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Oscillations of a highly discrete breather with a critical regime

E. Coquet, M. Remoissenet, and P. Tchofo Dinda
Laboratoire de Physique de l’Université de Bourgogne, UMR CNRS No. 5027, Avenue A. Savary,
Boı̂te Postale 47 870, 21078 Dijon Cédex, France
共Received 24 January 2000; revised manuscript received 30 June 2000兲
We analyze carefully the essential features of the dynamics of a stationary discrete breather in the ultimate
degree of energy localization in a nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattice with an on-site double-well potential. We
demonstrate the existence of three different regimes of oscillatory motion in the breather dynamics, which are
closely related to the motion of the central particle in an effective potential having two nondegenerate wells. In
given parameter regions, we observe an untrapped regime, in which the central particle executes large-
amplitude oscillations from one to the other side of the potential barrier. In other parameter regions, we find the
trapped regime, in which the central particle oscillates in one of the two wells of the effective potential.
Between these two regimes we find a critical regime in which the central particle undergoes several temporary
trappings within an untrapped regime. Importantly, our study reveals that in the presence of purely anharmonic
coupling forces, the breather compactifies, i.e., the energy becomes abruptly localized within the breather.

PACS number共s兲: 41.20.Jb, 05.50.⫹q

I. INTRODUCTION pling forces between adjacent particles. The concept of

compactification or strict localization of solitary waves was
In recent years there has been considerable effort made in introduced for the first time by Rosenau and Hyman 关12兴,
understanding nonlinear energy-localization phenomena 关1兴 who investigated a special type of Korteweg–de Vries equa-
in homogeneous discrete lattices. The possibility of existence tion and discovered that solitary waves can compactify in the
of localized long-lived molecular vibrational states was presence of a nonlinear dispersion. Such solitary waves,
pointed out by Ovchinnikov 关2兴 many decades ago. Then, the which are characterized by a compact support, i.e., the ab-
existence of nonlinear localized modes in a lattice with on- sence of infinite wings, have been called compactons. Then a
site potential and linear interparticle coupling was explored fundamental question arises as to whether a breather com-
by Kosevich and Kovalev 关3兴. Dolgov 关4兴 proposed a model pacton can exist in nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattices having
for self-localization of vibrations in a one-dimensional lattice an on-site double-well substrate potential. The answer to this
with nonlinear interparticle coupling without on-site poten- question is given in the present paper.
tial. Sievers and Takeno 关5兴 reported that large amplitude In this paper, we carry out a theoretical analysis showing
vibrations in perfectly periodic one-dimensional 共1D兲 lattices the existence of a stationary breather in the ultimate degree
can localize because of the nonlinearity and discreteness ef- of energy localization in a nonlinear Klein-Gordon discrete
fects. Then they clearly suggested that intrinsic localized lattice, with a ⌽-four on-site substrate potential and very
modes or discrete breathers should be quite general and ro- weak coupling forces between adjacent particles. This
bust solutions in the sense that they can exist in many models breather consists of a central particle that executes strongly
关5兴. This result was subsequently confirmed by Page 关6兴. In anharmonic dynamics while all the other particles execute
contrast to the case of purely harmonic lattices, where spa- very small-amplitude oscillations about their equilibrium po-
tially localized modes can occur only when defects or disor- sitions. Such a situation, which presents similarities with the
der are present so that the translational invariance of the localized rotating modes 关13兴, may occur in many discrete
underlying lattice is broken, discrete breathers may be cre- real systems where some thermally activated atoms or ions,
ated anywhere in a perfect homogeneous nonlinear lattice. though coupled to their neighbors, may jump from one site to
Since the pioneering studies mentioned above 关1–6兴, discrete another one. In the present paper, we provide a general pic-
breathers have been the subject of an intense research 共for ture describing the oscillatory dynamics of the highly dis-
recent reviews see 关7兴 and 关8兴兲, because of their relevance in crete breather, and we show that the on-site double-well po-
various fields such as condensed matter physics, optics, and tential leads to a much richer spectrum of behavior than there
biology. The existence of discrete breathers as exact time is for the single-well substrate potentials considered in pre-
periodic spatially localized solutions in a large class of non- vious studies 关10,14兴. Most of the richness comes from the
linear lattices was demonstrated analytically by McKay and existence of several regimes of breather motion, which are
Aubry 关9兴. But so far, no analytical derivation of breather closely related to the motion of the central particle of the
solutions in a highly discrete ⌽-four lattice has been carried breather in a double-well effective potential. Many physical
out because of a host of mathematical problems that arise in processes involving this dynamics may include proton trans-
the specific situation of abrupt localization of energy. port in hydrogen-bonded chains 关15兴, planar rotations of base
On the other hand, recent studies 关10,11兴 demonstrate that pairs in DNA macromolecules 关16兴, and polymer chains
a breathing mode can compactify in a nonlinear Klein- twisting 关17兴.
Gordon lattice, with a soft on-site substrate potential 共single- The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we present
well potential兲, in the presence of purely anharmonic cou- the model. In Sec. III, we analyze the breather motion in the

1063-651X/2000/62共4兲/5767共10兲/$15.00 PRE 62 5767 ©2000 The American Physical Society


untrapped regime, and in Sec. IV we consider the trapped

regime. Section V is devoted to the analysis of the critical
regime, and in Sec. VI we summarize and give concluding

A. Equations of motion
The system under consideration is a nonlinear Kein-
Gordon infinite lattice, in which each particle interacts with
its nearest neighbors via coupling forces that are either
purely harmonic or anharmonic. Each particle oscillates in a
direction perpendicular to the chain axis, in a ⌽-four on-site
potential that represents the combined influence of the sur-
rounding lattice atoms and external effects. The lattice
Hamiltonian is

