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Defeat Dun & Co., 12-2-Dun & Co. Forced to Use Three Pitchers
Fleck Stars With Bat and Simpson Fields Brilliantly at
Short-Gibson at His Best
With the largest crowd of the field, scoring Wallace. Koons was
season present, Manager Walzer's thrown out at first, StiteB scoring.
champion boroughites, trimmed the Durbin was Bafe at hrst on a fielder'B
Dun & Co. nine, managed by Fred. choice, Deegan throwing to catcher
Cloughle)', in rather an easy fashion. l< ahey trying to keep Fleck from
Manager Cloughley did not have a scoring, hut catcher Fahey dropped
pitcher who could hold the champions, the ball, Fleck being safe. Durbin then
While Bobby Gibson pitched sterling stole Becond.
ball, aid.ed by brilliant fielding by his By this time the Dun bOyB were
team-mates. tired out chasing after hits,but they
The cup offered by Mr. Duel' was tried hard In their half of the ninth
captured by ·Bill Durbin, who scored inning, but a qUick double play exe-
i'\arberth's third run, which would cuted by SimpBon, ·Davis and Wal-
have been enough to win. lace ended the base bealI season of
The visitors scored the first run the Main Line League.
of the game in the first inning When Manager Walzer's· star artist Gib-
Collins was safe on Durbin's error. EOn, pitched one of the beBt ga~es of
H. Barnitz sacrificed him to second. his career, fanning nine of the Dun Photograph Taken at Saturday's
After big Ben Gilbert fanned, Swartz men. Manager Clough ley was forced Game.
doubled to right field scoring Collins. to USe three pitchers in an effort to SIMP.5'ON OF NR,egEk!TH RT BIlT FliHEY OF PUN eHreHltle
Jack Fahey fanned. stop the champion borough men, but
After Howes and Wallace had been neither one of the three could do this. ,
retired in the first inning, Gene Davis Markley was Manager Cloughley'B
singled to center field and when Gil- first choice, but he lasted only after
I I Mrs. Ca·rrol Down,es and Mrs. W. M.
i Cameron were eleoted as delegates to ,
bert let Ule ball go betwe.en his legs, on.e man was retired in the third 'I represent the Community Club at the. _
Gene raced to third. Flick Stites inning. Whitney, the big left handel" a.nnnal. meetin~ of the State i Substantial progresB has recently
knocked out a Texas leaguer, scoring was then sent rto the mound, but he I
tlO~1 01 w~men s ClUbs to be held III been made towardB the completion of
DaviB. retired the last two men in the third PhIladelphIa, October 24, 25 and 26. the work in Narbrook Park, and It Is
After Dun had been retired ill orJer Inning. but in the fourth inning the Mrs. W. Arthur Cole and Mrs. James possihle now to see what a thing of
in their half of the second, Narb£:'rth first thre.e men to face him namely: i Ford Donnelly as alternates. heauty is will be in a very short
added two more runs to their tr.tal. Vernon Fleck, Nig. Koons and BiIl . time. The five residences already
when Fleck led off with a scorching Durbin alI made soIld hits, Durbin's . Mrs. C. R. Blackall has gIven to erected give an excellent idea of what
dOUble to center field. Koons tried hit being a double. After thiB he 'Narhrook Park the three Japanese, a desirable section of the town this
hard to sacrifice him to third, but passed Bill Simpson. At this time cherry trees set out by her two i will be. They are of an extremely
bunted his third strike foul. Fleck Manager Cloughley gave the high' years. ago. The Park Develo.pment' attractive type of architecture, as
advanced to third on Markley's wild sign to Whitney and Captain Deegan
pitch. Bill Durbin singled scoring took up the pitching duties, but this
CommIttee has. a~cepted ~he~ III ~e-] might be expected from any work BU-
half of the CIVIC ASSOCiation, WIth i pervised or designed by Mr. J. Knick-
Fleck. and on Simpson'B dOUbled to made no effect on the Narberth bats, ,manY thanks to the donor,. who ha.B erbocker Boyd, and aB all buildings
center field, Durbin scored. GibBon and stl'll theY hl't, and I'n the bargal'n nett)· nnxrer's Gossip. a 1ways s Ilown th e grea t es t III t er e Bt 111 to be erected in the Park are to be
ended the inning by grounding to Deegan waB very wild, miXing wild II ---
'{! welfare of Narberth.
. ,under hiB supervision, a uniformly
shortstop. pitches along with baBeB on ballB. Mr. and Mrs. George Dorsey, of , ,.. i high degree of excelIence Is assured.
Everything went lovely until :'\:1;1'- eBpecialIy in the Bixth inning when he Wood Bide avenue, have moved to \. 1 he Lo,.·~ Merl~n toftwnBhlP pool II It is hard to realize that the ugly
berth's half of the fourth inning. pa.BBed five men in succesBion. . Overbrook. Ice are unBucct:,,~ a er severa swamp of two years ago has under-
Although Collius tripled in the thir'l So we closed with the championship' weeks' effort, in their sel.: "h fo.!' the I(;olle 11l1ch a trlUJlSfor1l1ation. Then it
the ball passed both Fleck and Howes. banner again coming to Manager Wal- I Mrs. Frank M. Calvert and daugh- owner of a seven-passenger touring was an excellent breeding place for
H. Barnitz ground.ed out, being thrown zer's team. This Is the third team to II tel' ave visiting Mrs. Calvert'B home. found at Cyn ~VYd . . Several ~o- malaria and mosquitoes. The water
out by Simpson who made a wonder- win the championBhip under his super- ,in Staten Island. hce departments III dlBtant cltleB of the little brook overfio I ft
ful stop. Much to the diBlike of Ben viBion, and the fourth one in the hiB- I . have put in bids for the machine, but heavy rains, colle~ted In w :;agana:rt
Gilbert he fanned, leaving Collins ton.' of the Main Line League. I Go to the Y. M. C. A. Saturday af-, Ilave Iteen una bl e t a prov.e tlI.e car pools. a menace to the whole neigh-
strand~d on third. ·lernOOI1 for your kiBses (candy, of tl tl 1 k f
Narberth came back in their half I (Continued on Second Page) course). A11 the Delta Sigma girls was Ie one ley are 00 lUg or. borhood. This cOlldl'tlon Is now en-
will be there. tirely changed. Ample provision Is
of the fourth inning and scored three I
more runB, when Whitney went in to
--------- lt is proposed to use underground made for carrying off all surface
springB to flood the campus of the water, weedB and dead trees have
pitch. Fleck and Koons both singled Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Watts have I 1 Ii I f Hig.h SC.100 t 1 S w nter or I>een clear off, ground levelled and
and Durbin doubled. Whitney then returned from a short vacation to T f
uncorked a wild pitch and paBBed More than ever before the patrons Canandensis and Cresco, in the Po- an Ice skatmg rlllk. he water rom grass sown. Asphalt walks have been
Simpson. Captain Deegan took up the of the post office Beem to realize how eona Mountains. the two springs flows through a cUl- laid out, and the roads are rapidly
convenient it is for them to have even vert under the Bchool grounds. The llearlng completion.
mound dutieB and the firBt thing he
did waB to make a wild pitch. GibBon a co. 11 b . tl t ffi
ox III Ie pas 0 ceo an lOW
d 1 . eost of the project would be about
Mr. and MrB. William LivingBton $1500 and the Men'B Club has un-I h
I WIII'I nla y f
n d avora e commen. B
grounded out, and Deegan hit George it aids the employes . in handling Al
. E
have returned to theIr home on s- officially asked the board to gIVe
. ave een rna e, as t h e work has
1 tl I I
Howes a nasty shot on the elbow, crow d s f rom t IIe trams. most Ie sex avenue after spending a few' b t $1000 of th's. .' •pr?gr.esBe(, lere .Ias a so been some
Howes stealing second. Wallace fiew entire new Bection of seventy-five I
• . (ays III . N'
lagara a .F lIs a au I . 'I critiCIsm because It has not progress-

{Jut to third and Deegan hit DaviB. boxes have been rented. • I .ed faster. In answer to these crlti-
, . If you were a stockholder in any I' <:isms, the Park Development Com-
StiteB ended the inning by fiying out
to Barnitz. During this time, three {,~(,I \I~[EJ) LF'TTEUS ' Mr. ~nd Mr~. Howard Hager wIll, lJUslneBS concern, the cha~ceB are. mittee state that there has been no
.• . ':T' "'ARB",'I'TII OS'I' ()F"'ICE i move 11Ito theIr new home on Nar- i you would keep In touch WIth th~t i delay that they could have avoided"
Narberth boys crossed the plate.

