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There is many research that talked about emotional intelligence and how it is related

and/or affects other aspects such as boldness, academic performance, managing skills of manager

in organization and many other. This researched aimed to examine the relationship between

academic performance of students and emotional intelligence in Lebanon. the result of the study

was obtained from a questionnaire with a sample of 19 students in the Lebanese American

University of Beirut. From the previous researched about emotional intelligence and GPa that

were studies, it is shown that all of these research has common ground and it is that emotional

intelligence is correlated to academic performance of students(GPa). to determine the

relationship between these two, two questionnaires were used. The first one used it to evaluate

emotional intelligence of students while the other is used to get the GPa from the students.

From the result of emotional intelligence questionnaire, it is concluded that those 19

students have high average on emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence helps people

perceive emotion better, makes them able to control it in an efficient way to be able to motivate

one self, interact with other more easily, adapting to the behaviors of other and better reasoning.

The average of these student on their emotional intelligence test is 173.68 , while the highest

score is 200 and the lowest score is 142.

In the second questionnaire, it asks the students to write their GPa. the finding of this researched

showed that there is a relation between academic performance (GPa) and emotional intelligence

in these 19 Lebanese students, but instead of having a high relation between the emotional

intelligence and GPa there is a correlation of 0.219909 which is considered a weak relation.

But it does not mean that high emotional intelligence means high grade. As seen in the result of

the questionnaire there are students with low emotional intelligence and high grades while

people with high emotional intelligence with low grades. Example, one student has an emotional
intelligence total score of 158 while his/her GPa is 3.15, while another student has a GPa of 2.5

while he/her scored 187 on the emotional intelligence test. So there are no rules that says the

higher emotional intelligence can outperform those with lower emotional intelligence. Since

there are a lot of difference between the articles used to begin this research and the result of this

research, it is recommended to make a more extended research. it would be interesting if LAU

would make a study about the following question: Should LAU put students with high emotional

intelligence in a same class would it make their academic performance increase as a class or

remain the same?

This research has several limitations. this research adopted a qualitative questionnaire

with a really small sample which consisted of only 19 students, the sample limitation had 2

problems. One, the time limitation was not enough to get the approval from the Lebanese

American Institution Review Board. Second of all because of the current situation of Lebanon

with all the strikes and the safety of the people which made it hard to get the approval even more.

Another limitation of this research is that the questionnaire was not presented to other university

and was only available to a class of advanced academic English on Tuesday and Thursday from

12’30 to 1’45 in the Lebanese American University of Beirut. Moreover, it is probable that the

answers of those questionnaire were not truthful as it seems, some people could have changed

their answers, which reduces the accuracy of the result as this related to the qualitative part.

Instead of asking the students for their GPa it was possible to ask the administration to take their

report card in which it helps acquire specific result without the probability of decreasing the

accuracy of the results.

In conclusion, there is a weak relation between emotional intelligence and academic

performance of students. Students with high emotional intelligence can achieve better grades
then those with low emotional intelligence, however, it is not always the case. Universities can

make courses and seminars that may improve emotional intelligence of students so they may

result in better academic performance.

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