H⫽ 兺n 冋冉 冊
1 dx n
2 dt

共x ⫺x 兲 2
2 n⫹1 n FIG. 1. Schematic representation of the initial configuration of

the system in presence of a weak interparticle coupling. The curves
c nl V0
⫹ 共 x n⫹1 ⫺x n 兲 4 ⫹ 共 1⫺x n 2 兲 2 . 共1兲 represent the on-site substrate potential. The circles represent the
4 4 particles. The labels ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B’’ identify the two wells of the
potential. The central particle, which lies at the site index ‘‘s,’’
Here, x n is the on-site degree of freedom, c l , c nl , and V 0 begins its motion in the well B, whereas all the other particles are in
are constants that control the strength of linear and nonlinear the wells A. The particle position x is given in arbitrary units.
couplings, and the on-site potential barrier height, respec-
tively. The corresponding one-dimensional equations of mo- d 2x s
tion can be written in the following form: ⫽V 0 兵 x s 共 1⫺x s2 兲 ⫹2 关 C l 共 x s⫾1 ⫺x s 兲 ⫹C nl 共 x s⫾1 ⫺x s 兲 3 兴 其 .
dt 2
d 2x n
⫽V 0 关 x n 共 1⫺x 2n 兲 ⫹C l 共 x n⫺1 ⫹x n⫹1 ⫺2x n 兲 On the other hand, the positions of all the particles, except
dt 2
the CP, can be rewritten as: x s⫾i ⫽⫺1⫹⌬x s⫾i , where the
⫹C nl 关共 x n⫺1 ⫺x n 兲 3 ⫹ 共 x n⫹1 ⫺x n 兲 3 兴兴 , 共2兲 deviation with respect to the equilibrium position is
兩 ⌬x s⫾i 兩 Ⰶ1. Then, for C l Ⰶ1 and C nl Ⰶ1, the equations of
where C l ⬅c l /V 0 and C nl ⬅c nl /V 0 are the normalized cou- motion at sites s, s⫾1, and s⫾2 reduce, in first-order ap-
pling constants. proximation, to
In the present paper, we examine the ultimate degree of
energy localization in this nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattice, in d 2x s
⬇V 0 兵 x s 共 1⫺x s2 兲 ⫺2 关 C l 共 1⫹x s 兲 ⫹C nl 共 1⫹x s 兲 3 兴 其
the form of a breather. To this end, we consider the limit of dt 2
weak coupling between adjacent lattice sites i.e., a dynami-
dV e 共 x s 兲
cal situation in which only a central particle 共CP兲, say n ⫽⫺ , 共4兲
⫽s, executes a large-amplitude motion from one to the other dx s
side of the potential barrier. All the other particles execute
relatively small-amplitude oscillations near the bottom of the d 2 ⌬x s⫾1
substrate wells lying in the same side of the potential barrier. ⫹2V 0 ⌬x s⫾1 ⬇V 0 关 C l 共 1⫹x s 兲 ⫹C nl 共 1⫹x s 兲 3 兴 ,
dt 2
Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the configura- 共5兲
tion of the system at the beginning of this dynamical situa-
tion. The CP is shifted to an unstable position in one side of d 2 ⌬x s⫾2
the substrate potential, labeled ‘‘B’’ in Fig. 1. As a result of ⫹2V 0 ⌬x s⫾2 ⬇0. 共6兲
dt 2
the coupling forces, the particles neighboring the CP undergo
small shifts, in the same direction as the CP, up to unstable
equilibrium positions located near the bottom of the potential As Eq. 共6兲 shows, in the weak coupling limit, the motion of
wells labeled ‘‘A’’ in Fig. 1. An important point to be em- the s⫾2 particles corresponds essentially to an harmonic
phasized here is that the large initial displacement given to oscillation with frequency ␻ 0 ⫽(2V 0 ) 1/2 and period T 0
the CP, in the direction perpendicular to the chain axis, gen- ⫽2 ␲ / ␻ 0 .
erates thereby a symmetry plane 共perpendicular to the chain In Eq. 共4兲, V e represents the effective potential for the CP,
axis兲, at this lattice site 共i.e., s兲. Consequently, in the limit of whose expression is given by

冋 册
no perturbations, the amplitude of displacement of particles
s⫹i and s⫺i are strictly identical. Thus, at site n⫽s, one 1 C nl
V e 共 x 兲 ⫽V 0 共 1⫺x 2 兲 2 ⫹C l 共 1⫹x 兲 2 ⫹ 共 1⫹x 兲 4 , 共7兲
can replace Eq. 共2兲 by 4 2

TABLE I. Parameters of the effective potential of the CP V e (x),

for zero, linear and nonlinear coupling cases. The positions of the
extrema of V e (x) are: x em1 , x em2 , and x em3 . V bh is the barrier
height. x ec
0 is the critical initial position of the CP.

No Linear Nonlinear
Parameters coupling coupling Coupling

x em1 ⫺1 ⫺1 ⫺1
x em2 0 2C l 2C nl
x em3 1 1⫺2C l 1⫺8C nl
V bh V0 V0 V0
共1⫺12C l 兲 共 1⫺30C nl 兲
4 4 4
x ec
0 & & 关 1⫺C l (1⫹&) 兴 & 关 1⫺C nl (4⫹3&) 兴

of x 0 , such as the occurrence of several temporary trappings

within an untrapped regime.
We examine successively these three different regimes.

