980; Sher & psychopathology (e.g., Krueger et al., 1998; 2001).
Trull, 1994; Widiger & Clark, 2000). Supporting this Research in this area supports the conclusion that high
hypothesis is considerable evidence for an association NEM is a significant risk factor for both the onset and
between measures of antisocial behavior and low protracted course of PTSD following trauma exposure.
CON (for a review, see Patrick & Zempolich, 1998). Prospective studies have repeatedly shown this person-
The relationship between antisociality and NEM, ality dimension to predict the development and course
however, is less straightforward. On the one hand, of PTSD, and dozens of cross-sectional studies have
primary psychopathy, defined by low CON, an found associations between PTSD and measures of
‘‘absence of nervousness or other neurotic manifes- NEM when measured concurrently.
tations,’’ and high scores on the emotional detachment A wider body of research suggests that high NEM
factor of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; may be best conceptualized as a non-specific predictor of
Hare, 1991) is associated with low scores on measures of a broad class of psychopathology encompassing the
NEM (Levenson, Kiehl, & Fitzpatrick, 1995; Patrick, anxiety and unipolar mood disorders referred to
1994, 1995). On the other hand, secondary psychop- variously as the ‘‘internalizing disorders’’ (Krueger et al.,
athy, characterized by aggressive, impulsive, and 1996; 2001,) or ‘‘distress disorders’’ (Clark, Watson,
& Mineka, 1994; Clark & Watson, 1991; Watson &
undersocialized behavior and high scores on the
Clark, 1984), as opposed to a specific risk factor for
antisocial behavior factor of the PCL-R, tends to be
PTSD. In other words, NEM appears to represent
associated with high NEM (Levenson et al., 1995;
a ‘‘generalized biological vulnerability’’ to anxiety and
Patrick, 1994; 1995). Given that antisociality in the
its disorders, including PTSD (Barlow, 2002). This
PTSD studies reviewed above was defined primarily in
assertion is based on evidence from multiple sources.
terms of illegal actions and substance-related problems it
First, epidemiological and twin-based studies have
can be assumed that the construct assessed in these studies
shown that covariation between anxiety and depressive
was most highly related to secondary psychopathy and
symptoms and disorders is due largely to a common
the antisocial behavior factor of the a PCL-R (i.e., factor
genetic factor that also influences NEM (Mineka,
2). A growing body of literature suggests that high NEM
Watson, and Clark, 1998). Second, individuals with
combined with low CON is associated with increased
and without diagnoses of anxiety and/or major de-
risk for a range of pathological behaviors other than pression are differentiable on this dimension (Trull &
PTSD including alcoholism (McGue, Slutske, Taylor, & Sher, 1994; Watson, Clark, & Carey, 1988; Widiger &
Iacono, 1997), delinquency (Krueger et al., 1994), suicide Trull, 1992). Third, longitudinal studies have shown
(Verona, Patrick, & Joiner, 2001), personality disorders NEM to be a predictor of the onset of major depression
(O’Boyle & Barratt, 1993), and aggressive reactions (e.g., Hirschfeld et al., 1989) and panic attacks (Hay-
under conditions of increasing stress (Verona, Patrick, & ward, Killen, Kraemer, & Taylor, 2000). Fourth, re-
Lang, 2002). Thus, it will be important in future research search on the latent structure of DSM-defined depression
to address directly the hypothesis that this combination and anxiety-related disorders suggests that NEM is
of traits also represents a vulnerability to the develop- a higher-order factor that accounts for covariation
ment of PTSD following trauma exposure.3 among these disorders (Spence, 1997; Zinbarg & Barlow,
1996) and that PTSD loads on a dimension of psychopa-
SU MMA RY AN D CON CLU S ION S thology defined by generalized anxiety disorder,
The objective of this review was to provide an overview major depressive episode, and dysthymia (Cox et al.,
of research on the influence of personality on the 2002). Theorists have also noted a continuity between


NEM as a personality trait and the core clinical manifes- evident in individuals with PTSD can be conceptualized
tations of anxiety disorders (i.e., excessive worry, avoid- from a dimensional perspective and are essentially
ance, autonomic arousal), leading some to argue that synonymous with NEM (e.g., high NEM and PTSD
only quantitative differences distinguish between the two both involve tendencies to feel nervous, tense, sensitive,
(Barlow, 2002; Hirschfeld & Klerman, 1979; Eysenck, vulnerable, betrayed, mistreated, unlucky, etc.).