" . ., . 1'." __
1 " 1 berth avenue shortly. . . '
Mrs Hager IbusineBB
You are a stockholder III Th eI " show that many totally.
r reCOr'IB
The Dun boys added one more to
. was Miss Mary Hames, of Essex ave- I the public schools of Narberth. Why unexpected difficultle a 0 t h _
their total in the fifth when R. Bar- 1. T. MIller, Jr., MrB. H. M. Rem- nue not keep in touch with that invest- I d' s r se a am
nitz led off with a. Bingle to right mington, Mr. E. H. Miller, Miss May . ment and visit the schools? Your in-: per an Innder the work. These
field. GibBon, in trying to catch him H ar ki ns, MISS . D'
alBey U pdik e, J ems Sudl a qlliet "sadder but wiser" terest 'will encourage the faculty and': have k had to be. overcome • and it has
napping, threw wild past Dick Wal- Coun i 1'0, Mr. TIlOmas Brown, D r. W . crowd that wended Its way towards work for a cloBer co-operatIOn . to. en much time and patience but
be-. '
lace advancing Barnitz to second. He R . W atson, Mrs. Conra d Mill er, Mrs. the station Saturday afternoon. An tween parentB and teachers. which IS . the commIttee has always had faith
the~ stole third, and Deegan Bcored Laura Smith k d'd I t k" hO· 11 i d d' t t III the succesBful completion of Its
. onloo er I not lave a as, w g~nera y recogn ze as a Irec B ep plans, III spite of many discourage-
Barnitz with a fiy to Stites.
In the lucky Beventh inning Nar- 1':lhmrd S. Haws, I·ostmll.soor. won?" toward greater educational efficiency. ments, and wlIl be amply rewarded
berth scored two more runs. without if their work meets with the general
Mr. Henry W. Yost, of 227 EsseX A 1,I':TTI':R }'RO'ft[
the aid of a hit. Deegan passed five approvltl of the people of Narberth.
TilE XARBERTII ATIILE'fIC CLUB. avenue, Narberth, announces the en-. i\rANAGER WALZER.
men straight after two were out, and
added another wild pitch which, with gagement of his daughter Reba Jack- With everything against the Nar-·
catcher FaheY's overthrow to third, At a meeting of the N. A. C. on Bon. to Mr. Finler H. Shiland. of berth team, We never gave up for one 1I0i\U: BAKE.
allowed Wallace and Davis to Bcore. laBt MondaY evening, we reorganiz- Swarthmore. Miss Yost haB recently! minute, but put our shoulders to the'
Gibson .waB invincible during the ed. The following members were ad- been in training at the Crozer Hos-· wheel and brought to Narberth once The Delta Sigma will hold their
sixth, Beventh and eighth innings, but mitted: Active memberB-Owen pital at Upland, Po.. ,again, that grand old "rag." Home Bake Saturday afternoon. Oc-
in the eighth inning the Narberth HumphreYB, Perry Redifer, Leslie It was indeed a great pleaBure to toher 21st. from 2untlI 4, in the Y.
batB were exceedingly busy Bcoring Smith, Charles McCarter, George Milk retailing at 5 cents a pint and manage such a flne lot of athletes, M. C. A. Help them along by buy-
four more runs. Rose, David Odell, LouiB Jenkins, 9 centB a quart againBt a former price: who put their minds upon the one ing your Sunday caltes there.
Dick Wallace Btarted the onslaught, Quincy Yowell, I<'red Harsch, Col- of respectively 4 and S centB was diB- ;thought-to win and to win In the right
Gene Davis fanned, Flick StiteB wyn Humphreys. Honorary mem- trillUted for the firBt time Monday, i war The SUCc.eBS of the Narberth Base CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
dOUbled to rignt field, advancing Wal- bers-Carroll Downes. John Jefferies, when the new price was charged to; Ball' Club was due to harmony among
lace to third. Fleck singled to left Alfred Leland, Norman Graf. I consumers along the Main Line by; everyone connected with it. There
The officers elected were: PreBI-· many of the dealers. :also belongB to the playerB who sat
dent, F. M. Winne; vice president, 'on the bench, a great deal of credit l'"OR SAJ.F..-Qunrtered oak dining room
8ult, In gOOd condition. Butret 66 Inches
Owen HumphreYB; Becretary and 1'hose from Narberth who attend- for they were ever ready to jump In long. pedestal t'lhle and 6 chairs. with
leather seats. P. O. Box No. 704, Narberth.
treasurer, A. Perry Redifer. ed President Wilson's reception to when needed. In behalf of the playerB
SUNDAY SCHOOLS As a junior organization the N. B. PennBylvania Democrats at Shadow and officials or the club, we wish to l"OR SAJ.E-Refrlgerator In good condl.
tlon. Price $7.00. Box 404, Narberth.
Are a Better C. will be in the club. Each part Lawn, N. J., on Saturday were Mr. thank every good and loyal rooter
will have its own officers and meet- A. F.:. Wohlert, Mr. George W. McKee, Who gave his earnest Bupport to the PARTY moving away owes Us $119 on
National Defense Than Ings, but will share the expenBes.
handsome Upright Grand Plano. used 3
Mr. James E. Cole, Mr. JOBeph F. ball club and everyone who did any- months. It Is yours for balance. 'Vrlte The
Both clubs will play basket ball Laird. and Edward S. HawB, thing fo~ U:e benefit of the Narberth Springfield, Gibbs Plano Company. 71-73 Main street,
STANDING ARMIES under their own nameB. Ball Club.
Mass. (31 years In One location.)
\,'ANTED-To rent or hU)", dining room
SHOW YOUR We will not play foot ball thlB year An automobile belonging to Wil- Too much credit cannot be given hultet. table and chairs, oak I1nlsh. Box
because of the Bmall number of mem- Ham B. Brazier, of Wynnewood, and to the Dun & Co. team for they played 695, Narberth.
PATRIOTISM berB. As soon as the basket ball a motorcycle ridden by Clarence Wat- a clean game of base ball. We wish LOST-Small, maltese female cat. Libera.
By Going to Sunday School scheduleB rae compiled we will pub- Bon. Wynnewood, collided at Bowman them a proBperous and succeBsful year reward If returned to 113 Chestnut ave-
1Ish them. and Narberth avenueB. Merion, Wed- for 1917. nue. Narberth. Pa.. or hold and phone Nar-
Narberth Methodi$t Sunday School
teamB, we remain.
Hoping for your intereBt In our neBday. Watson was thrown from ~
seat and fell some dlBtance away, but
Fred Walzer,
berth 686-J.
\VA~TED-Two boarders; two men or
Meet& Every Sunday at 9.45. ried couple. In prl\'ate family. Box 654.
The N. A. C. I escaped with brulBeB. Manager Narberth BaBe Ball Club. l':arberth. (2x)

