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The Ignored Dimension 4.

The Ignored Dimension: 4

3rd Dimensional reality is what the 5 senses observe. There's a rumoured 6th sense
that connects to what cannot 'normally' be observed and then there's a fifth
dimension or density into which we/the planet are supposed to be transcending around
A lot of numbers, so it gets confusing;
3rd D: 5 senses [sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste]
4th D: 6th sense
5th D: the next level...
The funny thing is that with this talk of transcending into a 5th dimensional or
density state, all we usually hear is about 3rd dimensional things. Even people who
talk about this 5th density don't seem to be mentioning how it relates to the 4th.
We can't very well go from 3rd to 5th without going through 4th, can we? Are we
skipping the 4th? Does the 4th not matter?

Does the 4th not exist because "3rd" and "5th" are just random names we give to
things that can never be understood?
The 4th dimension is and has always been connected to things within the realm of
magic, premonitions, ghosts, sightings of aliens, etc. and because most people never
got a handle on that, they continue to ignore it today, hoping it doesn't relate in
any important way to life, let alone to any (transcendence to a) higher state. We
are ignorant and hope our ignorance doesn't matter, like a child wishing for a
danger to just go away.
As the 5th D state comes ever closer [i.e. 2012] the 4th dimension is asserting
itself more in our daily 3rd D reality. More and more entities from the 5th are
crossing to our dimension to support our coming transition, passing the 4th on their
way, which is experienced as upheaval and even war by the beings who call the 4th
their home. Many of these, therefore, [unable to venture into the
too-high-vibrational 5th D] flee into the 3rd where their presence is felt as never
(usually) unseen yet felt
3rd D entities [us] experience all of this as people changing and experiencing more
subtle awareness or having to deal with impulses they're not used to (and quite
possibly cannot cope with). What people are becoming more sensitive to, though,
isn't the approaching 5th D, it's the already very real 4th that must be dealt with
to some degree if the 5th isn't to overwhealm us when it arrives. If you aren't
ready for the 5th D when it arrives, you won't be able to transcend or any
transcendence will be very difficult. You may think you've been successfully
avoiding dealing with the 4th D and will likely continue doing so in the future. You
are, in that case, likely deluding yourself.

Many so-called evil things are made up of our contact with this 4th dimension. That
means that we are
a - condemning the 4th D (that we associate with evil)
b - therefore avoiding the reality of 4th D
c - therefore are out of touch with 4th D reality
Let's say 3rd D is the flat lands where you live but you need to cross a lake [4th
D] to get to high ground [5th D]; if you don't know how to swim or don't own a boat
[or know how to sail], you might only make it to 5th D with luck, help, or with
great trouble. This parable isn't too bad, as well, in the sense that lakes and
sailing today are as real as the 4th D. Don't we all experience premonitions?
Haven't we all felt evil presences at times, as well as inspirational ones? Don't we
all experience inexplicable things from time to time? The 4th D is very real for
every single one of us. We distinguish ourselves in how we deal with that reality
but the reality of 4D remains no matter our paradigm.

All civilisations and cultures, everywhere and in all ages, have had specialists who
dealt with 4th D reality. We refer to them as witches, shamans, priests, whatever
fits the cultural paradigm. Personal 4th D experiences take on all kinds of shapes:
poltergeists, sightings of ghosts, premonitions, visions, stigmata, UFO sightings;
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you name it, everyone has heard about it and most people ignore it, hoping it will
go away because they have no idea how to deal with it. The fact of the matter is,
however, that most people have had SOME personal experience with this unrecognized
dimension of our reality that they cannot deny, no matter how hard they try or how
hard they try to forget (for remembering demands that their paradigm is lacking).
Some groups of people who consider themselves religious or spiritual are founded on
some mutual respect of 4th dimensional reality. Often members have had some
experience that they cannot explain through any mainstream approach and seek comfort
in the company of others who share their interest and therefore at least address
their experience. Chauvinism can assert itself since they consider people who deny
this 'otherworldly' reality ignorant, unprepared, and in denial.
There are, however, people and cultures that have not made 4th D experiences a part
of some fringe cult but have embraced 4D as simply part of life that has to be dealt
with. Such, more sophisticated, cultures don't consider experiences that Western
culture calls "paranormal" outside the realm of what's normal at all. To many
Westerners one psychic experience in itself can be paradigm-altering because it
proves the Western denial of 4th D wrong. A Westerner who has experienced some
profound undeniable aspect of 4D may join a church, a coven [witches], UFO spotters,
or just dabble in conspiracy theories as a geek for the rest of his or her life as
an outsider, ever in search of kin spirits. Sophisticated spiritual teachings,
however, acknowledge the subtle reality of 4D. A so-called psychic experience is
then simply a part of an acknowledged paradigm. It need not be feared or obsessed
over. Having one or more [even frequent] 'paranormal' experiences is then just a
part of life, something that doesn't make one ridiculed, honored, or locked up. Such
cultures acknowledge that any 4D experience can have many reasons for occuring, both
'good' and 'bad', and can be a part of every individual's life.