1970). The proposition that trauma exposure serves to
The foregoing suggests that the high degree of accentuate pathogenic traits present in the pretrauma
symptom overlap between PTSD, major depression, personality is also consistent with the observations of
and other anxiety disorders, as well as the high rates of clinical theorists who have suggested that trauma can
comorbidity observed among these disorders (e.g., exert severe and protracted negative effects on a broad
Breslau et al., 1991; Davidson et al., 1991; Kulka et al., range of basic personality functions (e.g., Herman, 1992;
1990), reflects the influence of this underlying person- Shay, 1994) and the World Health Organization’s
ality axis. Furthermore, if the continuity hypothesis recognition of a category of disorders associated with
advanced for the association between NEM and other ‘‘Enduring personality change after catastrophic experi-
anxiety disorders is true for PTSD (i.e., that PTSD, ence’’ in the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and
like the other anxiety disorders, is an extreme manifesta- Behavioral Disorders (WHO, 1992). It is compatible with
tion of normal personality processes), then one might dimensional models of personality disorders positing
hypothesize that trauma exposure serves to accentuate that a common trait structure encompasses both the
pathogenic traits present in the pretrauma personality. In adaptive and maladaptive variants of personality and
other words, from this standpoint, NEM could be that personality disorders reflect extreme or excessive
conceptualized as (a) a risk factor for the development of loadings on the basic traits (Clark, 1993; Costa &
PTSD following trauma exposure, and (b) a dimension Widiger, 1994). It is also in line with evidence of a high
of personality that is altered as a consequence of trauma prevalence of trauma in the histories of individuals with
exposure. personality disorders (e.g., Barrett et al., 1996; Ellason,
This proposition is consistent with results of a recent Ross, Sainton, & Mayaran, 1996; Herman, Perry, & Van
taxometric investigation of the latent structure of PTSD der Kolk, 1989; Luntz & Widom, 1994; Ogata et al.,
which found evidence that PTSD is a dimensional 1990), and studies showing high rates of co-morbidity
disorder reflecting the upper end of a stress-response between PTSD and personality disorders (e.g., Bollin-
continuum, rather than a discrete clinical syndrome ger, Riggs, Blake, & Ruzek, 2000; Faustman & White,
(Ruscio, Ruscio, & Keane, 2002). It is also supported by 1989; Southwick, Yehuda, & Giller, 1993).
the results of cross-sectional studies, reviewed above,
showing that the personality profiles of individuals T H E R O L E O F L O W P E M AN D L O W C O N I N
with PTSD deviate from community norms or con- A P E R S ON A L I T Y - B A S E D T A X O N OM Y O F
trol groups in psychopathological directions, and data P O S T T R A U MAT I C R E S P O NS E
suggesting that scores on personality measures covary This review also found considerable evidence suggest-
with the onset and remission of other Axis I conditions ing that low PEM and low CON may influence the
(Hirschfeld et al., 1989; Reich et al., 1986). It also echoes expression of PTSD, particularly when these traits are
Clark et al.’s (1994) assertion that ‘‘repeated exposure to combined with high NEM. One model for the influence
trauma eventually may raise one’s level of trait NEM’’ of these dimensions on the response to trauma suggested
(p. 110). This is not to suggest, however, that PTSD is by this review is that NEM represents the primary
equivalent to, or synonymous with, the extreme personality risk factor for PTSD which confers a direct
manifestation NEM, for the diagnostic criteria for PTSD vulnerability to the development of the disorder
clearly include a number of specific symptoms that are following trauma exposure, while low PEM and low
not subsumed within these constructs (e.g., hyper- CON serve as moderating factors that influence the form
reactivity to trauma-specific stimuli and avoidance of and expression of the posttraumatic response. In other
such stimuli). Nonetheless, many of the characteristics words, PEM and CON are personality dimensions that

combine with NEM to produce qualitatively distinct delinquency prior to joining the military. In contrast,
forms of posttraumatic adaptation. From this stand- the MPQ profile of the ‘‘Internalizing’’ cluster was
point, individuals characterized prior to trauma by high characterized by low scores on measures of PEM, and
NEM combined with low PEM would be predisposed compared to the externalizers, higher CON and lower
towards a form posttraumatic response characterized by alienation and aggression. Veterans in this cluster had
marked anhedonia and depressive symptomatology, in higher rates of unipolar depressive disorder diagnoses
addition to anxiety symptoms that are believed to be and their MMPI-2 profiles were characterized by ele-
a more direct reflection of NEM. Moreover, given vations on scales measuring depression and introversion.