OUR TOWN Despite all that has been printed

about the Armenian atrocities the ANNUAL PICNIC OF Watch for the Narberth players' I
averages in the near future.
worst must forever remain unwritten.
Owned, and Published every Thura- TILe Moslems have been guilty of re- THE BAPTIST CHURCH George Howes felt his hit very
day uy the Narlrerth Civic Associa- volting hororrs that no tongue can
tiot.. describe. Of the two million Arme-
nians in Turkey one year ago, at least
If its Narberth news items you
The double play executed by Nar- want, Mr. Editor, how's this for a
HAURY A. JACOl,lS, one million have been killed or forced Saturday, October 7th, was a happy berth in the ninth inning was a grand starter (slipped to the printer without
Editor. out of their homes and exiled into day for the children of the Baptist finish. Mr. Jacobs knOWing anything about
desert lands to perish with hunger, Church of the Evangel and fox: the It) :
Mrs. C, R. B1ackall A. J. Laos disease and terror. The appeal for grown-ups, too. Bill Simpson was there on short. 1 Harry A. Jacobs, editor or Our
Mrs. C, T. Moore Henry Rose help is for those who remain. Until . Town, picked a quart of strawberries
Mrs. Roy E. Clark W. T. Melchior this cruel war ends thousands must For many years tlllS annual picnic Dick Wallace scoops them up at from his garden last Sunday.
Earl 1<'. Smith O. L. Hampton be l'.ed if the are to live and the has been something the Sunday school first like a veteran.
G. M. Henry look to Ame~ica for hel~. Forme~ always looks forward to and thorough- Wynnewood road is still finished.
Associate Editors. Ambassador Morganthau says that IIY enjoys. Nig. Koons caught in great fashion. We refer to the new concrete road-
$5,000,000 is needed at once to furnish This time the" day was e~?eptional~y way. It is expected that it will be
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, food, clothing and shelter. One dOl-I favorable and Pennhurst, lovely 10 The atmosphere was very much opened to traffic late this week.
Cashier. lar will keep one person alive one autumn garb, was at its best. against the pitcher.
month or longer. Arn.erica is comfort., Th~ children left the church in ~he Our society reporter says she saw
H. C. GARA, able and rich. In contrast with the mornmg, some of the older folks gomg Bill Durbin wins the cup, the dahlia king, and our own cub
Ad"erUslng Manager. peace and quiet which are ours let, later, but when ~inner was served on walking arm in arm up Essex avenue
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - us think of the ruined homes starving! the lawn at 1 0 clock, a large num- Vernon Fleck's catcll in left field Sunday
Send all letters and news item to bodies stunned minds and broken bel' was present. As usual, "Uncl~ saved a couple of runs.
P. O. Box 404. hearts' in Armenia where llUnger Dick," chef supreme, was ready with

Send all advertising copy to P. O. cruelty and hate keep constant vigil: h~s big fire and s~rved everybody with
I Among the members of the Narberth
George Howes covers an acre of Tennis Association seen on the courts
Box 820. The American Committee for Ar_lllls wonderful roasting ears and ground in center field. Saturday afternoon was W. J. Kirk-
Make all remittances to P. O. Box menian Relief is organized to meet potatoes." Re~arkable, too, was the patrick.
118. this appalling n.eed. Members of the way the sandwiches and. deviled eggs Gene Davis taps them like a
Our Town is on sale at the depot committee pay all expenses thus and pumpkhi pies and milk and coffee veteran at second.
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. making it possible to cable eve~y dol- disappeared. Little wonder t~at no
Official Scorer Earl Smith and "the
scribe," in their efforts to tell all
Davis. lar for relief and a recent cablegram speed records were broken m the l<'lick Stites still can hit them about base ball game Saturday, may
Entered bS second-class matter, 01:- from Constantinople to the State De-I games which followed. One cannot where they ain't. overlook several important details, so
tober ] 5, 1914, at the Post Office at. partm.ent at Washington gives assnr- i run very fast so full of good things.

Act of March 3, 1879.

Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the ance of the consent of the Turkish Bnt the contests were thoroughly en-
government for the distribution of joyed by both participants and on-
Bob. Gibson is an ace,
'we hasten to inform a waiting public
that Official Ticket Seller and Taker
Ray Jones was ably assisted by Assist-
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1916 money, food and other suppiles among Ilo~kers. There were events ~or the The whole team shone brilliantly, ant Ticket Sellers and Takers Ed Dolel
__._ _ '. the Armenians. The treasurer of the i children anll the adults. Mans of the and Bob Town.
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS committee is Charles R. Crane. '70 I games were new and novel; yes, and Manager 'Valzer was all smiles on
Fire 350. 1'~ifth avenue, Xew York, to whom al! prizes were awarded, too-very hand- the third base coaching line. He and
An important election will take place
Pollce 1250. contributions shoUld be forwarded. I I some ones in several instances. Walter Humphreys make a great in the borough and other places Tues-
am writing this simply to call the at- At 4 o'clock ice cream and cake were coaching pair. day, November 7. A Mr. Wilson and
tention of this community to the served. Even then, those present were a Mr. Hughes are the two best known
We are pleased to note that quite a president's Proclamation and to make not too full for utterance, because Thirteen hits in a championship
number of our merchants, contractors, an appeal in behalf of a stricken peo- they gave three lusty cheers for host battle. Narberth has a great hitting candidates.
teachers, etc., have already taken ad- pie. If any would prefer handing and hostess before starting for home. t.eam, as well as fielding.
vantage of the opportunity of register- their contribution to Mr. Wm. J. Jim Donnelly, of Woodside avenue,
A delightful day, surely, and one, we
Koons hunted ~ird strike foul. ~v~:~e~a~sm;l~ ~~~;u~:e P::;;d i\e~ni~
ing their names, addresses and tele- Kirkpatrick: on or before next Sun- believe. that Mr. and Mrs. Hopper
phone numbers in the classified index as thoroughly as did the rest
that will hereafter be a feature of Our day he Will he glad to forward It along 1enjoyed Saturday afternoon. When seen by
Ben Gilhert was kidded all after- our own correspondent, Mr. Donnelly
Town. The cost of thes.e cards is with the offering which the Narberth lof us.
so trifiing, and the advantage of being Presbyterian Church will make to thi~ I noon. made the following statement: "I was
included in a list of those who wish cause next Sunday. l\' AUHEU'I'l[ RETAINS at the ball game."
to do business with their fellow- Yours in behalf of the suffering I CIIA~[PIONSlnp TI'l'I,.: Some crowd, Especially the Nar-
Armenians, herthites. And so were Arthur Cole and Bill
townsmen is so great, that it would
be a mistake not to be represented. ,Tohn YIlII l\'l'ss. Continue" ~m First Page Horner.
'\ GOOd-bye until next year.
To those desiring to buy goods or
have work done, this list is eqnally
advantageous. They can obtain the
Once More Our Boys Have You An)' }[ore Pitchers
Dun It Co.~
I That's the funny thing about base
ball-you never can tell just who you
names of all those engaged in a par-I Have Brought The I NARBE..RTH. I AN INNOVATION are going to meet.
ticnlar business at a glance, and, if • •
desired, can secure estimates on work
from several sources in a few minutes I
Championship tp Borough Howes, cf
H.. H. ~. A. E. I Instead of the usual church prayer
0 0
And the grounds around the south
0 00 meeting of this week the Narberth side of the station since the Civic As-
by telephone. Wallace, lb 2 1 12 1 Presbyterian Church win hold five sociation's waste paper can went into
~! must not he ()verlookp.d, I,nwcvcr, I 'lcr?::.. t;cr· Walzer's team has again DaVis, 2b. . 2 1 2 2 0 cottage prayer meetings, all at 8 action. Why they look cleaner and
that this list is merely an index. To won the championship of the Main Stites, 1'1'. •••••••• 1 2 1 0 0 o'clock on Wednesday evening of this neater than they have in years.
draw particular attention to their Line League. The team traveled a l<'leck, If. ;) 4 1 0 0 week. The community has been di- Gentlemen, we thank you.
wares or services those listed in th.e hard road during the past season but Koons. c. 1 1 9 0 ~ vided into five districts and the object
index should adve~tise more at length in spite of all the "ups and do~ns" Durbin. ::h. . 3 2 0 ~ 0 of the meetings is to plan for a church Bert Eyre'S total catch for the sea-
in the regular advertising columns of whicll they experienced, they won the S~mpsoll. !-IS. • ••••• 0 2 0 1 visitation by the church members in son was somewhere around 2000 fish,
Our Town. The rates are low, and race. . i Gibson, p. . 0 0 1 3 their respective districts. The meet- which shows what little chance the
every family in Narberth will see and Our boys have given up their Satur- 2 ing.s arranged for are as follows:- fish really had.
be infiuenced by what is adv.ertiSe d in day aft.ernoons for practically half a. Tt 1
0 a s
I')~ ]:1 27 I",. District No. I, 131 Merion avenue:
our paper. No other advertising you year. The)' have provided their fel-
do could possibly be as effectual as low townsmen with a world of pleas- . I It. G. Dl'~ & CO.
leader, Samuel W. Foster. And now we come to the end of the
District No.2, 404 South Narberth parade--a baker's wagon, a grocery
this; it goes straight to the mark every ure in theSe afternoons. The average R. H. O. A. ]~. avenue: leader, H. C. Gara. wagpn, an ice wagon and a troup of
time. Boroughite not realize what Collins, :1b. 1 1 1 1 0 District No.3, 216 Dudley avenue: small boys, one of whom apologizes
good this base ball champioIlship team 1-1. Barnitz, 2b..... 0 0 ~ 4 0 leader, A. C. Warner. for taking even this much of your time
To the Editor of Our Town: I
has brought to our borough.
A few weeks ago Windsor avenue, I makes a name for the town and is Schwartz, lb
It Gilbert, cf. 0 0 1 0 1 District No.4, 221 Price avenue: and attention and begs to remain,
0 1 !I 1 0 leader, Robert L. Beatty. Little Amo!'.
from Essex to Wynnewood, was I reall)' a gOOd aclvertisement. Fahey, c. ., ,. 0 1 5 a 3 District No.5, 102 Hampden avenne;
opened to traffic after having been I Don't you think it would be a good Mudie, rf. 0 1 0 0 0 Ileader. William J. Peebles. STAT.;~IEl\'T 01" THE OWNERSHIP,
repaired and re-surfaced. Th.e street thing to show our appreciation in R. Barnitz, ss 1 1 ~ ~ I ~ . )L\NAGEl'IENT, CIRCULA.
presented a smooth surface, and had some manner to the boys for the Beggo, If. . 0 0 ' OI'POSE HOSI'I'I',U, SI'rJ.:. TION, ETC.,
the appearance of a first-class job. time and effort spent in entertaining Markley, p. . 0 0 1 0 0,
But notwithstanding the short period the citiz.ens of the good borough of Whitney, p. . 0 0 0 0 0 A site, tentativelY picked out for of "Our Town," publishell weekly at
of use, it is alreadY showing the ef- Narberth? This is the fourth Cham-I Deegan; p. . .. : 0 0 0 2 ~,the location of a Main Line perma- Narberth, Pa., required by Act of
fect of traffic and at places the sur- pionship . which the Narberth team, - August 24, 1912.
face is so badly torn up as to be in has won, since the inauguration of the I' Totals 2 5 *23 13 '14 nent hospital for contagious disease Editor-Harry A. .Jacobs, Narberth,
'ke will probably be given up since it
need of repair, and unless it is at- Main Line League. *Koons out, bunted third strl was learned that Dr. Samuel G. Pa.
tended to promptly the street will I If 30, get in touch with President fOUl. Managing Editor-Harry A. Jacobs.
soon be in as bad condition as he-I Raymond Jones. of the Narberth team Dixon, State Commissioner of Health, Narberth, Pa.
fore. Th.e question naturally arises and exchange ideas, as to what could R. G. Dun & Co.. l 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0- 2 has condemned the plan, Business Manager-Harry A. Jacobs,
as to whether a road of this charac- be done for them to show our ap- i'\'arlJ,erth 1 2 0 3 0 2 0 4 x-12 Boards of Health from Main Line Narberth, Pa.
tel' is not an unwise expenditure of preciation for their good services. I !owns and tow~ships have b~en try- Publisher-Narberth Civic Associa-
puhlic money and why the Highway TWO-base hits-Schwartz, Stites, lllg to find a site since the mfantile tion, Narberth, Pa.
Committee did not provide some HOW 'J'O In; Al\' l':nl'fOR. Fleck, Simpson, Durbin. Earned runs p.aralYl<l~ epidemic forced the estab- Owners-Narberth Civic Association.
character of binder, even thougil a . .-Narberth, 8; Dun & Co., 1. Three- hshment of a temporary pest house Officers-President, A. J. Loos; vice-
gr.eater expenditu:!'e would have been Most anyone can be an editor, 'I base hit-CoIlins. Sacrifice hits-H. at Rosemont. presidents, A. C. Shand, J. B. WlI-
necessary. A road which requires All the editor has to. do is to sit at Barnitz Deegan Stolen bases-Col- Real estate men, wealthy property Iiams, James Artman; secretary
constant repairs is an expensive road a desk six days out of the week, four Iuns, R. 'Barnitz, Howes, Durbin, Simp- owners and country clubs have pro- and treasurer, Frank J. Wisse.
in the long run. Perhaps the High- weeks of the month and twelve son. Left on bases-Narberth, 9' R. tested against every suggestion made Directors-George H. Henry, W. Ar-
way Committee can enlighten us. months of the year and "edit" such G. Dun & Co., 5. Struck out-By Gib- for the location of a hospital. Re- thur Cole, Frederick L. Rose, A.