FIG. 2. Schematic representation of the effective potentials for III. UNTRAPPED REGIME
the central particle V e 共solid curve兲, and for the breather V eff
共dashed curve兲. The dotted curve represent the substrate potential. In this regime, the CP has a sufficient energy to overcome
The parameters x em1 , x em2 , and x em3 , indicate the extrema of the the potential barrier. Thus, Eq. 共4兲 can be integrated via a
effective potential of the central particle. x ec ec
1 and x 0 indicate the
quadrature to give
positions for which V e (x)⫽V e (x em2 ).
共 p ␣ ⫹ ␤ 兲 ⫹ 共 ␤ ⫺ p ␣ 兲 cn共 w e t,k 2e 兲
x 共 w e t,k 2e 兲 ⫽x 0 , 共8兲
with x⬅x s . Thus, Eqs. 共4兲–共6兲 define the motion of the par- 共 ␣ ⫹ ␤ 兲 ⫹ 共 ␤ ⫺ ␣ 兲 cn共 w e t,k 2e 兲
ticles that are involved in the breather dynamics in the ulti-
mate degree of energy localization in the system. The effec- where the parameters w e , k 2e , p, ␣, and ␤, are given in Table
tive potential V e is schematically represented by the solid II for zero, linear and nonlinear coupling forces, respectively.
curve in Fig. 2, where the positions of the extrema of V e : The function cn in Eq. 共8兲 is a Jacobi elliptic function 关18兴
x em1 , x em2 , and x em3 , can be easily calculated by solving with modulus k 2e ⬍1. Solution 共8兲 corresponds to oscillations
dV e (x)/dx⫽0 共the results are given in Table I兲. One of the of period T e and frequency ⍀:
effects of the coupling forces is to lower the barrier height of
the potential V bh ⫽V e (x em2 )⫺V e (x em3 ) that the CP must
overcome to move from the well B to the well A. In fact, the
T e⫽
K 共 k 2e 兲 with K 共 k 2e 兲 ⫽ 冕0
共 ␲ /2兲 du
冑1⫺k 2e sin2u
ability of the CP to execute a large-amplitude motion de-
pends critically on its initial position x 0 . There exists a criti- 2␲
cal distance x ec0 共from the origin兲 from which the CP 共when ⍀⫽ . 共9兲
released with zero initial velocity兲 can execute a large- Te
amplitude motion from one to the other side of the potential For very weak coupling: C l Ⰶ1 and C nl Ⰶ1 共including the
barrier. Note that in the absence of coupling forces, the ef- case when C l ⫽C nl ⫽0兲, the general solution 共8兲 can be ap-
fective potential of the CP coincides with the on-site sub- proximated 关18兴 by
strate potential represented by the dotted curve in Fig. 2, and
there, the critical distance is x c0 ⫽&⬎x ec 0 . Thus, an out-

standing effect of the coupling forces is the reduction of the x 共 t 兲 ⬇x 0 cn共 w e t,k e 兲 ⬇x 0 兺 P 2n⫹1 cos共 2n⫹1 兲 ⍀t,
0 共see also Table I兲. Throughout
critical distance from x c0 to x ec n⫽0
the present paper, we choose the initial position of the CP to
be precisely in the parameter region x 0 ⭐x c0 , where the pres- where

冉 冊
ence of coupling forces is required for the CP to execute an
untrapped motion. In this region, the breather motion can be ␲ ⫺1
K 共 1⫺k 2e 兲
broadly divided into three main regimes of oscillatory mo- P 2n⫹1 ⫽ cosh ␲ 共 n⫹ 1
兲 . 共11兲
k e K 共 k 2e 兲 2
K 共 k 2e 兲
tion depending on the initial position of the CP.
共i兲 If x 0 ⬎x ec
0 , the CP will execute an untrapped motion Solution 共10兲 shows that the central-particle motion,
with large-amplitude oscillations. which is closely related to the breather motion, is made up of
共ii兲 When x 0 ⬍x ec0 , we find a trapped regime in which the the fundamental frequency ⍀ and several odd harmonics.
potential energy of the CP is not sufficient for this particle to This behavior is formally equivalent to large-amplitude os-
overcome the potential barrier. cillations of a particle in a double-well potential 关19,20兴. The
共iii兲 When x 0 ⬇x ec 0 , we find a critical regime in which substitution of the expressions for w e and k e 共see Table II兲 in
different situations can occur depending on the precise value Eq. 共9兲 gives the period T e in terms of the initial condition x 0

TABLE II. Characteristic parameters w e , k 2e , p, ␣ 2 , and ␤ 2 , for

the CP motion in the untrapped regime, for zero (C l ,C nl )⫽(0,0),
linear (C l ,0) and nonlinear (0,C nl ) coupling.

(C l ,C nl ) w e ( C l ,C nl )

共0,0兲 V 0 (x 20 ⫺1)
(C l ,0)
we共0,0兲 1⫹冋 Cl
共 x 20 ⫺1 兲 2
共 x 20 ⫹2x 0 ⫺1 兲 册
(0,C nl )

we共0,0兲 1⫹
C nl
共 x 0 ⫺1 兲 2
2 [x 40 ⫹2 共 x 30 ⫹x 20 ⫹x 0 兲 ⫺3] 冊
(C l ,C nl ) k e2( C l ,C nl )

共0,0兲 x20
(C l ,0)

ke2共0,0兲 1⫺
2C l
x 0 共 x 20 ⫺1 兲 2
共 x 30 ⫺x 0 ⫹2 兲 册
(0,C nl )

ke2共0,0兲 1⫺
4C nl
x 0 共 x 20 ⫺1 兲 2
共 2x 30 ⫹x 20 ⫺2x 0 ⫹1 兲 册
(C l ,C nl ) p ( C l ,C nl )
FIG. 3. Plot showing the normalized period of oscillations
共0,0兲 ⫺1 T e /T 0 in the effective potential V e , as a function of the initial
(C l ,0)
⫺ 1⫹ 冉 4Cl
x0共x20⫺1兲 冊 position of the central particle x 0 , for C l ⫽6.5⫻10⫺4 and C nl ⫽0
共solid curves兲, T 0 being the period of small-amplitude oscillations
in the bottom of one the two degenerate wells of the substrate
(0,C nl )

⫺ 1⫹
冊 potential. The dotted-dashed curves represent the period of oscilla-
tions in the on-site substrate potential 共C l ⫽0 and C nl ⫽0兲.