More and more Westerners are recognizing the reality of auras, especially since they
can be captured by a form of photography [Kirlian] and obviously can be seen by many
'gifted' people. The Westerner, however, is like unto a babe when it comes to
dealing with 4th D. It's like we've just acknowledged that there's life beyond our
planet but have as yet given very little thought to how intelligent life 'other than
our own' effects us, if at all.
It should be clear, however, that we are individually ignorant by choice since there
have always been people who seriously considered the more subtle dimensions and
states of being. Great researchers into these realities, honored in Eastern cultures
as Gurus [spiritual teachers], are deriled by most Westerners. The Westerner is
conditioned to steer clear of anything associated with 'spiritual' teachings since
every Westerner intuits that even looking into such things gives rise to ridicule.
We (Westerners) do our best to deny the very existence of the more subtle forms of
reality because we are conditioned to fear and mock it. It's not unlike how militant
'Aryans' belittle all foreign knowledge and culture, ending up as close-minded,
prejudiced, ignorant hicks who are at constant odds with civilized folk but who kid
themselves that they are safe in numbers among fellow hillbillies. The typical
Westerner is a 'spiritual hick', convinced of his or her own superior paradigm while
suffering an inherently limiting world view that leaves life full of 'mysteries' and

3rd, 4th, 5th,, life goes on

Accepting 4D reality is liberating because you then no longer have to make up inane
explanations for what you experience in daily life, especially explanations that
include how you are evil and are yourself the source of bad things happening.
Medieval people understood that there are demons and dark forces to be reckoned with
but when we have a dark thought, we blame ourselves. It is our own dark nature, we
reckon. If we were 'better', we wouldn't have the dark thoughts, we think.
It's complicated: if we allow the existence of 4D intelligent life into our
paradigm, that thought frightens us, but at the same time, if the source of bad
things are forces outside of ourselves then we don't have to think of ourselves as
evil; the one option is scary because of outside forces, the other is scary because
we have to fear ourself. Which is the better option?
The better option is letting go of the debilitating idea of inherent evil that you
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can't do anything about. You can protect yourself from adversarial forces, you do it
every day. The fact that they're 4D may add to the list of possible dangers you face
but with the right knowledge you'll overcome them. How will you ever overcome your
own supposed evil nature, though?
Knowledge and acceptance of 4D reality is also liberating because you no longer make
yourself a victim due to your own assumption that you are one. If you, like
primitive man, assume diseases 'just happen', you deem yourself an innocent clueless
victim to one of life's mysterious dangers; if you similarly assume 4D reality is
simply something that you can only suffer, helpless to change and defend against,
you are the one who is (quite unnecessarily) making yourself a victim. And your
adversaries love it. They happily syphon off your energies as you refuse to defend
yourself or make changes to avoid problems that originate in 4D reality. You make
yourself the perfect target, a 3D sucker who happily goes along with being parasited
off, gloomily living the life of assumed victim (all the while possessing the
ability to change the situation if but willing to accept 4D reality).
Magic is real. 4th Dimensional entities and intelligences are real. So-called
Reptilian aliens that stem from 4D are real and a very influencial part of 3D life
(as David Icke has so clearly argued). People have been talking about 4D reality,
and how accepting its influence can dramatically change your life, since prehistoric
times. We called them magicians, warlocks, witches; nowadays people speak of The Law
of Attraction, it's the same thing. Yes, 4D presents dangers but it also presents
you with new options.
You don't really have a choice, anyway since 4D exists and is an inherent part of
your life whether you acknowledge it or not. Not acknowledging it makes you a
victim, that's all. If you deny an obvious threat, you're no better than any
primitive that refuses to accept the presence of an obvious force and chooses to
live in ignorance. Imagine that you're an indian, living a life in the jungle, while
woodcutters are slowly but surely making their way to your habitat; you can ignore
that threat all you want, merrily hunting with bow and arrow for your dinner while
huge destructive machines make their way to cut down the trees you sleep in. It
won't matter, they'll still come. When they come you'll probably wail and moan,
calling to your gods that they need to save you from your suffering. The truth is,
however, that you CHOOSE to experience the role of victim. When they come it's you
who chose to ignore the obvious threat. You demanded that your life remain simple
even though it clearly wasn't. Who's to blame, you or the Westerners with their
machines? Who's to blame, you or the magicians and Reptilians with their 4D
so-called primitives dealing with Westerners
As you mature in your experience of subtle reality, you will meet up with new and
possibly dangerous forces. There's intelligent life everywhere, including in all
dimensions. It may be new to you, it's old to many intelligent forms of life. You
are not living in a vacuum. You may think that you have been successfully avoiding
4D reality by steering clear of anything and any truth that has to do with it but
when you finally get around to looking into things that can free you from your life
as a 3D host to 4D parasites, you'll go deeper into 4D territory and meet up with
more of it. Will you suffer the mosquitos all of your life because you fear the
vampire bats? Yes, there are worse things than mosquitos but they're bad enough
themselves. In order to deal with all parasites, you'll need to deal with the worse
ones too. As it is you're only coasting by on sheer luck, hoping that no worse than
mosquitos come by. You know you have no defense against anything worse because you
refuse to acknowledge the reality of the 4D parasites completely. You may think that
you'll deal with it when the time comes but you aren't even dealing with the
mosquitos and they're already here!
4D forces are already clearly among us, influencing our politics, making mankind
live a slave existence. You deny it, sighing that life is tough. You choose the life
of the victim. You choose the tough life, the life at the mercy of mosquitos,
thinking that this is wisdom. In truth it is foolishness and cowardness. You've been
conditioned to live the life of a slave, mocking the truth about subtle realities,
the truth that would free you from slavery. Your masters play you like a drum,
sucking your life and energy, playing you for the fool that you need not be. Are the
woodcutters that come to slash and burn the jungle that you love better than you?
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Are you powerless to defend against them? Is the role of victim inevitable? Are you
destined to play host to their parasitical ways? Does a god demand that you offer
your blood to the mosquitos in your life?
born into bondage
Not only do the 3D victims often consider themselves superior with their derogatory
attitude toward subtler aspects of life, but their paradigm even demands
pseudo-religious fundamentalism. Shirley Maclaine gave a good example of this in one
of her books, telling how she saw (self-proclaimed) buddhist parents watch how their
child drowned after falling from their boat, thinking that it was karma, fate that
the child fell overboard and drown and that they shouldn't get in the way of fate
and do anything to save their child. Their understanding of religion prompted them
to inactivity. Instead of exercising their very human impulse to dive in after their
child to save it, they watched helplessly as it drowned. Their pseudo-religion
actually demanded that they play the role of victim, the role of helpless parents
who suffer the loss of a child for no good reason and the suffering in years to come
as they remember their loss. Their paradigm demanded suffering but was it necessary?
They chose suffering, they chose to play the role of victim by following their
cultural conditioning. They were, however, NOT safe in ignorant numbers. Did the
fact that there are perhaps millions of other pseudo-buddhists who might applaud
their paradigm save their child or save them from their grief?
In the same way Westerners are surrounded by family, friends, and neighbors who
collectively demand that the 4th D be denied. If you accept 4D, you threaten their
ignorance. You threaten the paradigm that they feel sustains their life. Alice
Miller's work on explaining the authoritarian trauma makes clear what's really going
on and it has nothing to do with the reality of life or with truth or wisdom. Denial
of 4D reality is part of the authoritarian slave paradigm. Which brings us to 5D.