TIL"l:payer. stUff as. this: I son 9' by Deegan 5' by Markley O· cently a vacant house in the Mill
"Mrs. Jones of Cactus Creek let a by 'WI~itney, 1. Double plays-Simp: Creek Valley was offered and was
E. Wohlert, George M. Colesworthy,
Mrs. William S. Horner, Mrs.
To the Editor of Our Town: can opener slip last week and cut son to Davis to Wallace. Bases on about to be accepted. T-fiis was done George M. Henry, Fletcher W.
In all the brilliant annals of Amer- herself, iin hi
the pantry." balls-Off Gibson, 2,' Markley, 0; off at secret meetings and when news of St·tI es, E . A. Musc h amp, H . C. Gara,
ican philanthropy there probably has 'A m sc evous lad of Piketown Whitney, 1; off Deegan, 6. Hit by it leaked out there was a row. FI- Henry Rose, Edward S. Haws, Mrs.
never been a conception of greater threw a stone and struck Mr. Pike pitched ball-By Deegan Howes and nally Dr. Dixon not only condemned Roy E. Clark, William D. Smedley.
magnitude than the plans now under- in the alley last Tuesday." Davis. Wild pitches-Markley Dee- the house offered as unfit, but said Mrs. Lester W. Nickerson.
way for next Sudnay. The President "John Doe climbed on the roof of gan, 3. Passed balls-Fah~y, 2; that the valley aud the site chosen
of the United States has called for his house last 'Week looking for a leak Koons 2. Umpires-Jones on the would not do at all. (Signed) HARRY A. JACOBS,
the observance of October 21-22, as and fell, striking himself on the back bases,'Ferguson behind the bat. Time There is expected to be a long dis- Business Manager.
Armenian relief days throughout all porch." of game-l.50. Scorer-Earl F. Smith. cussion before another site is plck- Sworn to and subscribed before me
our fair land. The .American Com- "While Harold Smith was escorting ed out, this eleventh day of October, 1916.
mittee for Armenian relief consists of Miss Violet Wise from the church so- As Seen From the Press Box. Dr. Dixon says the building is a
prominent Jewish, Catholic aud cial last Saturday night a savage dog Dun-Done. "firetrap, without adequate water sup- (Seal) Walter M. Barber,
Protestant leaders all co-operating in attacked them and bit Mr. Smith ply for the purpose" of a contagious Notary.
My commission expires Feb. 5, 1919.
an elaborate propaganda for the re- several times on the public square." Fleck starred with the bat. A clean disease hospital; without any appar-
lief of this stricken people. Everyone sheet. ent available means or handling the
of the more than 175,000 ministers of The Evangel Circle of KIng's sewage problem; that the building is The Evangel Circle of King's
reHgion in this country has been Daughters will hold a fall' In the Flick SUtes' first hit helped a lot. uot strongly constructed; that Its Daugllters will 1i0ld a fall' in the
directly asked by personal communica- Community Room of the Y. M. C. A. plumbing is unsanitary; that its rommunity Room of the Y. M. C. A.
Uon to participate in this effort. The BuDding, Thursday. October 28th. af. Why did catcher Fahey lose his rooms are not well arranged for the Building, Thursday, October 26th, af.
aim Is to lay the case of the ternoon and evening. There wllI be pep so soon, In fact tbe whole team? purposes of a hospital, and that it Is ternoon and evening. There will be
Armenians upon the sympathetic on sale aprons. fancy and useful are located on a hillside, with little or on sale aprons, fancy and useful 1'1'.
heart of America, tlclas, also candy and home baking. Deegan was very wild. no plateau. tlc~les, also candy and home baking.
Merion Meeting House is opened for
worship every Frist-day at 11 A.
M. Visitors are cordially welcome. AND LEADS LEAGUE Arcade Building Acute Poliomyelitis
A registry book is kept for Visitors. The Main Line Fishing Club has Gas AdmlDlstered An ounce of prevention is worth
All are asked to register their names. broken another record. That sounds a thousand pounds of cures. For
like repetition, as this fine old ag- Second W'eek of League Brings ArtlRtlc Hairdressing, Electrical Treatment, further prevention, see our win jow
American Wave Manicuring
ST. MARGARET'S CUUReR. gregation of deep sea navigators Champs to Head of Race display.
Early Mass on Sunda.y from April seems to have a penchant for the _ A.· M. CASE
1'It to October 31st at &.30 A. :.-r. From
NoYember 1st to March 31st at 7 A. M. smashing of records of all kinds,
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout the good and bad and a record or two
Our Main Line League Bowling Scalp Treatment, Facial Massage, D)·elng.
i Knights, champions of the league,
Dleachlng, Clipping, Singeing, Shampooing, FIEDLER
year. Masses on holydays. 6.30 and more or less means nothing to it. didn't allow much time to pass before 242 Haverford Ave., Narberth The Prescription Druggist
they stepped right to the top of the Phone. Narberth 302-J
8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening
Ever since Bill Cummer and percentage column. This reservation ----------_._--
devotions and other services at regular
times. Charlie Verna, champion drop line was attained by them through the re- rLEAN...SAFE...WHOLESOMI! JAMES G. SCANLIN
fishermen, revived the confidence of suits of the league match last Friday II Ii
ALL SAINTS'I). E. CJlURCII. timid bathers by clearing the Atlan- evening, when they toppled the pins
I tic of sharks, one doesn't wonder at over their competitors from the Nar- OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED Contracting Painter
--- any apparent miracle that might be berth Y. M. C. A. for sufficient totals UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL Estimates Narberth, Pa,
ReT. An4rew~urke, Pastor. performed by those holding member- to win all three games in the match. Telephone