(C l ,C nl ) ␣ (2C l ,C nl ) energy localization in the breather imposes a strict limitation

in the strength of linear or nonlinear coupling, to ensure
共0,0兲 2(x 20 ⫺1) small-amplitude oscillations for all the particles other than
(C l ,0) 2(x 20 ⫺1)⫹4C l the CP. As a consequence, the size of the parameter region
(0,C nl ) 2(x 0 ⫺1)⫹8C nl (2⫹x 0 )
0 ⭐x 0 ⭐x 0 must be sufficiently small. Hereafter, we use
x ec c

(C l ,C nl ) ␤ (2C l ,C nl ) C l ⫽6.500⫻10⫺4 and C nl ⫽1.909⫻10⫺4 , for which x ec 0

⫽1.411 99.
共0,0兲 2(x 20 ⫺1) Although the CP plays the prominent role in the motion of
(C l ,0)
2共x20⫺1兲⫹4Cl 1⫹ 冉 4x0
x20⫺1 冊 a highly localized breather mode, the role of the other par-
ticles of the system cannot be ignored in a discrete system,

冉 冊
because they are involved in the energy-exchange or com-
(0,C nl ) x0共x20⫹3兲
2共x20⫺1兲⫹8Cnl 2⫹ pactification processes, which we discuss below. An analyti-
x20⫺1 cal description of the motion of these particles (s⫾1) may
be obtained by rewriting Eq. 共5兲 as follows:

and the coupling parameters. The dotted-dashed curve in Fig. d 2 ⌬x s⫾1

⬇⫺ ␻ 20 ⌬x s⫾1 ⫹V 0 G 共 t 兲 , 共12兲
3 represents the normalized period T e /T 0 for oscillations of dt 2
the CP as a function of its initial position x 0 , in the absence
of coupling. T e /T 0 becomes infinite when the initial position where the function G in the right-hand side of Eq. 共12兲 is
of the CP coincides with the critical value: x 0 ⫽x c0 ⫽& 共as given by
indicated in Fig. 3 by a vertical dotted line兲. Thus, in the
absence of coupling, the CP would be unable to cross the G 共 t 兲 ⫽G l 共 t 兲 ⫹G nl 共 t 兲
potential barrier for initial positions such that x 0 ⭐x c0 . In the
presence of coupling, T e is represented by the solid curves in ⫽C l 关 1⫹x 共 t 兲兴 ⫹C nl 关 1⫹x 共 t 兲兴 3

冋 册
Fig. 3, which show that the CP is now able to cross the q
potential barrier for initial positions below x c0 , in the region ⫽C l 1⫹x 0 兺 P 2n⫹1 cos共 2n⫹1 兲 ⍀t
0 ⭐x 0 ⭐x 0 . Here, the coupling plays a crucial role in the
x ec c n⫽0

冋 册
sense that it is required for the CP to execute large-amplitude q 3
oscillations from one to the other side of the potential barrier.
On the other hand, the achievement of the ultimate degree of
⫹C nl 1⫹x 0 兺
P 2n⫹1 cos共 2n⫹1 兲 ⍀t , 共13兲

TABLE III. Characteristic parameters g iQ for linear Q⫽l and odically, the velocities of all those particles are set to zero
nonlinear Q⫽nl coupling, for the motion of particles s⫾1 in the after a specified number of time steps. In doing so, we peri-
untrapped regime, described by Eqs. 共14兲, 共15兲, and 共16兲. odically extract energy from the system until all the particles
cease to move. Once this process is completed, the effective
Linear potential V eff of the breather can be obtained from the fol-
coupling (g il ) Nonlinear coupling (g inl ) lowing expression 共taking into account all particles of the

冉 冊
g 0l ⫽C l

g0nl⫽Cnl 1⫹ 共 P21⫹P23兲
2 Cl C nl
g 1l ⫽C l x 0 P 1 g1nl⫽3Cnlx0P1 1⫹ 冋 x20
共 P21⫹P1P3⫹2P23兲 册 V eff⬅ 兺n V 0 共x ⫺x 兲 2 ⫹
2 n⫹1 n 4
共 x n⫹1 ⫺x n 兲 4

3x20 1
g 2l ⫽0 g2nl⫽Cnl 共 P21⫹2P1P3兲 ⫹ 共 1⫺x 2n 兲 2 , 共17兲

冠 冡册

g 3l ⫽C l x 0 P 3 g3nl⫽Cnl 冋 共x0P1兲3
x 20
⫹3x0P3 1⫹ 共 P 23 ⫹2 P 21 兲
which is schematically represented by the dashed curve in
Figs. 2, in a very qualitative way. Indeed, this potential dif-
g 4l ⫽0 g 4nl ⫽3C nl x 20 P 1 P 3 fers clearly from the effective potential V e of the CP 共solid
curve in Fig. 2兲 only when the strength of the coupling forces
is sufficiently important. In the weak coupling limit under
q is an integer whose value depends on the order of approxi-
consideration throughout the present paper, V eff is essentially
mation that is desired. The functions G l (t) and G nl (t) can be
identical to V e . Hereafter, unless otherwise specified, we
rewritten into the general form
take V 0 ⫽1.