evidence for the covariation of NEM, the Axis I anxiety
and depressive disorders, and the Cluster C subgroup of FUTURE DIRECTIONS
personality disorders characterized in DSM-IV as Research in the field of PTSD has historically empha-
‘‘anxious-fearful’’ (Sanderson, Wetzler, Beck, & Betz, sized the universality of the response to trauma by
1994; Sanderson, Wetzler, Beck, & Betz, 1992; Zucker- demonstrating commonalities in posttraumatic reactions
man, 1999), these individuals might also be expected to across trauma populations (Acierno, Kilpatrick, &
have higher rates of avoidant, dependent, or obsessive- Resnick, 1999), developmental periods (Saigh, Yasik,
compulsive personality disorder diagnoses. Drawing Sack, & Koplewicz, 1999), and cultures (Marsella,
from the taxonomy advanced by Krueger et al. (1996; Friedman, & Spain, 1996). Considerably less attention
2001), this could be labeled as an internalizing form of has been paid to the issue of the heterogeneity of
posttraumatic response. In contrast, premorbid high posttraumatic responses, including patterns of comor-
NEM combined with low CON would be expected to bidity. A guiding hypothesis for future research
predict an externalizing form of posttraumatic response suggested by this review is that premorbid personality
characterized by tendencies towards impulsivity, ag- characteristics influence the form and expression of
gression, antisociality, substance-related disorders, and posttraumatic response with high NEM/low CON
higher rates of Cluster B personality disorders (i.e., the tending to predict an externalizing reaction and high
‘‘dramatic-emotional’’ disorders—antisocial, borderline, NEM/low PEM an internalizing one. In future studies it
histrionic, narcissistic—characterized by impulsive/ will be important to (a) examine the possible presence of
sensation seeking behavior combined with labile personality-based subtypes of posttraumatic response in
emotionality). a variety of trauma populations, (b) clarify and elaborate
Preliminary evidence in support of this taxonomy upon the clinical and behavioral correlates of the
was found by Miller, Greif, and Smith (2003) who hypothesized subtypes, (c) evaluate the strength of the
performed cluster analyses on Multidimensional Per- association between personality traits measured pre- and
sonality Questionnaire (MPQ; Tellegen, in press; posttrauma, and (d) explore the mechanisms by which
Tellegen & Waller, in press) profiles obtained from these characteristics confer greater vulnerability to the
237 trauma-exposed combat veterans. Analyses revealed development of the disorder.
subgroups differing in tendencies toward the external- It will also be important in such work to examine
ization versus internalization of posttraumatic distress. hypothetical alternatives to the proposition that trauma
‘‘Externalizers’’ and ‘‘internalizers’’ produced compara- accentuates pathogenic traits present in the pretrauma
ble scores on the MPQ Stress Reaction scale (a direct personality (i.e., that trauma produces a pathological
marker of NEM) but differed on traits relating to the shift in basic behavioral dispositions and that the nature
form in which that distress is expressed. Specifically, the of this effect is determined by pretrauma characteristics).
‘‘externalizing’’ cluster was defined by low scores on One possibility is that trauma exerts no influence on
measures of CON, along with elevated scores on scales personality and that scores on measures of posttrauma
measuring alienation and aggression. Individuals in this personality simply reflect the premorbid capacities of
cluster were most likely to have a substance-related the individual. A second is that trauma alters personal-
disorder diagnosis, to produce elevated scores on the ity but this alteration is unrelated to preexisting vulnera-
MMPI-2 hypomania scale, and to have a history of bilities. These alternative conceptualizations of the


personality-trauma interface are best tested using Finally, research on the precursors of spinal cord injury
pretrauma prospective designs. However, behavioral suggests that individuals who suffer such traumas as a result of
genetics studies can also shed light on these questions by their own impruduent actions are more likely to produce low
examining the degree of similarity among identical scores on scales assessing CON and associated constructs than
those who suffer their injuries as the results of an accident that
twins discordant for trauma exposure on measures of
was unrelated to their own behavior (Fordyce, 1964; Kunce &
personality and psychiatric symptomatology (e.g., in the
Worley, 1966).
Vietnam Era Twin Registry; Eisen, True, Goldberg,
Henderson, & Robinette, 1987). Finally, research on
personality-based subtypes of PTSD holds promise for A CK NO W L ED G MEN T S
the development of assessment and treatment techniques This work was supported, in part, by NIMH grant MH63959
that more appropriately address individual differences to the author. I am grateful to Danny G. Kaloupek and
in clinical presentation among trauma survivors. The Christopher J. Patrick for their comments on previous drafts.
model proposed here could be useful for guiding re-
search on treatment matching and advancing theoretical
conceptualizations of the person-trauma interaction.
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