The services at All Saints' P. E.

ship cards in the organization of The quintet from the borough town I Pasteurized Milk
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood which the borough is so proud.
gave the suburbanite bowlers a close BryDelo~~JlfertlIled WEST PHILA. • 0
II oward F C tter
avenues, for next Sunday are as fol-
What would you say of a fish chase, especially in the first game, (Pedrlaflc Society)
I h
Valued at $400 per pound, even In IW llc ~hey only dropped by six pins. Special "Guer~sey" MERION
8 A. M.-Holy communion. these days of high living costs? Hartil WIth 5129 pins, Walt witll 503 and Milk. WYNNEFIELD QUALITY
9.45 A. M.-Sunday school. j
There Is such a fish, however, and to Sav I with 4 8 pins, led the bowlers. (Roberts· & Sharpless· BALA-CYNWYD
11 A. M.-Morning prayer with ser- the local masters of the briny deep ~os~mont Men's Club sprang a sur- DaIrIes) NARBERTH Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
belongs the credit for discovering it. 1 prIse mto the Ardmore Y. M. C. A. Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE _
m~np. M.-Evening prayer. On 'with the story. Well then, here by copping two out of the three, bring,- T bl
it is: ' l i n g the Ardmorltes down to Second a e aBream. pp DO
d Whl I WYNNEWOOD G eorge B Suplee
ReT••Tobn Gordon, D. D" Acting
P t
On Tuesday, October 10th, at For- place while the Men's Club now stand
ltescue, N. J., a delegation from the with .500 .percentage.
limen of what is known in piscatorial opp ng a 0 a 0
Lew Durnell
I Pride of Narberth caught a fine spec- twas l'iIVreCkltngt tlhefP5in3s5 aft a good pace, I
or an average
; .
POWELL DAIRIES Steam & Hot Water Heating
as or. I phraseology as "infinitesimal min- of 178. which is the 11igh individual for Bell Telephone.
S un d ay servIces:
. -- nowette" . The fish was a new one theT two. weeks of the league.
9.45-Bible school, all classes. Men's to many of the old sea dogs and lIe mfant members of the league,
45th and Parrish Sts. , - - - - - - - - - - - -__
and woman ' s Blble classes. Every, _ 'some of tllem at first p r onou nc d It e Paoli .Travelers and Narberth Rovers '
body welcome. Every scholar expect-I an insect. However, the marvel was I battled It out on the Narberth alleys I· Try a Pound of ••
ed to be present. ,caught through the agency of rod,. an.1i ~e ~Or~Ugh ROMve~ls: u,nder C~p-
11 A. M.-Morning worship. Preach- !line and blood worm and bore many·\tam ar, SlOwed a lias travelmgl
ing by ReT. S. J. Arthur, of Winnipeg, I points in common to that of a regu- qUtinte[ tbsonll.e of tlhe ~ne pOinhts of tlile
Manitoba. Iial' fish. To definitely settle the mat- :ar 0 ow mg, c ean~ng up ?use n I
7 P. M.-Young people's meeting.
7.45 P. M.-Evening
ter, the club's authority on such Ian three g,ames. Tins now gIves the
worship. I questions-none other than the P. R. Rovers a.n even break for .500 percent-
Preaching by Re". S. .J. Arthur, of R. scientist, Bill Cohlc-decided after! agle , w11~lle bthte Travelers are In fithe G SUPPLIES
Wi nn i peg, Mam't 0 ba. Ev ~ erv
. member a microscopical examination that it lost ce lar Wlt 1 u one game won an d ve
should try and be present at either was actually a fish. When placed on . StJUuUlIg of the Clubs.
the mornln~ or evening services. the scales it came mighty near being At that, for the second week, the
W. L. Pet.
Narberth, Pa.
Wednesday, October 18, prayer and lost to posterity, as a common house clubs a~l seem evenly matched and
praise service. Last Wednesday we fiy alighted on it and had carried It there WIll be a good race with much Wayne 5 1 .833
had a splendid meeting. Let this up to a chandelier before the fran- enthusiasm and interest to be mani- Ardmore Y. M. C. A. .• 4 2 .666 You will lind a variety 01
evening be even better and do not for- tic efforts of the witnesses were re- fested In th~ race for the trophies and Rosemont M. C. 3 3 .500
get our motto, "Every member present warded by its recapture.
at the prayer meeting." The value placed on the fish was
Narberth Rovers
N.\rbcrth Y. M. C. A. .. 2

$400 per pound. This figure was ar- )Iain Line Bowling I,eaguc. AND OTHER TASTY CAKES
lUETIIODIST };PIS('Op,n CIIURCIl. rived at by computing its weight, one Scores:-
ounce, with the expense of the ex- WAYNE M. C. AHmm ~'EATUItE FOR
At Miesen's
"The UUle Church 011 the nUL" pedltlon that captured it, namely $25. 1st 2nd 3rd EVERY SA'IURDAY
No otller fish were canght, which was Game. Game. Game. In an effort to make the opening Try Our Sticky Cinnamon BUDS
neT. (:. G. KOllllcl, Pllst(lr. due entirely to inclement weather. Shuster 125 159 155 evening of The Community ClUb par-
Hence, if 1 oz. of fish costs $25, it Ware 111 122 . " ticularly attractive a big entertain- Cream. We guarantee the purity of our Ice
All orders pro'l1ptly attended to,
Sunday services:
9.45-Sunday school. Bible classes cost $400.
would only be fair to say that 1 lb. Murphy .. I
126 I m.ent feature h ' dd d
as been a e to t e h

for adults.
Hart 132 199 181 regular program. At the last moment
P. MIESEN, Confectioner
This paper has been requested not Dunne • . .
ll-Morning worship. SUbject of the to mention the nameR of the doughty Walt
pastor's sermon, "How Christ Came to heroes comprising the expedition, but I