G Q共 t 兲 ⫽ 兺 g iQ cos共 i⍀t 兲 ,
共14兲 A. Linear coupling
Figures 4, that we have obtained for x 0 ⫽1.414, show that
where the index Q stands for l or nl. The coefficients g iQ are as soon as the CP is released from a position x 0 ⬎x ec 0
given in Table III for the highest-amplitude harmonics (i ⫽1.411 99, it executes a large-amplitude oscillatory motion
⫽0,1,2,3,4). Keeping only these harmonics, with the initial from one to the other side of the potential barrier 关see Fig.
conditions: ⌬x s⫾1 (0)⬇0, and ⌬ẋ s⫾1 (0)⬇0, we obtain the 4共a1兲兴. In Figs. 4共a1兲, 4共b1兲, 4共c1兲, and 4共d1兲, we have rep-
following approximate solution for Eq. 共12兲: resented the motion of the CP 共s兲 and its neighbors: s⫾1, s
⫾2, s⫾3, and in Figs. 4共a2兲, 4共b2兲, 4共c2兲, and 4共d2兲, the
冋冉 冊 册 冉 冊
n ␻ 0t ⌬ ␻ nt
兺 X n sin
Fourier spectra of each motion, respectively. These spectra
⌬x s⫾1 共 t 兲 ⬇ 1⫹ sin , 共15兲 reveal that the breather motion is made up of a fundamental
n⫽0 m 2 2
frequency ⍀ and a few higher-order harmonics n⍀. But,
where we have set only odd harmonics contribute to the breather motion and
those harmonics are present in the motion of all the particles

, 冉 冊
⌬ ␻ n ⫽ 1⫺
␻ ,
m 0
X n⫽
g .
m ⫺n 2 nQ
that make up the breather, i.e., the CP and its nearest neigh-
bors s⫾1. Furthermore, we see that particles s⫾2 and s
⫾3 oscillate at the phonon frequency ␻ 0 with amplitudes
that increase in time 共at least in the first stage of the dynam-
Equation 共15兲 shows that the motion of the particles (s ics兲. This behavior indicates that a small amount of the en-
⫾1) depends strongly on the coupling parameters (C l ,C nl ) ergy that was initially localized on the three particles, s and
through X n , which depends on g nQ . Furthermore, the am- s⫾1, is progressively transferred to other lattice sites
plitudes X n in Eq. 共15兲 become infinite when m⫽ ␻ 0 /⍀ is a through a phonon-radiation process. Indeed, owing to the
nonzero integer. This resonant process is only qualitatively linear coupling, a phonon band: ␻ k⫽ ␻ 0关 1
correct because of the approximate nature of Eq. 共15兲. A ⫹2C l sin2 k/2兴 1/2, 0⭐k⭐ ␲ , exists in the frequency spec-
resonant phenomenon can thus occur in the system if a trum of the system, whether the breather is present or not in
higher-order harmonic of the breather coincides with the fre- the lattice. In the very weak coupling limit that we consider,
quency of small-amplitude oscillations 共in the bottom of one the upper phonon band edge lies very close to ␻ 0 . Thus, the
of the two wells of the substrate potential兲, ␻ 0 . All of the breather motion acts as a source of excitation of the phonon
above qualitative considerations are remarkably well- spectrum, leading to small oscillations at frequency ␻ 0 for
confirmed by the numerical simulations that we have per- particles that lie away from the breather, as Figs. 4共c2兲 and
formed using the equations of motion of the system, Eq. 共2兲. 4共d2兲 show. The conversion of the CP energy into phonon-
The numerical method used to obtained the initial configu- mode energy occurs in a relatively smooth and continuous
ration of the breather, as schematically represented in Fig. 1, manner 共low-conversion regime兲.
is the so-called ‘‘relaxation process’’ 关21兴. We accomplish As mentioned above, the breather motion involves a fun-
this relaxation by, first, putting the CP to a given position x 0 damental frequency ⍀ that always lies in the gap below the
共in the potential well labeled ‘‘B’’ in Fig. 1兲, and all the other lower-phonon band edge: ⍀⬍ ␻ 0 . Consequently, as ⍀ de-
particles in the bottom of the wells ‘‘A.’’ Then, we let all the pends on the initial position x 0 of the CP 共see Fig. 3兲, a
particles 共except the CP兲 to move according to Eq. 共2兲. Peri- higher-order harmonic of ⍀ may 共for some specific values of