The 5th dimension or density is about what comes after the transcendence of the
drama of 3rd and 4th D life. Certain sources suggest that if you still are full of
feelings of drama like anger, revenge, and self-pity you will not transcend with the
planet to 5D. If you are still more connected to your slave life and suffering the
life of a host to parasites, you will not connect to 5D when it presents itself. You
will then stay connected to 3/4D Earth until you have let go of the choice to play
the role of victim. As long as you accept the idea/paradigm of being powerless
before mysterious so-called evil forces, you will live that very existence. The
people bringing you the knowledge about The Law of Attraction, among others, have
made it perfectly clear that the universe/god gives you more of what you're about.
Are you about suffering or are you about joy? Do you enjoy the drama of the victim
more than whatever happens to the rest or will you let go of your obsessions and
become part of a better world?
Are you a victim of 3D life, at the mercy of 4D reality? Are your children? Do you
care? Such considerations determine who and what you are. They also determine where
you'll be heading come 2012. Reversing your conditioning that makes little of 4D
takes some time. No god or aliens are going to save you from your own choices and
pull you into a higher reality that you are so obviously not ready for.
Embracing 4D reality has everything to do with embracing 3D reality. It has
everything to do with life. But how can you get more of life if you aren't even
embracing the life that is so clearly part of your existence already? If you cling
to your Western paradigm, ridiculing what is more subtle like a spiritual hillbilly,
denying that UFOs, ghosts, Reptilians, etc. are real,, you obviously completely
embrace the slave paradigm of ignorance and voluntary suffering. Life is clear and
your choices are clear, as well. Your complaints, come 2012, will fall on ears that
are deaf to you due to their understanding of the nature of your cowardness,
foolishness, and laziness.

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