1311 the chairman of the club induced the
147 manager of The Lyceum Course to
'send us The Berna Concert Company,
for Your Own Convcnicnce
Church." this is only one more evidence of Totals 689 807 740, composed of a whistler, a soprano
7-Epworth League. A service con- the modesty of true greatness.
ducted especially for and by the young
NARBERTH Y. M. C. A. I soloist, a humorous reader and a BANK "\oVITH
• • - - I 1st 2nd 3rd I pianist. These, together with the CDECKING ~a .. ~
people. Leader, Miss Wade Howen- . Two bUlldl.ngs of rather novel de-I· Game. Game. Game. lecture by Mr. ChamlJ,erlain, as an- ACCOUNTS ~.,:;~' ,. ""'1; . SAFE
stine. sign are bemg erected on Grove Humphries 156 146 155 nounced in a previous issue of Our ..., DEPosrr
7.45-Evening worship. Sermon by Place. Each h~S a roof. 1mt no cel- jMcKell 116 131 146 Town, should make a most satisfac- SAVINGS • : WILlS
the pastor. Gospel song service and lar. Search me. IAyre . , 93 125 129 tory program. ACCOUNTS • ~il.6.~ "",,, WRITTEN
hearty congregational singing. Chorus
. --. . I Hartley 130 174 127. The opening meeting will be free
choir at both services. . That raise made qUite an I~lpre- Savill 188 173 137 Ito all new residents of Narberth. If
SIGn on me, Mr. Jacobs. I [eel It yet.I __ __ in recent months. you have had n?w
IDqe iRUtl'u110lUil' <!InUit arn.
. .--- . Totals 683 749 694 neighbors make It a point to inVIte
Willie the writer was III one of 'our them to the October 27 meeting. 1323 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
neT. Jolla Vlln Ness, ~Iinister. stores the other day, a little girl ARDMORE Y. M. C. A. I It is the plan of the club managers
came in and said that her mother 1st 2nd 3rd to begin the entertainment at 8 P. M.
The meetings for next Sunday are had sent her for a pair of rubber
as follows:- boots and a pickle. She got them,' Bennett. , ...•..... 154 143
Game. Game. Game. sharp. Everybody, therefore, is re-
108 quested to be in the Community
10 A. M.-Sunday school. Everybody too. I Kane ........•••... 123 120 . " Room before the hour.
welcome. Chapin . . 1461 Following the entertainment re- This league is just getting started
11 A. M.-lIlorning worship. Pastor's Will Carmlna is searching for his Lane 143 142 138 freshments will be served and there but is certainly generating enthusi-
theme, "The Armenian Challenge." voice. His neighbors are not wish- Oakley 150 121 163 will be a half hour or more in which asm. Drop in any Monday or Tues-
7 P. M.-ehristian Endeavor Society ing failure on him-now that the cool Gallagher 116 151 146 everyone will have an opportunity to day night and you'll get a sample of
meeting; leader, Miss Agnes Rose. A weather calls for closed windows. I get acquainted With his fellow towns- it. Further details concerning con-
friendly debate will be one of the at- I Totals .........•. 686 677 728 folk. This, the most desirable feature testants and scores will be given in
tractions of this meeting. There will Ed. Dold objected to our statement ROSEMONT M. C. of th,e clUb, wm be carried on just next week's issue of "Our Town."
be special music. last week that he had worked a day 1st 2nd 3rd as it was last year, and those of us A part of the schedule is as fol-
8 P. M.-Public worship. Pastor's the previous week. We saw him go Game. Game. Game. who do not know many people in lows:
theme, "Nehemiah's Revival." in on the 8.14 and return on the 2.15, Durnell 209 151 175 Nllll'1berth will find this the ideal way October 9-Montgomery Avenue vs.
and of course assumed he had gone Ramsey, 146 131 109 to get acquainted quicklY and broad- Essex Avenue.
Churcll Notcs. to work. However, we are glad to Rogers .•.........125 165 141 ly. October 10-Colts vs. Plugs.
The monthly all-day meeting of tlle make amends and hereby take pleas- King .•............ 143 140 141 October 16-Narbrook vs. South
ladies will be held next Tuesday as ure in stating that he didn't. Wright 181 145 141 COltUWNITY CLUB O~'FICERS. Side.
follows: Ladies' Aid at 11 o'clock, October 17-Montgomery vs. Colts.
followed by luncheon at 12.30, and The more bowed the legs, the Totals 804 732 October 23-Essex vs. Narbrook.
707 Pr.esid.ent, Mirs. W. M. Cameron;
Woman's Missionary meeting at 2 P. shorter the skirt. October 24-Plugs vii: South Side.
NARBERTH ROVERS. vice-president, Mrs. C. P. Fowler;
M. All ladles of the congregation are October 30-Montgomery vs. Plugs.
To hear Doc. Howard talk you 1st 2nd 3rd recording secretary, Mrs. Wm. Living-
invited. October 31-Plugs vs. Narbrook.
would think he actually saw a ball Game. Game. Game. ston; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Compton . . .....•. 132 165 129 Roy Clarke; treasurer, Mrs. W. C.
The annual church meeting will. be game once in a while, but he never Lacey . . 149 152 163 Pollock. Jr. COltllnTTEES FOR 1916.1917
held next Wednesday evening at which gets up on the hill before the ninth Fleck . . 152 166 143 Chairmen. DANCES, NARBERTH ASSEltIDLY
time there will be an election of elders Inning of any game and that means Ward . . 146 143 164 Gymnasium-Mrs. E. HUl'th.
and deacons. Every member of thp he goes there nine times before he
Scanlin . . ......•.. 177 152 102 Civics-Mrs. W. Arthur Cole. Special Dance ltrarcb 1m" ltrask.
church should be present. In accord- can truthfUlly say he has seen one Membership-Mrs. Harry HartLey.
ance with the proclamation of the game. Totals 756 778 House--Mrs. James Ford Donnelly. November 17-Charles Bodansky, C
President of the United States, con- Legislation-:Mil's. Edward Mus- P. Fowler and John C. Holme.
tributions will be received next Sun- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Beatty, of up- PAOLI. champ. December 16-Rezo Brooks, Andrew
day for the Armenian relief fund. there-behlnd-tlle-backstop-somewheret, 1st 2nd Greene and A. T.
attended the Sunday School Conven- 3rd· Press-Mrs. C. T. Moore.
Game. Game. Game. January 19-L. D. Hess, Edwin P.
tion in York last week. They think Thomas . . . 136 114 Dold and William J. Henderson.
Tile ETan~1 Circle of King's the National Is a fine hotel, because Bowers 121 119 The Evangel Circle of KIng's February 16-Wllliam J. Kirk-
Daughters will Ilold a fair In the scrapple is served three times a day. Tyler .•........•..... 149 122 Daughters will hold a fair in the patrick, Carl B. Metzger and George
Community Room _of the Y. M. C. A. Shank 124 136 112 Community Room of the Y. M. C. A. Rose.
Building, Thursday. October 26th, af. Charlie Humphreys has a new car. Pawling. . • ...•.... 166 146 164 Building, Thursday, October 26th, al. April 20-Raymond C. Jones. Chas.
temoon and evening. There will be I His real fun will come when it's time Holland. , 166 153 152 temoon and evening. There will be V. Noel and Robert G. Savill.
on sale aprons, fancy and useful ar. to "get out and get under." on sale aprons, fancy and useful Br.
.... tlcles, al80 candy and home baking. Cub. R. G. SavllJ,
Totals 713 697 669; tlcJes, also candy aDd home baldng.
c=::========r=======.::::=====::O==-================-== know the boys will keep things in
TENNIS MEN first-class shape.
A Feature Moving Furniture and Hauling!
Automobiles for Passenger Service
The tennis season Is over. What
We will announce the "opening
night" or "open house" later. Watch.
Our Prescription Department are you going to do now to keep in P. S.-There are a few who promised
is complete with the highest
Night Trips When Orderea shape, physically? You have had an to contribute a certain amount-
active season; think what It wll1 these promises have been counted in
quality of
WALTON BROS. Phone, Narberth 672 mean to suddenly stop vigorous ex- with the total. The boys may call
DRUGS ercise and patiently walt till spring
comes so you can get at tennis again.
again as a "reminder."

Your physician knows our ability in com· UndilJided 'Profits Feast and famine Is not a good the-
pounding, and our prices .are !"1uch lo~er Capital Surplus
than those in Philadelphia, with superior $/50,000 $/25.000 $75.000
ory on any proposition, and particu-
larly when tt concerns one's health.
Here Is one pian-think it over.
serHcOWARD'S DRUe STORE WHY NOT BANK IN YOUR HOME TOWN? Our Business Men's Gym Class meets A meeting to organize our foot
every Friday night and will continue ball team wl11 be held Wednesday
to do so till the next tennis season. (October 18) 8 P. M., at the Y. M.
Frank Ct'ist Come one Friday night and get a C. A. All Interested be sure to be
sample, and If you don't have the on h a n d . , •
Hilh Grade Butter
& Trust Co. time of your life you'll be an excep-!
tlon to those who have attended this!
J. G. Foote, ~Iannger 1910.