FIG. 4. Plots showing the temporal evolution of the positions 共in FIG. 5. Plots obtained in the same conditions as for Figs. 4, but
arb. units兲 of particles that make up the breather motion, obtained with x 0 ⫽1.4122.
by solving exactly the discrete equations of motion 共2兲, for x 0
⫽1.414, C l ⫽6.5⫻10⫺4 and C nl ⫽0. 共a1兲: x s (t). 共b1兲: ⌬x s⫾1 (t) cillations, owing to the weakness of the coupling forces be-
⫽1⫹x s⫾1 (t). 共c1兲: ⌬x s⫾2 (t)⫽1⫹x s⫾2 (t). 共d1兲: ⌬x s⫾3 (t)⫽1 tween adjacent particles.
⫹x s⫾3 (t). t designates the time 共in arb. units兲. 共a2兲, 共b2兲, 共c2兲, and
共d2兲 show the Fourier transforms of the motion represented in 共a1兲,
共b1兲, 共c1兲, and 共d1兲, respectively. Each peak in 共a2兲 and 共b2兲 corre- B. Nonlinear coupling
sponds to an harmonic n⍀ of the breather motion. In 共a2兲, the For x 0 ⫽1.414, C l ⫽0, and C nl ⫽1.909⫻10⫺4 , Figs. 6共a1兲
labels ‘‘1,’’ ‘‘3,’’ ‘‘5,’’ and ‘‘7’’ indicate the harmonics that are and 6共a2兲 show that, the CP motion exhibits the same general
present in the CP motion. features as for the linear coupling cases considered above
关Figs. 4共a1兲 and 4共a2兲, and Figs. 5共a1兲 and 5共a2兲兴 in the sense
x 0 兲 make direct resonance with phonon modes, thus produc- that only odd harmonics of the breather motion are present in
ing a strong transfer of energy away from the breather the CP motion. Figs. 6共b1兲 and 6共b2兲 reveal the presence of
共strong-conversion regime兲. Such a situation is represented all harmonics 共odd and even兲 in the motion of the nearest
in Figs. 5, where for x 0 ⫽1.4122 we have represented the neighbors of the CP, whereas only odd harmonics are present
motions of the CP and particles s⫾1 and their respective in the linear coupling case 关see Figs. 4共b1兲 and 4共b2兲, and
Fourier spectra. Note that the size of the phonon band is so Figs. 5共b1兲 and 5共b2兲兴. Moreover, we see in Figs. 6共a1兲,
small that only a single harmonic can be present inside this 6共b1兲, and 6共c1兲 that the amplitude of oscillations of particles
phonon band ␻ 0 ⭐n⍀⭐ ␻ ␲ ⫽ 关 ␻ 20 ⫹4C l 兴 1/2. The resonance lying away from the CP decreases abruptly from x s ⬎1 共for
phenomenon observed in Fig. 5共a2兲 results from the presence the CP兲 to ⌬x s⫾2 ⬃10⫺10, and no appreciable motion is de-
of the harmonic n⫽5 in the phonon band, which causes a tected for particles s⫾3. This abrupt localization of energy
large enhancement of the amplitude of oscillations for all within the breather demonstrates the ability of a breather to
particles 共except the CP兲, in particular for particles that are ‘‘compactify’’ in a nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattice with an
far away from the CP. For example, in the strong-conversion on-site double-well potential. However, we are unable to
regime, the amplitude of oscillations for the particles s⫾2 prove analytically that we have a ‘‘compactonic’’ behavior
and s⫾3 is by more than one order of magnitude larger than in a strict mathematical sense. Nevertheless, such breathers
in the low-conversion regime 关compare Fig. 4共c1兲 with Fig. will be referred to as compactons in a physical sense 共i.e., a
5共c1兲, or Fig. 4共d1兲 with Fig. 5共d1兲兴. However, it is worth discrete breather with abrupt localization兲. In this context,
noting in Fig. 5共a1兲 that this strong conversion regime does the energy localization on only three particles (s,s⫾1) cor-
not cause a substantial drop in the amplitude of the CP os- responds to the ultimate degree of energy localization in a

TABLE IV. Characteristic parameters k̂ 2e for the CP motion in

the trapped regime, for zero 共0,0兲, linear (C l ,0) and nonlinear
(0,C nl ) coupling.

(C l ,C nl ) k̂ e2( C l ,C nl )


(C l ,0) 冋
k̂e2共0,0兲 1⫹
2C l 共 x 20 ⫺1⫹x 0 ⫺2 共 2⫺x 20 兲 1/2兲
共 x 20 ⫺1 兲 2

(0,C nl ) k̂e共0,0兲 1⫹ 冋 2C nl 共 x 30 ⫹x 0 ⫹4 共 x 20 ⫺1 兲 ⫹ 共 x 20 ⫺3 兲共 2⫺x 20 兲 1/2兲
共 x 20 ⫺1 兲 2

Sec. III. The solution, in terms of the Jacobi elliptic function
dn 关18兴 with modulus k̂ 2e ⬍1, may be written as

x 共 t 兲 ⬇x 0 dn共 ŵ e t,k̂ 2e 兲 , 共18兲

where ŵ e (C l ,C nl )⬇ŵ e (0,0)⫽x 0 (V 0 /2) 1/2. The parameters

FIG. 6. Plots showing the evolution of the positions 共in arb. k̂ 2e (C l ,C nl ) are displayed in Table IV. Solution 共18兲 corre-
units兲 of particles that make up the breather motion, for x 0
sponds to oscillations of period T̂ e and frequency ⍀̂:
⫽1.414, C l ⫽0, and C nl ⫽1.909⫻10⫺4 . 共a1兲: x s (t). 共b1兲: ⌬x s⫾1 (t)
共c1兲: ⌬x s⫾2 (t). t designates the time 共in arb. units兲. 共a2兲, 共b2兲, and
共c2兲 show the Fourier transforms of the motion represented in 共a1兲, 2
共b1兲, and 共c1兲, respectively. T̂ e ⫽ K 共 k̂ 2e 兲 with K 共 k̂ 2e 兲
ŵ e

discrete breather. Furthermore, Fig. 6共b2兲 shows that the ␲ /2 du 2␲
chosen initial particle position x 0 ⫽1.414 corresponds to a ⫽ and ⍀̂⫽ . 共19兲
situation where the fourth harmonic of the breather motion
resonates with phonon modes. As a result, the amplitudes of
冑1⫺k̂ 2
e sin2 u T̂ e

oscillations of particles s⫾2 关see Fig. 6共c1兲兴 are found to be, In the weak coupling limit, Eq. 共18兲 can be rewritten as 共see
by more than one order of magnitude, larger than the corre- Ref. 关18兴兲:
sponding amplitudes in any off-resonant case in the region
x 0 ⬇1.414. Thus, the compactification of the breather is pre-
served even in the presence of the resonance phenomenon, as
long as the coupling forces are sufficiently weak.
x 共 t 兲 ⬇x 0 冋 ␲
2K 共 k̂ 2 兲
⫹ 兺


Q 2n cos共 2n⍀̂t 兲 , ⍀̂⫽2 ␲ /T̂ e ,

As a general remark for the whole untrapped regime, it is 共20兲

worth noting that the deviation between the analytical ex-
pression of the CP motion in Eq. 共8兲, x(t), and the numerical where

冉 冊
solutions X s (t), measured by ⌳⫽ 兺 n 关 X s (n dt)
⫺x(n dt) 兴 2 /x 0 共where dt is the time step兲 does not exceed ␲ F 共 1⫺k̂ 2 兲
2%. Equation 共8兲 therefore provides a highly accurate repre- Q 2n ⫽ cosh⫺1 ␲ n . 共21兲
sentation of the CP motion in the untrapped regime. K 共 k̂ 2 兲 K 共 k̂ 2 兲

IV. TRAPPED REGIME On the other hand, we have found from numerical simu-
lations that in the trapped regime the breather exhibits the
In this regime, the CP starts out at a position x 0 ⬍x ec 0 , same general features in both linear and nonlinear coupling
with a potential energy that is below the critical level for cases, except that in the nonlinear case the breather energy is
crossing the barrier of the effective potential: V e (x 0 ) abruptly localized on the CP and its nearest and next-nearest
⬍V e (x em2 ) 共see Fig. 2兲. The CP is therefore trapped in the neighbors. We present below only this latter case.
shallower well while all the other particles oscillate in the Figures 7, which show the numerical solution of Eqs. 共2兲
deepest well. This situation, which has been largely ne- for x 0 ⫽1.410, represent a typical breather motion. Figure
glected in all previous discretized field theories of a breather 7共a1兲 shows that the CP moves off the initial position x 0 共in
motion, makes one of the greatest qualitative differences the shallower well兲 and attempts to proceed to the deepest
with respect to the breather motion in a lattice with a single- well of the effective potential, but cannot do so because its
well on-site potential 共in which only a single regime exists兲 kinetic energy is not sufficient to overcome the potential bar-
关10兴. In the weak coupling limit, Eq. 共4兲 can be integrated via rier. As a result, the CP remains trapped in this shallow well
a quadrature, in a similar way as for the untrapped regime in during the ensuing motion, with an amplitude of oscillations

FIG. 7. Plots showing the particle dynamics in the trapped re-

gime of the CP, for x 0 ⫽1.410, C l ⫽0 and C nl ⫽1.909⫻10⫺4 . FIG. 8. Plots showing the particle dynamics in the critical re-
gime for C l ⫽6.5⫻10⫺4 and C nl ⫽0. x 0 ⫽1.411 992: 共a1兲, 共b1兲, and
that is nearly half of the amplitude for a typical untrapped 共c1兲. x 0 ⫽1.411 996: 共a2兲, 共b2兲, and 共c2兲.
regime. Moreover, the mean positions of the particles are
A. Trapped regime in the deepest well of the effective potential
shifted in the direction of the shallow well, thus leading to
the presence of a dc component in the Fourier transform of In the presence of linear coupling forces, for x 0
the motion of those particles 关see Figs. 7共a2兲 and 7共b2兲兴. ⫽1.411 992, Fig. 8共a1兲 shows a particular situation in which
Even and odd harmonics are present in the motion contrary the CP is initially untrapped and then becomes trapped in the
to the untrapped regime with linear coupling forces, where deepest well. The CP potential energy is initially sufficient to
only odd harmonics are present in the breather motion 关Figs. permit it to overcome the potential barrier. The CP moves up
4共a2兲 and 4共b2兲, or Figs. 5共a2兲 and 5共b2兲兴. Furthermore, Figs. to the deepest well of the effective potential, reaches the
7共a2兲 and 7共b2兲 demonstrate that the chosen initial condition turning point, then begins to travel back to the shallow well,
for the CP corresponds to a situation where a resonance oc- and finally has an energy that is no longer sufficient for
curs, owing to the presence of the second harmonic in the crossing the potential barrier. It is therefore trapped in the
phonon band. The amplitude of oscillation for particles s deepest well of the potential during the ensuing oscillatory
motion. We attribute this trapping to the fact that, a small
⫾2 remains within ⯝10⫺9 , and no appreciable motion was
fraction of CP energy is converted into energy for its neigh-
detected for the other particles. This behavior therefore re-
bors, through a phonon emission process, as we already men-
veals the ability of a ⌽-four breather to compactify in the
tioned above. Although this energy conversion process is
trapped regime. very weak in case of small coupling forces, it is sufficient to
As a general remark, for all the trapped regimes, we note play a crucial role in the critical regime.
that the deviation between the CP motion in Eq. 共18兲, and the
numerical solutions, measured by ⌳ 共defined above兲, does B. Temporary trapping
not exceed 5%; which corresponds to a fairly good agree-
ment. When the initial position is x 0 ⫽1.411 996 关slightly larger
than x 0 in Fig. 8共a1兲兴 the energy is just sufficient for the CP
to execute several untrapped oscillations in the beginning of
V. CRITICAL REGIME its motion. In this case, Fig. 8共a2兲 shows that the CP ex-
ecutes several untrapped oscillations at one go, before under-
When the CP is released from position x 0 ⬇x ec0 , its en- going a transition to the trapped regime. A careful examina-
ergy is just sufficient to overcome the potential barrier. In tion of Fig. 8 共b2兲 reveals that the trapping of the CP occurs
this case, the breather motion depends critically on the en- precisely when the amplitude of oscillations of the nearest
ergy transfer process from the CP to the neighboring lattice neighbors, s⫾1, attains its maximum 共at t⬇100兲. In other
sites. The dynamics can be arbitrarily divided into two main words, this trapping occurs exactly when a part of energy
categories of breather oscillations, which are discussed be- that was initially stored in the CP is transferred to the nearest
low for the linear coupling case only, because the dynamical neighbors s⫾1 共amplitude ⯝2⫻10⫺3 兲. Then, after a while,
behavior in the nonlinear coupling case is similar. the energy lost by the CP is 共at least in part兲 transferred back