Telephone-Narberth 644 A. SAFE! SOUNDI CONVENIENT! feature. Just give us one trial-also,
when the tennis sport starts you will
have the privilege of making your
headquarters here-with hot and cold There will be a meeting for the or-
THE ROAD TO WEALTH showers al ways at your service--all ganization of a basket ball team next
IS VIA rHE SAVING HABIT this for $5 per year. Start this week. Monday night, October Z:Jrd, at the
GET THE HABIT-Open an account with us. You can start an account Don't put it off. Y. M. C. A. If you are interested be
: with an amount as low as ONE DOLLAR. You can add to it from time to For further information ask any sure to be on haml. We are going
time to suit your convenience. A little put aside in a saving account is not of the following men: Gara, Cole, to have a good season and games
a talent buried. It is earning all the time; like heart-beats, it's work goes Henry, Nash, Trotter, Orr, Atherholt, will be scheduled with fast teams.
on while you sleep. Donnelly, Seymour, Harris, Ludo- Get in at the start.
BEGIN NOW-If you only put two dollars a week by, you will have vici, Shields, Cameron, Matthews or
HARRY B. WALL saved one hundred dollars in less than a year.
,Open an account for your children. Get them in the habit of saving. Hampton.

Plumbing, Gas Fitting 3 % Interest Allowed on Savin, Accounts, 2 % on Cheeklng Accounts SERMON
and Heating The Merion Title and Trust Company "BOYS' GAME ROOM" "HOW CHRIST CAME TO


Prime Meats
evenings, 7 until 9.
Narberth Office, Arcade Building. Open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Friday

C' arter
It d'l
an d l "I ge, were WI
"Three Cheers for the Boys"-the.
goal has been reached. Estimates are'
i - b' - D-- ._- -D-i--t--Mc In on the equipment, etc., and work
n 0 um us ay, rec ors -.
I Will be started thiS. week.
lad I to have everything m
e hope

Will You .Iltlend a Church Next


Home Dressed Poultry. Butler. El:l:.s and Game.

. ,
acu v an pup I s are a wa)'s g
0 see
'th 1
em lere.
I shape and open the room before No-
vember 1st. Watch for the an- NARBERTH METHODIST
Fancv Fru,t and Vel:etables. "A STORE FOR
Te ~phone. NARBERTH. PA.
'. " ---
Aithough there were no "special I nouncement of the opening night.
The boys wl11 then have a room EPISCOPAL CHURCH
e~ercises" on the 12th, Mr. Melchior of which they can be proud and with Welcome, //,00 o'e/ocle.
did not let us forget the day. Two I the self-government in power we I ~ ..I
H~ C. FRITSCH I ,brief selections and several musical ,.
Properties For Rent and Sale ',numbers and a few words by Mr. Mc- =-=-.,...,.,....".,.....-="""""--=-~-""-"'--=~~=--=--=-""-""-=================~
Fire Insurance Carter w.ere crowded intQ the twenty
Bell Phone 862 W. ::::.:~::;;,;;.:.:.:..::...;.;,;,;.;;;.;;,;,..~= minutes. The assembly hall and class
Wall BnlldIng. Narberth. P ..
SCHOOL EDITOR'S ~~o~~.I~~g:res~n N arb e r t h Reg is t e r
decorated with flags

rara. M~Gin1~ Id
Detective Bureau
Although our opening exercises are
Two Line., JOe per i•• ue; 5c for each additional line
g ly b rlef these day s, u rat -II.=;:;;;::;::;:;;;:;;;::;::=;:;;;::;::=;:;;;:;;;::;::;:;;;:;;;::;::=;:;;;::;::=;:;;;::;::;::;:;;;:;;:::J
'1 0
--- tention is called to birthdays or i ACCOUNTANTS I.AWYERS
INFORMATION FURNISHED ABOUT YOUR ROOF Without halting, without rest, Imemorial days of poets, statesmen., Gr.... n~, Andrew. G1lr03', John, 211 Essex ave. Phone, 1H5-R.
,l'fting better up to best. Iscientists, etc. These are brief selec-, K::lncl',h~lslt.nuct.
• aVe. Phone. 677-:1[, Phlla.G..o.
H~Jlry, addres•.
1\1. 107Lincoln
ave. Phon~, 608.
BAD LEAKS ARRESTED tions that illustrate and arouse in- I 202 Dudley ave, Phlla. addre.s. Finance Bldg. '
LOSSES fROM LF.AKS PREVENTED ,terest In our minds 11.llnahan, Frederic A. Scb~U, Horace lIl.
o • :.!05 Jo"OJ"reMl ave. Phone. 344-11. 208 Sabine ave. Phone, 1245-\V.
The president of the Alumni Asso-I - , , , . . Stlte., Fl..tcher W. 413 Haverford ave.
TO elation conferred with the prlnciplU [' Mr. E~mett, at1l~etic coach and: (~ol.., W. Arth~:~':~~~~~I~~-R, Phone. 372-W. Phlla, add res., Croz~r Bldg. •
,this week of alumni matters, relat!ve physical mstructor, IS organizing alii l<lea9, Plans. Copy. Art. Typography. I\IANICURE, ETC.
B uy a HOIDe
Belore Prices Advance
to planning work for the commg I, boys into athletic squads. U is the
year. I aim to have all pupils active, and to Wallace and W .. rn~r.
.... ~

\do away with the idolizing of ~ school Heal Bs,~', Tr. Cn. Bldg., Phil.. Phone.
See A. 1\1. Phone,
dbiplay 302-J,

in this ISlIue.

'I'lle L~xecutl've
,'- I
Committee of the Learn with no actual , exercise ' but "'I1~)', Walnut .303. H.
,IOH~llh Uo~'leH'.,'ertlsement
See "IAplay 398. In thl. l••ue.
CALDWELL & CO • Alumni Association w111 meet at the' "lung and throat strain' for the hun-
'd d f I ker Of co rse Nar
lOS Merion .we. Phone, 373. Cott~r, 1I0w..rd 10'. Phone. 1298.
See "IAplay advertiAement In thl. I••ue.
home of Misll Prescott, on Mon day. re soon 00 s. U, 1 - \RCIIITI.;cTS AXD Dl'lLDERS CrlHt, .'rank. Phone. 6H-'V.
.;'J, fJ!lt:Jah II,.
t»1 011
ev.ening at 8 o'clock.

berth High wlll have its .. 'Varlsty! Koro~Hkl and C.. m~ron.
team" and we expect great times-but 11)7 Chestnut ave, Phon~, CoOS.
See display advertlA~ment In this Issue.

II' usic u tudio

(' English department. Likewise the the school will also have class teams

mooting separate. Once a month there ciatlon was reorganized last week.
upper three grades will have their and group tEams. The Athletic Asso- lIlerlon Tit'" 6> Tru.t Co. Phone. Ardmore 3.
See ,lIspll.y advertls~ment In this Issu~.
Scott-I'ow~ll Dalrl~s. Phone. PreAton 2398,
S"e dlAplay advertisement In this 10Aue.
be a joint meeting.
Details will follow In next issue. BAKERS
1Il1,,,·n. I'. Phone. 3fi2·J.
'I.oos, Fann)' II. Plano Teacher and Aecom-
panlst. 417 Haverford ave. Phone. 316-J.
Phone, 604 N arbert h

AD IA I . . " tl
Special classes in public speaklllg
are being schedu~ed for pu.plls ntt
j,O ce 0
t I' t
Hee display advertisement in this IHsue.

Parents desiring to admit "begin- SUI"'r. I". A. BI.ACKS~IITIIS

carrying the maximum reqUiremen s. ners" "'1'11 please do so by nOOl1 MOil' 72S )Iontl;omer~' av~. Phone. 3~S,
i "'~ntz, A. 1\1. Phone, 604.

Sec dls"la~' adv~rtls~ment In this Issu~.