to the CP while this particle is moving in the direction of the come untrapped. This behavior result makes the greatest
potential barrier; which permits the CP to cross again the qualitative difference from previous work 关10兴 and related
potential barrier. So, the CP executes several untrapped os- studies on breather dynamics 关14,22兴.
cillations, until a second temporary trapping occurs. We ob- On the other hand, we have shown that although the cou-
serve in Fig. 8共a2兲 that the CP undergoes several temporary pling forces between adjacent particles are very weak, in all
trappings in this untrapped regime. Thus, the existence of a the regimes mentioned above, a very small fraction of the
critical regime for a Klein-Gordon breather makes the great- breather energy is lost through a phonon-radiation process.
est qualitative difference with previous studies on the In general, this energy-radiation process occurs in a continu-
breather dynamics in nonlinear Klein-Gordon systems. Our ous and smooth manner, in the form of phonons that are
results in Figs. 8 therefore demonstrate that Klein-Gordon emitted around the fundamental frequency ␻ 0 with a nearly
breathers are collective entities that possess a much richer zero group velocity. Consequently, those phonons do not
temporal structure of modes than that of a simple particle. propagate far away from the breather, thus preserving a high
degree of energy localization within the breather. However,
VI. CONCLUSION we have found some particular conditions for which the
energy-transfer process is much stronger than in the case
We have investigated theoretically the dynamics of a mentioned above. The mechanism of this strong emission of
highly discrete breather in the ultimate degree of energy lo- phonons involves a parametric coupling between phonon
calization in a nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattice, with weak in- modes and the harmonics of a fundamental frequency ⍀ as-
terparticle coupling, submitted to a ⌽-four substrate poten- sociated with the breather motion. A strong phonon emission
tial. In this system, the central particle 共CP兲 executes occurs whenever the initial position of the CP is such that a
relatively large-amplitude nonlinear oscillations, while all higher-order harmonic of the breather motion, n⍀, falls in
the other particles of the lattice execute small-amplitude os- the phonon band. In the situation of high degree of energy
cillations around their equilibrium positions. For this ⌽-four localization, almost all the energy of the breather is located
breather, we have demonstrated the existence of several re- on the CP at least in the beginning of the motion. Then, the
gimes of oscillatory motion. phonon emission process induces a small transfer of energy
共i兲 We have observed an untrapped regime in which the from the CP to particles lying away from the breather. A
CP executes large-amplitude oscillations from one to the major result of the present paper is the demonstration that in
other side of the potential barrier. case of purely anharmonic coupling forces between adjacent
共ii兲 In other parameter regions, we find the trapped re- particles, the amplitude of oscillations of the particles neigh-
gime, in which the CP is trapped in one of the two wells of boring the CP decreases to zero beyond the next-nearest
its effective potential throughout its motion. Since the cou- neighbors. This behavior in a nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattice
pling forces breaks the symmetry of the two wells of the with an on-site double-well potential reveals the ability of a
effective potential of the CP, two types of trapped regimes breather to compactify.
can occur depending on whether this CP is trapped in the In this context, the concept of compactification of solitary
deepest or shallower well of the potential. The trapped re- waves 关10,12,14,22,23兴 suggests the possibility of existence
gime in the deepest well corresponds to the case where all of collective entities with a strict localization of energy in
the particles that make up the breather oscillate on the same physical nonlinear systems such as hydrogen-bonded chains,
side of the potential barrier, whereas the trapped regime in DNA macromolecules, or polymer chains, as mentioned in
the well with the smallest depth corresponds to the case the Introduction. This concept should be especially interest-
where the CP oscillates in the shallow well while all the ing for systems such as fiber transmission links in commu-
other particles oscillate in the deepest well. nications systems, in which solitary waves with compact
共iii兲 Between the untrapped and trapped regimes, we have support would have as a main advantage compared to clas-
identified a critical regime, which occurs when the CP starts sical solitons, the absence of long-range interaction between
out its motion in the shallower well with an energy that is adjacent waves. From a fundamental point of view, an un-
just sufficient to cross the potential barrier. Then the CP derstanding of the behavior of structures with a high degree
undergoes several temporary trappings within an untrapped of energy localization in simple nonlinear systems consti-
regime. This temporary trapping occurs because energy is tutes a useful step toward the generic physical mechanisms
transferred from the CP to the nearest neighbors. However, that govern the generation and stability of localized nonlin-
the nearest neighbors can synchronously transfer energy ear waves. In more complicated systems, these processes
back to the CP precisely when this particle is attempting to may involve strongly anharmonic local dynamics of one
cross the potential barrier, which then causes the CP to be- atom or ion.

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