: F .. nton. C..rl F. 606 EAsex ave. Phone. 638-W.
CIIESrNUr. Bel.16lh St II This work will be under the tutorship • n ' - I I'hill., add reA.. 1806 eheotnut st.
•'ne!ll Pbotor:Iay The-
Falre of.MI
. s Melc h ior day, October 30. This will be the last, DUII.nEUS 'Z t may~r, F ran.
.•"n k
01118 S ze In Ihe s · date for admission of beginners before' Sm"lll~~', Wm. n. Phone. 600, I 12fi Winsor av~. Phone. 651-J.
- Entire World. I --- January 2, 1917. I
See dlspla~' alh'ertlsement In this Issue, I'ACKING, ~IO"ING, ETC.
P. M. lOA. M. to U.30 I
Many pupils ,enrolled this week, in- I CANDY, ETC. : lIartnlan, \\'m. II.
I 04 Dudl~y ave. Phone. 641- \V.
PhD&.. Plio cludlng newcomers to Narberth. T~lese Children that wi1l be six "ears of: nll,'l., II. Jo:. Phon~. 12:.4-W.
strangers aDlong us were cordially
J 2
age before anuary ,may e enro e
b' II d I See display ad\'~rtlsem~nt in tblA IHsue. PATENT I.A\\'VERS
P R 0 G R A M welcomed bv . prinCipal, teachers and
. now. TI ',n . I 1 f
lose "",coml11g s x )e ore ep- S C,\RI'.''STERS
.., A~1l UPII.II.;RS : .'oMt~r, !Somu~1 "'.
1:11 :llerlon av~. Phone. 1233-J.
pupils. Everybody se.ems at home 111 tem b er, 1917 . ,may enro II on J onuary 2" ,J~nklnH, (lbaH.av~,
I.. Phone. 3S2-:l1.
I t IIe N ar b er th sc h 00 I s. I I
103 DUllle~'
COAL••;TC. uAr('sdIR." 1Gth and Chestnut sts., Phlla.
l\Ion(11)', T'H'.(11)· und W~dn~Hdll"
. - - -
I. Heard III the halls and on p l a y - ' , School News. !
I Cook, C. I'. Phone. 302-'''. /'lee dlAplay adv~rtlA~m~nt In this Isoue.
dt~pla,r advertisement in this laRue.
SIR IIEIUJEatT DJo:EUUOlIl\l TUEJo; ground: The High School students and See PAISTING, ETC.
In 1'!cturl.aUon or RUI.ert IIUKhl'H' .'or..eflll "Swen lunches, these chi1ly days? faculty enjoyed and greatly profited IlJo;STISTS , SCRlllln, ,JOineR G. Phone, 1299.
Story C.. m...·on, 1)r. "'. M. Phon~. -344-M. S~e dlsplny advertisement In this looue.
I guess. How strange it seems that by a second recital by Mr. Richmond. See display u,lvertisenlcnt in this issue.
"TIl}: OLn FOLKS AT nOME" still a few pup!ls must carry cold The two recitals were the introductory PLUI\IDING, ETC.
Thursdo)', Friday and Saturday programs of the Junior and Senior Orr, IIr. ,\. I•. 101 Elmwno<l a,'e. Phon~, 393-W, SUI.I~e. GI'O. D. Phone. 1289.
" I Phlla. Phone, Filhert 4~r.2. Keith Bldg. S~e display advertl.em~nt In thl8 Issue.

In 11 Tn,le..1 lIort Play "I wonder why we can t have as- Literary Societies, respectively. W..II, II. n. Phone. 319-J.
s,embly as we had last year, only three _ nRUGGISTS See dlsplny advertlsem~nt In tbl. Issue.
"THE RETURN 01<' DRA.W EAGAN" times a week." "WhY?" "Well, I liked At the second meeting of the Junior I FI"lll~r's. Phone. 625.
See «llHplay advertisement in this issue. REAL ESTATE
1\laln Production starts at 10 A. 1\{., 12 the stories and nice little time we had i Society officers were elected and a 1I"'I!... k~~p"r' •. Phone. 304-W. Cohhv~ll Ii.: Co. Phone, 1271-W.

1\1., 1.40, 3.20, I), 6.40, 8.20 nnd 10 P. 1\1. in our own rooms."-Two fourth! lesson given by Miss Twining, the See display ad\'('rtlA~ment In this Issue. See display advertiAement In this Isoue.
• . lIo\\,or(I'8. Phone, 1267. Frltocb, n. C. Phone. 252-W.
graders. : English teacher, In parhamentary SCl' display adv~rtlBem~nt In tblB IHsue. S~e dlAplay adv~rtlBem~nt In thl8 IS8ue.
Why not keep warm the.e cool "Some fine addition to the faculty. rule. .;I.ECTRICIANS Justle.., F. 1\1. Phone, 371-R.
morning. and ellening_ be_ide a See display advertisement In thl. Isoue.
:'\0 misfits it se.ems." l'UKll, '·~rl. 225 Iona av~,
Ricklin Perfection "The purr of the radiators iH a
pleasing sound."
With the growth of the physical cul-
ture department it is· gratifying to
Nar. Phous. 6fiO-W. Ard. Phone, 11;3-.T,
GARDEN NURSERIES n\I..G1nley Co. Phon~. 1258-W.
Portable Oil Heater? "How about the faculty quartet? note a marked development in plans W.. hl~rt, A. E. Phone, 696.
Se~ dlspln)' advertisement In this Issue.

Phone or call at When wi1l w~ hear it again?" i for literary work and public speak- S~e <1ls\,la)' ndvertls~m~nl In thlo Issue. SCHOOLS, ETC.
203 Haverford Avenue "U's great how the fellows obey i
ing. The seventh, eighth and ninth IIARDWARE, ETC. Wetherill, hU... hlaude E.
200 Dudley ave. Phone. 1260-R.
orders and keep off the dirt plies and i grades wll1 conduct a literary society. UlckllnH'. Phone. 319-W. Zentmo)'~r, JlII8H, Phone. 651-J.
lumber!" i under close supervision or the See display advertisement In Ihls Issue. See dIsplay advertisement In this IS8ue,
Modern Homes FOR
"Who would ever have thought the:
old rooms could have been made so I
Walton Dro•• Phone, 672.
Ths nuove Is II. new department, and In
order that It shall be of the largest u.e
light and pretty? Why didn't some See display advertl.ement In Ihl. lssu~. to the community the list 8hould contain
SALE OR RENT one do it long ago?" OUR TOWN will gladl1 print INSURANCE
the name of every 1'rofes810nal man, trades-
man, mechanic, shopkeeper, etc.. who does
WM~ D. SMEDLEY Remarked about a member of the an1 news Item about any subject Dowman, samuel P. (Lite.) or Can In any way servo his fellow-towns-
BuDder faculty by a new youngster: "My, but that Is of Interest to Narberth 116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 653-W. Ae It \s difficult for tho.e contributing
Burkhardt, Mlller. PhonB, 659-M. P. O. Box,
he has long legs-I gu.ess IIe can folks, but In order to meet L, (Life, Fire, Accld~nt, Health, Auto, etc.) their time and efforts to the production of
"Our Town" to psrsonally either know or
NOTICE. run." Query: "Who Is he?"-By a the printing schMule, all "copy" JoneH,
403 N.Cha•• R.
Narberth aVe. Phons, 696-W. Interview all 8ueh, It would be most help-
Do not forget Saturday, the 21st, faculty memb er. -manuscripts-must reach the Jone., \Vm. J. 103 S. Narberth a\'e. Phone, list ful If those not now found In the printed
would send In a memo of their name, ad-
at the Y. M. C. A. There is quite a "I wish my sixty-fifth birthday were edItor by 8 P. 111. lIIonda1 each 680·J. Phlla. address, Penn lIlutual Bldg. dre.s, phone number and business or pro-
riValry among the mothers as to here, since the fiftieth brings so many k. Sn:~erW:'::ide ave. Phone, 383. fenlon, for listing. Thl. will C08t a. folloW8:

ich one wil1 make the best cake. Ienvied things to Miss W--." Query:
Go try one. I" Ii?"
W ly so env OUS.
wee Trotter Brae. (Fire, etc.)
209 'Vood.lde a\'e. Phone. 1262-R.
10 cents each Issus for 2 lines; 5 cents for
~llch additional line,

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